Ben and Kieran Get to Know Each Other

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An erotic short story I wrote a few years ago, one of my first serious works as a furry writer. Two guys in college eye each other from across the gym and but don't know if the other is on the same page. There will probably be some errors grammar wise but I wanted to get this up relatively unchanged from how it was a few years ago. I think it'd be fun to show my growth as a writer. Enjoy the gay smut!

August 19th. It was a quiet grey afternoon on campus, the ground was wet from the light morning showers. Ben, a boyish Dalmatian with looks that drew admiration from all the girls on campus, slowly trotted over to the fitness center on campus. He had taken to working out this summer but when the opportunity to move into dorms a week earlier than normal presented itself, he took it. In the meantime he had decided to continue his fitness regimen at the school's fitness center. Today was his third day at the gym, he had gotten used to the new routine he established, and even picked up on the habits of the few other regulars. Two lionesses spent 40 minutes on the treadmills side by side, then gulped down their water while chatting about the upcoming semester. A group of four otters had always walked past him mid bench press, usually on their way to the showers after swimming in the gym's pool. Then there was the buck. Ben had looked for him yesterday but was disappointedly pieced together that the buck's schedule had him at the gym every other day. But here he was. His shirt tightly clung to his body as his upper body went to work on a rowing machine. Ben let the barbell rest on his chest as he craned his head and neck backward in order to maintain a view of the large buck, albeit one that was upside down. Ben felt his member twitch to life as he watched the buck repeat the motion over and over, his strong body not wavering. Suddenly, Ben felt warmth snaking down his leg.

"Fuck", he whispered.

He shook his head gently to try and clear his mind. He focused on the bar and began to push it up.

"That's it", he said to himself. "1. 2. 3..."

The buck was no longer on Ben's mind, nothing was. He felt his arms tense up as he straightened them and then gradually bend as he lowered the bar back down. He repeated this process until his arms started to ache. He gritted his teeth as he pushed both the bar and his muscles to the limit.

Suddenly, a large figure moved in the corner of his eye. He lowered the barbell and rested it against his chest once more and leaned forward to see who had settled at the squat rack. His already excited heart skipped a beat as he saw the buck's back in front of him. The buck's muscles flexed as he set up the weights on the bar. Ben couldn't help but admire his physique. He traced the contours of the buck's body with his eyes but yearned to trace them with his fingertips. He froze as the buck's body fully tensed. The buck lifted the bar off the rack and slowly squatted down. Ben's member was rapidly waking up now. He let out a soft gasp as he stared at the buck's ass squeezing tightly to support the weights. His face was becoming flush with red and he struggled to push the bar fully off his chest and onto the rack.

Unbeknownst to him, the buck was using the mirror in front of him to check his form as well as catch a glimpse of the very flustered Ben. He was relishing the moment.~

Kieran shifted his view from Ben back unto himself. He eyed himself closely as he watched his form. His legs were pumped with blood as he squatted down in a controlled manner. His eyes were still fixed upon himself but his mind began to wander. The dalmatian's stares had ignited something within him. He felt the pair of eyes on him and he was glad to put on a show. His ass would stick out just a little further during each rep. Despite keeping his eyes on himself an experienced lifter could see that the buck was beginning to slack on maintaining his form. Kieran didn't care, every further inch with his ass playfully out only intensified the feeling of having lustful eyes on him. His focus on his body became warped to one of lust. He eyed his own body the way he believed the dalmatian's eyes did. He watched his big, strong body flex and tense. His member began to grow and compete with his legs for blood flow. On his final repetition his member began to leak a bit, it was not yet fully hard but well away from completely flaccid. As Kieran rested the bar on the rack he glanced towards the mirror once more, his eyes searching for the dalmatian's.

He wasn't there.

A wave of embarrassment crashed on Kieran. He had just spent 10 minutes showing off for no one. 10 minutes of being turned on by a pair of eyes he imagined.

"Fuck, man", he said, while cringing at himself.

He began to worry that he scared the dalmatian off with his overt display of lust. He cursed at himself. How could he get so caught up in a fantasy of being desired? He had leaked into his boxers by just imagining that he was being watched for Christ's sake. Had he misinterpreted the dalmatian's reaction? He reached down for his bag and made his way to the showers. Hopefully he could wash the anxiety away with his sweat.

No one was in the locker room as Kieran stripped down. His mind was still dwelling on the prior embarrassment , he didn't even pick up on the sound of water from the showers. As he stepped into the open area something white and black caught his eyes.

He froze.

There was the dalmatian. One hand stroking himself, the other against the wall supporting him as waves of ecstasy rocked his body.

Kieran felt his loins stir to life. He was right. The dalmatian was enjoying the show, so much so that he had to come finish himself off. Kieran bit his lip. His dick slowly grew to match his lust. His mind was racing with ways to approach the other fur, but his body took over and he made his way over to the showerhead next to the dalmatian.~

Ben was alerted by his footsteps and clenched his cheeks in surprise. He moved his hand from his throbbing dick to his abdomen and scrubbed away. This attempt to cover up his attempt at self pleasure was in vain; his member stood proudly revealing the truth to anyone who looked down. He tried to glance at whoever walked up to the shower next to him from the corner of his eye but could only make out a fat cock between a pair of strong legs. His eyes darted back to the wall in front of him, hoping the stranger hadn't noticed.

He hoped the circumstances would scare his boner away, but the thing throbbed even harder and the sight of that fat cock didn't help much either. He started to scrub faster, hoping to leave as soon as possible. Part of him, however, hoped the other fur would break the silence. He continued to scrub his body with his eyes glued to the wall. He wouldn't dare look towards the stranger again. He did, however, replay the image of the foreign dick in his head. He tried to remember the color of the stranger's fur. As he did that, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

His heart began pounding away in his chest.

He slowly looked over and saw the buck from before staring back at him.

"Hey, sorry for asking like this, but can I borrow some soap? I left mine back at my place."

Ben looked up at the buck with a confused look. His brain was lagging as he tried to process the situation.


"Yeah, can I borrow some soap?" The buck repeated with a slight chuckle.

"Uh, one second." Ben grabbed his bar of soap and held it out for the buck to take.

The buck reached for the soap but stopped midway. "Actually, could you help me out for a sec? I can never reach the middle of my back when I'm washing. You mind getting it for me?"

Ben's dick throbbed in response to the question. "Sure." He tried to hide both the anxiety and eagerness in his voice. The buck faced his back towards Ben and waited for him to get to work. Ben began to soap up the buck's back and ran his fingers through the soft fur in order to get the sweat out. He didn't want to get carried away but he felt like massaging the tense muscles underneath.

"So..." The buck said while being soaped up. "What's your name, dude?"

"Ben. You?"


Kieran. What a fitting name. Ben didn't know why, but he felt like it suited the buck well. Kieran.

Without warning, Kieran turned to face Ben. As the water began to wash off the soap down his back and onto the floor, the two looked at each other. Kieran studied how Ben's face looked up close. He was certainly cute. The buck then scanned him from head to toe. Ben took this as an invitation to do the same. Both were erect, wet, and staring at each other waiting for the other to make a move. Kieran, who towered over Ben, decided to put one hand on the dalmatian's shoulder and reach over for the shorter males cock with the other. Ben shuddered as he felt the strong hand grip him and slowly slide back and forth, massaging his length.

Kieran was impressed with the dalmatian's length. His mouth began to water as he watched his hand stroke Ben's dick.

Ben reached for the buck's fat cock and began to massage it as well. They both watched their hands milk the other's cock as if they were in a trance. Kieran looked back up at Ben, as if to verify that the cock that was in his hand truly belonged to the dalmatian he was thirsting after a short while ago. Ben looked up in response, their muzzles were in close proximity. Kieran leaned forward and closed his eyes but opened them again when he felt no contact with Ben's lips. Ben had retreated completely.

"I, uh, really want this to happen but I don't think it's smart to do it here."

Kieran found the image of the shorter dalmatian standing shyly with his tail between his legs quite endearing. He nodded. "We can go back to my room if you want, let's just finish up."

The two would rush through the rest of their showers and give each other playful, yet hungry, looks. As they toweled off they noticed other furs entering the locker room and felt their decision to delay the escalation of their desires was justified.

Kieran was the first to get dressed and waited patiently for Ben to leave the locker room. His heart beating quickly with anticipation for what was to follow. How should they start things? Should they makeout first? Get back to petting and patting like before? It had been forever since he had a mouth on his dick, maybe he'd gently push Ben to his knees when they entered his room. He hoped no one would look below his stomach and notice the massive cock outline in his shorts. To make sure, he let his gym bag rest in front of his crotch, though the weight and friction of the bag brushing up against him kept him as hard as ever.

Kieran spotted Ben making his way out of the locker room and took a deep breath in. He waited for him to approach and then motioned for the dalmatian to follow him. Kieran walked a few paces ahead of Ben. Like before, he imagined the dalmatian was eyeing his frame and fantasizing about what they would do in just a few more minutes. Kieran's breaths grew a bit deeper. He loved this perceived attention. He loved being desired.

"So." Ben chirped. "You have the room to yourself?"

"Yup! My roommate is coming in next week like everyone else." Kieran responded nonchalantly.


There was a brief pause as they walked by a wolf who was jogging in the opposite direction. Ben felt the urge to ask questions of a more lustful nature and was working up the courage to spit one out.

"Have you, y'know, done anything with guys before?"

"Yeah." Kieran replied coolly. "I'm gay, actually. Been with my fair share of guys."

"Oh. That's, uh, that's cool. I think I am too, but this will be my first time." Ben instinctively looked down as he spoke, even though the buck was ahead of him and couldn't see him.

Kieran chuckled. "I guess there's more pressure for me to perform and make sure you have a good time, huh?"

"N-no dude, you'll be fine. Just saying I'm a little inexperienced."

"Well, you're awfully cute. Find it a bit hard to believe but I also kinda like it." Kieran looked back at the smaller canine and cooed the last words. He saw Ben blush a bit and place his hands over his crotch area. That put a cheeky grin on his face.

Kieran led Ben to his building and gave the desk attendant a friendly smile. The pair then took the stairs up to the third floor. Ben followed Kieran down the hall and stopped as the buck did. Kieran began to unlock the door, his mind racing once more with positions and activities. He swung the door open and switched on the lights to reveal a half empty room. Ben looked around. Everything seemed normal on Kieran's side. Some posters of bands on the wall, a desk with notebooks and a laptop neatly arranged. Though he suspected the desk was only neat because classes had yet to start.

"How about we start off with some head, get on your kn-" Kieran jumped a bit as he felt something hard and warm press up against his ass.

Ben placed his hands on the buck's hips and began to grind up against him. He then let one hand slide down to the larger male's bulge and slid his other hand up the buck's shirt, gently squeezing his right pec.

"Actually" Ben whispered while giving the buck's ass a slow, gentle thrust. "I like this more."

Kieran gulped and felt his heart race. "Fuck. I, uh, didn't take you for a top." He backed into the dalmatian's thrusts.

Ben pulled Kieran's shirt off him and began to kiss his neck and back before pushing him forward towards the buck's bed.

"Hold on, dude. You can fuck me but we've gotta use lube. Check the top desk drawer." Kieran said, breathing a bit heavily.

Ben rummaged through the drawer and found a small bottle of clear liquid. He let his shorts fall to his ankles and held the bottom of his shirt in his teeth as he opened the bottle and applied a generous amount to his hard dick. He noticed the buck looking back at him sheepishly. His shorts were down, with one foot out of them so he could spread his legs and offer easy access to the dalmatian. Ben grinned with the shirt still between his teeth and began to stroke himself. Kieran's eyes begged the dalmatian to give his ass some attention. Ben poured some more lube into his hand and began applying it to the buck's ass. He slipped a finger in to try and warm up Kieran's hole and felt its warmth squeeze down on his finger.

"You're pretty tight!"

"So take it easy."

Ben aligned his dick with the hole and slowly slid the tip in. Kieran gritted his teeth, trying to adjust to the feeling. As Ben went deeper Kieran couldn't help panting a bit. Ben, however, fell into a state of pure carnal desire. The only sensations on his mind were that of Kieran's firm ass cheeks filling up his hands and the buck's tight, hot hole all around his throbbing dick. He slowly thrust deeper, working his whole shaft within Kieran's ass. When he finally had his balls up against the buck's, he carefully retreated before repeating the process once more. Kieran was handling the dalmatian's dick quite well, only giving off the occasional grunt and moan of encouragement.

Ben started to pick up the pace when it became clear that Kieran could take his dick somewhat comfortably. The sounds of skin slipping against skin filled the room. He increased the pace further and let his tongue hang out of his mouth as pleasure rippled through his body from his dick. His balls slapped against Kieran's and the buck's grunts were more audible.

"Fuck, unh, you're, ugh, pretty good at this" Kieran said in between thrusts.

"Glad you think so, and glad you're liking this dick." Ben replied smugly.

"Fuck you." Kieran laughed. "Just wait till it's my turn to pound you."

Ben grabbed Kieran's antlers and tugged on them to pull the buck's head back. Kieran was now staring up at the ceiling as the dalmatian's balls smacked away at his. He was surprised at Ben's initiative and dominance, but it also fueled the flames of his lust.

"Fffuck me, Ben. Fuck me. Unh. Oh, please!" Kieran moaned out. He felt paralyzed with pleasure, all he could do was spread his legs a bit wider and offer himself more to Ben's ravaging thrusts. His own cock was pressed up against the bed, aiming down at the floor. Ben gripped Kieran's antlers harder and used them to brace himself as he fucked away at the buck's sculpted ass. Both of their asses tensed with each thrust.

As Ben felt his climax drawing closer he let go of the antlers and pushed Kieran down onto the bed fully. Now Kieran was bent over with Ben's hands on his back, half of his face smushed against the bed and the other half catching glimpses of the dalmatian pounding away at him. Ben rapidly increased his pace, feeling his legs burn and struggle to keep up. When he felt a tingle that usually signaled a coming rush, he slowed his pace down greatly but his last few thrusts were forceful and deep.

"Ohh, fuck!" Ben cried out as he felt his balls pump Kieran's ass full of hot cum. His cock throbbed with every shot and he collapsed onto the buck after the lust that fueled him was spent up.

Kieran was pinned underneath the smaller male, cum leaked out from the sides of his hole and slowly trickled down to his balls. The warmth he felt within him sent him into a frenzy. He had not yet cum but was so, so close.

"Dude." Kieran mumbled from underneath the dalmatian. "Can you help me out?"

"Huh?" Ben replied while gently petting Kieran's back. He suddenly remembered Kieran hadn't made any noise to signal a climax. The poor buck was on the verge of being blue balled. "Oh, yeah. One sec!"

Ben slowly rose up and as he did so his hips naturally pushed forward into the bucks ass. Kieran let out a little whimper as he enjoyed the gentle stimulus. Ben then slowly pulled his dick out and plenty of cum leaked out with it. He then descended to his knees and gently parted the buck's cheeks. He stared into the tight hole that had housed his cock just a few moments prior, and appreciated the muscled cheeks on both sides. He grinned as an idea came to mind.

Kieran jumped and shivered at the same time as he felt a tongue begin lapping away at his ravaged hole. This time he couldn't help but let out a loud moan, so loud, in fact, that it had surprised even him. He covered his muzzle with both hands and blushed as the dalmatian licked at his hole. There was a pause in the licking which made Kieran grow curious, then he felt Ben grab his dick and hold it perpendicular to the floor. The tongue returned and gave his whole cock a few long, sensual licks from the tip all the way up to his balls. Kieran's eyes rolled back into his skull and Ben began to milk the buck's fat cock slowly. He watched as Kieran's foreskin slid up from his shaft to slightly cover the tip. Watching his own hand milk the thick buck dick was hypnotic in its own way. His mouth watered and his hand tugged at the cock a bit faster.

Kieran began to tap his foot in anticipation of his climax, and even began to buck his hips into Ben's hand instinctively. Being milked of his cum by someone he had met an hour ago, god, how he loved it all. He let out grunts and moans with every other breath until he couldn't take it any more. His legs tensed and he shouted through gritted teeth, "I'm gonna cum!"

Ben eagerly milked the cock faster, excited to see the buck unload. He felt Kieran's fat member throb vigorously in his hand and knew what was coming. He stroked it faster, hoping it'd help Kieran ride this wave of intense pleasure. He heard Kieran grunt.

"Ah fuck!"

Kieran shot thick ropes all over the floor and his legs began to tremble. He had wanted this for so long, he could finally release his pent up lust with help from Ben. Kieran and Ben were so caught up in this passionate moment that neither had thought about the massive mess they made. Kieran's and Ben's fur were matted with canine cum while a pool of the buck's seed had formed on the floor.

As Ben milked the last few ropes of cum from Kieran's cock he gave the exhausted member a kiss right where the head and shaft met. He let this kiss transition to a gentle sucking of the tip as he polished it off from leftover cum. Kieran's cum had tasted interesting, not too bitter with a strange hint of sweetness. Though it had the characteristic smell of cum for the most part. The buck had let out another moan when he felt Ben's mouth on his extremely sensitive tip. Ben knew the feeling all too well and decided to relent on his sucking.

"Well? How was I?" Ben chirped and eagerly awaited Kieran's reply.

"Fuck me, dude. You were great. How did you know to do some of that stuff if it's your first time?" Kieran pushed himself up, sat on the bed, and looked down at Ben who sat on the floor.

"I dunno." Ben shrugged. "I just did whatever I thought would feel good."

"Well it definitely did feel good. I don't know about you but I'd like to do this more, if you're up for it of course." Kieran said while trying not to seem too demanding.

"Like a round two? I'm pretty spent but I'm open to try after a little recovery" Ben pondered.

"No no no. I meant like we could have more fun with each other whenever. I'm way too spent for round two, no matter how good that sounds." Kieran explained.

"Ahh, I get you. Well I had a lot of fun and it would be a shame to let a good opportunity go to waste." Ben chirped happily.

Kieran stood up and rubbed the dalmatian's head playfully. "Agreed. But first things first, can you help me clean up?"

Ben nodded and stood up as well, his soft, still leaking cock brushed up against Kieran's. He blushed a bit, he hadn't thought he'd be standing around cock to cock with someone today. Had he been just as horny as before he would've pounced on the buck and made out with him then and there, but he had reverted to his shy demeanor now that the hormones were flushed out of his brain.

Ben had grabbed some tissues and tried to clean up the floor while Kieran got to work on replacing his sweat soaked sheets. The air no longer felt tense between them, though it was dense with the smell of sex. The pair began to crack a few jokes and decided to put a movie on as they lounged naked. Nothing like a good fuck to get to know a guy.