Hello! Hello! Chapter 4 - Tension and Release

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#4 of Hello! Hello!

Author's Note: Fuck the president, I am Nicki Lewinsky! So, I try to put a chapter up as fast as possible, but I have a big college midterm tomorrow so I'm freaking out over that. In case you did not read the first three, this contains very mature content.

You bitches ain't ready for Nicki Lewinsky, Bad, woof, woof! And I'm flyer than a Frisbee.


Alright, stop. I must be dreaming.

Alright, stop. This can't be real.

Alright, stop. No for real.




I opened my eyes to see Kaiden standing over me with a grey tray. "Good morning, sleepy head." I sat up quickly and stared at him. Fear was my immediate reaction. Justified, of course. He gave me a strange look. "What's wrong? I made you breakfast." He placed the tray on my lap still covered by the sheets. It was an amazing meal with scrambled eggs, perfect bacon, crisp toast, and a tall glass of orange juice. I was severely confused. "Well, say something!" he said with frustration.

"I-I don't understand," I stuttered. I was beginning to think he had mental problems.

"Well most people start by picking up the fork," he laughed.

"No, why," I tried to find a nice way to say what I wanted to say, "why are you being so nice all of the sudden?"

"What do you mean?" The wolf looked just as confused as I was.

"Is there something wrong with your fucking brain!?" I yelled. Suddenly, he popped my muzzle with his paw.

"That's not the kind of language a good puppy should use." His eyes flickered with the same look I'd seen last night. Cold and detached. It made me shudder. "If you are referring to last night, I only did it because I had to. You needed to be disciplined."

"That was not discipline!" I cried. I couldn't hold back the tears that the memory forced from me. "That-that," I cleared my throat, "that hurt."

"Is it supposed to feel good?" he asked sarcastically. I looked down at the food. What the fuck? I felt like I was going crazy. Maybe I did deserve it. "Eat your food. You'll feel better." I slowly pushed a fork full of eggs into my muzzle. I hated to admit it, but it was delicious. He grinned at me and started massaging my feet. "We have a big night tonight."

"Why?" Anxiety buzzed in my stomach. It couldn't be a good thing.

"Well, it's Saturday, so I invited my friends over for a little party. I need you to be on your best behavior. You can do whatever you want, but if someone asks for something, I expect you to be on it. Can I trust you to do it?" I paused for a moment. Anyone who was friends with this guy couldn't be very good.

"I think so. They aren't expecting me to have sex with them, are they?" I asked nervously.

"No," he laughed, "that's only for me. They might kid with you, but nothing serious. Do you have any friends you want to invite?" Suddenly, I was flooded with relief. I could ask Seth to come and when Kaiden passes out, I'd leave with him.

"Actually, there is one."

"Ok," he grinned. I continued to act normal, but inside I was bursting with excitement. After I finished eating, Kaiden took the tray and I texted Seth while he was gone.

Hey, I'm in really big trouble. I need your help. Please come to 143 Elm Street tonight at 5. Please!!! I waited and suddenly my phone vibrated.

What's wrong?

I'll tell you later just please do me this favor!

Ok. I took a deep breath and rested against the headboard. I put my phone in my pants pocket.

"Kaiden!" I yelled. He ran back into the room. "I don't have anything to wear."

"I have some old clothes. I think they'll fit." I nodded. I didn't actually care, but I wanted to play my part well. "Hey, clean up the living room and then get a shower. We've only got a few hours." I nodded again and threw back the covers. I didn't bother to get dressed since it didn't really matter. I vacuumed the spotless white carpet and dusted off the long elegant brown coffee table. I hadn't spent much time in this room really. Or any of the rooms other than the bathroom and the bedroom. The walls were blood red and the furniture was white leather. It looked like something straight out of a magazine. He had a large flat screen TV hung on the wall and an extensive collection of DVD's and X-Box 360 video games. By the time I was finished cleaning and showering, it was almost five. Kaiden gave me clothes to wear. He wore them when he was fourteen. He was obviously skinny as a teen. The tight blue striped boxers left no room for my balls to breathe. Everything was cramped very tightly. On top of that, there was a pair of grey sweatpants that showed off my tight butt. I was definitely keeping those. After that, he handed me a slim white t-shirt with a red falcon on the front.

"You were on the football team?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry, but nothing else really goes with that."

"It's cool. I like these pants."

"I thought you would." He stepped behind me and I glanced at him in the mirror. His paws traced the outline of my butt and he leaned into my ear. "Don't leave me," he whispered. My heart began to race.

"What makes you think I'd do that?" I asked in the calmest voice I could manage.

"I know you don't like me right now, but I need you. Please, give me a chance." How did he do that? I was actually feeling guilty. I had every right to leave. I should leave. I should have never been here in the first place.

Alright, stop. Are you seeing my mistakes? I care too much about what he thinks and not enough about what I need. If anyone has rules or suggestions on how to be a heartless bitch without going through all of this first, I'd love to see them. Play.

"I'm just confused," I whispered. My eyes started to fill with tears. Why?

"There's no need for me to be the bad guy if you just treat me like your boyfriend," he whispered. I started to respond, but the doorbell rang. I couldn't stop my tail from wagging. "Excited, much?"

"Yeah," I blushed. I followed him to the door hoping that Seth was on the other side. Unfortunately, he wasn't. I frowned as a tall Doberman crossed the threshold. The Doberman had black fur and a brown underbelly. His build was just as sexy as Kaiden's. He wore blue jeans and a light green muscle shirt. He beamed his sharp teeth at me and greeted Kaiden.

"Hey, Trent," Kaiden laughed and shared a hugging-bro-hand shake with him. I didn't like Trent. He gave a very menacing vibe. I was even more shocked by what followed him in. A perfectly sculpted lion that couldn't have been much older than me. He looked very excited and happy to be there. His fur was a shiny golden color and his mane was a deep brown. He wore a black tank and blue jeans. I was a little self-conscious around all of the strong, perfectly carved men. Hopefully some of his friends were average looking. I noticed Trent and the lion staring at me.

"And who's this pretty little puppy?" Trent asked. Kaiden wrapped his arm around my neck playfully.

"This is my baby, Nicki," I actually blushed at the introduction. "He prefers Nick though or Nickster," he ran his paws through my fur roughly and I laughed. As much as I hated it, it was a real laugh. What was wrong with me?

"Well, Nickster, it's nice to meet you," Trent said as he poked my rubbery black nose. "This is Tyson." The lion waved from behind him. I closed the door and joined them in the living room.

"You guys want something to drink?" Kaiden offered.

"Um, two margaritas?" Trent replied taking a spot on the love seat. Kaiden glanced at me. I gave him a confused look.

"Excuse me, would you?" Trent nodded and Kaiden walked me into the kitchen. "What?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know how to mix drinks," I confided. He looked at me like I was stupid.

"Well, lucky for you I already mixed them and labeled the bottles. The only trick is adding the salt on the rim." He showed me how to twist the glass in the olive juice and then in the salt then showed me how far to fill it. "Got it?" he asked.

"Is that for everything?"

"No, just the margaritas. Oh, and on the rocks means add ice," he added as he left the kitchen. I finished making the glasses and poured myself a glass of coke and rum. I carefully carried the glass to their owners.

"Thanks buddy," Trent said. I nodded and jumped when something pinched my butt. I glanced back at him and the Doberman winked at me. I joined Kaiden on the couch. "So who's coming?"

"Uh, Tyler and his boyfriend, Lori and Ashley, one of Nick's friends and RJ," Kaiden replied.

"Ugh, why'd you invite RJ? He's such a buzz kill."

"Oh, please, you love him."

"In small doses," Trent giggled. He turned to Tyson. "You can play a game or something if you're bored." Tyson eagerly picked up a controller and popped in some game I'd never played before. Zombies were wandering through the halls of a mall. Kaiden continued his conversation with Trent until the doorbell rang again. I started to follow him, but he told me to stay. "So how did you meet Kaiden?" Trent asked.

"Oh, um, we met at a bar. I was wasted," I explained. My knees were bouncing waiting for Kaiden to return.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen," They both gasped.

"Dude," Tyson said in a low voice, "you're sixteen and you can take it from Kaiden? You must be a freak in the bed." He sounded very surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we've seen it before. He's not shy about what he's packing. I'm eighteen though and I can barely stand it from Trent." Oh, he was talking about sex. I'm so dense.

"Oh, well I can't say it's easy," I laughed even though it brought back memories of just how tough it could be. Kaiden came back with a fox and a tiger. They were obviously females.

"Ashley baby!" Trent greeted as the tiger bent to hug him.

"What you just ignore me?" the fox said.

"Yeah, Lori because you're a bitch," he grinned.

"Shut up you asshole!" She jumped in his lap. She was wearing black leather pants and a low cut red top. Her fur was bright orange with areas of black where most foxes were. The tiger was white with black stripes and much larger than her friend. She wore a purple top and blue jeans. "Aw, who's the kid, Kaiden?" Lori said eyeing me.

"Oh this is-" he was cut off by the doorbell. "Introduce yourself," he called as he went back to answer the door.

"I'm Nick," I said timidly.

"Well I'm Lori and this is Ashley," she smiled. I could tell that she was already fucked up. The party must have started an hour ago for her.

"His name is really Nicki," Trent interjected.

"That's so cute," Lori laughed, "I've never met a husky before. You're a cutie." I blushed.

"Thanks, do you want anything to drink?" I stood to go to the kitchen.

"Yeah, will you bring me the bottle of whiskey in the freezer. I know he didn't throw it away." I nodded and walked to the kitchen. I had to study the hundreds of bottles until I found one that said "Lori's Whiskey," and grabbed it.

"Thanks, dude," she said as I handed her the bottle. Ashley just continued to stand beside them. She was very shy and I liked that. It made me feel better about myself. Kaiden walked back into the room with another Doberman, a very feminine poodle and my favorite blue husky in the universe. I jumped out of my seat and hugged Seth as tightly as I could.

"Dude, what's up?" he asked. I just stared at him and he understood. "Later?"

"Yeah," I whispered. I learned the second Doberman, who was black and mahogany, was Tyler. The white fluffy poodle's name was Delilah.

"Hey, get Tyler and Delilah some wine, please," Kaiden whispered. I nodded and pulled Seth with me into the kitchen. I noticed he was very dressed up. He wore a nice black and white polo with a pair of designer jeans.

"You have to stay until everyone leaves or passes out, ok?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure how long I can stay. Why are you hanging out with these people?" He looked very confused. It wasn't my usual crowd, I suppose.

"I'll tell you everything later, but please stay with me."

"Nick, I don't party as hard as you. If I drink even a little bit I'll be smashed."

"Then don't drink." I grabbed a bottle of red wine from the freezer and poured two glasses. I walked them out to their owners with Seth at my heels. Suddenly, Kaiden pulled me over to the couch. I plopped down between him and Ashley. Seth was left to sit beside Trent on the love seat. Trent looked like he was trying to be friendly. I tried to keep an eye on him, but Kaiden kept talking to me and I didn't want to risk being a "bad puppy."

"Ok, so before RJ gets here," Trent announced, "who wants to draw lines?" He started to dig in his pocket. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I immediately knew as he pulled a baggie of white powder from his pocket. Seth's expression terrified me. He'd never been around any drug in his whole life. I don't even think he'd taken Tylenol. Tyler, Delilah, Lori, Tyson, and Ashley circled around Trent leaving Seth no where to go.

"Go get him a tray so he doesn't spill that everywhere," Kaiden ordered. I quickly ran to the kitchen and handed a tray to Trent.

"Thanks, Nickster!" He poured the contents of the plastic bag across the tray. I could tell Seth was panicking, He stared at me with wide eyes. To make matters worse, Kaiden pulled out the bong and started pulling a hit. I watched as Trent sniffed the first line of powder. After every member of the circle had a turn, it started again like a never ending cycle. Kaiden brought me another drink, but I didn't take my eyes off of Seth's. After what felt like an hour, the powder was completely gone and the group disbanded. The entire room relaxed for a moment, except for Tyson who was still engaged in the video game. I watched Seth's expression go from shocked to horrified as Trent rubbed his paws along his thigh. He was whispering something to Seth, which made him even more uneasy. I stared as Trent unzipped the frightened husky's pants. No one else in the room seemed to notice. Tyler, Lori and Delilah carried on a conversation while Ashley and Kaiden were glued to Tyson's game. The Doberman pawed at Seth's privates gingerly. Seth's expression was a mixture of disgust and arousal as Trent finally pulled the sheath from its home. I could see Seth's eyes pleading with me to do something, but I was terrified of Trent. I was terrified of Kaiden. I was terrified to move. Trent's muzzle moved to Seth's erection and he moaned. Suddenly, the room glanced at him and laughed at the act.

"Kaiden, I don't think Seth wants that," I whispered.

"Trent's a grown fur. He can do what he wants."

"But you said-"

"I said they wouldn't touch you. I never said anything about him." I noticed Tyson hadn't turned to see them yet. His reaction was bound to be anger or jealousy. I coughed in an attempt to get his attention. He didn't move. Seth was now digging his paws into the couch. He was blushing deeply as the room watched him receive his first experience with oral sex. Seth had never been touched before. He nearly had a heart attack the first time he caught me pawing off in his room. The most I could convince him to do was join me. He closed his eyes and fought off what I knew was the orgasm face. Suddenly, he grunted and Trent could be heard lapping at the liquid. Tyson turned around at this.

"What the fuck, dude?" Tyson jumped up from his seat and swung his fist into Seth's face. Another first for Seth. Trent leaned up and grabbed his lover's arm.

"Dude, chill. He liked it," Trent giggled.

"No shit! I'm going to beat his mother fucking face in!" Tyson growled. Seth quickly zipped his pants and ran to the opposite side of the couch.

"I didn't want it, I swear!" He pleaded.

"Yeah, right. How do you let someone give you head and not want it?"

"I didn't know what to do! I'm sorry!" The husky was crying now. I felt terrible. I felt like I was the one responsible. I guess I was. I brought him here. I didn't stop Trent. "Nick, help me, please!" he begged.

"Stop, Tyson," Trent moaned, "you're making a scene."

"You made the scene! You're sitting here right behind me sucking this ugly husky's little dick!" Trent giggled at Tyson's accusations.

"He wasn't that small Tyson. He's still got to grow," Trent laughed. This wasn't helping the lion's anger.

"I think I'll just leave," Seth declared timidly.

"Wait," Trent slurred, "you haven't done me yet." I stood up and followed Seth to the door. I noticed Kaiden's eyes were not far away.

"What the fuck, Nick? Is this a sick joke?" The husky cried.

"No, I didn't know he was going to do that!"

"Why didn't you help me?" I noticed a small line of blood leaking from his nostril.

"Seth, I-"

"Save it. I don't want to talk to you again. You're the worst friend anyone could ask for. I think Satan has better friends than you. So keep snorting your crack and leave me the fuck alone!" He slammed the door as he left. Every word was like a dagger through my heart. My eyes began to blur with watery tears. My best friend in the entire world just left my life. Oh well. Fuck it. I don't actually care. The only thing I care about is myself. My tears weren't for the blue husky. They were for my ride out of hell that I just missed. I don't know why it was such a shock that I was alone now. I always have been. Seth wanted to be my best friend. He always said he was even since second grade, but I had bigger plans for my friends. My thousands of teenage friends that hadn't even texted me since I'd been gone. My thousands of friends that wouldn't get off the couch if I needed them. The only one, the absolute only one that gave a shit if I was dead or alive just walked out because I didn't care enough to spare him the humiliation he'd endured.

Alright, stop.

Alright, stop. For real.


Please stop.

Please fast forward to where he doesn't hate me.

Please rewind to ten minutes ago.

Please strike me with a bolt of lightning.

Doorbell. I snatched the door open to see a very sexy German Shepherd. He was as tall as Kaiden. A blonde underbelly with a dark brown over coat lined his rippling muscles. His eyes were a dark shiny shade of green.. He wore a red tee with a pair of super sexy ripped jeans. "Well, hello beautiful," he greeted. Sexy voice too. He took my paw in his and kissed the top of it. I stared at him for a long second. I was probably drooling. This guy wasn't real. "Um, can I come in?" I shook myself from my fantasies.

"O-oh, y-yeah," I stuttered, "I'm sorry I was just saying goodbye to my friend."

"The husky?"

"Huh? Yes, I'm a husky. Oh, he's a husky. Yeah. We're both huskies. I thought you meant-"

"He didn't look to happy," he ended my babbling.

"Oh, well we kind of fought."

"Let me guess, it's really Trent's fault, right?" Damn. He's good.

"Uh, no! No. It was totally me. I'm a selfish bitch," I babbled again.

"Uh huh," he said awkwardly, "You've already snorted, haven't you?"

"Yeah. I mean there's probably more in there if you want."

"No, I don't do that."

"I don't either."

"You just said yeah!"

"I meant yeah, they did, but not me! I'm-I'm totally, well I've drank a little, but that's it."

"Yeah, I bet," he laughed, "What's your name little puppy?"

"Nicki, I mean Nick. I mean, it really is Nicki, but I usually go by Nick, but they call me Nickster. I like Nick though, or whatever you want-"

"Dude, slow down. Just chill. Take a deep breath." I did as he said and I suddenly felt better. "So, you're the Nickster, huh?"

"I guess so. You must be RJ the buzz kill, right?"

"Oh," he giggled (the sexiest laugh ever), "my reputation proceeds me?"

"It certainly does."

"And which one of the idiots do you belong to?"

"No one," I defended.

"They don't let teenagers in this party without company."

"Oh, I mean, I'm with Kaiden." He gave me a strange look.

"Why don't we just join the party?" I'll join you anywhere you want, sexy beast. He flashed a smile at me and led the way to the living room. The view was even better from behind. I followed him back into the living room. This new character had lightened my mood a lot. Kaiden patted the seat next to him and I took it as everyone greeted RJ. I noticed Tyson was staring daggers at me, but I looked away quickly, avoiding any potential contact with the lion.

"You are in so much trouble," Kaiden said softly. I gave him a confused look. "Tyson is not happy."

"That's not my fault!" I whispered back.

"He doesn't see it that way."

"So what now you're going to punish me?"

"I'm not punishing you at all," he defended. I was even more confused, but I let it go. I spent the rest of the party filling glasses and replacing bottles. Ashley and Lori were the first to leave and RJ took the spot to my left.

"So Kaiden, this is quite the interesting catch you have here," RJ giggled and nodded towards me.

"Oh you don't know the half of it," Kaiden laughed.

"He's a suitable replacement I suppose." It took me a second to understand what he'd said, but Kaiden's expression painted it clearly.

"He's actually a little bit better than you, RJ," Kaiden retorted. His arm moved over me defensively.

"I highly doubt that," RJ grinned.

"I think that's a hint of jealousy in your voice." I wished he were jealous. It would make my decision so much easier.

"Well, he is a very sexy puppy, but he is just that. A puppy. Let me guess, you picked him up at the bar, brought him home, fucked him, and bought him dinner, right?"

"Except for the dinner part," I interjected. Kaiden nudged me.

"Aw, Kaiden you're so damn mean."

"I made him breakfast this morning," Kaiden defended. I could feel him getting angrier. RJ leaned closer to me.

"It was so good, wasn't it? Kaiden can't do much of anything, but damn he can cook." I laughed and nodded.

"Hey, RJ are you joining just for the rest of the party?" RJ's expression changed from playful to grave.

"What do you mean?" RJ asked nervously.

"I'm going to show my bad little puppy to Trent and Tyson. You could jump in somewhere." My heart dropped.

"But you said-"

"That was before your friend upset my friends." I glanced at Tyson who was beaming with menace. I looked back to RJ hoping for something. Anything.

"Um, I..." RJ looked around nervously, "I really shouldn't."

"Oh please, it'll be fun!" Kaiden taunted. Tyler and Delilah stood to leave. RJ's reaction was not helping my anxiety. He looked back at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Get me another drink," RJ sighed. I stood to get the sheppie a drink. I took note of the other three's shocked expression. Apparently, RJ didn't agree to this very often. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. When I brought the glass of vodka to the dog he chugged it and followed Trent and Tyson to the bedroom. I was shaking with anxiety. I had never been naked in front of so many people. Kaiden kept his paw on my shoulder as we walked.

"Kaiden, I really don't want to do this," I whispered.

"I don't remember anyone asking you what you wanted to do," he replied coldly. I could already feel my butt beginning to hurt. How were we going to do this? That question would soon be answered. Tyson had already stripped naked revealing his bulging body and a raging pink seven inch member. He fell back on the center of the bed and played with himself. Trent stripped immediately afterwards. His body was definitely the most impressive and he had the biggest cock too. I could only assume ten inches or more. I heard Kaiden undress behind me. Nothing new. RJ finally stripped to his bright blue boxers and sat on the side of the bed. "Nickster, what are you waiting for? You're the star of the show." Kaiden laughed.

"I don't know what to do." Everyone except RJ laughed. RJ had a very grim look on his face. He knew something I didn't. Kaiden slid my shirt off and the Doberman whistled. I pulled the sweatpants and the boxers off in one motion. I noticed RJ wasn't looking at me. Kaiden lifted me over Tyson and positioned me over the lions throbbing member.

"I'm going to rip that pretty ass apart," he laughed. I gulped nervously.

"No, I think Kaiden gets that part."

"No, no little puppy. We both are. You haven't taken two yet?" My heart started racing and I felt Kaiden climb up behind me.

"You'll like it, don't worry," Kaiden whispered.

"Tell him the truth, dude. It's gonna hurt like hell," Tyson giggled. I tried to stop myself from shaking with fear. My knees were feeling weak.

"What are you doing Trent?" Kaiden asked excitedly. Trent ran a claw across my chest.

"I think I want to test this puppy's lips." I couldn't hold back a gasp. I was going to suck that huge thing? I might as well except the fact that I'm about to die.

Alright, stop. I'm not even sure if it's possible to take two cocks at the same time, but I'll warn you. It's bloody, it hurts. Do not try this at home. Play.

"What about you RJ?" Kaiden asked, "You want to get behind me?"

"Um, I think I'll just try to make the kid feel good. He's got a lot going on," He smiled at me encouragingly.

"Nickster, paw him off or something. He's being too nice," Kaiden ordered. I nodded nervously. Suddenly, Kaiden pushed me forward so I was staring Tyson in the face. He didn't waste anytime in forcing three fingers in. I grunted and the lion laughed. I was sick of being the victim. I barred my teeth at Tyson. Kaiden's fingers kept pushing in and out. I felt a paw brush against my stomach. RJ was massaging my stomach softly. He was very talented with his hands. I barely noticed when Kaiden added a fourth finger. Tyson pinched my nipple and I cried out.

"Pussy," he whispered.

"I'm going to rip your fucking face off," I growled.

"We'll see if you still got that attitude when I'm fucking you." I opened my mouth to respond, but Trent pressed his lips against mine. His tongue twisted deep in my muzzle. I accidentally leaned away into Kaiden's fingers and cried out. The Doberman chuckled and continued his work on my muzzle. Kaiden finally moved his fingers out. "Here we go, Nickster." I growled into the Doberman's muzzle as Kaiden positioned himself. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my sheath and started to paw at softly. I moaned as a finger slid inside the sheath and tickled the tip of my dick. Kaiden pulled me away from the Doberman and angled my hole over the two throbbing members. He slowly pulled my hips down. I squeezed my eyes shut as they entered. RJ increased his speed, but I couldn't hold the scream as both heads entered my ass. "Where'd the attitude go, Nick?" Tyson taunted. I gritted my teeth and tried to focus on RJ's efforts. One paw circled my member as the other gently rolled my full furry balls. It felt like an hour, but I finally reached the base of their cocks. I noticed the knots hadn't entered yet. That was going to push me over the edge. "Whoa, check out that blood flow." I glanced behind me. Kaiden's crotch was soaked in the red liquid. Tears started to pool in my eyes, but I tried to push them away. I was terrified at the amount of blood I was losing. Kaiden pushed me back to face Tyson, who was grinning widely. Suddenly, they both pulled out slightly and I screamed in extreme pain. I'd never felt anything so terrible in my life.

"STOP! STOP! STOP!" I breathed. "Something is wrong!"

"It's going to hurt, dumbass!" Tyson yelled back at me. Tears fell from my face to the lion's chest. My entire body shook as they pulled Kaiden forced my ass up at a slow pace. "Why don't you suck Trent's dick and shut the fuck up?"

"Fuck that," Trent said, "let him get adjusted to that first or he'll bite off."

"No, he's trained," Kaiden said.

"He wouldn't mean to, but just look at his face." I tried to change my expression, but my teeth stayed locked and my eyes wouldn't open. Suddenly, the lion's dick came all the way out.

"Damn, Kaiden, you pulled him up to far," Tyson whined.

"Well, get a bigger dick," Kaiden suggested. He forced me back down hard.

"Damn, boy you got a nice ass. Kinda ripped, but other than that it's good," Tyson laughed.

"Hey, Nickster," RJ whispered. I glanced over and he was gesturing for me to come over. I repositioned myself slowly to get closer to the German Shepherd. He pushed my head into his furry chest and continued to play with my semi-hard member. Kaiden forced my hips up and down at a faster pace. I pushed myself away from RJ and tried to regain some of my dignity. I glanced at Trent and he was fully aroused. I licked at the tip and he moaned loudly. He gripped the back of my head and massaged my neck. I nibbled at the head and I felt him cringe against the feeling. I slipped my lips over the head and sucked vigorously. The faster he came the less I had to worry about.

"Oh, N-Nick, you're so good," Trent moaned. I flashed my eyes at Tyson who looked very jealous. Tyson pumped his hips roughly into my ass. I pushed against the pain and moved my own hips as fast as I could. I took more of Trent's cock into my muzzle. I knew I couldn't take it all. He was barely halfway in and I was struggling to keep what I had. Suddenly, something warm and wet engulfed my own cock. I stopped sucking to see RJ taking my entire cock into his muzzle. I couldn't hold back a moan, but Trent pushed my head back onto his cock. He moaned every time my vocal chords moaned against his cock. I could already see his knot. He forced my lips al the way against his knot. I pulled myself off, but he only let me go halfway before he pushed me back. I gargled as RJ took my balls into his mouth. Tyson was pumping as hard as he could, but I could manage the pain now. It still wasn't comfortable or even slightly pleasurable, but it was no where near as bad as it used to be. RJ rolled his tongue around my knot. Trent jumped to his knees and bucked his hips against my muzzle. He was almost there, but I yanked it out of my mouth as a sharp pain hit my ass again. I felt the two knots I was dreading squeeze into the hilt. Kaiden and Tyson moaned in unison. I was about to cry again, but Trent forced my muzzle back over his cock. I ran my tongue over every inch and forced my nose to his pubic area. "Damn, Tyson he's kicking your ass," Trent laughed. I felt one of the cocks slide faster than the other. Tyson's knot ripped at my bruised hole. Suddenly, I moaned on Trent's cock as RJ forced my orgasm. I felt the warm liquid fill RJ's muzzle. He couldn't take it all of it and the rest fell on Tyson's abs. RJ continued to milk every drop he could. Trent's hips pushed against my muzzle one last time before I felt his cock buck and spurt in my throat. He moaned louder than anyone as his creamy load filled my mouth. There was so much. He pulled it out and sprayed the excess on my muzzle and face. He continued to massage my head and I tried to rest against his thigh and breath through the sticky liquid dripping from my mouth. I tried to spit most of it out, but I had swallowed some inadvertently. The lion and wolf continued to pound my ass at different tempos. I moved over to RJ. He grinned at me and pressed his muzzle to mine. When he did this, he transferred more warm sticky liquid to my muzzle. He hadn't swallowed it. Tyson was angered as some of my liquid drizzled from my mouth to his chest. I actually liked the taste of myself. I slowly drug my paw down RJ's chest and gripped his erect member through his silky boxers. Surprisingly, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I looked at him and he shook his head as if he didn't want me to do it. I was about to ask him, but I heard Tyson moan as the inside of my hole was filled with his sticky liquid. He pulled out and two more streams shot across my chest and chin. Kaiden was getting closer as well. Tyson's cum had provided enough lube for him to really fuck my ass. His hips pounded me and soon he joined the rest of us in ecstasy. He didn't bother to keep it in the hole. His load hit my tail and back with full force.

"Now get the fuck off of me," Tyson yelled kneeing me in the balls. I rolled off of him clutching the orbs between my legs. I could finally see the full extent of the damage done to me. My thighs were soaked in blood and cum as were the sheets I was leaning over. Kaiden and Tyson's cocks looked like murder weapons. Tyson was whispering something to Trent who was completely ignoring him and staring at me. I stared at RJ as Kaiden cuddle against my backside.

"You need a shower dirty puppy," Kaiden laughed.

"That was the best head ever, dude," Trent complimented. Tyson stayed silent.

"It wasn't too bad, was it?" Kaiden whispered.

"Yes, it was," I argued, "Do you have any idea how bad my butt hurts? It feels like you fucking shredded it. I can feel every little scratch in there."

"Well, it could've been me and Trent, or even RJ. Tyson's the smallest."

"I'm not smaller than Nicki!" He defended.

"Tyson he's sixteen and he just kicked your ass in every way. Remember when you tried to take two? Oh, Trent take it out or I'm leaving you! You were eighteen then. Little bitch," Kaiden attacked. I was happy that he was complimenting me so much, but it was hard to appreciate over the fact that I'd just been gang raped. I did tell the to stop, didn't I? I couldn't remember through the adrenaline. Kaiden and Tyson continued to argue.

"Are you ok?" RJ whispered.

"What do you think?" I asked cruelly.

"Ok, stupid question. Sorry about being here, but I knew if I wasn't no one was going to bother to please you." He grinned at me playfully.

"Thanks, I guess."

"I know you don't even know who I am, but if you ever need me, don't hesitate to ask."

"Save me," I whispered so soft it was inaudible.

"I can't do that," he mouthed. He pressed his paw to my cum covered muzzle and traced my lips and nose. "You won't get out until you don't have any other options."

"Will you be there?"

"If you want me to be," he grinned.

Alright, stop. I know, when the fuck are you going to learn about strangers? This RJ guy seems totally legit though. Not that Kaiden seemed like a serial rapist when I met him either, but I like this sheppie. He seems like he really cares. Play.

Oh wait, that's the end of this one. Whoops! Stop.