The Lion King: The Cubby Chronicles - Part 1: The Family That Plays Together, Stays Together

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#1 of The Lion King: The Cubby Chronicles


DISCLAIMER: The following story contains ADULT on CUB action. If this isn't your thing, don't bother reading past this point please. If you have any complaints about the material found in this story after reading it, you may, by all means, PM me about it or leave a comment if you must but the sole intent of this story is just for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken out of context.


Author's Notes: For my next set of stories, I decided to stray slightly from my usual formula and material. These next stories will be a bit more focused upon the taboo subject of adults interacting with cubs in sexual manners. I understand that his topic isn't for everyone but I've wanted to write some cubby stories for the longest time now and figured that now was as good a time as any to try. The actions presented in this story are purely of a fictional nature and do not necessarily reflect any part of myself or any real life events. They are simply intended for entertainment purposes only. Hope you all enjoy them and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated. ^^


"Um...who's fucking bright idea was this again?" Vitani snorted as the booming sound of thunder shook the foundation of the drab looking cave that now housed the five felines within it.

"You didn't have to come you know Tani." Kovu retorted as a sudden flash of lightening momentarily illuminated the scene.

It was a pretty pathetic, yet humorous sight to behold as the small band of lions and lionesses huddled closely against one another, their limbs, tails and torsos practically overlapping with one another's as there was very little room to move, less one wanted to get themselves wet from the glacial rain drops that leaked from the cracked roof of the cave they now resided inside of.

"What? And get chewed out for not lending a helping paw to find a lost meerkat and warthog later?" Vitani snapped back as she raised her voice just to be heard over the endless tinkling of the rain that relentlessly barraged the grasslands outside.

"Please don't argue you two. It's not going to help matters much at this point." Kiara stated as she huddled closely next to Kovu's warm frame, her fur still slightly damp from when she and the others had made their mad dash to their current confines.

"Yes, I'm sure the cave looked a lot bigger from a distance and at least we're out of the rain now." Nala said as she finished up grooming out the rain water from what parts of her pelt she could reach given her awkward position being sandwiched in between a furry bundle of bodies.

"Well, if that's the case, remind me to get your eyes check by Rafiki once we get back Kovu, cause you must be going blind!" Vitani stated sarcastically, giving, who she thought was kovu's, ribs a stern nudge with her hind leg.

"Cool it! All of you!" Simba's voice boomed out as he felt his stomach being kicked by someone, although it was much too dark to see whose paw was guilty of the crime.

Clearly showing that his dominance remained intact, even outside the territory of the Pride Lands, everyone fell quiet as was bid by their king. Even with the heavy looking storm clouds blotting out what little moonlight there was, each pride member could tell that their leader's facial expression was a serious one, and nobody, not even Vitani, had the nerve to challenge Simba's authority.

"Look, I know this isn't the best place to wait out a storm but we're just going to have to make the best of it, at least, until the rain dies down enough. Then, maybe we can find a more suitable shelter but until then, let's just try and keep things civil, okay?" Simba proposed, hoping himself that the rain would let up soon so any further drama could be avoided.

It took a moment or two as each pride member came to terms with the predicament they were in and one by one, they eventually agreed after a brief fit of grunts and groans of discomfort and disapproval. At least they were safe enough inside the poorly constructed den and the combined warmth from all their bodies pressed together left no feline feeling cold. There was a short period of silence that followed, as each individual tried to situate themselves as comfortably as possible while still trying to be respectful of their fellow member's personal space. This was much easier said than done however. Several more times, the deafening sounds of thunder, followed by the blinding flashes of lightning filled the small cavern before the silence became too much to handle.

"I swear! If anyone so much as farts, I will bite their fucking face off." Vitani murmured in a comical voice.

A chorus of stifled laughter swept over the small group as they continued to contend with their own thoughts. It wasn't long though, until boredom had snuck in and began tempting each member in different ways. There was something quite provocative about being in pitch blackness while having one's frame in such close proximity to a host of other indistinguishable appendages that belonged to both friend and family. This fact became even more apparent when the once quiet den started to vibrate, not from the clash of thunder that still cracked in the distance, but rather, by the erogenous purrs that each and every feline began to emit as their exploratory paws began to traverse the surrounding mounds of fur and flesh around them.

It started with Nala, who thought she had discovered Simba's sheath within the darkness of the den. Giving it light caresses with her paw toes, she listened intently for the sounds of approval that she figured, would come from her mate. Little did Nala know that it wasn't Simba's sheath she had literally bumped her paw into, but that of Kovu's instead Kovu, feeling his genitals being massaged, instantly assumed that Kiara was behind said actions. Smiling to himself as he much enjoyed just how naughty his golden furred lover could be, Kovu's paw quickly located a tight, and already slightly moist pussy, to which he began to slowly finger his thick digits in and out of.

Feeling her wet slit being penetrated, Vitani couldn't resist from letting out a seductive sounding moan, muffled by the fact that her face was resting against another member's belly region. Quickly deducting that it had to be Simba who was touching her in such a sensual manner, as Kovu would never dream of engaging in incest with her, Vitani happily returned the favor as she felt around for Simba's tail hole, knowing that her king had a secretive fetish of having his furry ass played with. It took her a moment, but after a few false prods and pokes, the former Outlander lioness' paw toe found a narrow little resting place just under someone's tail.

Letting out a surprised sounding gasp as she felt her tail pucker being spread apart by a nimble paw digit, Kiara had to contain her moans of pleasure that so badly wanted to escape from having her anus being groped. In her mind, there was only one lion who would be as bold enough to touch her so intimately. Hoping to return the favor, Kiara's soft paw went hunting for her mate's balls, knowing just how sensitive they were and just how much it got Kovu off when she rolled them in between her delicate paw toes. A few seconds later, her efforts were rewarded as she struck proverbial gold in the form of two heavily set rounded objects tucked securely in a fuzzy package.

At the initial sensation of having his testicles being fondled, Simba growled lustfully, his own sheath twitching sporadically from the growing tension that was being caused from who he thought, was Nala's loving touch. Letting his own inhibitions go, much like the other's already had,, the lion king found himself becoming intensely aroused. Hastily judging the dilemma he was in, knowing that there was no way he would be able to physically satisfy himself in such close quarters without potentially offending and quite possibly staining his fellow subjects, Simba took the already sexually charged situation in an alternative direction as he spoke up above the low purrs and moans that continued to emanate from all accountable members.

"Would anyone mind if I told a story of my cubhood? I warn you though. It's a bit...suggestive."

Much to Simba's surprise and revelry, there was a unanimous sound of approval as all the felines were equally as turned on as their king was, thanks to the ministrations of one another. Seizing the opportunity that had been so graciously presented to him by his company, Simba momentarily cleared his throat before speaking up in a reflective tone.

"Alright. Here goes then. This is the story of how I learned about mating."


It was a warm day in the middle of spring. The Pride Lands was vibrantly blanketed with a lush, green layer of grass and it seemed like the perfect day to be out and about. Already being up before the crack of dawn, the future king of the lands had long since nuzzled his parents farewell as he had been escorted away by his father's trusted Major Domo and resident pride cub-sitter Zazu. Mufasa had promised his son that Zazu had a day full of exciting things planned for the young, impressionable cub to do, yet as the day wore on, Simba's short attention span was already being tested by the various long-winded speeches and fits of off-kilter singing that the wordy hornbill would unceremoniously break into at any given time.

After completely losing interest in what his cub-sitter was rambling on about,, the young prince quickly thought up an excuse to cut the day short. Purposefully slowing his pace as he meandered through the tall grass, Zazu hovering several feet above him, Simba let his tail and eyelids droop, giving off the impression that he was becoming exhausted from all the walking he had done. When confronted by the hornbill about his unusual posture and fervently denying that he had to relieve himself after Zazu misread his body language, the sly youngster deceived his company into thinking he was ready to head home for a much needed nap.

After a bit of arguing and a few more convincing looks, Simba managed to send Zazu away, insisting that he wasn't helpless and that he could walk back to Pride Rock on his own, as it wasn't very far from where the pair were stationed at to begin with. Now, free from the burdensome bird, the jubilant cub trotted back towards the towering stone edifice in the distance, stopping occasionally to test his pouncing skills upon the unsuspecting insects and smaller creatures who weren't wise enough to give him a wide enough birth. Taking his sweet little time, Simba finally reached the base of Pride Rock which he quickly ascended, his tiny paws making soft pitter-patter noises against the hard ground as he advanced towards the mouth of the main den.

As his tiny shadow crested the opening of the cave, the young prince's ears swiveled as the faint sounds of something deep within the heart of the den, slowly drifted into range. Standing stock still as his fuzzy little ears tried their best to decipher just what was happening inside, something told the befuddled cub that he shouldn't investigate things further. Unfortunately, the voice of reason was drowned out by a much louder voice within Simba's being. Reinforcing the old saying that curiosity killed the cat, the curious cub went against his better judgment and cautiously entered the darkness, his eyes struggling to adjust to the change of scenery as the sounds he had previously heard grew louder as he moved further into the cavern.

Taking things very slowly as he inched along the warn path, his paws making little to no sound as his breath came in short bursts from just how anxious he was feeling, Simba reached the end of the passage that connected the central area of the main den to that of the outside world. Timidly peeking around the corner, his peepers now accustom to the lighting of the den, Simba was greeted by a foreign looking site. There, directly in front of him, lay his mother, her back end facing in the spectating cub's general vicinity, her belly pressed against the smooth floored surface. What fascinated Simba even more so than the strange way his mother was positioned, was the fact that his father appeared to be trying his hardest to climb atop her back, not very successfully either it seemed to the juvenile cub.

As he stood and watched the proceedings from amongst the cover of darkness, Simba's ears twitched once more as they picked up the familiar noises he had formally heard, which upon closer inspection, seemed to be originating from both his parents as their bodies wriggled against one another's. Feeling both confused and captivated by what his innocent eyes were bearing witness to, the naïve youngster's brain worked frantically to make sense of what his parents were doing, and why. It wasn't until he heard his mother giggle uncontrollably beneath the hulking mass of his father, did Simba's mind piece together what he thought was taking place before him.

Clearly, his parents were practicing their pouncing, much like his father had showed him not too long ago. It appeared as though his parents were enjoying it much more than he himself had though. From the happy sounds that both his mother and father were emitting, yet not being able to actually see their facial expressions, nor anything past the barricade of furry butts that blocked his field of vision, the blissfully unaware prince decided that if his parents were having so much fun playing together, it was only fair for them to let him join in the festivities.

Without giving the situation any further thought, the excited cub broke cover from where he was standing as he quickly closed the distance between himself and his occupied parents. In a tremendous show of agility and enthusiasm, Simba leapt into the air, alighting with a thump atop his father's back as he happily exclaimed at the top of his little lungs.

"Gotcha Dad! Hey! Can I play too?"

Absolutely startled out of his wits as he felt something land on top of him, Mufasa's natural instincts took over as he hurriedly jumped off of Sarabi, triggering the equally startled lioness to snarl viciously as her pussy was robbed of its contents and scraped by its departing visitor to boot. Feeling his equilibrium being jostled, Simba didn't even have time to dig his tiny claws into his father's fur to secure his placement as he was quickly bucked off, landing atop his back on the hard ground with a resounding thud, knocking the wind clear out of him.

It took several minutes for all three felines to realize just what had happened, all the while, neither of them moving from where they were. The suddenness of what had happened outweighed that of common sense as both Sarabi and Mufasa stood dumbfounded as their son gradually recovered from his tumble. As his breath returned to him, Simba's immediate focus fell upon his mother's hind legs and the curious looking pink circle that resided in between them.

Hoping to both apologize and quell his curiosity about just what he was looking at, the golden furred cub turned his attention to where his father was rooted, his petite muzzle opening as he was about to speak, only to have a bewildering sounding gasp replace his words as his eyes locked upon the long, pink piece of flesh that hung heavily in betwixt his father's hind legs. Rubbing his eyes with his fore paws, as if in disbelief to what he was seeing, Simba's gaze shifted from his father's strangely positioned appendage, to his mother's brightly colored vertical smile, and back again.

By the look upon their offspring's face, both Mufasa and Sarabi could tell that they would have some major explaining to do. In regards to his young age, neither parental figure had bothered touching upon even the basics of sex as that was a subject left better suited for when he was older. The only thing Simba knew about his own genitals, was that they were used to relieve oneself with and were not, much to his disappointment, meant to be used as weaponry when it came to playtime, a lesson he had learned early on after discovering the harder he pushed, the further things would go as they left his body. After the initial shock of the moment had passed and the embarrassment that they were feeling subsided, Mufasa and Sarabi snapped back to reality as they both spoke in unison.

"Simba, are you alright?"

Still needing a moment to gather himself, Simba gingerly rubbed a fore paw down the length of his back as he regained his footing. Once he was certain that all was well with himself, the little cub looked up at his parents with wonder in his eyes as he nodded and replied in an inquisitive voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but what about you Mom and Dad? Are you two okay? What were you two doing and what are those?" He stated, pointing his small fore paw towards his father's hind quarters, followed by his mothers.

"What do you mean, what were we doing Son?" Mufasa answered back in as convincing of a tone as he could, hoping that his kin hadn't seen what he knew he had, as well as to hopefully avoid having to answer his second inquiry altogether.

"Well," Simba responded as he nervously pawed at the den floor, feeling slightly ashamed by what he was about to say. "I heard funny sounds coming from in here and I wanted to see what was going on. I saw you on top of Mom and just wanted to play the game you two were playing is all. I'm sorry if I did something bad."

Spotting the look of uncertainty that was starting to form upon her cub's countenance, Sarabi quickly got up from where she was laying in order to give him a reassuring nuzzle before speaking softly to him, her warm, motherly touch making short work of her son's insecurity.

"No no Honey Tree. You didn't do anything wrong. Yes, Mommy and Daddy were playing a very special game that only grownups play every once in a while. It's not really meant for cubbies."

"Oh, I see." Simba retorted, his curiosity being nowhere near appeased as he inquired further. "What's it called and how do you play it?" He asked in an innocent tone, hoping that either of his parents would be willing to educate him further about this newly discovered game.

Sarabi and Mufasa spent several long moments just staring blankly at one another, neither party wishing to field an answer for what their son had asked. Looking as though they both wanted to up and disappear, the royal couple quietly whispered amongst themselves while Simba strained his ears to try and pick up what was being verbally exchanged between his guardians. After much deliberation and muzzle rubbing, none of which the young prince understood, a consensus was reached. Briefly pushing past his son, Mufasa made certain that the royal family wouldn't be disturbed, disappearing out of view for a few minutes before reappearing again, a confirming smile now etched upon his muzzle that Sarabi instantly understood. Moving herself close next to her little boy, her angelic looking face staring down at him, Sarabi addressed her son as she asked quietly.

"Say, how would you like to help Mommy and Daddy play that special game I told you about Honey Tree?"

Simba's face seem to light up from the mere prospects of being privileged enough to take part in what was doted as being an adults only game. In his mind, his parents must have come to the conclusion that he was mature enough to handle whatever this game entailed. This feeling alone was more than enough to cause the energized cub to nod vigorously as his tail nearly propelled him off the ground from just how quickly it was swishing behind him.

"Yes! Yes! I wanna Mom!" Simba cried out in a joyous voice as he eagerly dashed beneath both his father and mother in turn, weaving in and out amongst their legs as the anticipation of what was to come, practically boiled over inside of him.

"Alright Son, then calm down so we can start the game." Mufasa declared as he and Sarabi took up positions in front of their offspring, both felines laying themselves down upon their backs and parting their hind legs in a synchronized fashion.

Frozen in place as he was once again treated to the sight of those peculiar looking things between his parents legs, Simba cocked his head in dismay, as he had no idea what exactly he was supposed to do. His answer swiftly came in the form of his mother's kind voice reaching his ears as she called out to him while peering at her son from over her curvaceous chest and belly.

"Take a good look at Daddy's tail area Honey Tree. Then, look at Mommy's. Tell me, what differences do you see?"

Doing as he had been instructed, Simba took a few small steps forward so he could survey his mom and dad's respective hind quarters, making mental notes about how they differed. Unsure if there was a right or wrong answer to the question that had been posed to him, the young male shyly spoke up as his fore paw punctuated his words, pointing to the various nameless objects he was talking about.

"Daddy has that big long thing there, and those hanging things. Mommy doesn't have them, but she has two butt holes?"

Gripped with laughter from his son's reply, Mufasa burst into hysterics momentarily until a swift, sharp jab to his side from Sarabi's fore paw, caused him to rapidly compose himself. Seeing his father laughing at what he had answered, Simba's muzzle lips curled into a defiant scowl as he was already beginning to detest this new game. Fortunately for his sake, Sarabi praised him for being very attentive and observant as she stated in a proud tone.

"Yes, that's right, for the most part anyways Honey Tree. Those things you see in front of you, they all are used in the game that Daddy and I play and they have special names too. Do you want to learn the names?"

Having his confidence renewed by his mother's appraising words, Simba nodded happily as he took the initiative and gestured his little paw towards his father's cock as he said in a quizzical voice.

"Yes Mom. What's that called?"

Letting her hubby provide the answer to their son's query, Sarabi murmured something inaudible from where Simba was standing, into Mufasa's ear. It seemed to make his father blush though as the young cub watched on anxiously, waiting for his reply.

"You mean this Son?" Mufasa responded as he tenderly lifted his thick sheath so that it stood vertically. "This is my penis."

"Penis?" Simba recapitulated, the word sounding extremely foreign upon his tongue as he spoke it. Doing his best to keep the name within his memory, Simba hastily pointed his paw towards Mufasa's balls as he inquired once more. "And what are those called Dad?"

"These are my testicles Son." Mufasa answered back, moving his enormous fore paw from around his sheath, letting it flop lazily against his belly as he cupped his scrotum gently, squeezing it just enough so that his lion jewels were accented against the thin layer of skin and fur for his young protégé to admire.

"" Simba repeated, finding it difficult to get his tongue to pronounce the terminology properly.

Allowing the flustered cub a few more chances to speak the word correctly and noting the look of frustration that was apparent in his eyes after the fifth or so failed attempt, Mufasa intervened as he chuckled lightheartedly before calling over to Simba in an understanding tone.

"That's a hard one to say Son. Let's just call them, my balls for now, okay?"

"Balls! Gotcha Dad!" Simba said triumphantly, happy to have a much easier alternative to refer to his father's testicles as. Now that all of the unknown appendages in between his father's hind legs had been identified and labeled in his mind, the inquisitive prince moved onto his mother's naughty bits as he motioned towards her pussy before speaking again. "Okay, so Dad has a pe...nis and balls. So what do you have Mom? All I see is two holes."

"That's right Honey Tree. Mommy does have two holes, but they are different." Sarabi stated before moving a single paw digit towards her pink slit, giving it a light tap as she continued talking. "This is Mommy's Vagina. If you can believe it, you actually came out of this when you were born."

Widening his eyes as he couldn't even begin to fathom just how he, in his current state, could have even fit through what looked to be such a small opening, Simba did not yet possess the ability to rationalize, thus what his mother was telling him sounded like a joke to him. Giggling from the mental image of his cubby body being half way protruded from his mother's cunny, Simba shook his head as he insisted.

"That's Impossible Mom. You're joking, aren't you?"

Sarabi merely shook her head in response as she rolled onto her side before snuggling up against Mufasa, who was busy picking random bits of debris out of his regal looking mane. Giving her mate's belly a few soft taps with her fore paw, Sarabi beckoned for Simba to join the pair, patting her son's butt lovingly as the small cub scrambled onto his father's soft tummy. Once she was convinced that he had comfortably situated himself, the gentle lioness articulated quietly.

"Well, now that you know the special names of Mommy and Daddy's special parts, do you want to know how we play the game Honey Tree?"

Pleased that the formalities appeared to be over and done with, Simba nodded eagerly as he waited to hear what happened next, still being clueless to what sort of game could be played, that involved his father's penis and balls, as well as his mother's vagina.

"Okay. Well for starters, we have to get Daddy's penis nice and hard." Sarabi said as she turned her focus towards her mate's irresistible looking privates, her mouth already beginning to salivate from the mere thought of what she was going to do.

"How do we do that Mom and what can I do to help?" Simba asked in a puzzled voice.

"Just sit and watch what Mommy does first Honey Tree." Sarabi instructed before she rose to all fours and repositioned herself so that she was laying on her belly, her head now straddled in betwixt Mufasa's splayed hind legs.

Doing as he was told, Simba watched intently as his mother's muzzle drifted closer to his father's bulky looking sheath, uncertain of what exactly was going to occur next. Thinking back to the moment he had first startled his parents, Simba did recall that his father's cock had been much longer than what it appeared to be now. With his curiosity levels being at a new found high, the fascinated youngster looked on in astonishment as Sarabi's broad tongue ejected from her ebony muzzle lips and scathed the full length of Mufasa's balls and sheath in a single, graceful lick.

While this didn't look entirely out of the ordinary to the observant male, as it came off as appearing as though his mom was simply giving his dad a bath, much like she did to him on a daily basis, Simba soon realized that her tongue's lengthy strides across his father's genitalia was having profound effects. It started off slow and only slightly noticeable, but only a minute later, Simba was staring, maw partially agape, at what he would for the longest time, come to refer to as being the longest penis he had ever laid eyes upon. Overcome with a sense of wonder and excitement from what he had just perceived, Simba could barely restrain himself as he bounded forward and exclaimed.

"That's so cool Mom! Let me try now!"

Before either of his parents could protest, Simba had reached the tip of his father's liondick, which lay stiffly against his thigh, and immediately began to run his tiny tongue against Mufasa's engorged shaft, starting from the head and gliding it down to about the half-way point towards the base of his dad's sheath. Luckily for Simba, Sarabi had thoroughly coated her mate's prickly pole in a sufficient layer of her own saliva, thus masking the musky taste that probably would have detoured the overzealous cub from going in for a second lick. And a second lick the little cub did perform, followed by a third and fourth, each a bit longer than the previous. It wasn't until about the tenth or so lick, which also happened to be the first given in the opposite direction, did Simba give up on what he was doing, aided in part by a sharp scratch to his tongue, courtesy of one of Mufasa's countless spines that graced the smooth surface of his shaft.

"OWTH!" Simba whimpered as he hurriedly returned his injured tongue back into the safety of his mouth.

Glancing over his father's elongated rod, Simba could see that it had grown to resemble how it looked the first time he had seen it today. Assuming that the goal had been achieved, the golden furred cub turned to face his mother before speaking with a slight lisp, his wounded mouth muscle still not yet fully healed yet.

"Tho? Now what happenth?"

Pulling herself out from between her lover's hind quarters, Sarabi leaned down and carefully picked her son up by the nape of his neck before setting him back down upon the den floor ever so gently, giving Mufasa the opportunity to move, which he quickly did. Looking on as his parents switched places, his mother now laying upon her back, her hind legs sprawled open in front of her and his father hovering over her like a looming entity, ready to descend upon his awaiting angel. Assuming that he was supposed to take up the same stance he had done atop his dad's tummy, Simba placed his little fore paws on Sarabi's side and was just about to hoist himself up, when he was suddenly stopped by his father's gigantic fore paw blocking his point of entry.

"Ah Ah Ah Son. That's my spot. Besides, you're going to want to go behind both myself and your mom if you are going to see the magic happen." Mufasa said as his muscular physique eclipsed that of his mate, his powerful fore legs standing on either side of her shoulders as their soft bellies made first contact with each other's, eliciting a unified rumble of pleasure that filled the spacious abode.

"Magic? What magic Dad?" Simba questioned as he hastily removed his fore paws off of his mother's body so they wouldn't get squashed by his father's sinewy frame.

"You know your mom's vagina? I am going to put my entire penis inside of it." Mufasa pronounced as he leaned down to give Sarabi an affectionate kiss on the muzzle lips, followed by a few short whispers of sweet nothings into her ear, enough to get her giggling like an adolescent lioness at least.

"Can I please help Dad? This game is sort of boring for me if all I'm going to be doing is watching you two have fun." Simba muttered in a hopeful voice as he circled around to the back end of both his parents, the sight of Mufasa's monstrous cock captivating his gaze once more.

Thinking for a moment, Mufasa dawned a pleasant looking smile as he nodded and spread apart his hind legs a little more, resulting in there being just enough room for tiny paws to work amongst. Speaking in a lustful voice as the mere sight of the longing look, present in his mate's affectionate stare, was driving his sexual arousal through the roof.

"Alright Son. You're going to have to put my penis in your mom's vagina then yourself. That's one of the most important parts of this game and it's the toughest too, but I'm sure you can do it!"

Flabbergasted that his dad would bestow such a meaningful task upon him, Simba's ego swelled larger than Mufasa's cock had been as the obedient cub quickly set himself in motion. Grasping his father's rigid erection in both of his fore paws, Simba's first task was to get it positioned just right. This was a challenge in its own right, as it felt as though Mufasa's cock had a life of its own. Simba could feel it pulse and twitch, losing his grip upon it several times before he even managed to situate the tip of it in close enough proximity to his mother's glistening pussy lips.

Sizing up the entrance to Sarabi's moist vulva compared to the circumference of Mufasa's penis, Simba hesitated as he didn't think it was possible for such a large object to fit in such a small hole. Still, knowing that his dad was counting on him, Simba closed his eyes as he gave his father's tool a firm push, putting his whole body weight behind his efforts. Much to Simba's delight and dismay, Mufasa's liondick slipped easily past Sarabi's lubricated entrance, quite rapidly in fact, that Simba both lost his grip upon his father's cock, as well as his own balance as he toppled face first into his mom's puckered tail ring, inadvertently opening his little maw to cry out, resulting him getting a mouth full of lioness butt instead.

"Oh gawds! What did you tell him to do Muffy?!" Sarabi hissed out in ecstasy as both her hungry holes were attacked by her hubby's penis and her son's muzzle.

"That was a job well done my son." Mufasa exclaimed as he started to rut Sarabi's cunny with long, hard thrusts of his hips, unaware that Simba had fallen below him.

Trying to pull himself back up to a standing position again, the back of Simba's head was roughly forced back down by the sheer weight of his dad's rounded balls that slapped against his skull, making the poor cub panic as his mouth opened once again to alert his father of his whereabouts, only to be silenced by his mother's earthy tasting tail hole as it pressed against his muzzle lips and exposed tongue. Struggling desperately to speak, Simba only ended up heightening his mom's arousal as his pebbly little tongue bathed her sensitive anus, occasionally even penetrating it for a second or two.

With one last valiant attempt, the golden furred cub finally freed himself from in between his parents as he panted wildly, trying to catch his breath as the pungent aroma of the mating pair's combined sex juices permeated throughout the cave. Almost seeming hypnotized by the movement of Mufasa's swaying sac, the over-stimulated juvenile couldn't help but to gawk as he watched his father fucking his mother's saturated twat, the visual image beginning to awaken a funny new feeling deep within his little cubby body. It was as though someone had reached in between his hind legs and was tickling him from the inside. Wondering what this strange new sensation was, Simba was about to speak up about the matter, when a familiar sounding voice cut him off.

"Oh dear! It seems like Daddy slipped out of Mommy's vagina. Can you put him back inside please Honey Tree?" Sarabi cooed endearingly as Mufasa bided his time by sucking noisily upon the top most nipple found on his mate's sultry looking underbelly.

Shaken out of his own state of mind, Simba obliged his mom's request as he rose to all fours and grasped his father's slick shaft, finding it twice as difficult to hold onto as before due to Sarabi's girl cum coating its surface. Feeling slightly light headed from the overwhelming scent of pheromones that choked all of his senses, the dazed prince's aim was severely off target as he unknowingly stuffed his father's lion meat directly into his mother's clenched little ass. Feeling the sudden change of both tightness and temperature around his prick, Mufasa instantly knew what had happened, and the euphoric look plastered across his countenance showed that he approved of his son's unconscious choice.

"Oww! Wrong h..." Sarabi started to verbalize, only to have her words cut short by her lover's muzzle being pressed against hers, locking the two in a heated kiss and sealing the deal as Mufasa fully speared his lioness' tail star, hilting himself inside her anal cavity indefinitely.

Unaware of the predicament he had caused, Simba was lost in a sea of new found emotions as his fore paws began to explore his immature private parts. Taking a brief glimpse towards his parents, seeing that they were more than wrapped up in each other's company to pay him much mind now, Simba replayed the various lessons he had learned from his parents thus far today. Remembering how his father's penis grew to such large lengths from only being licked, the curious little male stared apprehensively in between his own hind legs, taking sight of his miniscule looking sheath. Settling himself down about a paws length away from his mom and dad's rear ends, Simba nervously tucked his head in betwixt his golden hind legs and slid his tongue out from his maw before giving his limp member a few short laps with his wet muscle.

Scrunching up his face in disgust as the tangy after-taste of urine stained his pallet, Simba had to resist from gagging as he shut his eyes and licked harder and faster against his sheath. At first, nothing really happened, but after a minute or so of nonstop tongue bathing, his developing genitals began to react as the pink tip of his miniature liondick peeked out from its fuzzy abode. Fascinated by the sight of it, Simba continued to orally pummel his cubby cock, watching excitedly as it nearly doubled in size, still being utterly microscopic when compared to how well-endowed Mufasa was, but more than satisfactory to please the innocent cub's standards.

Chomping at the bit to show both his parents what he had managed to accomplish all on his own, Simba uncurled himself from where he was balled up at, turning his head just in time to see his dad withdraw his throbbing shaft from Sarabi's tail bud as it swung heavily backwards and clocked the unsuspecting cub squarely in the face, leaving a white streak of Mufasa's cum painted across his cheeks and muzzle. About to chastise his father for not looking where he was going, Simba's ears swiveled as he now heard faint slurping sounds that seemed to be coming from the upper half of his parents bodies. Hoping not to miss something important, the now messy looking cub scurried around the two adults as he jostled for a better view.

Out of all the sites he had seen upon this day however, none were more mystifying as what he saw next. Mufasa had taken a seat near Sarabi's head and had the base of his sheath curled tightly in one of his fore paws. To Simba's disbelief, his mother had the entire length of his father's penis buried in her mouth, and by the sounds emanating from her throat, it was obvious that she was enjoying it too. Unable to make sense of anything by this point in time, Simba just looked stars truck as he observed his mom muzzling his father, only managing to focalize one simple question.

"What's going on now?"

Mere moments away from his inevitable climax, all rules seemed to fly out the proverbial window as Mufasa repeatedly slammed his hips against Sarabi's maw, driving his trembling liondick as far down her throat as he could, one of his fore paws firmly pressed upon the back of her head to oppose any resistance she might put forth, although there was none to be had as the current queen of the lands was savoring every moment of having her slutty, tight gullet fucked by her dominant mate.

"Shit! I'm going to cum Sassy!" Mufasa bellowed out suddenly as his hind legs shivered from just how close he was to blowing his load inside his lover's mouth. "Let's show our son what a good little cum guzzler his mom is. Open that fucking mouth nice and wide for your king and swallow every last fucking ounce of my milk you horny little bitch!" Mufasa ordered as he roughly pulled his pulsing penis out from Sarabi's maw and began to rapidly jack himself off over her widely parted muzzle lips.

Having never heard such a string of profanities uttered by his father before, Simba felt a little terrified as that same booming voice that had just commanded his mother to do god knows what, was the same voice that often signalized that Simba was one failed step away from getting his backside cuffed. Feeling his butt starting to tingle from just the memories of being spanked by his dad's strong fore paw, Simba wanted so badly to look away from the situation, as in his mind, something bad was going to happen. His father's words rang clearly in his ears though. He was to watch whatever was about to occur and that was that.

Fortunately for Simba, he didn't have to wait very long before Mufasa let out a deafening roar which shook the youngster to his very core. Just as the sound reached his ears, Simba caught sight of the first thick spurt of white liquid that blasted from the tip of his dad's stiff pole, which landed expertly into Sarabi's waiting mouth where it was ravenously swallowed. To Simba, it looked as though his father was relieving himself into his mother's maw, and in a way, he was, but the white fluid that kept ejaculating from his dad's cock, was like nothing he himself had ever urinated out before. Just by the coloring alone, it was different. Just another question he would have to address once this crazy session had ended.

After a minute of creamy blissfulness, Simba could visibly see his dad's liondick beginning to soften and shrink in size until it had all but disappeared back into his furry sheath. His mother had done quite an admirable job when it came to catching her hubby's cum in her mouth, only having a few choice strands of his virile seed dangling from her dainty chin as all the rest had been devoured down her throat.

"You're losing your touch old girl." Mufasa stammered playfully as he panted profusely while lazily wiping a paw toe over one of the missed ropes of cum that clung to his mate's face. "You used to be a pro at not letting any of my milk go to waste."

Giving her Lover's sticky paw digit a mock bite with her sharp jaws as it passed by her muzzle, Sarabi shook her head defiantly, causing the remaining beads of lion spooge to fly across the den, one splatting unceremoniously against Mufasa's nose pad, which brought an amused smirk to etch its way upon her face.

"Don't blame me for your poor aim Muffy. I can only catch what you feed me you old timer." Sarabi stated as she curled herself up against her beloved.

As if seeing him for the first time, both Mufasa and Sarabi realized that their son had just bared witness to their most rawest deviancies, and by his facial expression alone, they knew he had questions. Taking full responsibility for what they had put their son through however, both parents stayed calm and collected as they simultaneously patted the den floor in between them to encourage him to come and join them. Feeling too tired and confused to argue, Simba trudged over to where they had indicated him to settle down at, instead opting to hop atop his mother's warm tummy instead though as he tried to refresh his memory about what he wanted to show them. It wasn't until he tried closing his hind legs together and the feeling of his still immalleable penis pressing against his inner-thighs jogged his memory, did the golden furred cub remember just what he wanted to share. Adopting a proud looking grin, Simba flopped onto his back as he splayed apart his little hind legs to reveal his pink prize.

"Look Dad! I got my penis to grow too. Do you think I could put it inside Mom?" Simba inquired eagerly.

"I don't think you're quite big enough to go that far Son. That's sort of why this game is meant for adults." Mufasa responded in a sympathetic tone, hoping not to dash his son's expectations.

His words did little good though as a frown quickly formed upon the small cub's countenance as he sniffed back a tear. Seeing her son in such a distraught state over something so trivial,, Sarabi quickly thought up a solution that she hoped would suffice. Leaning in close, the caring lioness murmured something softly into Mufasa's ear.

"Don't you think you'd be better suited for that task Sassy?" Mufasa quietly argued as he glanced momentarily down upon his son's exposed genitalia.

"I've already had dick in my mouth once today Muffy. It's your turn. Do it for your son. He's been such a good cubby today. Don't you think he deserves a little something?" Sarabi cooed back as she fluttered her eyelids in the most provocative of manners.

Folding instantly from his mate's sensual look, Mufasa gave his precious lioness a passionate lick on the cheek before nodding and moving his head down to where Simba was laying atop his mother's belly.

"Just remember how much I love you Son when you're older and thinking back upon this day." Mufasa murmured lovingly before positioning his large muzzle in between his kin's hind legs.

Before Simba knew what was happening, he felt his father's warm muzzle lips wrapping tightly around his hard cock, sending an electrifying wave of pleasure to jolt through his entire body. It was like nothing he had ever felt before and it only got better the faster and harder his father sucked. Curling his flexible tongue around his son's little pecker, Mufasa gave it everything he had as his oral ministrations were doing wonders to Simba's body, making it twitch and contort as his hind legs trembled spasmodically as he neared his first ever orgasm. Never wanting this moment to end, Simba fought back the tingling sensation within his pre-pubescent body for as long as he could but it soon became much too intense for him to endure as he let out the cutest sounding mrawl of euphoria, his immature shaft pulsing strongly within his father's muzzle.

While being much too young to produce semen, Simba's body still went through all the appropriate motions as he basked in the glorious feeling of his afterglow, his expended lionhood now retreating back into its furry casing as the young prince wriggled and writhed in sheer ecstasy. It took several more minutes before the exhausted cub had gotten out all the wonderful feelings that had built up inside his body from the start of his introduction to the Mating Game. Now that his sexual desires had been extinguished, the reality of just how tired he had become from all the stimulating action of the day, began to weigh heavily upon his little frame. After being thoroughly instructed not to tell anyone about what had taken place, as The Mating Game was only a secret that the royal family could know, both Sarabi and Mufasa kissed their one and only son goodnight as the tuckered lion rested his head down upon his mother's soft chest, the gentle rhythmic sound of her heartbeat against his ear lulling him into sleeps inescapable grip.