Project Radikal Chp. 7 - A Planned Party.
#7 of Project Radikal
Sorry for the really long wait on a new chapter being posted, I've just been having writers block, along with some personal issues in my own life. Anyway, I hope all my readers enjoy chapter 7. It's more of a filler than anything, at the end is where something actually starts to happen, so sorry about that.
Waking up to the sound of an alarm, squinting my eyes to the sudden brightness of the room. Scanning over the room to look where the sound was coming from. Picking up my pair of pants from the ground and pulling out my phone from the pocket to hear the beeping sound get louder. Turning off the alarm on my phone and looking at the time. To see it was "Friday 9:35am" Sighing to myself as I looked over at Luc to see him still deep in his sleep. Sighing softly while I thought about what happened on Thursday. It was just like the rest of the week. Full of surprises. Not being able to sleep, watched some television early in the morning eating ice cream to be joined by Luc's mom. After hearing some comforting words from her, I decided to try and go back to bed. Falling deep into an endless world of nightmares that night. Waking up later on, throughout the day I could see the worry in Luc's eyes, as he knew how hard it was for me to let him touch me. For anyone to touch me.
Staring over at Luc, watching him in his own little world. Running a paw through my head fur and standing up slowly. Stretching out my arms, up in the air and down to my toes. Walking up the stairs and into the kitchen, pouring some cereal into a bowl and sitting down on the couch. Turning on the news, slowly opening my maw to put a spoonful of milk and cereal into it. Chewing slowly so I could hear the news furson talk. After a half hour of the news I looked down into the bowl to see that there was just the little bit of milk left in the bowl. Tilting the bowl back into my maw, slurping down the rest of the milk. Walking back into the kitchen and placing the bowl into the sink, hearing the door suddenly open. Looking down at my phone clock to see it was "10:30am", looking back up at the door to see Luc's parents walk inside, holding folders and papers. Watching as they made their way towards me, smiling slightly up at them.
"Good morning Neon."
"Good morning mom and dad."
"We got some good news for once."
"Oh... Cool, what is it?"
"Have a look for yourself."
As they threw the folders onto the counter, picking them up and opening up them. Pulling out certificates and other things. Scratching my head and looking up at them, wondering what they were. Looking back down into my paws, at the papers. Looking them over to see my name on one and Luc's on the other. Reading the certificates to see it was our certificate of graduation.
"We... Didn't graduate..."
"Yeah, well. We pulled some strings and now your graduated."
"It's not safe for you there."
"But... How?"
"We told you we worked for the government."
"This is crazy..."
"Yeah, well... What's done is done, you no longer have to worry about another test on the bright side."
"I guess so... I'm gonna go tell Luc about this."
Leaving the sheets on the counter, making my way back downstairs. Wondering what exactly they did for the government.
30 Minutes later~
"So... We don't have school anymore...?"
"No Luc, we are fully high school graduates now."
"This is... AWESOME."
"Yeah, I guess so. But aren't you wondering what your parents do for the government to be able to do this sort of thing?"
"No, I'm just wondering why they didn't do this sooner."
"Okay then."
Picking up my phone and dialling Blaze's number. "Hello?"
"Hey Neon."
"Yeah, hey. Uhmmm, so me and Luc won't be going to school anymore."
"What!? Why??"
"Well, we are sort of already graduated now..."
"Luc's parents are just amazing like that I guess."
"Can they do that for me too?"
"Ugh... No, just phoning to let you know. Just so you don't worry that we're dropping out or anything."
"Alrighty, thanks for letting me know I guess."
Hearing him hang up first, putting my phone back into my pocket. Looking over at Luc and down at the ground. Thinking of what to do now. Playing with my tail, sitting back down on the bed. Not really knowing what to do other than just trying to have fun. Looking over at Luc to seem him wrapping up in blankets. Smiling softly, walking into the other room. Turning on the television and flipping through the channels. Stopping on some late morning news. Hearing Luc walk into the room. With the blanket still wrapped around him, sitting down on the couch beside me.
"We could go for lunch later at a fast food place."
"Or order some chinese food."
"That too. I think we should just go out though."
Yawning loudly and leaning my head against the couch, closing my eyes slowly. Opening them, seconds later to a loud noise. Looking over to my left to see Luc had vanished. Wondering what was going on and where I was all of a sudden. Rubbing my arm and getting up, brushing off some dust. Opening up a door and walking through it, walking outside, to see it was pouring rain. My fur was instantly soaked and matted down. Not knowing exactly what was going on, walking into a barn. Seeing someone sitting in a corner, quickly making my way over to the fur. As I got closer he stood up and ran away, out into the rain. Feeling like I knew him, I tried following him, running through the rain, unable to keep up to his speed. Finally catching up, asking who he was before he had turned around and ran away again. It had been hard to see his face, but I felt like I knew him. Standing in the rain, not knowing what to do--
"Neon, wake up."
"Huh... What's going on?" Feeling a paw shake my arm, before swatting it away.
"You fell asleep silly."
"Oh... Well, are we gonna go for lunch?"
"Yeah sure."
Rubbing my eyes and squinting them slightly, standing up and stretching. Wiggling my toes and looking over at Luc to see him grabbing his wallet from the table and passing me my phone. Smiling softly and taking it. Getting up and running a paw threw my hair, following Luc towards the door. Hopping inside my car and starting the engine, watching Luc as he jumps in the passenger seat, slowly pulling out of the driveway.
Pulling up into a fast food restaurant, putting the car in park and locking it as we walk away. After ordering food and quickly devouring it, looking into Luc's eyes, seeing him stare back at me, smirking slightly and looking back down at our trays.
"So, what should we do now?" Looking over at my phone to check the time.
"Hello? Yes, this is Agent 257. What? A new mission, where to this time...? Europe? No, we can't... I see, well. I guess we have no choice."
"I guess we're going to Europe huh?" Looking over at his wife, sighing softly to himself.
"Yeah, won't be gone too long though."
"How long?"
"A week at the most."
"That's pretty long... What about Neon?"
"He'll be safe."
"Are you sure?"
"He's got Luc. As long as they have each other, they'll be safe."
"If you say so."
"I know so hun."
"Yeah, I guess that's true."
Pulling into the driveway, looking over Luc's home. I haven't actually took a good look at the place before, the sudden feel of a modern home, grassy front yard, with a tree over to the side, some flowers growing around it. Unbuckling my seat belt and getting out of the car, slowly walking up to the house with Luc, opening up the front door and walking in to find Luc's parents sitting at the table. Sitting down on the couch with Luc, passing the remote over to Luc before hearing his mom's voice.
"We're going to be taking a little trip soon, we'll be gone for a week, so we'll leave you guys money and our phone numbers"
"Where are you guys going?" Turning around to look at them, peeking over the top of the couch.
"Over to Europe, work business."
"Oh, what will do?"
"What ever you want, just be safe."
Waking up late in the afternoon the next day, saying our goodbyes to Luc's parents, giving them big hugs and nuzzles, feeling their warm tongue licking up our cheeks before finally driving off down the driveway, heading towards the airport. Glancing over at Luc to see him swish his small little tail side to side before picking up his phone, hearing the familiar sound of clicking noises coming from the phone, with a sudden ringing noise filling the air.
"Hello? Yeah, it's Luc, wondering if you could boot for us. Oh, you can? That's great, meet me at my place, and I can give you the money and we'll walk with you there."
"Really?..." Sighing softly, looking at Luc, crossing my arms.
"Well, it is Saturday, why not throw a house party, at least invite some of our friends..."
"I guess so, just let's try not to ruin the house on the first night.
"Alright, alright."
Making my way into the bedroom, putting on some clothes, grabbing a hoodie and pulling it over my head, grabbing my backpack and slinging it over my arms. Walking back out into the living room to see that our older friend had just gotten here, nodding at Luc and walking out the door, slowly making our way towards the liquor store. Walking down the sidewalk, watching as cars pass by us, wondering to myself why we decided to walk instead of taking my car. Finally arriving to the store, handing our friend the money before sitting down on some near by grass. Playing with my tail, while looking over at Luc, seeing him stand back up, turning around and standing as well to see the older fur walk up with some plastic bags, grabbing it and putting it inside my backpack before looking over at Luc to see him smiling and having small talk with the older fur.
Finally arriving back home, sitting down on the couch, dialling numbers and calling a few friends to tell them that we were throwing a house party. Looking down at the clock to see it was already 7:00pm, telling them that the party would start at 9:00pm. Before I knew it, people were already showing up, walking in with their own liquor and friends also. Yawning loudly as the sudden quietness of the house was filled with loud music and furs talking above the music, I talked a bit to some of my friends, before deciding I was going to take a small nap. Walking down the staircase and into Luc's bedroom, collapsing down onto the bed and closing my eyes.
Waking up and looking over at the clock to see it was 10:30 and the party had just still been getting started. Deciding I needed a night of fun and craziness, grabbing a two six of vodka, starting to have shots with some friends back upstairs. The un resembling taste of vodka, the taste that I couldn't put a finger on, but it tasted all so well. The burn down in my stomach afterwards. Smiling and talking about old times with friends, about how we went through some of the craziest nights and lived to tell everyone about it. Asking my friends if they wanted to chill downstairs, and sit on the couch and play a card drinking game. After hearing them all shout around and agree we made our way down the staircase, seeing Blaze step too far and tumbling down the staircase. Chuckling slightly to myself, helping him onto the couch, quickly going back upstairs, grabbing a couple more bottles after heading back downstairs.
We sat and talked and played the card game California Kings. After we finished the last card, we looked around and decided we should check up on everyone else upstairs. Squinting my eyes shut and standing up, feeling the floor wobble beneath my feet, staggering my way back up the stairs, seeing Luc dance around in the living room, having fun, everyone else either passed out or out of it. Feeling the vodka suddenly taking affect to me, slurring my words and staggering around the house. Within the next few minutes, I was losing myself, with the next step. Everything went black.
Waking up in Luc's bed, squinting my eyes, adjusting to the brightness of the room. Scratching my head and looking over to my right to see Luc passed out still. Slowly sitting upwards and looking down on the floors to see Blaze, Tabby and a few other furs passed out on the floor. Trying to remember what had happened and how I had gotten from the living room upstairs down the stairs and into the bedroom. With successfully taking off my shirt and pants. Groaning softly and laying back down into the bed. Sighing softly, closing my eyes, slowly drifting back into darkness.
Agent 257 walked through the rubble, the remains of a collapsed building, hearing some slight movements in the darkness of the room, she quickly grabbed onto her holster, grabbing a firm hold of her pistol, slowly making her way forward, as something else emerged from inside.
"Oh hey hun. I was wondering where you went..."
"Goddamn you scared me..."
"You were going to shoot me?" Chuckling lightly to himself.
"Well, what do we have here."
"Looks like something crashed and collapsed everything."
"Did you find it, the thing that crashed."
"It just goes deeper, I thought I'd wait for you."
"Well, let's go."
Walking into the darkness, they pulled out their flashlights and held it tightly against their pistols, walking slowly into the shadows. Slowly stepping over rocks and metal, making quiet crunches and cracks as they stepped over it. Seeing a small glow up ahead, Agent 354 made his way over to it. Flashing his light over the round object. Glowing red, he looked over at his wife and back at the rock in amazement. Reaching out his paw, his claw just inches away from touching the alien like rock before his wife smacked his paw away from it.
"It could be toxic, don't touch it. Call in the biochemical researchers."
"Alright, alright."
Turning to grab his phone, dialling in the numbers and tapping his foot before looking at his phone to see he had no service. Holding his phone higher in the air, before taking a step forward and slipping on some rubble. Falling face first into the ground, he reached out his paw and grabbed what he could, saving himself from falling onto the sharp metal sticking up from the ground, he looked up and saw he had touched the rock. Looking over at his wife to see her quickly grabbing him and pulling him up. Looking over at each other and shrugging, before being blasted back by a wave blasting out from the rock. Landing on their backs, hitting their heads on the ground and slowly sitting up to see if they were alright, not knowing what exactly just happened they stared at each other.
Grabbing the pan and flicking my wrist, causing the pancakes to flip and sizzle again. Looking over at Luc to see him sitting on the couch, watching some television, smiling softly before looking back at the pan, flopping the last pancake out onto a plate before turning off the stove, telling Luc breakfast was ready. Feeling a burst of wind hit me, thinking nothing of it. Suddenly feeling dizzy, losing control over my feet, stumbling upon the couch, the sudden feeling of my breath being taken away, unable to stay awake any longer before collapsing onto the ground.
"Neon! Oh my god, are you oh-whoa, feeling- I don't feel... so good--"
Seeing Luc collapse onto the ground beside me as well before closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep. Wandering around in an empty space, everything around me just white. The space suddenly being filled by people, scanning the room, looking over these people. Non of them seemed familiar before I saw Luc, running over to him and shouting out to him, to find nothing was coming out of my mouth. Grabbing onto his arm, squeezing it in my paw. Not knowing what to do but to look around at the others.