Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Fifteen

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#16 of Gaining Lost Time

Chapter Fifteen

"The Start of Something New"


Furry Sith Lord

Lou jumped up and caught the football tossed by his teammate and he ran as fast as he could towards the end zone. He seemed to dodge and zag out of the way of the other students with amazing agility, for a Prey.

They had divided the gym class into two teams, Shirts Vs. Skins. Leggo was picked for the Skins Team while Lou was on Shirts. Even though he was breathing heavily, like the other Predators on the Skins Team, Leggo was amazed that a Prey had such an advantage over them.

Lou went to get some water to try and hide the fact he was exhorted. He was actually amazed that the boxer shorts he wore today gave him a little bit more mobility than briefs did. He normally would have to worry about the briefs riding up on him to make a wedgie when he did not have to worry about that with Boxer shorts. The down side was comfort briefs usually provided on his crotch were gone and his penis just felt weird having the extra space he was not used to.

After a quick break the teams lined up again for the next pl ay. The skins had the ball and as the quarterback threw a pass towards Will, Lou tried to jump up and catch it midair when he was blocked by Leggo running under him and knocked him to the ground.

Leggo walked over and extended his paw for Lou to grab but he quickly fell to the ground as Lou remained on the ground holding his head.

"Hey coach! Lou's hurt!!!" The players stopped and walked over as their Gym teacher ran over to check on him pushing the other students out of the way.

"Hey kid?" The gym teacher asked. "You alright?"

"I'll be fine, I just need a minute." Lou replied.

"Take him to the locker room and keep an eye on him if he isn 't better in a few minutes take him to the infirmary." The gym teacher ordered Leggo.

"Yes sir!" Leggo replied and he helped Lou stand and walked him to the locker room. It was odd but Lou did not protest in any way. He just went along being led while he held his head.

Inside he sat on one of the benches and Leggo went to get him a paper cup of water.

"Thank you," Lou said politely and this surprised Leggo that he was being so nice to him. He must have really hit his head hard.

"You were amazing out there. I've never seen anyone play like that before." Leggo said as he tried thinking of something to say.

"I think I overdid it a bit. I should have been more careful but instead I was showing off.... or trying to." Lou responded.

"Well it was my fault you got hurt." Leggo replied.

"Nonsense, it was bound to happen because I was not focussed. I was acting like a fawn and should have known better."

"What's wrong with that? It's OK to have fun for once in your life." Leggo said. Lou hastily finished the water and crumpled up the cup in his hoof.

"It was irresponsible and had my father seen..." He fell silent as he thought about his father suddenly. He was wondering if his father was busy fawning over Eastwood again or had he sent that cub back to his parents yet.

"Are you alright?" Leggo asked.

"Sorry, just thinking things over. Oh, since you're here I have something to show you." Lou said then he pulled down his gym pants to reveal that he was wearing a white pair of boxer shorts. Leggo did a double take as he saw the shorts in surprise. He never thought that Lou would ever do anything he suggested to him.

"You found a pair?" Leggo said in surprise as he was at a loss for words.

"Actually Eastwood gave me these. We found him on our lawn in only his fur and I gave him a pair of mine so he could cover up. He was grateful and gave me a new pair to replace the ones he borrowed." Lou said blushing.

"Wait, why was he on your lawn like that?"

"We never found out. Personally I think his family abandoned him and he was pretty out of it when we found him. He was hallucinating and thought my father was his father. I think that's why my father made him his pet project. He felt sorry for the freak." Lou said.

"Don't say that, I mean what if you gave birth to a white fawn. Would you love him any less because he was born white?" Leggo asked.

"I...I... never really thought about that... before. I guess it never occured to me that something like that could happen... honestly I don't know how I would feel." Lou said as he turned away. He tried walking away put forgot he had pulled down his pants and tripped forward. Leggo reached out and grabbed his shirt and held him from hitting the floor.

"Uh thanks," Lou said as he blushed again.

"Anytime. I hope you can realize I'm not the bad fur everyone thinks I am. I really am a nice guy... at least I think so." Leggo replied and he smiled a wolfish smile as Lou instinctively rolled his eyes.

"Oh, stop acting like a puppy!" Lou said then started to chuckle.

"Oh? Why should I do that?" Leggo asked slyly as he leaned closer to Lou as he watched him like a wolf watching Prey.

"Because... puppies don't get to do the things adults do."

"Like?" Leggo tried to say but Lou had let the gym shorts fall to the floor and he stepped out of them as he reached out and grabbed Leggo's face and kissed him. Neither recoiled from it but rather they hungrily continued as if they had both been wanting this for the longest time and now they finally had gotten what they wanted and neither wanted to waste the moment.

Time seemed to stop but none of that mattered. The kiss was what was important and being able to put each other's tongues in the other's mouth made the two of them feel complete for the first time. Is someone was watching they might say the kiss was sloppy and done by amateurs but that didn't matter. The mere act was fulfilling in ways they could not express because the emotion was too much to comprehend. They realized that they both wanted it and they did not want to separate because they each felt whole like something was missing from their lives only they had never known this until this moment.

After what seemed like an eternity the kiss ended though neither were willing to just let it end. The catalyst was that they started moving their bodies closer and the kiss was slowly leading to other things. They both wanted to mount each other yet the fear of being caught in the locker room snapped them out of it.

"So.... What does this mean? For us at least?" Leggo asked as Lou put his gym shorts back on. Lou did not want someone walking in on him in his underwear kissing the wolf sitting on the bench. He was angry with himself for feeling embarrassed because there was nothing wrong with it yet he was afraid of how others would see him. They had always thought he liked girls but here he was with another boy. Not just any boy! If he was with another buck like himself no one would bat an eye but to be with a boy wolf!!! A Predator and Prey mating together?! Who ever heard of such a thing?

"I overheard my father and Eastwood talking and he told my father that I liked other boys. I didn't want to believe it! I mean how could he know me better than I know myself? I think I realize why I dislike him so much. He saw a part of me that I was not ready to admit. I feel like a fish out of water..." Lou tried to explain.

"But you're a buck," Leggo replied and Lou was about to object when he stopped himself and wondered if this was just the wolfish charm that Leggo seemed to have or was he really that nieve. This was now giving him more reason to get closer to the wolf to understand him better.

"Not me! I know I feel scared and unsure but the one thing my every hair tells me is that I love you and I want to protect you. I never want to leave your side!" Leggo said and Lou blushed again and he felt tears forming in his eyes. With the money and power his family had it was never enough. Kissing Leggo was the first time he felt like he had gotten everything he had ever wanted. For the first time he felt complete. He was willing to do anything if it meant that he and Leggo would never be apart.

"Just... just promise me you'll never leave me! I don't think I can live without you. I've never felt like this before." Lou pleaded. Leggo gave him another one of his wolfish smiles.

"I don't know the future. I'm not gonna tell you how this is gonna end but I can tell you how it will begin... We're gonna walk out those doors and no matter what any other species thinks I will always be by your side. Whether you see me or not just know that I am there and always will be. You complete me." Leggo said. They kissed again and Lou was feeling better and he no longer cared who knew or who might walk in. Whatever happened they would do it together.

"Let's meet tonight somewhere private." Lou had said to him before they left to go to different classes. He kept replaying that in his mind as he thought about where they might go.

"Hey, watch it!" another student shouted as his tail struck them. It had been wagging uncontrollably all day no matter how much he tried to make it stop it just would not, he was just too happy.

"Sorry, it has a mind of its own today." He said smiling and the student just rolled her eyes as she walked away. He released his tail after it went limp but then he thought about Lou and again it began to wag.

"HEEEY!!!!!!" He heard Jon call out and he turned to see the golden retriever running towards him.

"Don't think about Lou, don't think about Lou," He whispered to himself hoping that his tail would stay put. The last thing he wanted at the moment was his friend Jon finding out of all species. He'd never let him live it down.

"Hi buddy." Leggo said and he saw Jon bent over and looked at his backside. He realized he was wagging again. He sighed as he heard Jon snicker because of it and he knew he was going to have to explain things. He just was not ready to reveal their secret until he was sure that Lou was ready to go public.

"Someone is a very happy boi today." Jon said mockingly and Leggo felt himself blush.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Let me guess, is it because you knocked that self righteous asshole on his ass in gym today?" Jon asked as he started grinning.

"No, not really... I actually feel bad about that." Leggo said and he felt his tail go limp again.

"Then what's up?"

"I dunno... I can't really talk about it right now." Leggo said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Oooooh so something IS up then. Com'on you can tell me. We're best buds almost like brothers.... right?" Jon asked knowingly.

"Well of course," Leggo replied.

"Then tell me already!" Jon interrupted.

"I've... met someone."

"Yeah I meet species all the time so what?" Jon asked.

"No, I mean, I MET someone as in 'like LIKE' them." Leggo explained.

"Like romantic wise?!"


"Wow, this is big! Now who is it? Is it someone I know?" Jon asked as his tail started to wag slightly. Leggo watched and wondered how he had so much more control over his tail than Leggo did?

"Not really... but I can't get into it because I'm not sure I should just tell everyone in case they get mad." Leggo said.

"Oh I got you... a secret romance. Do they even know you like them and wanna date?" Jon joked and Leggo shook his head.

"Of course... we were making out before," Leggo said as he blushed again.

"What?! This is huge!!!!!!! No wonder you're wagging." Jon interrupted again and Leggo tried to walk away before Jon started asking more questions. He was dying to tell his best, and only, friend about the experience in the locker room. He knew that if he did not leave he would lose all resolve and blab about everything.

"Oh my tail is swinging, maybe I'm in love," Jon started to sing and Leggo covered his face in embarrassment. Jon bent over and started to swing his tail back and forth. "Leggo, le eh go, le, le, le, eh, le eh go!!!" Jon continued now he started to march like he was in a parade. Leggo was wondering if he killed Jon and hid his body would anyone miss him... other than Leggo himself.

"Oh how I love to be with..." Jon, still singing, suddenly stopped as he realized he did not know whom Leggo was in love with. He immediately stopped singing and lowered his voice.

"Pssst, what's her name?" Jon asked.

"Umm... it's not really a 'her' more like a 'him'." Leggo said softly which seemed tro sober Jon up immediately.

"Oh," Jon replied somberly. "Well there's nothing wrong with that. To each their own and all. Some like boys and others like girls. I'm just surprised because I never thought you'd be into other boys." Jon said and caught Leggo's full attention.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing... I just... I dunno I never really saw you interested in anyone so I just assumed you liked girls like me. No big deal, there are a lot of boys on campus that like other boys." Jon explained and Leggo grunted in displeasure.

"When you say it like that..." Leggo growled softly.

"I didn't mean nuthin'!!!" Jon said and Leggo swiftly walked away and Jon tried running after him but was unable to keep up.

Evening had come and Leggo was sneaking across the campus hoping to avoid being seen by security. He avoided any light sources as he crept along on his way to a meet-up spot couples use. Lou had sent him a message that he wanted to meet up there to talk.

Leggo was nervous because he had spent the day fantasizing about Lou that he was afraid Lou might break up with him. It was their first time showing interest in each other and after seeing Jon's reaction he feared Lou might not want to date because of reactions like that.

The other thing that bothered him was that he tried talking to boy couples to learn more about how to be intimate with each other. This brought on mixed results. One couple mocked him to scorn making fun of him for asking about mating rituals. It was not like Health Class taught them about a deer and a wolf mounting each other. It was also not like he could find a book about it in the library.

A couple of the other couples were much more friendly and they shared their advice on how to properly clean out one's self. and ways to mount when it's your first time to minimize the discomfort until you get used to it. A couple even offered to do double dates so that when they first go out into public they can be at ease and not feel so self conscious.

"Hello," Lou said as Leggo arrived. His voice seemed neutral and Leggo could not tell if he was happy or mad. This made Leggo feel uneasy because it felt like a confirmation that they were breaking up. Must be the shortest relationship in history, Leggo thought to himself.

"I'm glad you came." Leggo replied, trying to think of a response that would not sound silly.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Lou asked and Leggo stared blankly as he understood what Lou was feeling. He was having a difficult time trying to come to terms that he liked boys too.

"I've been asking myself the same thing. I've never been in any kind of a relationship before. I'm not sure I even know what I'm doing. I've asked other couples that are like us and a couple were good and a couple were bad. I was laughed at for not knowing everything about what it's like to be a couple like us.

I came to realize we need to worry about ourselves concerning this. No matter who it is we'll get mixed results. Then I realized that none of that matters because all I want is to be with you. If others don't like it, who cares?! We need us.... I need us. The hell with the rest of the world." Leggo said. He thought Lou might call him a fool for his speech but he finally worked up the nerve to tell someone how he was really feeling.

Jon's words had hurt him earlier and he had tried to brush them off but in a way he was grateful. They led him to this moment when he could finally be honest with himself. He saw Lou look at his feet and he wondered if Lou was still going to end it. This new side to Lou was amazing and confusing. Lou had always been cool, calm, and self righteous. This was a side he had never seen and he was not sure what to make of it.

"You're right!" Lou finally said. "I've been worrying what others think or might say about us, but to hell with them. You're all I care about! I can't promise to be much of a lover but I'll try. I think... no... believe we can make this work even if we can only rely on each other. I... believe it is enough." Lou replied.

"So do I," Leggo said and they both leaned in and began to kiss again. They briefly separated and Leggo took off his t-shirt and felt the gentle touch of Lou's hoof against his chest. Leggo looked down at the hoof then smiled at Lou. Leggo twisted his head to avoid Lou's antlers and he used his paw to pull Lou close to let him rest his head against his chest.

"Wow, you're like a big, soft, wolf pillow." Lou remarked.

"Your antlers almost seem fully grown." Leggo said but Lou was peacefully listening to Leggo's heartbeat.

"Yeah, when we graduate at the end of the semester they should be finished. I keep hearing once a year they fall out so that worries me." Lou said and he clung tighter to Leggo's chest.

"You'll look cute." Leggo said and he felt his member starting to poke out of his sheath. He wasn't the only one because he felt Lou's member getting hard as they touched each other through their clothes.

"I'm wearing my lucky boxer shorts again." Lou looked down and blushed. He began to undo his pants and Leggo grabbed them then swiftly pulled them down and he knelt. He gave a quick sniff to the white boxer shorts and smelled the freshly washed underwear.

"Just out of the dryer?" Leggo asked as he smelled the spring dryer sheet.

"I was afraid you wouldn't want me if they smelled from me wearing them all day. I did an entire wash for just one pair of underwear." Lou said.

"No need to hide, Your musk is enough.... plus I never got around to changing mine." Leggo said as he blushed then Lou smirked and undid his jeans and did the same thing Leggo had done to him. He could smell the sweat of wearing them all day but they smelled of Leggo and he took another sniff to deeply take in Leggo's scent. Normally, the smell would make him gag but at this moment he could not take the smell in quickly enough.

"Should I go first? You know because of the canines and knotting their lovers." Lou asked.

"Oh, I never thought about that. Do deers knot? I wouldn't mind it. Anything to be closer to you." Leggo said and he began to nibble playfully at one of Lou's ears.

"No just you guys, that's why I wanted to go first so I'm not stuck waiting for you to unknot me and I go soft and lose the chance to get my own action in. Lou said and he frowned as Leggo smiled and chuckled.

"Seems fair. Have... have you ever been mounted before? It can be quite uncomfortable the first time. I promise to be gentle." Leggo said.

"Worry about yourself because deers are as big as horses.... kinda." Lou said and Leggo laughed even harder. Well go easy on me it's my first time too. I'm looking forward to having you inside me for some reason.... is that normal?" Leggo asked.

"I dunno but I'm feeling the same way to be honest." Lou said. Leggo laid down on the ground and a few seconds later Lou joined him as they faced each other. Their penises touching and getting harder by the second. They held each other and began to kiss again.

"When you're ready just turn me over." Leggo said and Lou nodded but he was busy trying to place his tongue back into th mouth of the talkative wolf. Lou was definitely horney and pushed his hips into Leggo so that their penises rubbed against each other to make them fully hard. This took only a second or two.

They each moaned with each thrust and Lou could feel himself getting ready to release his pent up sperm. He had to quickly stop himself and stopped kissing Leggo then began to kiss his belly. Leggo pushed him back a second and turned so that they were in a 69 position. Leggo was using his tongue on Lou's shaft when the deer moaned that he was getting close and to back off a second.

Leggo forced himself to back away, allowing the deer to move in and place the wolf penis in his mouth. Leggo moaned with delight at the feeling then the deer went lower and used his tongue to caress his testicles. This sent what felt like a jolt of lightning through him and each playful lick was pushing him rapidly to releasing his own sperm.

Leggo felt as if he was about to release when the deer touched him and began to make him turn around so he could be mounted. It was painful at first as he felt the deer's shaft enter him but it was not as bad as he thought it might be. It felt extremely good as Lou pulled out during each thrust but once it was out he desperately wanted the deer's penis forced back inside so it could be pulled out again.

He lost track of time of how many thrusts until Lou pulled out and finished himself off by quickly pawing off and shooting his sperm all over the grass next to them. Lou then laid down and motioned for Leggo to enter him. His new knowledge of what it felt like helped him in how he was going to mount the deer. He was able to avoid caution the deer too much pain with the thrusts but the pulling out made Lou feel as great as Leggo had felt.

He released his sperm inside Lou and began to apologize profusely. Lou deer was more annoyed that he was knotted and would not be able to separate from Leggo for half an hour or so. He wanted to turn and kiss again but being knotted made things difficult.

"The gym might be open. Why don't we catch a shower together before we dress and return to our dorms." Leggo said and Lou just nodded. Amazingly the deer was at a loss for words to describe their experience together.

To Be Continued...