
Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Mira sighed and hefted her rifle again. The two hadn't returned the night before. She was beginning to get worried. They would never stray away without someone noticing.

The early morning sun filtered through the forest canopy, giving the foggy air an almost magical quality.


Finaly she picked up a familiar scent. Mira shot off in it's direction.

"LACYUS! SUN-ohhh!"

The two were lying naked with Sunset on top of Lacyus. Her body was streaked with cum. Kneeling down, she shook Sunset gently, knowing that if she woke up, their telepathic link would wake Lacyus up.

"Sunset. Wake up. It's me, Mira."

Sunset opened her eyes a sliver. Mira could barely see Sunset's irises or pupils. She looked around once and saw Mira.

Sunset's and Lacyus' eyes snapped open and they both inhaled sharply. Sunset gave an embarassed squeak and scrambled off of Lacyus, cum dribbling from her pussy. She tried to best to cover herself up. Lacyus' hand tried and failed to cover his erection. Both were blushing. Mira laughed at how vulnerable both were at the time.

"Looks like someone want's some pups, eh?" Mira teased.

Sunset lowered her head, ashamed. Lacyus reached out and grabbed her hand.

"I-I-It's not that!" Lacyus half stammered, half barked.

"Sure! And I see you two got a little adventurous" Mira pointed to Lacyus' tail. It was still stuck in Sunset's ass.

Sunset blushed and smiled, rolling with the verbal punches. "I wasn't satisfied with just his cock."

Mira leaned down to Sunset's ear. "How much's in there?" She whispered.

Sunset giggled. "About two feet."

Mira patted her on the head, laughing quietly. "Little slut."

She took off her backpack and opened it up. She took a canteen of water and handed it to Sunset to clean herself up. After Sunset had washed up, she put on new clothes, as did Lacyus.


Nephilla moaned in pain. Last night was hell. Her torn wing had screamed at her every time she moved. Mira said that she would have one hell of a time healing. Rykuu woke up beside her, taking her hands and cupping them with his.

"How's the wing?"

Nephilla winced as she sat up. "It hurts like a bitch."

Rykuu gently took her wing and stroked it. "I've torn a wing before, but never as bad as this."

"How long does it take to heal?"

"Weeks if you don't get it sewn together."

Nephilla moaned at the thought of weeks worth of pain. "Does it hurt to get it sewn back together?"

Rykuu winced visibly at the memory. "Yes."

Nephilla closed her eyes and considered his options. "Is it really worth the pain?"

"It varies from dragon to dragon. I'm a regenerator, so I heal at an acellerated rate."

Nephilla openedd her eyes and cocked her head. "Regenerator?"

"I can heal almost instantly. It's what's called a genetic abberation."


"Genetic abberations are little errors in your DNA. They never follow a pattern. They allow you certain powers without using mana, or magic energy." Rykuu pointed at himself. "As I said before, my abberation is regeneration. Sunset's is shapeshifting. Mira's is chameleon scales. Lacyus' is element shift."

Nephilla frowned. "You really like to confuse me. What's element shift."

"Lacyus, as well as his Shadow magic, also has a second element. Elemental dragons cannot have more than one element, but here's where Element Shift comes in. It allows them to replace their element with another of their choice at any time. Therefore, Lacyus can choose his element at will."

Nephilla was astonished. "So he can be virtually undefeatable!?!?"

Rykuu sighed and massaged his temples. "Theoretically speaking, yes. Couple elemental spells with Shadow attack and soul reaping spells and you've got a virtually invincible dragon."

Nephilla suddenly got excited. "So what's mine!?!?! Am I gonna be as powerful as Lacyus!?!?!"

Rykuu laughed. "Sorry, but I highly doubt you'll be stronger than him. As for your abberation, I have no clue of what it is."

Mira walked into the cave with Sunset and Lacyus in tow.

"Hey, these two have been busy!" Mira laughed.

Lacyus shot her a poision look and chucked a rock at her. Mira fended it off, still laughing. She looked at Nephilla and Rykuu.

"As for you two, Nephilla should be coming into heat soon. I expect that you'll show her a good time Rykuu." Mira teased.

Nephilla's eyes dropped as she curled up into a ball at the comment. Rykuu bared his teeth and growled at Mira.

"Cut it out, or I'll tell you what you and Skyve did."

Mira's happy outlook dissapeared. "You wouldn't."

She growled at Rykuu.

"Just watch me." He cleared his voice and took a deep breath. "MIRA AND SKYVE HAD SEX DURING A FIGHT!!!!"

Mira blushed and lowered her head. "Thanks."

Lacyus tried not to laugh. "What happened?"

"Well, I was twelve, and Skyve and I had just finished our date. He was dropping me off at our house. Unfortunately for us both, it was mating season, so my instincts took over. Next thing I knew, I was on top of him, riding him with him yelling at me to get off. My instincts wouldn't allow that though and I just yelled back and rode him until he came."

"And after?" Sunset had her muzzle clamped shut, shaking with unheard laughter.

"He kicked me out of the house and dumped me. I slept on the doorstep." Mira sighed. Then suddenly a smile crossed her face. "It wasn't anywhere as bad as those mags Rykuu reads."

He blushed. "Well at least some of the dragonesses look good in there!"

"Sure, you thought they looked damn hot. Remember I saw you pumping yourself."

"Well none of them looked better than Nephilla here! At least I think....." Nephilla glared at Rykuu and elbowed him.

Lacyus finaly lost it. He fell over on his side laughing. Sunset collapsed on top of him, shaking with laughter too.

Mira looked at him. "Oh that's right. I don't have any ammo on you two. Even individually. Looks like it's time to start spying."

Lacyus was almost crying; he was laughing so hard. "Sure! You go do that! I can remeber you pawing yourself outside the cave when Sunset and I first mated."

Mira gasped. "You knew!"

Sunset tried to catch her breath. "You always thought the two of us were hot right!?! Hell, I was pawing myself off when I was ten, thinking about Lacyus!!"

Nephilla frowned. "What the hell is pawing?"

Sunset leaned forward and whispered in her ear. Nephilla's eyes went wide.

"To- ummmm. To tell you the truth, I haven't even tried it, even as a human."

Sunset looked at Lacyus. "Can I show her?"

His eye lit up with delight at the instinctual thought of two potential heated mates. "Sure. Can I come?"

Nephilla, feeling more adventurous, smiled. "Yeah and Rykuu too."

Mira laughed. "You all are too horny for me. I'll stay back."


The four were at the same lookout that Sunset and Lacyus were at the night before. Nephilla was becoming more and more nervous.

"Ummmm, guys. I don't think this is such a good idea at our age."

Sunset laughed while undressing. "For dragons, it's not uncommon to have one or two pups at this age." She jestured to her breasts. "Whaddaya think Rykuu?"

Rykuu stared, practically drooling. "Wow. Big."


Rykuu still stared. "Breasts with clothes on top are boring."

Nephilla snorted, annoyed. She quickly stripped her clothes off. She took Rykuu's head and pointed it at her. "Now what!?!"

Rykuu's eyes drifted from her breasts to her sex. Nephilla's human side kicked in and she gave an embarased squeak and turned away, covering herself up.

"W-Wh-What am I doing! This is so embarassing!"

Rykuu slowly aproached her. He pressed his chest against her back. His hand began to massage her sex. Nephilla gasped and her eyes half closed.

"Wh--What are you doing? It feels so good."

"D-De-Deeper Lacyus. Ahhhh god, that's the spot."

Nephilla turned, shuddering in pleasure. Sunset was already on her back. Lacyus had three fingers in her sex. Sunset looked up weakly.

"T-T-Try, ahhhhh, it Nephilla." She turned back to Lacyus. "How much am I cumming?"

Nephilla never got to hear the finish of their conversation. Rykuu slipped one of his claws into Nephilla's sex, causing her legs to give way. Rykuu removed his finger and lowered her to the ground.

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

Nephilla simply smiled and grabbed Rykuu's finger, reinserting it into her sex. She gasped as he wiggled it around. "Dear god! Why didn't I try this ahhhhhh before! Give me more Rykuu!"

Rykuu smiled. "You sure you don't want your virginity any more? Once we get going, instinct won't let us stop till I've mated you."

"Who cares about virginity!" Nephilla howled. "Give me more!"

Rykuu plunged his whole hand in. Nephilla screamed in pleasure.

Rykuu stared in marvel at what he was doing. "Well aren't you the lusty little virgin. Taking a whole hand right now."

Sunset looked over with sleepy eyes. "Just wait till you climax Nephilla ahhhhh!" Lacyus was eating her out. "GOD! YES!"

Sunset screeched as she reached her climax, twitching and shaking. Nephilla stared at her. Sunset laid still.

Lacyus kissed her thigh. "You wanna rest?"

Sunset nodded. "Show Nephilla how to suck a male off."

Lacyus crawled over to Nephilla. Nephilla frowned.

"Shouldn't you let Sunset do whatever she told me to do?"

Lacyus took Nephilla's head and put it by his cock. "It's an experiment. This is our first time at group sex too."

Nephilla stared at the black, scaled member. Something white was dribbling out of it. "What's the white stuff?"

Sunset rolled over onto her side. "It's precum. Taste it."

Nephilla realized that she was about to do what only the seniors at high school did. She greedily took the cock and began sucking it hard.

Lacyus twitched. "AHHH GODS! Where did you learn to do that!" He looked at Sunset. "I hate to admit it, but she does a better blow job than you!"

Nephilla smiled "Newbie lu--AHHHHHH!" She screamed as she climaxed. Rykuu's hand slurped out of her pussy. Nephilla clamped down on Lacyus' member. Lacyus' eyes rolled back in his head as he came. Nephilla sprayed her body with an even coat.

Sunset's eyes bulged at the sight of her mate cumming after only ten seconds of sucking. "Wow. Nephilla. I need to know what you did. Rykuu. I'll suck you off."

Rykuu crawled over to Sunset. Nephilla couldn't see what was happening, but from the sounds, Rykuu was enjoying it. He was moaning and growling. Finally he howled and laid still.

The four laid motionless and silent for half an hour, just dozing. Nephilla fell into a light sleep. She could still hear everything around her, but she was still asleep. Finally she could hear Lacyus and Rykuu talking.

"Which one? Tail hole or pussy?" Lacyus spoke first.

"She's your mate. You choose first."

"Awww you two are sweet." Sunset teased. "Fighting over me? How cute."

Nephilla sat up. "Don't forget about me!"

Rykuu kissed her on the cheek. "Of course not. Sunset just woke up first. You're next."

Lacyus sighed. "I guess pussy."

He laid back and Sunset laid on top of him. She moaned as Nephilla saw Lacyus' member dissapear into her. Rykuu pushed her tail aside and penetrated her anus. Sunset tensed up.

"Just let me get used to this." Sunset wiggled around bit.

Lacyus seemed restless. "You ready yet?"

The same went with Rykuu. "Yeah, my cock's going numb."

Sunset laughed. "Go ahead."

The two began pumping into Sunset. Sunset's eyes bulged and she gasped.

"God! This is- Oh god!" Sunset was panting.

Nephilla couldn't stand it anymore. She began to furiously rub her slit. She moaned and spread her fingers inside of it.

Sunset was whimpering in pleasure. "I can't stand it! You two are so good! Oh god!"

Sunset screamed and fell limp. Rykuu pulled free and pulled Sunset's unconsious form off of Lacyus.

Lacyus kissed her and stroked her head affectionately. "She's passed out. I guess we were that good."

Rykuu smiled and turned to Nephilla. "And we'll finish in you."

Nephilla's spirit lit up in delight. She tackled Rykuu down and gasped as she shoved his memeber into her virgin depths. Raising her tail, she beckoned to Lacyus. "Come and join the fun!"

Lacyus rushed over and thrust his member into her tail hole. Nephilla whimpered in pain for a moment before Rykuu began pumping. He kissed her and smiled.

"Now you can say you lost your virginity to two mates!"

Lacyus began pumping at a quick pace. Nephilla gasped at the two quickly pushed her the brink of a climax.

"Dear god! Sunset was right! Com'on you two! I want you to fill me up!"

Lacyus leaned forward and Nephilla winced as pain lanced through her wing. Lacyus frowned. "Here. I'll fix that."

Using healing magic, he temporarilly fused the wing together, dulling the pain.

Nephilla's vision swam as she became dizzy from all the sex. "Ohhh god! I think I know why Sunset passed out!"

Rykuu smiled mischeviously. "No. This is why she passed out!"

He thrust hard into Nephilla. Nephilla gasped as she felt Rykuu's member shoot through her cervix and into her egg chamber, triggering a superclimax. Every muscle in her pussy and anus clamped down and tried to milk the males for every bit of seed they had.

Lacyus gasped. "I'm gonnna-"

Nephilla felt a hot liquid shoot into her ass. At the same time, Rykuu howled and spread his seed inside his mate's egg chamber. Lacyus pulled free and crawled over to Sunset, where he collapsed on top of her, still cumming hard. Nephilla felt her body go limp as she passed out.


A day later


"How's she taking it?"

Lacyus scratched the improved portal array into the ground. Rykuu, Mira and him had improved the transition runes, easing the crossover.

Sunset walked over in a T-shirt and jeans. "She's trying to say goodbye. It's never easy though."

Lacyus kissed her on the cheek. "You sure you don't wanna come back right away?"

Sunset smiled. "I'll be back in a couple of days. I just need to finish some research at the guild."

"Suit yourself." Lacyus finished the array and compared it to a diagram in his hand. "Let's hope the modifications have the desired effect."

There was the sound of whimpering behind Sunset. Nephilla was clinging onto Rykuu, distress written all over her face.

"Why can't you come with us!!?!"

Rykuu gently pushed her away. "My regenerator ability and other DNA does not mix. Even if I crossed over, I wouldn't be able to maintain a human form. I'd be locked up in a room just to keep my secret."

Suddenly it struck Lacyus. "Not true."

Rykuu frowned. "You know my limitations better than I do. Once I become a human, my body will try to regenerate a dragon form."

"True, but I also know your genetic coding better than you. Given some time, I could create a genetic code for a human form that would fix around your dragon DNA."

Nephilla's eyes lit up. "Really!?!?"

"It would take about...." Lacyus ran over the complexity of the task. "Five Earth days. But it might still be unstable. I'd have to fine tune it once Rykuu's body has accepted it."

Nephilla ran over to Lacyus and hugged him tightly. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Lacyus smiled. "In the meantime, Sunset will keep him company."

Rykuu looked Sunset over. Sunset scowled.

"I'm not your mate, so don't get any ideas."

Lacyus laughed. "Mira, you ready?"

Mira picked up her backpack and placed it on the array. She also had a scowl on her face. "Ready as much as I can for a pathetic human body. And to babysit my little brother."

Lacyus walked forward and hugged Sunset, kissing her. "I'll be back to pick up Rykuu." He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Don't let Rykuu do anything to you."

"I don't intend." Sunset said sourly. "Please come pick me up as fast as you can."

Lacyus stepped back into the portal. It was then he saw that Sunset was crying a bit.

*It just reminds me too much of when you were taken away. Sorry.*

Lacyus reached out telepathically and 'stroked' her mind. *I'll be back. Don't worry so much.* He turned to Mira. "Activate the portal."

The portal lines began to glow. Just before the world went white, he saw Rykuu go over and set his hand on Sunset's shoulder to comfort her.


The operation had gone wrong.

The two dragons had gotten away into their dimension. They took every piece of their identity too. A mistake. No, an oversight on his part. No matter. They would come back. He took the microphone in his hand.

"My fellow soldiers. As you may already know, the operation was a failure. This is in no amount your fault. Rather it is mine, for I made the oversight that they could travel between dimensions. However, my mistake is correctable. We can still accomplish our main objective. The extermination of the dragon Lacyus Akival and his mate Sunset Tzura."


Author's notes:

Two things: Bad and good.

Bad: I'm closing off this story. There will be no further chapters after this.

Good: I'm currently writing a new series. It's gonna be tied into this story. I've already got the characters organized. Just for a little preview, there's a Helldragon and a Heavendragon in the next series. It will be placed four months after this story. Where it is? I can't tell. It will though go to Cobalus and a few new cities. Memories will be revealed and ties broken. So just you all wait.