The Meeting

Story by Ethan Wolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of The Prince

This is my first entry. I put a lot of thought into it, but I know it's not going to be perfect. Please, give me any criticism you can, and be as harsh as you need to. So long as it helps me.

And in the meantime... enjoy!


This was the day.

Lissa waited in her quarters with anticipation. Her silky beige fur had been groomed earlier, when the other slaves bathed her. She'd even been adorned in golden jewelry, from a collar placed neatly round her neck to the rings on her slim tail. She smelled lightly of the clove shampoos they'd used, and her hair was put into a neat bun. She hated the bun for all the work they'd put into it, but that didn't matter. She'd been groomed to suit the Prince, and if that's how he wanted her, that's how she would be.

She'd loved the Prince since she'd seen him. She was taken from her parents at the age of eleven, by the palace guard. She'd been too beautiful, she remembered her mother saying. They only take the beautiful ones. Even at that young age, her feline build was budding well, and her fair features were noticed immediately. For three and a half days straight, she'd done little but cry, eating nothing and drinking little, though she was fed very well. Inspections were torture, as she was forced to bare her body in front of the guards, and the other girls.

But the one day the Prince came by to check up on the prospective slaves, she was silent. Seeing him made stopped her protests nearly immediately, and for several weeks, she could do little but think of him. She pictured him whisking her up in his strong arms. She would place her head on his chest, nuzzling into the charcoal fur, and he would take her away. In her mind, it was more than possible. It was destiny.

As the years went by, she was taught to be a slave girl. She listened to everything she was told, and held onto the words, knowing that these were the things that would make him love her. She did not protest when the other girls poked fun at her. They'd be sorry when she was the favourite. She didn't even protest when the guard decided to use her for themselves. She was often forced to service them orally, but she saw this only as an opportunity to improve herself for the Prince. Besides, she was still a virgin, and maybe her compliance would help place her where she wanted to be.

When she was told she was chosen, her heart nearly jumped from her chest. Being with the Prince, alone, in his chambers was more than she could ever want, and in her sixteen years of life, this was to be her greatest happiness. Now she waited to be escorted to the chambers, and she smiled, and she dreamed.


Alden sat in his quarters, slumped back in a velvet chair. He was adorned in silver, as was usual, and his black hair was tossed haphazardly behind him, long as he liked to keep it. It had been a slow week. Every week was a slow week. Every month was slow, and every year was slow, since the day he was born.

He liked to run those thoughts through his head. He never said them to his mother or father. He only saw them once or twice a month, anyway. Funny that they were inside the same castle as him at almost all times, but he never saw them. Of course, he almost never left his quarters. It was just as well. He hated them both. Life bored him anymore, and the only thing he really enjoyed anymore was the weekly girl and his art. Canvas lined the walls of his room, and every wall was filled with sketches. Most were of the women he saw, his main source of inspiration, but there were also massive cityscapes, based off of the view from his window. Detail filled his art, from the eyelashes on each face of the slaves, to the busy citizens in the streets.

Today there was no art, and he had slept a lot. But he had to admit he was feeling randy. A girl would be more than welcome right now. And by the approaching footsteps, he wouldn't wait much longer. He adjusted himself in his seat, sitting up straight and putting his hands behind his head He shook out his hair, letting it fall into place, a strand concealing a green eye.

The girl was escorted by a guard on either side. She was beautiful, but so were the others. That's not what caught his interest. Most girls looked at the ground when they came into his quarters, some at the walls, and a few even shot him a less-than-welcoming glare. Those the guards had to deal with sometimes. This girl did none of those. She was staring wide-eyed at him, with no shame in her eyes. She seemed to be looking forward to this more than he was.

He waved the guards away with a casual flick of the fingers. Once they had left, he beckoned the girl to approach him. As she walked, he noticed the ceremonious motions of her tail. She was happy. He tilted his head just slightly, and something clicked in his mind. He'd seen the girl before. In the slave chambers. She was different, always away form the others, lost in her own thoughts. He'd figured her for an artist, like him. But now she seemed entranced with him, her eyes wide, chewing her bottom lip gently. A slight smirk played across his muzzle, and he spoke to her, in his low, seldom-used voice. "What's your name?"

She blinked, her smile fading for a moment, as though she was stunned by the speech. She gained her composure quickly, though, and answered him, her voice soft and afraid. "Lissa. My name is Lissa, Prince Alden." She spoke his name proudly, regally, as if she were announcing him to a hall.

He liked her. She wasn't afraid.

Alden's clothing, besides the silver jewelry, consisted of an ornate leather sash, slung casually across his chest, and a soft loincloth. The loincloth had since tented, and fallen useless beside his nine inches. Lissa's eyes fell upon his thick member quickly. She'd not seen his package very clearly before, and now she couldn't stop looking. He was much larger than the guards who took her aside. She took a few steps forward, knowing this was her chance to make the Prince love her. She sank to her knees before him, and his eyes widened as he smiled.

Gingerly, she reached forward to touch the hardening member. A shiver ran though her momentarily as her fingers touched the warm cock, wrapping around it slowly. She leaned to him, her breath caught in her chest, and as she watched his eyes, she drew her tongue up his length, purring gently. She repeated this, savoring him. And he was certainly savoring her.

He'd rested his arms on the back of his chair, slumped back as he smiled down to this new girl. He realized very soon just what was different about her. All the others did this because they were forced to, or because they had known nothing else. She wanted this, and that became apparent once she wrapped her lips around his head. He let out a groan of approval, and placed a single large paw on her head, rubbing her ear softly. He'd been told by his father not to do this, that this could make a slave think she was something more than just that... but it seemed so right to do.

Lissa sucked upon his wide head lecherously, her tongue swirling round and round. With avid excitement, she tasted a few beads of his pre in her mouth. Greater than anything else she'd ever known, she knew the Prince was pleased with her, and she pressed him further into her mouth. Her tail swished playfully behind her, full of the mirth of her situation. Her tongue was lapping at the underside as she sucked him into her mouth, and she bobbed her head as she'd learned to do with the guards.

Alden stared down at her, closing his eyes in pleasure. He kept rubbing on her ear with his thumb, the rest of his fingers running through her soft hair. She was good at this. He knew what the guards did in their spare time, and for the first time it angered him a little. Anger that was short-lived, however, drowned out by Lissa's tongue, and Lissa's mouth.

And Lissa's purr.

With his free hand, Alden reached down to Lissa's hair, pulling the ornate golden pin smoothly from the bun. Her brown hair cascaded down past her shoulders, and Lissa glanced up to him, both surprised and relieved to have her hair let down. She would have smiled, were she in a less restrictive position.

She purred more deeply, and Alden began to wonder if she was servicing herself under him. A slight glance over showed her left hand pressed to the alabaster floor, her right still on the base of his cock, where his knot was now beginning to bulge. She loosened her grip, her fingers playing over the flesh as his cock pressed against her throat. The guards were nothing like this. They were so much smaller than the Prince, and they'd done most of the work. But now, as she pleasured the Prince as she liked, she felt a need in her loins.

Alden groaned more loudly as Lissa began to deepthroat him. She was so warm, and so talented. Her fingers, that tongue of hers... her purrs sent soft vibrations into his shaft as he hardened painfully, and began to spasm as he reached his climax. As a growl escaped his lips, streams of hot seed shot into her mouth and throat, coating her tongue in the thick white come.

She swallowed in large gulps, determined to suck down every drop, a task in which she succeeded. Without letting a single drop escape her lips, she milked the Prince of every drop, squeezing his knot a little. Her purr softened, now a satisfied little tone. She looked up at her Prince, cock still between her lips, hoping for a pleased smile. What she saw was better than that--his head lolled back, hand still on her ears, and he panted, a grin on his muzzle as he basked in a bit of afterglow.

She raised her head slowly, the length slipping out of her lips, and stood. She placed her hands behind her back, casting her eyes politely at the ground. She was a bit flushed from the work, and she looked so much better without the damned bun... her hair was soft, and framed her face with stray locks. Her the most noticeable change, however, was the moisture between her thighs. Alden noticed this, and smirked. She'd gotten off to that. And... damn, she looked so tight. But it was growing late, and Alden knew that when he took her, he wanted to be in full condition. "You may go back to your quarters now. Lissa." He added her name softly, with a warm smile.

She nodded, and turned around, but not without another look to him. He caught the warm smile, and imprinted it into her mind. As she walked out the door, the guards flanked her to escort her back to her quarters. She nearly glided back to her room, still seeing the smile in her mind. When she reached her room, she laid down on her bed and drifted off, into a sleep filled with the Prince and his smile. And his maleness, which she could still taste, even in her dreams.

Alden stood up from his throne a few minutes later, and walked slowly to his silken sheets. As he removed his jewelry, placing it on the table by his bed, he thought of the next night, and what he'd do. She was a virgin, and that was obvious enough. And he could picture her well enough. So he slept, thinking of the following night, when the girl would return, not imagining she did the same.