Shower With A Friend

Story by Tony Greyfox on SoFurry

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Shower With A Friend

By Tony Greyfox

The only problem with swimming for foxes is the drag created by several pounds of tailfur suddenly turning into a sponge, Derian thought as he sedately pushed off from the side of the leisure centre pool, paddling slowly down the marked lane set aside for laps, his tail drooping behind him. It added to the exercise value of the activity, certainly, but perhaps he should look into inventing a tail cap... it might just sell well for competitive swimmers, he mused.

It was relatively quiet this afternoon, the pool containing just a few other furs and a cluster of cubs that were keeping the lifeguards busy in the shallow end. One fur who had been there regularly wasn't, however, Derian noted with some disappointment - ah well, perhaps he was busy. He continued his swim, his somewhat slight form cutting neatly through the water as he paddled smoothly back and forth along the length of the large pool, concentrating on his breathing as his fitness instructor had recommended.

Finally, he reached his count and swam out of the lane, paddling towards the shallow end just in time to see a large brown form launch itself from the poolside into a sloppy cannonball that splashed all the young swimmers and a couple of lifeguards; the kids screamed happily, while the lifeguards shook their heads and chuckled as the form surfaced in the middle of a crowd of young furs.

A bulky head popped up and sprayed water around, laughing as the kids grabbed onto whatever they could to try and sink the big otter, not realizing that the sleek animal's tail was planted on the bottom of the pool to hold him up. Derian swam to the side and leaned his elbows back, relaxing and chuckling as he watched the otter streak off smoothly through the water, the kids all in tow.

The fox had been swimming in the centre every other day for the past two months, and for the last several weeks he'd noted the otter arriving at roughly the same time almost every day. He was perhaps a little large for the species, carrying a little extra weight under the thick brown fur, but Derian thought he was one of the more handsome creatures he had seen in some time. He didn't even know the otter's name, but just knew that he was an incredible swimmer, and was a real draw for the young furs - thusly making things a little easier for the lifeguards. And that he was quite attracted to the big otter - but had no idea how he could even approach the fur to ask his name, let alone express that attraction.

Chuckling softly as he watched the cubs chasing the brown streak with its blue swim trunks around the shallow end, Derian stretched and started swimming again, circling out into the deeper portion of the pool to avoid any conflict with the games taking place elsewhere. Rolling onto his back, he started doing laps once again, the sole fur using that part of the pool, paddling slowly overpaw and kicking lightly.

A tug on his drooping tail came as a complete surprise, and Derian splashed as he was pulled under. "Arrghbrbll..." Almost immediately, the tail was released and he pulled himself back to the surface, shaking out his headfur and looking around just in time for a large brown head to pop up next to him. He blinked water away from his eyes and cocked a sodden ear at the otter, who flashed brilliant white teeth in a grin and winked, murmuring "Gotcha, foxie," before paddling away quickly back into the mass of children.

Derian blinked and shook his head again, breathing just a little faster at being so close to the otter. He returned to his swim, mind swirling just a little bit - enough that he bonked his head on the side of the pool and sank again. A couple of the kids laughed, and he went back to the crawl, muttering to himself between breaths.

The fox eventually pulled himself out of the pool, feeling his skin start to become taut in the slightly chlorinated water, and did the classic canine shake-off before reaching back to wring out his tail, swamping a large part of the pool deck as he did. Picking up his towel from the hangars along the wall, Derian turned back to watch the play continuing in the pool, chuckling slightly as several cubs squealed while being towed around off the otter's broad, thick tail. Wrapping the towel around his waist, the fox finally turned and trudged into the locker room, dripping water as he went.

Padding into the males' change room, Derian picked up his pack of clothes and chose one of the private shower stalls, hanging his pack in the outer cube and closing the door before sliding out of his shorts and stepping into the shower itself. He shivered as the water came on cold at first and jumped back out, waiting for it to warm and then stepping back in with a murr of pleasure, letting the warmth sink through his fur and relax him.

Derian soaked himself well, then soaped himself neatly and efficiently, his mind still elsewhere - specifically on a certain brown-furred aquatic mammal. He wasn't sure what to make of the little interlude in the pool, whether the otter was just expressing the usual playfulness of the species or if... no, he couldn't have noticed the fox's attention. Could be? It would certainly be nice, but, well... nobody ever noticed Derian's attentions. He was just a fox, one that went about his business and occasionally had these little diversions that never panned out. He sighed quietly, soaping his tail, then simply stood in the flow of the water, letting its spray soak through his fur and rinse the suds away while he tried to clear his mind.

Perhaps it was the shower pelting down on his ears that dulled his senses, but it was an absolute surprise when a pair of thick arms abruptly slipped around Derian's waist and a large body pressed against his back. He jumped and his eyes opened widely, gasping and preparing to struggle before warm breath tickled one of his ears and a deep voice rumbled, "Gotcha, foxie...."

Surprise replacing shock, Derian whirled as he was released, looking up a few inches to meet the amused grin of the taller otter. "What... who... uh, I mean..."

The grin splitting the otter's blunt muzzle grew as he regarded Derian, his thick tail swaying behind him. "Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you that much... thought you might like it, though."

"Uh... I..." Derian stumbled over his words as he tried to find a response while realizing that he was rather abruptly starting to become aroused, his ears flicking back in embarrassment. A finger pressed against his muzzle and silenced him.

"Relax, foxie." The otter smiled down at Derian. "Noticed you watching me a few times lately... haven't had the chance to discuss that with you before now. Hope you don't mind...."

Derian shook his head, still fending off his embarrassment. "You... you noticed?"

"Sure. I always notice cute furs keepin' an eye on me." He grinned. "The name's Kelley, by the way, since we hadn't been formally introduced." The otter's big paw stroked down Derian's chest slowly, ruffling through the russet and white fur there, and he glanced downwards, smiling slightly at the sight of the slim erection emerging from within the fox's sheath before looking back up. "So what's your name, hmm?"

"Um... Derian," the fox whispered. "Nice... nice to meet you, Kelley..."

"You too, foxie." Those big fingers traced their way further downwards and cupped Derian's sheath and balls, stroking gently and earning a soft hiss of pleasure from the young fox. "Well, since we been introduced...."

Derian murred with enjoyment as the otter's fingers slowly traced their way up and down his rapidly peaking erection, smoothed by the water that continued to cascade over his back as he slowly let his gaze move down the large brown-furred body before him. He reached out and tentatively stroked his fingers through that thick, dark fur, Kelley smiling and nodding encouragingly as his touch moved further down. Glancing downward, Derian saw the pink tip of the otter's hardness emerging. He grinned tentatively and let his paw drop down to curl around that big sheath, squeezing and stroking down over the sac dangling just below it.

"Mmm... that's nice." Kelley's paw slowly started to curl around the fox's shaft and stroke, fingers tracing around the emerging bulge at the base, squeezing and caressing lightly. Derian whimpered softly with pleasure and stepped closer to the larger otter, slipping his free paw around his waist and returning the favour, closing his paw around the thick erection and slowly running his touch up and down.

Leaning forward against the otter's chest, Derian murred quietly, whispering, "It's been a while since I did this," into the thick fur; Kelley leaned his head down and lightly nuzzled along the side of the fox's head and neck, his free arm encircling Derian's shoulders and drawing him closer.

"It's okay, foxie, just relax and enjoy... ooh, just like that," Kelley encouraged him as the fox's paw started turning slightly around the otter's cock as it stroked, gathering precum oozing slowly from the tip and spreading it along the length. "Definitely not out of practice," he murmured, licking softly at one of Derian's pointed ears.

Slowly building his pace on the fox's hardness, Kelley started rocking his hips against the stroking of the smaller paw wrapped around his erection, breathing faster as Derian nibbled at the otter's shoulder, his breathing growing rapid as he leaked heavily into the furred fingers pumping up and down on his cock. The two furs leaned together, panting and groaning with pleasure as they stroked one another, until Kelley's hips jerked and he grunted against Derian's ear as he peaked, jets of cum gushing into the fox's thighfur. He ground his hips against the frantic pumping of the fox's paw as he spurted, his own stroking urging the fox onward, his fingers clenching around the bulging knot at the base of Derian's cock; Derian gasped pleasurably and convulsed as he joined the otter in orgasmic bliss, his seed splashing over his partner's fingers and belly.

Both furs leaned against one another as they came down from their respective climaxes, Derian's head resting against the otter's shoulder, Kelley nuzzling gently at the side of the fox's head. "Damn... you're not bad at that, for bein' out of practice, foxie."

"Mmm... thank you. You're not bad yourself," Derian murred quietly, looking up at Kelley, letting his paw leave its grip on the thick ottercock and stroke gently through his bellyfur. The otter mmmed quietly and kissed at Derian's ear, chuckling softly at the skritching on his belly, enfolding the fox in a light hug. "Glad you noticed my attention...."

"Same here. Y'shoulda gotten my attention sooner. Think of all the days we've been here and we coulda done this...."

Derian giggled softly and licked at the otter's neck lightly. "I think we could make up for that...."

Cocking an eyebrow and looking down at the smaller fur, his fingers kneading lightly on the fox's lower back, Kelley grinned. "Y'think so? How might we do that?"

The fox grinned lightly and leaned up to kiss Kelley's chin softly, then slowly turned within the circle of his large arms and pressed his body against the otter's, rubbing his rump against Kelley's sheath. "Give you any ideas?"

Sucking in a soft breath, Kelley grinned and stroked his fingers through Derian's belly fur, nuzzling between his ears. "Ohh, it gives me lots of ideas, foxie..." He ground his resurgent erection against the firm rear before him and murred. "Might sting a bit without lube, though...."

"You're slippery already, big guy," Derian purred quietly as he slowly leaned forward and hoisted his tail to one side, continuing to rub against the shaft pressed between his rump cheeks. "And I really want it... please...."

"Can't turn that down." Kelley shifted, adjusting his aim, and pressed the tip of his cock, still coated with cum, against the ring of Derian's rear and slowly pressed forward, eliciting a groan of animal pleasure from the smaller fur as he penetrated and sank inch by inch into the tight grip of the fox's ass.

"Ohhhh, yes," Derian hissed as he felt his body opened so deeply by the thick shaft that penetrated him, pressing back until he felt himself filled to the limit, Kelley's thick fur rubbing against his own softer pelt as they met. Leaning against the side of the shower, Derian moaned his approval to the otter, who shifted forward and wrapped his arms around the fox's waist, a paw slipping down to take his erection once again and pump slowly in time with the pace he began to set, plunging slowly, but firmly into the tension of the fox's rear.

His big chest pressed against the fox's back, Kelley rumbled his pleasure as his hips rocked, first slowly pulling nearly almost out, then driving slowly back in to the limit and repeating, his paw tightly wrapped around Derian's knot and shaft, caressing him firmly as the two furs mated slowly and sensuously in the warm spray of the shower. The fox, in return, thrust back onto the thick cock impaling him and ground his hips, clenching deep within to add to the otter's stimulation, whimpering softly.

Slowly, their actions turned more animalistic as the two built towards their pleasures once again, Kelley's hips slapping more firmly against Derian's rumpcheeks as the otter leaned forward and nuzzled at the back of his neck, an arm wrapped tightly around the fox's chest, holding him tightly as the two thrust against one another with growing desire and need. His fingers tightening around the fox's knot once again, Kelley took Derian's neckfur in his teeth and tugged as he growled softly, feeling the heat rising in his belly once again even as the fox whined and bucked harder back against him.

A few moments of more urgent and powerful motion later, Derian stiffened and cried out softly as he peaked once again, jets of his seed spattering against the shower side as he came hard, muscles rippling around the thick otter shaft within him. The suddenly more urgent grip of the fox's ass tugged hard against Kelley's cock, and the otter ground himself against Derian's rear hard as he groaned into the mouthful of fur he held, pulsing as he erupted deep within the smaller fur, heat spreading rapidly through Derian's body as he was so neatly filled by the otter's cum.

The pair held together tightly as they caught their breath, Kelley churring loudly against Derian's neck, savouring the heat of afterglow before slowly drawing back and out of the fox, who sighed pleasantly and remained leaned against the shower wall for a few moments before slowly turning around and smiling dreamily up at the otter. "That... was brilliant."

Kelley stepped forward and enfolded Derian in a warm hug, drawing him close and grinning. "Wasn't bad at all," he understated, nuzzling at the fox's headfur. "Aren't you glad I got this idea?"

"Mmm." Derian licked Kelley's cheek softly and smiled up at him. "I might have to come swimming more often."

Grinning, Kelley stroked the fox's back with one paw. "And we can only do this here why?"

"Good point."

"Shower With A Friend"

(c) 2004 Tony Greyfox. All rights reserved.

Hey, Griff: if you happen to read this, thanks for the inspiration. =) -- Tony