My Big Brother's Affection 2: Teach Me!!

Story by Ryuuko on SoFurry

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#2 of My Big brother's Affection.

FINALLY i got my sequel out. sorry to anyone who actually read my last one and wanted the new... been too lazy to edit it and post.

anyways, ph34r teh adult yiff. yum.

Lakita smiled as she came in the door to her home. She hadn't gotten a chance to talk to her big brother since that morning. Somehow they had escaped their little ordeal without discovery. Her fluffy tail wagged as she dropped her school backpack, looking arround for her brother as soon as she entered. She had a million questions she wanted to talk to her brother about. Her mom wasn't home, so she couldnt ask her where Roka was. She began running arround, looking in every room, calling her brother's name. Then finally, he ear twitched, picking up on a faint sound. She looked outside to where a cellar door lead underground. The family didnt use it, so her wolfy brother had made it into a hangout for himself. She smiled, stepping outside, closing the sliding class door behind her, walking to the wooden door on the ground. She bent over and lifted the door. "Brother..?" she looked down. She heard what sounded like a grunting noise, and another sound of a woman, "ohh..ah..!!". She tilted her head, walking down the concrete steps, seeing the light from what was probably roka's tv shining against the wall. She slowly tiptoed down, looking arround the corner. his underground hideaway was rather interesting, a huge mess of blankets and pillows working as a bed in the middle. It also had a microwave, mini fridge, and small pantry in it, a good sized tv, many posters of girls and weapons and other such decorations one would expect to find in the bedroom of a teenage male.

On the tv was an image of a fox girl. She was bent over a bed, her butt in the air and her tail up. Behind her, a boy was pushing his.. thing, into her, just like Roka to her did last night. She blushed a little. Her brother was sitting on his blanketed bed, naked as could be, paw on his own thing, rubbing it quickly and letting out soft growls and soft moans. The girl blushed as she turned on the light, ears low.

"Big brother..?" Looking back, the wolf yelped, covering himself with a blanket. He fumbled with the remote, trying to turn off the tv, dropping it, and diving to grab it again, yelping and falling forward, landing on the ground with his butt in the air. He sighed, hearing his sister giggle at his display. she walked in, dropping onto the bed. "what are you doing, Roka..? And why are you naked?".

The wolf sighed, sitting up, not really shy about his sister seeing him. "Well i was jerking off... but oh well.." The girl didnt quite understand that, but still smiled. "What were you watching?"

He looked to her. "Its called porn... Its just videos of furs yiffing, nothing you need to worry about."

She tilted her head. "But they were doing that thing you did to my butt last night."

He nodded. "Yeah, that was yiffing.. or mating. Its when a boy puts his dick in a girl, usually for pleasure. It feels good..."

The girl nodded "I liked it. Actually... I woundered.. If you could teach me about it, then maybe we could do it more..?"

At hearing his sister say that, the boy blushed deeply. "You want me to teach you how to yiff?"

She blushed too, then nodded. "I liked what happened last night... I want to feel that in my butt again... and... maybe learn how to do it better, cuz it was really fun... so can we?"

He smiled and nodded. "Well, I got an idea.. here." He moved the blanket, exposing his hard cock. It wasn't massive, almost perfect for her. "Here.. play with this. Rub it and, it feels really good if you suck on it."

She looked down at the strange organ protruding from her brother's crotch. Her paw reached out, taking hold of it, soft pads beginning to rub it. She giggled. "Its hard.. and warm... well, how am I supposed to suck on it..?"

He chuckled. "Just put your mouth on it, suck, and dont bite. And if you do it good, I will cum in your mouth."

She tilted her head. "cum..?"

He smiled, his tail wagging. He pet her head, giving her ear a gentle rub. "Dont worry about it, just suck on my dick"

She blushed a little, but smiled, nodding. she looked down at the pink flesh. She leaned down, opening her muzzle, letting the meat slide in. She closed her lips arround it, tongue starting to feel the soft skin, she beginning to suck and taste him. "mmnn..."

He smiled at her cute moan. "Thats a good girl... keep at it, you are doing a really good job... just like that.."

She smiled cutely at the praise, suckling on his organ, her nose in his crotch fur, inhaling the familiar scent of her loving brother. Her paw went under, feeling his soft balls, her tail wagging. She was rather enjoying this.

It wasnt long before the wolf boy panted as he was gently humping at her mouth. His eyes winced and soon, he yipped, cum squirting into her mouth, filling her muzzle with warm, white, slimey liquid. As soon as he did he smiled to her. "Dont spit it out, keep it... taste it..." He pulled his dick out of her mouth, smiling down at her, giving her cheek a stroke.

The girl whimpered, the stuff rather strange tasting, making her feel like she was going to gag. It dribbled a bit from the corners of her mouth. Her ears were low, she looking up at her big brother.

Roka smiled warmly to her. "I know its weird, but if we are going to do this stuff, alot of that stuff is going to be in your mouth, butt, and other stuff. It comes out of me when you do good... so swallow it, you need to get used to it."

The girl whimpered but nodded. Her ears were low, she wincing as she tried, swallowing most of the stuff, but the rest dribbled from her mouth. "Ah.. I'm sorry, brother, I didnt mean to spit out your cum..."

He couldnt help but chuckle. "Dont worry about it, sis, its okay. I understand its hard. We can work you into it." He leaned to her and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, a simple loving kiss, nothing perverted. She blushed deeply at that. "I'm not going to be mad at you over something like that. I love you more than anything. You know that, right..?"

The girl blushed and nodded. "I love you too, Roka..."

He nodded, wrapping his arms arround her and hugging her close. The girl hugged back and his tail wagged. "Thats a good girl.. well then! Lets try something different. I want you to sit down and spread your legs, let me see your pussy."

Lakita tilted her head. "pussy...? like, a kitty?"

He laughed at that. "Heheh.. No, I mean your crotch. The hole between your legs. That spot."

She nodded, "oh! hehe okay.." and indeed she did, sitting back, legs spread. She blushed a little, her skirt was up but all he could really see was her cute pink panties. Roka simply smiled. "Adorable... well, we gotta get those off". He took hold of her skirt and panties, slowly pulling them off. The girl took off her own shirt, wanting to be naked for her brother. He smiled as he looked down at her cute virgin vagina. He leaned down, giving it a gentle lick.

"Ahh.." Lakita whimpered, but still had a smile on her face. Roka smiled too as he began to lap at her pussy, at times working his tongue into her, just playing and teasing with her slit and clit. His tail wagged as he did so.

Lakita whimpered, looking down, seeing her wolfy brother's long tongue wiggle into her body. "That feels really good, Roka..."

The wolf smiled up at her. "Well then. how about this. Every day after school, if you want, I can lick you here for a while to relax you?"

She giggled and nodded. "Okay. Then I will suck on your.. um.. dick? and then we are even!" The girl didnt really have another word for his thing, so she just used his word for it. Her tail wagged as he nodded approval.

The wolf leaned up and gave her another kiss, this time giving her a bit of tongue as his paw rubbed at her nipple. She bushed, but liked his tongue. She suckled on it happily. it seemed she had alot of things she liked. after a minute of letting her suckle, he pulled his tongue back as he rubbed her nipple. "okay, so, puppy.. want me to hump your butt again this time?"

She nodded at that. "Yes!!" she excitedly wiggled, her tail wagging.

Roka laughed at her enthusiasm. "alright. well, roll over. You already lubed my dick, but I dont want to hurt you, so let me lick your butt for a minute, kay?"

Lakita giggled, that sounding kind of funny. She turned over and stuck her butt up, her tail lifting to expose the little hole. "like this?"

Roka nodded, leaning over. His finger touched the little opening, gently rubbing at the hole, feeling the pink skin. "Just like that..." he leaned forward, moving his finger and pressed his tongue to the hole. He gently began to lap at it. She whimpered, enjoying this. It was weird though.

She looked back at him, ears low. "Why are you licking me there..?"

He smiled. "Because if I dont, when I hump you, it will hurt. So this gets it wet so its easier."

She nodded, as he gave a couple more licks. "Isn't it bad though? I mean, its my butt, I would think it would taste bad.."

He chuckled. "Not bad. You are clean, so its pretty tasty." He dug his tongue into the hole, letting it wiggle about an inch into her anus a bit. That made her giggle, tail wagging. He smiled, sitting up. "Alright, ready? I'm gonna put it in now."

She smiled. "Okay, just dont hurt me..."

He smiled, petting her rump, putting the head of his cock to her hole. "It's going to hurt, but shouldn't be too bad with the spit there. It will get better." She simply nodded as he began to push. His dick began to sink into her hole. She whimpered slightly but it really wasnt bad. Soon his cock had disappeared inside her. He looked down at her. "Are you doing okay..?"

She nodded, smiling. "Its good, I like it... I feel full..."

Roka nodded. "Im going to start humping now." The girl nodded in agreement, lifting her tail higher as her hole was stretched. He smiled. He couldnt believe he was getting to hump his sister, but in all truth, it was awesome. His tail wagged as he pulled out a little, then plunged back into her butt, gently humping her insides. The girl started to rock forwad and backwards from his movements, quite happy with him being inside her. She gave a light moan, smiling as he went at his slow pace.The room was silent due to the shut off TV, and all that could really be heard was the light rustling of the covers, a wet sound made at their coneection as he humped, and the sound of rain outside that had seemed to start since they started, and the gentle sound of her light moans and his grunts as he shoved. He happily enjoyed the sex as he gently moved in and out... in and out... It was amazing, the tranquil setting, the simple pleasure of being conected inside his sister's butt... It was perfect. But he wanted a little more. He took hold of her hips and started to pick up his pace.

Lakita whimpered as she felt the speed pick up, the feeling of wolf penis inside her picking up. "B..Big brother..?"

He blushed, still picking up his pace little by little. "I'm humping you harder... I want some more pleasure... Its okay, isn't it..?"

It was starting to hurt her butt a little, but she nodded. He smiled, starting to give her deep, hard humps. The pain soon subsiding, she happily accepted her gentle butt pounding. Her tail wagged, as he felt the tingle in his shaft. He whimpered, taking hold of her and started to fuck her. She whimpered, though she was enjoying the roughness, her tail wagging. "ah.. brother...!" He smiled, soon pushing hard up her butt, letting his cum start to squirt into her insides. The girl whimpered happily as cum filled her, but the tightness of their connected prevented any cum from leaking.

Roka panted as he looked down at his sister, gently humping her still. "Ah... Sis... That was really good..." he whimpered, flopping over. He stayed inside her butt and held her close to himself, his paws gently rubbing her nipples. "Thank you..."

Lakita panted too, but was quite happy. "Thank you too, brother.. that felt really good..."

He chuckled cutely, turning her head and kissing her. "Maybe I can turn you into my bitch then.."

The girl looked back, as she was still cuddled iwth her brother, his cock still burried inside her. "What does that mean? Your..bitch..?"

He held her close and smiled. "It simply means you act like a pet to me, and I get to hump you whenever I want and however I want. I might even bring my friends so we can all play."

She giggled at the prospect "Alright!"

He looked to her, blushing. "Are you serious..?"

Lakita pulled away, his dick slipping out of her. She turned arround and crawled onto him, sitting on his chest. "Hehe of course... I will gladly be your bitch then! Sounds like fun anyways..."

He nodded then, giving a smirk. "Alrighty then... Later tonight, I am calling one of my friends. You like Riley, right? I will call him. He can come over and we can teach you how to handle two boys..."

Lakita giggled again. "Okay! Sounds like fun!" Just then, there was a beep from a box on the floor nearby. It was simply an answering machine. They heard it beep, before their mother's voice came on. "Hey kids, I wont be coming home tonight... I'm sorry, I just got sent on an urgent business trip, so I am heading out of town for a couple days. Roka, cook your sister what she wants tonight, and take care of her! I will be back on monday. Alrighty! Love you two, bye!" before it beeped again. Roka's ear twitched, he looking at the box, before up at his sister, who looked back to him at the same time. They both gave a grin, before they both spoke the same word.


to be continued..


this has been my second yiff story. still new at this, but i know i was overdue to do the sequel. sorry for procrastinating... anyways, hope you liked it ^^