PMD - EOM - Chapter 25

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#28 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Phantom the Shinx

Mystic the Vulpix

Ashley the Alolan Vulpix

Zys the Deoxys

Clara the Leafeon

Prince the Sylveon

Hunter the Scizor

Flare the Charizard

Marie the Mienshao

Chp 25

"So if we're mates now, we should probably know more about each other. Anything you wanna tell me?" Prince asked as they walked.

"I dunno... I'm more curious about you. Well, my real name is Chlorophyll, but that's way too long, so I go by Clara. I came from a small town in the woods, took the exam six times until I passed... Now, it's your turn."

"So I guess I... change somehow when I get aroused. It makes sense... Are you really pregnant with my child?"

"Pretty sure. After what you did, I doubt I'm not. My heat suppressant wore off and you went from happy go lucky to total jerk, like that." She said, flicking her tail sharply, making a whoosh sound. "And then after you knot deflated, you were back to normal."

"I remember waking up wrapped in your vines on your back... and I remember going through the cave, but there's just a blank space in the middle..." He said.

As they walked down the hall, the walls changed from normal building walls, to stone, to jail cells. All of them were empty however, most even had the doors open.

"If these things were being used... Maybe we shouldn't be here? For someone to need this many jails, they would have to be pretty strong."

"Exactly. So we're here to stop them. You'll need to grow more of a backbone if you're gonna be on my team."

"Sorry... I'm kind of a pacifist. I can't stand violence..."

"Well I'm sure we'll find some here, so you best get used to it right now. Speaking of which, this looks important." She said as they reached a large iron door. She pushed her side against it, having to put in great effort to push the heavy door open. The door let out a sickening screech as the rusty hinges moved.

"Well, it seems I have guests." A male voice said from inside.

Clara darted around the corner and into the room, with Prince following in much more cautiously. They were in a large dome like area, with what looked like a makeshift dock. It would have served as the perfect way to move captives in and out silently, as the way outside was underwater. Standing close to the water was a flygon.

"Grit. Nice to meetcha'." He said.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Clara demanded.

"Seems you weren't briefed too clearly. I'm one of the four generals. Grit the flygon, recruiter. And I'm trying to leave. I doubt I can hold my breath long enough to make my escape however..." He said, turning his long neck and looking out at the water.

"Then we have to bring you in." She said.

"Do you really? I'd rather not fight, as I'm not that kind of pokemon, but I do plan to go free."

"It's too late for that. You're coming with us." She warned him, taking a step forward.

"I'd like to see you stop me." He said, his voice deepening and eyes squinting. His wings spread wide and his antennae twitched as a wave of sand and wind blew off of him, filling the air with particles.

Clara saw his plan, and immediately went back and pushed the door shut before he could fly out.

"Clever." He said, though he was obscured by the sandstorm. "I'll just have to take you both out."

"I thought you said you didn't want to fight?!" Prince yelled.

"Trust me, it won't be a fight." He said menacingly. A moment later, he flew by, passing close enough to be seen, and swinging his claws at them as he passed. The next moment he disappeared again.

"Shit, stand your ground!" Clara barked, vines coming out and waving around her in a defensive net. Soon, a wave of sharp sound cut right through some of them. "Damn... he's smart. Prince, stay here, guard the door." She walked out into the sand.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?!" Prince shouted at her, but she was already out of sight.

She continued on, carefully feeling the ground as she went. Grit seemingly stopped his attacks, though the storm continued, if anything getting worse, with the wind now howling. Once she felt she was in a good spot, she stopped, looked around, and raised her rear. Her tail quickly began to wave high in the air, while a vine went back and rubbed at her lips. "Ohh Grit~ Come and get some~" She said in a sultry voice.

She was suddenly pinned from behind, the dragon type pinning her to the ground and shoving the vine away. "What is this?" He asked. She knew he was smirking, though she could barely see him above her. "Giving up? Too horny to go on?" He teased, grinding his scaly crotch against her. She could feel his hidden shaft growing.

"Yea..." She muttered. "That little boy back there can't possibly satisfy me like a dragon could... Please, can I come with you?"

"Of course. But I'll be taking you unconscious, if that's alright. Can't know if you're playing me." He pressed a clawed hand to the back of her head.

"How about you fuck me? That would prove it..." She said, acting shy.

"That it would... But what about your companion?"

"I told you, he's a total pushover. He would probably just stand there."

"Well then." He suddenly penetrated her with his ribbed dick, large, but only half erect.

"And could you kill this sand? It's really irritating." She complained, grinding against him.

"Fine. It was getting hard to keep it up anyways." A moment later, the sand storm died down, all the sand in the air drifting to the ground.

"What..." Prince said. "What the hell?!" He asked, his voice starting to deepen. A wolfish grin crossed Clara's face. "Get off my bitch!" Prince roared. When Grit turned his head, she used the distraction to slam the vine that was still between her legs into his crotch, hitting the balls contained inside.

He let out a pained grunt and pulled back. "Fuckin' whore!" He roared. His claws swung through the air viciously, though Clara managed to avoid the worst of it, only being knocked a few feet away.

Behind Grit, Prince opened his maw, firing a brilliantly colored rainbow beam. Little did either pokemon know, but his ability was pixilate, and he just used a hyper beam. The fairy charged hyper beam hit Grit squarely in the back, sending him flying forward and into the water, with a loud scream.

Prince was left panting from the exertion, staring at the water. After about twenty seconds, Grit had yet to surface. "Now then, get over here and present." He told Clara. "Once my girl, always my girl." He said.

"How about no. We still have a job to do."

"Yes, we both have a job to do. You need to let me mount you, and I need to fuck you silly."

"Damn, I knew my plan was too good... Fine, on one condition."

"I don't bargain."

"Whatever. I'll submit, and maybe even participate, but then we have to go explore the rest of this place."

"Deal." He said with a dirty smirk.


Ashley continued down the north hallway, looking in every room she passed. Most were strange, like some kind of science room from her video games. The main difference was that they were in terrible disrepair. Most of them were also storing crates full of berries. The hallway wasn't very long, and quickly ended with a pair of oak double doors. She got to them, and thought about it for a second. She was all by herself. What if somebody was in there?

"Well, Hunter's right back there... Fuck it." She said, before pushing them open and stepping inside. The room was mostly empty, except for a few main things. There was a large ornate desk, with two chairs in front facing it. Behind that was a large computer, though it was smashed and likely not working. To either side were large windows that looked out into the ocean. "What the hell..." She muttered as she went further in and looked around. Movement caught her eye, and she turned her head to see a magikarp sitting beyond the windows, blubing in her direction. After it bit, it looked away and moved on.

Then, the door slammed shut. "Is that you Ashley?" A familiar voice asked.

She turned to see a white canine, an absol, standing in front of the door. "Who... Wait, Carver?"

"Who else?"

"But what are you doing here?"

"Wait, you don't realize? Wow, I thought you would have known everything before coming here. Well, I work with the Shadow. I'm the sex guy."


"Well that's not my official title, but..."

"No, what the hell do you do here?! And why?"

"It's my job to find girls, and sometimes capture them. As to why, do you really want to know?"

"Well, yea! You guys stole my sister!"

"Oh, I'm sorry for that." He said, sounding genuinely sorry. "But we have good reason for what we do, at least in theory. I for one think Hearth is full of shit."

"What's the reason?"

"A loud of bull. I honestly don't remember. After he wouldn't shut up about it, I just kinda started tuning him out. The only reason I stay with these guys is cause it gets me laid."

"How could you ruin lives like that?"

"Well, think of it this way. Better to have a gentle and kind soul in a place like mine than some psycho rapist. If fuckin' Tyrant had my job, half the girls wouldn't make it here alive."

"And why capture females? For sex?"

"Yea, that's about it. We wipe their memories and send 'em off to a brothel or someplace, or even to some rich assholes. A perfect willing slutty slave, sounds like a dream to me." He said.

"That's absolutely disgusting!" Ashley said, shaking her head.

"Actually, they don't suffer much. Most of the time, the girls, and sometimes males, are unconscious the whole time. By the time they wake up, they're a whole new pokemon. They don't have any memories or anything."

"But my sister, Mystic, she does. She's suffered. How do explain that one?" She said, starting to really get mad.

"The vulpix right? Well, we had a bit of a rebellion here. You see, we use a pokemon named Mewtwo to erase memories and rewrite them. His mate, Mew, got loose, and teleported a pokemon who was not done with the process, your Mystic, out. And that's how we got to where we are now."

"So what now?"

"You could turn the other cheek. I have no allegiance to the rest of these assholes. I'll spill all the beans."

"After all you've done... When did you join?"

"What? What does that have to do with it?" She continued staring at him seriously. "Uh, about four months ago."

"Ok, then you're in the clear. As long as we get Hearth, I'm okay with you walking."

"About that... I've been wandering my whole life, ever since I left Mt Frostorm as a pup. I'm really gettin' kinda bored. Virgins are only fun for so long, and whores just don't cut it with intimacy. Maybe I should change something. And you were one of my favorite lays, so..." He rolled his eyes.

"You can't be serious."

"If I were to have a mate, you'd be my first choice." He said, then quickly followed it with, "And the thought of joining a rescue team has always been interesting." He had a faint blush, easily spotted as it clashed so heavily with his blue skin.

"This is so fucked up..." Ashley muttered.

"I believe you meant 'I am going to be' instead of 'this is'."

"Can it!" She yelled, going from one to ten in an instant. "I'm not some toy for you to mess with. You can't just persuade me to do whatever you want!"

"I wasn't trying to-" He said quietly, his suave persona cracking.

"So! If you're not going to fight, you will come with me, and do everything I say. Then we'll decide what to do as a group. Got it?"

"Alrig-" He flinched when she smacked his arm with her paw.

"Address me as ma'am!" She commanded, a wide smile forming, as she clearly enjoyed this.

"YES ma'am!" He side, putting his paw to his forehead in a mock salute and standing at attention.

"That's better. Now let's get a move on."

Once they were out the door and walking down the hall, he started to speak again. "I can understand why you don't trust me. I was recruited because I was quote 'a master manipulator'. But nothing I said to you last time we met, or even this time is a lie. Half truths maybe, but one thing is certain. I have never hurt an innocent female, ever."

"I kinda believe you... Sometimes you get dealt a shit hand, but... You will need to pay for your crimes, one way or another."

"That I do ma'am. That I do." They were nearing the door, and sounds of fighting could be heard on the other side.

As Ashley took another step forward, something buzzed, and then clicked, followed by some whirring. "The hell was that?" She asked.

"Damn." He spat to the side. "We're stuck for now. Hearth must have activated the security."

"Security? Like robot guards?"

"Nothing like that, but this place is ancient, and has some pretty impressive gadgets. Like motion sensitive cameras, that we just tripped. They cause the doors in this section to lock for ten minutes."

"Well how do we get out?"

"We can't bust the door down, they're reinforced and strong, despite the age. This section was abandoned when we found this place, until we found the control switch that is. According to one of the pokemon we sent in here, if you wait around and stay still, the cameras will switch off and the doors open again. Mind if I lead?"

"Fine, you know more about this than me."

"Over here." He said, leading her into one of the lab rooms right next to the exit. "We'll chill here for a while, then make a break for it. If we're fast enough, we'll make it." He said as he pushed the rusty door shut. "This place is amazing like I said." As the door shut, the lights flickered on. They were dim and covered in dust, but it was better than darkness. "That Mewtwo said this mansion and base were built long ago back when it was born. With all the stuff that's preserved, it's like time just up and forgot about it. The cameras are only in the hall, so you can do whatever."

She turned and walked around a few boxes in the middle of the room. The room had several desks and cabinets along the walls, mostly coated in dust. What was odd was the height. Most things were shorter, usually no taller than three feet, so that four legged and smaller pokemon could reach, but these were much higher up. She could barely reached the lowest one. But reach it she did, and pulled it open. She had to prop her forelegs on the edge to look inside, finding a stack of papers and a book. The book said "Experiment log 17-*" She grabbed it, causing a sheet of dust to spring into the air, and set it on the floor before flipping it open.

"Experiement 17, Lead Scientist Smith's personal log. Experiment 17, hereby coded as 17, has started with disastrous results. The DNA from the original is incredibly complex, and seems to degenerate with any manipulation. The original is too weak and unpredictable, thus this line is needed. Almost all subjects turn into a pink sludge mere moments after creation, the rest last anywhere from ten to twenty minutes. None of shown actual signs of life." The next pages were full of crazy looking algorithms and diagrams that she couldn't read. Eventually she found one with writing. "This thing is quickly becoming less and less about science and more about the boss' sick desires. I think he wants world domination, that's the only reason he could be pushing us so hard to create a working weapon. This journal is now about my story and not the damn experiment. Jason killed himself after 17-65 talked. Maybe there are some things science shouldn't touch." She turned the page again. "17-89 is fully formed, and has a heartbeat. It bears little resemblance to the original, but it is alive. It has been dormant for nearly a week now with no genetic fluctuations. We've done it. We created life in a test tube. God help us."

That was the last entry. "Wow, that's some scary shit. It's like a horror movie." Ashley said.

"What?" Carver asked.

"Somebody made something here, to be a weapon."

"Makes sense with the shit we've found. This place had some messed up stuff. Over thatta way are a bunch of prison cells."

"That's sick... One evil to another."

"It's not that simple. I wish the world could so simply be split into good and evil."

"How is what you were doing not evil?!" She shouted.

"Shh, the cameras might be noise sensitive... Alright, listen up."