Red kryptonite can do strange things to you...

Story by GreyWolf19 on SoFurry

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NOTE: I do NOT own Krypto the Superdog or Streaky.

It was another lazy Spring day in Metropolis for Krypto the Superdog. Kevin was at school...Streaky was napping in the yard next door...Bat-Hound was off doing, well, Bat-Hound things, and it was unusually warm for this time of year. All of that added up to a day where Krypto would be able to relax and take a nice long snooze in the old dog house. Nothing like a good rest after a busy week of fighting crime. Krypto yawned, laid down, and was just about to rest his head on his front paws when suddenly he heard a scream in the distance. Instantly, his ears perked up and he was on his feet. Trouble again! Doesnt evil ever want a break too?! But Krypto knew what to do. With a grin, he ran in a circle, donning his cape. And, with a "ruff ruff and away!" he was in the air, off to save the day once again.

Krypto flew, red cape streaming behind him, scanning the horizon for wherever the trouble was coming from. His ears perked again as another scream rang through the air. Judging from the direction, he knew where it must have came from: the city park. Quickly, he changed his course, and sped off to save the day.

When Krypto arrived at the park, he gasped at what he saw, and hovered in the air for a moment, trying to assess the situation. Right in the middle of the park's central pond was a giant, blob-like creature, taller than any of the trees around, and almost as large as the pond itself. At the "top" of the thing, protruding from it's gooey, semi-transparent red-tinted "body" were two large, truly freaky eye-stalks, with eyes as big as car tires. It was really a strange sight. It was as if somebody's cherry flavored Jell-O dessert got mad, grew a few stories, and decided to fight back.

Park-goers screamed, and were fleeing from the squishy monstrosity, as a series of long, droopy tentacles lashed out from its body and chased after them. A few people were caught, and were struggling to break free. That's when Krypto shook himself out of the trance of the whole sight, and flew into action.

"Hey!", he shouted in the thing's direction, "Let those people go!"

Krypto wasn't sure if the blob was intelligent at all, or if it could understand him, but his command must have done something because, after making a strange gurgling sound, it actually did release the terrified citizens.

"Huh?", said Krypto, tilting his head. He never had that kind of luck with the other bad guys. He decided to fly in closer and investigate this weird new addition to the city park.

Suddenly, at least 6 tentacles shot out from the thing, heading straight for Krypto. He gasped in surprise as he dodged the first tentacle. Quickly, he ducked as the second one came, and juked to the right to avoid the third. He turned to fly up into the air to get out of its reach, but as he did, a fourth tentacle grabbed at his right back paw, and a fifth sealed the deal by wrapping itself tightly around his waist. Krypto cried out, and tried wiggling away and pushing the thing's tentacles off of him, but he couldn't break free.

Soon, other tentacles were heading towards Krypto, and as he felt them wrap around his chest, wrists, and hind legs, he realized something else with a dismayed groan. He was feeling strangely weak and unable to fight back. This could only mean one thing: The red, glowing tint to the blob was the result of red kryptonite.

Krypto struggled the best he could, but as he grew weaker and weaker, he didn't have a choice but to give in to the creature's tentacles, which were now lifting him up above it's eye-stalks as if to give it a better view of it's victim. The thing let out another weird, curious sounding gurgle from itself as it rubbed over Krypto's fur almost sensuously.

That's when Krypto realized something even worse than before: this creature, thisthing is staring to make him feel...weird. Almost...aroused, even. He knew the effects of red kryptonite were unpredictable, but he wasn't in the least prepared for something that would make him have these kinds of feelings!

As Krypto hung over the thing, looking down at its questioning eyes, he turned his head downwards the best he could to see under himself. Sure enough, he noticed with another dismayed groan, his cock was starting to unsheathe. Another tentacle quickly wrapped itself around his neck, bringing his head back up so he couldn't see what was being done to his body, and another wiggled it's way into his muzzle, stifling another groan so it came out as just a muffled "mmmfgh!"

He let out another muffled yelp as his body was turned upside down, so he was looking directly at the thing's eyes, which were only a few feet away from him. The thing gurgled happily as it watched it's victim squirm and become aroused against his will. Krypto's cock was now almost fully erect as he hung there, fore paws held together, dangling above his head, his back paws in much the same condition, his cape hanging uselessly by his neck down by his head and paws. This was certainly the strangest thing he's encountered during his time on Earth fighting crime!

Meanwhile, while Krypto was enjoying some most unusual bondage, Streaky had awoken from his catnap, and let out a long, satisfied yawn. What a welcome surprise! He usually never gets to finish his catnaps these days. Always gotta go about saving some helpless citizen or another. But today apparently was different, and you know what that means...another nap! Streaky was about to lay down again when he heard the same screams Krypto heard. He opened one eye lazily and groaned. Sheesh, youd think this city would be able to save itself at least once in his 9 lives. Oh well. Time to go be a superhero and whatnot. Donning his cape, he flew up in the air, expecting Krypto to be right there with him. When he looked around and couldn't see him anywhere, he was curious, but he figured he must already be at the scene of the trouble. And so, he flew off in the direction of the citizens' screams.

Upon arriving at the park, he realized two things. One, this wasn't going to be an ordinary beat up the bad guy and go home run. And two, Krypto was in trouble. He couldn't see his canine companion very well from this distance, but from the looks of it, he was in the grasp of some weird Jell-O-like monster, and not faring so well.

"I'll save you, Krypto!" Streaky shouted valiantly as he flew over to rescue him. When he got close enough to see what was really going on, though, he stopped in mid-air, stupefied. Dangling in the air, tail wagging happily, was his buddy Krypto, essentially being raped by this weird creature. Streaky's mouth was agape as he noticed every detail of his friend's unusual predicament. Tentacles had him bound and gagged, rubbing and coiling around his body. The most alarming features though, were the tentacle now encased over Krypto's fully erect cock, bobbing up and down, milking him, and the tentacle stuffing his ass, pounding him over and over.

Streaky just hovered there, trying to understand what was going on. Was his buddy really getting...raped?! Why isn't he fighting back? Why is his tail wagging like he's actually ENJOYING it?! Is any of this happening, or is it all just some crazy dream?

While he was watching his friend writhe and moan in pleasure before his very eyes, he failed to notice the tentacle that was slowly wrapping itself around his tail. At least, he didnt notice until it was too late. Streaky's puzzled look was broken when he looked down and noticed he too was being entwined by those frisky invaders. "Aghh!", he screamed. But by the time he registered in his mind that he should move, poor Streaky was already ensnared by a number of tentacles.

Soon, he was hoisted over to where Krypto was, and the process that happened to his friend was starting to happen to him. Krypto managed to look over at Streaky from the corner of his eye, and blushed at the fact that not only was he being raped in public, but now his friend would join him. As Streakys own cock was starting to unsheathe, he realized, with some embarrassment that it wasn't just the creature making him horny, it was seeing his buddy like this too. He always really liked Krypto as a friend, seeing him experience pleasure like this...maybe he liked him a little more than that. But as his cock grew to full length, being engulfed by a tentacle, and as another tentacle started to poke at his tail hole, clear thought became pretty difficult. All he could do was give in, and listen to the heavy panting of Krypto beside him.

Within minutes, Streaky was in the same state as Krypto, panting, sweating, eyes rolling. He and his close buddy getting milked by some weird blob monster. Not how he had planned on spending the day, but with the amount of pleasure he was experiencing, he couldn't complain. Looking over at Kryptos wagging tail, he figured that he was feeling the same way.

After another minute, they both felt a shift in the tentacles. They started rubbing faster, pounding their asses like pistons, moving up and down their cocks quickly but steadily. They could both feel the pressure building. They were going to cum. And soon.

Krypto and Streaky looked over at each other with drunken, giddy looks on their faces. The pressure inside them was enormous after at least 10 minutes of constant pleasure. Both of their eyes rolled as they gave in. Krypto let out a muffled yelp, and came, letting out rope after rope of cum into the tentacle, his body shivering with ecstasy. Streaky, hearing his friend moan, soon followed suit. He moaned, came, and watched as his cum flowed down the tentacle, mixing with Krypto's into the body of the blob thing, which gurgled happily, almost a laugh, and watched them intently as they writhed with pleasure. They continued to be milked, and moaned in unison, until their orgasms began to decline.

The two superheroes hung there, panting and sweating, the tentacles still ever so slowly teasing them. The blob gurgled, satisfied, and carried them close to its body. They were alarmed, but were really too weak to do anything about it. Krypto's body was pressed against the creature. It had a cool, smooth but slimy texture to it, which gave way to an even more slimy inside as he could feel himself being pushed into the creature itself. The same thing was being done to Streaky, who was being plunged headfirst into the Jell-O-like being,

After awhile, they were both completely inside the thing, but were amazed to find that they could still somehow breath. They were even less capable of movement now, almost in a paralyzed state. Even stranger was the fact that they were starting to feel horny again already. Their cocks werent completely erect, but the gooey substance of the creature was already starting to tease and stimulate them again.

The creature gurgled once more, sending vibrations throughout its insides, making Krypto and Streaky even more horny. Slowly, the blob thing oozed its way out of the park's pond, making odd squishy noises as it did so. It looked around at Metropolis with eager eyes, and started to make its way towards the city. Inside, the two superheroes once again started helpless to get milked by the strange city park invader. It looked as if though they were going to be there for quite awhile.

Could this be the end for Krypto and Streaky???