Lady of Luck Part 2

Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Great Tales of Antaris: The Lady of Luck

Lady of Luck part 2

Dawn awoke as the sun rose casting light into the cave where she and Peter her lover were sleeping, Dawn jumped as she heard someone speak, ‘Well Dawn it would seem you found yourself a mate about time' said the voice chuckling darkly.

Dawn spun around to see her brother standing there, 'Hello Shadow' said Dawn calmly her voice void of emotion pulling on her armored clothes then strode over to Shadow and struck him in the face, hard, ‘If you ever come near Peter again I will kill you, brother, you will stay away from him or else' Dawn said coldly thinking of what Shadow had done to her last mate.

Shadow's face visibly darkened as he strode towards the exit leaving the cave and vanishing in the morning light, Dawn sighed heavily as she sat down remembering the night of her last mate's death.

Rain flashed through the night soaking anyone who was foolish enough to be out during such a storm but there was indeed someone outside two men fighting viciously across the rain-swept yard, lightning flashes illuminating the battle going on between the two men.

The two were obviously equally matched neither gaining an advantage long enough to exploit it, both bleeding slightly from superficial wound of no real importance, lightning flashed again illuminating the figures clear enough to see, one was a wolf as black as night who was bleeding from light cuts to his left thigh and arm and the other was wolf who's fur a peculiar golden color who was only bleeding from one cut to his upper right arm. One could see the blades whistling through the night even to a swordmaster the two wolves were obviously experts, blades flashing across each others bodies rarely nicking the other.

Then the Gold wolf began striking faster and faster blows making it obvious that he was only playing before, making the Black wolf strain to stop his blows then the Gold wolf locked their blades together and with a might pull wrenched black wolf's sword from his grasp sending it flying across the yard to clatter uselessly on the wet cobblestones meters away.

The Black wolf backed away slowly till he bumped into the courtyard wall some how keeping his footing on the slippery cobblestones treacherously slippery when wet then with a sudden motion drew a black blade and hurled it at the Gold wolf, it embedded itself in his chest and it was by no means a mortal wound except that the blade was poisoned the venom of a rare snake a basilisk found only in the Blacklands. A place where all feared to tread even those corrupted by darkness, it is a damned land home only to those who are furthest from the light.

The Gold wolf laughed and threw the blade away not yet knowing its deadly secret and advanced on the black wolf to find him, gone, vanished the moment the Gold wolf was distracted by his blade, the Gold wolf eyes widened as he looked at the wound in his chest, it was turning to stone. The Gold wolf spun around to find the Black Wolf laughing and realized that he was going to die, he stepped into the center of the courtyard and yelled Dawn's name calling her to witness what her brother had brought about.

Dawn ran to courtyard to find her love petrified in stone with her brother's laughter fading away on the wind, the word ‘Shadow' carved into the wall the black blade lying next to her dead love.

Dawn began crying tears rolling silently down her cheeks as the sun rose banishing the night and her brother back to the Blacklands, his domain in Antaris. Peter stirred as he heard Dawn deconstructing their camp. Peter rose silently and walked over to Dawn and asked, ‘Where are we going?'

Dawn jumped as she hadn't heard Peter approach or wake up then replied ‘To somewhere where we might survive a little longer.

Peter dressed quickly and they left, leaving their camp behind going to a place that Dawn only knew, she hoped. Later that evening they approached a large meadow that looked ideal for a camp, Peter could hear a stream nearby. Peter went to catch some fish for dinner but Dawn stopped him and said they already had food so Peter shrugged and went to help Dawn set up camp.

When they had a fire going Dawn called some food out of nothing, Peter started back with an oath, seeing magic was rather new to him for obvious reasons only a night ago he had been in his own world and time but strangely enough he found that he felt that he belonged here, in this time not his own.

That night as they settled down to bed Peter saw Dawn walk away from the camp when she didn't return after a few minutes he went after her wondering what was wrong hopefully the gryphon hadn't found them again he dreaded facing that monster again, he found her crying a few meters from the camp and he sat wordlessly next to her thinking about what had happened to him in the last few days from being in a world he didn't belong in to one he knew nothing about.

It was a bit overwhelming and without quite knowing why he started crying with her, both sad for far different reasons, Dawn for her lost love and her new friend and Peter for the world he lost and the one he found, after a while Peter came to his senses and asked Dawn what the matter was even if he was fairly overwhelmed he still knew something was eating at her.

‘Peter' she sobbed ‘I never should have brought you here', Peter considered that for a moment and then demanded to know why, ‘my brother' she said ‘he will try to kill you to stop me from me ever being complete'. Peter stopped at that and then said ‘Let him try, for it will take more than your brother to ever stop me from being with you' and then with a great sense of wholeness kissed Dawn.

Dawn felt her body respond and pulled Peter into a deeper kiss clawing at his clothes as Peter caressed her body run his hands through her soft fur slowly undressing Dawn, Dawn moaned as she felt his hand caress her breasts playing with her nipples through the short fur on her chest his hand sliding down to feel her wet lips making her moan into his mouth her tongue playing with his like a flicker of flame between their lips.

Dawn slid her hand down to play with his sheath teasing the tip of the cock out making Peter shiver with pleasure as his lover played with his cock, Peter emboldened by this slipped out of the kiss and licked Dawn's labia teasing her clit with the tip of his tongue making her moan loudly into the night air as her love brushed away her sorrow with gentle hands and brought love and pleasure into her heart.

Peter blew across Dawn's clit making her shudder with pleasure and desire, he shoved tip of his tongue into Dawn's labia licking her fast enjoying the smell of his love, Dawn gasped as she came on Peter's muzzle and Peter lapped all of her juices off Dawn and his face. He kissed Dawn allowing her to taste herself on her lovers tongue.

Dawn felt for Peter's cock and grasped making it twitch in her grasp as she guided Peter's length to her awaiting pussy groaning as she was filled so well by her love. Peter moaned and then kissed Dawn sticking his tongue in her mouth as he slow thrust into Dawn's awaiting depths, Peter groaned as he hilted himself in Dawn her pussy contracting around his cock as he fucked in and out of her pussy. Peter sped up his thrusting as Dawn came hard around his cock he muscles rippling around his cock.

Dawn moaned his name as her pussy clenches around his cock driving to the breaking point then Dawn lets out a scream of pleasure cumming around Peter's cock as he howls and begins to pump his cum into her.

Much later Dawn and Peter return to the camp and kiss before hopping into bed together and Peter spoke the words that Dawn had heard in almost a millennia ‘Dawn, I love you' and they kissed again and Dawn felt her spirit saw as she knew Peter was the one she wanted to be with forever. Dawn couldn't find words to express her feelings instead hugging Peter hard and kissing him on the muzzle as she felt more whole than ever before and she knew that no matter what she would always be with Peter from now on.

In the Blacklands Shadow howled on his throne in the echoless darkness as he realized that the idiot Dawn had with had completed her, making her vastly more powerful than him. This posed a serious problem to his plans, the wolf would have to die, but that would be easy enough all he had to do was kill him and the wolf and his sister would be forever out of his path and a major threat to his plans gone. The storms around the Blacklands intensified as Shadow developed his dark plans of horror.

Shadow grinned as he called his hunters to him, beings for darkness their armor gilded with blood red flame and said "bring me the corpse of my sister's lover and i will let you hunt on their lands for a month" it was easy enough the use Genthre they loved blood and the hunt in many ways they were like him.

The Genthre left in silence breaking out in a run as they thirsted for blood, sweet blood and Shadow sat on his dark throne and laughed the sound making the servants cringe as they knew their master would hunt tonight and one of them would be killed and Shadow laughed, laughed at their fear and for they death that would soon spread across the land.

Smiling Wolf