Secret's AU Adventure: SexEd Teacher [Part 3]

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#5 of Secret's AU Adventure!

At last, Part 3 is here! I'm sorry that it came after Part 4, but I wasn't happy how it was before. Just a reminder that I'm also accepting commissions now! You can send me a note on FA if you're interested!

Commission Post:

Freya and Secret are my characters. Please do not use them without my permission!

Secret tugged on his collar with a concerned laugh. He wasn't expecting a simple teaching gig to contain such surprises. Yes, he wasn't tenured, but that didn't mean he needed to have an "urgent meeting" with the president of the school after only a few weeks. It felt like his life was being turned upside down as soon as he got it sorted out. Was he really that bad at his job? Well, according to the school board, the answer was yes. The email he received from President Alvarez said as much, also notifying him that a video of his SexEd demonstration was uploaded to a popular porn site. This didn't make much sense to the professor. What was so sexy about science? From her tone in the email, President Alvarez seemed perplexed and disheartened, so Secret expected the worst. Walking into her office the next day, he continued to play scenarios of his firing over and over again. Maybe then it would hurt less when she said those fateful words...


He knew that his best course of action was begging for her forgiveness. That's how the saying went anyway, right? Do first, then ask for forgiveness later? Something like that. As soon as he tentatively opened the office door, Secret went to work begging, prostrating himself in front of her. After all, the goat was experienced on his knees.

President Alvarez's stare was stern yet allaying. If anything, she seemed more confused than angry. After that sorry and awkward show of repentance, Professor Wolfe brushed himself off, then took a seat in the chair opposite hers. It was one of those old leather chairs you expect to see in an elderly gentleman's house. In his bathrobe, he'd read the newspaper while sipping on a cup of freshly brewed coffee, the leather worn from decades of use. It gave her office a sense of refinement and class. This only added to her reputation as a strict director. He half expected the walls to be covered in prestigious awards and gifts like in the movies. Instead, books and potted plants dotted the scenery, giving the room an earthy smell. A cough snapped Secret back to reality, giving him the first good look he's gotten of the president in a while.

She was a rather tall feline, easily stretching above the back of her chair. In fact, it looked a little uncomfortable. But, despite her size, the suit she wore was perfectly tailored to make her look as sharp as possible. Whatever fabric it was made out of, Secret could tell that it was expensive. The top half of her suit was completed by a blazing, purple tie. It shone brighter than anything else in the room and was definitely another sign of status. The color often symbolized royalty a few centuries back since it was expensive to make. The look did nothing to assuage the powerful aura she exuded. Instead, he found her rather unapproachable.

The only thing fighting against this hunch sat next to her manicured paw, which was tapping pointedly on the back of a new laptop. Picture frames were arranged across the desk, comprising warm scenes of her and her three kids. As his eyes scanned across the desk, he could watch them grow up. The only thing missing was a husband. Secret shifted his gaze back up towards President Alvarez, stopping when his eyes fell upon her bosom. That feeble undershirt was trying, but struggling to contain her breasts. They were... definitely motherly.

"So, Secret," she began, flipping open the laptop, "can you explain to me what this is?" Swiveling the computer around, the goat instantly recognized the orange and black color scheme that filled up the screen. After pressing play, Secret could hear the murmurs of students he recognized. Even from the backs of their heads, he could tell that it was his class. What gave it away though, was what the cameraman was truly set on capturing. After a quick zoom, a pair of tits filled the screen, bouncing jubilantly in little circles as their owner's face expressed pure bliss. Her moans filled the room and echoed throughout the hall. The camera panned and a familiar goat became visible. With a hand on her back, the goat was pushing the woman onto the table and thrusting deep into her soaked snatch. She tried to squirm, but couldn't move under his weight. A wet slopping noise could be heard too as the tip of Secret's cock kissed Amber's cervix again and again. The camera panned upwards to record the projection the two set up in advance and a soft 'oh my God' was heard in the background.

"500 thousand views in only a few days."

President Alvarez paused the video and swiveled the laptop back around. Scrolling with the touchpad, she continued, "'What sort of class is this and where can I sign up?', 'What a lucky guy...', 'She wouldn't be able to walk for a week after I'm done with her', and, my favorite, 'Isn't that Stefan Wolfe's son?'" Alvarez closed the laptop with a sign, returning her attention back to the slouching goat. "This isn't the sort of business we're running here, Secret."

Now, Professor Wolfe was trying to look anywhere but the tiger in front of him. His face was hopelessly drenched in embarrassment. So instead, he looked around the office for a means of escape. There was a door on the other side of the room, but he wasn't sure where it led. Wherever it went, surely there was a window he could throw himself out of.

"Ms. Alvarez, I'm so-"

"No, wait. I'm not finished."

Secret fell silent again, reluctantly allowing his gaze to meet the president's. Once again, even though her eyes were stern, there was something else in them that was strangely comforting. Was he reading the situation incorrectly? As if to answer his question, Alvarez leaned forward in her seat, placing her boobs well on the desk, and continued talking.

"Even though a stunt like this would usually call for an immediate dismissal, I have to applaud you on your ingenuity." As she rested her hands on the table, Secret raised an eyebrow, confused. Ingenuity? Well, it's not like he disagreed with her. His students seemed to love the switch to a more hands-on demonstration, but he was surprised that she saw it the same way. Maybe she wasn't as stuck up after all.

"I don't think I've seen college kids so excited about SexEd." Her stare softened and was replaced by an inquisitive smile. "Did you know that the health center ran out of condoms? They just... ran out! That hasn't happened once in my fifteen years of working here." President Alvarez eagerly looked at the professor, waiting for his response. In return, Secret shook his head.

"No, I didn't know about that."

"Exactly!" Her energetic tone made it seem like she wanted to throw her arms up in celebration, but her professionalism held her back. Instead, she bit down on a plush lip and went back to tapping her claw on the desk. "So I don't want to fire you."

Secret sat up straighter in his seat, his small tail wagging furiously. His heart pounded as hard as it could, making him fearful of the eventual panic attack. But this... This was great news! After a deep breath, the relief washed over him like the tide. This professor's job was the last chance his father gave him before the man cut him off for good. If he got fired now, he'd lose everything.


Maybe he spoke too soon.

"There has to be some sort of punishment for your reckless actions. The board would have my head if you were let off scot-free. Lucky for you, I think I found a solid compromise."

With a claw, she beckoned him over to the other side of the desk. Secret's heart began to beat a smidge quicker. This rollercoaster of emotions probably wasn't good for him, but he wasn't going to get out of this situation without following her orders. As if pulled by a string, the timid goat gently rose from his chair and walked around the desk, scared of what he might see. When he arose, the president's countenance switched again, going from inquisitive to smug. The sight in front of him was bizarre, but it caused his stubby tail to wag again.

President Alvarez was actually bottomless. Previously obscured by the desk, Secret could see that the woman's slacks and panties were actually scrunched up by her ankles. And the leather chair, which he saw as a symbol of her refinement, was damp with her juices. Secret couldn't believe it. Was the president really this brazen with her urges? The goat couldn't think about these quandaries for long though. Instead, he was drawn to the tiger's stripes, which acted as arrows pointing to the prize below. The feline's thick pussy lips were splayed before him. With both hands, Alvarez pulled her folds apart, giving Secret a glimpse of what he may capture if he behaved. The pink inside gave way to a darker center where he could see her vaginal opening. President Alvarez's snatch glistened with her fluids, which she readily wiped against her fingers and spread apart for the goat to see. The tiger's hungry clit wasn't left out either. Erect as can be, her pleasure center was also beginning for attention. Nearly hypnotized, the goat couldn't help but stare.

"If you can make me orgasm before my next meeting, we might be able to work something out," she said powerfully. Her voice was both deep but unmistakably feminine at the same time. It commanded space and to be listened to. Luckily, Secret was all ears. The goat nodded sheepishly, not sure how to react in this type of situation. Conversely, confident that her plan would go smoothly, a smirk made its way across the president's face.

"Good~ I recommend you get under that desk. I have more work to finish the payroll before tomorrow and can't be distracted."

Secret's gaze followed her words, looking at the underbelly of the wooden desk. Due to his petite frame, the goat would have no trouble fitting in there, but it still wouldn't be the most comfortable of positions. However, the thought of being beneath her and forced to pleasure her drenched cunt until she came, turned the professor on. Quickly, an erection was pushing against his own slacks, begging to be free like the tiger's pussy. He almost closed the gap between them, taking one step before stopping and looking the president in the eye. Was this really fine?

"Ms. Alvarez, I- I can't do this," Secret sputtered out. He looked down again, deflated. It wasn't his proudest moment. His boss was inviting, no, commanding him to eat her out and he wanted nothing more than to drop to his knees and enjoy the feast. His body was all for it as well. His legs moved on their own, ready for the adventure in front of them. But, this just didn't feel right.

"Secret," she said seriously, trying to draw him back in. "There's no need for this faux professionalism between us." She spread her pussy lips further, the pink inside of her walls beckoning Secret further. The goat was already having a hard time thinking about anything except serving her needs and that sultry voice of hers didn't help.

"Instead, why don't you call me Freya?" she said with a wink.

Bang! He could feel the crack of lightning she just shot at him. It was like she already knew all of his weak spots. With just a few sentences, she had switched the goat's body into absolute subservient mode. Similar to his demonstration with Amber, Secret was no longer thinking about what was right or wrong. All he could picture was how badly he wanted to take her at this moment. The goat's knees wobbled with anticipation and his mouth drooled. He could feel his body beginning to lurch towards the desk. This is what he needed.

"Y-yes... Freya."

The president smiled and scooted her chair back. Then, against his better judgment, Secret took a deep breath and crawled under the desk. As he thought, there was enough space down here to get the job done, and because of the carpeted floor, he wouldn't have to worry about scrapping his knees. After shuffling around for a few seconds and getting as comfortable as he could, Secret lifted his head back up to see the prize he had earned. There was the tiger's pussy, drenched and ready to be ravaged. Freya shifted further in her seat, allowing the goat easier access to her private bits. He could hear her plucking away at the keys above, going back to work as if she already forgot that he was down there. Secret had to impress her somehow though. It wouldn't be fun if she could easily work through getting eaten out.

"You have 30 minutes by the way."

The professor almost scoffed. 30 minutes? She clearly didn't think highly of him. With his job being to please her, he wouldn't be doing it correctly if it took a whole 30 minutes. The goat licked his lips, a devilish grin spreading across his face. He would just have to show her what he was capable of then.

Getting a fist full of tiger thigh, Secret spread the plump mass apart. It took all of his willpower to avoid playing with this extra layer of fat. It was so soft and squishy; they'd make for a heavenly pillow. Alas, he soldiered on, diving mouth first into Freya's famished cunt. Dragging his rough tongue across her outer lips, Secret got the first taste of the president's body. Glistening with her fluids, his tongue was already hungry for more. Dragging it across her erect clit elicited a small moan from the tiger. It was a start, but he could still hear those keys clacking away.

Determined, Secret pulled open her lips with two fingers. They separated easily, strings of natural lubricant not doing much to keep her lower mouth closed. The goat's tongue got to work quickly, lunging into Freya's hole as soon as he set his eyes on it. Now that he was inside her, the typing slowed to a halt. Secret flicked his tongue around, eager to explore this part of her. He made sure that every inch of her pussy was covered in his saliva. From the roof of her snatch to their sodden walls. While doing this, Secret massaged Freya's clit with a free hand. The little thing was so sensitive. Every time he rubbed a thumb over it, the president would moan a little louder. But, to his dismay, the typing started up again.

Unsatisfied, Secret pinched the tiger's clitoris and a yelp could be heard from above. That was more like it, he thought continuing to dig deeper into Freya's hole. Unfortunately, his body has limitations and he would keep going forever if the poor goat didn't have to breathe. Slowly, he pulled his tongue out. The pink surface was coated in Freya's love juices. Secret swallowed as much as he could and groaned, This nectar was damn near addictive.

"Why'd you stop?" came the winded voice.

Secret looked up at the bottom of the desk and smirked. Even though he was the submissive one in this situation, she was still relying on him for pleasure. There were a couple of bargaining chips on his side of the table if he wished to use them. Though, it seemed like Freya still had some of these chips up her sleeve because soon after his comment, a paw reached under the table, looking for something to grab. Once it found its target, which was the back of Secret's head, it pushed forward hard, forcing the goat back inside her cunt.

"Just like that~" her voice cooed with pleasure.

Despite not being part of his plan, the professor was compelled to relent. Freya was much stronger than she let on; the hand on the back of his head wasn't letting go. He used this diversion to suck on her clit, instead of just using his hands like before. Excited moans filled the air above them as Freya pushed on his head harder. The goat's face was stuffed in her pussy, his fur coated in her juices. With his limited mobility, all he could do was play with her clitoris and so it received his undivided attention. His rough tongue licked and sucked on it as much as he could, eliciting more lovely moans from the milf. The only problem was that with her pushing so hard, he couldn't really breathe. Secret felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest and he bit her clit fiercely in a panic. She let go, leaving Secret panting under the table. With his face soaked and heart beating faster than it ever had before, he was considering asking for a small break.

"You're breathing really hard down there, love. Can't handle me?~"

The goat looked up at the desk incredulously. Never mind, she needed to be taught a lesson. He wasn't going to lose to her. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he should still have plenty. So after crawling back towards her dripping cunt, Professor Wolfe switched his strategy. Secret quickly inserted a digit into the tiger's pliant snatch. It accepted this invitation thankfully, smoothly parting for his furred fingers. The goat quickly realized that one wouldn't be enough to sate the president so another finger joined the first. Using them as hooks, he scratched whatever moist corner he could find. His fingers could also go deeper than his tongue and when her pussy took up to his knuckles, he knew that Freya was extremely experienced. That wouldn't deter him though. He would just have to go harder. Instead of scratching, Secret decided to thrust his fingers in and out of her hungry cunt as fast as he could. This elicited a more audible response from the tiger. Her moans filled the room with lust. Anyone that was outside would be able to hear their lewd president loud as day.

It almost sounded like he was fucking her. Freya's pussy was so wet that time he thrust his fingers in and out of her, a resounding squish! could be heard. Leaning forward, Secret ran his tongue over the tiger's clit, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible. He only knew that he was doing a good job when he could feel the president trembling. Keeping at it, he played with her clit as much as he could. Not only running his coarse tongue over it, but sucking on it, and even biting it as well. The bite was sudden and without warning. Freya jerked forward at this, thrusting her cunt further down Secret's fingers, going well over his knuckles at this point.

Thinking that she was close, Secret plunged his fingers in and out as fast as he could, paying no attention to rhythm. Even though he was breathing hard at this point, he couldn't give in. Between the sounds of his digits cleaving through her drenched pussy and Freya's own moans, it wasn't long until the tiger was at orgasm. Her body was racked with pleasure after a few more thrusts and one particular stinging bite. Squirt after squirt of her fluids splayed over Secret's fingers as he kept thrusting them inside of her. Even after her orgasm was over, it was difficult for him to stop the momentum he had accrued. Freya was forced to physically scoot the seat away from him and the goat almost fell forward.

Once she did that, Secret peeked out from under the desk. The president was breathing heavily with the top half of her suit a mess. The tiger had pushed her c-cups out of her shirt and they lay on the table. With her left hand, she had one of them squeezed tightly, obviously in an attempt to future pleasure herself amidst Secret's onslaught. The sight brought a sly smile to the goat's face. There was only one problem though.

His cock felt like it was going to burst out of his pants. He was so focused on fulfilling his boss' orders, that he forgot to tend to himself. And after seeing how strong of an orgasm she was able to have, Secret wouldn't be satisfied without a similar level of climax. The tension that built in his crotch was unbearable and all he could feel were the effects of the heat between them adding to his lust. Soon enough, he came to the conclusion that this was going to be the best opportunity he had.

Quickly unzipping his pants, the goat pushed them and his underwear down around his ankles. His uncut cock sprung to life now that it was finally free from its prison. The pink mass was already throbbing with excitement, secreting enough pre to have a small stream of it drip onto the carpet. Secret stepped closer to the president and tapped her on the shoulder. No response. Intrigued, he tried to get a better look at her. She was still in the same position that he saw her in previously. Her pussy was soaked from excitement and her hand desperately clutched her own tits. The only thing he didn't notice before was the look of ecstasy on her face. Her eyes weren't really focusing on anything. Instead, she stared at the ceiling, mouth agape. Did he break her?

"Um, Miss- I mean, Freya?" he called out, trying to get her attention. Once again, only silence followed. It was quite an awkward scene. Secret stood there with his fully erect cock in his hand, ogling lustfully at the president of the school while she was splayed across the desk, her suit ruined and tits out for the world to see. If someone walked in at this time, they'd get quite the surprise.

Secret laughed a little uncomfortably, looking over Freya's body again. Her thighs, still trembling from the strength of her orgasm, were covered in her own fluids. The liquid glistened against the darker background of her orange and black fur and caused the goat to salivate. Part of him desperately wanted to get back down there and lick up the mess he helped create. But now, he was on a new mission. Freya's snatch was thoroughly soaked, the chair and Secret's fingers being the prime examples of how wet she could actually get. It was still his job to please her and it was obvious that the job wasn't fully over.

Professor Wolfe confidently pulled Freya back onto the leather chair and flipped her over, so she was facing away from him. This sudden change is what snapped the tiger out of her post-climax reverie. Startled, she asked what he was doing and the goat simply explained that he was doing his job. Freya wanted to decline his advance as her meeting was in 10 minutes, but her body wouldn't let her. This fresh out-of-college youngster just gave her the best orgasm she had in two decades and now her body was itching for me. It was almost like she needed him. She could feel the heat from his body, his panting, and his cock that was rubbing against her pussy. She needed him inside her now.

"At least let me get into a better position," Freya breathed out. Her voice was soft and less commanding than before. It didn't instill the same urge in Secret to be obedient; instead, it illustrated an underlying vulnerability in the tiger. She wanted to be dominated too. Secret grinned, realizing that she was handing off the control to him.

For a few seconds, he pondered what he would do with her. Then, his eyes landed on a window that sat at the side of the room. The goat's grin spread as he helped her off the chair and maneuvered the needy tigress over to the window. The beige blinds were drawn, probably because Freya didn't want anyone catching a glimpse of their sexual escapades, but Secret had different plans. He pulled on a string and they flew upwards with a snap, revealing part of the campus below. Luckily for the president, it was currently a busy period with many students in class. However, a few read books or played frisbee on the expansive greenery while others walked by, paying no attention to the revealing state their stringent president was in right now.

Her breasts were pushed up against the cool glass, but the temperature only turned her on more. The coldness massaged her nipples in an icy bath, quickly making them as hard as can be. Being pressed against the window made it feel like someone was grabbing her breasts. Freya looked down and watched her students walk by. The thought of one of them randomly looking up and seeing them scared, but strangely excited her at the same time. This was a part of her she didn't want to get out, but now it was on display for the entire campus.

"Be quick about this. I still have my meeting."

A last-ditch effort at control, but both parties knew it was useless. Freya's voice came out more akin to a whimper than what it was before and the pathetic sentence almost made Secret snort. The president needed this as much as Secret did and with one firm hand on her shoulder while the other grabbed her striped tail, they both knew which one of them was in charge.

Secret toyed with her for a little while longer, rubbing his cock against her entrance, watching as her pussy juice ran down her leg. Hearing her moan and beg was music to his ears. Eventually, his own horniness got the better of him and with a well-timed tug of her tail, he shoved his way inside of her. Freya yelped, not anticipating this sudden entrance, but welcoming it all the same. The goat slid easily inside of her, the walls of her snatch being sufficiently lubricated already, and started to thrust. He was planning on finishing early, but they already had the foreplay well out of the way.

Each thrust inside of the tigress brought Secret's thighs against her ass, a resounding slapping noise echoing throughout the room. The professor's cock was rapidly drenched in her juices. Whenever he pulled out, a thick layer of her love covered his tool. Freya was tighter than the goat predicted and it felt like her pussy clamped down on him like a vice. The tiger's moans got louder and more explosive while Secret focused on keeping the rhythm he established, powerfully ramming inside of her again and again. Her tail fur felt soft and pristine between his fingers as he yanked it again, earning another yelp from the slutty president.

As Secret cleared out her insides, Freya's head was a mess. All she could think about was how good it felt to be bottomed out by a goat nearly half her age. His voracious young cock was on a mission to breed at all costs. She could feel his desire to impregnate her; it was evident in the way he thrust inside of her. Just like the girl in the video, Secret thrusted deep enough to kiss her cervix. He was fucking to breed. And, in the mix of all the sounds, liquids, and endorphins, she was fine with it. The goat had broken her brain.

Freya squeezes his turgid member as much as possible, attempting to milk the cum out of him. She was so absorbed in this mind-numbing pleasure, that she didn't realize Secret's hand leaving her shoulder and grabbing her breast. The goat dug his nails into her boobflesh, causing her to yelp and arch her back. As soon as she did that, Secret pulled her tail as hard as he could, forcing the tigress back onto his dick, while simultaneously thrusting with the same strength. The result was his uncut cock, threatening to burst through her cervix, shooting load after load of cum straight into her womb. Each heavy load racked both of their bodies. Secret held onto her trembling form, not letting the tiger leave until he had emptied everything inside of her. He was panting hard now, sweat down his face and legs. Neither of them understood where this passion came from, but both of them knew what they had just done.

When Secret finally let go, she didn't want to leave the warmth of his cock. She didn't even care that the meeting she was supposed to lead was well underway, panicked staff members sitting quietly in their meeting hall. She had never been late before. Instead, she told the goat to lean closer. When he did, she cupped his cheek with her hand and kissed him, which surprised Secret, but he gladly accepted the show of affection. After they locked tongues and broke apart, Freya looked back out the window and saw a single student pointing up at her. A shock of embarrassment zapped through her body, but the need for his cock outweighed any of those other silly emotions. With the power returning back to her voice, she asked,

"Ready for round two?"