Loss and Love (Part I) (Revised)

Story by cupid_de_locke on SoFurry

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Loss and Love (Part I) (Revised)

First this is my new name im not someone ripping off a story, i did the first one in half an hour and I thought i needed the first to be better in order to do a series...

Warning: This does contain homosexual adult content and I wouldn't recommend reading unless you want to get a little sticky. I edited it from what I had on before based on some advice i got, added in some stuff to make it flow better, more backround on tyler to make the story more realistic, and I doubled the sexy stuff at the end just for your pleasure...

with love David

Tyler looked down at his watch, where the hell are they, he thought. The watch read 5:17, 'Man they were supposed to be here like 3 hours ago.' he thought. Tyler was a freshmen, and for his entire life had always been a loner, not by choice however, he just didn't seem to be able to make any new friends. He was scrawny, about 4'10 he had soft red-orange fur that covered his whole body save the soft white patch on his chest and face, pluss the black on his feet, hands, ears, and tip of his tail. He always though that he was kind of good looking, just underdeveloped, but he never seemed to be able to get any muscles. It was time for his familys anual vaccation, Tyler never did get along very well with his family, his father drank and his mom was kinda out of it. He new they didn't really care, and that they only put up with him for the couple bucks a month in child support, but still they were the only ones who even cared about Tyler, even it was just a little. Thats why he always looked foward to their vaccation, this time every year.

He sat there and sighed, letting his head sink into his knees. He wanted to cry but tried hard to hold it in. 'Thats just what they need." he thought 'one more thing to harass me about.' Just then an old femal collie walked out of the High schools office, "Is anyone out here named Tyler." She shouted it a couple of times, "Tyler!" it to a while to get to him. "Yeah that's me." Tyler said, he spoke with his face still burried in his knees. She looked at him grimly and said "Come with me hun." He followed, his mind kind of blank, he didn't know that exactly was going on, but then again he didn't care, he just wanted to leave that god forsaken school. She went around the desk in the office and down a hallway, she entered a room, he was a few feet behind her and by the time he arrived at the room she had already taken a seat, sitting next to her was a german shepherd police officer. 'What the...' he just stared at them, unable to find any words. "Son are you Tyler Andrews?" the Policeman asked. Tyler nodded, The officer started to speak..."You may want to sit down for this, I have something to tell you..." Tyler sat down, it all came together quickly, his heart sank. "Son I'm sorry but your parents have... look there is no good was for me to tell you this but, there was an accident, I'm sorry." Tyler stared at them like they were speaking some alien language, he nearly fainted... he collapsed into a ball on the floor bursting into tears. "Tyler do you have anywhere to go, any realatives, close freinds." the officer asked. Tyler shook his head, tears still running down his face, staining his soft white chest fur. "Then I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." Tyler grudgingly followed, tears slowly falling of his cheek. He got into the back of the police car, the officer was driving him somewhere, he didn't know, and he didn't really care to ask. A few times along the way the officer tried to make small talk with the young fox but he never said anything in return, he just sat there sobbing. Tyler held his tail close to his body, he stroked the red orange fur. He was alone now, no family, no freinds, school would be out for the summer, so he would have no one to talk to for a very long time, he was completely alone.

The officer pulled up to a very large, very old looking building. It was white and rectangular; the windows all with dark green shutters, well at least the windows that had shutters some had been broken off. The german shepherd shut off the car and walked towards the door, calling Tyler to come with him.

Tyler sat quietly outside a room while the policeman, inside, spoke to a woman. The police officer came out and started walking towards the front door, Tyler got up to follow but the man turned around and said, "Your going to be staying here for a while son." He just kept on walking. Tyler sank down into the chair again, still sobbing, when a kind looking old bear, walked out of the room. "Tyler is it." She said, Tyler looked up to see an old female bear, her brown fur gently streaked with silver hairs, she wore glasses and a large rather poofy looking dress. "Yes mam..." he said. She smiled warmly at Tyler and said"Well Tyler, you're going to be staying here for a while." Tyler replied "Where exactly is here...?" Then the bear said. "This is the St. Katherine's orphanage, it's a place for boys who have um... lost their parents, you look like you could use some rest. Follow me, I'll show you where your room is." She led him up stairs and down a long hallway, he passed a few boys who just offered stares of empty sympathy. She opened the door to a room with the number 14 on it. "This is gonna be your room now ok, Tyler." Tyler said nothing and just nodded, he walked in and laid faced down on the bed. "Your roommate should be up in a little Sug, he's outside now, probably playing basketball or something, feel free to explore a little if you want, if you got any questions you should ask Keith, Thats your roommate's name, he probably knows more about this place than me anyway." Tyler's ears perked up at the thought of a roommate, It meant that he would at least have some social contact, and since this was an orphanage he would probably be able to seek advice from his new roomie. Tyler sat their, deeply in thought, he'd lost all track of time, suddenly he snapped back to reality when he heard the door open, he rolled over and looked up to see a young and rather handsome wolf standing in front of him. He had the shiniest silver fur Tyler had ever seen, he had a soft white on his chest and neck, and some around his jaw line, he was well developed, even in his depressed sate he couldn't help but envy the abs and biceps of the wolf. He was probably about 8 inches taller than the fox. He had a reddish tint to the fur behind his ears and glossy black fur around his hands and ankles. "So... you must be Tyler." Keith spoke as he jumped onto the bed next to him. Tyler noticed he spoke with a slight southern accent. Tyler jumped a little in suprise and said, "Hey I'm uh... well Tyler..." The fox blushed at his rather ignorant comment. He was so upset even this little bit of stress made him cry. "Are... are you alright." Keith inquired. Tyler looked up into his deep golden eyes, looking for something to relate to, he didn't say anything. "So, you just lost them eh." keith asked, tyler nodded in remorse. The wolf wrapped his arms around the fox pulling his face in towards his soft white chest fur. "Don't worry, your gonna be just fine." He paused as the fox wept, the tears staining his fur. Tyler withdrew after a minute or two of sobbing, "Thanks Keith, I really needed..." Keith cut him off, "No problem, anyway it's almost dinner time, how bout I get you something and we both eat up here, a'ight." Tyler nodded. "What do you want..." said keith, Tyler replied, "I don't really care just...", the fox trailed off. Keith spoke up, "How bout whatever I get, that be ok for ya." Tyler smiled, probably for the first time in weeks." Keith left and Tyler just lay stunned, he couldn't believe it, his roommate was the cutest guy he'd ever seen, all the depressing events of the day just flooded out of his head as the wolf entered it.

He started thinking about how to best approach the wolf, he realized he was going to be with these people for a long time and he didn't want to have to put up with being called a faggot at home and in school, he had to find a way to see what Keith felt about homosexuals... Just then the door swung open. Keith walked into with two plates, one in his paw the other in his muzzle. He had two sodas in his pockets, and was clearly off balance. Tyler couldnt help but laugh at the awkward sight, and then he quickly rushed up to take the plate from his mouth. "So I see were feeling a little better now..." Keith said, his mouth free to speak. Tyler just looked up and smiled. Keith walked over and turned on the TV then sat down next to Tyler and started eating. "So... Ty, do you wanna play basketball or sometin when we finish." he asked, but then Tyler answered "Uhm, not really I'm just not really..." he trailed off but Keith finished his sentence for him understanding exactly what he meant, "Up to it... yeah guess you should probably kinda get used to everything and stuff first.", Tyler nodded. "So what happened?" Keith asked "We were supposed to be going on vaccation, we do every year on the last day, they were gonna come pick me up but..." He paused and Keith saw the tears trickle down his face, he put his arm around his shoulder to reasure him. "They just never made it to school, there was an accident." tyler mannaged to get out between the sobs, "Oh im sorry i didnt realize it was... look why dont we just take your mind off it with some Tv eh?"

The two of them ate, occasionally laughing at the television, until both had finished. The show finished just as the 10 o'clock news came on, Tyler just looked at it incredoulously, he had completely lost track of time. He suddenly realized how tired he was and set the plate on the floor, sliding under the covers next to where Keith was sitting. "Hey Tyler there's something I gotta let ya know, since were uhm sharing a bed and all..." Tyler looked around the room just realizing theres only one bed. "Sure what..." He asked, Keith spoke up"Well look since we gotta sleep together I should just let you know in advance that I'm uh...erm...gay." Keith said with a wince. Tyler just froze. Keith took this as a bad sign and started trying to comfort the fox, "Its not like I'm gonna try to feel you up or anything, Mrs. K just wanted to let you know, cuz uh my last roommate found out like after a week from someone, and kinda totally freaked out. Look you a cool kid but you know if it bothers you. You can get a different room.". Tyler responded, "No its not a problem." Keith quickly responded, "Are you sure cuz if it is, Mrs. K will change yer room, I wont be offended or nuthin." Tyler shook his head and said. "No really its no big deal." Keith slid down under the covers next to his roommate, he ran his hand down Tyler's shoulder reassuringly and started trying to sleep. "Hey Keith, I got a question, I was just wondering if you have like a boyfriend or something like that.", Keith responded "Nah me and my last guy broke up about two months ago, why you interested." He added the last part sarcastically with a chuckle. "Well actually um, I uhh, I think, you know..." The fox just stopped talking unable to find the right words. The wolf rolled over so he was face to face with the smaller fox. Placing his arm around the kits torso he began to speak "Ty, are you gay." Tyler blushed and tried to roll over so he didn't have to look the wolf in the eye, but Keith held him in place with his strong arm. "Well I'm not really sure, ive just kind of been thinking about it lately." Tyler said, Then Keith answered him with, "So you ever been with a guy before." "No, just recently, I've kind of been starting to you know consider it, I'm just not really attracted to girls anymore so..." The wolf cut him off "Say no more Ty." He pulled the fox into him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Tyler started to panic, he'd been interested in his attractive roommate, but now with the opportunity facing him he began to worry. "I don't know if I'm ready for this Keith." Then Keith said, "Do'n worry bout it Ty... look I'll go slow if you start feelin bad just tell me to stop.". "Ok" the fox replied. The wolf wrapped his other arm underneath the fox and slowly pulled him close into a tight embrace. He put his muzzle along the foxes neck just above his shoulders, and slowly began to rub it in the foxes soft fur. Tyler could feel Keith's warm breath on his shoulders, and there was just something about the way Keith embraced him that made all his fears go away, he felt confidence and unwavering trust in the wolf he had just hours ago met. With one paw Keith started to rub his back, this got a relieved sigh out of the fox who pulled his arms out Keith's embrace and wrapped them around his shoulders. "Do you trust me Ty?" the wolf enquired, "With my life." Tyler responded. At this comment the wolf simultaneously wrapped his leg around the fox and pulled him into a deep kiss. The fox tried to gasp in surprise but Keith seized the opportunity and pushed his long tounge into the Tylers mouth. Tyler relaxed and began to return the kiss, but just as he did the wolf pulled away, out of the kiss and embrace and sat on his knees, straddling the fox. "Your gonna love this Ty." The wolf said as he began undoing the button on the foxes pants. "I don't know if I..." the fox was interrupted again. "You trust me remember." Keith said, grinning. The fox just laid back and shut his eyes, he smiled because he knew what was about to happen. The wolf slid his pants down to his knees revealing the foxes tented boxers. He smiled and began rubbing his cheek against them. "Mmmm Keith." The fox moaned. Keith slid down the boxers to match the pants and gently licked the tip of the foxes cock. "Oh..." Tyler moaned out, "So you like that eh... I thought you would." He took the foxes wrists and pressed them hard against the bed so he couldn't move then slowly slid his muzzle down the foxes cock. The fox just kept on moaning in delight. He took all 7 inches of the foxes cock into his mouth and slowly began to twist his tounge around it. The fox shivered a little at the sensation but the entire time kept smiling. Keith began to bob his head up and down on the foxes member. Tyler loved this new sensation, the rough tounge of the wolf sliding up and down his member, he loved how warm and soft the inside of the wolfs mouth was. He began to buck his hips but found he could hardly move with the larger wolf on him. "Oh my god... Keith!" The fox shouted in sheer extacy. Keith began to move his head up and down faster and took one of his free paws and began to gently massage the kits furry sack, Keith felt the little foxes muscles tighten and heard a long sigh of pleasure as the hot stream precum, flowed into his mouth. He slid his head up the shaft a little so he could move his free hand to the base of the foxes penis, he began gently rubbing his shaft up and down as the stream of pre flowed into his mouth. He lifted his head off still pawing off the little fox, "How do you like that Ty?", Tyler tried to answer but all that come out were a few squeeks muffled by the pleasure. "Keith I, I..." he couldn't think, the sensation was amazing. He had pawed-off many times before but, but nothing had ever felt this incredible. "Oh Keith!" Keith slid the cock back into his muzzle and began furiously sucking at it. His head moved up and down as fast as a jack hammer. "Keith Im gonna..." Keith looked up to see the foxes face distorted with pleasure his eyes closed, and his forehead dripping with sweat, Keith knew the fox wouldn't last much longer. He felt the fox buck hard into his mouth, just then the hot stream shot into his mouth. Keith took as much as he could in gladly, savoring the sweet taste. He reached a paw around the the foxes balls, rubbing them, milking them for all the had in them. When it stopped he pulled his head back and licked off what little he had let leak down the foxes shaft. He moved up the bed until he was laying over the fox, then he pulled him into a deep kiss. Tyler had never experienced the taste of cum before and found it a lot better tasting than he had imagined. "So do you want me to return the favor?" Tyler asked, Keith replied "Don't you worry you will, but not now, I'm bushed and you should get some sleep too." , "Goodnight Keith... I love you.". Keith replied, "I love you to Tyler. Then Keith wrapped his arms around the fox and the both drifted off into dreamland. The fox realized for the first time in years, and maybe his entire life, he felt real, genuine love, he knew he had to live the remainder of his life this way, with Keith.

Hey I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. It was my first story so id really like to get some advice if you have any... also i was thinking of making it like multi chaptered to if you have any ideas for a sequal email me at [email protected] greatly appreciate it.

Au Revoir