Week Off (Part 1)

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#1 of Week Off

Finally getting around to putting my works up on SF. Here is part one of the first story I wrote. It features Fiz, a young fox who is new to kink and eager to explore himself, and K, a lonely naga with hypnotic abilities who was more than happy to show off his dominate skills.

I'll upload the other parts later.

Cover art by NovaKiwyne


Comments and feedback welcome :3

"Well, this will be awkward if I got the wrong address," Fiz mused to himself as he knocked on the large wooden doors. Although he knew the possibility was an unlikely one. The large manor house which he found himself in front of was isolated at the edge of town so it wasn't like there were many other places his friend could live. The fox adjusted his backpack and entertained the idea for a moment. What would he say if some rich maniac open the door?

"Ah hello, sir! You would happen to know where I could find a slithery friend of mine? He and I were supposed to meet up to, uh, chill and you know.... totally not fuck around the entire- "

The click of the lock interrupted his train of thought. The door opened wide revealing a large naga with black and green scales with a grey belly. Fiz swished his tail in excitement.

"K!" he exclaimed relaxing.

"Hello my little marshmallow," K replied.

Fiz tried to stifle a blush that was quickly forming. Marshmallow was in reference to his fur tone. His hands and feet were black like most foxes, but his fur was white instead of orange and speckled with odd flecks of lite brown. His high school nickname was smore because apparently the brown reminded people of flakes of gram crackers. However, his new acquaintance Kane (or K as he sometimes preferred) choose Marshmallow as he thought the brown made him look like one which had been roasted lightly over a fire. The moniker excited Fiz every time K called him that as it made him feel cute, fluffy, and squishy. Perfect attributes of the submissive fox he truly was. He carried his bags through the threshold and stopped to admire the large open interior of the entrance hall.

"Wow, it's so big!" He was cut off as the snake wrapped his arms around him in a warm hug.

"I missed you," K spoke softly.

"Me too K," Fiz completed the hug and buried his snout into his chest as the serpent rubbed his back and ruffled his hair. K's tongue flicked over his hair and ears as he took in the scent of his musk. Fiz chuckled at the gesture, but the moment was interrupted by movement out of the corner of his eye. His suitcase and backpack were suddenly running away. He pulled slightly away in surprise.

"Oh right," K spoke apologetically, "You'll have to excuse the drone butlers". Two basketball-sized spheres with foldable appendages were rolling away his belongings. "I use them to keep the house in check. It's a big place for just one of me to manage on my own."

"They are so quiet. I didn't even hear them," Fiz noted.

"And as such, they are very efficient to have." K beamed, hood flaring slightly out clearly impressed at his robots. "Oh, that reminds me. Do you have any belongings you'd like to get off you before we take the tour?"

Fiz gave a light smile and removed a key holder from his pocket. A small set of keys were held in place by a locking tag branded with a date from 7 days ago. K smiled approvingly and took the gift before casually placing his hand into Fiz's crouch feeling the chastity cage underneath.

"Good boy," the approving tone sent a shiver down Fiz's spine and caused a slight wag of his tail. K extended his open arm. "This way now my pup."

The "tour" consisted of 3 rooms excluding the entrance hall. A bedroom where they would be sleeping together and relax. A bathroom that was suited for someone of Fiz's size. And the dining room where they now resided eating dinner. Obviously, Kane had rooms which didn't want the fox to see just yet. The small talk lasted for a time but inevitably the conversation shifted to the plans for the week.

"A full week with K still seems unreal," Fiz thought to himself. The pair had met at a club by the name of Dancing Dragon. An ironic name since neither of them danced or was a dragon for that matter. The fox caught his eye of Kane and offered to demonstrate some of his.... unique abilities. Fiz was entranced, soon finding himself meeting up with the naga the next weekend. After which he was invited over for as long as he wanted for a vacation filled with as many kinky activities and sex as a horny fox could dream. Fiz promptly managed to wrangle a full week off work that same night. K talked him through a checklist of his interests and experience. Fiz listed his limits and left everything from light bondage to full control on the table.

"I've had some experiences with these things. But most kink stuff I am new to, so I mean why not try them all right? We've got a full 7 days, Sunday to Saturday to do stuff. Why not try as much as we can?" He smiled sheepishly.

"True, but are sure?" the snake asked, "You are quite inexperienced so I'm not sure how much of these things you can handle. Are you positive you want to go through with situations where you are completely helpless?" K's concern did well to ease the fox. He knew he was in the hands of an experienced dom as he had shown much care and restraint in their previous meet-ups. But this time he wanted to really explore himself.

"I'm sure. I want you to help push me. I wanna see how submissive you can make me." He answered confidently.

"Hm," K took a moment and sized up Fiz from his eyes to his empty plate. He then looked up and with a flash of brilliance and mischievousness to his gaze replied with a simple "Alright."

Wait.... shit. Fiz thought to himself. He just got an idea, didn't he? Shit, what's he got planned? He shifted a little in his chair and scratched behind his ear in an awkward gesture.

"And as far as name-calling," K continued, "pup, boy, pet is fine but you're hesitant on slut?"

"Well...I don't wanna lean too hard into the stereotype you know," he gestured at himself broadly. "Got to set the record straight that not all foxes are sluts."

"Right. Because performing a week straight of kinky sex acts is the perfect way to prove that." K retorted with a cocky grin. The pair laughed briefly. K stretched out his hand and rested it on his for a moment. Fiz interrupted the sweet gesture by suddenly grasping their hands together and then tried to trap K's thumb under his.

"Ha! I win!" He declared triumphantly. Kane drew his hand back and smiled his mischievous grin again. The face suddenly made Fiz's stomach drop.

Oh crap. What's he up to?

The snake made a motion of his hand towards the kitchen. A butler drone appeared carrying a tray that held a single glass of greenish liquid.

"Drink." K's voice spoke with pure command and was no longer accompanied by the sincere sweetness he had throughout the night.

Fiz suddenly fidgeted at the order. He had become most intimately familiar with this concoction. K being a naga meant that he had the power of hypnotic suggestion. However, most minds are quite capable of resisting hypnotic commands they had no desire to perform. You couldn't command someone to kill a loved one for instance. Nowadays people mainly used hypnosis to enhance feelings for therapeutic purposes. However, some used it for more.... recreational activities. Families of snake had been rumored to produce mind-nulling substances which boosted the effects of hypnosis. Kane was from one of these families and was proficient in creating such chemicals. Fiz's submissive nature combined with the power of K's mixture had proven to create an unforgettable headspace of almost pure submission.

"Wait...we're starting now?" He asked in surprise.

K took note of the fox's sudden nervousness and glanced to the side with a slight shame in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry if you don't want to start right now, I suppose we can- "

Fiz cut off the naga's apology by scooping up the glass and drinking the cocktail in two large gulps. K let out a satisfied exhale. "Heh, sure you're not a slut pup?" came his dry remark.

The fox ignored the retort and closed his eyes. The liquid was cold in texture yet warm in taste. It slipped into his throat slowly warming his esophagus until it reached his belly. There, the drink began to bubble and burn slightly. The sensation expanded into his chest and then exploded sending waves of warm stimulation across his body. His toes clenched, his tail straightened, he bit his lower lip, and then the sensation slid into his mind. The warmth silenced his thoughts and soothed his conscious causing Fiz to slump back into his chair with a satisfied sigh. A derpy grin formed on his face as he felt left his ear twitch in excitement. He knew what came next. He opened his eyes.

K across the table admired the look of the fox with satisfaction for a moment before straightening his gaze. His hood flared out wide as he locked eyes with his prey. To any onlooker, the staring contest seem to be accompanied by occasional soft flashes from the eyes of the snake, but to Fiz's mind under the influence of the enhancer K's gaze was like the sun. Strange colorful spirals communicated wordless messages and commands directly to his subconscious. Almost instantly he groaned as his member suddenly erected and strained against his chastity cage. He felt his limbs sag under the imaginary weight as they swiftly became unresponsive. Soon, Fiz found himself unable to move or advert his gaze. The sudden feeling of helplessness caused him to admit a slight chuckle which turned into a horny dazed laugh. He tested the coils in his mind. They hindered his thoughts and actions but never stopped them outright. He knew that at any time he could snap out of the trance if things went wrong if he truly desired it that is. But of course, he didn't want that. Yes, he signed up for this; he willingly wanted to feel this loss of control. Another laugh bubbled up from his stomach at the thought. The sight aroused an excited hiss out of K who was quite pleased with his work. He focused his gaze and finally issued a lucid nonverbal command.


Fiz rose from his chair and gleefully trotted around the table. He purposely paused in front of the snake with his hands behind his back and tail wagging to give K a cute smile. The serpent rose out of his chair and towered over his pup before bending down and giving him a long kiss. Coils piled up around the pair's feet and looped over their bodies rubbing and messaging the fox's skin making him moan in between kisses. K used the moment and his reptilian senses to observe his prey. Heartbeat, breathing patterns, and body temperature he observed with his eyes, ears, and sensitive skin ensuring Fiz was physically sound while under hypnosis and, more importantly, still eager to sub. Satisfied his pet was both willing and safe to undergo the gauntlet he had mentally prepared he scooped him up in his arms and carried him out into the hall. Fiz took the opportunity to nibble slightly on K's hood. The snake returned the gesture by flicking his tongue over the fox's neck in a playful tease.

They entered a playroom and K pooled his tail end into a pile of coils before dropping Fiz into them. K laughed as his pet helplessly flailed to escape but soon found himself pinned in a tangle of scales. The snake worked off the fox's clothes shirt and jeans exposing his chastity cage which had begun to slowly leak pre. He grabbed his wrists and locked them into a pair of handcuffs suspended from the ceiling forcing Fiz to stand with arms above his head. The naga took the opportunity to rub his belly and tickle his sides before grabbing a blindfold from the chest and slipping it over his eyes.

"I have a surprise for you, my pet. No peaking now." Fiz twisted his head and perked up his ears to try to hear what his dom was up to. He heard Kane open a chest and collect something before approaching him again. His muscles suddenly tensed as he felt the snake begin to apply cold lubricant to his arms, back, chest, and legs. Then garments were pulled over his legs and his tail fitted through a hole. Then, his wrists were uncuffed one at a time to slip on sleeves that extended to his shoulders. Finally, a K pulled a zipper up his back pulling the clothing tight around his body and making him gasp. The blindfold was finally removed so he could get a look at himself in a full-body mirror in front of him.

The latex suit was black but had pink colored highlighting on his arms, legs, and belly. Fiz blushed. Pink had become his kryptonite. He couldn't explain his weakness to it but whenever he was in pink gear, he became super submissive and felt even cuter. It was K who had recently discovered this; he had taken the opportunity to dress him in various pink attire during their encounters in the club. Those sessions did something to him, made his horny mind associate extreme pleasure with that silly color. But he had only worn small articles of clothing from pink gloves and stockings to more recently a pink thong, this was his first time in a full-body suit, and it felt exhilarating. The constriction combined with the sensitivity sent shivers down his spine as K ran his hands over his shiny new body. One of his hands zipped open his crotch, exposing his still leaking cage.

"I can see you enjoy your new suit pup." The snake spoke with a pleasing tone. "But I think you'll enjoy this even more." A key was produced in his hand and with a small click, the cage was removed. Fiz eyed his rising erecting with uncertainty.

Oh no, He thought to himself suddenly uneasy. This isn't right. The last time we played he didn't even let me cum. The time before that he kept me on edge for a full two hours. What's happening?

The snake examined the hesitant look on his face before addressing his concern.

"I bet you're wondering what I have planned for you yes?" K spoke resting a hand on the fox's shoulder. "Well, seeing as you were so playful over dinner, I devised a little game for us to play during your visit. Shall I tell you the rules?" The snake didn't wait for a response but rather moved closer coming face to face with his pet. He grabbed the fox's chin and forced him to lock eyes while flaring his hood out to ensure his entire view contained only his Sir. Then K flared his hypnosis up to heighten his explanation and imprint the rules into his mind.

"You may cum at any time and as often as you'd like my pup. But know that every time you do you lose. Every time you cum you will lose more and more control over your body and mind. Every time you cum I will gain more control over you. Eventually, you will want nothing and obey my every word. You will be my mindless little slut." He paused to let Fiz process the rules before adding a punchline. "And when that happens, I will make you beg for me to lock your pathetic little cock back up and I will sure you NEVER cum again."

The fox blinked, then started shaking. The horrible yet beautiful idea of him being K's chastised mindless slut unable to control his actions was sinking into his mind filling him with terrible dread. The snake adored the sight and let out a small laugh.

"Oh, don't worry boy," he continued, "If the thought of never cumming again is what bothers then you simply have to make it through the whole week with cumming yourself. If you can that is!" He let out another laugh. Fiz's cock bounced. Make it through the whole week without cumming? Impossible. He had gone a full week caged and was already pent up from the hypnosis. In this state, K might be able to make him cum just with a command word alone. And once he came just once the hypnosis would weaken his mind making it easier for him to lose each time after that. Now that the act of cumming was now itself a trigger that made him more submissive once he lost that first battle, he knew the effect would snowball making him hornier and easier to be pushed over the edge. K had gone and placed him on a cliff edge and once he fell, he would keep falling into the coils placed inside his mind from which he would be buried under pure slutty obedience. He could break free of the control of course if he wanted to, but there was the problem, he loved the idea of losing control to K. After all, he asked to push him into submission just over dinner. He knew that if he came just once he was doomed. He began to pant.

"I.... uh" he stuttered to find something to say. But was cut off by a hypnotic flash from K.


His words caught in his as his mouth was clamped shut against his will. The end of K's tail began snaking its way up his body coiling up his legs, over his chest, until finally, it wrapped around his neck. He gave one final longing look of helplessness to his Sir before the coil slipped over his eyes blinding him. The coils tightened around him leaving just a little room to breathe. Only his cock and ears poked out of the mass. K began to play with his pathetic dick. Tickling it, stroking it, until he finally slid his mouth over it and took it all down to Fiz's balls. The fox tensed and drew in a sharp breath. The naga chuckled.

"Since you mentioned you are interested in trying breath play, I have an idea. I'm going to test your enjoyment of it now. If you aren't breathing, I'll suck you. Every time you need to breathe, I'll give your cock a break. Ready pup?"

Wait, Fiz thought to himself, If I just keep breathing on my own, I don't need to worry about cumming right?

The coils tightening around his face and neck interrupted his thoughts, smothering his air supply. Meanwhile, K began bobbing his head up and down Fiz's shaft. The fox strained and moaned with pleasure; it was his first time having his dick sucked by K and the sensation of it was overwhelming. His lungs began to burn from lack of air, and he squirmed more causing K to tighten his hold on him which only caused the pleasure to feel even greater. He began to scream muffled shouts begging for air which only caused K to quicken his pace. Then, just when he thought he couldn't take anymore the coils loosened, and he gasped taking in a much-needed breath. K backed off his dick and switched to fondling his balls.

"Mmmm.... That was fun." He said gleefully. "Let's go again." Before Fiz had time to protest the pressure was reapplied. He didn't last as long the second time as he didn't quite take a deep enough breath before K cut off his air supply. His lungs burned out much faster and K held him under the pain longer than he did the first time. When he was allowed to breathe again, he made sure to take a few deep breaths during his allowed break to ensure less pain. Big mistake. The third round was hell. Because he was able to go longer, he was subjected to K's oral for longer which was starting to feel amazing. He was actively using his tongue to stimulate the glands under the head of his penis causing him to moan and squirm relentlessly. By the fourth round, he knew he was a goner. K began to massage his balls, stretching them and tickling the sensitive area behind them. When he came up for air again, he felt pre escape his tortured dick.

"Mmmm tasty!" Came K's dry reply. "Again!"

No! Please no! Fiz thought desperately. It's only been at most ten minutes. I can't lose this early!

His heart sank as they went for a fifth round. It was no use; the pleasure came so rapidly now that he was subjugated and well-teased. He felt the orgasm build. The coils tensed around him as he strained harder to keep his seed down. His balls rose slightly. He tensed a final time and then-

And then the pleasure stopped. The coils relaxed and he heaved out several gasps. His cock twitched once then twice but no seed spilled for the tip. He let out a huge sigh of relief. He survived the first battle, a small victory at least. He glanced up as K rose from his crotch, a devious smile on his face.

"Oh ho! You almost came from that!" He said in triumph. "You really are going to lose so easily. But I love that you're fighting to win so hard." He uncuffed Fiz's hands from the ceiling then forced his arms down into the coils which surrounded his body. He then tightened his grip back up pinning his arms to his side. K slithered around behind the helpless fox then propped up his chin with a coiling of his tail. Fiz could see himself with K behind him in the mirror now. Despite the lack of hypnosis his gaze still fell into those big yellow eyes and hung there.

"But your fighting will not last boy." The snake hissed in his ear. "You must realize how helpless your situation is." A lubed hand grabbed his cock and stroked slowly. Fiz tensed, he still hadn't recovered from the oral torture and was still very capable of cumming easily. K hummed softly.

"Of course, you know I am going to win this game." He continued. "You are so close to losing I can see it in your eyes." The hand quickened its speed. "Even now, you have no control." The sentence made him whimper. His cock twitched and his body spasmed. K removed his hand for a few moments then resumed.

"Why fight if you have already lost yourself to me?" His forked tongue flickered in Fiz's ear causing him to shiver. "The more you fight the more I am going to edge your precious cock. And the more I edge the worse this feeling of helplessness will be." He stopped again and let the pup's cock twitch some more before resuming.

"Please...." Came a small plead from Fiz's mouth.

"Shhh!" K tightened the coil around his throat. "Soon you will not be able to speak. Soon your mind will not be able to even form words!"

He stopped edging. Fiz's cock twitched.

"Soon your thoughts will hang on every word I utter."

The edging resumed. He was getting close.

"Soon you will be a mindless puppy."


"Soon you will obey my every command."

The edging stopped. His cock throbbed. And throbbed

"You will have no control over your actions."

The edging resumed. Pre dripped out of his dick.

"You'll cum over and over under my touch."

He moaned. The edging stopped for just one second this time. Then started.

"Eventually you'll cum hands-free from just me commanding it."

The hypnosis began to creep up into his vision causing it to pulse with pink waves.

"And then when you are so far gone it'll feel too good to cum. It'll be painful."

The edging stopped. His head felt so light and fuzzy. Started.

"And then you'll beg me to stop making you cum."

Stopped. He let out a horny coo. K's coil tightened around his throat harder. Started.

"And then I'll lock your pathetic cock up for good."

Stopped. His face formed a derpy, mindless grin. Started.

"And then I'll put a cute pink collar around your neck."

Stopped. He couldn't breathe. His smile widened. Started.

"At that point, you'll have lost completely. I'll own you."

Stopped. He was going to cum. Started.

"And then you'll just be my pink...horny...slut"

He didn't stop this time. Fiz stiffened. His body gave one final struggle against the coils. A hypnotic signal flashed from K's eyes. His cock pulsed once. Twice. And then-

His eyes rolled back, and he slipped into darkness.