New Year, New You

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#94 of Quickies

You wake up in an arcanine's bed after a crazy party and once he wakes up he asks if you still want to do it now that you are sober.

Meant to have this out for new years but headache among other things made it impossible for me to finish on time.

The night had been a blur, your friend had pulled you along to a new year's party and before you knew it a big and buff arcanine had taken you home with him. Barely able to remember that had even happened when you woke up in bed with him, the fire pokemon's heat smothering you. His strong arm was tightly wrapped around you, holding you against his chest. You weren't completely sure how you ended up in his bed but you weren't upset about how it turned out at least.

Then you felt his bulge press against your ass and he was massive. You were pretty sure you didn't have sex with him yet or else your ass would be quite sore right now. Part of you was curious just how large the arcanine was since it was hard to tell by just the bulge pressed against you. Reaching down, you'd grope and feel over his bulge, getting a sleepy groan out of the large pokemon. Your hand couldn't wrap around his sheath and his balls were even larger.

A hot huff of air then went through the fur atop your head and when you looked up you were greeted with a sleepy look from the arcanine. "Morning, I see you're eager to continue from where we left off last night," the arcanine's voice was quite deep when he spoke. "Was tempted to do it last night but figured I'd wait until you were sober and could think clearly." Well that was thoughtful of him at least. "Are you sure you can handle it?" He'd ask and without even thinking you nodded. "Must warn you it is even bigger without the underwear containing it."

You weren't completely sure why you nodded so quickly, sure you were curious but it felt like he was packing away a monster. Your face also felt like it was on fire with how bright your blush was under your fur. Though that may have just been the heat emanating from the fire type. The arcanine yawned as he pulled you against him even tighter, pushing his bulge against you as he did so. Immediately your blush would only get worse as you felt the bulge of his sheath bury itself between your ass cheeks.

It would be a few minutes until the arcanine was ready to start anything himself. The big guy was still in the process of waking up and took his time with it. Idly grinding his crotch against your ass while smooching the top of your head. His muzzle was large enough to push both of your ears out of the way. Hot air escaping out his nose whenever he exhaled and his sleepy rumbling noises filled your ears. One thing was for sure, he was quite the affectionate pokemon judging by the way he held you.

The arcanine then sat up, pulling you along with him before nuzzling the top of your head. Scooting over to the edge of the bed while he pulled away the blankets, letting you sit on his lap while he got the last bit of sleepiness out of him. Afterwards he'd spread his legs a bit as he eased you down between them and onto the cold floor. Giving you a good look at the black underwear covering his crotch. He was a lot bigger than you expected with his balls being twice as big as your head and the sheath being nearly the size of your head.

"Help pull me out of these if you will be so kind then we can get started," the arcanine's voice was deep but gentle when he said that. Looking down at you with a half toothy smile while his large hand strokes the side of your muzzle.

You definitely felt like you should at the very least help him out of his underwear then see where things went from there. Reaching up for the band of the underwear, slipping a few fingers under it before stretching it out and pulling down while he stood up slightly. Seeing the top of his hefty black furred sheath poking out first and soon the rest of it as you swiftly pulled down. Though you'd quickly realize that the sheath looked even larger than it did in his underwear. Realizing just how much the underwear contained as you pulled the underwear down around his balls. The arcanine's balls were much larger than before, seemingly bigger than your entire upper body. Freezing up for a moment as you stared at the massive balls, a bit in disbelief at the size of them and how they fit in the underwear in the first place.

"I did try and warn you that they were even bigger without the underwear." He'd get one leg out of the underwear before kicking it off to the side. "Friend of mine helped find me a hammerspace pair to make it easier to walk around but it can only hide so much of my size. Hope you'll still be up to the task."

It almost felt like a challenge now especially with the way he said that last part. Regardless you felt a desire to play with the arcanine's balls, to feel them pressed up against you and your fingers brushing through the fur. Part of you doubted you could take his shaft though with how big he already seemed to be and he wasn't even hard yet. He smelled nice too, making it all the more tempting to bury your muzzle in his fur and bask in his presence.

Before you could make the first move, he'd beat you to it. His hand grasped the back of your head and pulled you toward his balls, burying your muzzle in his thick fur. As a result his balls pressed up against your upper body and practically rested on your lap. The heat from the fire pokemon's body seemed even more intense now that you were against his crotch.

Even while you felt his balls against your body it still felt hard to believe just how big he was. Maybe you were just dreaming and would wake up soon in your bed or someone's couch. Either way you wanted to enjoy yourself as much as you could and play with this arcanine.

Wrapping your arms around his heavy balls, feeling the large load within slosh lightly. You didn't even think that would be a thing you could feel let alone hear as you pressed your ear against his balls and yet there it was. Fingers exploring the fur of his balls as you rubbed over them, gently kneading into the flesh. He seemed to enjoy it at least as he pressed a bit more on your head, burying it where the balls and sheath met. The arcanine's scent filled your lungs as that was the only thing you could breathe. At least it had a pleasant smell and was almost relaxing in a way.

Smooching and licking at the small part of his balls and sheath that you could while your arms rubbed along them. Once his grip loosened some, you'd pull your head back just enough to start licking up along the sheath. It would take you a while to lick all of his sheath with just how much bigger it was than your head but you didn't need to lick all of it, you just needed to reach the tip. Hugging his massive balls tighter against yourself as you got closer to the opening of the sheath.

When you reached the top, you gave the sheath a kiss and was greeted by the tip of his red shaft poking your muzzle. Even with just the smaller glimpse of the very tip of it, you knew it was thicker than your head. Despite that you continued to play along and gave that shaft a kiss, licking the urethra as a large bead of hot salty pre came out. Practically filling your muzzle with it before swallowing it down.

Before you could play with the tip more however, the arcanine reached down and pulled you up onto his lap. Your face was then pressed up against his very fluffy chest while his sheath made the small space between your ass cheeks its home. This would be the time to stop things before he possibly split you in two with his monster of a shaft and yet you couldn't bring yourself to stop.

One of his hands then left you and when you looked over you saw a large open jar of lube. He dunked his hand in it and lifted you slightly with the other and you braced yourself for what came next. The now soaked with lube fingers then came down to your rump, already a bit soaked with his pre. His fingers felt slimy and a bit warm as they came in contact with your ass. Poking and prodding at your hole until they finally forced one inside, making your tense up and clench around the invading finger. The second finger would follow soon after making you yip at the sudden stretch.

While his fingers wiggled inside of your ass however, you felt an odd tingling sensation as if your ass was being magically loosened by the lube. Toes curling and fingers clenching his fur while he played with your ass. His third and fourth fingers then pushed inside and it didn't even feel all that bad. If anything your ass felt like it could go further now and you wanted more. Clenching as tightly as you could around his fingers as he pulled them out, practically getting most of the lube off of them yourself.

The arcanine grabbed a washcloth and got whatever mess he could off of them as fast as possible before turning his attention back to you. Lifting you off of his lap completely and making you stand between his legs just to turn you around. At which point he'd pick you up again, now with your back to his front as he ground the tip of his shaft between your ass cheeks. This was the point of no return but you couldn't stop now as you felt the head of his shaft prod your partially stretched out hole.

He'd sit still for the most part, mostly just moving your body instead. Which was easy enough for him since the large arcanine's hands could practically wrap around your waist. Grinding your ass against his sheath and tip of his shaft until he finally put enough pressure on you to force the oversized tip inside. Groaning a bit as you felt it stretch you far more than his fingers ever did. Resting your paws on his balls since they were large enough for you to do so with ease even as he drove his shaft into you.

Rolling your hips and bucking up into you a little as more of his shaft emerged. Already feeling his shaft stretch out your inside and when you looked down, you could see the tip making a bulge in your stomach. Reaching down, you'd rub over the bulge and feel it throb as it spurted out pre and coated your inside. Feeling that bulge move further up every time he lifted and lowered you a few inches on his shaft.

Already feeling a bit of bloat in your midsection from his pre as it worked its way through your inside, making it easier for his shaft to drive itself deeper. The next time you looked down, you saw the bulge approaching your rib cage. This worried you a bit as you imagined your insides were destroyed as is but that just seemed way too deep. Yet you knew there was more to come and you wanted more.

It was at this point you hit the thickest part of his shaft and your anus could finally relax some or well as it could given the circumstances. You knew you should stop but you had to keep going even as the next time he lowered you his tip pushed into your rib cage. Rubbing down along your body, you felt more like a sleeve for his massive shaft than anything and you wanted to feel it fully contained within you. Toes curling and squeezing the fur on his balls between them as you groaned in pleasure from how much he was stretching you out. You knew you likely should have been in pain but that lube must have done something so you only felt pleasure.

Once you felt the tip of his shaft nearly in your throat, his knot came in contact with your ass and he'd lift your head to look up at him. "Last..." He'd pause for a moment as he huffed out a hot breath of air over your face. "...chance to back out or else you'll be mine forever." Part of you wanted to be his despite not fully knowing what he meant by that. Even if you stopped now you didn't think you could ever think of anyone but him in the future if someone tried to top you.

All it took was a smile and a nod from you for the arcanine to start thrusting into you more and push down on you to try and force that knot in. Slowly at first you'd feel that massive knot start to stretch out your ass. Clenching your muzzle shut as you groaned from just how much of a stretch that was going to be to get it in. Even without seeing it you could tell it was bigger than your hips and seemed impossible. If anything he was just going to have to get off in you as is and inflate your insides with his cum.

He would be successful in getting his knot in however, feeling it force its way inside and your muzzle stretch open as the tip poked outside of it. The arcanine had gone all the way through you and you could feel his shaft throb throughout your entire body. Reaching down to your hips, you couldn't even really feel them, instead it was basically just his knot and your fur covering it. His tip meanwhile was still leaking pre but now rather than it being inside of you it was flowing out the sides of your muzzle and seeping down into your fur.

You expected him to finally get off and shower you in his cum but instead his paws just started rubbing along your body. It must not have been enough to get him off and now he was forced to stroke himself off. At least it felt good, like his flesh was making you full and warm while his hands petted over you. Though you did hope he'd get off soon and pull out before your body got even more fucked up.

When you tried to pull your paws away from his balls, you felt a strange sensation. You couldn't pull them away and if anything they felt heavier and like they were sinking. It was extremely hot at first but then the heat seemed to vanish as if you adapted to it. Not only that but the heaviness vanished as well but now it felt like your legs were gone but still there. Your tail even seemed to go through similar things next and you were a bit concerned.

Reaching down, you'd feel over your hips and it seemed a bit off but then continued as far down as possible. You couldn't feel your legs or tail, they were just gone. In a small amount of panic you'd make muffled noises around his shaft to try and ask what was happening. Even as you could feel other changes in your body about to happen.

"You'll make such a wonderful addition to my shaft, I'm so happy you agreed to it last night. I thought maybe you'd change your mind when you were sober but man do you feel good." The arcanine then rubbed along your belly, feeling your fur start to melt away. "I can already feel your additions to my balls and I love it." He'd say as he lightly squeezed his balls between his legs and you felt a surge of pleasure through your body. "It won't be long now until you're all mine."

The arcanine was so sweet and he seemed to mean you no harm but you couldn't possibly be his shaft forever right? You didn't even know his name and now you were just going to be a part of his manhood. Still it felt so good at the same time that you were lost to the pleasure coursing through your body. It also didn't help that when he looked down into your eyes, you just couldn't say no to him.

He then locked muzzles with you, kissing you deeply and slurping over the tip of his shaft. Losing yourself more in the moment with how deeply he was embracing you. The rubbing from his paws felt better with each passing second as more of your body was transformed into his shaft. With the pleasure he felt going through you and vice versa, making you both all the Horner for what was happening. Soon all your doubts you were having about this melted away even as he broke the kiss.

All of his focus then went into rubbing along your body and his shaft. It almost felt as if his hands were sculpting you into his shaft, molding you to be even better than before. You tucked your arms against your sides as he rubbed along them, feeling them melt away into your new form. The imperfections in your form soon smoothed out in the shape of his shaft starting from the knot and slowly working his way to the tip.

Your head was the last to go as you felt your muzzle sinking into the tip, merging with it. The arcanine giving you a quick smooch before your eyes and muzzle disappeared entirely. Feeling his pre pump its way up your body as everything went dark, flowing out of your former mouth, now his urethra. The soft fur and pads on his hands rubbing up and down along your new form, making you shiver in delight which translated into a throb. This felt right and like this was where you were always meant to be.

His paws then went down over your body along with something else, it was hard to tell but you had to assume it was a condom. A squeeze could then be felt on your hips now his knot which just made you all the more excited. Feeling the balls tense up a little before a torrent of cum was shot up through you, filling the condom with gallons upon gallons of cum you had to imagine. You'd never really know but it felt like the orgasm went on forever and that by the end you were completely drained.

Afterward the arcanine would pull the condom off and slowly pet along you. While you were tired, you were also extremely horny from the smallest touches being so sensitive. This was going to take some getting used to for both you and the arcanine but you wouldn't have it any other way. Feeling his muzzle kiss the head of your new form and throbbing in return.

Slowly you'd retreat back into the hot comfort of his sheath and feel yourself start to lose consciousness. You needed some rest after how eventful this morning had been but hoped the arcanine would play with you again soon. Feeling hot water wash over your, his balls and sheath it was confusing to think about in a way. Either way he was washing you gently as you finally went into a deep sleep to recover from all the excitement.