untitled story series
The first chapter of my untitled story series why is it called that because i cant figure out a name for it yet chapter one the beginning thomas," called his mother claira from the bottom of the stairs. "thomas, it's time for dinner.
Introduction to the story series
I've seen many stories that talk about the characters in first person. But this story will be told in your eyes; what ever fur you are will be the fur in the story, which is the reason why in the story I never mention the species of the fur, mainly...
The Empire of Planets Story series
The Empire of Planets Intro and history TEP stands for The Empire of Planets year. Ryan Benson was born in 1978 AD On Earth (Toronto, Canada) 2014 AD Ryan worked for the Toronto Blue Jays as a GM. 2036 AD He joined NASA. 2042 AD His ship went...
Getting By, Intro (Short Story Series)
A flash of light illuminated the dimly lit room, golden eyes shifting away from the paper they had been focusing on for several hours to appreciate the storm outside the window. A cloud of nicotine blurred the view and brought them back to what was...
Protectors Of Aeron City(Flash Story Series)
Hey guys. It's been a long while since I've been around, and I'll try and post a proper journal soon, but I've been experimenting with a different style of writing. I've been writing just a couple hundred words or so a day. (The \<\> mark where I ended...
The Time of My Life Story Series Character Sheet 2
#7 of the time of my life story series season 1 (original) character sheet for upcoming characters: 1. name: james dihansen species: anthro wolf gender: male height: 6 feet 0 in. weight: 192 lbs.
Protectors Of Aeron City Part 2(Flash Story Series)
The next part of my flash story series: the <> mark where i ended writing for that day. let me know what you think! "o.k., there's something i have to ask before this thing goes any further." "what?..."
Protectors Of Aeron City Part 4(Flash Story Series)
The next part of my flash story series: the \<\> denotes where i ended for the day.
Protectors Of Aeron City Part 3(Flash Story Series)
Well Dan, you did it. You finally got into the bedroom of a fine looking woman, with only the slight glitch in the plan is that YOU ended up being that fine looking woman. Still, #LifeGoals. Having awoken the next morning and confirmed the whole,...
The Dragon in me: the true story of a boy and the dragon he held within
Chapter 1: The First Rising It's vague, but I remember the first of what we spirit roamers call "The First Rising" it was a crescent moon outside. this i remember most of all because even now 11 years after that first rising i love to go out before bed...
My little friend
Story name: my little friend May 1st 2015 Oxnard California ( a 17 year old girl named Alex wakes up on a so not normal Friday) \* wakes up yawning sitting on her bed\* hm...that was a odd dream \* as she sits on the edge of the bed putting on...
the tortured angels
The tortured angels "Wake up Miki, wake up Miki its time to wake up its time to go" as he open his eyes to the sweet sound of his mother's voice. Miki got up with his long black and purple hair covering his face and his mother says as she walks out...