PMD - EOM - Chapter 17

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#19 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Phantom the Shinx

Mystic the Vulpix

Ashley the Alolan Vulpix

Chp 17

"Thanks for going along with me." Mystic said when they both awoke.

"It was nice..." He said shyly.

"Need another round to cement it?"

"Maybe later." He said, not intending for it to sound an offer.

She smiled happily. "Good to hear. We should probably go see if Ashley's back."

"So, how did you know all that stuff?"

"I dunno. Instinct I guess."

"Well, mating is instinct, but you knew, and have known for a long time about all that stuff. Stuff you wouldn't know if you had no memory."

"About that. Ashley and I were talking, and she thinks that I still have something, locked away in my head. Like, I know she's my real sister, for some reason. So maybe if we find a super strong psychic type, he can read my brain. Maybe certain events remind me of things or something."

"Hmm." Phantom said, rubbing his chin. "Maybe Hunter would know someone. Let's go ask him." He started to leave the clearing, but her laughter stopped him. "What?"

"You gonna go out there like that, and me like this?" She asked, spinning around to show her matted fur. "We should clean up first."


When they arrived back at the base, Hunter was sitting outside, right in front of the main door. Upon seeing them, he stood from the rock he was sitting on and nodded.

"What are you doing out here?" Mystic asked.

"The watchman for today is me. The staff alternates that job. There's no new news, but that could be considered a good thing." He said, placing his claw on his chest.

"So, we need to meet with a powerful psychic pokemon."

"Alright. I know of one. But he and his team live far away. I can send a message for him, but it will take a few days to reach him."

"Why can't you just teleport to him?" Phantom asked.

"He lives on another continent. The badge recall function only works at a certain distance. But the mail pelipper can get letters across the ocean no problem. I'll send one as soon as I can, and let you know."

"Alright, thanks. I think it could help me with my memories." Mystic explained. "Oh yea, so we're thinkin' about getting our own base. Any ideas, tips?"

"Well, there is a little plot of land that went up for sale. It's just outside of town, towards the east. It's mostly undeveloped, except for little hut. It should be cheap, for land. You'd spend more money building there."

"We should go check it out." Phantom told her.

"Yea. Hunter, if Ashley comes through, would you send her our way?"

"Your white vulpix friend? Of course." He said, returning to his seat.

A short while later, Phantom and Mystic arrived at the place. The for sale sign said 100,000 poke and to contact a "Sir Chance Von Trist the Wigglytuff". The land itself was quite small, and had no visual borders. All that was there were trees and a rotting shack. It was bordered on the edge of the forest, and remarkably close to path, town and beach.

"Pretty good for the price. But no way we can afford it right now."

"Then we'd best get to making some cash. C'mon, she should be back by now and we can get to work."

On their way back, they ran into Ashley. "Hey guys!" She yelled upon spotting them.

"Where have you been? I thought you we're just going to say goodbye." Mystic asked.

"I got, uh, sidetracked. Anyways, how's the house?"

"Rough. But with our budget, it's the best we can do. We're gonna go get a job, and try to make some money."

"My first mission! Let's do this!" Ashley yelled, deepening her voice.

"Not to be rude, but you smell sweaty." Phantom commented.

"Don't ask a girl about her hygiene!" Ashley shouted, lightly bapping him on the nose with a tail.

Another short while and they were at the mission board. Phantom was in charge of picking one, and he scanned over the letters and their listed rewards. Berries, TMs, Ribbons... Only one mission offered any poke. He took the letter down and tore into it.

"To whomever it may concern," It began, written in an extreme cursive. The rest was in normal font. "I require two rare items for my collection: A Fairy gem and a Dragon gem. Offering 200,000 poke each, 100,000 poke extra for both (500,000 total). Signed," It returned to cursive, but was so fancy that it was illegible. Underneath was printed "Sir Chance Von Trist the Wigglytuff."

"Hey, it's the same guy who's selling the land. Maybe we could negotiate a deal with him. But first, finding those two gems is going to really match the reward. Type gems are normally found where those types live, and we need two of them, so we'll have to split up." Phantom said.

"Why spilt up? We should stick together and take our time if this is going to be tough." Ashley complained.

"Because missions are put up every day. We got the letter for today, but if we don't complete it, or somebody took the job earlier, it'll come up again tomorrow and somebody else could do it first. We gotta be fast."

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Mystic asked.

"Ashley and I will go after the dragon one, if you and Zys will go after the fairy one."

"Zys? Are you sure?"

"Yea. He'll keep you safe."

"But he's strong. Why doesn't he go to fight the dragons?"

"Because ice is really strong against them, but Ashley and Zys can't go out together. She still needs to learn to adventure."

"Hey!" She yelled.

"So the two of us will go, and you can look after Zys. He'll listen to you."

"Wait, what about the item box? We only have one."

"We'll shop separately. The reward will cover the expenses, so buy whatever you need, including another box."