Day Three-ish

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Fox deals with an expensive and inescapable containment unit, while his captor deals with some newfound hormonal issues.

Fox was pretty sure it was day three.

On a starship, it was easy to lose track of time. Every computer system onboard could remind you what hour it was per Cornernian Standard Time, but that mightn't mean much in the unending night sky of space. Fox was a seasoned traveller by now, so it wasn't like him to lose the thread after just a few days.

The restraints were a good excuse, in fairness.

A metal slab on the floor encased his two feet. Two metal cylinders, hung from the ceiling, encased a hand each. He could flex his fingers and toes, which was comfortable enough, but he couldn't do anything with them. The same spot, the same view, for three days. A lot of time to think of escape plans, and no chance to act on any.

Still, it kept his mind sharp, which was clearly working. He was too hard on his time-keeping skills. His jailer entered right when he was expecting it.

"How's it going, Pup?"

"Fine," he said, barely glancing at the shit-eating grin fired his way. "Can't complain."

"Resigned to your fate already, I see! Good." Those fangs didn't budge, even as the grin housing them became more sinister. "You ain't going anywhere."

"So I hear. Honestly, Wolf, don't you have better things to do? A woman your age should be spending her twilight years more wisely..."

Her expression fell, her sole red eye glaring sharply. "For the last time, I'm only four years older than you! And you're an immature baby of a man!"

Fox stuck his tongue out, and she roared.

Wolf was still Wolf, despite a few obvious changes she had undergone - turned out she had been hoarding all the money she earned for quite a specific purpose. The long-haired, wide-hipped woman before him was still recognizably the person who had caused Fox so much grief over the years. That meant she was still annoyed by all the same techniques Fox had honed during their long rivalry. He knew it was childish of him, but considering his circumstances, he would fight back however he could.

She caught herself, straightening her white hair a little - while still leaving, as ever, one impressively long sweep covering her other eye socket. "Well, keep it up, short stuff. See where it gets you."

"What, you gonna move me? Keeping me here was your idea. Something about Panther being too stupid to be left alone with me...?"

"And Leon slitting your throat if you kept up the comedy. Which," she growled, "is exactly what I'm talking about. Let's see how long you last with him, huh?!"

"Please. After all the effort you put into capturing me alive, I know you're turning me in for some kind of bounty. And if there's one thing you care about, it's getting paid."

"Maybe," she said. "But I don't think the price'll go down if you're missing your tongue. Or certain other parts."

Fox met her gaze, but his calm expression hid some careful calculations. "...I'll be good."

"You'd better. Now shut up."

With that, Wolf turned away from him and started undressing.

StarWolf had a historical problem with their starships - their leader was willing to spend money on big weapons, but little else. This ship had proven itself the match of the Great Fox in combat, but it was much more cramped. The security system they had for transporting live prisoners - the one Fox was currently strapped into - could only fit in one of two places. The common area, where Wolf's gullible and/or knife-wielding minions spent their time, was not an option. The only other place was the captain's private quarters.

Fox, stripped to his regulation underwear, had become room-mates of sorts with Wolf. He had quickly learned that Wolf's own underwear was anything but regulation.

She shucked off her jacket, then her vest, exposing the grey fur of her powerful arms and back - along with a lacy black number that struggled a bit with the impressive new dimensions of her chest. Fox watched her remove her tight black pants as well, giving him a thorough view of her legs, tail, and rear.

"Quitting time already, huh?" he noted, as she stepped out of her boots and bundled her outfit away. "I'm surprised you sleep at all, if your crew is so untrustworthy."

"Can't be trusted with you," she corrected. She had shown no reservations on the first night about talking to him in only her bra and panties. No sign of change now. "They're too terrified of me to ever step out of line."

"Uh huh. Nice frills, by the way."

"Thanks," she said, flat but not insincere. "Now, weren't you shutting up?"

With that, she crawled into her large bed. Dark, silky, unwashed sheets. Classy but messy. Fox snuck a look at her body while he could, but she was soon buried up to her collarbone.

"Screen: on. Cycle through usual channels until I tell ya to stop."

The wall across from her lit up, displaying a selection of muted video feeds - some prerecorded, some faintly accessed from deep space broadcasters. Fox watched, too. "So what are we in the mood for tonight, honey?"

"Containment unit: rotate a hundred eighty degrees."

With a judder, Fox was turned in place until his only view was of Wolf's empty bathroom. "Oh, come on."

"Keep testing me, Pup, and I'll set it to spin ya around all night. Now for the last time, shut up."

Fox rolled his eyes, but there wasn't much he could do. Back to planning fruitless escapes. Back to practicing his comebacks.

A few moments passed in silence. They stretched into minutes, unbroken except for a few huffs or shuffles from Wolf. She didn't usually spend this long picking something to watch. Twice now, Fox had watched her disinterestedly put on financial news or something before falling asleep.

Tonight was different. The sound never came on. Wolf wasn't asleep yet, either; Fox had also learned she snored, loudly. Nothing except those occasional noises of mild effort. Huffing and shuffling.

Fox knew he was probably too invested in this extremely mundane 'mystery'. But with nothing else to do, and another night of sleeping on his feet ahead of him, he had to take whatever he could get. Subtle attempts to crane his neck around were fruitless. He was stuck looking at the bathroom.

The bathroom, and its mirror.

It was still tricky. It wasn't a perfect angle. But it was much better than twisting his spine around. If he brought his whole body to one side - quietly, slowly, avoiding Wolf's peripheral vision - he could catch sight of her reflection.

No clues there. Wolf, in profile, her expression obscured by her hair. She exhaled slowly, revealing her long row of fangs, but that was it.

Fox reversed course. With the same stealthy pace, he angled himself the other way. Back to centre, then past it, until he could see a reflection of the screen.

It took him a second to parse it. But no. It was definitely a blowjob.

A grey raccoon was on her knees. She seemed cute, young with good curves, but the camera wasn't angled on her body. It was focused on what she was doing, which was taking a guy's cock in her mouth. She closed her eyes as she bobbed her head up and down his shaft, overselling her technique to make it clear to the viewer she was using tongue.

The close-up left her partner's face out of frame. But he was a pretty specific shade of orange. Fox had seen enough of his own fur to know another fox when he saw one.

He had three reactions in quick succession. The first was the shock of seeing unexpected pornography. The second was the mild tingle in his underwear once it was clear that it was fairly decent pornography.

Then he remembered the context. He wasn't the one who put on this pornography.

He returned his attention to Wolf, once again leaning his body to the opposite side. It was still the same unindicative view, but this time he watched her more intently. Sure enough, if he focused his attention to the right place, he could see that there was motion underneath those covers.

Her hands were between her legs, weren't they?

That played out the same three reactions in Fox's body again, a little faster and a little stronger. Surprise, arousal, realization.

Wolf really was shameless. Maybe he shouldn't be that shocked - after all, she had stripped in front of him without any trouble. This was something bolder, sure, but it was the same general idea. He chalked it up to Wolf's old arrogance mixed with her newfound pride. She had paid a lot for that body, and she wasn't afraid to show it off. Or service it...

Then again, this was all literally happening behind his back. He doubted Wolf had noticed his mirror trick. As far as she knew, he was just an unwitting piece of furniture. It really could go either way.

He got his answer soon. Wolf suddenly sucked in a breath, riding a small spike of pleasure. A natural place for a moan, but instead, he saw her jaw tighten. She was trying to be quiet. That was interesting. Maybe she had a scrap of shame after all.

As much as Fox wanted to watch this, he knew it also could be an opportunity. It was the first time Wolf had shown weakness of any kind. The first chance to exert some leverage on the situation.

The containment unit itself was the biggest obstacle to his escape. Not Wolf's dark, winding ship and definitely not the dumb lackeys she called a team. If Fox could just get out of this room, arms and legs freed, he knew exactly how to get away. He'd be flying back to the Great Fox in under thirty minutes.

But first he needed to... god. There was no way around it. He wasn't going to get another chance like this. Three days of monotony had made that clear. Still, it felt absurd to confront the thought directly.

"I'm going to have to seduce Wolf."

To call that a change of pace was an understatement. All of Fox's conversational energy had gone into annoying her; into being the most irritating little shit he could possibly be. He had to flip that on a dime. He had to make himself seem fuckable.

With no idea where to start, Fox took a deep breath. He thought that might help his head, which was starting to swim a little. It didn't. If anything, he felt even more unbalanced.

Because he had just taken a heady sample of needy female hormones. He could smell what Wolf was doing to herself, now. Well, there was his starting point. As well as some very instinctive motivation.


He made his voice soft. He wasn't quite acting.

"What are you doing over there? It's, uh-"

Wolf stayed quiet. But she got so quiet so suddenly it was a deafening reply.

Fox gave it a few seconds, but he had to keep this moving. "I, uh. I can smell you, Wolf. I can smell what you're doing. It's, um... It's hard to miss."

More silence. Fox almost felt bad for her - what could she even say? He didn't know what he would do if the positions were reversed. Probably not get his dick out in front of a captive to begin with, frankly.

With that thought in his mind, he went for the killing blow. "...You want me to help?"

"That's it, Pup!"

'Good' old Wolf, finally back. She wriggled angrily out of bed, managing to plant her clawed feet on the floor.

"You think you're better than me, don't you?" She stalked forward, everyone word a growl. "You always have. You think you're smarter, that you're 'morally right'... and now that you've seen - seen just a, a normal thing women do, in the privacy of their rooms, because I had to keep you in here because you're so annoying, remember?! And now you've seen that, you're adding it to the list." Her full, black lips were pulled back over her sharp white teeth. "You think I'm just some needy, horny animal. Is that it?"

Fox resolutely maintained eye contact. "You're not wearing panties."

For a moment neither of them blinked.

"You took 'em off in bed, clearly," he added. "And forgot about it. And now I can see what you're working with down there."

Another silence.

"And you have been working with it, judging from the-"

Wolf lunged. Fox had accepted his fate. He knew he could die here, bound and in his underwear. But he would also die doing what he loved: annoying the fuck out of Wolf.

Instead, though, she caught him in the angriest kiss of his life.

Her mouth slammed into his, claws claiming his shoulders. Her tongue pushed past his lips. There was nothing he could do to stop her, not that he had the slightest intention of that anyway.

Soon, she was wrapped tight around him. Both arms clung to his back as her legs entwined with his. Wolf wobbled, trying to place her feet on an awkward part of the containment unit, but nothing could pry her mouth off of Fox. He felt her bare pussy against his fur, just above the waistline of his underwear, and felt his body react appropriately.

When she broke the kiss, her eye looked wild. "Listen to me," she hissed, right in his ear. "This means nothing. I'm just gonna use you like the tool you are."

"Works for me."

"And keep your damn mouth shut, alright?!"

"C'mon, Wolf. I'm not the type to kiss and tell."

"I don't mean later. Nobody's gonna believe you anyway, runt, I'm out of your league."

Fox decided not to comment.

"I mean right the hell now. If you keep yammering away while Momma's trying to take care of herself..."

He watched her drop to her knees. With one brutal motion, she tugged down his underwear - leaving his half-erect cock fully vulnerable to her fangs.

"I know exactly how to shut you up. Are we clear?"

Fox swallowed. "Yes, ma'am."

"Fucking finally."

Either way, it was inevitable. Wolf opened her mouth, and closed it again around his dick. It was gentler than a full bite, but not by that much.

Her hands slid up to his ass, gripping two fistfuls of fur, as she set to work. Fox felt her long, wet tongue working the underside of his shaft. He exhaled slowly, his ears pinning back. She was good.

How long had Wolf been a talented cocksucker, and more importantly, how long had Fox been missing out on this technique? He fought the urge to ask. Too dangerous.

Before long, her head was bobbing back and forth. She hadn't bothered to restrain her hair at all, so it moved with her, cascading against her back and shoulders. The room filled with the wet sounds of her effort. She was sucking him with everything she had.

Fox managed his breathing, feeling the pleasure lancing through his body, riding it. He barely moved himself. Sure, he was free to thrust his hips, fucking Wolf's eager mouth in the process. But that was dangerous too. He had to let her set the pace, until she was horny enough to unchain him. That was the plan, anyway.

In reality, the plan was slipping quickly from his mind. He started to realize how long it had been since anyone had done something like this with him... and worse, Wolf was, put lightly, memorable. All the history between them had suddenly brought them here. His brash, uncontrollable rival, naked and on her knees and sucking his dick with both skill and passion. Fox twitched inside her, and had to bite his lip, hard, to stay quiet.

Sometimes her technique would shift a little. A long, intricate lick from his base to his tip and back again, or slowing the oral stuff so she could instead focus on caressing his balls. Whatever she tried, though, it would soon go back to the same rhythm. Back and forth on his cock, dragging his arousal steadily to new heights.

Fox had faced a lot of challenges in his life, of many different kinds. Some were personal, some professional, many dangerous. Fighting against his urge to cum down Wolf's throat was definitely near the top.

She was relentless. The longer he held out, the more frustrated she became, but that frustration was poured straight into her technique. Her head moved faster as she focused more and more intently on his dick, her tongue working his shaft.

He closed his eyes. At least shutting out the visual stimulus bought him some time. It was too hot seeing his rival on her knees in front of him. He wasn't in control here, but neither was she. Trapped by her raging desires the way he was trapped by steel.

Deep breaths didn't help. Not with her scent still so thick in the air. There was nothing he could do to block out the sensations, either. That left him with one thought to cling to. This was just enough competition between him and Wolf. One he needed to win.

She blinked first. After one last desperate burst of energy failed to budge him, she withdrew with a sharp growl. "Goddammit! Why won't you admit defeat?! Just fucking cum on me already!"

Fox dearly wished he had recorded that sentence. He stayed focused, though. "Because I'm not the one who needs to get laid here," he said. "You are. We're doing this because you were horny enough to start touching yourself with me in the room. Is giving a blowjob going to get you there?"

She just stared up at him, a potent mixture of anger and lust etched on her face.

"Is it?"

"You wanna fuck me." It was low and throaty and not a question. "You think after everything you put me through, I'm just gonna turn around and bend over and-"

"-ride me until I come inside of you? Yeah, Wolf. That's transparently what you need."

She bit her lip as though to stop herself from replying. Then she kept biting it. "Fuck," she hissed. "Fuck fuck fuck..."

Wolf scrambled back to her feet. From this angle, Fox could see what he had already suspected - the hand she hadn't been using to paw at him was buried between her thighs. When she pulled it away, her fingers were coated with her juices. Fox had thought the smell was alluring before, but now it was almost overpowering.

She hesitated for a moment. All that power, all that anger, stalled out. Fox had a view of a soft, horny woman contemplating how best to ride his dick.

"Need some help?"

"Shut up," she growled. "Your annoying voice kills the mood."

"I just wanted to tell you - as fun as it sounds to just stand here and let you hump me, grinding yourself up against my body like you're, I dunno, fucking a chair-"

Wolf made a strangled, throaty noise and moved closer.

"-before you do that," said Fox quickly, having misjudged how good that sounded to her, "remember that I can't really move around like, at all, so a bad angle could snap me in half."

"Like I care." Her long, clawed fingers were on his cock now. He twitched at her touch, but had to stay focused.

"You do. Besides, I could be a lot more use to you if- Wolf are you even liste-?!"

She wasn't. She took his shaft in both hands, smearing some of her juices on his sensitive flesh. He got a lot more of it as she unceremoniously dropped her hips onto his.

Fox's words disappeared into a breathy gasp as Wolf's pussy claimed him.

Her velvety walls were tight, and immediately got tighter. She twitched hard at the penetration, a sign of how badly she needed this. She swiveled her hips, trying to get as close and deep a connection as possible.

"Holy fuck," breathed Fox. "Th-that's-"

She shut him up with another kiss, almost as wet and deep and controlling as the connection below. Her arms were soon tangled around his body again, tight and possessive.

They stayed like that for a while. It was hard for Fox to know how long, exactly. Wolf's scent filled his world. So did the feeling of her soft fur, and the warm, rippling flesh beneath it. He kissed her back, trying to match the motions of her tongue.

He knew this was bad. Bad for his escape plan, bad for his image as a 'morally upstanding' pilot, probably bad for his spine. It was hard to care about any of that. Deep instincts were surging through his body, overpowering his rational mind.

When Wolf finally broke the kiss to nibble at his neck and shoulder, Fox had to suck in a breath like a drowning man.

"Please, Wolf..." His voice was small and breathy and pathetic and there was nothing he could do about it. "Please let me out of this thing."

"No," she growled. "'m'not stupid..."

"Please! It's not a trick!" He sounded sincere. Because he was. "I just want to fuck you better! I want to feel your fur and get into a better position. I promise I'll be good. I'll promise I'll cum for you! Just -just please-!"

Wolf threw her head back and let out a low, pleasured growl. "Keep whining. Feels good."

Her hand was still fondling his ass, too. Forcing their hips together. With words apparently useless, Fox trailed into a quiet whimper.

"Mmf! That's the stuff." Her other hand gripped his chin, hard, as she met his gaze. "You're my little fucking plaything. Maybe I won't even sell you. Maybe I'll keep you here forever. A living, breathing sex-toy to serve my whims. How does that sound, huh?"

Fox clenched his jaw and focused on his breathing.

"I asked you a question, Pup! You wanna be my bitch? Huh?"

"I," he said, every word slow, "am not gonna cum for you until you unchain me."

She barked a laugh in his face. But that only strengthened his resolve.

"Not kidding. Not backing down. You want a sex-toy? Fine, works for me. You can do whatever you want with me."

Hearing himself say those words made his dick twitch inside her. They both knew he wasn't lying about that part.

"But if you're gonna play with me, you need to play with me safely, and not in a way that might break both of my damn arms." He met that unbending ruby gaze. "Let. Me. Out."

The air was still between them - thick with their mingling scents, but silent. Wolf had stopped grinding herself against him, too. He braced himself for whatever came next. His whole gambit had probably failed, maybe even backfired, and he would need to get through whatever punishment Wolf laid down instead of releasing him.

"Containment unit. Release occupant."

The machine beeped in reply, seeking a secured passcode.

"I said fucking let him out!"

Either because that was genuinely what Wolf had set as the passcode, or because she was just that scary - plausibly either, or both - the unit complied. Fox was suddenly free.

He hadn't planned to leap into action, which was good, because he had no hope of doing so. For one thing, after so long in the same position, his limbs felt like jelly. For another, Wolf was still holding him tight. He just fell deeper into her grasp, and during the instant he could've tried something, she moved first.

One impressively smooth motion later, Fox found himself hitting Wolf's mattress -with his 'new owner' following right behind, having never let him pull out. He was soon pinned against the bed, both by her hips and her hungry mouth. She shifted position slightly, getting his dick back into a comfortable position inside her pussy. The second she was satisfied, it all started anew.

This hadn't been what Fox had pictured. Any window to actually escape was long past. He let go and allowed himself to enjoy all this instead. After so long in the containment unit, Wolf's bed felt heavenly. The fact that she clearly didn't wash it that often, imbuing it thickly with her scent, didn't feel like much of a downside.

Neither did having a needy bitch ride his cock.

Wolf hadn't missed a beat. She drove herself into him, using him for all he was worth. There was no question who was fucking who. Fox's job was just to lie back with his legs spread and his cock available, and he didn't object. He couldn't when Wolf was damn near eating him. Her lips, her tongue, and what felt like every one of her fangs had complete ownership of his mouth. Her pussy owned the rest of him.

He felt a dangerously strong twitch. It had been a struggle to hold out this long, and he didn't have much resistance left. Not after that marathon session with Wolf between his thighs. Remembering that made his hips buck again, which pushed him even deeper into Wolf, which in turn-

She broke the kiss to growl in his ear. "Oh, give it up already."


"No more excuses. No more words." She was gripping his fur again, smothering him with her entire body. Wolf's soft curves consumed him. "Cum for me, Pup."

Her hips had never stopped moving, and now he was matching her too, unable to stop himself. "I... Fuck, I'm-!"

"Do it!" she hissed. "Make yourself useful and cum, you stupid, handsome-!"

With a long and pitiful whine, Fox arched his back, curled his toes, and came.

His knot buried itself in Wolf's walls, which were eager to accept it. It was accompanied by the biggest load Fox could ever remember having. He had really been pent up. In a sudden moment of clarity amid the bliss rolling through his body, he realized seeing so much of Wolf in her underwear probably hadn't helped.

His orgasm crashed through him heavily, but Wolf's reaction was even stronger. She arched her body too, and howled. Fucking howled! There was no way Fox was able to make fun of her right now - too breathless, too submissive, too likely he looked just as silly - so he just committed the view to memory. Wolf seen from below, her tits wobbling, her eye scrunched closed, her mouth in a perfect O.

Their shared climax seemed to last an hour. They shivered and gasped and made noises they'd never let each other hear otherwise. But finally, Fox's balls emptied, and Wolf's pussy grew still.

For a few moments, the room was silent except for their breathing. Fox tried to collect himself, and brace for whatever comment Wolf was about to make. Instead, she didn't say a word. She just lowered herself down until her body, her heavy and heaving chest, settled against his tousled fur.

Wolf may have become softer and curvier. (Much softer. Way curvier.) But she was still considerably taller than Fox, with muscles to match. She was still, well, a wolf. And she was still pretty damn heavy, even when limp and relaxed.

In moments, she was snoring.

Fox took a moment to assess his new tactical position. Yes, he was out of the containment unit. But now he was buried under, and buried inside, someone he couldn't easily budge. Even when his knot finally came loose, he didn't see an escape route from under here.

He found it a little hard to complain, though.

With a silent sigh, he made himself comfortable. If he wasn't going anywhere, he could at least savour the feeling of an actual bed... to say nothing of the soft curves at his fingertips. He mused a little bit about vulnerability and trust as he caressed Wolf's body, but most of his thoughts were wordless. It wasn't long before he was asleep too.