Longing for the Wild

Story by Lexington on SoFurry

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**Longing for the Wild by Lexington Verrinder

Concept with Bubby**

For Bubby

The humans have gone out; the house is empty save for a lone dalmatian. He waits patiently by the front door for a few minutes to make sure that the humans have gone some distance, and then makes his way outside through the doggy door.

It's midwinter, and the ground is covered with three inches of snow with more falling lightly. It would undoubtedly be wiser to put off the journey until springtime, but waiting is the last thing the dalmatian is willing to do. If anybody was around the desolate farmhouse, they would observe the dog, a bit less than four feet long, making his way through the snow towards the forest at the far edge of a long row of farms. And if they cared to look, they'd see the name tag around his neck with 'Bubby' engraved in stylized text.

Bubby walks across the field, thankful that it's still noon and reasonably temperate despite the weather. Rows of crops glide past him as he travels, and his mind constantly returns to the day of his epiphany.


It's three days ago. Bubby is traipsing around the house with no aim in particular. Dinner has been had, and there is little to do inside after the day's final meal. He goes into the room where the young humans sleep and finds one of them at a desk, working on something for school. Bubby sits next to him and looks up, wagging his tail happily, but his efforts earn him only a quick scratch behind the ears. He sits for a few moments longer awaiting further affection, but realizes that nothing else is to follow. Slightly disappointed, he moves into the kitchen where the female adult is washing dishes. He leans his head against her leg and waits to be acknowledged. Not getting any attention, Bubby lets out a single bark. The female looks down, and he looks up in expectation... but she just returns to her cleaning.

Thoroughly defeated, Bubby ends up in the living room where the male adult is watching a documentary about squirrels on the TV. Having naught much better to do, Bubby lays himself next to the human's chair. He watches the various images of squirrels flash by as his head is absent-mindedly petted, fingers moving carelessly through his short fur. The tiny creatures are vaguely amusing, but of no real interest.

Bubby is about to get up to find something slightly more bearable when the wilderness show changes its focus over to wolves. Bubby settles down once more, giving the feature a second chance. As the show continues, Bubby is enthralled by the feral canines. He has seen a few wild dogs around, coyotes mostly, but they always seem old and worn and he never pays them much attention. The animals on the screen, however, are proud and ferocious, the epitome of untamed majesty. The voiceover is unintelligible, but Bubby sees wolves in a forest, and that's enough for the young dalmatian. These beings have purpose, and purpose is what Bubby desperately needs.

For the next two days Bubby thinks of little else but the sylvan canines and awaits a time when all the humans are out of the house simultaneously.


Never having had any reason to be in the forest before, Bubby wonders about what he'll find. There are few other dogs in the vicinity of the farms, and he has heard little about the world around him. The dalmatian continues on through the snow for close to an hour before reaching the woods on the fringe of the agricultural land. He looks back at the world he's familiar with, and then journeys into a domain entirely new.

In an instant, the vast open plain is replaced by towering evergreens and bushes of all sorts with unfamiliar shapes. The first thing that hits Bubby is the feeling of animals everywhere. He can sense that the forest is teeming with far more life than he's used to around the farm. The forest is slightly warmer, as the canopy catches much of the snowfall, but the snow on the ground still completely covers the dalmatian's paws. Bubby treads lightly through the woods, startled every now and then by an animal running across his path. Against the overwhelming green, a plant with red berries stands out in sharp contrast. Always curious, Bubby goes to examine it. The berries aren't entirely unfamiliar. The humans have had them on occasion, but never thought to share. Cautiously, Bubby bites off a berry from a lower branch. The flavour is very different from what he's used to, but after adjusting quickly, he grabs more, savouring the sweetly sour taste.

After enjoying his woodland meal, Bubby realizes that he won't get very far in his quest without some sort of guidance. He's completely at a loss as to where to find the wolves. From his own limited communication with animals near the farmland Bubby knows that only canines are likely to understand him. There have been stories of rabbits and other small prey that learn Canine to help them survive, but Bubby has only ever held conversations with other dogs. Willing to do whatever he can to succeed though, he tries to flag down a squirrel only to have it scurry off in fear. A similar attempt with a rabbit also ends in failure. Disappointed, Bubby continues on deeper into the forest determined to find his targets.

"City dog, eh?" comes a voice from behind him. Bubby quickly turns and sees a red fox about his size watching him from atop a slight ridge.

"I'm... from the farm," Bubby replies cautiously.

"Whatever the case may be. Anything outside the forest is the city to us." The fox jumps down from the ridge and approaches the forest stranger. "What brings you here?"

"Oh!" exclaims Bubby. The sudden appearance of the fox has startled him to the point where he has forgotten his goal. "I'm trying to find..." he starts, but trails off when he realizes that he doesn't even know what the animals are called. Never have they been brought up in conversation. "...the dogs that look like... gray foxes," he concludes.

The fox smiles slightly at Bubby's naivety. "Those would be wolves, dear. A dangerous bunch. Wouldn't go near them if I were you."

"I still want to see them," insists Bubby.

"Well, I don't know why you would, but at dusk the entire clan meets at a clearing not more than twenty minutes walk north of here. But don't say I didn't warn you," says the fox seriously.

"Thank you very much," says Bubby, bowing his head slightly.

The fox jumps back up to his ridge. "Not at all. If you survive the night, maybe I'll see around," he says, and disappears into the trees.

Filled with renewed anticipation, Bubby makes his way northward. Having time to pass until dusk, he indulges in more forest vegetation as he goes, finding it far superior to the food he's used to. By the time he arrives at the clearing, he has discovered no less than six new forms of sustenance, all delectable.

The clearing is a large, treeless, vaguely round area about 100 meters wide. It stands out like an arena in the middle of the forest. As Bubby walks to the clearing's centre, the animalistic empathy of the woods fades away. It feels as though animals avoid this place whenever possible. A light breeze blows through the open space as well, adding wind chill to the low winter temperatures. Bubby walks back to the forest's edge where it's warmer both physically and mentally.

Although the sky is overcast, the sun can be seen shining some distance above the horizon. While he could explore the forest further, Bubby feels compelled to await the arrival of the wolves. He clears a patch of snow with his fore-paws to create a warmer seat, lies down, and waits.

Over the next hour or so, the sun falls along with the ambient temperature, but Bubby is waiting too intently to notice. All of a sudden, the breeze becomes an instantaneous gust that forces him to shiver strongly, and then the wind and snow both cease. As Bubby rises to his feet, he senses a presence moving towards him. He moves out to the clearing once more and smells the wolf pack just before they arrive. Standing in the middle of the clearing, Bubby watches the two wolves come out from between the trees. As they approach him, many more follow at some distance. Bubby's eyes go wide with amazement as he counts twenty wolves in total. The wild canines are all close to five feet long, if not longer. They walk slowly, but with great authority. It's obvious that they know the clout they possess in the forest.

The majority of the pack instinctively spreads out into a crescent formation behind the two that approach the small dalmatian, a wave of gray over a sea of white snow. Bubby can sense the same anticipation from them as he felt himself earlier. He sees that one of the two nearer wolves is larger than the other, and all the rest for that matter, and that he walks slightly in front of the other as well. He assumes that this wolf must be the leader, and his suspicions are confirmed when the wolf addresses him.

"Good evening," begins the alpha wolf. His voice is a deep, powerful growl that reverberates throughout the clearing. "It is exceedingly rare that anybody enters our meeting place, let alone animals from outside the forest. The only reasonable explanation is that you are lost, for if that is not the case, you are one of the most naïve animals I have ever laid eyes upon." Bubby looks down, ashamed by the leader's harsh words. "If you have some purpose here, state it. If not, I suggest you leave immediately," prompts the alpha.

Bubby looks up and tries to meet the alpha's penetrating stare. The strength in the gaze makes Bubby tremble, but he manages to force his words out. "I want to join your pack and be free as all us dogs should be." The alpha says nothing for a moment, and then his frown becomes a smile that accelerates into laughter. Bubby frowns slightly as the large wolf laughs incessantly. Eventually, the laughter ceases, and the alpha resumes his commanding tone, but not without some amusement.

"I see I was right. You know absolutely nothing," beings the alpha. "The first thing you will learn is that I am Krieger and this forest is mine. I am its lord and you will address me as such." Krieger pauses for a moment, letting the information set in. "The next thing to know is that we are not 'dogs'. 'Dog' is a human title for sub-canine creatures such as yourself," Krieger snarls. "We are wolves, and we are a wolf clan. Tell me now; what would a wolf clan need from a dog? What could you possibly offer us?"

Bubby lowers his head again. He quickly searches his mind for any positive trait that he might possess. "I -" starts Bubby before Krieger quickly cuts him off. "Let me tell you what you cannot do. I doubt that you could survive more than a week in the forest. You cannot hunt because you are slower than us, smaller than us, and weaker than us. For the same reasons, you cannot fight. We are constantly at war with others who would invade our home; we have no need for animals that cannot defend themselves. You are utterly useless."

There is silence. Bubby is too angry to respond; angry at Krieger for his insults, and angry at himself for being unable to attain his dreams. He stands, fuming, and on the verge of tears. He trembles as he feels the glare of twenty wolves all directed at him. "Do you still wish to join us in spite of this?" Bubby, surprised, meets Krieger's stare once more, with more conviction than before. "Yes," he says boldly. The wolf standing next to Krieger, whose presence Bubby had almost forgotten, quickly snarls at his response and viciously bares his teeth. Bubby shrinks back slightly. "I mean... yes, my lord."

Krieger's expression changes to one of curiosity as he smiles at Bubby. "This is good. Not only are you fast learner, but you have ambition. Ambition will take you a long way, but remember that it is no substitute for actual skill." Krieger begins to slowly circle around Bubby, inspecting him from all angles as he speaks. "Skill can be learned, and you can be trained. Perhaps some day you will actually be able to hunt, or scout, or even combat."

"I wish to learn, my lord," replies Bubby.

"I have no doubt that you do. However, what if it turns out that you can't be taught? What if you completely lack the capacity? Our time would then have been wasted, and efficiency is something we hold very dear."

Krieger concludes his pacing and resumes his position in front of Bubby. "This is usually never an issue. When young wolves want to be initiated into a clan, they go through combat trials, proving their usefulness. In this case, it is more than clear to me that you would have no chance at completing these tests." Bubby doesn't reply, but waits for Krieger to continue. He senses that the alpha is preparing for something.

"I suppose you're lucky that combat isn't the only thing we concern ourselves with. I was, perhaps, not completely honest before; you may indeed be useful to us." Krieger pauses for a moment and stares directly into Bubby's eyes. Bubby waits in anticipation as the wolf's gaze penetrates him. "If you cannot prove yourself to be a fighter, then prove that you can submit yourself to the lust of the clan."

With these words, the atmosphere of hostility vanishes and the clearing is filled with a sense of primal longing from every wolf present. Bubby looks around and sees that the faces of the pack have changed to expressions of hunger. The wolves slowly move closer to their leader and start to spread out. "What do you mean?" inquires Bubby nervously as the pack surrounds him. Krieger tilts his head slightly and smiles. He paces slowly around Bubby once more. "It's very simple. You want to join us, so let us be with you." Krieger stops behind the dalmatian and whispers in his ear, "Not that you have much of a choice any more."

Bubby looks around and sees that Krieger is right. Eighteen wolves have formed a circle around himself, their alpha, and the second-in-command. "Look at them all," continues Krieger. "Can you see how much they want you? Can you feel it?" Bubby nods slightly as he stares at the clan around him. He watches anxiously as twenty sheaths expand and twenty wolf cocks surround him. Krieger chuckles to himself slightly as he positions himself behind the small dalmatian. "A grand sight, no?" asks the alpha rhetorically.

Bubby's anxiety grows upon seeing that the wolves' shafts are all close to a foot long and at least two inches thick. Krieger stands over the young dalmatian and rests his forepaws over his shoulders. Bubby shakes underneath this dominant presence as he feels the wolf's tip at his tailhole. "You're trembling, dog," Krieger whispers. "I assume you've never been taken before."

"No, my lord," replies Bubby timidly.

"Then this will probably hurt quite a bit."

Krieger slowly pushes forward into the young dalmatian, not wanting to cause any damage so soon. Bubby closes his eyes and winces as the alpha stretches his ass beyond its intended capacity. "Mmm... I can't recall ever taking anybody this tight before," Krieger says softly as he forces six inches forward.

The dalmatian cries out quietly, "It's too much..."

"Too much?" queries Krieger, amused. "We're barely halfway there. I thought you were brave!"

"I -"

"You want to be a wolf, yes?" whispers Krieger.

"Yes, but -"

"Then act like one!" roars the alpha as he viciously thrusts forward, burying twelve inches of wolfmeat in the small dalmatian. Bubby lets out a howl that shatters the silence of the forest as the wolf brutally stretches him open. As Bubby whimpers, he sees that his cry has excited the pack further. Pre drips from every wolf as they observe the spectacle with lust in their gazes.

Krieger pauses, letting the small dog adjust to his size. "It's painful, but you like it, don't you?" he taunts. Bubby attempts to deny it, but realizes that he can't. The throbbing shaft stretching him open, the heavy ballsack against his own, and the powerful male trapping him under his weight are all strangely comforting, even arousing.

"Yes, my lord," admits the young dalmatian.

"You want as much wolf cock as you can get, don't you?" Krieger asks sadistically.

"...yes," says Bubby in barely more than a whisper.

Krieger chuckles to himself. "Aros," he calls to the wolf standing in front of Bubby. "I think the dog's hungry. Would you lend us your assistance?"

"Gladly," replies the second-in-command as he moves closer.

Krieger draws his forepaws back and wraps them around Bubby's midsection giving Aros room to join. The second wolf raises his forepaws onto Bubby's shoulders, placing his dripping wolfmeat in front of the dalmatian's face. Bubby's nose is overwhelmed, and excited, by the musky scent of the wolf in front him.

"Don't just stare. Suck on it, mutt!" Aros commands harshly.

Frightened, Bubby quickly reaches forward to take the wolf into his muzzle. He starts with the tip and licks it clean of pre. The flavour is like the wolf's musk, only much stronger. "Good, isn't it?" Aros asks. Bubby responds by taking in six inches of the wolf's shaft, eliciting a slight gasp. He tries to go farther, but the cock is already at the back of his throat. Luckily, Aros doesn't seem to mind. "That's much better..." sighs the wolf complacently.

As Bubby runs his tongue over the smooth shaft, he feels Krieger pull out of him slowly. The massive cock slides out about halfway before the alpha thrusts forward, making Bubby yelp again. "Time for some real action now," Krieger says, grinning. Bubby whimpers around Aros's wolfhood as the alpha penetrates him again. "Pitiful little dog," Krieger taunts as he pulls out farther. "You'll be begging for it soon enough."

When Krieger pushes forward, Aros also thrusts slightly, causing Bubby to gag and contract his muscles around the alpha. The large wolf moans as he pushes through the small dog's tightened anus. Krieger quickly pulls back and plunges his cock in again, accelerating his thrusts. While the alpha gains momentum, Bubby tries to suck on as much of Aros's meat as he can, but finds it hard to manoeuvre his tongue around such a large shaft.

"You'll get the hang of it soon enough," says Aros, as though reading Bubby's thoughts. "After all, you'll have lots of practice," he says sinisterly. At this, Bubby glances again at the pack surrounding him. The wolves are clearly growing restless at their lack of involvement. "What's wrong?" growls Krieger, seeing Bubby gaze at the wolves. "Tired of me so soon?"

Krieger completely pulls out of Bubby and then rams his entire length into the small dalmatian. Bubby's eyes go wide as he howls around Aros's cock. The alpha grins at the outcry. "Ha. I didn't think so," he growls as he pulls back again. "Don't be too gentle," he adds to Aros as he slams forward. "This dog obviously likes it rough." Aros matches his leader's grin as he starts to work up his own slightly calmer rhythm, thrusting his shaft in and out of Bubby's muzzle.

The clan watches eagerly as the small dog's ass is brutally pounded by the larger alpha, and they grow more lustful still as they watch the dalmatian's cock slowly poke out of its sheath. Bubby's ears lower in embarrassment as his own doghood betrays his arousal to the clan. Krieger's thrusts are painful, but Bubby can't deny the pleasure that he feels from being forced into submission by the powerful canine.

Noticing the pack's grins, Krieger glances downward between thrusts at Bubby's seven erect inches and laughs. "You really are a little slut, aren't you, dog?" he says, amused. Bubby feels his face become warm with embarrassment as he leans forward to take more of Aros into his mouth. Aros moans as Bubby manages seven inches without gagging. "I think it's time to fill the bitch up," he growls in pleasure at the warm maw around his cock. "Yes indeed," agrees Krieger. Each of Krieger's thrusts seem to go deeper as the large wolf's knot starts to form. As Bubby winces at being opened even wider, he watches Aros's knot grow in front of him.

Krieger's pace reaches a maximum as he slams deeply into the young dalmatian. Aros also can't help but thrust half his shaft into the dog at the same speed. Bubby swallows the pre that seems to come in greater and greater amounts from the wolf in front of him as the aura of dominance grows. He feels Krieger's heartbeat and breathing rate increase until the alpha is panting loudly at the exertion. The alpha's knot has swollen to the size of a tennis ball, and the extra stimulation drives both canines wild.

Aros's thrusts start to become erratic as he reaches his climax, and he accidentally gags Bubby again. This time, the tightened anus is too much for the alpha to manage and he howls loudly in ecstasy as he buries his cock into Bubby's ass, forcing the knot all the way in. At the same time, Aros matches the primal yell and both wolves start to shoot massive quantities of wolfcum into the small dalmatian.

Bubby's eyes go wide and he tries to swallow as much of Aros' cum as he can as it fills his maw. The musky flavour is like nothing he has ever tasted, and he savours it as he greedily drinks it up. As wave after wave goes down Bubby's throat, an even greater amount shoots into his bowels. With Krieger's knot firmly in his ass, the wolfseed is trapped and it stretches his insides like a balloon. "Fuck..." Krieger says in soft ecstasy. "Tight little slut..."

Wolfcum starts to drip from Bubby's muzzle and down his chin as he can't swallow Aros's offering quickly enough. Bubby takes down what he can as the two wolves gently collapse onto his small frame. He feels their breaths and heartbeats echoing through his body as they lie in afterglow. For almost a minute the forest is completely silent except for the panting of the two wolves.

As Krieger's knot deflates, he slowly slides his cock out of the small dog. The alpha's seed spills out onto the snow creating a giant puddle at Bubby's rear entrance. Bubby sighs slightly at the pressure being relieved, and Krieger smirks both at the sound, and at the size of opening he's created. Aros draws himself out of Bubby's muzzle and the two wolves stand back to observe the creature before them. Bubby stands in the center of the wolf pack, his penis still erect, with wolfcum dripping from both ends. He lowers his head as he feels twenty pairs of eyes staring at the aftermath of his submission.

Krieger speaks, but with a slight tremble in his voice from exhaustion. "I must say that I'm impressed. Just don't get too comfortable; your trial is far from over." Krieger and Aros meld in with the ranks of wolves around Bubby before the alpha speaks again. Krieger looks around at the wolves anticipating his command. He meets their lustful gazes and grins widely. "Go get him, boys."

The entire pack moves a step closer to the quivering dalmatian, but there's obviously a hierarchy Bubby is unaware of as only two wolves proceed to the center of the ring. Bubby stands shivering as the two wolves circle around him, grinning at the events to follow. The wolves converge behind the dalmatian and they both bend down, their muzzles at Bubby's sack and exposed doghood. One of the wolves slides his tongue along Bubby's shaft, making him shudder and moan slightly. The other wolf draws the dalmatian's balls into his warm muzzle, sucking on them powerfully. Bubby closes his eyes and savours the oral attention. The wolf on his cock takes the length into his mouth and sucks hard on the shaft, forcing Bubby to release pre into his mouth.

The pair continues to excite the young dog and Bubby's knot quickly swells inside a warm wolf muzzle. Bubby begins to rock slightly as his climax approaches, but is careful not to make any dominant thrusts. "I'm going to cum..." he moans out, but at that moment, one wolf lets go of his cock and the other bites down on the dalmatian's ballsack. Bubby cries out in pain as the first wolf snarls at him. "You don't cum without my permission, understand?"

"Yes..." says Bubby as he cringes at the pain behind his shaft.

The first wolf positions himself behind Bubby and mounts him like Krieger, just touching the dalmatian's tailhole. He waits for a moment as his partner circles around in front of Bubby and takes a similar hold. Bubby leans his head forward slightly to take in the wolfmeat dripping in front of him, but the wolf pulls back, evading the attempt. "Horny little bitch, aren't you?" observes the wolf. "You'll get it when I'm ready to give it to you." Bubby's ears droop in shame, forcing a smile from the wolf.

"Ready?" asks the rear wolf with a sinister grin.

"Oh yeah... Deep breath, slut," comes the reply.

Bubby barely opens his jaw before both wolves hilt themselves in opposing holes, sandwiching the dalmatian between two feet of hard wolfcock. Bubby howls around the shaft forcing its way down his throat and cutting off his air supply. "Don't complain," whispers the wolf in front of Bubby. "We know you like it."

The wolves waste no time in establishing a furious rhythm as they repeatedly hilt themselves into either end of the small dog. After the first few thrusts, Bubby gives up trying to suck on the wolfmeat in his muzzle and just focuses on trying to take quick breaths as he lets the wolf fuck his throat mercilessly. Bubby watches the pack enjoy the forceful motions of the second pair of wolves and notices that each canine has built up a sizeable pool of precum that melts through the snow. He catches sight of Krieger only to see that the alpha's cock is as hard as it was before. Krieger flashes Bubby a look that seems to say, "Don't worry; I'll be back."

"Can't believe you're so tight after Lord Krieger ripped you open," pants the wolf behind Bubby as he rams himself into the dalmatian's ass as hard as he can manage.

"If you think that's tight, try his muzzle," says the other wolf as he forcefully chokes the small dog. "So good..."

Bubby smiles internally at being able to pleasure the beasts. As the large canines force their shafts into him from either end, Bubby feels his own knot forming once more, catching the eye of the rear wolf.

"Heh, that's it, dog... show us how much you like thick wolfcock up your tight little ass," he growls. "Show the clan how much you like being our bitch."

"Cum for us, little puppy..."

Bubby tries to exert some semblance of control over himself, but the wolves' primal lust and commanding words push the small dog over the edge. Bubby howls out around the wolf screwing his muzzle as his climax hits. He closes his eyes and lets the euphoria flood through him as his smaller cock shoots jet after jet of warm dogcum over the cold forest floor. "Fuck you dry..." pants the rear wolf as two more knots swell at either end of the dalmatian. Every thrust into Bubby's ass forces him to release more cum, and the flow doesn't stop until the wolves reach their own paramount.

With a burst of strength, the rear wolf forces his knot into the small dog and begins filling him up with his warm seed. Bubby braces himself for the aft wolf's finishing thrust, but it doesn't come. As soon as his climax arrives the wolf pulls out of Bubby's muzzle and shoots his load all over the dalmatian's face. Bubby tries to catch what he can in his mouth, tasting the musky flavour he has quickly grown so fond of, but near a half gallon of wolfcum drenches his fur and slowly drips into the growing pool at his feet.

The rear wolf slowly slides out, releasing a river of cum from Bubby's ass. "Marked him..." he observes with a sinister grin. "He's our clan bitch now."

Still half-dazed from his own orgasm, Bubby smiles with his head down. The idea of being the clan's possession fills him with indescribable joy.

As the night wears on, every wolf has at least two turns with the small dog. Krieger and a few wolves with higher endurance even manage a third go-around. The sun sets, and the moon begins to show as Bubby takes twenty wolfcocks and over twenty loads of steamy wolfcum in his ass and his mouth. Throughout the action, the clan rewards Bubby by allowing him three more shudderingly powerful orgasms. By the time the last wolf fulfills his desires, Bubby aches from the primal abuse and from the gallons of cum stretching his stomach.

Instead of returning to their den as would be custom, the wolves, immensely satisfied, lie themselves down in the ring they've formed around the dalmatian and sleep in an almost protective circle. Bubby himself finally collapses into what is now a viable lake of wolf seed that soaks into his fur and keeps him warm through the night despite the wintry temperature.

Bubby doesn't awaken until the sun is high overhead once more. He groggily opens his eyes to see the wolves standing in their familiar ring with Krieger in front of him. "Can you stand?" asks the large wolf gently. Bubby nods and slowly rises to his feet, still fatigued despite his long rest.

"I have never seen any animal attempt to emulate a wolf, but I'm sure that you will be the first to succeed," Krieger declares. "You already have the scent down," he adds grinning, as the wolfcum matting the dalmatian's fur wafts into his nose. "I would declare you a clan member instantly, if it were my place to do so."

Bubby gives Krieger a confused look. "I am not a tyrant," explains the alpha. "I do nothing without the support of my pack." Krieger looks around, calling the wolves to attention. "This is a decision for them to make."

Bubby watches anxiously as Krieger addresses his clan. "Fellow warriors," he shouts. "Are you satisfied with his completion of our trials? Will you accept this dog as an initiate and clan member? Will you respect Bubby as an ally and fellow wolf?"

Every animal in the forest is motionless as nineteen howls reverberate in all directions, sounding the clan's unanimous consent. Unable to fathom any occasion that would bring more joy, Bubby lowers his head and tears of happiness quickly form in his eyes. The primal yells carry with them everything that Bubby wants, or has ever wanted.

As the cries fade, Krieger smiles down at the small dog. "The clan welcomes you, Initiate. From this day you will live with us, and as us. You will hunt and fight beside us." With a flash of his claws, Krieger rips the collar from Bubby's neck and it lands in the snow, lifelessly sprawled. "Let this be a sign of captivity abandoned. Now you are part of the wild."

If anybody was around the forest clearing that day, they would have observed twenty wolves returning to their den after a night never to be forgotten. And if they cared to look again, they might have seen twenty-one.