The Star Lancers: The Curse of Cortes Ep. 3

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#16 of The Star Lancers

The mystery and the legend of Captain Cortes and the Queen's Revenge becomes ever clearer. This is no myth, and the Star Lancers find themselves in a century old Jupiter legend.

The private passenger yacht, Stallion's Run, sailed through the void of space. Small and luxurious, it was on a coarse for Stardust city, carrying it's most important passenger and owner, Victor Vasquez. An aged man with a long history of dealings that propelled him to his current status. The purpose of his visit to the greatest colony in the sphere is unknown to the crew, but others could not have helped but noticed his general air of concern. The trip was sudden and his servants were convinced he was behaving like a man running out of time. An odd thing to note about a man who was over a century old, but not long ago, one would describe him as calm and paced. One servant, in a rare event in the Vasquez manor, dared to ask what the problem was, like he was running from something; after assuring him of coarse, that they were with him no matter what. He only stopped for a moment, in his hurry, saying he needed to get away from his family for a spell, and that he was "Running from death herself."

On the bridge of the Stallion's Run the captain swiveled in his command chair. "ETA till Stardust security zone?" The comms officer looked up form his console. "About two hours sir." The captain nodded. "As soon as we are in range, put out an emergency request to dock as quickly as possible." Another crewman looked at the captain. "What is this emergency I keep hearing about?" The captain just shrugged. "I follow orders, just like everyone else on this boat."

One of the crew suddenly perked up looking at his screen, then looked to the captain. "Captain, I think we are being hacked into." The captain swiveled again to the source of the caller. "What do you mean, you think?" The crewman watched his holo-screen go wild, displaying personnel. "Someone is sifting through the crew and passenger manifest for the ship." "Shut it down!" The captain barked out. The crewman complied by cutting the power to his station just as the manifest displayed Victor Vasquez, then went dark.

The captain turned. "Find out where the connection signal came from, now!" The comms officer looked up from his station, ashen as if he saw a ghost. "The signal came from directly aft sir." The captain stood from his chair. "Is there a ship?" "Unknown sir, radar picks up nothing, checking LIDAR." The man looked confused and panicked and the captain walked over to him. "What is it man!?" The sensory officer swallowed. "Nothing, no stars, no engines, just darkness." The captain's eyes widened, such a thing could only mean one possibility, like a phantasm, a ship appeared directly behind them.

The Stallion's Run sailed forward, behind her was a much larger star ship, dark and menacing. The size of a heavy frigate that completely dwarfed the yacht. Her hall, four hundred and fifty meters in length, tarnished and damaged, large black and ripped solar sails projected from her sides like demonic bat wings. It's deck side was armed with two, large caliber triple gun turrets and one missile battery in rising intervals. The bow was pointed and armored, scraps of debris from other ships embedded the surface, while it displayed the signal of this dreaded ship, a jaw-less gold skull with tears of blood dripping from it's black sockets.

It was not known if the crew of the Stallion's Run understood the gravity of their adversary, nor even if they could warn the passenger who owned her. The dark ship's turret turned and tracked the smaller vessel until it came to rest. The triple guns open fired in sequence, the rail gun rounds covering the distance in short seconds, after which, the Stallion's Run blew up in a fireball, scattering her debris in all directions.

The Star Lancers

The Curse of Cortes

Episode 3: The Damned

Music chimed on the bridge of the Queen's Revenge. It was dark, the glow of the old inlaid consoles providing the only real light. Hunched and disheveled figures busied themselves to their duties of this ship of the damned. Each figure dotted with red glowing eyes. Mere steps above the work stations a shadow grasped the large navigation wheel that was almost larger then himself. Steps above and behind him was the command chair, throne like. The shadowed figure of Captain Cortes sat there, legs folded, her red glowing eyes looked over at the pocket watch she held aloft, the source of the chiming musical number. A lone shadow walked up to the captain, eight red eyes peering up at her, he laid a thin, almost skeletal robotic hand on a railing. "Target has been destroyed cap'm." His voice was digitized and raspy. The glowing eyes of Captain Cortes raised. "Irse al diablo..." Her fingers snapped the watch shut, ending the music. "...senor Vasquez" Her mechanical sultry voice hissed.

Elizabeth Field sat quietly in her cell, she looked up to the ceiling, hearing the thunderous sounds of an explosion reverberate throughout the hull of the Queen's Revenge. She placed a hand on her chest, holding down her huge breasts, tucked into her fine dress, as she sighed. "Why beyond Earth is this happening to us?" She questioned no one. Another hour had passed as she thought to herself. They had taken her and Lilly, it seemed so long ago. They have been feeding them and keeping them alive, for what? She had not seen her daughter in days and wondered if she was still alive, if she would share the same fate as the rest of her family.

Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps outside her cell door, everything else but for the ambient noises of a star ship could be heard. They were steady and had a commanding presence, a walk of determination, and they got louder. Fear shot through Elizabeth's body, not having heard those foot steps since the Field manor and she knew who they belonged to. They stopped in front of the door to her cell as she held her breath, and then the door opened. The dark figure with glowing red eyes, the one that invaded and destroyed her home was standing before her. Cortes stepped forward into the dim light and for the first time Elizabeth could see her more clearly, and it scared her.

Cortes was tall, her body augmented with cybernetics to such a degree Elizabeth had never seen before. The wide curves of her body were made of some synthetic material she knew nothing of. Her black heeled boots were knee high with spiked straps. She wore a high cut leotard of black leather that unzipped at the front, the thick cleavage from her large breasts were pushed together. She had several belts for weapons and a crimson sash that dangled to one side off her hips. A tattered and ripped long coat over her shoulders like a cape. Her face was the most frightening thing Elizabeth had ever seen. Her face was embedded with a jaw-less gold skull above her feminine lips and perfect jaw line. It was decorated with etchings across the necrotic surface that looked like bloody tears, with the red glowing, unblinking eyes staring at her from the dark sockets. A crimson bandanna wrapped around her head held her flowing raven black hair.

A chill ran up Elizabeth Fields back as the dreaded Captain Cortes stared her down. After a moment of silence she gathered the courage to speak. "Why are you doing this to us? Where is my daughter?" Cortes smiled ever so slightly and spoke in a cyberized yet feminine voice. "She is doing well, serving the ship, as will you." Elizabeth didn't know what this meant, but she stood, her huge breasts jiggling as she moved. "What do you want from us?" She pressed her captor. Cortes brushed a lock of black hair from her gold skulled face. "From you? Nothing. You are being punished for something you had nothing to do with. It's not enough mamasita, for the old man to die, but all those associated with him to disappear and despair, this I avowed in my declaration of vengeance all those years ago."

Elizabeth found this answer unsatisfactory, and if she was being honest, unfair. It did let her know that this was not some random happen stance, but a deliberate attack on the Field name, a name she adopted, unwittingly and apparently, with the consequences that go with it. Elizabeth tried her luck once again. "Where is my daughter?" Cortes' head leaned back as if in thought. "That's right..." The dark captain hummed. "...I suppose it is time you were reunited with her after all." Cortes sidestepped making way to the cell door and as she lifted her arm to guide Elizabeth, her tattered cape like long coat billowed. "If you please."

Elizabeth walked next to Cortes down the corridors of her ship, she was shocked at everything she saw. The ship's interior panels were old with rust stains, systems that seemed to not have worked for a long time. Dim or flickering lights. The crew was equally frightful to look at. Cyborgs to the last one, some still retained the visage of a living person, others looked skeletal, the very image of the walking dead that haunt an ancient and dying ship. Tattered cloths and tufts of loose hair and anywhere between one to many of the unblinking red eyes. They jeered and made lewd comments as she passed them. "Can't wait to get me hands on them milkers." "Now there be a booty worth raidin." "What a sight for sore bones." As they passed these necrotech pirates, making Elizabeth more frightened, some even grabbing at her cloths. "Here girly girly." while one chattered his lip-less teeth at her. All the while Cortes said and did nothing but guide the way as a necrotech pirate called after them. "Put'er to work cap'm."

"Your daughter has worked fine to serve this ship's crew, but the men have been more restless then normal. So you will be helping her out." Cortes finally said as she guided Elizabeth to a pair of large double doors. Elizabeth could only imagine what menial labor should would be condemned to, but at least she would be with Lilly she thought.

The doors glided open as they walked in to what could have been a galley at one point, it was filled with a large group of the necrotech pirates. Feminine crys could be heard, Elizabeth followed the sounds to a gathering. There she found Lilly, moaning with pleasure, there she sat on one of the pirates with her legs spread wide as a big cock filled her pussy pushing her up and down, her big tits bounced as she held a big cock in each hand on either side of her face. Elizabeth was stunned at what she saw, she could not speak, only stare on her naked daughter being fucked in front of her. Cortes slowly leaned over her shoulder, her face next to Elizabeth's. "She is a hard worker, no?" The big cock fucking Lilly's pussy gave a deep thrust making the girl cry out as one of the cocks in her hands pushed into her mouth. "You're a monster." Is all Elizabeth could say. "No mamasita, I'm but a lowly pirate."

Cortes' fingers curled around the fabric of Elizabeth's dress, pushing into the softness of her thick cleavage. With a quick yank, Elizabeth screamed, watching helplessly as her fat tits bounced free and dropped with gravity as they jiggled. The red eyes of the necrotech pirates zeroed in on her ample mounds and fine nipples. Suddenly Elizabeth felt herself being pushed as she yelped and fell to the floor to her knees before her captors, her huge tits giving a hard bounce, then she looked up at the shadowed and red eyed cyborgs, each one with a hard on, ready to go.

Elizabeth Field tried to cry out but her voice was muffled by the thick cock in her mouth, thrusting, forcing her to suck it while her huge tits jiggled under her. She could feel the mechanical cold touch of the necrotech pirates pull on the remains of her fine dress as they ripped it from her body with tearing noises. She could feel probing fingers against her pussy under her panties, making her wet with excitement. Elizabeth rolled her eyes as the big cock continued to fuck her mouth, drool now started to drip down her chin more with every thrust between her lips. After a mere moment of tantalizing probing, finally her panties were ripped from her hips exposing her moist pussy. One of the necrotech pirates didn't waist time rubbing his hard cock against the welcoming hole, then pushed into her making her cry out a muffled cry with the big cock still in her mouth.

Lilly Field moaned with pleasure, her soft curves jiggling up and down, gripping and sucking the big cock in her mouth as she stroked another, her big tits bouncing with every thrust into her pussy from below, it's thickness filling her pussy as it slid easily with the juices. Her mother, Elizabeth Field bounced between the two fucking her, the big cock filling her mouth muffling her moans while her soft ass jiggled with every thrust into her, the thick cock fucking her pussy, making her fat tits and hard nipples bounce under her. The big cock filling her mouth thrust faster before slowly slipping from her lips and bounced right up, pressing against her face finally letting her moan out. "Hhhhaaaaa!"

The red eyes in the darkness stared with a leering fascination as cheers and hoots could be heard in the room mixed with the girl's moans of pleasure. Lilly bounced on her back, her legs spread wide as a big cock fucked her making her big tits heave for the watchers as she moaned with pleasure. Not far from her, Elizabeth's soft ass jiggled hard as a big cock vigorously fucked her pussy with impressive speed, she arched her back and moaned loud, her huge tits bouncing between her arms as she braced herself against the big cock fucking her fast and hard.

The devil necrotech pirates around them cheers and took turns with them. Cortes smiled and watched the mother, daughter team take on the cocks of her crew. Lilly found herself laying on one of the necrotech pirates, her long legs lifted as a thick cock filled her ass, another pumped into her welcoming warm pussy while a third filled her mouth from the side. Her big tits bouncing in circles with her rocking body. Elizabeth pressed her huge tits against the pirate she was one while a pair of big cocks rhythmically fucked her pussy and ass. She grasped a pair of cocks while a third filled her mouth, she couldn't help but run her tongue along it's artificial thickness. The girls had ceased their pleading long ago, and only moaned in pleasure with a seemingly endless supply of cock at their disposable. A stream of cum shot into Lilly's mouth and down her chin while another shot of hot cum squirt across Elizabeth's huge bouncing tits.

"mmmm mmm mmmm mmm mmmm." The girls hummed their approval together as they sucked cock. Elizabeth held her huge tits together around a big cock between them as she bobbed her head up and down sucking on the end. She threw her head back to get a gasp of breath only for it to squirt hot cum onto her face and drip down onto her huge squished tits. Lilly held and sucked on a big cock, her wet lips sliding along the shaft while she stroked it. Soon it pulsated in her mouth and hot cum started squirting, dripping from her lips. She pulled her head back to let the cream drip from her dangling tongue.

Lilly's ass jiggled hard, cum dripping from her asshole as a thick cock vigorously fucked her hot pussy, she cried out, her big tits bouncing under her as streams of cum landed on her fine ass and back. Elizabeth moaned with pleasure as she bounced on a big cock, her asshole sliding along it's thickness as she used her fingers splay her pussy open, her huge tits bounced up and down in front of her, several shots of hot cum squirted across her body as she threw her head back and cried out in lust.

Elizabeth and Lilly, mother and daughter cried out in pleasure as their soft big and huge tits bounced with their hard nipples, their spread legs and cum covered curves. They held hands as they took the cocks of the Queen's Revenge. Captain Cortes watched all of this and ran a finger across her bottom lip as she smiled, the moans of pleasure filling the dark hallways.

The Star Lancer sailed through space, blue ion engines flaring.

"I feel like I don't say this enough to you but..." Rose leaned over her captain who was sitting in her command chair on the bridge. "...are you fucking insane woman?!" Koshka leaned deeply into her chair trying to avoid Rose's furious stare-down. "Well I..." She tried to retort but Rose cut her off. "Not only was she the first mate of the Ravager, which gave us nothing but trouble, but you said she wanted to kill you!" Lyra, who was standing on the bridge watching all of this folded her arms. "Still do, actually." She said coldly, to that, Rose threw a hand out in a 'you see?' gesture.

"I say we airlock her, just to be safe." Lyra looked over to the pilot seat, seeing Crystal, who looked surprised then ducked behind her chair. "Come out from hiding and we will see who takes the dark walk." She hissed to the pilot. Rose placed a hand on her gun and growled. "I'll take you there myself, after what you did to my mother." Lyra made a look of confusion. "Who?" Rose straighten her back and narrowed her eyes. "Europa colony, the orphanage?" Lyra smirked. "Ooohh, I don't remember." Rose nodded. "Right, airlock it is." Lyra clenched her fists. "I'll take you with me!" Rose was about to snap until Koshka raised her hand. "Alright everyone, I'm the captain here, and I say everyone needs to calm down and stay the hell away from the airlocks, alright?"

Rose turned to Koshka. "Are you not paying attention?!" Koshka nodded and suddenly had a serious look on her face. "I am, but I have my reasons for this. Do to circumstances beyond our control, she got sucked into our problem on Tropp Dome. I offered to take her with us to get away, and by the steel clad rules of hospitality, she will not be harmed, unless provoked. I have spoken."

Rose stood down and sat back in her own seat with a long sigh. It was rare for Koshka to give Rose the very formal finality of the Jovian 'I have spoken.' A phrase reserved for authority in ending a conversation, to continue would be disrespectful to the captain. Then there was the rules of hospitality; to many Jovians a ship was not simply a ship, but a home. A place where, if invited, you were to be protected like any other member of the crew. Koshka made it clear, she was to invoke these traditions, and it was her right alone. Lyra was equally perplexed by this as much as any of the Star Lancers and really didn't know how to feel about it. For now, it seemed, the matter was settled. So they thought.

"Captain! Did you find whaaaa-aaaahhhh!" Doctor Einstat walked onto the bridge, saw Lyra and dove back into the entrance. "Captain! It's Lyra Starr. She changed her hair but it's definitely her. To arms!" Koshka sighed and sank into her chair. "You know what? I'm too hungry for this, I say we all calm down and go get something to eat." Koshka smiled, while everyone else scowled at her.

A few decks down in the domain of Chef Anya, the galley was alive with the off shift crew. Laughter and conversations filled the air as a short line near the kitchen shuffled along a prepared buffet of Anya's work. The mood of the crew took an upswing since the arrival of the chef. Many of the crew never had natural foods until now. At one of the long tables, Koshka and the bridge crew, along with Lyra sat with plates of select food prepared for them by the chef. Anya walked over from the kitchen, plate in hand, her huge breasts gently knocked some crew in the head as she walked by to the bridge crew.

"Here you are captain." She placed the plate down in front of Koshka, the others were already served. She prodded the greens with her fork and stabbed one, lifting it for inspection. "May I ask, what devious colony farm this tiny tree came from?" Anya smirked. "It's called broccoli, actually from Earth. Consider it a...... delicacy." The captain's one eye widened a little at the thought. "Well, well. Looks like I get captain's privileges after all." Lyra gave her the side eye. "It bothers me that the Ravager was defeated by the likes of you." Koshka pointed the loaded fork at her. "You're just upset because you don't get any of this brock lee." Lyra slowly shook her head and looked to Rose. "How do you put up with this?" Rose stabbed at her meal, not pleased sitting across from a former enemy. "It isn't easy, I assure you."

Lyra then turned to Koshka once again, who seemed to be enjoying her meal. "So this gig you're doing. Captain Cortes? You actually believe that nonsense?" Koshka shrugged. "All I know for sure. Someone is going around ending some rich guys and using the legend, seemingly to shatter resistance. Our client is paying well enough. So no harm in going on the hunt, I'm sure we will find more about what's going on soon enough." Lyra narrowed her eyes. "Suppose Cortes is real? How do you defeat a ghost story?" "What's wrong?..." Rose hissed tauntingly. "...scared?" Lyra ignored the first mate's attempt to antagonize her and settled her red eyes on her. "A smart person would be. Ignore the ghost stories and let's say there actually is a Captain Cortes, sailing the infinite sea. A captain of legendary renown that has somehow fought and survived a hundred years inspiring grim bedtime stories. You don't get that kind of reputation for being..." She thought for a second. "... like you. No offense." Lyra ended that last bit to get back at Rose, the 'no offense' obviously sarcastic in tone.

Koshka nodded with a full mouth and a muffled voice, concurred. "Shrouded courteousness aside, she makes a good point." Rose looked angrily at her captain. "Who's side are you on here? In fact, I said to you the same things. In different words!" Koshka nodded and looked at Lyra. "That is true, she did say this." Both Lyra and Rose snapped at her. "Stop talking with your mouth full!" They yelled at her together, as one. Koshka's attempt to play peace maker being shot down like an unwanted intruder.

Koshka thumped her chest with a hard swallow. "Look, regardless of the legends, and regardless of how long Cortes has been around. We have to look past the fear tactics. She is just a person, like any other bleeding, breathing Jovian out there..." Koshka forked her food some more before guiding it to her lips. "...and if she bleeds, I can kill her." Lyra smirked, caught off guard by Koshka's confidence then quickly corrected it to a frown, remembering her place. "It's going to turn out to be some dulz just using the stories anyhow." Koshka shrugged. "Dulz or not, I intend to see this through and get paid. The bellies of my crew depend on it."

Rose nodded. "How do we intend to do this again? From what I understand, we are just as lost as when we started." Koshka swallowed. "Celesti and Thomas are working on it as we speak." Lyra butted in. "Isn't it obvious?" Both Koshka and Rose looked at her and she continued. "You already know what this Cortes is doing, right? Knocking off the oldies. You have her hit list. All you gotta do is set a trap, lay in wait for her to come to you." Rose perked up at this and looked at Koshka who smiled. "You see? My captainly decision is already paying dividends." Rose sighed. "Captainly isn't a word." Lyra angrily stabbed at her food. "Idiot." Koshka's one eye passed between the two. "Looks like you two are more alike then you care to admit." Once again both Rose and Lyra yelled at her at the same time. "How dare you!"

Elsewhere on the Star Lancer. Thomas sat on a pristine bed, running his hand over the sheets, noting the perfection of it's making, the straight folds, not a single thing out of place, not a single hair or wrinkle, as if ironed. "So, the captain gave you a cabin of your own? Unusual for....uh..." Thomas didn't know how to broach the topic. On the other side of the small, spartan room, a mere couple feet away, Celesti turned in her chair, removing her attention from her computer. "You're wondering why the captain would give a gynoid a personal space." She said matter of factly. Thomas gave a sheepish expression. In truth he was fascinated at the idea of this AI having the freedom she seemed to have. "Yes."

Celesti folded her legs and sat back into her chair. "The captain said, it's customary for senior staff to have their own personal cabin. There for, it is only fair that I have one." Thomas thought for a moment and leaned forward. "So the captain doesn't own you, you are actually apart of the crew." Celesti shook her head with a smile. "She in fact owns me, and I am apart of the crew, or so I'm told. Given my nature, our relationship is complicated, even I get confused by it. Captain Thorne is... unique, to say the least." Thomas sighed. "I am beginning to find that out." He then looked past her to the computer. "Did you find anything?"

Celesti turned back around to face the holo-screen of her computer. "Unfortunately not, we are still close enough to Stardust City to connect to their network, as well as some other colonies. However, pirate clan history is not well documented outside of criminal records. Needless to say, pirate crews who happen to be successful, don't get caught or processed. They also have a tendency to die in battle. Add that to the fact, pirate clans rise and fall all the time..." Thomas stood up and leaned next to Celesti with a sigh. "There is no way to get a clear picture of what these people have done in the past hundred years." "Hmm..." Celesti hummed in agreement.

Thomas straightened and rubbed his neck in frustration. "Damn it!" Celesti looked at him, doing a quick analysis of his body language, the kind only a mind like hers could do. "We will find your family, when the captain puts her mind to something, she will get it done." Thomas smiled, believing the comforting words of this artificial woman. Then an idea struck him. "Maybe we are going about this the wrong way. Maybe we need to take the legend of Captain Cortes more seriously." Celesti tilted her head in curiosity. Then Thomas continued. "Maybe instead of looking for a criminal, let us go on a ghost hunt." Celesti looked at her computer. "What do you suggest?"

"Find any stories that make reference to the Queen's Revenge, and the Queen's Glory. Legends, ghost stories, encounters, songs and children's stories. Go back as far as feasible. Stories also change over time, follow them to their roots. Every legend has a kernel of truth, and hopefully, the closer to the source we can find, the truth will come to light. These stories of Cortes taking children, have to have started somewhere." Celesti ran her perfect fingers across the holo-screen keys as information on the screens started to fly. "This will take time." Thomas rubbed his neck again, visibly agitated. "Time I fear, we do not have." Celesti looked at him again. "Perhaps you should get some rest, you are physically stressed, and from what I have observed, that is not healthy." He looked back at her, looking uncomfortable. "If your family was taken. Would you be relaxing?" He sighed. "Besides, I couldn't convince myself to relax." Celesti smiled. "Then I will help you."

"Waa, what are you doing!" Thomas cried out as he fell to the bed, pushed their by the gynoid. He looked up at her, she stood before her, her polished metallic pasties had disappeared and he could see her round hard nipples, her soft pussy between her thighs. She smiled down at him, her heart shaped neon pink eyes analyzing his increased heart beat as she folded her arms, pushing her big tits together. "I told you, you need to relax, and I will help you accomplish this." Thomas raised a hand defensively against the taller woman. "Wait, wait, I do..." Celesti crawled on top of him and started kissing him, locking lips she hummed as she held his handsome face and pressed her big tits against his chest.

The young Field was locked in a state of shock, he could feel her tongue pushing into his mouth, mingling with his own tongue. He clawed at the bed feeling himself get warm and excited as the gynoid rubbed her curvy body against his. He felt helpless but, the longer it went on, he didn't want it to stop. Finally Celesti pulled her tongue out of his mouth and sat up, smiling down at him, her big tits hanging there, hard nipples eagerly looking suck-able. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Thomas huffed for a moment. "Why are you so good at that?" Celesti slid down his body to get onto the floor of the small room. "I am a purpose built love machine after all."

Thomas felt the gynoid's fingers undo his pants. "Wait, hold on now." Celesti pulled a semi hard big cock from it's hiding place and smiled. "So this is what you have been keeping from us. The girls will be sourly cross with you." All Thomas could do is groan as he felt Celesti lick his shaft only making him more excited. Every lick made him harder as she hummed with delight, like licking ice cream. Soon Celesti held a hard cock in her hand and she wasted no time fitting it into her mouth. Thomas sat up quickly and moaned placing a hand on Celesti's bobbing head as she sucked his big cock. The gynoid gripped and sucked the big cock in her mouth, her lips sliding it's length.

Thomas moaned with pleasure, both hands on her bouncing head, a wet tongue pressing against his big cock as the suction drove his body wild with heat and pleasure. "Hrmmm mmm mmfff mmff mmmff" The big cock in Celesti's hot mouth flexed as she took it in and released it in her sucking motion. Thomas was now on his back, groaning, the gynoid sucking faster, his balls in her hand, hungrily sucking the big cock that filled her mouth and pushed down her throat. Thomas felt helpless, like she had him in some sort of fighting hold. Suddenly he cried out and arched his back. Cum started to flow from Celesti's lips, but the gynoid didn't let up, drinking the cum down as she sucked the fluids from him making it cry out at his greatest moment of sensitivity. Only when she was done did Celesti release the big cock letting it fly up and letting Thomas sigh in relief, cum dripping from his cock tip.

"Oh my...oh my, I haven't felt that before." Celesti smiled, licking her lips and fingers. "Oh we are not done yet. I still detect trace amounts of stress in your system." Thomas made a wide eyed look of surprise. "...trace...trace amount?"

Thomas' cloths littered the floor of Celesti's cabin; laying on the bed he made faces of distress and pleasure mixed together. His hands explored the perfect female body of the gynoid as her big tits bounced for him, hard nipples jiggling in circles as her soft ass rose and fall. She moaned with pleasure as she rode his big cock. Her ass jiggled with every fall, her wet pussy sliding along the thickness of the hard cock filling it. "For the snobbish type, you're holding on a lot better then I thought you would." Celesti said through moans of pleasure, looking down to him passed her bouncing big tits. "I didn't think, I could last this long either. With someone so beautiful." Celesti leaned forward, her big tits jiggling in his face. "and a sweet talking too." She gyrated her hips making her ass jiggled as her wet pussy quickly slid on the top have of the big cock.

Thomas grabbed one of those big tits in his face and started licking the black hard nipple before stuffing it into his mouth, sucking on one of her big tits making her moan with pleasure. Thomas then started moving his hips, driving his big cock deep into Celesti. The gynoid moaned with pleasure as her big tits bounced, one in the young Field's mouth while her ass jiggled hard, the big cock fucking her fast and hard with the energy of an excited animal. Thomas released the big tit in his mouth and called out as he drove his big cock deep into the warm and wet enclosure of Celesti's pussy.

"Aaahh hhaaa hhaa hhaa hhaa hhaa!" Celesti cried out, now on her back as she held her legs spread wide, her big tits bouncing fast with the rest of her soft body. Thomas leaned over her vigorously fucking her, his big cock filling her hot pussy while the tip pushed against her curvix. Her heeled feet bobbed in the air, big tits and ass bouncing, big cock vigorously filling her wet pussy as juices flowed. Thomas sweat as he groaned, slapping against the bouncing, screaming gynoid until he finally yelled out. His hot cum filling the gynoid's fake uterus and squirted from the thick cock filled pussy. The young Field quickly leaned back, his big cock sliding from the cum flowing pussy, it shot up and shot hot cum up Celesti's belly. He the suddenly fell forward onto the moaning robotic woman, face pushing into her big soft tits.

Moments passed, Thomas having to catch his breath while Celesti lay with him on her now disheveled bed. The gynoid smiled at him. "Stress levels are optimal." The young Field nodded. "Yeah, I suppose they are." Suddenly Celesti sat up and looked at her computer. "It would appear we have found something to match your inquiry." Thomas sat up with her. "Really, I thought you stopped looking know." Celesti's eyes darted back and forth seemingly reading something. "I was still conducting the search while we were busy via wireless connection to my computer." Thomas looked surprised at the gynoid's versatility. "You are an impressive machi....woman." Celesti hummed in agreement. "My AI and processing power is indeed sophisticated. We should talk to the captain about this." Thomas crawled onto his knees. "Let's get going then, I want to hear this too!" Celesti looked at him and smiled. "Perhaps you should get dressed before we go to the bridge." Thomas stopped and looked at himself.

Koshka leaned back in her command chair, Celesti and Thomas now standing before her on the bridge. Rose and Crystal sat listening to the gynoid and what she seemed to have discovered. Lyra was there as well, seemingly not wanting to let Koshka out of her sight. "Well then, what did the two ship's detectives find out for us?" Koshka looked over the two. Celesti began. "It would appear there is some credence to the stories about the Queen's Revenge, them having connection to real people in the past." Koshka nodded. "Go on."

"Eighty seven years ago a story was written by a journalist from Stardust City called the Betrayed Lovers. It was a character piece on a prominent pirate captain and his lover and first officer, back when the people cared about such heroic stories. A ship called the Queen's Glory was commanded by Captain Richter Black. His exploits were the stuff of legend, the kind that inspired reading about, even emulation. A century ago when the pirate clans were more amicable with the corporations, said corporations would hire pirate captains, even entire fleets to do their bidding to fight each other for economic dominance. Cross referencing this with the Tropp files, we can assume the Icarus Society made frequent contracts with Captain Black.

Rose folded her legs, leaning back. "I love a good yarn as much as the next person, but what is this leading to?" Thomas stepped forward. "Please, I want to hear this." Celesti continued. "The journalist, in his story wrote that Captain Black's employers, who'm we are assuming to be the Icarus Society, charged Black to go on, what he claims, was the greatest pirate raid of all time. To take something important to them, from Luna." Crystal whistled. "That's a long way to go for something." Lyra nodded. "Dangerous too, to go crossing swords with Earth." Koshka rubbed her chin with her gloved hand. "I think I heard about this from my father, the way the old boys talked about it, it indeed was the greatest raid in pirate history. No one knows how they pulled it off though."

Celesti continued. "The journalist implied in his story that Captain Black and the Queen's Glory was never meant to return from this mission. Apparently the Icarus Society were threatened somehow by him, and sent him on a suicide mission." Koshka smiled. "He didn't die, he made it." Celesti nodded. "Indeed. The Journalist concluded the story by saying the corpos hired more ships to ambush and attack the Queen's Glory upon their return. She was destroyed after a fierce battle." Lyra frowned. "Bastards!" Rose leaned back in her chair. "This is all well and good, but what does this have to do with Cortes? You also just confirmed that the Queen's Glory and the ship we are hunting are unrelated.

Celesti shook her head. "The earliest know recorded fairy tales of the Curse of Cortes started showing up seventeen years after the destruction of the Queen's Glory. Appearing out of nowhere and attacking ships and colonies, a tattered and damaged ship carrying a crew of the dead. Colony records showed these attacks to be random with only the same haunting description of the captain and her crew to link them together. Taking captives, typically the children or family of some victims. The legends grew from there, to imply the Curse of Cortes could befall any ship, any place." Koshka nodded. "The taken families soon turned into misbehaving children."

Celesti nodded. "Cross referencing these old attacks, logs and public records, with the list of the Icarus Society members provided by Mr. Field, I can conclude the attacks were in fact, not randomized at all. In every attack, at least one of the Icarus Society was present, escaping or either being killed." Thomas walked in front of Celesti and looked at her in her heart shaped neon pink eyes. "What is the connection between this Curse of Cortes and my family? Tell me, please." Celesti lowered her eyes to him. "The Queen's Glory, the betrayed lovers, who your grandfather's organization turned on, Captain Black's first officer and lover was named only once."

"...Isabella Cortes..."