Never Deal With A Dragon

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Shadowrunning sounds simple on paper. You find a job, you do a job, you get paid. Sometimes the hard part is finding the job, sometimes it's getting your pay from a double-dealing Johnson. Most of the time it's the job itself which fill the stories told on the streets. For Ibzan, an experienced Changeling hacker, this job seemed to be one of those quick, easy scores which pay the bills and pad out the season on the latest cheesy Trideo flick. Break in, steal a crate, contact the Johnson to arrange delivery and payment. Simple, clean, and no surprises.

It's not like the megacorp he was hitting was secretly controlled by a wizworm who had an eye for the cute pup after all. Or at least, not that he knew. Oh well, on the plus side the 'rewards' the dragon gives him are far more valuable than any cred sticks could be~

This piece was a commission written for Ibzan over on Furaffinity. Thank you for your support!

Wolf-Errant Pharmaceuticals. An AA-rank megacorp nestled in a 'relatively' quiet block of Downtown Seattle. Specializes in Awakened Pharmaceuticals, employing quite a few mages and adepts following various Hermetic traditions. Most of the company's 'reported' profits have come from vocational training for local hospitals, although their most lucrative contract is training Awakened medics for DocWagon and Knight-Errant.

When they're not taking any street kid or wage slave who shows the faintest aptitude with magic and training them how to close a wound or flush someone's blood of toxins with a spell, they're employing some real heavyweights in the field for Research and Development. Their R&D budget blows out their training returns by a mile. The shortfall is covered by its investors, composed of the typical corporate players and diversified portfolio managers, with the two largest shareholders, Ares MacroTechnology and Saeder-Krupp, being tied at 5.4% ownership each. Horizon, not to let anything in the pharmaceutical field, particularly on its home turf, get discovered without their involvement invested heavily and sparked a small shadow war between the three big leagues that was eventually settled quietly by the Corporate Court, leading to Horizon becoming its third largest shareholder at 3%.

Rumors are that the company started as a subsidiary of Knight-Errant to handle training for awakened medics, but with a partnership agreement from Saeder-Krupp for investment branched out into research. WHY exactly this partnership came about, and why Horizon got involved (outside of just wanting their cut in the field) has been the topic of some speculation, but for the most part the company has remained quiet and unnoteworthy since the flurry of runs last year died down.


Ibzan let out a long, drawn-out sigh as the opportunity he had been waiting these last few hours for finally arrived. The blue-haired hyena man had spent days preparing for this moment, starting by looking through all the usual Runner catered to places on the Matrix where people like him collected and shared information that others might find useful. Days spent casing the area, observing it from afar by hacking into security cameras across the block, then just as much time snooping around the security protocols of the building. The cyber security was the easy part to crack for the changeling, securing administration rights and backdoors so he'd be able to slip in without alerting any of the dozens of software agents or the spider organizing them to his intrusion -- at least not until he was long gone with his prize in tow.

Which left the difficult part: physical security. Downtown meant that Lone Star was never that far away, and on top of that the corp had cut a deal with the local gang to not only keep clear of their business, but to keep others out of it as well. Then there was the issue of the 'private' security inside, a half dozen or so boys in black who were there to discourage ne'er-do-wells like himself from peeking their noses in. At least he knew where those were, and the relative mundanity of their location had led to the Knight-Errant officers getting lazy, allowing him to slip an agent into one of their commlinks and thus reveal they had been less than... diligent in their rounds. So long as he didn't trip any alarms or get caught by anyone outside of the building, they should stay squatting blissfully unaware in their office as he made off with his target, and if he was lucky, some good pay data to boot.

After many, many, hours of coffee-fueled screen watching he had identified his opening. Late in the evening, after the building had been emptied of all but the janitors and security, there was a half-hour period where Lone Star and the gangs weren't keeping their eyes on his chosen entrance. Now, as the AR feed in his sunglasses showed the squad car quietly shuffling off to make its rounds down the next block, and the gangers slipping away to chase their next high, the Shadowrunner pulled out a cred stick to pay off his tab and slipped out of the bar he was waiting in.

It would have been nerve-wracking if it wasn't practically routine at this point for the hacker. He crossed the street with a throng of pedestrians enjoying the city life, patting his pocket to make certain his commlink and pistol were safely where they should be right afterwards. His fingers then flicked from within his pockets, letting his haptic feedback-equipped gloves register the movement to cycle through the live feed he had in his glasses to do one last check while walking towards the alley. No sudden surprises in either direction. It was now or never.

No one would raise too much of an eyebrow at a man surreptitiously slipping into an alley, not with the risk of catching the ire of someone about to take a piss or purchase some drugs. So long as he acted cool and not like he was about to break into some megacorp's loading docks, no one else would think to look at him more than the usual double take at his unusual appearance. Doing his due diligence to look more interested in the wall than what was several meters further down, he slowly made his way out of sight of the street and towards the back alleys. He knew his route by heart now, not taking any chances as he avoided the cameras he had already set to loop and hopped his way onto the loading docks.

His hand swept across the keypad controlling the roller door as his commlink spoofed the proper identity to open the entrance, while more importantly one of the agents he had left in the system a few days prior ensured no alert was forwarded to the security office about the unscheduled delivery. He didn't wait for it to reach its full height before ducking in, giving another wave to start closing it just in case a ganger walked by sooner than expected.

He had his run of the place. The internal cameras were already open to his feed days before, letting him know exactly where the cleaners were, as well as the boys in their sleek black uniforms on their eight-hour coffee break. He wouldn't have to worry too much about the cleaners, and the night crew didn't have the security to get to where he was going. Then there was the other reason for why he chose the loading docks: it offered convenient access to the research labs beneath the office via the adjoining warehouse, allowing him to bypass the occupied training and office space entirely.

Said labs were their own issue, however. Their network was isolated from the rest of the building's, completely divorced from the wireless Matrix. In short, he couldn't just slip in using his skills. It took the touch of his fixer to arrange the key he needed here, in the form of a keycard 'accidentally lost' by one of the researchers late Friday, but 'wouldn't be noticed' and reported until Monday morning -- the other reason why he could not afford to pass up the opening he was exploiting.

Fortunately, with how insular the system was he also wouldn't have to worry about it reporting him to the security guards above, or likely any remote spiders watching in. No other security personnel came or went from the building, which removed the chance of there being guys waiting for him in the lab too. No, the paranoia of separating the complex from the office building's network was no doubt just to keep the sensitive data within from being pinched by any decent hacker or rival corp without having to get their hands dirty.

Not that it made Ibzan any less paranoid himself as he waited for the system to accept the serendipitously-acquired keycard. One hand on the card, the other rested against the back of his pistol in case a hidden alarm he didn't catch was flipped. One second later a short beep and green light signaled the door in front of him was unlocked. A further second later with his brown eyes paying keen attention towards his glasses' projection of the security office showed that they remained unaware, the hyena S.U.R.G.E. slipped in, barely making a noise with his steps while the door sealed shut behind him.

His mouth watered at the tech he saw in the lab. The medical equipment was far above his limited first aid skills to know the first thing about what it was for, but the computers lined up and idly whirling with whatever simulation they had been tasked with performing overnight were a hacker's dream. The amount of processing power the server room held was enough to brute force almost any corp's security to crash. If he was greener in the hair rather than his eye-catching blue, he might have been tempted to try and steal at least as much as he could get away with. But experience had taught him that such... side ventures almost always brought more trouble than they were worth in the end.

The real cash was waiting further within. Past more rooms that started to look suspiciously like clinics or other medical rooms, straight to where Mr. Johnson had said it was. Identified by the numbers over the door was a room filled with crates two feet in every dimension. The product of whatever untoward research was going on in the rooms he had just slipped past, and the target that his client wished delivered to him. Unfortunately, it had to be a particular one. It always had to be a particular one with a Johnson.

At least the damn things were labeled. Each crate was nestled in what appeared to be some sort of sophisticated locker, no doubt with some extra alarm or other security to ensure the contents weren't 'misplaced'. He'd have to spend the next few minutes working over the crate's protection before he could retrieve his prize, a challenge considering most of the programs running in the device were performing some arcane task that he didn't recognize.

"Probably just some severed heads," Ibzan muttered underneath his breath as his gaze brushed across data streams reporting temperature, nutrients, and half a dozen other condition reports.

It wasn't his business though. He was just a... courier... here to retrieve one particular labeled crate which he finally felt confident in pulling from its slot and slip it into his backpack. A courier that was also busily copying everything he managed to access from the system with the crates to his commlink to sell to someone else who would want to know what was going on here.

But now he had to get going. His thirty minutes without having to fight off some gangbangers high on novacoke or tempo was drawing to a close. He walked as quietly as he could towards the security door leading back to the loading docks as the fur on the back of his neck began to stand on edge. It almost felt like things were going... too well. A silly notion... he had ops that had gone this swimmingly before, but there was almost always some sort of significant obstacle that needed to be dealt with, planned or not.

The keycard let him back through just fine once more, leaving the hyena to dismiss the paranoia welling in his mind. The Edge, the instincts, from someone who lived their lives in the shadows was useful, but it wasn't always entirely accurate, he told himself, as he walked past the suspiciously spacious warehouse, making for the exit and his fistful of cred sticks...

I should look at what's in the crate.

The thought was... unusual, but persistent, in his mind. It was unusual because he knew he shouldn't. But he couldn't help but acknowledge he was curious... What could be the dark secret of the innocuous little pharma company and its magical research? It wouldn't take too long... He had another few minutes. That was plenty to pop open a crate, take a quick peek, and then be long gone. If it wasn't, he was a solid enough shot with his pistol to take one or two gang members by surprise and be gone before they realized what was going on...

His hackles rose further as he slid his backpack off and onto the ground. He swiftly reached down to unzip the bag from around the crate when his brown eyes locked with what at a glance was an innocuous glow stick ring wrapped around his left wrist. A ring which was now faintly illuminated in a light blue where it had not been a second before. It was composed not of the typical chemicals that mixed to make their dazzling light but was instead filled with a particularly useful awakened moss that would glow whenever something astrally active affected it or its wearer.

Something like a spell.

Ibzan wanted to reach for his pistol and geek the mage that had gotten the drop on him as soon as he could, but the suggestion the bastard had placed in his mind took precedence. He reached up to the crate and keyed in the password he had fetched from its code, causing the crate to unlatch with a hiss. Shakily, as his mind fought a losing battle to stop himself, he opened it.

He wished it was a head. He wished it was the head of the president, implying that the current one was a masquerading doppelganger planted by aliens. That would have been much preferred to deal with than what was there.

An egg. Slightly larger than his head and colored with a faint gold color. A dragon egg.

He was a dead man.

With an audible gulp the hyena's eyes were finally allowed to tear themselves away from the ill-gotten prize he had almost escaped with. There was no way he could have broken into security for something so precious so easily. His eyes rose towards the clear space within the middle of the warehouse, getting his answer as to why it was so empty as he finally saw the critter which had been sitting there ever since he first slipped in.

It was a damned dragon, larger than a bus and staring at him with an amused expression on his whiskered lips. A western dracoform, he guessed from his limited knowledge of the creatures, but one which seemed to have some eastern and leviathan features as well, given the scaled whisker-like protrusions from its nose and chin, and the fins extending from the tips of the folded wings down to the end of its long, sinewy tail. Even while sitting the creature dwarfed him in height, leading the hyena to look upwards to meet the seemingly pupil-less golden eyes of the equally gold dragon.

"I..." the hyena's hand nervously reached up to remove his AR glasses, hoping to avoid risking the massive, magical, fire-breathing beast by being rude before he spoke. His mind searched for the next word to say only for his mind to draw a blank. His usually calm and collected psyche was cracking underneath the weight of the situation he was in as his mind madly spun for a way out of his current predicament. Visible panic settled into his expression as his eyes remained affixed to the veritable wall of golden scales and magic casually sitting in front of him. His nostrils flared with his heavier breaths as fight or flight instincts undermined his reason, making it even more difficult to try to think of a way, any way, to keep from being turned into barbecue.

"Now, there's no need to look so alarmed. Why don't you... Relax..." the dragon's voice rumbled within his mind. The glomoss around his wrist flared again as the words were spoken, but that didn't change how soothing the pleasant tone echoing in his mind was. It was easy to be swept along by the rolling tenor of the dragonspeech, coaxing his breath to steady and his thoughts to organize themselves into a more collected manner.

"I... Yes, uh," the hacker started again, getting further this time before reaching another roadblock in his negotiations with the large magical lizard -- he didn't know his name. Every Runner worth their salt kept informed of the big threats in their neighborhoods and a dragon would be at the top of that list. Yet this dragon was a complete unknown to him; no alerts on the downlow, no rumors of an unknown wizworm making plays, and nothing that made the corp he had just hit look like anything more than what it was on paper. Even the brief little corporate scuffle and speculation about its research was just enough tarnish to keep the business from looking suspiciously clean. "How should I... address you?" the hyena inquired as his mind reached for a way to refer to the dragon that was respectful enough to the dragon without feeling too unnatural on his lips.

"I hope you were not expecting a name. Aliases are the modus operandi of your ilk, are they not, Ibzan?" the dragon spoke to his mind again, almost drawing another flare of panic to his quieted heart when he seemed to know of him. "For now... 'Sir' will suffice. That little bit of politeness might grate against your anarchistic sensibilities, but it is the least a common thief can do when confronted with the one they tried to pilfer from, don't you agree?"

"Yes, sir," Ibzan spoke again, surprised at how easily the syllable came to his lips. He wondered if the dragon had slipped another spell with his last statement, but the only way to know for certain was to try to address the dragon by another way -- a risk that the hyena did not feel brave enough to try, especially since the great beast had begun to stand from the lounging sprawl it had been in since the Shadowrunner first laid eyes on him.

Ibzan's eyes followed the dragon's movements, keeping his gaze staring just beneath the gold's eyes so as to not challenge the massive beast. With his fear having been quelled by the dragon's spell he could marvel at the resplendent aureate hue of the creature's scales, a marvel he would have much preferred witnessing at an extreme distance, and not after having slighted the wyrm, but one he found himself idly appreciating nonetheless.

"You... Know of me, sir?" the hyena pivoted towards instead, as he finally got the wherewithal to glance away from the dragon's face, staring instead at the creature's forepaws in a gesture reminiscent of a child being chastised by their parent.

"Certainly. I would not have arranged for you to be where you are now without ensuring you were... adequate for my designs," the dragon's words rolled soothingly into his mind once again. But while the notes echoing within his thoughts were pleasant, the meaning carried with them were much the opposite, drawing a scowl to the hyena's face as he tried to figure out just what the dragon meant.

He had thought it was as simple as the dragon knowing of him when the dragon first spoke his name -- he was rather distinctive compared to the rest of metahumanity, after all. It would be easy enough for someone as well-connected as a dragon to figure out who a hyena hacker breaking into the building was after he had so blissfully walked by the magically concealed lizard on his way to the labs.

"That... It was an open contract, though. Sir," Ibzan spoke lightly, not trying to sound like he was contradicting the powerful beast in front of him as he expressed his confusion. The job that was offered to hit this place had been one of numerous offers the changeling found in the shadowy areas of the Matrix that had serviceable pay for a quick job and solid rep behind the poster. Hell, he didn't even need to contact the Johnson to take it. Payment would be delivered upon proof that he had the crate mentioned in the post!

"You would have hardly taken it if it had been hand delivered straight to you, would you now? But, you metahumans, even you anarchist Runners, are far more set in your ways than you realize. Consider the difficulties that were arranged to pull off your burglary successfully, the skills that would be required to pull it off. Not every deniable asset has the capabilities to do what you did, or believe themselves capable of it to even try -- while those foolish enough to do so without such skills and confidence would have been stopped before they reached the building.

"Then consider the pay... Nothing suspicious for the job offered, but rather lacking for a team to take on. But, a lone runner, wanting a bit of quick cash on the side from an easy score? It would be a lucrative sum of Nuyen. That further narrows the field of those who would take the job, a far more selective pool of candidates. And of those... Well, you runners are rather busy creatures, all one would need to do is post a job when every other candidate would be pre-booked, and only one name would be left on the list. The one that was desired all along, even though they didn't know it."

Ibzan's ears lowered as the dragon explained his plan to lure him to this moment. The lack of fear because of the dragon's spell emboldened his lips to pull back in a defiant snarl at the revelation he had so easily baited, even as his mind tried to figure out just what the wyrm's game was.

"So... What... This was all some elaborate recruitment scheme?" It wouldn't be the first time. The shadows were filled with stories of Runners being lured into the employ of dragons, sometimes manipulated without knowing it, downright compelled in others. But why him? He was skilled, certainly, but hardly the best freelance hacker operating in the area at the moment. Yet, somehow, he had gotten the attention of a dragon...

"Don't flatter yourself," the dragon scoffed with an amused mental chuckle rolling through the hyena's mind. The dismissive tone banished the clouds of resentment from Ibzan's thoughts, prompting a huff from the hyena's lips. Followed shortly thereafter by a concerned gasp that bordered on a squeak as one of the creature's giant clawed hands stretched towards him.

Fear or no fear, the hacker made to back away from the beast, only to be stopped as the digits on the appendage curled against his back to cut off his escape. Any attempt to roll forward and away from the dragon's clutch was halted by the critter's thumb pressing gingerly against his front.

"I did not bring you here because I wanted you to do a job for me, Ibzan. I brought you here because I desired to possess you."

The hyena's ears flushed at the curveball the gold reptile had thrown at him. This had to be some prank, right? One of the deadliest, most connected creatures of the Sixth World that was likely managing a dozen different schemes and plots against both megacorps and fellow dragons wouldn't have gone through all of this trouble for what amounted to a booty call.

But the idea of being 'possessed' by such a creature... That tickled something within the experienced Runner in a way that he didn't want to admit, something that he kept nice and separate from his professional career on the streets. A fantastical indulgence amongst many others kept behind very secure encryptions hiding illicit Trideo programs and a few, very choice, Matrix Nodes catering to those interests.

"I'm, uh, touched... sir..." the hyena bit his lip as he struggled to call the dragon something less formal, only to have the beast's chosen syllable spilling from his lips, answering his earlier curiosity. "But this is starting to sound like the plot of a very cheesy Trid." The Clutch of Dragons, specifically, but he wasn't going to admit to that one being a personal favorite of his.

A dragon is not the type of creature to take a 'no', however, which in this case came in the form of the dragon's thumb sliding teasingly across his front, playing with the reinforced trench coat he wore while working, before finally coming to brush against the hint of a tent starting to form within his trousers. He tried to shy away from the grope, but all that did was press him back into the wizworm's hand.

"You'll have to work on your tone when you address me from now on, pet, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. We have all night to work on your manners, and, as your skills attest to, you're a smart boy," the beast spoke again while Ibzan did his best to avoid the dragon's gaze. Try as he might to wish this sordid affair away, or at least keep his hidden depravities from being dragged out by the magical beast in front of him, his obscured length continued to spill from its sheath, encouraged by the gentle touch of the massive claw as the hyena's tail bobbed against the warm scales of the dragon's hand.

"Please... Sir..." the hyena whimpered shamefully, while the twitch of his knotted rod straining against the firm fabric of his trousers made a different request to the reptile.

"Take off your clothes... I wish to examine what my new plaything has to offer," the dragon's voice once again rumbled into his mind. The soothing notes from earlier had changed to possess a dark, alluring pull to it which fanned the flames of the changeling's baser desires, exacerbated further by the possessive rumble which rolled from the creature's chest to tickle his ears.

Once again Ibzan found himself powerless to resist the command spoken to his mind. Almost without thinking he began to do as he was instructed, starting with the glow ring vividly flaring a pale blue light which he slipped from his wrist and dropped to the warehouse floor. Then came his trench coat, the armored garment landing with an audible clunk from the weight of the ceramic plates hidden within the fabric, his commlink, and his pistol. Already he felt woefully underdressed without the familiar protective weight of the coat, now left in just his street casual shirt and trousers.

The dragon wouldn't be satisfied with such a half measure, as evidenced by how the hyena's hands continued to dance along to the dragon's command. His shirt was the next to go, his hands grasping a hold of it by its hem and pulling it up and over his shoulders, revealing his athletic torso in all its furred glory. His hands dropped the disrobed prize to focus on his belt next, unbuckling the synthetic leather band and sliding it from the loops around his waist.

When it came time to take his jeans off though, he paused. The dragon's claw was still in the way, teasingly rubbing against the bulge his erection made within the thick denim. The dragon's spell compelled him to remove them... but at the same time he was struck with reverential deference to the dragon's desires, leaving him powerless to try and force the issue. The resolution his influenced mind came to was to shyly press his hand adjacent to the claw fondling him through his pants, his fingertips resting against his trousers to make clear he wasn't trying to push the dragon aside. In a way... he was asking permission to be allowed to strip himself for the dragon's pleasure, a situation which made the blush peeking through the thin fur of his ears even more visible.

It worked. The dragon's claw retreated, sliding up along his now bare furred chest with an appraising touch along his exposed body. The satisfied rumble the large creature gave echoed through the quiet warehouse, causing the hyena's heart to skip a beat from his prospective new owner's excitement. But his hands had a job to do, and without skipping a beat they did it. Nimble fingers that could write code on the fly pried open the button of his pants and, despite Ibzan's internal anguish at the deed they were about to perform, pulled the last of his clothes off in one fell swoop. Trousers and underwear fell to his ankles before the articles were kicked away, leaving him stark naked for the dragon's sight. His excited seven inches of red knotted dick stood proudly from his crotch, his shameful arousal had even brought its knot to flare from the sheath to not leave anything to the dragon's imagination.

Not that the hyena could have hidden anything from the dragon, or, more accurately, wanted to. He had considered using his hands to try and hide the sight of his shame from the creature controlling him only to find that he didn't have the urge to do so. In fact, the idea of trying to hide anything from the wyrm felt... wrong. It wasn't just hiding his body from his sight either, as Ibzan discovered when the creature's claw returned to his crotch, gently rubbing the smooth top of the talon across his length. The care behind such a powerful creature tenderly teasing his flesh pulled an excited whimper past Ibzan's normally aloof demeanor, and despite his best attempts to keep himself calm, his hips ground into the touch, smearing the excitement drooling from his length against the golden claw.

He tried to get in control of himself again, desperately hoping to at least act like his inhibitions were still in check even if every act his body took proved the opposite. But, as his hands reached forward to gingerly hold the digit stroking along his crotch in a feeble attempt to halt his caress, he only fell deeper underneath the dragon's sway. The fact made plainly clear when the hyena closed his eyes to try and focus, only for them to open a second later with a faint golden sheen layered over their gentle amber color.

"Just as cute as I knew you'd be," the dragon's words rumbled in his mind again, prompting the hacker's tail to bob in response even as the hyena mentally chided himself from enjoying the praise as much as he did. Any chance for Ibzan to respond was cut short when the giant claw slid lower to brush along his taint, pressing up just enough for his balls to drape across the surface and coax another whimper from the new toy.

Maybe it wasn't just the dragon's spells which had helped to soothe his reservations, Ibzan realized. His toned, muscular chest rolled with excitement, and as it did so it sucked down the dragon's saffron-flavored scent with each greedy pant. He had presumed that the... enticing scent was growing stronger just because he was lingering next to the dragon, but as his gold and brown eyes looked pleadingly towards his new owner, he would discover the real cause of that growing scent. He had not noticed it before even as the dragon came to a stand because he was too busy looking either towards his face or down at his feet, but finally his eyes managed to glance upon the pillar of pink flesh jutting out from behind the beast's rear legs. Ibzan's eyes went wide, his nostrils flared again as he imbibed the rich aroma rolling from the large reptile's rod, wafting from the slippery off-clear fluid that coated the ridged girth. He knew the dragon said he wanted to possess him, but it was only upon staring at the excitement dripping from the beast that he knew it was in as depraved and carnal a way as he secretly hoped for.

The hacker's mouth went dry as he slowly, tortuously pulled his sight away from the throbbing slab of flesh flexing in the air beneath the dragon's body. His increasingly golden-hued eyes focused instead into the featureless orbs of his owner's, waiting for his next words with an anxious swallow. Instead, he felt the claw slide up and away from his perineum, dancing along the fur of his abdomen until the point of the steel hard talon came to rest halfway between his belly button and sheath.

"Now, though, there is the matter of your... transgression. Arranged or not, a theft against a dragon is a very serious affair. The attempted theft of a dragon egg all the more so. You'll have to pay a recompense..." the dragon spoke again with a bemused chuckle vibrating through the hyena's mind along with his words. The wizworm weaved another spell alongside his words, strong enough this time that even the hyena could feel the unnerving, hair-raising sensation of mana being woven together over his body.

"H-how would I go about that, Sir... I don't have anything that you want outside of my body," Ibzan spoke through the needy pant which had taken root in his chest ever since he first noticed the monstrously sized prick drooling its mess onto the cement floor.

"I think the payment would be rather clear..." the dragon teased as his spell took effect. Or so Ibzan believed as he looked down at the claw drifting away from his sand-colored belly fur. The spell darkened the fur of his pelt, drawing a pattern from the blackened hairs as lines joined and crossed until they formed some unknown script that wouldn't look out of place drawn by the creature's talon. The hyena didn't need to be told what it meant: it was a mark of ownership pronouncing the hyena as part of the dragon's property, part of his hoard.

"For trying to steal an egg, you will carry my brood for the rest of your days." The creature finished his statement after leaning forward close enough that his whiskers tickled against the hyena's ears as if he was whispering to him. If Ibzan had been hot underneath his now disrobed collar from just the possessive entitlement the dragon displayed towards him, the threat of one of his most powerful fantasies set him to a hedonistic boil. His shaft twitched to its peak, so enticed by just those words that his lips released an excited gasp, while his girth spilled a rivulet of pre from its tip.

"M-Master," the hyena froze as he realized the word he had uttered, the glow in his eyes now as vivid as the brown hue of his irises. He had tried to address the dragon in the polite honorific he had been compelled to earlier, but instead of what he intended to say the far more subservient title was spoken instead. But it was only proper, his mind started to justify. How could he not look at the great beast that owned him and call him anything less? Even thinking of the beast in front of him as 'just' a dragon didn't feel right anymore. He was more than just a dragon. He was his Master. He knew, at least partially in his conflicted, spell warped mind, that it was no doubt part of the dragon's latest magework, some part of the enchanted mark on his abdomen, but a growing part of him was starting to not care about such unimportant details compared to the much more immediate duty to his Master.

"How am I meant to bear your brood... to give you... eggs..." he eventually finished his request with a huff, closing his eyes to just indulge in the moment. The shift forward the beast had made to 'whisper' into his ear brought the great bulk of the gold dragon's body closer to him, allowing his fur to brush across the scales of the beast practically humming with magic. The dragon's warmth and his scent pushed him even further towards his hedonistic impulses, bringing with it a demanding pang of desire clenched within his loins that took all of his willpower to not grind against his owner like a needy bitch.

"I've already taken care of that, pet," the dragon's words created another flutter of excitement as well as confusion in him. His eyes opened from their indulgent slumber to follow the dragon's talon once again gently rolling across his body, joining his owner's gaze as it wandered over his fur. A welling sense of strangeness fell upon him as he watched the claw passing over his brown and tan fur, like there was something just a bit off that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was only as the talon once again lightly brushed along the length of his arousal that he realized just why.

He was smaller. Most evidently in the cock department, as his once proud seven had been diminished to a six, the difference in length made apparent thanks to where his length now stood compared to the lingering splotch of hyena excitement coating his Master's claw from when it last teased against his length. His balls too were growing smaller, looking even more lacking in comparison to the dragon's finger from his last gentle caress. From there, it was simple enough for the spellbound hacker to realize the rest of his body was likewise affected. The loss of half an inch of height or so perhaps, but much more noticeable was the slow reduction of his musculature. The strong, athletic frame he had built from years of illicit activities in the shadows was being undone by his owner, his broad shoulders narrowing as his hips gradually widened. Even his facial features softened slightly, taking on a more androgynous look along with the rest of his body the longer the creature's spell worked over him.

His tail was dancing the entire way, showcasing his newfound eagerness as he basked in his owner's warmth and affectionate attention. The claw continued its teasing rolls, playing with his length for as long as it remained. The shrinking bright red length constantly spasmed and twitched, belching smaller and smaller strings of excitement as if his seed was being squeezed from his balls as their volume decreased.

The desire in his body burned brighter the more the pride of his masculinity was robbed from him, his weaker frame tensing into an anxious bundle of lust that reached its peak as his length shrunk into his equally diminished sheath. His now marble-sized balls squeezed against the teasing point of his owner's claw as they likewise disappeared into the fur of his crotch. The claw followed suit, coming to brush across a briefly nongendered loin before it, as if it was carving his new sex into being with just its touch, slid down along the femboy's loins as a pair of engorged, pink lips took shape.

The sensation of newfound fertility carving itself out of his body to join with the sensitive labia pressed against by one of the dragon's teasing knuckles was too much for the cuntyeen to handle. All the excitement which had coiled throughout his body spilled out in one euphoric flush from his first climax with his new body! He reached forward, grasping a hold of his Master in support as he moaned earnestly into the dragon's long neck, his hips grinding forward to invite that taloned finger to deflower his new, fertile sex. But as powerful as the desire and release rippling through his body was, it was not enough to quiet the yearning need now nestled in his core as his new womb cried out for his Master's gift.

"Please... Master," the hyena panted as he passed the peak of his feminine release, his eyes now a shimmering, brilliant hue of gold that completely washed out the brown underneath. Ibzan couldn't focus anymore, his mind a jumbled mess of the dragon's scent, his body's new instinctual calling to be bred, and the desire of his fantasies come true. But none of the many simsense experiences he indulged in felt as real as the pair of lips now drooling beckoningly against his owner's claw, nor as palpable as the fertile fields behind them ready to be seeded. "Please gift your pet the blessing of carrying your eggs..."

There was still a kernel of his old self in there that recoiled at how enthralled he now was, but much like the true color of his eyes that part of him was buried deep beneath the cultivated desire and subservience the dragon had brought out by spell and by words. It was reduced to nothing more but a nagging conscience, nagging at the back of his mind that he shouldn't be enjoying this as much as he was. But, like many people's better sensibilities in the Sixth World, it was so easily neglected as he basked in the thrill and pleasure of the moment with his new Lord.

It certainly wouldn't be enough to stop his heart from singing in joy when he heard his Master's pleased rumble in response to his words, or how the creature's hand wrapped once more around him in adoring affection. Like a pet seeking its owner's touch, Ibzan pushed into the hand as his shimmering golden eyes stared up at his owner expectantly.

"How could I ever resist my cute pet's request when he puts it like that~?" the dragon rumbled hotly, but in truth his excitement had been left to drip openly on its own long enough that the beast finally saw fit to put it to use. The hand that was petting along the hyena's body pulled away, leaving his adoring pup whimpering in need for a moment before the golden scaled hand turned, and with it, the hyena.

He squirmed as he found himself lifted off of the ground by his owner's spell, his head tilting back until the pet found himself lying flat and hovering several feet above the ground. His initial surprise at the situation waned as he found no matter how he moved his limbs his body never moved from the position his Lord had desired for him, leaving the hyena to offer a blush at his foolish panic before spreading his legs in invitation to his Master, hoping that the sight of his dew-laden lips beckoning with their heat for his seed would be too much for him to resist.

He would not have to wait long as his Master... stepped... forward. He did not know how else to describe the act as the large dragon moved over him before finishing the step in a different form. Instead of the giant wall of scales and danger that had been standing over him, he now found a much smaller golden-scaled man taking position between his offering thighs. Smaller than his previous form, but still a giant compared to his pet, as the scaled draconic man stood easily as tall as a troll -- and with the pair of wings against his back, possibly an equal in mass as well.

Ibzan's gaze only lingered on the face of his Master's new form for a moment however. As instinctually as he knew to call his owner Master, he also knew that the being now nestled between his flexing legs was the being that owned him. Instead, his eyes drifted lower, past the broad, powerful, muscled figure his owner had crafted for himself while walking on two legs, down along the thick scales which protected the dragon's body, and towards a familiar slab of pink meat towering achingly close to his needy sex.

Its shape was exactly as it was before even if it was several times smaller in size, although now the base of the tapered, bumpy flesh was adorned by a pair of rotund scaled nuts hanging just beneath. It seemed no less fecund however, as the various ridges and grooves along its length were coated with the viscous, slippery pre constantly drooling from the flaring tip. Nor did it seem lacking in challenge from its newfound size, his owner making that quite clear as he stepped forward and took a hold of the floating hyena by his hips. The powerful grip brushed the tips of his claws through the needy pup's pelt, the gentle rakes from his firm hold tracing across his skin as he pulled the hyena's body flush against his. The hot, flexing slab of cock came to rest across his flat belly, partially obscuring the mark the cuntyeen wore proudly and allowed the pet to judge just how deep the monster twitching against him was going to be plundering.

The sight brought another small shudder racing down his spine as his golden hued eyes saw the tip twitch against his navel. His legs wrapped around his owner's hips, toes flexing openly in the air as he tried to encourage his Lord to take his prize by pressing his heels just above the dragon's finned tail.

But his Lord had one last tease in mind for his new toy before claiming what was his. His hips rolled forward, sliding the drooling beast along Ibzan's belly, letting the saffron-scented cream seep into his thin fur as it slid along his belly. The ridges along the dragon's cum vein teased and tugged at his sex as it brushed past, parting and tickling at the sensitive lips and the even more sensitive button at their peak. His Master's heavy, virile spheres swayed underneath with every motion, clapping against his rear to taunt the pup with what he desired. But most impactful of all was the dragon's hand, which wandered along the slimmer, lither frame of Ibzan's new body with one last pass of appraisal, before a taloned finger tickled against his chin and coaxed the hyena's eyes to greet his Lord's gold eyes once more.

"Who do you belong to, Pet?" The words were not rumbled into his mind this time, but spoken from his scaled lips. The strength of the wyrm's voice was everything he had expected it to be, sending flutters through his chest as he rejoiced in the possessive tone rumbling from the dragon-man's throat.

"You, Master. I belong to you. Always and forever to you, my Lord." There was no hesitation at all in his answer anymore. The idea of being just another part of the dragon's hoard had become as natural to the hyena as breathing. The glow within his eyes flared to a brilliant glimmer for a moment, while the hyena's lingering reservations pondered if he had effectively sold his soul to the dragon by uttering those words. Well, if he had, and there was no way back, there was nothing left to do but to enjoy his new life~

The dragon's hand released his chin as soon as he had uttered those condemning words, sliding back down to their hold around the fertile hyena's hips. The sheer strength behind the dragon's hands would have made it a simple matter to manhandle the feminized hyena, but with the levitation spell keeping him hovering exactly as the dragon intended it was a simple matter to roll the pup as he wished. His arms tensed as they pulled the hyena away from his hips, showcasing their strength as his pet slid along thin air while his own hips drew back to drag his cock once more over the pup's puffy lips. This time, rather than reversing direction to keep his length dragging along the hyena's cunt and precum-matted fur, he let the tip slide over those lips and tease the nubile entrance with the treat he so desperately longed for.

Then, as if the hyena really was but a toy, the hands around him pulled him down onto the point of that length, joined with a sudden thrust of his Lord's hips to sink several inches of the engorged mast past his lips with one well-honed motion! Ibzan's eyes flung open with the sensation crashing into his body as his new sex was finally taken. His breath froze in his throat whilst his walls clamped over the spear-shaped point of the dragon's girth, squeezing against every groove and bump of his Master's girth as his writhing sex was rocked with another orgasm. His arms twisted, searching out for anything to hold onto until his Master's tail coiled around his wrists and yanked them above his head to keep them out of the way, leaving the hyena utterly helpless as he was steadily worked towards another peak by his Lord's insatiable hips.

The dragon stud didn't even wait for his pet's climax-induced writhing to settle before continuing, rolling his muscled hips back to leave the point sputtering a fresh dollop of dragon pre against the shallows of his sex before hammering forward with all the force of a smith striking an anvil. Again the hyena's walls acquiesced to the shaft that they were made to please, stretching over the thicker length of dragon cock as it sunk into his body whilst the heated point dug deeper into his sex. Every nerve tickled by his Lord's actions was an entirely novel experience to the hyena, sending quivers of unexpected pleasure to join an ever more ecstatic chorus.

Ibzan lost count of how many times the steady, demanding pounding of his Lord into his sex drew a squirming release from his body, small knots of mounting excitement snapping apart through his psyche as exhilarated moans spilled from his lips. His lithe chest heaved with frantic breaths, kept trapped in the throes of pleasure by the dragon's pillaging length thrusting into his depths. Each buck sent his walls squirming as they did their best to naively milk the dragon's cock of its valuable seed. Despite each time a euphoric cry parted from his lips, or his cunt clamped tightly down on the can thick dragon dick claiming him, his body was constantly pushed into higher and higher bounds of excitement faster than his rolling climaxes could alleviate it.

Meanwhile, the sheer fecundity of the dragon ensured that his pup's clenching sex was soaked in the lubricating essence, easing every press of his length into those depths. The excess fluid oozed or was squeezed out from those walls by the tight grip of the pet's milking walls, ensuring the unburied lower half of the dragon's cock was kept to a glistening shine from the trickling fluids.

Then the dragon to threw something else at him just as he was starting to ease into the pleasures of being the dragon's personal fuck toy. The liberally-drooling tip rammed against the end of his well-stretched tunnel. With only half of the weighty tool sunk past his lips, the sudden crash digging against his cervix coaxed a high-pitched squeak from his pet's throat and an excited yearning he didn't know what to do with. With how his Master's tail kept his arms held above his head, all he could do was try and squirm his hips down onto the tip that had settled into a grind against the barrier to his womb. The virile essence drooling from the length pooled against the pliable obstruction as the living speartip pressed against the opening the hyena's writhing excitement had loosened.

The warmth of his Master's virility was separated from the empty, yearning void of his womb only by that obstinate wall. The final barrier to his womb quivered underneath the prodding tease, struck by the occasional buck from the dragon to not lose his rutting excitement in the fleeting lull. The slowed pace allowed Ibzan's enspelled eyes the opportunity to look down at his lips spread by the thickest portion of the spire save for the faux knot at its base, his gaze fixating upon the hint of a bulge from his Lord's length twitching just above his clit.

The impression from the dragon's cock grinding against his tunnel called to the hyena, prompting him to try and slip a hand free just so he could appreciate the bulge and the satisfying, fulfilling ache it brought to his loins. But he wouldn't have the chance just yet, as the dragon's cock finally wedged itself into the teased opening. A surging press forward by the gold's hips dug the tapered point past his cervix, sending another eye-rolling yelp through the hyena's body and brought a halt to his sightseeing or plans. The crash of the dragon's hips ramming forward was swiftly joined by the dragon's powerful arms slamming the hyena down into his rut, putting all of his current body's strength into it as he claimed his pet's womb.

There was no way the hyena's body could resist such a demanding assault even if it had been willing to. His mind froze from the sudden overload of sensation as his cervix was spread around the sputtering cock head, ground open so that the rest of the dragon's cock could ram home into his deepest depths! His walls, all of them, clamped down on the invading member, letting the sensitive folds be raked by the uneven surface of his Lord's prick. More cock than he ever thought he could handle dug into his sex until the bulge at the base of the hefty spire kissed against his stuffed lips. The sudden halt came not from the tease of the engorged glands against the hyena's sex, but instead from the point of that burried prick crashing against the back of his womb and sending the pet's body rocking with the momentum of the blow.

All of the anticipation which had grown in the hyena's body suddenly came crashing out in one euphoric deluge of desire. His jaws parted, lips pulling back to expose his fangs as his moan rang out loudly enough that he expected the security team several floors up would hear it. His tail pressed against his own back as his cunt walls writhed, clamped, and begged his Lord to fire.

But a dragon takes far more than a needy hyena to reach their peak, and the poor, writhing pup would be taken along for the ride as his Master's cock claimed his womb again and again, dragging the drooling point along waiting fields as he used the life-bearing cavern as a sleeve. Any attempt to remain collected from the pet had been proven a foolish delusion as his maw hung open, crying out in lurid moans with every thrust of his owner into his body. His ears twitched in tandem with the thrusts, and his toes clenched against the base of the dragon's tail, each anxious reflex reaching their peak then relaxing just in time for the next buck to spur them along once again. His body rolled forward through the air from the momentum behind each of his Lord's thrusts, only to be dragged back down into the next eye rolling thrust by the controlling talons seizing him by his hips.

At last his arms were released by the tail as the long, limber limb swayed behind his Master's rocking body. The hyena's freed hands slipped half-consciously towards his abdomen and wrapped around the overt bulge now rolling through his body. One hand dutifully squeezed over the distended hint of the length within his belly, as if he was fondling the thing responsible for the impression. He explored the shape as it rose and fell with the point of the rod ravaging his sex, growing when the dragon's thrust reached its peak before declining with the following back swing.

His other hand reached forward to clutch against the dragon's chest, struggling to find any grip against the firm scaled pectorals and abdomen of his Lord. The hyena's eyes rolled freely the entire time, lacking any control in his euphoric state to direct them as he writhed in a seemingly endless wave of euphoria. The golden glow over his gaze spread across his sclera, leaving his eyes the same featureless gold of his owner, if perhaps more obscured in half-lidded lust compared to his Master's domineering stare.

But it was all worth it. His Master was training him, breaking him in with every slap of those scaled nuts against his ass. Every slick, clamorous thrust forward struck deeper than the last as his womb began to contort to the demand the dragon's cock placed upon him. The bulge in his stomach stretched further beneath his fur as his lips spread wonder around the rod's swollen base. His owner's claws raked across his damp pelt, combing through his sweat-soaked fur as his grip shifted to a more controlling hold to meet the more pressing need behind each of his thrusts. What little conscious thought the writhing hyena could conjure knew what was coming, his chest drummed with pride and excitement, knowing that his owner's release would finally fulfill his new life's desire.

With a grunt, and a firm yank of the hyena toy's hips, the dragon sank himself to his hilt at last. The sensitive glands at the base of his prick squeezed past the toy's clenching sex. Every inch of the belly-bulging tool now twitched along the hyena's walls, teasing his climax-wracked body with the threat of release. Both of the pup's hands pressed down to squeeze against the impression of his owner's cock in his belly, while his illuminated gaze stared wordlessly up to his Lord, begging him with frantic pants as his body did everything it could to be the best sleeve for his Master's pleasure.

Then he felt it. The dragon's length teetered on the edge of its climax, every bump and groove flaring from the strength of the throbs racing through it. The heavy spheres that had been drumming against his rear twitched with the foreshock of their release, before finally pumping with a palpable throb against his thighs while his Master ground the hyena's lips against his crotch with a satisfied grunt. The buried tool surged against the cocksleeve's walls, its flesh jumping against the hyena's milking sex from the force of the climax racing through it. A jet of hot seed erupted against the back of his womb, crashing against the end of the cavern before flooding across what was now for all intents and purposes the dragon's personal brood chamber.

The throb against his walls sent the hyena tumbling into throes of orgasmic bliss. The waves of pleasure that had wracked within him before had left him more anxious, more enthusiastic for this very moment. The weight and warmth of his Master's seed pooling within his womb drew a long, thankful whine from the pet's lips. His hands kneaded against his abdomen, rejoicing in the sensation of his womb being filled to the brim by the virile rope as his Master's length stuffed into his cervix trapped the seed exactly where it needed to be. One palm pressed against the subtle swell around his innermost depths as his Lord's first jet of cream tapered to a close, bringing a brief halt to the inflating swell.

The dragon's toy was still riding the climax from the first rope when the second poured into his already stuffed egg chamber. His cunt writhed anew around the jizz pumping tool's surface, beckoning for another rope to leave no doubt that he would bear his Lord's child -- if there was any to begin with considering the current inundated state of his uterus. The torrent, and each successive donation from the dragon's clenching spheres, added more fuel to the fire of his climax, renewing the shudders that washed along his body.

The growth of his cum-filled abdomen slowed as the pressure behind the trapped seed finally managed to push its way past the cock lodged within the hyena's cervix. A deluge of draconic virility poured out around his Lord's length, spilling around the knot wedged just beyond his lips, until finally sputtering from his stuffed box to pour down his thighs and baptize the dragon's scaled balls before at last landing with lurid splats between the dragon's taloned feet. But even with the relief valve for the dragon slut's body, more jizz pumped in faster than it was escaping, swelling his belly further with each buried load, until finally the size of it had eclipsed the bulge of his Lord's cock completely, as well as any sight of the hips still grinding against his rear.

Not that he was in any state to bother looking down anyway. The hyena's face was left staring upwards with his tongue lolling out between his fangs, lost in his idle fancies as the aching emptiness in his body was finally filled. His mind drifted to the certainty that his Lord's gift would take root, if its sheer quantity did not make the conclusion absurdly obvious. He imagined his Lord's determined seed swarming the fertile ovum his body had offered in tribute, how easily the dragon's virility would overwhelm the meager defenses a hyena's egg cell could manage, whatever lucky sperm first managing the easy task having the honor of depositing his Master's genes. Genes that those of a simple hyena would acquiesce to entirely as awakened genetics, and his Lord's magic, transformed the simple ovum into a far more valuable dragon in the image of its father. The completed cell would divide repeatedly, multiplying outwards as it began to grow into the first of many heirs he would lay for his Lord.

But while the hyena was lost in his fevered visions the mark on his belly would glow with the golden light of his owner's magic once again. New lines drew along the cum-bloated dome, carrying meaning the simple pet did not recognize, and didn't care to know beyond the earlier mark of ownership he already adored.

Eventually, even a dragon's climax would reach its end. His Lord's virile loins relaxed as they offered one last rope of jizz 'just to make sure', even though the entirety of the final torrent of seed found itself pouring out from the pet's overflowing sex with the hyena's belly wobbling at its absolute limit. With a forlorn sigh the dragon's hips retreated from his newly-won prize, dragging every inch of the foot-long mast out with a wet squelch of trapped seed escaping with it from his pet's tunnel. Yet the gallons of cream trapped further within his womb remained, no doubt thanks to another quick spell from the male, holding the precious contents securely within his toy's belly to ensure that the essence would take root. Dragons, after all, were known for their tendency for overkill.

The hyena appreciated being left with the weighty swell, fawning over it as a sign of his Master's adoration for him as he slowly returned to some semblance of consciousness. Pivoted back to his feet by his Lord, the hyena's legs would find themselves far too uncertain to handle his own weight, sending the pup toppling against his Master's scales, requiring the dragon's strength to help support him. He nestled into the warmth of his firm chest, eyes remaining concealed by his owner's enthralling will as he looked up to stare into his owner's face with a pleased smile on his lips. His hands remained against his gravid belly, wondering if this would be how it felt when his first egg, his first child, would be ready to lay.

"Did I serve well, Master?" he stared towards his owner, hungering for the dragon's praise.

"You did as well as I knew you would, Pet," the dragon rumbled, helping to half carry, half direct the hyena away from the puddle of jizz he had wasted by allowing it to spill free from his cunt. Leaving the discarded clothes and loot of his pet's previous life, the dragon walked to one of the racks that was nearby and reached into a box. He produced a collar fastened with orichalcum and other magical adornments that even the former Shadowrunner couldn't identify.

Pride fluttered through Ibzan's chest when he saw the accessory, his tired chin lifting up to expose his bare neck to his Lord in anticipation for his reward. It would have been the proudest he had ever been in his life, if it was not edged out by the pride he felt from the weight in his belly, and the knowledge he would soon be the mother of the dragon's hatchling.

With little ceremony the dragon draped the soft, luxurious band around his neck before slipping the strap into its latch and locking it into place. Magic once again played out over his body as the enchanted collar was activated, sealing it in place to prevent its removal by anyone that wasn't his rightful owner. But, more importantly, the sustaining foci embedded in the band took over the task of maintaining the myriad spells bouncing around within the hyena's warped mind, keeping him enthralled as his Master's devoted, loving pet for as long as the accessory was worn.

But that was just how the hyena wanted it to be. Life without his Master and the satisfaction of bearing his eggs was a fate he never wanted to consider, yet alone experience again.

Ibzan, Class 3 S.U.R.G.E., Male, early 20s, SINless. His changeling appearance left him resembling an anthropomorphic hyena with a long tail and blue hair. Street-level runner with a speciality in hacking, stealth, and infiltration. Worked mostly alone and only occasionally joined in with a team for certain jobs. Decent Runner all things considered and could have gone places, even suspected of hitting a few good scores in his career within the shadows.

It seems his luck came to an end when he took on a job to steal something from Wolf-Errant Pharmaceuticals. He was captured by a Knight-Errant security detail and detained within the building due to corporate extraterritorial privileges. Being SINless, caught red-handed with company property, and being suspected of dozens of other counts of criminal activity, it looks like he took a plea deal and has been brought on board by Wolf-Errant to help reinforce their security. Guy's got a Corporate SIN now as a citizen of Wolf-Errant and a cushy high-paying job. You could *almost* call it a good ending if it wasn't for the fact he's living in a gilded cage as some company's spider.

Every Runner who used to work for him, as well as his associates, should be forewarned that he's turned. Who knows what else he would have given up to secure such a nice deal.


I'm not certain how true that is. I've not seen his avatar on the Matrix since he was 'captured'. All his old Nodes have also not been touched except for when Knight-Errant scoured for anything they could. Has ANYONE seen him since?


I caught sight of him once at a company function, staying far back in the crowd and hanging off of some guy's arm the entire time. I think it's a bit less of a 'I've got an offer you can't refuse', and more of a 'some guy he can't refuse' deal here guys. He had full on hearts in his eyes, sappy puppy dog levels of L.O.V.E. to the point DocWagon came running because they thought I suddenly went diabetic from seeing it levels of sweetness.


Well, that's a new one. I've heard Runners being lured in as Wage Slaves for tail before, but this?


Who wants to bet Horizon's going to buy the rights to the story and make it a show? They're gonna eat this up like candy. Renegade changeling criminal falls in love with an honest corporate manager and goes straight. The furries will love it.


Don't think they'll touch it. I know the sort of drek that Runner got up to in his private time. Guarantee you that relationship is late-night showing only material.

-I'm A Distraction!