Just a favor - a.k.a. Family ties Part1

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#66 of Shorts

When the system lets his sister down repeatedly and with no other option for her to have a kid, she asks for a life altering favor.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

This is part one of Family ties, the next part is called "Just a kiss".


"How'd it go?" James asked curiously, noticing the look of disappointment on his older sister's face as she flopped down on the sofa beside him with an aggravated sigh.

"Denied, again. I don't know what we're going to do, we've spent so much money chasing this adoption. We definitely can't afford invitro or even a surrogate..." Sasha let forth her torrent of anger and sadness, having been denied yet again for the chance for her and her wife to adopt a child.

"Pity you don't like dick, or you could just get some guy drunk and take advantage of him" James teased, trying to break the tension. He half expected Sasha to be upset and shout at him, or hopefully even laugh if she managed to see the funny side. What he was not expecting however was to see his gay sister actually look like she was contemplating the joke as a serious option. "I...I was joking, please don't go rape some poor innocent dude..." James stammered.

"No, no rape..." Sasha mumbled before she suddenly got up off the sofa and headed out the living room.

"No cutting their balls off either!" James yelled after her. "In fact, no violence of any kind would be good!" He'd never seen Sasha this determined before and quite frankly, it frightened him. He had just been joking, but she honestly looked like she was prepared to go jump the first guy she saw.

Thankfully over the course of the next week there were no reports of any men being sexually assaulted by an angry lesbian, or worse...


"Are mom and dad around?" Sasha asked softly, peering around James's bedroom door.

"Nah, they're out somewhere at some work thing of Dads" James replied, not bothering to look up from the book he was reading. Laying back on his bed, left leg crossed over the right knee with his foot tapping to some soft music playing as he studied his architecture book.

"Good...I have something I want to ask you...just a favor" Sasha almost whispered, closing the door behind her despite James having just confirmed they were home alone.

"What's up, why're you acting so weird?" He asked, setting his book aside and sitting up in his bed.

"I know you were joking and all, but I discussed it with Celine and she thinks it's a good idea too" Sasha said softly, almost meekly as she sat at the corner of James's bed, looking over at the far wall. Her short snow white fringe partially obscuring her eyes, her rounded ears and fluffy spotted tail twitching nervously.

"What is?" he asked in confusion.

"A sperm donor..." she pressed on.

"I thought you said you couldn't afford artificial insemination?" James asked with even more confusion.

"We can't, it'd have to be done the old-fashioned way" Sasha said nervously, wringing her hands together as she stared down into her lap. James had never seen the usually stoic snow leopardess so nervous or unsure of herself. Her usual ever abundant confidence is what attracted most people to the short spunky feline.

"Okay...so you or Celine is going to find some lucky or at least willing guy to do the nasty with. Nothing wrong with that if you're both okay with it, is there?" James offered hopefully, trying to cheer his sister up.

"Well, no. Not just anyone, we want...well, we want it to be you..." She finally looked at him, the look in her eyes told James she was not joking in the slightest.

"Me? But...I...I can't sleep with your wife. No offense, she's a hottie, but...she's my sister-in-law!" James balked, sure he'd fantasized about his sister's wife before, but this was something else entirely. Besides, would it even be possible for him being a feline to impregnant the cute little slender husky his sister had been shacking up with?

"Not Celine, she...can't. It'd be too risky, we checked with her doctors and there's an impossibly high chance of heart failure or worse if she even attempts it. It...it has to be me" Sasha's voice lowered to barely a whisper by the end.

"What...why..." James couldn't even finish his question, the look in his sisters' eyes broke his heart. But what she was asking was impossible, wasn't it?

"If it's you, our child would have a greater chance to at least look like me. But also I don't want to sleep with just some random guy for something this important. I want it to mean something, for my child to come from a place of love" Sasha had tears in her eyes, but she forced herself to maintain eye contact. What she was asking was too important for anything to be lost in translation, she needed to make sure James knew how serious she was in what she was asking of him, she also knew how massive an undertaking this would be if he agreed. "You can say no and there won't be any hard feelings, this is a life changing undertaking and we shouldn't rush into it. But please, I'm begging you to just at least really consider it."

James sat in silence as Sasha got up and left, even once she had closed his door, he sat staring at it for a long time after. Could he go through with what she was asking? Not only would it mean making love to his sister, but the ultimate goal was to get her pregnant. What if the first time wasn't enough? What would he be to the child, its father or uncle? There was just so much to consider, he didn't know where to begin or even how to begin untangling the mess in his head and heart.

Thankfully Sasha honoured her word and didn't pressure him, even over the next few days she pretended like nothing had changed so well that James almost thought he'd dreamed the entire thing up. But sitting one afternoon while waiting for her to finish her shift at the day-care, he watched how she tended to the kids, how they all seemed to flock to her. She was a natural with them and without a doubt he knew she would make an amazing mother. She was kind, caring and far more patient than he could ever wish to be. As hard as he tried, he couldn't think of a single reason she shouldn't have the chance to become a mother, any kid whom got to call her mother would be the luckiest kid in the world.

"I'll do it..." James half mumbled when Sasha climbed into the car before they headed home.

"Thank you" was all Sasha said, not turning to look at him, but there was a definite smile touching her lips as she clutched her handbag tighter to her chest.

The cover story Sasha and Celine came up with was a burst water pipe in their apartment while Celine was out of town for a little while at a conference and visiting friends. Sasha would temporarily move back home while her apartment was being "repaired" by some imaginary slow contractors. This would let her and James be in close proximity during the prime time in her cycle and to give her the best chance of success.


James's heart was beating like a raging thunderstorm in his chest, tonight was the night it was meant to happen. Sasha had planned it all out, as soon as their folks had gone to bed, she'd sneak across the hall to his bedroom to...do the deed, so to speak. Without warning his door opened and Sasha slipped inside, blushing as she whispered "It's time..." before she crept into bed with him. Even dressed down as she was, Sasha was still a stunningly beautiful woman standing there in her long plain white nightie. She looked every bit like her mother had at the same age, snow white fur with rich dark oval spots which almost looked like tiny inky pawprints all over her. Her short bushy mop of hair looked more suited to a punk rocker, which in truth she had been during her teens and never quite grew out of the hairstyle. Her deep brown eyes were very expressive, even with the brave smile she put on, James could tell how nervous she was.

"Just lay back and let me do what I need to do, okay? No touching me or anything freaky, this is just purely for the sake of getting me pregnant" She spoke softly, reaffirming the ground rules for their encounter.

James didn't know what to do or say, so he just nodded dumbly in response to his sisters' words. Sasha slipped beneath the covers beside him, turning to lay facing him as she reached down to grope along his lower belly and finally at the front of his boxers. Closing his eyes, he tried to picture someone else, anyone else but his sister doing this to him, but it was no use. His older sister was in his bed with her hand now inside his boxers and feeling his cock...his soft cock. Even after a few minutes of stroking and fondling, James wasn't getting hard. He swallowed hard and gave an apologetic smile to a frustrated looking Sasha.

"I'm sorry Sash, I don't think I can..." he began to say, but was cut off by a determined look in his sister's eyes. Without a word she disappeared beneath the covers, James wouldn't have to wait long before he found out what she was up to. "Oh...oh God...why're you so good at that?" He panted and mewled as soft lips and a rough tongue worked him to stiffness in no time at all, the shape of his sisters head now bobbing in his lap visible under the covers and accompanied by soft sucking sounds.

"We have toys, dumbass" came her muffled reply from beneath the covers before she gave his throbbing cock a few last bobs of her muzzle, making sure he was nice and hard for her. "Jeezus it's hot under here, I'm going to push the covers off, so don't look...okay?"

"Uh...yeah, sure..." James panted out, his mind still reeling from the fact his sister had just given him head...his gay sister had just given him the best head he'd ever had so far in his young and limited experience life...

Sasha pushed the thick comforter off and to the side as she shifted up to straddle his lap, even with her long nightie still on and covering her from view, James knew she was naked beneath. He could feel her bare nethers rubbing against the underside of his now stiff and pulsating length. Part of him wanted so badly to look down and watch as she took him inside herself, but another part of him was afraid to because somehow it would make this even more real than it already was. Suddenly there was a gentle grasp about his length as Sasha lifted and guided him into herself, the snug warmth began to descend down over his cock feeling more pleasurable than he cared to admit. A low groan began to escape James's open maw and making Sasha fear he was going to wake their parents; quickly she lunged forward to grip about his muzzle and try shut him up.

Just as she leaned forward over James and had a firm grip on his muzzle, James's door popped open a little and their mothers head peeked around the corner. "Don't stay up too late you two...oh, and Sashy-bear...please don't kill your brother. He's probably my only chance to have grandkids now..." their mother sighed and shook her head at her kids still roughhousing at their age before she closed the door again. James and Sasha blinked and stared at one another before starting to laugh. Suddenly all the tension in the room vanished and both brother and sister relaxed.

"I love you, James. Thank you for doing this for me" Sasha said softly as she sat still in his lap, trying to ignore the fact she was currently impaled on her little brother's cock.

"I love you too, Sash. I'd do anything for you, you know that, right?" James smiled up at her, reaching up to lightly brush his fingers against her cheek lovingly. Sasha leaned down to nuzzle cheek to cheek for a moment before pulling back, staring into her brothers' beautiful deep blue eyes for a moment before letting her lips meet his in a tender and lingering kiss. James pressed up and into her lips, seeming to be feeling exactly the same way in that moment. Just as she'd hoped, the moment was full of love and tenderness, it was actually even better than she could've hoped for in fact. She felt so safe and loved right then, she trusted James completely. Even if he wasn't her brother, he was still turning out to be an amazing man she would have loved to help her bring a child into this world with.

With her hands against his chest for support, Sasha began to first stir her hips in a slow and lazy gyration down against him. Her breathing starting to become more laboured and heated, the more she stirred his thickness about inside herself, but with the first rise up and subsequent drop down, she gave a little whimper.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" James asked with a note of almost panic.

"Y...yeah, just...wasn't expecting it to feel this good is all" Sasha admitted with a growing blush. Knowing she was going to be making a fair bit of noise herself, she leaned forward to bury her face into her brother's shoulder to try muffle her pleasured moans as she began to slowly ride him. At least the closeness of her against her brother served a dual purpose, it muffled her sounds adequately enough, but also she would be moaning almost directly into James's ear. The sounds his sister was making were incredibly exciting to the young handsome snow leopard, enough so that he even forgot it was his sister riding his cock for long enough that he would begin to buck up into her a little.

"Goddamn, I'm not attracted to guys but....fuck me, why do you feel so damn good inside me?" Sasha whined softly in confusion, sitting upright atop James as she began to squirm and fight back a deep groan as she climaxed hard.

James with his lack of experience wouldn't be far behind, the way his sister was clenching and squeezing down around him was too much for him. But also what she had just said as well as how she had said it, there was something so wrong but also so damn exhilarating about what they were doing that made this all so much more enjoyable. Again, their lips found one another, a tender lingering kiss punctuated with soft content purrs as they both came down from their respective highs. Sasha grinned a little in deviant fascination at the fact she could feel her brothers cum deep inside her, even joking about the fact that it was weird that the only man whom would ever get to do so would be him.

The next few days were like something out of a cheesy porno, Sasha and James finding every chance they could get to sneak off and have a quick love making session. Of course, they told themselves it was just to ensure the best possible chance of her getting pregnant, but the fact that they had begun doing more things outside of just full-on penetration was a good indicator that it just wasn't true.

Sasha taught James how to properly eat a woman out as only someone with her particular skillset could do; while he helped her practice her deepthroating. While she wasn't going to ever let any other man beside her brother attempt that with her, she thought it would be fun to show off her new skills to Celine when they got back together. They even began to sneak quick gropes and fondles of one another while their parents were in the room, almost turning it into a game to see whom could get away with the most outrageous thing. Sasha taking great delight in standing behind one of her parents and flashing James her breasts while he was talking to them, all while their parents remained oblivious to what she was doing behind them.

One particular morning would stand out in James's mind for years to come, he'd been taking a shower early one morning when Sasha had snuck in to join him. He was still tired from their previous nights activities and his dick refused to be tempted by just the mere sight of his naked sister in the shower with him, even when she began to lather bubbly soapy suds across her breasts for his enjoyment. Not wanting to take no for an answer, she knelt down before him and began to felate her little brother once again. As much as he hated to say it, for a lesbian, his sister really did give amazing head. She'd also learned just how James enjoyed having his balls touched and played with too, a fact she had no shame in using to her advantage.

"James, have you seen your sister? Your mother is looking for her" James's father asked from the other side of the curtain suddenly, the pair not having heard him enter over the rush of water from overhead.

"Uh, no...I haven't. Sorry..." James gasped and fought back a groan as he peeked through the gap in the shower curtain.

"Son, if the water is too hot, turn it down before you pass out, there's nothing manly about taking a too hot shower. You're looking awfully flushed..." Frank scowled at James before heading back out and slamming the bathroom door behind him.

"That was way too close..." James huffed and glared down at Sasha while she smiled back up at him with her lips still wrapped about the base of his cock and her nose in his wet crotchfur. Perhaps it was a good thing she'd learned to deepthroat him so easily so she hadn't made any obvious gagging noises just then.

"Want me to call him back, seems you enjoyed nearly getting caught with your dick down your sisters throat" she teased.

"Why you little..." James growled, tugging Sasha to her feet before turning her around and pushing her up against the shower wall. One hand cupped over her mouth to prevent her from making too much noise as the other grabbed and lifted her tail, using the base as a handle to tug her back onto his waiting cock. Sure enough, he felt her try to squeal against his palm as he began fucking her pussy good and hard. He'd found out she sometimes enjoyed it a bit rough, it seemed to get her off big time and he wasn't shy to use that against her either. With a devious glint in his eye, James snuck his thumb down under her tail to tease against her asshole. As soon as he felt her trying to squirm away from that touch, he pushed his digit inside her and made her squeal against his palm once more. It wouldn't take much more of the rough fucking and the unwelcome intruder under her tail to get Sasha off. He would however finally release his grip over her mouth to let her pant and catch her breath after the worst of her climax was over.

"You haven't cum yet? What's wrong, afraid to cum inside your big sister and get her pregnant?" Sasha teased once James let up his grip on her muzzle, laughing when she felt how hard James was throbbing inside her as she hammered home their incestuous moment together again.

"Dirty bitch..." James snarled; she knew just how to press his buttons. With a snarl, he too finally climaxed, giving a few last harsh bucks against her as he pumped his sister full of another load of his seed.


Later that night as James lay on the sofa to watch a cheesy B grade horror movie, Sasha came over to join him with a light blanket. At first he was confused why they needed the blanket as it was still fairly warm out, but it soon became clear what she was planning.

"Sash...we're in the middle of the living room, mom and dad are still awake!" James said in a hoarse panicked whisper. As they cuddled on the couch in the living room, Sasha had begun to grind back against his lap to stir up his bulge. Once she felt his length throb against her butt, she reached behind herself to fish his length out from his boxers and to let him grind against her bare behind as she tugged the back of her nightie up out the way. "Sash...don't...mom and dad...oh...wait...what're you doing?" He asked in confusion as he felt her guide him inside herself, but she felt different this time. There was a warmer and tighter snugness around his cock he wasn't expecting, especially not from his sister as she guided him under her tail instead. "That's not your..." he began to say before groaning softly against the scruff of her neck.

"I know, I'm still a little sore from this morning, but I still want something inside me though" She replied with a soft groan as she slowly pushed back onto him. With his behind pinned against the back of the couch, James couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"What're you two up to?" Their mom asked as she and their father walked into the living room watch the news before bed.

"Oh nothing, James is just being a pain in my ass, like usual" Sasha replied with a little smile as their mother gave them an odd look.

"James, stop being a pain in your sisters butt" Their mother admonished, sighing and shaking her head at the pair as she sat on the sofa beside them and tried to cuddle into their father.

"But she asked for it..." James huffed out, trying not to let his voice sound too strained.

"I'm sure your sister had a good reason to do what ever it is she did, but you two should try get on a bit better. You won't always be this close y'know" Their father groused at them as he fidgeted with his buzzing phone.

"I'm sorry Sash, I'll try not be such a pain in your ass in the future" James said, barely containing a laugh.

"It's fine, you can be a pain in my ass sometimes" Sasha replied while also trying not to laugh...or to move too much under the covers.

Thankfully their antics were mostly going unnoticed by their parents as Frank tapped away frantically at his phone while their mother sighed and watched on in disappointment.

"Sorry Jenny, it's work. I gotta go...take care of something" Frank muttered and quickly snatched up his keys and headed out the door.

"He works in car sales, what could work possibly want at this hour?" Their mother grumbled to herself as she got up and headed to bed early. "You two better not stay up late again, we have church in the morning."

"Yes ma" James and Sasha replied in unison before giggling. As soon as they were alone again, Sasha ramped up her teasing and grinding against her pinned little brother.

"Beg for mercy, swine!" She growled playfully back at James.

"Never!" He huffed and growled back, leaning over to nip into the scruff of her neck as he slipped his hand under her top to grope over her breast. His finger finding her nipple with just the right amount of pressure to make her moan. She'd also taught him how to use a woman's erogenous zones to good use, now she was reaping the benefits of being such an excellent teacher. Sasha had never thought she'd be able to reach climax with a man, let alone while he was buried in her ass. But James knew just how to get her off...a couple of times, at least until she was the one begging for mercy.


James sat in the living room on the sofa with the biggest smile he'd ever worn, only this time with a beautiful bouncing baby girl in his lap. She looked just like her mother, only with the deepest blue eyes he'd only ever seen in the mirror. Little Kiara was a miracle, perfectly healthy with not even a sign of any defects, something he had been secretly worried about considering her genetic makeup. He'd never seen his sister so happy; her smile was absolutely radiant and what ever doubts or misgivings he might still have harboured for how Kiara was conceived vanished like mist on a bright sunny day.