Illian: Domination

Story by Markus Snow on SoFurry

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#9 of Illian: A world born anew

For the most part, all she had to do was keep low and make as little sound as possible, which was considerably easy with her being a natural hunter. As she combed her way through the tents, Kia was forced to stop every now and then whenever some of the men made any movement inside their tents. Finally, when the end to the tents became clear, Kia let out a small purr of pride. "Ha, and they say that the Evizil are master stalkers" she said as she began stealthily racing towards the city.

As she neared the city entrance, Kia noticed the familiar scent of the crisp outdoor air and an odd scent that smelled like a type of wood; Markus. Now realizing that the scent was outside of the town, Kia let out a small "damn it" in the brisk moonlit night. Quickly, she began filtering her emotions so that she could calm down in order to find Markus swiftly. Along with clearing her head, she began taking in deep breaths, causing her chest, and her breasts, to go up, then gently come back down. Next time, remember to wear a bra when going out like this, Kia began thinking as she realized her breasts were moving too easily under her shirt.

With her mind centered, Kia began trailing the scent, pointing her in a southeastern direction, towards a large collection of hills that stopped as they neared the ocean coast. "Shit, how am I going to find Markus with all of those hills standing in between me and him" Kia began saying to herself, losing hope that she would ever see her handsome werewolf again. As soon as Kia lost her confidence, she heard in her mind the countless screams of pain and suffering her poor would-be mate was releasing. Quicker than lightning, she regained her sense of purpose, and began tracking Markus.

The moment she headed towards the mountain range, her lover's scent had grown stronger and more specific, pointing her in the direction of two certain mountains that were located near the Deiz Ocean. With a purr of delight, she began heading towards the scent, all the while whispering "Markus, you'd better make us one hell of a child like you said you would."


Once again, as the flesh ripping whip scathed his chest, Markus let out a howl of pain. By now, the bed was gone, leaving the Nexus Stalkers holding him captive no choice but to place his chains on the back wall. With his chest bleeding, Markus had begun sorely missing his regenerative powers. After wincing from the immense pain, he opened his eyes and looked once more at the Stalker. As she held her retracted whip in her hands, she laughed and said "If you would be a good little wolf and tell me how to get past the security in Scycrain, I won't have to hurt you any more."

Markus just let out a laugh, causing him to let out a short whimper of pain right afterwards, and said "Hah, bitch, keep this up as long as you want, I can go a few more hours."

"Then a few more hours it is then." When she finished saying this, she flicked the whip at Markus, causing it to extend and sear his flesh with its rope. At this, Markus had no choice but to shudder as the pain consumed him. Instead of retracting the whip again, the Nexus Stalker kept it fully extended and whipped Markus seven more times, causing him to release howls that seemed like they would crumble the very rock he was held prisoner in. As his throat went dry, Markus was reduced to only releasing shudders until finally, the pain became too great for his body to handle. As he began losing consciousness, he saw the blue fox retract the whip and leave, allowing Markus to recuperate while she was gone.

As the blue vixen left, she was met by another Stalker, male and in the form of a green gecko with runes etched on his body that matched the ones the fox was wearing. As the two met, the gecko gave a small bow of respect and said "Is the werewolf submitting?"

The vixen just turned her head and spit on the ground, replying "No, the son of a bitch won't even tell me how many guards are on leave."

"This isn't good, you know the Vampire King wants the Evizil fully converted so that the two can use the Aug..."

"Do you think I don't know that? I've even used the Ripper Whip on the fool, but he is just too damn determined."

"Yes, sir, I'm going to relax for an hour now, this guy has left me worn out."

With her orders given, the gecko just moved to his left and began walking in the opposite direction the vixen was headed. As she headed down the cavern hallway, the fox noticed the sound of pebbles being kicked, and she knew full well that none of the Nexus Stalkers were stupid enough to give their positions away like that. Now she just smiled and said "Looks like we have another toy to play with."

The cave the opening led to was, to her utter surprise, a massive collection of caves linked together by a series of tunnels. As she began moving forward into the dark cavern, she accidentally kicked a small group of pebbles, causing them to lightly bounce and knock against the ground, which echoed throughout the whole cave, maybe even into a further collection. Crap, I have really got to be more careful next time, Kia thought to herself as she realized that she had just given away her position so easily. When no opposition came forward to greet the sound, Kia deemed that the area wasn't being used and continued forward.

After what seemed like hours of traversing the massive collection of caverns, Kia had used up all of her energy, and decided to take a small rest. As she gently plopped down on the ground, she let out a muffled growl as she noticed once again that her breasts were bouncing with her movements. With the exhaustion taking her, Kia just sighed and whispered to herself "Nothing I can do about it now, I'll just have to hope that when the time comes, it won't become a major distraction." Just as she had begun relaxing, she noticed that a presence was kneeling right behind her.

Infuriated with herself for being taking by surprise so easily, she decided to reply by saying "I'm searching for an Evizil; he would have first gotten here around two days ago."

Just as the figure reached the top of her left breast, Kia was unsure whether or not to submit to the girl behind her; but she then remembered she had to find her lover.

Now a little angry, and a little embarrassed, she slid herself from the figure's grasp, turned around, and took a good look at the person behind her. The woman was a fox with the darkest shade of blue fur Kia had ever seen in her whole life, yellow eyes, and a set of runes that traced her entire body. The fox was wearing a see-through dress, causing Kia to blush as she thought about the choice she almost made before. Regaining her composure, she quickly stopped blushing and said "what the hell was that? If you want some "company" for the night, go to town, but I, on the other hand, need to find my mate."

Well if it is as dire as that, then by all means I will lead you to him." Now fully shocked, Kia just gave fox a small hug and followed her through the caverns. Shortly after, the fox stopped at a particular room, one that was very displeasing to even notice. Inside there was a shelf with an assortment of vials, whips, knives, and other various tools; a small table next to the shelf, a bed that had been completely destroyed, and on the wall parallel to the door, an Evizil was chained and soaked in blood; Markus.

Terrified for his well being, Kia began racing towards him, causing the werewolf to look up at her and give her a look that confused her; regret.

Hopefully she will break easier than you."

Now, with rage building up inside him, Markus just replied "You harm her and I swear by the Night Mother I will rip you to pieces you bitch."

As the Stalker said this, she took a vial with a white liquid inside of it and placed it on the table near the shelf.

As he looked down at the source of the pain, he understood why she had screamed. Stabbing right through his stomach was a giant spire made of rock. Within seconds, Markus began coughing up blood and other various fluids as he felt the pain increase.

The Nexus Stalker just smiled and said "Now choose between your life, and the life of your dear mate."

Now, the rage swelling inside him had grown as intolerable as the newfound pain, causing Markus to grit his teeth together and said "I...choose...BOTH!!" With this, Markus felt the third and final ring of the Guard break, pushing his body to limits some Evizil only dream of. Slowly, his body began growing in size, causing him to tower at an amazing 6'8'', his eyes lost their yellow gaze, only to be replaced with a dark blue that captured all within its sight, and finally, his muzzle fully resembled that of a wolf's muzzle.

Not expecting that something like this to happen, the Nexus Stalker's eyes grew until they resembled wide disks, disks that held only fear within them. Now a Thrall, Markus began feeling the regenerative powers he had lost slowly coming back to him. At this he just gave a small laugh, broke the chains constraining his arms as if they were paper, and slowly slid himself from the spire. As he began releasing himself from the spire, stronger doses of pain began coursing through his veins, but to Markus, the pain just brought rage, rage that he used to fuel his new form. Finally, when he fully removed himself from the spire, he set his gaze on his prey, the Nexus Stalker that had been torturing him for two long days.

With unimaginable speed, Markus raced up to Kia and the Stalker, grabbed its throat, and brought it closer to his face. Slowly, he smiled and said through large exhales "" When he finished, he quickly lowered his head towards the Stalker's neck and tore out her esophagus, then like the wolf he had become, began feeding on it. Soon, Markus realized that the Stalker had more to offer than just a throat, and so he made his way to her stomach; right as he was about to tear through it, someone had started hitting his back, Kia.

With tears swelling in her eyes, she began crying out "Stop it Markus...Just stop it, she's...she's...dead. Just please...STOP!!"

With his true self finally gaining control over his wolfish instincts, he threw the rest of the Stalker towards the wall and began wiping his mouth of the remains of the Stalker's throat. Slowly, he knelt towards Kia and quietly said "I'm...sorry...Kia...let's" When he saw her head nod in agreement, Markus quickly picked her up, and began sprinting towards an exit. Using his heightened sense of smell, he was able to track the opening Kia used, allowing the two of them to escape without alerting the rest of the Stalkers in the caves. With the muscles in his legs improved as well, he was able to run much faster than before, so fast in fact, that Kia had to bury herself in his chest to prevent the whipping air from hitting her face.

As the two left the caverns, Markus let Kia down, and began forcing himself to return to his lycanthrope form, not remembering that the Wolfsbane was still in his system; but by the time he realized it, it was too late. When he finally reverted to being a lycanthrope, Markus began once again vomiting blood and other materials. Kia's eyes grew wide as she said "Markus, what's wrong?"

In between vomits he was able to get out "The still in my system...meaning I can't regenerate...the rest of the damage the....rock spire did to me."

"But when you were in your Thrall form, you regenerated the wounds."

"I only had time to...heal the outside wounds...not the inside ones." With this, Markus's legs buckled, and soon he was wrapped in an abyss.


As he regained consciousness, Markus realized two things; he wasn't dead, and his surroundings had changed. Now, it was daytime, with the sun peaking through the small holes in the flaps of the tent he was now inhabiting. Upon further inspection, he realized, with relief that he was in his own tent. With his instincts telling him his body was able to sit up, he did just that in order to truly grasp the idea that he hadn't died. As he sat up, he realized that someone was lying next to him, and that he had accidentally woken them up. Slowly, the person lifted their head, revealing to Markus that it was Kia, still dressed in the clothes she wore when she had entered the caves to rescue Markus. Gently, he placed his hand on her head and said "'s ok, you can go back to sleep."

She just laughed and said "That's so like you Markus, you nearly die and still you care about me not getting the right amount of sleep."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Only a day, and trust me, you'd better get outside as soon as you can, everyone was worried that you had gone and keeled over on them."

With a laugh, Markus just said "Wait...what about the Wolfsbane?"

"Don't worry, when we got back, I told the doctors what the, whatever she was, used to poison you, and luckily, they had an antidote for it."

"Well, with that settled, would you mind grabbing me some clothes, I'm going to let everyone know I'm fine."

"Hmph, you know, if I had any say over you, I would force you to stay in bed for at least another four days."

"Then thank the Night Mother you don't" Markus said with a smile. With that, Kia got up and began searching through Markus's chest of spare clothing, pulling out a red vest, a pair of black expanding underwear, and a pair of his special brown pants. Quickly throwing on the choice clothing, Markus slowly stood up, allowed his legs to unbuckle, and proceeded to leave the tent.

As he lifted the flap, Markus began growling as the sun burned his unadjusted canine eyes. As he eyes tried to mend themselves to the light, he began thinking to himself, why does the grass feel so different beneath my feet? Maybe it's because I had been trapped in a rocky cave for so long. When his eyes finally adjusted, Markus's jaw dropped as he saw who was standing in front of him, a broodling. The broodling had scales the color of a dark green, oddly reminding Markus of the lush forests Illian grew, wings that spanned at least five feet in total, and a set of claws that could probably rip boulders to shreds like paper. Almost forgetting his manners, Markus greeted the broodling by saying "Welcome, sorry for keeping you here so long, as you can see I was a bit...disposed."

The broodling gave a deep, draconic laugh and replied "its ok, Markus Snow, as you're calling yourself now, its good to see you're doing better."

Now confused, Markus answered "How do we know each other?"

"Yes we do, but in case you forgot, my name is Dienar."

Now both shocked and confused, Markus said " that really you?"

"Hah...not quite, my friend, the name's Oz now, but yes I am still the man who taught you everything you know."

With a sense that nothing else could make his day any better, he asked Oz "Would you care to join me for a lunch, we definitely have a lot to catch up on."

"Indeed, let me make sure my mate is ok with it."


"Oh yes, she's the reason I look like this."

As he began searching for whoever Oz was talking about, it didn't take Markus long before he realized who Oz was talking about, the giant dragon watching the two of them from outside the camp. Markus just let himself smile as he said "so that's the Mrs. over there?"

Oz looked to where Markus was looking and replied with a hint of pride "that's her alright, her name is Cyn, and she is possibly the best thing that has happened to my life, now if you excuse me for a moment, I'll go ask her if she'll want anything in the next few hours."

"Go ahead; I'll go into town and the inn's barkeep to bring us a few rounds of ale."

"Good, make mine Fireside, the way I have always liked it."

"Jeez, when did I become your lackey again" Markus said with a joking tone in his voice.

Oz ignored this and quickly spread his wings and took off towards Cyn. With Markus alone again, he did as he promised he would and headed towards Crysal's inn, known as the Ocean Pearl. The Ocean Pearl was a decent inn; it had a fine assortment of rooms, clean chairs and tables, cheap ale, and the best rental prices anyone east of the Great Scar could ask for. As Markus entered the city, he was able to get a better look at it. The Ocean Pearl was a wooden inn that stood at least three stories tall, had a large pearl for its sign hanging above the entrance, and was held up by a total of twenty wooden pillars that circled the entire inn.

Reminding himself that Oz was probably on his way back, Markus quickly entered the inn, found the barkeep and said "How fast can you get a pitcher of The Howler and a pitcher of Fireside out to the camp?"

The barkeep just smiled and said "well today business is relatively slow today, so give me about 10 minutes to bring it out there."

"Deal, I'll be paying for both pitchers if you need to know that now."

"Nah sir, today, these two are on the house as a thank you for getting rid of those nasty "disturbances"."

"So they left?"

"Yep, the day after that young girl brought you back, we all heard news that a group of mysterious people were seen leaving the hills near the coast, heading towards Bilamarsh."

"Perfect, thank you for the information and the free ale."

"Not a problem."

With the ale taken care of, Markus quickly returned to where he and Oz had met, only to find that Oz had made it there first. With nothing left to say, the two found an open tent and began telling tales the past two years brought them. Finally, as the sun released its throne in the sky and both pitchers of ale were gone, Oz pulled something from behind him; an old dusty scroll. Markus's eyes widened as he said "Is that...?"

Oz just smiled and said "it sure is, the Shadowform Weapon scroll you gave me two years ago, and now, it's finally made its way back to you."

" have no idea how long I have waited for this thing, finally I might be able to hunt down Felix."

"Markus, what exactly do you plan on doing when you find him anyway?"

Just as Oz was about to say something, Kia entered the tent and looked at Markus. When he noticed she was looking at him, she held out her left paw and began curling it towards her, signaling to him that she wanted him to come near her.

Slowly, Markus got up, graciously took the scroll from Oz and said "thank you so much Oz, now if you'll excuse me, the Ms. wants something."

"No problem Markus, now just remember what I taught you; memorize the scroll before you even attempt to use the spell."

"Yeah yeah" Markus said with a sigh as he thought back to the countless times the old man had pounded that lesson into his head.

When he reached the tent flap, Kia just smiled and held it open for him letting him leave the tent with much more ease. Thanking her with a big smile, Markus just said "You wanted to see me, little kitten?"

"In case you have forgotten, you owe me for risking my life by going into those caves" Kia said with a tiny hint of a laugh.

Markus began to slouch as he replied "Alright, what do you want me to do this time? Clean your tent again, or maybe its do your laundry for the next week?"

"No, this payment will be enjoyable for the both of us, but for now, just head back to my tent, it's definitely larger than yours" as she finished saying this, Kia pointed to her large red tent in the back of the camp.

Looking to where Kia was pointing, Markus straightened his posture, gave Kia a look of suspicion and said "fun for both of us? This isn't another one of your little tricks to get me to agree with you getting a GeneShare is it?"

"No silly, just get in the tent and wait for me." With that, Kia turned around and started heading back into town for who knows what reasons. Since there was no other choice, and he really did owe Kia, Markus began making his way back to the feline's tent. As he combed his way through the encampment, Markus began thinking, wait...what did she mean when she didn't want the GeneShare operation? She has been bugging me nonstop about it for at least two fortnights, why stop now? Completely confused, Markus decided it was best to forget about it and get inside the tent before Kia got mad.

As he entered the tent, Markus noticed that the tiny chest filled with Kia's "toys" was wide open, revealing the multiple tools Kia probably used to pleasure herself when Markus wasn't around. With no one inside, Markus decided to investigate the odd devices women used to fill the void that men most commonly filled. As he reached the small chest, Markus noticed at least three sleek wooden devices that oddly resembled a dick, an assortment of small beads that Markus guessed weren't used as a necklace, and finally, a long rope that reeked of enchantments. Now fully disgusted with what he was looking at, Markus quickly stood back up, sat on the double bed, and waited for Kia.

Before long, he felt the presence of his feline wonder reach the tent flap, and soon enough, Kia entered the tent. Noticing that some of her "toys" had been moved, Kia just looked at Markus, gave a large smile and said "So, you enjoy these kinds of things?"

Markus understood what she meant and so he quickly snapped back "Oh by the hells of Rea, no, I just noticed that your little toy chest was open, so I looked."

"Hah, you'd better start liking some of them, or this night really won't be fun for you now will it?"

"Wait a second...this is what I owe you? A night where you get to be the Alpha?"

"In a sense, yes, but don't start complaining, I know full well you Evizil like being the dominating party in sex, but tonight, I want to be the one giving the orders, ok?"

A little annoyed, Markus submitted to his kitten, only replying with "alright, what do you want me to do first?"

" remember our first night together?"

"How could I forget?"

"Good, so you remember how you so rudely played with me? Well I want you to do something like that again, except this time lets change it up a bit."

"If the whole night is going to be like this, this whole power switch thing may not be so bad after all." As he finished, Markus got up, slowly walked behind Kia, and began gently tearing her black shirt from the shoulders down. As he did this, Kia let out a small sigh of anticipation, obviously wanting a lot from him. Knowing that his feline was terrible at being the lead, Markus just gave an inward laugh as he finished tearing the shirt, revealing Kia's large, orange breasts. Slowly tracing his way up Kia's sides to her breasts, he took a mental note that Kia was definitely acting a little strange; she seemed like she needed him, not just wanted him. Yet, with nothing he could do about it, he finally reached her breasts, and started playing with them. Gently, Markus began swirling his left index finger around the feline's left nipple, causing it at first to tingle, and then finally harden. All the while, he had been massaging Kia's right breast with his right hand by carefully creeping his fingers up and down her breast with light prods, almost as if his whole hand was like a spider making its way up a web. Finally, when Kia began to let out small purrs and moans, Markus knew that this alone would not be enough.

With no need to work with her left breast any longer, Markus slowly slid his left hand down her black pants, and then through her panties, until he found the sweet nectar of her wetting pussy. When he knew he found the spot, Markus began tracing his left index and middle fingers up and down her pussy, every now and then gently entering her, causing Kia to release even louder moans of delight. Knowing that if he kept things as they were, Kia would think he wasn't changing things up, and so as he thought about what he could do, he found just the idea. Carefully sliding his customized pants and underwear past his legs, Markus used his large, throbbing manhood to tear through the back of Kia's pants, as well as her panties, allowing him full access to her ass. With the ripping noise her pants made, Kia knew exactly what Markus was planning, but she just smiled and let out a large moan as the excitement of her breasts and her pussy began devouring her. Knowing that stalling would just be torture to his poor feline, he quickly, yet gently, inserted himself into her warm ass, causing Kia to shiver with delight. Now, with every pleasure spot he could think of covered, Markus fully inserted his two left fingers into her now steaming pussy, which forced Kia to let out a large purr of ecstasy. As he continued to pummel her ass, play with her breasts and her pussy, Markus began feeling the feline's body shudder as her orgasm arrived. True enough, the feline let out a gasp as her juices flowed into her panties and onto Markus's left hand.

With her first desire met, Kia slowly removed herself from Markus, faced him, and knelt down, staring face to face with his large, throbbing manhood. She just laughed and said "Was that not enough for you, I think I have just the trick then." Quicker that Markus expected, Kia knelt forward and placed her mouth over the tip of his dick, allowing herself to get a better taste of it. When she adjusted to the taste, she slowly began making her way down the rest of his manhood, wrapping her tongue around it to magnify the pleasure. As she looked up at her werewolf stud, she could tell it was working by the way he was reaching for something to hold on to. Giving a little laugh, Kia began moving her head back and forth, stroking the erect dick with her mouth and tongue. As she became a little more courageous, she decided to move even farther down Markus's dick, causing him to give a small jump as his body filled with ecstasy. In his greed, Markus placed his right hand on her head and forced her down even farther, though Kia didn't mind, as long as he was willing to do whatever she wanted for the rest of the night. Finally, she decided she wanted to taste his seed, and so she began moving her head faster and faster until finally, the Evizil popped. As the endless sea of seed filled her mouth, she enjoyed its sweet taste and began drinking down like ale.

When she finished, Kia gently released herself from Markus, pushed the Evizil onto the double bed, pulled out the enchanted rope from her chest, tied his hands and feet to the bed, and whispered to him "Now this is where I have my fun."

True to her word, the afternoon was filled with every sexual desire Kia had ever felt, including some not even Markus could understand. Finally, as the moon began taking its rightful throne in the sky, Markus and Kia laid together on the single bed, both completely tired. Suddenly, Kia's eyes grew wide, then she sat up, looked at Markus and shyly said "Markus...I think I'm in heat."

At first, he was a bit surprised, but then he remembered that as of right now it didn't matter and said "Since my seed won't take yet, we don't have to worry about that."

"Umm about that..."

Now Markus's eyes widened as he sat up and stared at her saying "You didn't..."

"When you went to Crysal to help the town, I went to see the pack's mage about GeneSharing."

"What in the world did you use for a sample then?"

"Do you recall what happened the night before you left, I went down on you..."

Truly scared of what he was hearing, he quickly put together "but I never actually entered your sex, just your..."

"Markus, I'm feline, we can pregnate through the ass or sex, and remember, you didn't have to orgasm for some seed to be released."

Knowing he had to hear it, even though in his heart he truly didn't want to, Markus replied "We're going to have a child then."

"There is a high probability, look Markus, I never knew my heat was going to hit now, I just thought of getting the operation so that when my heat finally did hit, we could talk about it then."

"Kia...don't take this the wrong way, but what if I'm not ready for this?"

"What do you mean?"

Unintentionally, he loudly snapped back at her "I'm only 18 Kia, 18!! How am I supposed to hunt Felix knowing that I would be killing my child's uncle?"

"Markus...I'm sorry, I didn't know, honestly."

Markus just sighed and said "we'll talk about this tomorrow, but for now, we should probably rest, the Blood Moon is tomorrow."

Kia just smiled, knowing that slowly, Markus was growing to accept his fatherhood role. Yet, also knowing that he wanted to change the subject, she added with a cheery voice "I even heard you're going to be the Everin for the Blood Festival, well as soon as you talk to Uren about leaving the Alpha Pack."

"How in Gree's name could you know that? I thought they never revealed who the Everin was until the Blood Moon."

Kia just gave him a large smile and said "All you need to know is that I have my ways, but for now, I agree that we both should go to sleep, you can stay here tonight, my little Evizil."