Family Matters P2 - Chapter 7

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#9 of Family Matters - Being Reworked

Leo and his dad have a heart to heart, but he might regret where it leads with Kayleigh.

I had been half-way through writing this chapter before and then life problems had interrupted me, so sorry its a very late upload.

Seven: Kayleigh's Revelation

Leo was having a curious situation, he'd been thinking about his mother and the situation back at home, especially because his brothers Nero and Toma and now even his father were a little strange around him. He found himself being surprised when he'd been pulled over by his father one afternoon and asked the kind of questions that all sons feared having to have with their father. It was the question about sex, about whether he was engaging in it and well, considering his age and everything... it should be expected surely?

However, he was more concerned when he was encouraged to sit with his father and have the conversation away from everyone else. In fact, he'd been worried he was going to be having this talk in the car or have this talk at some café where he was going to be utterly embarrassed, but oddly his father brought him to a bench. The bench was overlooking one of the fish ponds where his grandfather had a collection of familiar beasties from the Amazon that were very unpleasant creatures at the best of times if you thought to dip your toes in! But they sat there and Leo was prepared for the stupid questions and yet, not prepared.

"Are you being careful when you're with Kayleigh?" Kenny rumbled gently, trying to sound like he was not prying and yet of course he was. It was something about parents that Leo had learnt from Hector was just something they did... they always asked and they always pried and always because they thought they had some right to do this. Leo was not sure how to respond and the fact he was taking so long made his father believe he needed to elaborate. "Are you using protection when you're with her?"

"Wait... what?" Leo was now a bit stunned... his father's response stated that he already knew that the pair of them were having sex and that made Leo incredibly uncomfortable to think that his father would even know that they were doing anything like that at all. However, when he realised the actual question being asked he scowled slightly in confusion, not too sure if this was something he could answer. As far as he was aware, Kayleigh was the one being careful so he didn't have to. "She's dealing with it..."

"How?" Kenny said it was all the concern that Leo needed to know he was probably doing it all wrong. He stared at his father for a moment, his expression screaming that he did not really know himself.

"I dunno, I'm assuming that she's taking tablets or something..." Leo stated with a shrug, not really sure what was happening here. He was quite sure that Kayleigh was the responsible type and certainly would be doing things carefully and well, she'd been with him on heat hadn't she and she'd insisted that she was fine... right? It was making Leo uncomfortable as he looked to his father and Kenny took in a deep intake.

"You know, if they say that when they're on heat... unless you're actually taking precautions yourself by using a condom... you can't guarantee that any of the medicine is going to work on them." Kenny stated firmly, being reminded very quickly of how the twin girls had come about. With four boys already on hand, Kenny and Eisley had been trying their best not to make anymore so they could just keep themselves floating above the tide of debt, Kenny hadn't got a promotion back then and it was obvious they were risking a lot with four sons to handle. Then of course, the heat had been insane, really strong and Kenny had been dragged in without a chance to put protection on himself and he'd just shrugged it off as if it couldn't hurt once during heat... but it was never once during heat and it was never so simple as just hearing her assure him she'd take the tablet when they never had the chance to stop and do it. "How do you think your sisters all came about? To be fair... Donatella was a split condom on my part..."

"Wait... that can happen?" Leo gasped in disbelief, but he was starting to look concerned and even gritting his teeth as if he'd done something very wrong. He looked to his father with big, anxious eyes and Kenny looked to him with a firmness that Leo did not really like. He got the feeling he was in trouble and then he took a deep breath. "What happens if we haven't been careful?"

"Well... that's up to her... if she wants to keep it or not..." Kenny began but he was not really very pleased that they were having this conversation because it screamed that his son was being ridiculous. In fact, it was obvious that the only reason they were having this conversation now was because Leo had not been careful and that Nero had already told Kenny his concerns and what had happened with the puma. Kenny was shaking his head gently as Leo looked at him in anxiety. "No matter what happens, we'll support either of you, understand?"

"I... I understand." Leo stated, feeling shockingly concerned and confused by the matter. He was now starting to question whether they should be more careful and then he got a bit of a surprise when Kenny dropped something onto his lap. His brows lifted as he looked towards his father with a heavy blush upon his face before looking back down into the little blue box sitting in his lap with the colourful circles upon it. He only needed to see the word 'latex' to know what it was and he lifted his head up to his father with a groan of concern before Kenny just gave a grunt.

"I wouldn't worry, this is just to make sure you're careful from now on. I uh... just assumed we might be the same size." With that, the big lion stood up and moved back towards the household, knowing that Leo was likely now to go and head out to see Kayleigh or talk to her on the phone and it surprised Leo as he looked to the pack. He did not like that last thought about size but calmly he straightened up and then thought he should indeed go and see Kayleigh and talk to her about it some more.

Kayleigh was more than a little surprised when Leo turned up at her house so late in the day, but she was glad all the same. It had been a little while since they'd talked about what had happened with his mother and well, she'd suspected that he'd need to keep coming back to her because of how frustrating the situation back home could be. She was pleased though when he came in and immediately wrapped his arms around her, pulling the little cougar into his grip and nuzzling her tightly, snuggling against her tightly as she cuddled him back with a soft giggle. But then he pulled back with a soft groan and seemed to be looking at her carefully for a moment, not quite sure what to say to her or at least whatever he was thinking was not coming through that easily.

"Something bothering you Leo? Did you want to sit down and talk? You know I'm here for you." Kayleigh beamed in delight, her big eyes shining and making the lion-jaguar mix give a slight shiver of surprise. He then nodded his head gently, letting her grasp his hand and lead him to her bedroom, encouraging him to settle down comfortably with her on the bed. As they sat there together, she was soon stroking his leg very gently, looking up at him with big eyes filled with affection as he looked to her with a nervous gulp. He was still not sure how he was going to bring this up but, he was doing it for her sake as well, wasn't he?

"Uh... Kayleigh... I just... I just wanted to make sure that we are using precautions every time we do it. I mean... you said you were going to make sure of it and well, I've been leaving it up to you and that's not exactly responsible of me or even good. I'm sorry I've been leaving it all to you but..." Leo began, only for Kayleigh to clap her paws around his face with confusion as she blinked at him in total confusion before he then dropped his ears downwards. "I'm just worried."

"Oh... I see..." Kayleigh was not sure what he was concerned about, weren't most males not even bothered by that sort of thing? She was not sure how to respond to him properly or even how to answer it when to her, there was no problem. She had not been checking of course but, as long as she didn't do it with him on a heat then it would not be a problem. Wasn't that how it worked? She found herself giggling softly as she then pulled him into a loving kiss, the pair of them moaning into it softly.

Leo seemed to forget his train of thoughts as she kissed him, his paws wrapping about her back and stroking her gently as she nuzzled into his cheek. She beckoned him not to worry about it and he produced the greatest sigh of relief she had heard for a long time. But just as he was starting to relax into the kiss and slide his paws about her breasts, something leapt into his head. It was the way his brother had looked so shocked, smelt of her and well... it was a look that had reminded him of Toma slightly. Something felt off, he remembered she'd been in heat and suddenly he pushed his hands back and then held her shoulder, making the puma blink at him in confusion.

"Kayleigh... can you answer a few questions I'm going to ask? They're probably going to sound a bit rude but... we're a couple and I'm ready for them. I'll also tell you... you were my first proper experience but... you know the cheetah I hang around with? She and I were touching each other previously..." Leo began, thinking that maybe if he was truthful about his situation and his experiences that maybe she would be more understanding of his anxieties and talk to him. Certainly her eyes boggled and she looked down at his erection with a slightly uncomfortable expression, as if she'd thought he'd waited completely for her. "Kayleigh?"

"Alright... if we're being honest... then... when I first came into heat, your brother was with me and I did... I don't really know what happened but I think we did it, I was so cloudy and then when you came in I realised something had happened and..." Kayleigh began, looking miserable and hoping not to actually say to him aloud that she had willingly had sex with his brother. She didn't want to tell him that she'd feared he was only interested in the cheetah and that because of that she'd willingly seduced his older brother who'd seemed to want her with the heat as a way to help her. She'd just wanted to be wanted, just wanted to be loved....

"Wait... you had sex with me when you were on heat!" Kayleigh was surprised, Leo clearly was locked into a very different kind of thought and instead of thinking that something had happened between himself and his brother, the pair of them were shocked. Leo ushered Kayleigh to stand up and was checking about her carefully before then grasping hold of her shoulders and staring at her with big, anxious eyes. "Kayleigh did you ever check if you could have gotten pregnant? What if... what if you're pregnant to me? Have you seen any of the signs?"

"No... I don't actually know much about the signs... at least the early signs. I haven't had morning sickness or anything." Kayleigh stated, but she was quite sure that she could not be pregnant and she was swiftly shaking her head, totally convinced that there was nothing wrong with her and nothing to worry about. But Leo was giving her an anxious look and she blinked at him for a moment. "Should I get a pregnancy test and find out?"

"Yeah... I'll go buy one now, mum taught us what to buy... plus mum said for some of us she never got morning sickness or even cravings, she'd just suddenly not let my dad touch her or then suddenly want my dad not to go away from her. Its pretty different with each of us that came along." Leo chuckled playfully, trying to soothe this situation but feeling awkward because he was still erect. However, Kayleigh stopped him from going just then and there, instead pushing him onto her bed and kneeling between his legs. His eyes widened in disbelief as she beamed up at him adoringly and then unzipped his pants with a smirk.

"Let's make sure you're comfortable before you go out..." Kayleigh teased, leaning up to kiss Leo lovingly as he gave a soft moan of relief. He was then groaning in pleasure as Kayleigh held onto his form and then gently began to stroke her hand up and down his shaft. His cock was throbbing with pleasure as she ran her hands up and down carefully before then giggling and pushing her breasts up against his cock. She slid his cock between them, her big breasts squeezing about his form and feeling so warm, so soft and it was amazing to feel as she pressed her breasts together. She moved her breasts with her hands around him, squeezing his cock between them before leaning down, noticing the precum dribbling out of the tip and then rolling her tongue around the tip.

Leo gave a groan of pleasure and began to thrust with his cock, pressing it up and down between the breasts that squeezed around him. He groaned as he thrust into her breasts and her tongue was rolling and slurping around his cockhead whenever it probed up through the breasts for attention. She chuckled, squeezing his cock more firmly with her breasts as he moaned out desperately before Leo groaned and Kayleigh pulled her breasts down. Then she opened her mouth and wrapped it around his cock.

Leo groaned and sighed lovingly, the sensation was damn amazing, the soft wet mouth felt amazing around his cock. The edge of her sharp teeth clipped him a little, but she moved her tongue in the way to make sure she couldn't scratch him. The sudden fear of the sharp and then the soft enveloping rolls of her tongue and strong sucking gave him a super pleasant thrill he hadn't expected. He groaned lovingly as she began to suck hungrily upon his cock, feeling it stiffen and quiver with the building need for orgasm and she was grinning as she continued to suck him harder.

Then she opened her mouth more, pushing his cock into her cheek so it was soon wrapped around by the soft, warm flesh that felt just as amazing and he moaned loudly. Kayleigh gave a wide grin as she slid his cock back up against the rough roof of her mouth, stroking it against them as he gasped and groaned. He grasped hold of the bedsheets, his body desperate for the orgasm that was building as he pushed up off the bed as Kayleigh continued to suck. She was really moving fast, making sure to now bob along his shaft and pinch her lips near the base as he groaned and growled... desperate for the end and then... it came.

As he gave a desperate gasp of pleasure, he slumped back onto the bed, enjoying a sensation of his body gaining release and flushing up into Kayleigh's mouth. He groaned in pleasure as he felt her still sucking and gulping, taking in his cum hungrily and then rolling her tongue around the tip pleasantly before then giving a sigh. She pulled back with a hungry gasp, opening her mouth wide so he could see that she'd drunk it all down and Leo shuddered in pleasure and excitement to have felt something so amazing. But then he recalled what he'd been intending to do as Kayleigh chuckled and sat up on the bed.

"Do you really have to go and get a test, can't you wait for a bit longer?" Kayleigh cooed sweetly, still quite convinced that there was nothing wrong and yet Leo gave a soft groan of frustration. He knew he had no choice but to do this, to be careful and make sure that there was nothing going on that was going to interrupt their lives. He would stick with her no matter what, but it was better to be on the safe side as he kissed her lips tenderly and then straightened up.

"Better to be safe then sorry." Leo stated, sitting up and pulling his shorts up, glad his cock had retracted back into his sheath although it still felt like it was throbbing and his balls felt hot too. He then gave a soft sigh as he zipped his trousers up and insisted he'd be back. She sat up on the bed, sighing in frustration but insisting that she'd wait for him because she loved him. It felt wonderful to hear that and Leo made sure his wallet was in his pocket before then slowly strolling to the nearest pharmacy.

It was a little embarrassing when he got there, he realised the beings here probably knew who his mother was or any of his siblings. It was more than a little embarrassing to think about and he grimaced as he then walked to the aisle with the condoms, pleasure rings, lubricant, vaginal care and then the pregnancy tests. He knew a cheap one would be simple, but his mum had always told him to be careful and use the high end brand for the most accuracy and to really get a guaranteed result. He also was aware of his mother's warnings that it was always better to be secure in this and one expensive test was better than buying ten of the cheap ones and running through them.

With anxiety, he picked up the high end one, shocked at the price for something that was just going to be urinated on, but then he grabbed some more condoms and stepped to the counter. By luck, the person behind the till was a doe that was probably just a little older than him, she had an interesting septum ring and was wearing a purple wig. She looked pretty interesting and he smiled at her thankfully as she asked no questions and even was eyeing up the condom size. He was lucky in that response, his jaguar blood had given him something good and his dad had been holding onto good genes too, cause decent sized cocks amongst lions was apparently a rarity!

Paid for and walking calmly back to Kayleigh's house, the cool wind was soothing his hot cheeks and yet he could feel something deep in the pit of his stomach sloshing around. There was a sensation like something in his belly was trembling and it was very uncomfortable and made him want to go to the bathroom when he got in. He did, Kayleigh asking if he was alright before he then stepped into the bathroom and waited for her to go and check the bag. When he came out, glad of the relief, he was surprised when she opened the cardboard box out, read the instructions and then took the device into the bathroom.

"They're normally more accurate first thing in the morning..." Leo noted as he stood outside the bathroom and waited for Kayleigh to come out. She was holding the object and stating that they needed a while to check it and so she dragged him into the bedroom. The pair of them were quickly involved in one another, Kayleigh riding Leo and making him groan in delight to feel her hotter flesh wrapped around him, drawing him in and almost sucking him in as eagerly as her mouth. He moaned and sighed lovingly, shuddering when they both came to climax together with smirks of delight and then, done, they went to check the pregnancy test. "Uh oh..."