Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 2

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#3 of Third Arc

Chapter 2.0: Makeup!

Crosstown Bed and Breakfast

When morning came, I was awoken by the noises of the movie crew running about getting ready for their next big step into the production. Now I'm not a guy that sleeps until noon. Honestly, I can't sleep past nine in the morning no matter how tired I am. Also, if I get struck by inspiration or I get this particularly clear dream, I'd get up halfway through the night and I'd be typing away on my computer and-or laptop like a maniac. I also get woken up an irregular hours by my alarm clock which - no matter what setting I adjust it to - will always have a paper crane sitting on it.

The only time I actually get some proper sleep is when I'm somewhere else apart from home.

And I had expected to get a good eight hours sleep.

But apparently it takes about three hours for makeup and clothing in movie productions so everyone had to be up at about four in the morning much to my chagrin. Chad was up and taking a shower well before that and he urged me to take a run with him afterwards. I just threw my pillow at him and tried to go back to sleep.

No luck.

Too much noise.

With sleep out of the question over the shouts and bangs of people milling about, I pulled out my laptop and flipped it open. I went to my email sever and was a little surprised to find an email from '[email protected]'. My dad...


I hesitantly opened the email.


_ Your mother asked me to demand why you didn't tell us you were heading interstate and to berate you about bringing warm clothing, packing clean underwear and making sure to take plenty of pictures while you're there. I'm supposed to make it sound harsh and snappy too. So... :- (..._

_ Anyway, we suspect this isn't just a business trip so be careful. If you need anything analysed, you've got our number. Watch out for Grim as well. Oh and say 'hi' to Robert for us._

_ Incidentally, where's the can opener? Your mother is off on another photo shoot and you know how great my culinary skills are._

I chuckled and quickly wrote back.


_ Thanks and sorry if I unleashed the Wrath of Wonder Wolf on you. It's not Grim this time though I suspect I'll run into him sooner or later. He's always around the corner but I've got my phone so I'll be ready for him. I'll be sure to take plenty of photos for you. Might even get a lock of Dennis Carter's hair if you want :P_

_ I'll be sure to send you anything I find._

_ The can opener is in the second drawer beneath the cutlery cabinet. If you can't find it, just ask Aurora to make you something._

_ Love ya lots._

_ Jacob._

I sent it off and marvelled how lucky I was.

My dad was a top researcher at a university and my mom was a profession bodybuilder who went around the whole country competing against other muscular women. But that was only on the surface. Really, my dad was the abundant source of knowledge that I often used to get the lowdown on a lot of the crazy stuff I get myself into and my mom... well... She's a superhero.

Wonder Wolf to be precise.

They were a little surprised that I developed superpowers and equally as surprised when I decided I didn't want to fly around wearing spandex and getting the girl. Especially the last one. Blech...

Too bad the universe had something else in store for me.

I really shouldn't have picked up that paper crane the first time...

Oh well... It was still a fun experience.

I checked a few of my favourite websites and flipped open a document processor. I didn't type anything. I just saved it as 'So Far Untitled Book #34'. I'd get to a title later. Something had to happen first before I could get any inclination what my book will be about.

Might have to put 'blood' or 'moon' in there.

There's been quite a fad of vampires and werewolves lately.

That done and reasonably awake, I tucked away my laptop and took a shower. I fantasised about Chad again but just like last time, I ignored my urges. Hey, I'm gay but that's not all I am. Once I was done, I got dressed and pulled my handguns out of my trunk, slipping them into their holsters which crossed against my back. I checked that my combat knife was still nice and sharp and put it back in its sheath, fighting the urge to make a canine penis joke while I was at it.

All groomed and ready, I headed out to see if I could grab something to eat. As an afterthought, I brought my laptop with me. Most of the movie crew was spending their time in a cafe across the street from the motel. I headed there and was a little surprised to find the stars of the movie also dining beside the rest of us 'mere mortals'. Rob wasn't there so, essentially, I was to dine alone.

That was fine.

I had no idea why I was here and I really didn't belong. I ordered some bacon and eggs and a hot chocolate - I never believed in coffee and I couldn't stand the stuff - and sat down on a table farthest away from anyone else. As I dug into my breakfast, I opened my laptop and opened a password protected folder. Even with the password, however, I had to lean in towards the camera and let it scan my left eye.

My laptop was government issue. A little gift I got for containing a computer supervirus that would have taken over the world via the internet.

Once I gained full access, I opened the latest folder I had accessed entitled 'Role Player's Dream'.

I brought up an image of a large, square emblem that I had found on a book. I flipped to the next image. It was essentially the same except there were several lines drawn over its surface. These lines formed six concentric circles. Strange runes were written between each of the circles in a language that my dad was only starting to decipher. Three triangles were drawn pointing towards one another with circles within their confines over the runes.

This was a Seal.

More specifically, the Seal known as the 'Role Player's Dream'.

I had run into it when a friend of mine held a RPG night. The Seal fed on the Dungeon Master's desires to make a real role playing experience and the five of us were hurled into the world itself. We had to navigate treacherous labyrinths, stop demonic hordes, combat tribes of the wild, destroy unholy undead, fight dragons - the feral, demonic kind not the ones living along side us - and foil the plot of a mad god - who was actually the Dungeon Master. We had some pretty interesting relationships developing halfway through as well. I think I slept with everyone in the party. I ended up marrying Zeke at one point.

Best day of my life.

Yes, Zeke was involved too. He was the barbarian. He was cute in leather and a loin cloth with long, luxurious hair. Total hunk. Yum-yum!

Too bad when we destroyed the Seal, no one remembered anything except for myself and the Dungeon Master. Seals don't affect my memory for some reason. Might have something to do with Grim constantly coming after me and those damn paper cranes. Anyway, my friend and I both agreed to keep the others in the dark about what really happened. They didn't remember so we wouldn't open up that can of worms. That was one of the few Seal-related incidents I didn't make into a book.

Anyway, I learned pretty early on that the Seals were always hidden. Every Seal was always hidden inside a more intricate symbol like the one I was currently staring at. The Role Player's Dream was hidden on the front cover of the book that my friend had been using as a guide to help him host the night.

However, the key to finding any Seal is the Crux.

Every Seal - before being activated - is located on an everyday object. Just like my friend's book. After it has been activated, it hides itself in other places, spreading its influence. The book my friend used was a Crux. After he activated it inadvertently, the symbol could be found everywhere - in disguise unfortunately. Usually, I would take pictures of the host symbol and send it off to my dad who would be able to identify what it is that the Seal did. That was usually the key to escaping whatever trap the Seal had me in.

That and finding the Crux and destroying it.


I immediately jumped and shut my laptop. Chad and the rest of the main cast took up the seats around me. Dennis had to pull up another seat and sat on it backwards.

"What're you doing eating alone all the way over here?" Chad asked, giving me an adorable smile. Huskies have the cutest smiles.

"Just working on my next bestseller," I answered quickly, flicking back to that document processor.

No one would believe me if I told them about the Seals - well, at least until it becomes apparent that a Seal is behind the weird events. Not even the governments of the world. My family and a few friends knew about the Seals. We had no idea where they came from but my dad suspected that someone was handing them out.

For what end... I had no idea.

"Cool!" Chad exclaimed, peering over my laptop. "Can I see?"

"Uh... No," I answered, shutting my computer. "It's still a work in progress and I'd rather not hand out any spoilers."


"How long will you be staying with us, Mr. Reaper?" Dennis Carter asked, one sharp, angled eyebrow raised.

I had no idea.

"Depends on how long Rob and I can get down the collaboration we're working on," I lied.

Truthfully, I had no intention of working on a collaboration with Rob. His writing was good and very captivating but our works ran at different paces. I lived in the moment, literally. While I had a plan that normally went to hell when I started writing and I went everywhere, Rob always had a plan and worked on chapters he wanted to work on instead of progressing linearly. Stick us in the same room and tell us to write something and we're likely to come up with the Book of the Apocalypse or something that'll end the universe as we knew it.

Wouldn't surprise me if that happened, actually...

"You two will work on something?" Kristine - Kris - asked.

My greatest problem was that I was a compulsive liar. You tend to lie a lot when you're a superhero and somehow always finding yourself in the middle of a conspiracy that no one would believe. It just sort of got ingrained into me and the lies just keep rolling off my tongue.

Sometimes, I was lucky enough to tell 'half-truths' that I could later point out to prove that I wasn't entirely lying. If I lied to a guy, I'd get punched in the face. If I lied to a girl, I either got slapped or kneed in the balls. I didn't relish the thought of Kristine learning the truth.

"It's a work in progress as well," I answered, shrugging and making vague gestures in the air. "Still up in the air, you know?"

"What'll it be about?"

Damnit... Now I have to lie some more...

"Vampires, werewolves..." - I could see them starting to suspect I was lying. Just something in their eyes. Chad looked innocent enough, though since he was shovelling mountains of food into his muzzle. I had to add 'realism' to the lie. - "... and angels."

I instantly mentally smacked myself for that.

"Angels?" Carter asked, lowering his fork which had a rather runny piece of egg on it. "Why angels?"

Stop lying! Stop lying now!

"Well, in every book with vampires and werewolves, everyone always seems to forget the middle people, the mortals that basically become the vampires and werewolves. Sure the protagonists start off as a mortal but as the story goes on - especially with romance novels like the ones Rob is used to - they always end up turning into one or the other or maybe even both."

Kristine and Dennis were nodding in agreement. Chad was nodding but only because it was quicker to duck his head slightly to meet his spoon halfway than to lift it to his muzzle.

"So," I continued, completely lost in the lie now, "why not chuck in an angel?"

"What's the premise of the story?"

One thing you should know about me: my imagination is like a room full of gunpowder. Just offer a little spark and boom.

My little lie was that spark.

Except my little room didn't go 'boom'

It went _ka-_boom.

"Average teenager girl," I answered with a shrug. "Falls in love with a vampire. But when the vampire leaves for 'her own good', she starts falling in love with her best friend, a werewolf. A new transfer student comes in and then there is a string of murders. She accuses the werewolf first but, of course, the werewolf isn't at fault. She starts thinking it's her long-lost love and tries to stake out. Turns out, it's the transfer student who is actually hunting down vampires.

"The student is actually an angel. A 'guardian of mortals' so to speak who defends everyone from the advances of vampires, werewolves and demons. He finds out she's dated a vampire and a werewolf and opposes her choice of love but doesn't stop her, understanding love where it comes from. Then, when the vampire guy comes back, a love 'pyramid' starts with war between the vampire and werewolf escalating. She can't stand the beast her werewolf best friend has become or the jealousy her vampire love has and seeks refuge with the angel."

"She falls in love with the angel?" Kristine asked, clearly interested.

"Not quite," I answered, mentally kicking myself over and over and over again. "She develops feelings but the angel insists that they can only stay friends. When the war between the vampire and werewolf starts to get out of hand, the angel suddenly starts acting weird and 'breaks up' with the girl. Now that she is alone, she drifts over to a glade which happens to be the site of the battle between the two species. She almost dies but is saved by the angel who protects her in his white, glowing wings.

"After that, the angel brokers an uneasy peace between the two species. But, before anything could be signed, another angel comes in and demands that every vampire and werewolf dies. Our angel opposes it saying that they are mortal too and the two angels go at it. The girl is whisked away by the vampire and werewolf and the two agree to let her choose who she wants to be with. When the angel returns, his wings have blackened and he says that he killed the other angel."

I told the rest of my farfetched story of how the angel had to plead his case to the High Father and travelled to some holy city alongside the girl - leaving werewolf and vampire behind. But, the girl is pregnant with a child whose father was unknown and the angel is denounced instantly. He defends her again and loses his wings in the process.

Finally, as they return to their home to defend their loved ones, the vampires and werewolves offer a truce. An angelic army arrives to slay every vampire, werewolf and the unborn child. A massive battle occurs but the angel ultimately sacrifices himself to prove to everyone that it doesn't matter what race you are, everyone is mortal.

When the child is born, they name him after the angel.

I had them suitably captivated.

I'm a storyteller after all.

If I couldn't captivate my audience, then I should just start wearing spandex and shouting some cheesy slogan as I save the world time and time again.

With the end of my tale, Kristine and Dennis pestered me for details. I was used to people trying to prise information out of me about where my stories would go so I gave them several false leads - again, I'm a compulsive liar - and fended off their curiosity. Chad returned about that point with his second helping.

Man, he could eat a lot.

Guess with that frame, it's really not at all that surprising.

Thankfully, time was on my side.

Filming soon began and I was left to my own devices. I paid for my own food - unwilling to let it go on the 'tab' of the movie crew - and headed off to explore the town. I took my car and drove around Crosstown, marvelling at the quaint, close-knit community that populated the location. There was a high school that the crew used at times to film certain sections of the movie but it was currently summer break. You couldn't tell with the weather but it was.

When I had enough of the town, it was about noon and I headed back to the filming location to see if I could catch Rob. If I planted the idea of a collaboration it wouldn't really be a lie anymore.

They were back at the cafe and at first glance, I thought they were having lunch. Turns out, they were filming a certain scene... but everything had ground to a halt.

I heard Rob yelling in front of the bathroom... the men's bathroom. I found it funny that he was unwilling to go in there despite the fact he was perfectly equipped for the task.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Chad West got a mild case of food poisoning," a cameraman answered softly. "He's been in there for over three hours."

Three hours... That'd be about the same time I left to explore the town.


"He probably just stuffed himself too much," I answered with a shrug, heading towards Rob.

"I wouldn't go there! Mr. Lester is on a rampage!"

I ignored the warning and tapped Rob's shoulder. The bunny flung around, bright, blue eyes alive with anger and frustration. That didn't fade when he saw me... Instead, they got this weird edge to them that I remembered he got whenever inspiration struck...

Being a wolf - albeit an oddly coloured one - I'm normally used to being the 'predator species'. But at that moment, I felt like I was in the crosshairs of a ravenous monster twenty times my size.

"I'm dead, aren't I?"

"No," Rob said with an evil grin. "You're perfect!" He seized my shoulders and spun me around. "Get Jacob to makeup! Make him look like Shane Fang!"


"Jake, you're my stand-in."

"I repeat, yarf!?"

Rob turned me back around. His gaze had turned pleading. "Please Jacob? My budget is bigger but it's still pretty tight around here. We can't stall any longer! I need you!"

That wasn't what he said last time...

... and I guess he always was a procrastinator...

... and I suppose I need something to do while I'm here...


So I went to makeup...

The people there applied a water soluble paint to my fur so that it got a more russet colour similar to Chad's instead of jet-black. It was a little hard and they applied a lot of it. They added some chalk-white to my chest and under my muzzle too to make me look more like a husky. I was instructed to keep my tail down since that would be the one distinguishing feature between myself and Chad though Shane Fang was meant to be a wolf.

By the end of the ordeal, I looked a lot like Chad but it felt like every strand of fur on my body was made of lead. Smelled like lead too...

Maybe that was how actors managed to act so well... They were actually high and in their semi-conscious state, honestly believed that they were their characters.

Sighing, I looked myself in the mirror... Apart from my eyes, I looked like Chad. His eyes were brown. Mine were sapphire-blue. Thankfully, I didn't have to wear contacts. The miracles of modern technology.

"Okay!" Rob shouted as I stepped onto set. "Places people!" He turned to me pleadingly. "Jake, you know what scene we're doing?"

I did. I had been given the script and asked to memorise it in the three hours I was being coated in paint. I had a pretty good memory. It saved me more than once. So memorising a script was pretty easy.

"Yeah. The 'smoothie confrontation' between Andrea and Shane."

"Excellent." He appraised me. "Now lose your shirt."

I bristled, my hackles rising. "Yarf!?"

Rob rolled his eyes at me. "Jake, if you had seen Crimson Hearts the movie, you would know at this point, Shane is already a werewolf and he goes around shirtless. Lose the shirt."

I'll admit at that point I was feeling really self-conscious. I wasn't as built as Chad and I didn't consider myself particularly handsome. People often complimented me on my looks but I think they're just being polite. I was tempted to use my ability to manipulate gravity to bulk up a little but decided against it. I guess they could just add the bulk in post-production.

Besides, if I kept up the air that I was an author and not an actor, I'd be okay. They wouldn't think of me as a Chad-replacement. Just a desperate substitution. That way, I'd look good for a 'last minute switch'.

At least... I hope so.

Groaning, I pulled off my shirt and tossed it aside. I had removed my guns and combat knife and hid them with my other clothing. I ignored the stares people were giving me and took my place. We were in a booth in the cafe and I was sitting opposite Kristine. It was at this point in the movie-slash-book that Andrea was meant to confront Shane about the reason he has been acting strangely lately. The cafe was supposed to be a place they visited often as friends but when Shane started feeling the 'urges', he had to leave her against his will.

"Alright..." Rob said, taking a deep breath. I could tell he was stressed. We were good friends but I knew he doubted my ability to act. I suppose if I could fool most people into thinking I was just an author, I could act...

I think...

"Lights!" Rob shouted. "Camera!" He pointed in our direction. "Action!"

Shane was meant to be apprehensive and a little irritated at the moment so I visibly locked my jaw and turned my gaze away from Kristine. For extra effect, I clenched the table tightly, digging my claws into the plastic.

The waitress appeared a second later. "Here's your orders. One Blueberry Blast" - she placed it in front of Kristine - "and one Chocolate Bomb." She placed the last tall smoothie in front of me. "Enjoy your drinks!"

I consciously flicked my ears in irritation and gave her a penetrating stare. While the cheetah was meant to be perturbed, I think she actually was a little scared. When she slinked away, I couldn't help but make a small dry laugh. Then I realised that was completely out of character and growled softly, turning my gaze back out the window and expecting Rob to shout 'Cut' at any moment.

He didn't.


They must be really low on funds if they're just taking what I give them.

"Shane... What's wrong with you lately?" Kristine asked. "You cut your hair. You got a tattoo... and it's like you're a totally different person now!"


What was the line...?

Oh damn... I forgot the line!

I could feel the eyes of everyone on me and the stress caused me to drag my claws noisily across the table.


Oh wait!

"We all change, Rea," I muttered gloomily, keeping my gaze away from her. "There are just... things that are going on you just... you just can't understand."

"Then make me understand!" Kristine - Andrea - pleaded, seizing my paw. I immediately flinched at the contact, spinning towards her and staring at our connected paws. I realised I was out of character again.


I hastened to lock gazes with her, hardening the shocked expression on my face. "You want to understand?" I snarled. "Why don't you go to those filthy bloodsuckers of yours and ask them what happened?" I kept my voice nice and deep, even baring my fangs a little. I think I actually got to Kristine because she had the same shocked look on her face that the waitress had a few seconds ago.

Right on cue, the waitress returned and set down two pieces of food in front of us, never once saying a word. Mine was a cake and hers was a small assortment of tarts.

"You... You know about the Kellers?" Kristine asked in a whisper.

I picked up the fork beside me which was actually rigged to bend easily. I clenched my fist and it bent right on cue. "Probably more than you. Xavier is meant to be your boyfriend, isn't he?" I gave her a cold, bitter smile. "Bet he never told you about us, did he?"

She blinked in surprise, pulling her hand away. "'Us'," she repeated. "Who...? There are more of you?"

My smile turned into a dark grin. "You should know, Rea. You saw us. Once before."

"And cut!" Rob shouted.

I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding.

"You were great!" Kristine laughed, patting my arm. "Are you sure you haven't acted before?"

"The last time I acted, it was so bad that it was good." She gave me a puzzled look and I just waved her off. "So what? We gotta do a reshoot now?"

Rob came up to us with a big grin on his face. "What are you talking about, Jake!? You did the scene perfectly!"

I did...?

"I did...?"

"You were compelling," the bunny said, lifting one paw into the air and making a claw. "I could actually see the emotion there! The hatred Shane feels of not only the vampires but also himself for being unable to tell Rea, the girl he loves! The secret is killing him inside! You're an excellent actor, Jacob!"


Right... 'actor'...

Ironic much?

"So what's next?"

"Well, the next scene chronologically is when Shane sneaks into Andrea's and explains himself in a way but that's at night and hopefully Chad can be up by then." Rob flipped through the clipboard he was holding. "Why don't we go to the scene where Andrea confronts the rest of the pack and Shane comes to her rescue after Patrick transforms?"

I blinked in surprise. "Wait... Isn't that outdoors!?"

Rob regarded me curiously. "Of course! My werewolves turn into titanic wolves twice as big as a man! You can't be 'transforming' in the middle of a house!"

My bunny friend exploited the fact that Rillotia was densely populated by canines and wolves. In fact, Native Rillotians were wolves and the canines were from 'less tribes'. Essentially, Rillotia was where the knot originally came from. While it was now populated by other species from other continents, a true Rillotian was a wolf or a canine.

That said, most werewolf legends came from Rillotia. Those that didn't came from Crescenta who mistook the 'savage warriors' of Rillotia as 'wolf men' before they came to try and colonise the land. Didn't work out because Rillotians were so numerous and were highly adaptive. They learned from the Crescentise and became a power to rival them.

But back to werewolf legends... Rillotians were the original werewolves and Rob's universe used the Cross legend to make his werewolves not enormous, muscular, digitagrade lupine creatures that howled at the moon and infected others with a bite... But wolves with a genetic anomaly that allowed them to transform into a massive, feral wolf so long as the vampires were around.

Fun times.

"What's wrong with filming outdoors?" Kristine asked.

Nothing really... except I just felt really self-conscious now. I wasn't sure but there was a certain security in being indoors and filming this movie... but being outdoors... Despite the fact I knew there were exactly the same number of people watching me there as there were here, I had this impression there would be more. Call me paranoid.

I was just unsettled by the idea of filming outdoors...

"Nothing," I answered, glancing at the cake. "I guess... I guess we shouldn't let good food go to waste..."

"You're going to eat that?" Kristine asked as Rob ordered everyone out to the fields.

I shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" I spooned a bit of the cake into my muzzle. It was really sweet.

"Eew..." Kristine laughed.

An evil thought crossed me features. "You're right. I should do it in character."

I slammed my face into the cake with an audible splat. I pulled my muzzle out of the cake, picked up my smoothie and poured it down my throat so wantonly that it poured all over me.

That caused everyone in the room to freeze and Rob, in particular to look completely crestfallen.

The paint was water soluble so it washed of easily. I knew I'd cop hell for having to sit through makeup for another three hours to get the paint redone but these actors get paid millions for reciting a few lines. I was getting squat. I even had to pay for my own accommodations because I didn't want to burden Rob. So, I might as well get a free meal and some fun out of it.

"Jacob!" Kristine exclaimed, fighting back a laugh. "Don't be such a pig!"

I gave her a smirk. "Well, I'm not the only one with cake all over my face."

"But you -"

She never saw me grab a chunk of cake in my paw until I slammed it into her face and smeared it all over her. I think Rob was starting to pull his hair out but I didn't really care. This was fun. Especially when Kristine scowled at me, picked up a tart and threw it at me.

I gobbled it up in midair.

I'm pretty good at catching things with my muzzle.

Pun definitely intended.

"Oh you!" she laughed, picking up another tart and throwing it at me.

I snapped that up as well.

The next one slammed into my forehead, though.

"Hey!" I mumbled through a mouthful of tarts. "Slow down! I can't eat that fast!"

She picked up her smoothie. "Why don't you wash it down!?"

"Wait!" I cried, holding up my paws and slipping down into the booth sofa. "No!"

I got blasted by blueberry a second later, practically washing off all the paint and soaking my semi-nude body. I couldn't help but laugh despite the fact I was freezing. Then... I noticed there was something hovering over Kristine's shoulder...

... a... a camera...?


"Cut!" Rob shouted, practically bouncing back into view. "Oh this is great!" he cheered. He seized Kristine's shoulder. "Kristine! That was amazing! I've never seen you so animated! What do you say we add a new character into the fray?"

She frowned...


"Wouldn't that deviate from the book too much...?" she asked.

"Oh who_cares_? I'm the author! And the introduction of Jack Raver is perfect!"

"Hey!" I protested. "I didn't sign up for this!"

"Think of it!" Rob continued, obviously not listening to either of us. "Shane wants you to live with him in his world of werewolves... Xavier wants to turn you into a vampire... but your best friend, Jack, who has no romantic inclinations towards you whatsoever is a prime reason to remain mortal! It's perfect!"

I wonder if he overheard my vampire, werewolf, angel idea...

The bunny turned and immediately bounced outside. "Quick! Get Jacob back into character! I'm going to do some rewrites!"


I knew Alexiel wanted me to get into the movie business but I don't think this what he had in mind...

Chapter 2.1: Complimentary Sex Scene

Wolfhome Bed and Breakfast

I have a new respect for actors.

I have a very linear mind. I can't just jump from one place to another and pick up the pieces. Everything has to progress in chronological order. I can multitask but I can't jump forward or backwards in time without getting completely lost.

Actors do it all the time.

Factors like weather, time of day, location, availability and even food all determined when and where something had to be filmed. What was worse is that I now had to play two people. Shane Fang and the newly added Jack Raver. Apparently, I was a natural and I was doing great but I think Rob was just trying to flatter me and Kristine was being polite.

Honestly, I think Rob poisoned Chad himself so that he could keep me around. Maybe have some hot, celebratory sex after the filming is done.

But I wasn't up for sex...

The day had me wiped.

I collapsed onto my bed, face down.

The toilet flushed and I groaned at the loud noise. A few seconds later, Chad emerged from the bathroom, certainly looking better but not perfect.

He gave me a shaky grin. "Hey... So I hear you took over me today and you're an actor now, right? Great to have you onboard."

"Thanks... Can I walk the plank now?" I grumbled. "Better yet, just point me in the direction of the nearest deserted island."

"Huh...? What are you talking about?"

Sometimes I forget that good looking guys like Chad - especially actors - aren't necessarily as bright as the characters they portray. Okay, that was mean but I was feeling irritable. My muscles ached from all the running I had to do since Shane did a lot of running. I was also cold. Shane was shirtless most of the time and apparently, so was Jack but for innocent reasons like his shirt was dirty or he'd always offer it to Andrea innocently to keep her warm.

"Nothing... Listen, can you do me a favour?"

"Sure thing."

"Can you flip open my laptop and check if I have any emails?"


I listened to him rummage around behind me and flip open my laptop. He sat on the foot of my be, adjusting the weight and irritating me slightly. "Wow... This is a pretty neat model. Where'd you get it?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

I got it from a government secret agent who owed me for saving his ass multiple times.

"Hey! You got an email from your... mom... Heh... Her email address is [email protected]'. She must be a Wonder Wolf fan huh?"

"They're really very close to one another."

"Cool... Well it says..."

Chad paused...

... for a little too long.

"Says what?" I grumbled, turning around. Chad was staring at me with widened eyes.

Oh no... Did mom mention anything about the Seals?


That was the last thing I needed.

Chad turned the laptop towards me.


_ I'm glad that you wrote back. I just got back from my photo shoot and your dad practically blew up the kitchen. How do you blow up a kitchen with a can opener!? God! We're doing some damage control. Your father is grounded, of course, so don't expect any emails directly from him for a while. Everything goes through me first._

_ I hope you have fun on your trip, honey. I know it's strictly business over there but try to enjoy yourself. You've been working yourself really hard lately. And Robert seems like a nice young man. I remember when you used to spend the nights in his apartment and that romantic evening you two spent together at that expensive restaurant... I never knew you liked truffles so much! Oh, that was so sweet. I still have the video if you wanted me to send it over to help 'get you in the mood' with him. Again, I'm sorry your father and I followed you but we love you very much, honey._

_ Oh! And I hear Robert is filming the next movie in the Crimson series!_ Crimson Moon_, if I'm not mistaken! Oooh! I wonder if Dennis Carter is gay... He seems to swing for your team too, you know. But that's just my opinion. I really think that Andrea should have ended up with Shane. That Chad West is_ totally_hot._

_ I love your father._

_ Love you lots, Jake!_

_ Mom_

Oh crap...

"So..." Chad began, locking gazes with me. His lips were quivering. "You're... gay huh...?"

Panic mode.

And when I'm in panic mode, I make jokes.

The worse the jokes, the worse the situation.

"What?" I replied incredulously. "Of course not! I bat for your team! Just..." I ducked my head, flattening my ears. "... I suck at sports... So I bat so badly that I might as well be on the other team..."

"Right..." he said with a nervous laugh. He began inching away.

I had better go find some other accommodations... Maybe sleeping in my car won't be so bad.

Yarf! And now I have to work with him!

And we'll both be half naked most of the time!


I swear, the gods hate me.

Maybe I can go on some diva-like rant and quit...

But I couldn't do that to Rob...


Aww... man...

"How'd you figure it out...?" Chad asked softly, lifting himself slowly from my bed.

I decided not to look at him. The last think I wanted to do was to give him the impression that I was 'hungrily eyeing' him. Which I wasn't. I fantasised, yes, but it's not like I want him or anything. But he did deserve an answer.

"When I was about sixteen, in high school. Had a run-in with the high school soccer captain. We fooled around a little and then I realised I really liked it. We ended up dating for a while in secret."

"How'd your parents take it?"

I chuckled. "My parents are great. They have a sick sense of humour, though. They knew way earlier than I did. They actually had a running bet."

"That you were gay?"

I sighed and turned away from where he was heading which was towards his bed... or the door. "No... That I'd be a bottom or a top."

"Oh... Which one are you...?"

"I'm a switcher. Don't mind either way really. My dad won that one." I chuckled at the memory. I remember when I came out to them... Well, more like my dad called me out. I had started doing a little poorly in school because the school I went to was a little conservative. I was constantly afraid of anyone finding out my secret.

And my parents noticed.

You want to know how they found out I was gay?

My dad kissed me.

Not just a peck on the cheek or the lips.

It was a full-blown, tonsil dive. He even dipped me, grabbed the base of my neck and fondled my crotch. I think he enjoyed it too. Then he asked me if I enjoyed that. Naturally, I said 'yes' - my dad was hot. Then he straightened, combed his hair back then shouted, 'Hey Becky! Our son is gay! Get the kit!'

Yep... They had a kit... a 'My Son is Gay Kit'.

It had lots of condoms, several brochures on gay rights and pamphlets on safe sex, several bottles of lube, differently shaped dildos and a year's subscription to my favourite porn website that I only ever clicked on for the samples but never fully entered because I was afraid I'd get caught.

Yep... Those were my parents.

My mom wasn't kidding either when she said she and my dad filmed my date with Rob three years ago.

"Oh... so you and Mr. Lester are a couple...?"

"Nah. Used to be but then we broke up. Rob had other interests and I had my... job. We're just two different people."

"Ah... sweet."

I grew tired of his polite conversation. He was an actor. Meaning that anything he said was like the gospel. If he sounded even remotely homophobic, everyone would be on him so hard that he wouldn't even have an ass left to rape afterwards. Putting him out of his misery would be a relief for both of us.

"Listen Chad," I sighed. "I'm tired and we have to work with one another now. I'm not going to jump your bones nor am I even remotely interested in you." I turned towards him. "We should just -"

I finished with 'stop'...

I think, anyway.

It sounded like 'stop' as it echoed down Chad's muzzle and throat.

Chad West pulled away from his kiss and gave me a sly smirk. "That's too bad... 'cuz I'm really interested in you."

Brain overload.

"Wait... What!?"

Chad crawled onto the bed, placing himself really close to me, our muzzles almost touching, in a way that he had me trapped with his superior bulk. "You're really attractive, you know. You're funny, smart and..." He bent in and took a whiff at my neck. "... you smell really good."

My heart was pounding at a million beats per second in my chest.

"Th - That sounds like something one of the vampires say in the movie..."

"Or a werewolf," Chad replied with a smirk, never letting his muzzle leave my neck. I felt his tongue lash out in a tender lick. It was all I could do not to melt beneath him there and then.

This was Chad West... The Chad West!

The twenty-two year old heartthrob that broke into the silvers screen with his amazing body, his sultry, husky voice and beautiful, brown eyes that were the colour of chestnuts...

... and he was interested in me.

Jacob Reaper... the bestselling author who moonlighted as a superhero...

Heh... 'moonlighted'... Get it?

Because Chad is a werewolf who howls at moonlight?

Oh crap! I'm joking to myself!

Things are bad!

Oh god...

"Hmmmm..." Chad growled softly, nuzzling my neck. "You've got an awesome body there, Jake... You sure you're not just an author...?"

Code Red!

No... Code Crimson!


The book where this hunky husky stars in is called 'Crimson Moon'...


The problem was the fact that I wanted him... I really wanted him.

His body... his voice... his eyes... Oh damn...

I didn't know if this is divine punishment or hellish hilarity.

All I knew was Chad West pressing me against my bed and running kisses across from my cheek to meet my lips. I was quivering in fear, shock and surging hormones. This was wrong. Great, so a hot, new superstar was gay but he deserves better than me! He should be dating some other well-known gay movie star and they'll adopt kids from third-world countries! They'll push forward gay rights and make awesome movies together!

Chad West should not date a bestselling author whom people didn't even recognise if they brushed shoulders with him in the local shopping centre! I mean, for crying out loud, I still go shopping at a shopping centre!

Don't movie stars get their food imported constantly or something?


Unless this was just a one-off fling...?

I mean... we're two gay guys in a dreary, cold, rainy location...

No sense in spending the nights alone and freezing right...?

We could keep each other warm without any negative repercussions, right?

I peeled my lips apart ever so slowly...

Chad gripped the back of my head and pulled me against him. He twisted his head to the side to get maximum coverage and suddenly, our muzzles were interlocked so tightly that a nuclear bomb couldn't separate us.

I ran my paws over his lean, muscular body. Every part of him was like heated iron. Firm, strong and infinitely hot. I could feel his pulse beneath his muscles and I shuddered as he drove his tongue into my muzzle and ran it across my fangs. My paws gained a life of their own as they went on a scientific expedition all over his body. His back was like a perfectly symmetrical, hilly country covered in thick, lush, russet fur.

Every mound resisted my advances and the only time they shifted was when he would gyrate his hips, pressing his warm, hot, semi-wet body against mine. The heat that radiated from him was completely overwhelming. It overloaded all my higher mental functions and insidiously drove my hormones into overdrive.

We were both half-naked already with only a pair of shorts - pants of me - barring our union. He broke the kiss, grinning from ear to ear. Chad licked my nose playfully before proceeding to pull open my pants.

My foot-long, black cock shot out excitedly to greet him.

"Whoa..." Chad gasped, his eyes wide. He licked his lips. "Man... You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

"You have no idea," I chuckled. My eyes never left his godly body. In the scant moonlight, the moisture from his shower glistened off his fur, outlining every curve, valley and rock-hard edge perfectly. Every muscle was perfectly defined even through his thick fur.

I wished I could worship each of those chiselled, washboard abs or run my paws over those hard, firm pecs and suckle on his hardened nipples.

Wish granted.

Chad caught my gaze and grinned at me. He flexed his biceps and I think I drooled a little.

"You like your guys big, huh?" he cooed in that sexy, husky voice of his.

That did it.

I pounced him, slamming him against the bed and locking my lips with his. I felt his tongue brush up against mine and I pulled away a second later, a little bridge of saliva trailing between us and dropping down to slide right between the clefts of his glorious chest.

"Nah," I answered with a sinister smirk. "I just like guys."

He chuckled, the sound reverberating in the room and sending my heart dancing. I buried my muzzle against his neck, feeling his fur slide into my nostrils and waves of his thick, earthy scent rushing deep into my lungs. I shuddered and slowly pulled my muzzle away from his neck, running my tongue over his perfectly round shoulders and following a vein across to his nice, round bicep. He gripped my head with that arm and I whimpered from the contact with him.

I heard something unzip and I suddenly felt more of him come in contact with me. I didn't need to look to feel his hot cock press up against my thighs. There was a slight wetness dripping between my legs and that was either precum or he just didn't dry himself that well down there. Either way, we were both naked, gay and horny.

Using his superior size and weight, Chad turned us over and he was suddenly on top again. He ran his tongue all over my muzzle, licking me from nose to forehead. In that brief instant, I saw his glorious, nine inch cock. I'll admit, I had seen pictures of it before. Hey, movies stars are up for grabs. When people are filming you all the time, something is bound 'leak'.

And Chad West was a gay man's dream.


I moaned as he thrust his cock against mine, our members rubbing against one another and splattering precum all over one another. I knew what he wanted and I wanted it too.

For him, there was no such thing as personal space.

As long as we weren't merged together, everything else was okay.

But now... Now I wanted him in me.

I seized his shoulders and pulled him down against me, running my tongue up from his neck and into his ear where I coated the big, triangular appendage with a thick coating of my drool. Then, I whispered two magic words right into his eardrum.

"Mount me."

He growled lustfully, the noise reverberating through his chest and into mine. "Hmmm... Yes, sir."

I fought off the urge to remind him he was actually older than me.

He spread my legs wide, running his thick, big paws across my thighs and grinning quite wolfishly. "I love your thighs."

Being a canine, he was rather adept at the practice of autofellatio. So, bending down to kiss each of my thighs and lick my ballsac was easy. The sensation sent shudders all over my body especially when he suckled on my left testicle before slowly working his way down, beneath my balls and into my ass. He gave my tight, ass-ring a very quick flick of his tongue. I let out a loud whine of pleasure, begging him for more.

Even if I couldn't see him, I could tell he was grinning. Chad gave me another two, good licks before gently pressed his tongue between the ring of my ass muscles. I groaned as his hot, thick tongue pressed into me and his breath brushed against the slick, wet muscle he had coated so well. Chad pulled his tongue out a second later before running his tongue in laps around my ass. His constant swirling gestures made my head spin and my cock twitch in anticipation.

Something hot, hard and wet suddenly pressed against my ass, making me gasp. I felt a sharp rush of air like something was sucking out the air from my ass and I heard Chad take a deep breath. I heard him chuckle as he slowly lifted himself up and bent down to kiss the base of my cock. I froze as he followed the length of my member, lathering it with kisses until he finally came up to the tip which he suckled tenderly.

My claws dug into the mattress, tearing into them. I was whining loudly now and my tail flicked upwards to cover my ass. Chad seized it gently and pushed it back down as he advanced from my cock to my abs, kissing each and every one of them before sticking his nose between the cleft of my pecs. I was nowhere as defined as him but there was this enough strength and body there that I could clench my muscles and squeeze his nose. He looked up at me with those chestnut eyes, his tail wagging excitedly behind him.

I could feel his cock pressing up against my ass and I tried to relax as he slowly pushed it into me. I let out a loud 'Yarf' as his hot, slick member pushed past my ass ring. Everything suddenly got a lot hotter as he gripped my cock in one paw, the back of my neck in the other and pulled his muzzle level with mine.

He was wearing a cute, devilish smirk that sent my heart racing as he kissed my chin tenderly.

It was a distraction!

That kiss heralded another inch that he drove into me. I arched my back and he held me there as he pushed another inch into me while gripping my cock tightly. He began thrusting slowly into me, pushing in and pulling out in tandem with his paw stroking my cock. His breathing began to escalate in tandem with mine. My claws were dug so deep in the mattress that I think I'll have to pay for them to be replaced.

"Ah - Oh god!" I cried, throwing my head back. His cock inside me felt so amazing! It had been a while since someone had mounted me. I missed the feeling of a thick, hot, piece of meat shoved deep into me, raising the temperature of my body and pressing against my prostate. My precum squirted against his plump, hard abs. Each time he thrust into me, my cock would ride the ridges of his abdominal muscles, sending a rapid-fire wave of pleasure through my entire system.

I turned my head to the side, gasping in my haze. Chad buried his muzzle into my neck, kissing me tenderly. He pressed his cheek against mine as his thrusts grew in tempo, shaking my entire body with each of wave.

We were both panting. My tongue was drooping out of my muzzle, slapping against my cheeks with the sheer force of his thrusts. His hot breath washed over my neck. His hot paw around my cock, pumping and stroking so fast that I was lost in the barrage of pleasure bullets that bombarded my body. I managed to yank my claws out of the mattress and clutched his tight, bubble butt tightly. I added my strength to each of his thrusts, pushing him further and further into me.

I could feel his knot bouncing against the edges of my ass.

I wanted him so badly in me!

He had to tie with me!

"Tie with me, Chad," I begged. "Oh god..."

I couldn't respond.

Well... vocally anyway.

He gave one last thrust and shoved his entire manhood into me, knot and all. I threw my head back and let out a glorious cry of pure ecstasy. His cock in me felt so hot... so good... His thrusting only grew more intense and I felt my innards vibrate with each moment he used to pound into me.

I was nearing my limit...

... I was at the very edge of my endurance...

... I was about to blow!

Chad slammed into me hard and bit down on my shoulder, roaring into my fur and shaking my entire body with his orgasm. I felt his cum pour into me and his paw squeeze my cock in a vice-like grip. My mind exploded and so did my cock. My hot, creamy seed burst from the tip of my foot long cock despite Chad's almost suffocating grip.

My entire body was twitching and thrusting into Chad. He was thrusting still, pumping more and more of his seed into me, squeezing every drop of his cum out of his balls and emptying it into my ass. My paws slowly migrated to his back, holding him tightly against me with my cum binding us together.

I was completely out of breath and my head was hazy. There were tears in my eyes but I had no idea why.

Slowly, my orgasm ended. The wetness that covered Chad wasn't water anymore. It was sweat and I could smell his thick, earthy aroma everywhere.

Contentment filled me and I slowly closed my eyes. I felt Chad's fangs slowly pull out of my shoulder. He licked the wound there, giving me a mix of pleasure and pain. Then, his lips found my cheek, slowly leaving a trail of kisses up to my ear.


"Hmmm...?" I replied softly.

"I love you."


... what?

I opened my eyes...

Chad was gone.

Well... More specifically, he was in his bed, lying asleep with his back to me...

I was alone... with a pool of my semen resting on my chest, gripping a pillow tightly against my chest.


It was a dream...

... a goddamn dream!

"Yarf..." I muttered in disappointment. "Yarf indeed..."