Memento Mori -- Chapter 2

Story by Eben Black on SoFurry

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#16 of Eben Black Series -- Memento Mori

© All characters and storylines involving said characters belong to me: Eben Black.

The movie was Van Helsing. Your traditional horror movie with CGI animation and action-based scenes with some humour thrown in for good measure. It was an appropriate choice for two wereanimals in my opinion. The bit what stopped us both dead was the scene where the werewolf is revealed, and how close the director was to making the werewolf look like an actual werewolf except this one had no tail and had that strange tinge that CGI animations had. It looked cool but you still knew it had been made on a computer screen somewhere in Hollywood. The movie wasn't bad, I liked it and Snow seemed to love it. It ended and we headed out. I waited in the main looby whilst Snow headed for the bathroom. I was stood, leaning on the snack-bar. There was one attendant standing at the other end of the bar. It was almost half ten, so there weren't customers now. The final late night showing would have started by now. The attendant seemed to be busying herself so she wouldn't have to look at me. That was fine. I was used to this kind of treatment. Most wereanimals were. I turned and leaned back against the bar, arms crossed as I waited. I figured tonight had been a success when suddenly I heard; "Hey look! What's a dog doing in a cinema house?"

I looked up and found a small gang of young men, hoodies and cruel expressions on their faces. I ignored them.

"What's wrong, dog? You deaf as well as fuckin' ugly, innit?" the closest teen sneered.

"Leave me alone," I snapped back.

"I'll leave you the fuck alone, when your kind stays the fuck away from normal people, innit?!" he yelled back.

"Animals should be locked up, not fuckin' around at the movies anyway!" another youth added, his friends burst out laughing.

"That's enough!" a deep voice growled. I looked up and found Snow standing behind them. When had he been that fast?

"Snow, leave them alone," I said as I took a step forward.

"Fuck!" the teens scrambled forward, as far from Snow as they could.

"You were saying something about animals, and dogs? Try saying that to me!" Snow growled. He tensed around the shoulders as his fists balled.

"Snow! No! Don't!" I stammered. I rushed forward and touched a hand to the bigger guy's chest just as he took a step forward. I turned to the youths and added, "You should leave before he gobbles you up!"

"Fuckin' animals!" the first teen spat before he and the others left without another word.

Snow watched them with a deep growl rumbling through his muscular chest.

"Hey! Hey, enough. They are gone," I demanded as I gripped the weretiger's hand. "Come on, lets get something to eat and head home."

We left the cinema house, hand in hand and walked for a while. We picked up fast food at the nearest McDonalds and then started walking home. We stopped when we reached a small playground. I sat down on one of the small swing sets and slowly moved back and forth, while Snow leaned against the framework looking down at me with serious, saddened eyes. He worried me when he looked like that. It often meant there was something on his mind. I stopped swinging with a gentle skid in the dirt and stood up, dusting off my backside. I walked up to him and touched a hand to his once more. "What's bothering you?" I asked with a concerned expression.

"Its nothing," he lied.

"Don't lie. What's wrong?" I gripped his hand and dragged him back to the swing. I sat him down and stood between his knees, even then his head reached up to about mid-chest level. Had he gotten taller with the bulk. Maybe. "Now tell me what's wrong? Please, Snow?" I asked as I tilted his head up between my hands and gazed into those sad blue eyes.

"I had another nightmare last night, about a storm and a woman crying, sobbing my name over and over again. I think...I think she was my wife," he explained. The words fell like they were touchable and heart breaking.

"A w-wife?"

"Or girlfriend. Somehow I knew we were romantically involved, but the vision was hazy. I don't know what to make of it," he added. He touched a hand to his head and tousled the head fur. His nervous gesture.

"So you believe out there somewhere you have a girlfriend or a wife?" I asked.

He shrugged those big shoulders and said, "Its possible, but I think, I think she's dead."

I looked down at him and asked, "What makes you think that?"

"I remember standing at a graveside years ago, a bouquet of roses in my hands, and setting them down in thick snow," he replied.

"So you dreamed of a woman calling out your name, and then visiting her graveside?" I repeated.

"Memories are coming thick and fast from time to time, but then I forget them, and end up remembering that I've remembered them, if that makes sense?"

"Fiona said that amnesia can be like that sometimes. Its your mind trying to adjust to the memories you'd forgotten. In time they'll all stick and become permanent fixtures."

He nodded and looked saddened again. "I think I lived in New York at one point too."

I went wide-eyed. "Wow, your minds been working into overtime hasn't it?" I laughed, but it died quick when he looked up at me with that sad expression.

"What do I do now?" he asked, there were tears flowing now.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you crying?" I stammered as I smiled down at him.

"I d-don't know w-what to do with m-myself now," he sobbed. He wrapped those large arms around me and buried his face against my chest. He sobbed and cried like something deep inside had truly been broken.

"Snow? Snow, please stop crying, come on, this is good news. Your memories are coming back piece by piece, we may be able to find your home, or someone you know if this keeps up, this is good news," I repeated.

"Its not g-good news though," he sobbed.

"Why not? Snow?" I asked.

"If I remember everything and I do have a h-home somewhere else, a family, what if I have c-children? What do you do? Please tell m-me what to do?" Snow sobbed.

"Snow, baby. We'll work through this, no worries, I promise we'll work through this," I assured him.

"But I love my life at the moment, I don't want it to change!" he stated as he looked up at me, tears streaked his fur as he spoke defiantly.

"You love your life?"

"I get to sleep and cuddle with you and the others, everyone appreciates me and treats me like one of the family. Everyone accepts me. What if I do have kids? And they don't know I'm a weretiger?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"In the visions, the dreams, the memories I'm human, Eben. I'm human!" he snarled and squeezed me a little out of anger.

I understood what he was worried about now. Having not seen his possible children in months, and he returns home a monster? No. No child could accept that right away. It would break him if that happened.

I tilted his head up to me and leaned down. I kissed him gently and the sobbing stopped slowly but surely. I broke the kiss and whispered, "We'll speak with Fiona and deal with it, baby. I promise."

He considered me for a moment and then slowly nodded.

I stepped back and pulled him to his feet. "Come on, you need a shower and an early night," I said as I tugged on his hand in mine.

"Can we watch a movie?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course we can, what do you wanna watch?" I asked with a broad smile as we walked through the darkened playground.

He thought about it for a moment and then said, "The Lion King?"

I looked back with a smile and asked, "The Disney version?"

He nodded. "OK cool, we'll clean up, get into bed and watch the Lion King, alright? Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds like a plan," he replied. He stopped dead and pulled me into the embrace of those massive, muscular arms. "I love you," he breathed as he looked down at me. He leaned and we kissed, our tongues slowly brushed and trailed along one another while his hands found the vest and pulled it up slowly, his bare hands brushed against my back and slipped down and beyond the waistband of the silken boxers I wore. He groped the mounds of my ass in those strong hands while he deepened the kiss.

I broke the kiss and breathed, "If we're gonna fuck out here, then lets find somewhere more quiet, alright?"

He nodded and released me. We padded off the path and walked through the small wood that surrounded the park for a moment. Soon I was backed against a tree trunk, while Snow crouched in front of me. He pushed the vest up as I slipped the dress shirt off and draped it around his shoulders. He licked and lapped across my nipples while I exhaled and gasped a little from the roughness of his tongue. I could myself hardening down below and knew he would not leave me wanting for much longer. He held up my bunched vest with one hand while his other unbuckled the belt and unzipped the jeans. He pulled them down around my knees and freed me from the silken boxer-briefs that I'd donned. He ran his tongue over my furred balls first, lapping at them, teasing them like a cat gently swatting a suspended ball on a string. He then took them in his maw and suckled on them, wetting the fur in saliva before popping them from his mouth. He then ran that rough tongue up the length of my shaft. I gazed down at him, those pale blue eyes that had been saddened earlier now filled with some distant passion and lust as he stared up at me and slowly slipped me into his maw along the length of that thick flat tongue. He suckled and made me gasp with each quick, hard suck. I could feel myself throbbing as the first thrills of orgasm built inside of me. He slipped me out of his mouth for a moment so he could suck on his middle finger, before replacing my member in his maw, he slipped his wet middle finger up between my thighs and over my rear entrance. I moaned as he rubbed that tight pucker and then slowly pushed the wet digit in. He took his time, and each time he heard a moan of pain or protest, he sucked hard and fast, replacing that pain with pleasure.

When he'd lubed me up enough he slipped his digit from me and stood up, letting me pop from his maw. I gasped and rested back against the tree trunk while I watched him stand before me. He balled the vest in his hands and tore it with a strange liquid-like sound. He tossed the pieces aside. He'd had one nipple pierced last month and now it glistened like a silver promise on the swell of his left pectoral. I fell forward upon him and licked across that silver trinket, while his hands loosened the strings on his bottoms and let the material drop. He'd worn no underwear. He watched me suck and lick over the silver at his chest. He ran a hand through my head fur and that tore me from his pec. I looked up at him as he lifted me in those muscular arms. His hands groped my bare ass as I slipped one leg free from the jeans and was able to wrap my legs around his waist. He needed a better angle if he was to penetrate me in this position. He released one hand and slipped his forearm under one leg, lifting it so that I had one leg pressed against his chest. I gripped the back of his neck and moaned as he pressed the throbbing heat against my opening. He slowly pushed and in moments he was penetrating me, making me moan out into the shadowed trees around us. To say Snow was well endowed was to not do him justice, he was one of the few tall, muscular adonis' that also had an impressive member too. My body was more than accustomed to his sheer size though, and my body seemed to answer to the call of his impressive length and width. He worked it in and out of me with practised ease, slipping inside and loosening the inner walls without much struggle. He quicked his thrust when he realised I was loose enough. The echoing sound of flesh slapping flesh soon filled the wood as he thrust hard and deep inside me. His width spreading me wide around him as he looked down into my eyes with such love and passion burning those true blues. I reached up in between moans and kissed him deep. The orgasm inside of me throbbed like some touchable heat as it flourished again and again inside me, low in my stomach. Snow kneaded my inner walls as he rolled his hips and tore a new pleasure from my mouth. I trailed nails down his muscular arms as he arched his back and worked those hips to reach a whole new level of speed. His hips blurred as he worked in and out of me, a wet sound filled the air as his pre coated my insides.

"I'm so c-close," he breathed as he pounded me.

"Cum baby, make us both cum," I replied as I tried not to scream out with pleasure. My own pre grew thick and heavy. I was so close to ejaculating, it was almost painful.

He nodded and fucked me harder and faster, "I love you, Eben!" he moaned as he plunged deep and held me against him, a second later his balls twitched and a thick wash of tiger seed filled me and even spilled out around his length as he held it inside me. I threw my head back as the sheer sensation drove me over the edge and cause a thick load to spill across my abdomen in a warm rush. I felt weak in the knees as Snow slipped from inside me and collapsed to his knees, he lowered my leg and cuddled me against him. "Thank you," he whispered as he licked across my shoulder in the afterglow.

"I love you too, Snow," I breathed back as I ran my hands through his thick fur and murred at this sensation. Now we really would need a shower.

Four hours later we'd showered, cuddled in bed, watched the Lion King and now Snow was fast asleep. I was wide awake though. What he'd told me bothered me deep down. If he did indeed have a whole other life to go back to then was it selfish to say I hoped he'd choose us over that old life? Yeah it was. I was dressed in a pair of silken black pyjama bottoms that Snow had bought me as a present a month ago. I was sat in the main lounge area. I eased back on the couch and stared out across LA. One wall of the penthouse lounge was floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked LA. I'd left the lights off, and it was almost sunrise now. How was I supposed to sleep considering these memories of Snow's? I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Something wrong?" a deep, rich voice asked from behind. I turned and found the last wereanimal I'd ever want to speak with right now. Standing at six foot seven and toned. He was dressed in a pair of blue three-quarter length denims and a zip-up vest that he'd unzipped to reveal the expanse of chest and stomach. His black stripes and white furred stomach and chest looked stark against the various shades of blue that made up his fur. Heavy-lidded eyes watched me in startling yellow. He always had this almost bored expression about him nowadays. Like everything was amusing, but dull at the same time. He padded across the lounge, a small tub of ice cream in his hand, he held a spoon in the other and took a small bite while he settled down onto the couch beside me. "Can't sleep?" he asked.

"Just having some problems, nothing to concern yourself with," I assured him as I drew my knees up to my chest and huddled around them, gazing at the darkened skies beyond the glacial windows.

"Problems? Your finding it difficult that Snow's regaining his memories? No?" he asked. Sawyer always had this uncanny ability to know exactly was happening without needing to be told.

"H-How did you...?" I stammered.

"It was to be expected. You and the other feline are in love, and him remembering his previous life may or may not damage the life he leads now, not to mention your relationship."

I just looked at the tiger with an almost annoyed expression. "You make it sounded so bloody clinical."

He shrugged and rested the tub in his lap, while he eased back and rested a free arm across the couch while he dipped the spoon again. He raised the spoon and held it out for me.


"Eat. Its chocolate-chip-cookie-flavour. All you've had his takeout food today," he explained.

"And now your offering me ice cream?"

"So you gain a pound or two, at least you won't pass out from bad nourishment," he replied with a grin.

I looked and considered him for a moment and then slowly leaned forward and took the bite. It was cool but still delicious.

He smirked and took another bite for himself. "So what do you intend to do then?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well if I were you, I'd be anxious about him finding out that he has a family or someone waiting for him somewhere. Perhaps he has another lover somewhere. Will you be selfish and plea for him to remain?"

"I can't be that selfish," I replied.

"Then you'll stand by him, regardless of what happens?" Sawyer asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Like I said, I can't be that selfish."

"So you'll let him go back to whoever he left behind, if there is indeed someone he left behind?"

I shrugged and looked out the windows again. "It'll break my heart, but I don't own Snow."

Sawyer smirked.

"What?" I demanded.

"Your inner beast would say that Snow is her beast and no one else's, no?" Sawyer replied with a grin. "What happens if he gets far away and she pines for him? She could wreak havoc in that scenario."

"Wreak havoc?" I repeated.

"Think about it, your beast has bound itself to powerful alphas, and seems to be hand-picking them. Snow being the one who awakened her. Distancing yourself from him could enrage her. She may look for a replacement. You'd even be ignored in the binding in a desperate situation," he added.

"You mean she'd bind herself to someone's beast for her own sake, instead of considering my emotional opinion?" I rephrased what he'd said. He nodded. I had never even considered that. Fuck.

"So I ask again, what will you do if he does indeed wish to return somewhere?"

I considered the scenarios that could unfold if Snow did indeed leave and then smiled, "I'm still not selfish enough. If Snow leaves and the beast plays around, then I'll simply adjust to whatever situation presents itself."

Sawyer considered me for a moment and then smiled. "You've matured somewhat," he said.

"So have you."

"Oh? How so?"

"Well your not making cutting remarks toward Kane anymore," I suggested, "And you've stopped being so creepy around everyone. You've sort of settled in and just accepted your situation."

"My situation? Just because I've stopped teasing the wolf swordsman, does not mean I still don't desire that power inside you. I've just come to realise that compared to the council, your side seems more favourable."

"Favourable? You think we can win?" I asked.

Sawyer leaned forward and rested the spoon and tub on the glass coffee table. He sat back and leaned in close, looking at me from inches away, those bright yellow eyes filled with such content and warmth. "I like where I'm at during this...situation," he said with a gentle smile. When had Sawyer become so serious and understanding? He used to be an absolute bastard, but lately he'd settled down and become more managable. He smirked and added, "I will stand by you and the others, even if our Snow does indeed leave our sides." He then leaned back and relaxed against the couch, "Now you should head to bed and get some sleep before tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I replied.

"Maximillian is coming over, now that Basil has refused to help, we have to decide what the next course of action is. I myself am meeting with the panthers on Donovan's behalf," Sawyer explained.

"Donovan's letting you recruit someone alone?"

Sawyer pretended to pout and said, "No. That pussycat, Aleksander is coming along. An alpha needs to be present when recruiting remember. Its just the panthers are unpredictable, so it was decided I'd be best to face them if the worst comes to fruition." Sawyer may not have looked it, but he had an amazing power inside him like me. He was an illusionist whose illusions were so powerful they could make you feel actual pain and even death. He was an enemy of ours at one point, but had decided to join us since the council had turned on him and designated him a traitor and wanted him dead. He had basically chosen to lend us his strength in order to prevent his own death. Sounded cowardly, but having someone as powerful as Sawyer at our sides made the coalition that much stronger.

I said goodnight and padded across the smooth floorboards to the corridor where the bedrooms were situated. I stopped and turned, "Sawyer?"

He looked back at me and asked, "Something wrong?"

"Thank you," I said.

He smirked and replied, "No need to thank me. You just needed someone to talk to."

I smiled and feeling a bit better, returned to cuddle under the covers with the adonis that was Snow.