Camping Trip Part-1

Story by vore_wolf on SoFurry

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The wolf stalked hungrily through the woods, his stomach growled beneath him and he shook his head. He couldn't shake this slum. He had lost this last three hunts and the hunger was starting to set in. He needed to eat, and he needed to eat now.

Deeper into the woods Seth stuck the last pole into the round and nodded to Kyle.

"It's good to go" he said. The two boys had agreed to come out here on this trip a few weeks prior. Both had talked with their parents and in the end agreed to take a cell phone for an emergency even thought the camp site was out of signal range.

As Seth began to unpack the food Kyle gathered fire wood, within minutes though both boys were playing, their chores forgotten and rolling around as young boys do.

All the while the wolf had stopped. A new smell was floating through the woods, one that had a smell unlike anything he knew but still with a slightly familiar twinge. His stomach growling the wolf began to plod through the woods, following the smell deeper into forest...farther from civilization and deeper into his territory.

Seth turned down the lantern and looked to Kyle who was getting undressed. Seth was 17, Kyle 16. Seth had known he wanted to have sex with Kyle ever since they had pawed together watching a late night porn. As he watched the German Shepard looked over the striping Dalmatian he felt a momentary pang of guilt in taking such a pleasure in his friends undressing, but the guilt was washed away as he noticed that although the Dalmatian was keeping his back to him it was hard not to smell the young musk coming from his friend. "You've got a boner." Seth teased, watching as his friends paw moved to cover his sheath.

"Do not..." the Dalmatian began to protest but instead asked "You can't see it can you?"

This brought a grin to Seth's lips and his tail began to wag behind him betraying his excitement. "No, but I'd like to" he replied, his own paw moving to reposition his swelling sheath in his own pants.

Kyle's tail began to wag as well at this point and he slowly turned, revealing his thin young frame to his friend, his arms tight at his side nervously. "Only if you promise to let me see yours" the spotted canine added as he witnessed Seth fixing his pant.

Needing no more encouragement Seth undid the zipper on his pants and let his sheath into the air, his own musk mixing with his friends. "If you wanna you can see it, but you have to touch it too or I'll tell the guys at school you're gay."

Kyle's eyes widened at Seth's words. "I'm not gay!" he yelled and tackled the crouched Shepard.

Seth was taken by surprise but not against his will. Falling back he wrapped his arms around the smaller canine and took advantage of his friend's naked state. Grabbing the Dalmatians bare rear he squeezed his tight rump in his paws and pressed his sheath against his friends before rolling over to sit up stratling his friend's waist. "If you weren't gay you wouldn't be hard"

Kyle gave a yelp of surprise when he suddenly found himself trapped under his friend but couldn't find his words, only a light murmur as his sheath began to feel ways it never had before and his little member rubbed against his belly fur and the bottom of Seth's sheath. Acting only on instinct the Dalmatian gave a thrust against Seth's warm body and was as surprised as Seth as both of them let out a moan.

Now only feet from the tent the wolf's ears perked. He could smell the sent of mating coming from within the tent and began to edge closer his stomach beginning to growl lightly of the prospect of such an easy meal and, surprisingly, he found his sheath had swollen between his legs, obviously also eager for the young flesh in the tent.

Inside the tent the scene had changed. Seth and rolled to the side and was now sucking on the smaller furs sheath, his paws kneading the Dalmatians rump while the spotted pup humped into his muzzle, his own paws gripping Seth's ears, holding that hot muzzle over his cock.

Seth couldn't believe what he was doing. Slipping in and out of his mouth was his best friends cock and even now his fingers began to press against his friend's tail hole. He had seen two boys have sex in the shower once when they thought they were alone and he was sure he knew how to do it. Pulling his mouth back from his friend's cock he gave it a once over, licking the sweet slick stuff from his lips as he tried to figure out why the base of his friends cock had swollen so much more than the rest.

"Why'd you stop?" Kyle asked between weak pants, his hips still slowly thrusting into the air.

"Because," Seth answered back and he rolled his friend over on his stomach and laid across his back. "I wanna try something different."

Kyle didn't know what exactly what Seth ment but he knew if it would feel anything like when his friend had sucked on him that he was more than willing to let it happen.

"First you need to get up on all fours and stick your tail in the air." Seth said with mock confidence, trying to sound as though he knew exactly what he was doing but knowing that in his mind what he was asking his friend to do made his thing start to come out of his sheath and feel really good.

Obeying as Seth said Kyle got up on all fours and raised his tail, his tight virgin pucker coming into view for Seth. Looking back over his shoulder at his friend Kyle watched as Seth nodded slowly and then leaned in, actually licking his butt. He would have giggled but the only sound that he could find came all by its self making his toes curl and his mouth hang open as he sat still, listening to his friends warm tongue slurping against his butt.

Seth was confused but in bliss. He didn't know why he was licking his friend but he knew the boy in the shower had done it and he knew it made him feel really good to do so. Getting up on his knees he took Kyle's hips in his grip and moved his hips slowly back and forth until the tip of his cock slipped into the now warm and wet pucker of Kyle's hole.

Outside the tent the wolf let his curiosity get the better of him and he nosed his head under the flap of the tent. What he saw not only surprised him but made his cock slip free from his sheath and demand his attention, still though he couldn't take his eyes from the two boys. As he watched the Shepard pressed his little cock into the Dalmatian causing both to react. The Dalmatian yelped before going limp and laying his face into a pillow. The German Shepard began to pant and rock against his little friend, his pup cock slowly working its way into the spotted body beneath him until his sac swung forward to smack the others each time he trusted.

Seth didn't know what it was he was feeling but he knew it wouldn't last long. Something inside him was getting bigger, he could feel it and it felt like it was trying to get out. The faster he moved himself the faster it grew and the instant he knew that it was ready to come out he tried to pull back from Kyle but couldn't. His eyes widened in shock as he realized his cock was stuck inside Kyle and at the same moment he screamed out as his first orgasm sprayed out into Kyle's tail hole.

The wolf watched and realized that he was humping air, his cock leaking pre onto his paw and he grinned licking his lips as the two boys finally fell apart. The Dalmatian rolled to his side revealing a stomach covered in cum, the little pup having been driven to orgasm by penetration alone, while the Shepard lay back and panted, his cock in his paw.

The Shepard stood slowly and looked down to Kyle only to find him fast asleep. Seth too wanted to sleep but he felt first that he needed to pee. Stepping back from Kyle he slowly made his way outside and shivered lightly realizing how cold it felt not being against Kyle. Walking slowly to a tree he took his cock in his paw and let a musky stream of yellow fluid splash against the base of the tree. Standing there all alone he smiled and leaned forward raising his tail, trying to imagine what it must have felt like to Kyle...maybe he'd ask to find out in the morning.

The wolf couldn't have asked for a better set up. Rushing up behind the boy as he leaned forward he humped onto the pups back and pinned him to the ground. Quickly he slapped a paw over the little ones mouth and felt his cock began to throb as the small warm figure underneath him began to wiggle against him. Feeling his need for the young man's body to be more sexual than in hunger the wolf decided that he would waste no time. Lining himself up he pressed his pre dripping tip into the young pucker and let out a deep growl as he felt the young flesh stretch to accommodate his thick lupine cock.

Seth was taken by surprise when he suddenly felt something on his back. Thinking at first it was Kyle he had lifted his tail a little more, hoping some what that his friend would do him up against the tree. Instead he had found a large paw over his mouth and a cock much larger than the one he or Kyle had pressing its self against his butt. He tried to keep it out, trying to not let it into him but the warm rod somehow made his butt very slick and he felt it starting to enter him. Screaming into the dark paw over his mouth he fought against his attacker's weight.

The wolf began to slowly buck his hips forward, forcing inch after inch of his cock to slip into the struggling boy. The tight body feeling so good, as the boy tried to push him out only increasing his pleasure and causing him to press harder. As his cock slipped into the boy and the rippling muscles of the Shepard's tight passage attempted to force him out the wolf felt his knot throb and grow, aching to get release inside the boy.

Seth couldn't believe what was happening. What he had just done to Kyle had felt so good but the more the man atop him sank into him the more he hurt, although at the same time something was stirring beneath and inside him. The wolf's considerable larger cock pressed hard against the boy's young prostate and caused Seth's sheath to begin to swell. Not wanting it to happen but at the same time unable to deny it felt good Seth began to suck on the furred paw on his mouth. The musky foot paw filling his nostrils making him hump the ground as the wolf pumped his thick swollen cock in and out of his virgin rear.

Feeling his knot begin to tease the boys pucker the wolf increased the strength of his thrusts, arching his back and gathering himself atop the boy before each pump of his hips. Each time he thrust into the Shepard the boy's and wolf's moans would sync all but for the whimper at the end of each sound the smaller fur made. With a final great thrust the wolf felt the boy's body stretch and heard both the wet squelch of his knot popping into the boy and the muffled scream of the boy beneath him.

Seth cried out in a futile manner into the wolf's paw as the knot took him. The swollen cock and throbbing knot inside him causing the boy to buck and squirm in a vain attempt to pull free from his attacker but the more he fought the harder the wolf pounded him, pulling his knot against the tight ring of his tail hole. Suddenly the wolf on his back froze and let out a howl. Seth had only a moment to realize what was about to happen before the wolf's cock let loose a flood of hot sticky seed into his pinned body. Seth cried out again and to his relief found tat the wolf's paw was gone and he muffled a simple yelp before he found his world lunging into darkness.

His cock throbbing inside the boy the wolf felt his hunger reemerge in his mind. Seeing the boy was in no condition to fight him the wolf removed his paw from the Shepard's mouth and leaned in, jaws open wide. The boy might have seen the wolf's mouth close over his head he might not have, either way it was of no interest to the wolf. The boy fought for a second more but his energy was gone. The wolf rolled back on his back, mouth and knot pulling the boy along as he began to swallow.

Seth felt his world suddenly shift as the wolf rolled back. The cock inside him tugged him along and although he couldn't see what was head he felt the warm slick walls of the wolf's throat grip him and pull him back towards the moist gullet. His mind though was to foggy to realize what was happening. His first and second orgasm having drained him of his energy and the wolf's own orgasm having filled him he could do nothing more than lay there as he felt the wolfs lips slip over his chest, a slick tongue playing with his nipples making him whimper a bit as the tight sensation of being swallowed engulfed his shoulders.

The wolf murmured and grind around the boy. His meal was one and his cock was satisfied. He could feel the boy give a kick and make weak noises inside him but it far too late for the little German Shepard to fight now. The wolf tugged swallowed, tugging back with his head and arching his back to dislodge his meal from his knot. A wet slurp and pop greeted his ears and his next swallow brought the poor boys groin to his lips. The pup's tail hole was leaking cum and his belly was coated in his own seed. The wolf grinned over his handy work and ran a tongue over the boys small sheath and sac, earning a few cries and a kick from his meal.

With a few more gulps Seth disappeared, the wolf tilted his head back and sat up on his haunches, the boy's body spilling out into the lupine's stomach. He couldn't fight it now and his whole body was tired. He knew he should fight, fight or scream or something... but it didn't matter... he was so tired... just a little... a little nap...

The wolf let out a wet belch as his stomach squeezed tight around the spent naked pup in his gut. The boy hadn't moved and the wolf knew that the meal was over. Deep inside him the boy's body began to break down and melt way fueling the wolf, returning his strength.

Standing the wolf burped again and began to walk away, his hungers satisfied. He had just reached the edge of the clearing when the Dalmatian spoke.

"Seth are you out here?"

The wolf grinned.

To be continued...