Finals Week

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#2 of Relaxing With Sal (Series)

Part 2 of my series (it's a series!) about being best friends (more, but you don't know that) with Sal from HYPNOSCREEN. This time, it's finals week on campus, and Sal is stressed out enough to want to try something new!

It was the end of Fall Quarter, which means finals week was looming and putting a massive damper on the conflicting vibe of Christmas spirit. Their battle was depicted no better than yours and Sal's shared apartment, which was decorated with Christmas lights hooked (when you did it) or taped (when Sal did it) to the walls, a wreath on the door, a little cheap plastic Christmas tree in the corner, and two stressed-out college dudes ignoring all of it and coming to the horrifying realization that they had almost no understanding of the material they had been learning.

You were feeling more confident than Sal was, having been reviewing every weekend (at least, a little bit) so you were past the "oh fuck I know nothing" phase and comfortably within the "okay I'll probably be okay with a curve" phase. Sal, however, was still in the "oh fuck I know nothing" phase, and so he was anxiously hunched over his desk, running his fingers up and down once of his horns as he muttered terms and equations to himself. You turned down the radio a little bit, which existed only to fill your apartment with the sweet sounds of Christmas music, which got Sal out of his anxious trance.

"Hey dude, do you wanna get anything to eat?" You asked him, hoping to provide some stress relief for your best bud if you could. Nothing beat a hot pizza on a cold day, even with a test looming on the horizon. Sal, however, leaned back on his chair, folding himself backwards over the top of it and groaning.

"Dude, I'm fucked. For sure." He said, and you sighed and came up behind him, rubbing his shoulders and making him purr.

"You got this, dude. It'll click for sure, just keep doing the practice problems and stuff." You assured him as he extended his tongue slightly and huffed little clouds of steam at your shoulder massage, which encouraged you to put a little more muscle into it and get a pleased moan from him.

"Pizza, though?" You asked, now that he was more willing to actually hear you.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's take a break." He said, to your relief. He opened his eyes (oh wow he closed his eyes, that must have felt good~) and looked up at you, watching you with a sudden uncertainty. You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head at him, curious at his reaction. He was eyeing you with what almost looked like guilt, like the way someone would look at the last cupcake in a box.

"Sal?" You said, and he suddenly pushed his chair back.

"I'm gonna be right back." He said, hopping up and walking quickly to his room, leaving you deeply confused and slightly concerned. He returned a second later, looking anxiously exciting and holding his yo-yo.

"What's up?" You asked, as he started his little warm-up routine, swinging it up and around and catching the string on a claw and all kinds of cool little tricks that helped get his dexterity up to snuff. The whole time, he kept glancing up at you and biting his lip, practically trembling in excitement, as you continued to watch him in abject confusion.

"Okay. Okay." He said. "Sit down." He said, gesturing toward the couch. You weren't sure what he had in mind, but you figured it was some kind of cool yo-yo trick setup that he wanted you to view from a low angle. He did this sometimes, so you could reassure him that it would look cool on camera. Shrugging you took a seat on your cozy couch, as Sal switched the Christmas radio off completely.

"Aw, dude, leave it going." You said, and he shook his head. Something was definitely up. His flagrant disregard for your mutual love of Christmas music, your holiday spirit, the best thing about this season - it was very unlike him.

"Just watch, okay? Watch and focus." He said, sounding almost nervous. His nervousness was making you nervous, and when he opened up his whole trick setup with just a cradle (or whatever it was called when he swung it slowly back and forth), seeming more focused on you than he did his trick, you were really confused. You let him swing it in front of your eyes for a few minutes before he spoke up again.

"Okay, how do you feel?" He asked.

"Uhh, bored, I guess?" You said, and he huffed in frustration. "What's up, dude?" You asked him as he flicked it back into his hand and then did another quick warm-up routine, turning and looking away from you to take a few deep breaths.

He turned back around, and took a long, deep breath.

"Okay. Just watch the yo-yo." He said, just hanging it in front of your face and letting you watch it spin for a while. It was a pretty cool looking piece of plastic when he got it spinning like that, you had to admit.

"Watch the subtle coloring that appears when it spins. The blend that happens as the colors mix together, as it spins." He said, and you noticed it. "Watch how as it slows down..." he said, flicking it up into his hand and then hanging it down again, spinning slower this time. "The blend separates, and you can see a spiral. Do you see it?" He asked, and you nodded. It was hard to see, very subtle in the outer and inner coloration of the toy, but as he started to gently swing it from side to side, the reflection of the Christmas lights on the shiny center helped to accentuate the spiral in the middle.

"Now as it starts to swing..." he said, picking up the swinging and bringing it back into a full cradle, as you followed it with your eyes, watching as the spiral gently shifted colors as the different lights reflected off the center. "Don't just follow it with your eyes." He said. "Follow it with your mind, too." He said.

With your mind? What did that mean? How did that work?

"Don't think about it." He said. "Just feel it. Let your body relax and follow it, too. Follow it with every part of you."

You gave it a try, starting to gently sway in time with the yo-yo. You found it easy to sync up to it, using the visual queue of a specific reflected color to know just when to slow, hold, and sway the opposite direction. Sal kept talking, but you had to consciously try to keep listening to his words.

"You're getting it now." He said. "Following it with every part of you. Watching the spiral. You're following it in your mind." He said, and you nodded just a little.

"And now." He said, and then brought his other hand down next to your ear, just outside of your field of view.

"Drop." He said, snapping his fingers. Your mouth fell open, and your eyes unfocused, still watching the yo-yo swing, even as it slowly started to come towards the center. You were wrapped in a familiar, comfortable feeling that invoked memories of opening wide, and so, reflexively, your mouth started to drool. Sal gently placed his finger between your waiting lips, and without a second thought, you gently closed them around it and began to suck on it, as he smiled down at you.

"Okay." He said, withdrawing his finger. "Drop." He said, snapping again. "Drop. Drop. Drop." He repeated, sending you so deep you were only vaguely aware of where you were and what was happening. You felt like something was missing - like you were supposed to be doing something. Sucking something. But Sal was saying something to you now, and you slowly stood up and began to undress yourself in front of him. He watched your blank, slightly-sleepy expression intently as you stripped completely out of your clothing, gently pressing a hand against your chest and pulling down your underwear for you so you didn't have to bend over. That was nice of him.

"Damn." He said, admiring your completely erect length, a response he welcomed by reaching down and giving it a few strokes. "Wait here, okay?" He said, stepping out of your vision and walking back to his room while you stood, swaying slightly, looking at the Christmas lights.

He returned a moment later with a little black bottle in hand, and you dimly recognized that he was also nude. He noticed your slight surprise, and quickly reassured you that this was fine. Everything was fine. You were very comfortable, and very happy, and very deep. That sounded right to you, so you didn't let that nagging part of your mind bother you any more, staring straight ahead at the Christmas lights until he gently grabbed your shoulders and turned you around. Thankfully, there was another string of Christmas lights there, and you were just as happy to stare at those ones as he guided you onto the couch, placing your knees on the cushions and bending you forward, so you were supporting yourself over the backrest, your bare ass exposed to him behind you. He seemed to hesitate, looking at you like that. You weren't sure - it just seemed like you didn't do much else than stare at pretty lights for a while, before, very gently, very carefully, something pushed up into you.

Sal slowly explored you with a finger, watching you for any reaction as you kept staring blankly ahead. You didn't mind at all - everything was fine. It felt good, and feeling good was good. Just keep staring at the lights and feeling good, you said. He said. Someone said. Didn't matter - you were feeling good, as he withdrew his finger, and then inserted it again with ease. After pushing it as deep as he could go, getting no visible reaction from you, he finally had the confidence to step forward and gently begin to push something much thicker, and MUCH warmer, against your entrance.

Keep staring at the lights, keep feeling good, someone said. Probably you. Very slowly, the warm, hard length began to slide up into you, and you heard Sal hiss quietly behind you. You shifted your knees slightly to help arch your back and relax, and Sal slid all the way into you, his hips gently meeting yours as he bottomed out in you. He stayed like that for a little, seeming to just admire your tightness. Maybe he was letting you get used to such a large intrusion - you appreciated that. Whatever was inside you felt HUGE, though not so huge that you didn't feel good. He occasionally wiggled his hips, causing you to tense just a little and often getting a pleased hiss from him. After a little while of holding, he slowly pulled back out of you, all the way back out, and you felt very empty. Still very good, though.

You heard the sqrch of a bottle, a schlick schlick sound, and then, Sal put it back in you, a little faster this time, but much easier. You sighed as he pushed deep into you, leaning forward slightly and staring blissfully at the lights. You were feeling really good. Really good. Just keep staring. Just keep relaxing. Slowly, hesitantly, he began to thrust into you. Just little mini-thrusts, making sure he wasn't stretching you too much, hurting you, or creating too much friction. After a few little thrusts, he seemed confident enough to start thrusting into you proper, his large, searing hot dick - you realized it was, which was very exciting and perfectly fine, since you loved and obeyed Sal - gliding easily in and out of you as you tensed and sighed and moaned a little.

Sal was having a much harder time containing his noises, gripping your hips with his clawed fingers and beginning to hump hard into you, huffing hot, steamy breaths onto your back and moaning into your ear. Occasionally, he would remind you how relaxed you were, how - ffffuckk... - good you were feeling, so happy to just.... hnnnn.... keep staring straight ahead. Those noises made you more happy than his words did, and you stayed perfectly relaxed and happy, watching the lights in front of you as he closed his eyes and humped you a little harder. You were beginning to feel a knot swelling at the base of his length, teasing your entrance with every particularly deep thrust. The thought of taking it filled you with excitement, with joy, and the lights were so pretty...

Without warning, the lights dropped down out of sight as Sal's lazy tape-job came unstuck from the wall for like, the fiftieth time. You blinked in surprise as Sal froze mid-thrust, watching as you looked at the blank wall, your mind starting to catch back up with what was happening. Sal quickly looked around for his yo-yo, pulling out of you completely and making you moan as he snatched it from the coffee table, hugged over top of you, and dropped it in front of your eyes, spinning it again and snapping his fingers into your ear.

You sank right back down, relaxing into the couch as he swung the yo-yo in front of your eyes, his panting much harder and faster than when he was humping you for some reason. It was especially odd when you realized everything was fine, just relax and watch the spins, count them as best you can, just relax and focus on the yo-yo. After a tense few minutes (or however long, you didn't really care, you were watching the yo-yo) he finally felt confident enough to push back into you, and you eagerly pushed back against him, accepting his length into yourself and sighing happily. He gently rested his wrist on top of your head, keeping the yo-yo swinging just in front of your eyes (with some difficulty on adjusting the exact height) as he began thrusting into you again, hissing and moaning and quickly falling right back into the rhythm.

It wasn't much longer until he picked up his pacing, panting in excitement and whispering sweet praises to you, before finally hilting himself completely in you, pleasure overwhelming you as you finally accepted his knot into your entrance. You sighed and sank deep as he filled you with dragon seed, almost too hot for your insides, his free arm hugging around you and pulling him wonderfully close to you as he finished inside you. After he was completely spend, he pulled back and stood up straight, one hand still swinging his yo-yo and the other hand stroking his length a little, making sure every last drop was inside you before he pulled it out.

You kept looking straight ahead, at the nice spiral on the yo-yo, as he awkwardly pulled you into a kneel on the couch, hissing softly as his load spilled and dripped out of you slightly.

He walked around the couch, one arm fully extended and swinging the yo-yo, flinching as the change in angle caused it to twist in the air and smack you gently in the face. You didn't mind. Everything was fine.

Hastily, he picked up the Christmas lights and taped them to the wall again, making sure you were staring nicely before literally sprinting to grab more tape, not trusting the re-used strip to hold longer than a few seconds. He applied a generous amount of tape to the string, and you stared happily as it as he fetched some tissues and disappeared behind you, carefully beginning to clean up what was visible of his mess. You decided to stand up, letting Sal help you get dressed as you continued to stare blankly forward, smiling dumbly and still completely rock hard. Sal seemed to hesitate after pulling your underwear up, gripping your shaft and giving it a few strokes before whispering "not worth the risk" and pulling your underwear over it, which was fine and everything was fine and keep staring at the pretty lights. Okay, Sal. "Okay, Sal." You said.

He finally got you completely dressed, and then gently, carefully, turned you around and sat you back on the couch. He checked you for any signs of mess, double checked the spot on the couch between your legs, and sighed, before whispering something to you, very slowly, and very carefully. You nodded your head in agreement, and he snapped his fingers in front of your face.

You were sitting on the couch, seeming to have completely zoned out. You felt a little bad - Sal worked really hard on his yo-yo tricks, and they were usually pretty cool, actually. He watched you nervously, looking downright terrified. No doubt, he was waiting for your approval, and even though you didn't remember a thing about his demo, damned if you were gonna tell him that.

"Amazing dude, super cool." You said, smiling and nodding. He sighed in relief and offered you a fist bump, which you gracefully accepted, locking your thumb around his on the rebound and flapping your hands to mimic a bird flying away. Smooth as fuck.

"Well, I guess I should get back to studying." He said, turning and heading back to his desk. You stretched out on the couch, feeling suddenly really tired, and then you felt something very strange - like something had shifted inside you, and that your underwear felt... wet. While Sal wasn't looking, you slipped a hand down under your pants and wiped a sticky, hot liquid up with your finger. You were immediately disgusted and slightly alarmed that you had something warm running out of you, practically mid conversation, but when you brought you finger back up to your face, it was covered in a thick, white liquid. Wait. What the-

Sal literally slid sideways into view, snapping his fingers HARD in front of your face, voice cracking as he screamed "DROP! DROP!"

You were in the shower. Cleaning up. It was nice and warm, which was probably why you were taking it. Yeah. It was cold outside, and so a warm shower felt good. That makes sense. Repeat that. It's cold outside, so you decided to take a warm shower. Once you were completely clean, you toweled yourself off and got dressed, Sal leaning back over his chair to watch you come out of the shower down the hallway. You gave him a wave and headed into your joined room to grab your wallet and phone, and went back out into the sitting room to see Sal still studying, and looking really nervous.

"Hey dude, I'm gonna-" He jolted as you spoke, and you felt a little guilty. He was probably really concentrated. "...gonna go grab a pizza. I'll be back in a bit." You said.

"Oh, thanks dude!" He replied, smiling and looking back down at his work. You looked back at him on your way out, unable to stop yourself from watching his smooth, scaly tail swishing slowly, wrapping around the leg of his chair, and then unwrapping and swishing again. He was honestly really cute, and... well, kinda hot.

You quietly wondered to yourself if he was into guys.