A fox’s Journal chapter 1

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Hi my name Is Pax Wells I'm 13 in 7th grade and I'm Half wolf. The common understanding is that we have an anthropomorphic form and a human form, but that is simply untrue, we also have a wolf. I have one life-long friend, Mathew, I've been in love with him for 4 years, but have not confessed due to my unique nature. I live with my older brother Seth

I am having Mat over tonight which is not uncommon for us, but he said over the phone that he has to talk to me about something. *Ding* I go to open the door. "Hey Mat, how's it goi-" He looks up and I immediately notice his face is all bruised and he has a black eye. "Holy shit! Are you okay? Who fucking did that!?" He starts tearing up. "M-my father he's been like this for t-three y-years... Just never as bad as today..." I let him in and I'm fucking pissed. I knew his dad wasn't great but good god I had no idea he was fucking abusive. "Do you want to talk about it?" I say trying to hide my anger. "He's in jail now I walked to the sherrifs office 2 days ago and reported him when he found out today he beat me just as the cops got there to arrest him. 2 years in jail." I think for a moment "You should have told me at the start." He looks at me quizzically and responds "why, what could you have done about it?" I sigh "Look, I have a secret that I've wanted to share with you for a while, but never brought myself to do it." He looks at me and frowns "okay?" I'm very nervous at this point so I'm fidgeting with my hands. "I'm not exactly a human." He smiles and replys sarcastically "Oh really?" I fight back tears as dread overwhelmes me. "Mathew I'm s-serious." His smile fades and he goes "Okay, go on." I am filled with dread as I say "It might be easier to show you." He doesn't respond so I stand up and slowly let the bright green fur envelop me as my body contorts into the shape of a wolf. And my red patch of fur on my chest fills, my ears become curved and covered in red fur. Then once it's done I look up at him. "Believe me now?" He just stutters "W-well yeah!" We sit in silence for a few moments before he speaks up with a calm, and almost apologetic voice. "Did you feel like you couldn't tell me? Why?" I get sorta angry with him "That's not it, I have always hated what I am. You try telling the love of your life "Hey, you know that murderous flesh eating myth? That's me!" It's horrible growing up in a society where in books, tv, movies, and everywhere else you're alway the bad guy, demonized by society because you're not like them. It's dreadful knowing that if people knew the truth about you that you'd be outcast, hated, and feared." He looks at me with sorrow. I suddenly realize what I said in my tangent. I called him the love of my life. I try my hardest to hide my embarrassment. He speaks up. "What did you call me?" I blush hard any attempt at hiding it is gone in an instant. "Sorry, I didn't mean to it slipped out, please don't hate me!" I say in a panick. He looks at me "How long have you felt this way?" I look at him with dread "A while" he frowns "which is?" I can't stop myself when I start "4 years, I'm sorry please don't hate me..." his jaw drops and he speaks up "That long holy crap." I start tearing up. He sees it and Drops down to his knees and hugs me. "I love you too." My dread goes away "wait real-" then despite my form he kisses me, I kiss back. He pokes his tongue at my teeth wanting to French me, but I'm a wolf, and yet I open my jaw as his tongue eagerly explores my maw. We break the kiss and hug again. "That was... amazing" he remarks. "Yeah, it was." I'm pretty mentally exhausted so I just sit on the ground in front of the couch. I try to ease my mind but I can feel his eyes are on me. "What are you thinking Mat?" I say as I turn my head to look at him. "You'r fur looks really soft can I pet it?" I giggle " Go ahead I won't bite." He starts stroking my head fur, I murr in approval. He moves to scratch my ears and panick rembering that it puts me in heat but he already started and I groan in pleasure, as soon as he stops I decide to explain. "Mat, you should avoid my ears next time now I'm in heat." He kinda pauses for a second and then realizes what I meant by heat. "Crap sorry! I didn't mean to. How do we get rid of it." I blush "It goes away after at least a week." I say avoiding the other answer. "Can we make it quicker?" I say "Well yeah , but that way is sex, and I'm a wolf until it's gone. I know you're not comfortable with that." Mat lifts my head gently "Pax, I'm comfortable no matter what with you. It does not matter to me, because you are still you, and I love you." Hearing this I get really happy about how much he trusts me, and my tail starts wagging furiously. "I'm glad you trust me that much!." He smiled and pulled me in into a brief hug right before he kisses me very passionately, I kiss back and it's my turn to explore him. I stick my canine tongue into his mouth. After a while he pulls back. "I love you" I say. "Love you too.