Going Feral

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When it's 10:00 PM and the brain juices work just right. Four-hour piece written around midnight. No fucking clue how to end this one. Let me know if you like the characters and world. Might use them again.

Going Feral

by Kandrel

"Seventeen. The charge for delivery is seventeen chits. Did you think I couldn't count?"

Clearly, he did. The look of shocked disdain on his face as I confronted him was enough to tell the whole story. He thought I was stupid enough to accept fifteen, just because he'd handed me a pile of thirty half-chits and that I wouldn't realize a few were missing.

"My mistake. So sorry." He had a long face, fur white as his sin and ears floppy and useless. That was fine for him, safe in his sanctum where he'd never need to blend into the trees, or hear exactly which direction that noise came from. The fact that he wouldn't survive a week outside of these walls were all that calmed my rage at his mistreatment.

Without even glancing down to recount, he handed over four more half-chits. Clear and calculated insult. He flinched when I growled. But as tempting as it was to bite, those wounds would heal quickly. Easier to inflict ones that might take longer. "I'll pass on your unwillingness to pay standard rates to the next courier I talk to. You can tell your elder that, because of your insult, it may be a while before your next shipment."

That hit home. His eyes dilated and ears, flopped as they were, tried their best to fold back along his head. He looked like a kicked puppy. Or at least, he probably thought he did. I'd seen kicked puppies. He wasn't nearly sorry enough.

A broad snout pushed itself beneath my left arm, lifting it as its owner slid up next to me. A soft growl--deeper and full-throated in a way that only a feral wolf could manage--joined my own. I ran my fingers over Sacha's face. That ameleorated her rage enough for her growling to stop momentarily. She licked my fingers, then turned her green-eyed glare back to the cowering dog at the gate.

He threw another two chits my way--full chits this time and not half-chits. "My deepest apologies, courier. May the sun light your path." I didn't often hear the old greetings these days. I figured it was the best apology I was going to get, and two extra chits wouldn't go amis.

"Strength to your walls, Tender." My deep bow allayed his fears, and when I shot back the expected response to his blessing, he nodded curtly and fled. At least I'd caught them trying to cheat me this time. I'd never admit it to a sheltered dog with his nose so high in the air he could smell the sun, but my counting wasn't so great after all. I knew I'd been underpayed, but it'd been a guess by just how much.

There was another growl at my side. Sacha turned her gaze towards me, then looked back towards the closing citadel door. Metal sizzled as a force-barrier snapped into place just outside it. "I know, but you can't go biting every stupid mutt. There are so many, and where would you stop?" I quipped back at her, and she barked out a laugh.

Pricks. Thought they were so much better than us wild folk, just because they didn't have to sleep under the sky. I'd seen the way he looked at me: disdain and pity. Pity for me? Really? He'd looked down, then back up as if he hadn't just been staring at my sheath. As if nakedness wasn't natural. Hell, I probably had about the same thing he had down there, if he'd been wolf enough not to hide it!

But that was the citadel mutts, wasn't it? Stifling walls around stifling homes built for stifling minds stuck in stifling clothing. Spent all day thinking instead of running around, free. "Rather be out here with you two." I said, and Sacha let out a happy whine. From the treeline, a hundred paces away, her brother answered with a yammer. He wasn't brave enough to come out into the sunlight near the citadel walls. I didn't blame him. If I never needed to make the deliveries again, I'd be a happy dog.

Chits, though, they bought everything I needed. Thin slivers of metal with strange holes at their middle, where light caught and twisted. If you put it up to your eye up to it and looked through, you'd see a projection of a dog's head. That's how you knew it was a real chit. I didn't fancy going without. Food--safe food that wasn't corrupted--and water. Med-patches for the accidents, and ammunition to keep the stalkers in the dark from catching us. Chits weren't a luxury. They were a necessity to life in the wilds.

"Be right down, Braka. Just need to pay my respects first."

Pay my respects, alright. Pay back all the respect they'd shown me. I'd been carrying their deliveries for months now, and this is how they repaid me? I turned back towards the wall and let loose my regards. It splashed against the implacable metal and dribbled down into the thirsty earth, leaving just a discolored patch of dirt behind.

A rustle in a nearby bush made me pause. Sacha heard it too. I saw eyes in dark, along with lanky limbs. Whoever or whatever it was, it wasn't used to hiding. Two arms and two legs. Not an animal, then, and not a lurker (or worse). That left two options. It could be another courier. Unlikely. We know how to hide and stay silent. Don't last long out here if we can't. Plus, I'd know if there was another one of us out this way.

That meant it was one of the citadel dogs. I took a breath in through my nose. Beneath Sacha's natural wolf musk and my own acrid urine dripping down the wall, I could smell another dog. Fresh. Female. Adult. Young, but adult. Why were they outside their walls? Not my concern, and not my problem. "Getting an eye-full, mutt?" I put a leg up on the wall and pulled back my sheath so I could keep pissing on their precious fortress.

Whoever was in the bush didn't respond, though I saw the eyes widen. Disrespectful assholes. Fine, now they knew I'd direspected them back. They wouldn't dare give me trouble, not for something as small as this. They needed their shipments, just like I needed my chits. With the audience glaring at me, I shook my tip, sending little spittles of urine onto the ground beneath me. Sacha turned away and kicked her hindpaws twice, sending a shower of loose dirt over the stain I'd made. Our opinion of their safe sanctuary succinctly stated, Sacha and I turned back to the distant woods and left.

At the tree line, Braka joined us. He pushed his head against my chest eagerly, and I tugged his ears. My two wolves pressed to either side of me and ushered me back out to the free forests that were my home.

"Wait!" I heard behind me. It was high-pitched and accented. Citadel dog, no doubt. I gave a sniff, and Sacha's nod confirmed my hunch. It was the same person that'd been under the bush, no doubt about it. I stopped--more out of surprise than respect for their command. Being outside the citadel was weird enough. Coming down to the treeline? Unheard of. Never seen one of them dogs take more than twenty paces outside, and even then only to grab a delivery that was too heavy for just one of them to carry in.

She stood silhouetted in the sunlight. Hood up, so I couldn't get a good look at her features. Braka sat next to me, while Sacha walked over to the stream that ran nearby and took a drink. I waited silently, until the silence grew uncomfortable.

"Um" She stuttered into the long gap.

"I'm waiting." I answered. I saw her cringe. I don't think she'd expected me to actually stop.

"I..." She stalled. I'd been young and brash, and I recognized someone working up the bravery to do something stupid. Well, this should be good. A moment later, she continued. "I need you to take me with you."

"No live cargo, sorry." I shrugged. The couriers had rules, and that was one of them. We weren't slavers, we weren't bodyguards, and we weren't guides. If she needed to get to another settlement, they'd need to send out one of their armored carriers.

Her ears perked up. I could see the indignation in her stance. "I'm not cargo!" Her voice raised into an undignified squeak.

"And if you try to follow me, you won't be 'live' either. Go back to your walls." Sensing that I was preparing to leave again, Braka stood and circled around me.

"Stop! Please." She begged as I turned back to her. "I'm g--"

The rest of what she said was so quiet that I didn't catch it. As she was returning from the stream, though, it appears Sacha did. I saw her hackles rise.

"Want to repeat that?" I asked her. I had a vague idea what she'd said, and it was dangerous.

"I'm going feral. That's what I'm supposed to say, right? Your kind is supposed to help us when we say that?" It was more question than statement. She was hoping that she was right, more than knowing it.

Had she but known she was right. It was a sacred duty of the free folk--as we thought of ourselves--and she'd just dumped it at my feet. Memories flashed back. Of me standing as she was right now, asking the same questions she was right now, before I'd started my life. After I'd left my own Citadel. I wasn't a natural-born free folk. What she was asking--it was how I'd freed myself so many years ago.

"Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." That was a lie. It was. "Either way, gotta offer something of value, too. Payment for the effort. And the risk."

Both of us knew what risk I was talking about. One out of every three new free folk didn't survive their first month, and sometimes they took their new mentor down with them. The woods weren't a friendly place for the inexperienced. It'd be my job to make sure she learned that before it caught up to her.

"I can pay." She offered, but I cut her off. At this point, she had my full attention, and that meant she had both Sacha's and Braka's. Even though I couldn't see her face beneath the hood, I could see her neck by a stray beam of sunlight through the distant canopy. She gulped in fear at our combined intent.

"No chits." I shook my head. It was an old ritual, this one, and it had its own archaic rules. Maybe because it too closely resembled the old ownership of bodies from the dead world that represented every binding of soul and spirit that us free folk stood against.

She blanched, then nodded. I anticipated her next move, too, because it was what everyone thought about us free folk before they learned. She reached down and lifted her robe, though she wouldn't look at me. Before she reached mid-thigh, Braka had loped over to her and tugged her robe back down, pulling the hem of the fabric from her hands.

"And not your body, either. Also, you're not allowed to kill anyone on my behalf, and no unspecified 'favors'. Those are the rules."

I saw her stance relax. Not to put too fine a point on it, even if it hadn't been against the rules, I wouldn't have accepted it. Maybe there'd be a day where sex could buy her something, but not today, and not with me. And not before she'd learned how to respect her body and knew what she was giving up. Anyway, I had that particular bodily need fully covered. But still, she had a price to pay, and if she couldn't find a viable alternative, I was within every right to simply turn and walk away.

She pulled her hood back. Smart, tan ears stood on top of her head. She was young. Tough to tell with the citadel dogs, since all their varied breeds had different pelts, but her pelt was tight with none of the sag of years. She had a slim snout with black and brown highlights to the ruddy tan that stained her ears. Her fur was short, but at least her coloration was well-suited enough to the woods. Maybe this wasn't suicide.

"I do have something else." She reached into a pocket in her citadel robes and pulled out a slim module. It was a typical design, made to fit into the spinal port that all of us citadel dogs were implanted with at birth. It was a bold assumption that I had one--but maybe she didn't even know there were natural born dogs out in the wilds. I hadn't known either. It was a fair guess.

And in this case, she was right. I took it from her hand and turned it over between my fingers. "What's it do?"

"Stealth neurochip. Two years left on its battery before it burns out."

I bit back my response. Where'd she gotten it? A prize like that? I'd had a stealth chip once, though it only had a few weeks left on it when I'd nabbed it. They weren't stealth in the traditional sense. Instead you--and everyone near you--were invisible to the stalkers. Those deadly metal creatures sneaking through the woods that'd tear you apart before you even saw them coming. They didn't use senses like us fleshy-people did. Someone had tried to explain it to me once, and it'd all just bounced off my brain. Apparently us people gave off something that they used to tell where we were. Like a smell, but not actually smell. And a stealth chip confused that. Invisible to the only death that us free folk cared about.

When I'd had my old chip, I'd been crossing a field. Then, I'd been stupid and oblivious still. That had been only a year after I'd gone feral myself, and my mentor had died leaving me alone with his wolf Dacha. She was Sacha and Braka's mom, now gone along with her companion. I crossed the field without checking it first, and just to pay me for my inattention, there'd been a sleeping stalker hidden in the undergrowth. Stupid me, I'd walked right up to it, but with my stealth chip, it hadn't even noticed me. It just sat there, inert and silent in the forest clearing. It had been the most terrifying minute of my life.

Two years? That was a lifetime. Two years of safety. That was a price. That was more than a price--and for the girl's benefit, it meant that she'd be safe for as long as she stuck with me. Smart girl. She was smiling. Oh, she knew it. There was a shrewd spirit beneath her nervousness that I respected. She'd have two years to learn from me before either of us were really in danger again. The typical newly free folk usually had less than six months.

"You know this doesn't mean I have to keep you with me once you've learned what you need to know to survive out here."

I saw a little bit of the bluster leave her expression, but she stood firm. She bit her lip, then nodded.

Well. It looked like I had a new bitch to train. I looked down at Sacha and Braka. They seemed to get my gist. It was up to them. Even if I was the two-legger of the bunch, I didn't make decisions for them. As one, the two chest-high wolves loped over to the girl and sniffed at her. She cowered, but didn't flee. Sacha looked back at me and her tail gave a half-wag. Not approval, exactly, but at least nothing repugnant.

"Welcome to the forest. What should I call you?"

"I'm Alicia Drephol--"

I stopped her with a raised palm. That could go on for a while if she was sticking with a citadel-given name. "Nah. Gotta be quick. Most people out here will know you by scent anyway, so better to pick something easy to remember. I'm Fleek."

"Okay. Um, how about Alice?"

I squared my shoulders at her. "And here I thought you were trying to leave that old life behind."

She looked to the side, and I continued. "Look, if you're not sure this is right for you, then you better turn back now. I won't take the chip off of you if you go back indoors. This isn't an easy life, and trust me, it'll be a shorter one than you've got back up on the hill behind those walls." I held my hand with the chip back out, but she didn't reach for it.

Her eyes turned back to me. I saw a sparkle of blue in the sunlight. It seemed that I'd struck a nerve. "No. I'll be Vane. My sire was always calling me vain. Rather than his good little girl, like my sister." There was history there, and she wouldn't be the first free folk who chose to name themselves after the sins they'd been hounded for back in the strict order inside the citadels.

"Vane. You've got yourself a deal. If that chip has as much time as you say, you got a deal and a half." I lifted the fur over the back of my neck and found my spinal port with the pads of my index finger. Inserting a chip always felt weird. It was like a shiver, but in reverse.

A readout, like additional sight that didn't use my eyes, told me that I'd installed the DivInvis 8020XTZ. Compatible and ready to activate, with 722 days of charge ready. I smiled at Vane. Close enough. And if she asked, I'd just say that I couldn't count well enough.

Two hours passed of frustration for Vane, and amusement for me. She was about to learn how the Free Folk learned their lessons: by making mistakes. My job--as her mentor--wasn't to keep her from making mistakes. It was only to keep them from being fatal ones.

"Slow down!" She begged as I heard her crash into the brambles again. I sat on a stump, waiting for her to recover. Any day now, she should figure out what was going wrong.

"I'm not going that fast."

"Yes." She struggled to her feet. "But I keep tripping. I can't see that well in--"

"Wrong." I stated. Braka leaned against me, and I hugged my arm around his neck.

"Okay, but you're jumping through bushes, and I keep..."

I waited patiently for the realization. Sacha was off to my left, taking another drink from the river we were following.

"I keep getting my robe stuck in... Ah."

And there it was.

I saw her ears color before she ducked them down to her head. I'd been running naked in front of her for hours. I'd wondered when it would dawn on her that those robes weren't doing her any favors out here.

"Turn around." She begged.

"No." I stayed exactly where I was. Finished with her drink, Sacha came to join me and her brother. "Are you going to ask I not look at you for the next week? Month? What about the citadels we visit for shipments? Are you going to tell them to not look at you either?"

That's when I think she realized that this wasn't a temporary impediment. She bit her lip again. I could tell she was working up the bravery. I remember I'd been eager to throw the robe off. Maybe it was different for males.

She caught the shoulders of her robes and tugged upwards. The fabric tugged at her fur as she shimmied out of it. But just like her facial fur, the rest of her pelt was short. It didn't stay disheveled for long. Ankles appeared, then calves and thighs. When the hem of her robe lifted over her crotch, she seemed to hesitate for a moment, then yanked with her arms. Her robe lifted the rest of the way and entangled itself with a nearby gorse.

She had a gorgeous body. Black furred, all except a chocolate-tan splotch across her belly and down her thighs. She glared at me as her head freed itself from the fabric, daring me to stare at her body. So I did. She had eight visible nipples dotting two lines leading up her belly, and a slim slit that faded to pink skin just between her legs.

"Happy now?" She asked sourly? "Getting a good eyeful, pervert?"

I squinted at her. "Happy? Yes. Your pelt is dark enough that you should be able to blend in with the forest even when we don't have the stealth chip. And getting an eyeful? Also yes. You're not bad. Out here, you have to remember your body is a weapon. Sometimes you'll be stealthy. Some othertimes you might have to fight. And if you're smart, there'll be situations where that body might get you out of trouble without having to do either of the first two."

She stayed silent, but I saw the petulence leave her gaze. She still had a bit of citadel-programming to work out of her system. That was fine. She'd paid for the training, and we had the time. But it wasn't going to be an easy lesson, and there was no time like the present for her to start learning.

"As for pervert? I remember what they taught in the citadels, and believe me, Vane. You haven't guessed the half of it." Her eyes drifted. That's right. Good girl. Get a good look. She couldn't stop herself from watching as I slid fingers beneath Sacha's tail and started fingering my wolf companion in front of her. "Understand now?"

Still watching my fingers slip in and out of my quadrupedal companion, she nodded slowly.

"No, you don't. You've spent your whole life being taught how special sex is, and how it's different than everything else. Out here? It's like anything else you do with your body. You'll run. You'll fight. You'll sleep. You'll piss. You'll fuck." I pulled the fingers free from Sacha and stuck them in my muzzle to lick them clean. "If you find the right companion, maybe you'll do more than one of them all at once."

That got a giggle. Good. Don't take it all so seriously. Laughter was a good tool.

"Run-fucking?" She smirked.

"Okay, that one's pretty tough. Gotta take steps at the same time."

"And fight-fucking?" She was already forgetting the fact that she was naked. Good.

"Best fun you'll have if you don't mind having a few scratches the next morning."

"Sleep--no, that one I can figure out. Piss-f..." She ducked her muzzle without finishing the statement, and wasn't laughing this time.

I just kept smiling at her until she shook herself out of the momentary embarrassment. Then, when I had her attention again, I continued. "But to your very first implied question, or at least the question you thought you were asking. Am I enjoying watching you undress for sexual satisfaction? Not especially. You're very pretty. But let me be very clear in one thing: We are the free folk, and as of this morning, you're one of us. That means respecting each other's freedom, too. I don't--and will not--push sex on you. Just because me and these two hornballs act like this doesn't mean you're expected to. Your decision to make, not ours."

"But!" I held up a finger before she could interject. "But that also means we expect you to make room for us, too. When we get to camp tonight--which should be in a few hours--I'm going to fuck this pretty bitch."

I pet Sacha's ears, and she wagged eagerly.

"And if he stops biting my tail as we run, maybe I'll let Braka under my tail while we're doing it. You'll be safe if you want to hop to the other side of the hill while we have our fun if it makes you uncomfortable. We won't treat you like an object or push you into it, and you don't get in our way. Understood?"

I think my candid approach was working, because her embarrassment faded and she was thinking about what I said without being startled every time I said "Fuck." Good.

"I understand. And, I don't think that'll be necessary."

I blanked for a moment. "Err, what won't be necessary?"

"The other side of the hill."

This time it was Braka who laughed first, with a bark that echoed strangely in the woods. I stroked his head, then led our impromptu party towards the afternoon sun.

As I imagined, it took a few more hours for us to reach my encampment. Even though I traveled light, I did have a good collection of equipment. Whenever I approached a citadel, I left it behind. Stalkers were more frequent around them, and I needed to travel light. This far out, though, we were safer. Entirely safe, now, thanks to Vane's chip. My camp was a collection of primitive survival gear, coupled with citadel-grade gear where I could afford it. The camp fire? A stone pit with logs in it. My axe? A tempered vibro-blade that cost me forty chits. The tent? A collection of thin pelts and fabrics from animals I'd caught myself. The perimeter? EM-Pulse mines with a sensor module. It all packed away into a slick backpack that was easy to carry.

"Welcome to home-sweet-home for the next few months, Vane." I muttered as we arrived. She looked around while I took care of business. The readout on my thumper mine-module said no stalkers and no EMP dumps since I'd left in the early morning. I had two days of wood pre-chopped, so it took only a few minutes with a little hand-held firestarter to get the fire going.

"Should I have brought more things?" Vane asked, and I shook my head.

"Not that I would have turned them down, but you're not supposed to. There's some old rules about going unburdened into the woods. It's mostly bullshit, but you'll at least want to know what they are. Some of the older free folk take it pretty seriously."

Having arrived home, Braka quit his serious "wolf in the woods" act and started acting like the excitable puppy I knew him to be. He hopped up and started licking Vane's face. She caught his forelegs and laughed as he danced around her.

"We'll go over the rules and how you're going to learn tomorrow morning. For now, just enjoy your first night of freedom. It's not a safe life you've picked, Vane, but it is an exciting one."

I only had one bedroll, which Vane dropped down onto, Braka still attacking her face with his tongue. "Thanks. I--ow!" The excitable wolf caught one of her ears and tugged.

"Play nice, Braka." I ordered, and he let it go. "Also, that's my bedroll."

Vane jerked and looked around.

"Yeah, we'll need to pick up a new one. We can do that tomorrow. We're not far from a free folk trading post, so you'll join me there. You can share mine tonight." I held up a hand as she blanched. "And just like I said earlier, I'm not going to do anything to you."

She nodded. Then she looked around nervously for a moment.

"Don't worry. We're safe here. Remember the stealth chip."

"No. You said. Well, when we got back. You... Ah, did you need some privacy?"

Another little bit of citadel raises its head. Sacha walked around behind me and pushed her nose against my neck as I sat down. "No. I don't. That's for your comfort, not ours. I would understand if you want to go for a walk. There's a small cave on the far side of that hill--it should be close enough that the stealth chip will keep you safe if you don't go much further. We'll be a few hours, and you can--"

"It's okay." Vane said, crossing her hands in her lap. "I don't mind."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "You don't have to. You have nothing to prove. This isn't some test to see if--"

Midway through my sentence, Braka trotted over and nipped my snout. Then he barked and licked his lips. There was a certain understanding between us. We'd been together and shared so much, I understood exactly what he was saying even though he didn't use words. I stopped and sniffed the air. There was an unfamiliar tang in the air--not dissimilar to Sacha when she was horny, but with a different identity. Oh.

"Ah." I stalled, nonplussed. This isn't what I expected. Not unwelcome, but definitely not in the plans.

Fuck. Okay, it wasn't her fault, but now she'd made it weird. I had my arms around Sacha's middle, but now that there was someone just sitting there, watching me, it felt strange. I wasn't a private type of dog, but I definitely wasn't used to intentionally putting on a show. I'd told her exactly what we were going to do. And instead of taking it as a sort of threat to shock her into realizing what type of world she'd gotten herself into, she'd treated it as a... I don't know... Invitation?

Bless Braka, he knew how to break the moment. He jumped across the gap between us and tackled Vane to the ground. She squealed, and he barked. Oh, that made it easier. While the two dogs--one bipedal and one on four legs--rolled around on the far side of the fire pit, I turned back to Sacha and licked her muzzle.

The hussy kissed me back, then turned tail. She looked at me over her shoulder as she spread her hinds and bared her spade to me.

The sneaky bitch. Did she think I hadn't seen her drinking at every river we passed? As if I wouldn't notice her loading up for the night. I wrapped my arms around her midsection and pulled her back by the thighs. She barked, and had already begun to patter her long-held golden gift down into my lap before I fit my mouth to her puffy sex.

Her hips quivered as my tongue touched her for the first time that night. Her spade lifted with my lick, sending her urine up over my snout and between my eyes. The smell of her filled my senses. Horny Bitch, spicy and slightly sweet and bitter in my nose as she was on my tongue. It filled my mouth and dripped from my jowls. She rode up the bridge of my snout, rubbing her pussy against my face and dribbling the piss down my front. I felt it warm my neck and chest, before dripping onto my thighs.

"Think I didn't see you taking a sip at every crossing? I knew you were planning this." I scolded her as I stuck two fingers into her snatch. Her piss coated my fingers and dripped down my arm until it fell in droplets off of my elbow. With her head turned to look at me, her tongue lolled from her mouth. I turned my fingers in her spade, widening the gap between them and letting some of her urine pool in her own pussy. "This what you were looking forward to, Sacha? Wanted to feel this while you got me soaked? Huh?"

She whined under her breath as her hips quivered again. No. She wanted more, and both of us knew it. And if I was going to be in time, I'd need to be quick. Pulling my musky fingers free, I raised myself up to my knees behind her. She squatted her lips to get into range, and the two of us met in the middle.

At first, all I could feel was her strong stream of piss tracing down my belly until she was peeing directly onto my sheath. And onto the cock tip that was peeking from it. It warmed my tip, and some of it dripped down inside my sheath. Then it spattered off of my nuts as I found the right spot. She was just as wet as I expected as my tip slid past the leathery skin of her spade. I pushed forward, and she ground back, tail wiggling against my belly. This was what she'd wanted all day, and I can't say that I hadn't been looking forward to it, too.

Her muzzle met mine as I leaned in for a kiss. We licked each others' muzzles as I slid deep. All the while, I could feel the hot jet of liquid against the underside of my cock. It ran down my length and formed rivulets around my sheath. Some of it dripped off of my balls, while the rest formed pathways down my inner thighs. She joined me in whining bliss as our hips met.

It was only with distant concern that I heard another soft whining from the far side of the fire. In the torturous pleasure of mid-hump with urine streaking down my thighs, I glanced across. And then Sacha let out a yelp as I pulled free and stood.

"Not on the bedroll! You assholes!"

Rather than shyly sitting out the activity, Vane had jumped in with both hands. Both, because that's how many it took to hold Braka up. One was helping him keep a hind leg lifted at right-angle, and the other was aiming his sheath down at her chest. If the smell of Sacha hadn't saturated my nose, it would have been impossible for me to miss the scent of horny male dog as Braka was releasing all down her front. The stream of urine splashed through her thin pelt as if it wasn't there, and the rivers it formed heading down her chest were splitting over her thighs. Half was heading between her knees and obscuring the slit I'd seen before, while the rest pooled around her calves on the bedroll.

"Up! Up. Fuck. Okay, just one knee at a time. Braka, fore leg. Right, now the other. Vane, the other knee. No, your other knee. There. If it's still damp when we bed time, you're slipping in the wet part." I got a chair from my tent and laid the wet bedroll over the top of it, baring the wettest side towards the nearby fire.

I reached over and rubbed Sacha's ears. She whined at me. She'd been saving that up all day, and I knew the interruption had sort of ruined that. Still, nothing was going to stop me from making sure she went to sleep satisfied. This time, we stayed facing Vane and Braka--if only to make sure that they didn't ruin anything else with the girl's newfound freedom.

She seemed too far dug in to really pay attention to me and Sacha. My male canid companion rolled his hips, and the sheath in Vane's grip bobbed back and forth, revealing the slick tip of his cock to the air as it hosed down the girl's front. Undetered and following the pleasure, she leaned forward and caught his tip in her muzzle. I watched as the horny dog's shaft expanded in her mouth, pushing out her cheek and filling her mouth with piss while her eyes went wide.

A moment later she coughed and spat it out. "Eurgh." She said rather expressively.

"It's an acquired taste." I agreed. Finally pulling her attention away from the randy wolf mounted over her head, she looked over while I traced my own tongue around Sacha's spade.

Having learned from her mistake, Vane let Braka's hind leg drop, while she ran a hand down her piss-soaked belly.

"I wasn't going to say anything earlier, but now that you seem to be more comfortable among us here, would it be out of place to say that you really hot covered in his piss?" I asked, fingers replacing my tongue in Sacha's snatch.

She didn't respond--or at least not audibly. She looked at me, the hand on Braka's sheath aiming his stream of urine down at her belly as he slowly ran out. As the spray turned to a dribble turned to a drip, the dog girl quivered on her knees, fingers squeezing the lips of her slit together while thumb and pinky rubbed at nearby belly-teats.

"I guess that's okay, then?"

Apparently it was. She caught my eyes. Then she spread her knees, then spread her slit. It was a sexy pose and clear invitation--but Braka had gotten tired of waiting for more attention. He turned, then knocked her over. She squealed, then laughed as the wolf squatted and ground his nuts against her muzzle.

"Okay! Okay, I give up! Come here." Vane squeaked, then applied both hands to help the big wolf unsheath. And this time, when she slid his cock into her muzzle, she didn't seem to find its taste unpleasant.

Sacha and I shared a glance, and the two of us seemed to be of the same mind. She stalked forward until she was standing over Vane. The girl spread her legs and wrapped them over Sacha's back as the wolf lowered herself onto the biped. Pressed belly-to-belly, the two of them shared Braka's shaft. Vane let it slide inside her muzzle, while Sacha lapped her tongue around his quickly inflating knot.

The view for me was remarkable. Feral and anthro sexes were pressed together, spade mushed against slit. This wasn't a time for tongues or fingers. Both of them were as ready for it as they were ever going to be.

Sacha let out a yelp first as I slid into her. Beneath, Vane made a stifled grunt from around Braka's cock as my nut slapped against her slit. She'd let the girl beneath her take over on the thick wolf knot--fingers were better than tongue for that job. Instead, Sacha had caught her paws on her brothers' hips and was stuffing her muzzle beneath his tail.

When I hilted, I felt Sacha flutter around me. She tried to capture my knot, even though I hadn't unsheathed it yet. Hot juices squirted around my shaft and dripped down onto Vane's pussy as I pounded the wolf's spade. I rode her straight through her peak, loving her muffled whining as she licked her brother's tail hole. That must have been enough for Braka too, because he let out a little yelp. I could see his taint twitching rhythmically as he fired cum down Vane's throat.

That left just me, and even though I'd promised not to desire Vane--that'd only been if she didn't want me to! Her invitation had been unambiguous, and I felt that freed me from my promise. I did desire her. I wanted to know what she felt like as my companion came down her throat. I wanted to feel how slick she was, lubricated with his piss. I wanted her to feel me inside her, with Sacha's wolfy fem-cum still warm on my cock.

She squealed around Braka's cock as I teased her slit with my tip. Her hips quivered again as I fit my cock against the lower part of her sex. And just before I pushed in, she came again and lost control. Vane's piss hit me mid-belly. Fuck. That was all I needed and I hadn't even pushed in yet. I was already so soaked that I only really noticed the additional liquid as it ran down my shaft and pooled in her slit as I slid deep.

This was no hump. She'd already cum twice, and I was already throbbing in the prelude of innevitable orgasm before I'd stretched her out. I felt a tongue lapping at my gums. In my focus, I'd missed that Braka had broken free and was now facing me. The two girls were busy licking his cock clean while Braka and I shared a feral kiss. I held his head and did some shivering of my own as I came in Vane. Even though I hadn't tied, I felt Sacha's hips grinding back against me, rubbing her spade over the exposed knobs of my knot as I throbbed in the new addition to our little pack.

When Vane had come back to her senses, I had four general-purpose meat rations heating up in their tins on rocks next to the fire. She sat up shakily. When she made room, Braka slid in behind her. This gave her a sturdy backrest to lean against while she made sure her hips would obey her again. She accepted the bottle of water I handed her and took shallow sips while she let her belly settle.

"Not that I doubt you'll sleep well after that, but we need to hit the trading post tomorrow. That's a good half a day each way, so you'll want to be rested. That means no trying to get a round two in the middle of the night. Understood?"

"But you were selling me on sleep-fucking so well!"

I rolled my eyes and picked up the bedroll. It felt like at least some of it had dried out, though the smell wasn't going away. Not that it wouldn't have already smelled of me, Sacha, and Braka already anyway. "Try that and you'll never learn how run-fucking works."

"Wait, seriously?"

"No. How the fuck would that even work?"

"I don't know! You're the one who was promising it!"

"Too bad. I lied."