The Sexual Adventures of A & J Hampton, Chapter Two: Do Not Touch!

Story by A and J on SoFurry

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#4 of A & J

Each chapter in this series is entirely factual, down to the size of our genitals and up to the colour of our eyes. The only differences in this and reality is that A) We're not animals, and B) In reality, I'm uncircumcized. In this story, which took place two days ago, Allan decides to torture me with sex - he's bent me over, pulled my shorts down, and started thrusting. If I pull my shaft out of my underwear, he's pulling out and abstaining for a week. He's so mean and kinky :D Afterwards, we settle for a pleasant dinner with my brother, who sadly lives with us.


It began as a normal enough round of Bedroom Olympics; a bit of light kissing and him rubbing my nipples through my shirt. We both lay on black blankets in t-shirts and semi-tight briefs, quite clearly showing off our packages. We broke our kiss, and looked at each other. I smiled briefly, and shoofed down lower on the bed. I took the flap of his briefs and opened it, pulling Allan's long sheath out. He took the base of it and guided it to my mouth. It may seem a bit awkward, but fellating a man when he's flaccid will guarantee he keeps it up 'til you're done. I ignored his downy white fur and started licking at the tube of huskiness.

He tilted his head back, said "That's good, now get the balls" and started to extend in my mouth. I quickly pulled off, and sunk my head lower on the sheets. His gray paws pulled the shorts flap open wider, and a pair of large balls dropped out. I cradled these gently, once in a while giving them gentle licks. He moaned lightly as the tip of his canine member peeked from his rapidly filling sheath. My otterhood had twitched, but hadn't gotten near as hard as he had yet. That would make the next bit easier. I drew his testicles into my mouth, eliciting a harsh grunt and a trilling sigh as my tongue lapped at them. I pulled and suckled and teased until a nine-inch long cock rose before me, a beautiful red-purple colour and glistening brightly. I took the thin shaft into my paw, and caressed the bottom few inches.

"My, he's up early. Glad to see that." I rolled onto him, pulling my shirt off in the process. He removed his clothes, wincing lightly as his balls caught in the drawers. My own shaft was starting to poke out, but I kept it restrained. Allan took his tool in both paws, and started to wank in front of me. This made getting access to his sack easier, and I pulled the leg of my underwear to the side. My own, slightly larger pair (His tool is much longer, but thinner, whereas my testicles are larger and my actual shaft is "Terribly thick") dropped out, and I placed them against his, laying my paws on his arms to slow his strokes. I now was starting to tent my shorts, and I presse the bulge against his cock. The fabric extended even further as I ran my tip along the underside of his husky cock. He started to growl, a sure sign he was ready for something more serious. I took a quick squeeze at his balls, and lowered my head onto his cock. The thing twitched and throbbed as I went down on him, never taking more than half of his length.

A small glob of Al's pre spurted against my throat, and I choked lightly. Allan pulled his hips back, retracting his member, and slammed a paw against my back. My eyes bulged out and I coughed violently. "*Whump*Al! Al! I'm fine, ju- *whump* STOP!" He grinned sheepishly, and started to stroke himself. "Sorry Jack, but better safe than sorry." "It's fine, I understand. Here, let's just get on with it." I rolled off of him, and laid on my knees, raising my tail and sliding my paws between my legs. I started to slide my drawers down, exposing my hole, when Al stopped me. "You know what? Leave them on, just leave your butt out. I've got a new game for us."

I put my tail up high again, and I heard a bottle of KY being depressed. Al's finger rubbed the lube against my flesh, preparing my backdoor for his normally aggressive techniques. He got onto his knees, standing as tall as he could, and gripped my cheeks. He spread them apart, and started to rub his tip against my entrance. I pressed back, and shot a bit of pre into my briefs. I whimpered and surrendered as he forced his member in, revelling as I clenched on entrance. This kept the rest of his cock from entering, and gave me a chance to adjust my shorts for maximum comfort. I ungripped, and he slid another inch into me. The invading shaft pressed against the spots that only he knew existed, and I pulsed in my cotton/polyester prison.

Soon enough, half of his tremendous cock was sliding in and out of me, assisted by his rapidly flowing pre. The tip of my cock was dampening the tent in my shorts, and the shaft itself screamed for some warm fur or a loving lick. Allan grunted away inside me, and I tried to take my piece out of my drawers. He caught this, and bucked, sending another two inches into me.

"NO! Don't touch there!" I guiltily returned my paws to their proper position as he retreated back a bit and resumed pistoning. After a while, my cock got really hungry for attention, and I couldn't help but wiggle my hips a little and rub it against the fabric. I chirruped at the sensation, and despite having almost no stimulation, my balls started to rise up a bit. I was close. Al noticed this too, and plowed a bit deeper as a warning. Another three minutes passed, and he was starting to sweat, and I was getting sore. I'm all for sex, but not a marathon fuck. The first time we did that (Which I'll type up later) Al's penis was limp for a week.

He grunted suddenly, shoved as much of it (Seven and a half inches) as he could without hurting me, and started to pour into me. His seed was slightly thin, and started to fill me up. The creamy sensation was too much even for me, and despite myself, I blew it into the shorts. I tingled, a dull, electric sensation washing over my body and causing me to shudder. My juice, in contrast to Al's, is very thick, I'm proud to say, and the damp spot at the tip of my cock turned a pearlescent gray. I was cumming through the briefs! I shot five large spurts, soaking my drawers and spraying through them onto the blankets, and fell drained. I softened, returned to my dark furred sheath, and collapsed, semen still flooding from my tailhole and my shaft. We both descended from our fuzzy highs, and started the arduous process of cleaning up. We groaned as drop by drop was licked from the bedspread and my now lightly stinging backdoor. His wide tongue normally gave me unending pleasure, especially when he's rimming, but the sticky load in my shorts had drained me of my energy, and I couldn't be bothered to moan.

Two hours later...

The sperm had been washed from our fur, and our lust had been sated. Allan had prepared a wondrous meal for us, and my little brother Toby walks out of his room. I sniff the air. He smells of friction and semen. I make no comment, only telling him to go wash his paws before supper. I wink at Allan, and start to set the table. At long last, we all sit down to the meal, when I hear a light squelch noise. I had forgotten to clean the shorts before dinner!

This is actually true. I'm not sure how I missed my cumstain when I put them on, nor do I know how I didn't feel the cooling load while I was walking. All I know is that I had to go change. Anyways, Thanks to everyone: Allan Hampton for being there for me, Oblong Pomegranate for encouraging me to write these, SexyKaiser and Will Wolfowits for reading, and all the furs for existing! Now, choose from one of these options:

A) The time I got Allan to cum ten times-our one month marriage anniversary

B) Allan and I really get into naughty sex

or C) The first time he or I ever were in a threesome.

Thanks y'all!

A & J Hampton