
Story by Isarain on SoFurry

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Author's note:

This was the first adult piece i did, and it was at first meant to be an RP post.. As you can see, i got a bit carried away.


I just noticed that quotation marks were for some reason not there, so that's been fixed.




Isarain Malice Gale

The sight of a male timber wolf in front of himself made the dragon come to a rather abrupt stop, those silver eyes of his dancing coldly in the dim light as he does nothing but stare at the poor creature that had crossed his path. Another canine was standing there before him, perhaps he could toy with this male for a bit. Then again perhaps he should just kill him where he stood.

"Another.. Playmate.." The dragon would whisper as he moves forward along side the wolf in less time then it takes for a heart to beat, his fist slamming up into the wolf's gut hard enough to make the wolf cough up blood as that punch sends him staggering back a few feet. Of course the dragon wasn't quite finished yet, for that first light blow was just the start.

Before the wolf even had time to catch his breath the dragon's fist had slammed into his ribs with a loud crack as a few of those ribs break under the sudden massive force pounding into them, a loud cry of pain ripping from the wolf's throat as he stumbles back from the monster.

The wolf started to open his muzzle to speak but the dragon wouldn't let him, something that was proved by the paw that suddenly was curled shut around the wolf's muzzle. It had occurred fast enough that the wolf's eyes couldn't follow the move.

"Hush now my little darling, if you scream too much the giggling girls will get frightened and leave before I get to toy with them like I am you... But then again, it's not as fun if you don't scream in agony..." The dragon would whisper as he pulls the wolf up against himself in an almost sensual manner and plants a light kiss on the wolf's nose, tail whipping about slowly as he lets his hips teasingly rub up against the wolfs.

Then the dragon would let go of the wolves muzzle as he, for the second time that day, sinks his fangs into the muscles just behind someone's collar bone to tear it away with a loud howl of pain from the one it had been attached to. Of course this time the dragon wasn't going to stop there with just that first bite. No, he was far to hungry for that now.

So with a nice loud growl he would shove the wounded wolf down onto the ground with a loud thud before giving him a kick to the crotch hard enough that it probably crushed both of his testicles to the point they would be useless forever. Then the dragon would move more slowly, dropping down onto his hands and knees to sniff at the stomach of the groaning wolf's belly before giving it a lazy lick.

"I'm going to eat you alive.... You won't get to die... You're going to suffer through the entire thing.... And then your going to live some more." The dragon would purr as once more runes form over the surface of his right arm, the right paw pressing against the suffering wolf's chest to transfer them onto the structure of the wolf's breastbone.

With the rune spell that would keep the poor creature alive in place the dragon would start his little meal by slitting the wolf's stomach with a claw, first vertically across the belly then horizontally. He did this all very carefully so that it would just pierce through the layer of muscle and not cut into the organs. Then with the screams of the wolf filling the air he would pull the flaps of skin and muscle back to start the delightful task of picking out all the internal organs that were full of stuff he wouldn't want to eat, the ones with shit in them. HE would do it carefully, cutting out the stomach so the acid wouldn't leak then throwing it on the ground next to the wolf to be followed shortly by the intestinal track and the bladder.

Then the feast began. No longer did this creature act with surgeon like precisions, instead he would shove his long muzzle into the stomach of the wolf to the sweet symphony of the tortured animal's screams as he roots around inside of him with his muzzle. Another loud horrid scream would tear forth from the wolves muzzle as the dragons fangs sank into his liver, howling in agony as it's torn free of his body and ripped to pieces by the dragon's silver fangs to vanish in a few quick swallows.

Then the dragon's eyes were captured by something swelling below the wolf's waist line, it made a wicked smirk dance over his muzzle. Apparently this poor critter was getting aroused by his own body being eaten, he would have to take advantage of that. Which he did a moment later as he swiftly pulled his blood soaked muzzle to latch it onto the tip of the wolf's hardening cock, purring contently as he suckles on it to draw a soft moan from the suffering wolf.

"Interesting little thing you are.." The dragon would purr softly before he goes back to suckling on the wolf's now fully exposed length. Then of course an idea would pop into his head and he would chuckle softly as he continues to lick and suckle at the tip of the wolf's hard length before slowly taking it into his long muzzle so the tip of it touches the back of his throat, bobbing his head along it slowly to draw soft delighted moans from the muzzle of his prey and pre from what was in his muzzle.

Faster and faster his bobbing head would go as he brings both of his paws into play, one of them toying with the wolf's orbs while the other one lightly pets at the wolf's knot. Such delightful stimulation for the wolf it was that his legs started to kick, his hips bucking into the muzzle of his captor as he writhes in agony and pleasure at the same time till finally he loses it with a loud moan and fills the muzzle of that beast with his seed.

Of course the dragon wouldn't spill a drop of it as he squeezed the wolf's orbs and knot firmly he would suckle on him ever so firmly as he swallows that bitter salty spunk, beating the ground behind him with his tails as that odd looking length of his finishes emerging from that little slit where it normally lay in rest.

At the very tip the dragon's malehood was only a half inch wide, though after no more then an inch and a half it had expanded to a full three inches wide. After it reached the three inch point it would stop expanding, instead there was a field of pointy little nubbles covering the next seven inches of that hard throbbing length. Directly following that there was a set of three ridges, each one a full inch wider then the rest of his dragonhood and a good half inch thick with a half inch gap between them. Then came the knot, it was a fairly massive thing measuring a good five and a half inches wide with a slightly narrower section behind it that was a mere four inches.

The dragon didn't need to think twice about his next move; instead he abruptly forced the wolf over onto his stomach with a horridly loud scream of pain and shoved himself into that nice wolf's tight tailhole with a deep delighted moan. He would of course skip the formalities with his prey and simply skip to the pounding, brutally pumping that hard length of his in and out of the wolf's tail hole while purring and moaning in delight as the wolf howls in something between delight and misery at his current position.

Of course when the dragon feels the wonderful pleasure of a climax getting ever so closer he would force himself to slow down, the wolf under him groaning loudly as the dragons knot is ground up against his tailhole before the entire length is slowly pulled all the way back out. The dragon would of course give the wolf a moment to rest as he forces that climax back down then once slams that hard length of his into the wolf's tailhole so his knot pops in with a loud wet pop that was accompanied by a scream from the wolf as his tailhole tears a bit from having to stretch so wide.

And it was while the dragon was pulling his knot out of the wolf to earn another cry of pain that he heard something behind him and twisted around to see that husky standing there behind him with a shocked expression plastered on his muzzle.

"What are you doing?" The husky managed to stammer out as he stared at the beast that was currently pulling a hard piece of meat out of the tailhole of a moaning wolf who's blood was staining the ground for about a foot around his body.

"I'm having fun.." The dragon would purr softly as he slowly turns all the way around to focus his silver gaze on the husky's crotch, smirking slightly as he points at the ground next to himself. "Now get over here." The dragon would order, smirking at the husky's rather shocked expression as he complies without even wanting too.

"You're my bitch now, you do what I say whether you like it or not." The dragon would comment as the husky starts to open his mouth, judging by the way it snapped back shut the dragon had answered the question he was going to ask. That of course made a wicked grin dance over the muzzle of the dragon as he ignores the suffering wolf next to him and quickly slices off the pants of the husky to eye the prize hidden under those clothes. Those nice big balls and sheath, the sight of those two things were all it took to make this dragon purr.

The husky was just starting to open his mouth to ask what the dragon was doing when the muzzle of that great beast delicately snapped shut around his fuzzy orbs, the delightful sensations buzzing through the canine's body from the gentle suckling the dragon is doing at the moment making that sheath of his swell greatly. When the dragon suckling those orbs of his started purring in delight from the wonderful taste in his muzzle sending vibrations running up through those orbs of his he would moan in delight, tail starting to wag behind him as the dragon's tongue dragging against those nice large orbs of his makes that nice big length of his start to push out of his sheath.

This was a piece of meat that earned being called big for it was a good four inches wide and a good 16 inches long, dwarfing the dragon's still exposed and dribbling malehood. Of course the dragon didn't care that he was outsized, in fact he was glad that it was bigger then his own. It meant that it would be so much more satisfying for him to suckle and ride.

Though of course they hadn't gotten to that part yet, the dragon was still coaxing that hard length of his out of his sheath. To speed himself along to that goal he would bring a paw up to gently start petting along the husky's sheath for a moment before giving it a nice little squeeze to draw a nice little moan from the husky.

It took a full thirty seconds for the husky's length to become fully exposed, and in that time the dragon had decided he wanted to play with the husky's balls more then his manhood at the moment. Something which was proven by how he ignored the hard length dribbling pre on his head to give the husky's nice big fuzzy orbs a firm nuzzle and a big lick, his hot breath rolling over them to draw a nice moan from the one he's teasing. Of course he wouldn't stop there, instead he quickly coiled that rough tongue of his around the husky's sack and pulled those orbs back into his muzzle, giving them a firm suckling as his paw comes up to rub at the moaning husky's rear as the pre running down the husky's hard length and onto his head starts running down along his muzzle.

Once those nice big orbs were in his muzzle the dragon would have a hay day, dragging his rough tongue up against them vigorously as he lets out a teasing moan to send vibrations rippling through them to earn a moan from the husky. The sudden presence of an idea flicks into the dragons mind he would quickly slip two paw-digits up into that husky's tailhole to earn a nice loud moan from him, that bushy tail whipping about gleefully as the paw-digits pump in and out of that tight tailhole while the dragons tongue give his orbs a nice squeeze before once again going back to dragging against the fuzzy sack.

Though of course by this time the husky was getting close to release, his paws quickly moving down to curl around his hard length as he quickly starts working them up and down along that pre-slicked shaft. The sudden sensation of the dragon's fangs dragging against his fuzzy sack drew a loud gasped moan from the husky; followed shortly by a cry of ecstasy as a third finger is slipped up into his tailhole.

"I, I, I, think I'm gonna.." Whatever came after that was lost as the husky climaxed with a loud moan of pleasure, his hot seed shooting up at a steep angle to splatter on the top of the dragon's head as the male continues to vigorously suckle on those orbs. Though of course that dragon didn't just keep suckling those orbs, instead he tilted his head back to let the cum splatter on his long muzzle and between his eyes, his free paw coming up to squeeze and roll the husky's orbs in his paw to milk every last drop of that bitter salty nectar from the husky's hard throbbing length while his other paw continues to pound his rump. IT took a good minute for the husky to finish unloading his hot sticky seed on the dragon, and by the time he finished the dragon's head was almost fully covered in the delicious substance.

"Cum." The dragon would finish for the husky as he licks some of the sticky seed from his muzzle and quickly grabs the husky's wrists, pulling them down so he can lick those messy paws clean as he lets out a nice loud purr. Once those paws were nice and clean the dragon would rather abruptly get up to push the husky back against a tree, pressing up against him firmly so his own rock hard length presses the husky's as a wicked grin dances over his muzzle. "On your knees.." The dragon would order, and of course the husky would obey.

Once the husky was down on his knees where the dragon wanted him so to would the dragon get down on his knees, leaning forwards to sniff at the slowly retracting length in an idle fashion. Then when it was about half way back into the husky's sheath he would let a paw drop down to firmly cup those nice orbs of the husky's, a wicked grin dancing over his muzzle as he gives them a light squeeze and starts to slowly roll them in his paw as he give the tip of that retracting length a big firm lick to draw a nice moan from the husky as well as stop the retreat of that length and get it hardening again. It took only a few seconds for the husky's malehood to harden again and get fully emerged after the dragon gave the sensitive tip another lick from that rough tongue of his, and this time it was what the dragon was planning on playing with.

To start things off this time the dragon would gently rub his cum covered muzzle against that hard length, purring loudly enough that the vibrations would travel along that hard length to earn a soft moan from the husky. After no more then a second of that he was bored with it and ready to move onto the next thing, so with that paw of his still massaging the husky's orbs to draw a few soft moans from him he would ever so gently suckle on the husky's sheath for a moment before shifting his paw on the husky's orbs so he can lick a trail from the husky's fuzzy sack up to the tip of his hard length to draw a deep moan from the husky.

"You like that don't ya?" The dragon would inquire as he gently nibbles at the side of the husky's hard length, purring as he hears a moan echoing forth from the husky's muzzle and sees him nodding earning a wicked little smile on the muzzle of the dragon.

"That's what I thought.." The dragon would then comment as he gives the husky's orbs a nice squeeze and brings his head up to lightly suckle on the salty tip of that husky's hard length, tails wagging cheerfully as he slowly takes the tip of that hard length in his muzzle to earn yet another loud moan from his playmate.

The dragon would give the tip of that nice hard length a few light little suckles to draw some salty pre into his muzzle and a moan from the husky as he once more squeezes the husky's orbs, then slowly pulls his muzzle off the tip of that hard length as an idea flicks into his head. Upon deciding that he would listen to that idea he would slowly pull his free paw up to gently stroke along side of the husky's hard length that was pointed towards himself, purring loudly so his tongue vibrates as he gently drags it against the salty tip to collect the leaking pre. To the dragon's satisfaction the husky let out a deep moan in response to that and started to pant, a paw coming around to rub the top of the teasing dragon's head.

"God yes.." The husky would moan out as he tries to buck into the dragon's muzzle only to have the paw massaging his orbs hold him back, a loud whimper passing his lips as he feels a tug at his orbs pulling him back.

The dragon wouldn't bother to comment this time; instead he would once more pull that hard length into his muzzle and start slowly taking it into his muzzle to make the husky let out a soft howl of pleasure. After hearing that delightful sound the dragon would let out a deep lusty growl to send vibrations running down the husky's hard length as he firmly slams his head forward so it bashes against the back of his throat, his paws moving to curl around the husky's length as he grinds the husky's tip against the back of his throat to make that pleasured howl get even louder. Then just as quickly as he had mashed that tip against the back of his throat it would be back into the front of his muzzle, his tongue whipping against the tip vigorously as both of his paws come up to curl around it.

Rather abruptly the husky would firmly grab the sides of the dragon's head earning a soft surprised yelp from the one whose muzzle was latched onto his hard length. Then that husky would take control of the situation for the moment, panting and moaning loudly as he pounds himself in and out of that dragons muzzle so the tip of his hard length is pounding against the back of the dragon's mouth. Oddly enough the dragon didn't object to this treatment at all at the moment, instead he simply suckled and moaned on that hard piece of meat as he pressed his head into the vigorous thrusting and reached his paws down to squeeze and massages the husky's orbs as he's pounded.

That pounding would end with a deep loud howl of pleasure from the husky as he slams himself against the back of the husky's mouth as he climaxes, spraying loads of that hot sticky seed into the dragon's muzzle as he firmly grinds his tip against the spot he's been pounding it against. There was no objection from the dragon to this action, in fact he was purring and suckling vigorously like a good little bitch. Though of course to make sure that he got it all he would massage the husky's nice large orbs as he suckles on that hard length, grinning as the howl gets even louder as he drains the husky of every last drop he's got in him.

"You taste good." The dragon would comment as he pulls his head off the drained husky's length and smirks a bit as he brings his head back down to lightly drag his rough tongue against the tip of the husky's length.

"No going soft." The dragon would order firmly with a wicked grin on his muzzle, the command earning a loud whine from the husky as that hard piece of meat once again goes fully hard without even a few moments to rest.

It was at that point that the dragon would pause and rub his chin, licking the seed from his muzzle and face as he debates what to do next. Then an idea would pop into his mind. It was a wonderful idea that he just knew he would enjoy, and he bet that the husky would enjoy it too.

So it would be with a nice bored sigh that the dragon would turn get on his hands and knees as he turns around and lifts his tails to show off that nice tight tailhole of his, silver eyes glittering wickedly as he looks at the husky over his shoulder. Upon seeing a confused look on the husky's face the dragon would let out a soft lazy snort and twitch his rump from side to side in a slow lazy fashion.

"Hurry up and mount me.." The dragon would purr in a soft lazy tone as he watches the husky who was still panting from the previous go. That disappointed the dragon, he had been hoping for a bit more fun with the husky but it seemed his pet would need a break before he did any more playing, so that left him with one other option that he could see at the moment. His plan was a simple one, he was going to heal up that timber wolf.

So it would be with a nice lazy sigh that the dragon would turn around and lightly presses his paw against the timber wolf's back, whistling softly as the now unconscious wolf twitches and starts to wake up as his body rebuilds all the damage that was done to it. The muscles would reform, the skin would rejoin, the organs would grow back, and he would be healed fully. Though of course there was a catch to this healing, the dragon would own him from now on.

"Two new bitches in one day, damn I'm good." The dragon would purr softly as he watches the stunned timber wolf sit up, hackles raised as he stares defiantly up at the dragon.

"Now little wolf, use that muzzle of yours to please me... Paws too if you must...The dragon would order firmly as he points at that oddly shaped length of his, a wicked grin dancing over his muzzle as he watches the wolf turning to get up on his knees with a rather surprised look on his muzzle as his body does what he doesn't want it to do.

The dragon would simply let out a nice little purred moan as he feels the wolf's paws stroking along his hard length, tails raised up so the husky has a nice view of his tight tailhole as glances back at the relaxing canine over his shoulder.

When that wolf suddenly drags his tongue against the tip of the dragon's pre slick length the beast would let out a nice loud moan, tails wagging about as he spurts pre onto the muzzle of the wolf and grins cheerfully. The delightful sensation of that tongue on his hard length and the paws starting to pump along his hard shaft as best they could made the dragon feel rather relaxed; in fact he tried to sit down only to feel a wet tongue dragging against his tailhole to pull a deep moan from his muzzle.

Due to the fact that he hadn't been expecting that the dragon would quickly glance down behind himself to find out what was causing that pleasing sensation under his tail to find the husky on his knees behind him, muzzle pressed up under his tail as he firmly drags that big wet tongue of his against the dragon's tight tailhole. To the dragon this was a rather unexpected pleasure, his pet was pleasing him with out being told.

"Good boys..." The dragon would purr softly to the husky as he turns back around with a soft little moan as he feels the wolf's fangs lightly brushing against narrow tip of his dragonhood, his three tails thrashing about in the air behind him as another moan escapes his muzzle from the husky's tongue slipping up into his tight tailhole.

The sudden scent of wolf musk drew the attention of the dragon to the wolf that was suckling on him, a grin dancing across his muzzle as he sees that nice hard wolf cock exposed to the air. The dragon wasn't the only one that had noticed it for the husky that was licking him pounced on it, his paw curling around the wolf's hard meat as he latches his muzzle onto the tip to earn a moan from the wolf onto the dragon's hard meat which made him moan as well.

It was when the dragon felt his hard meat being pulled all the way into the mouth of the wolf to have his tip bashed against the back of the wolf's throat that he would let out a deep loud moan of delight, his paws coming down to grab the sides of the wolf's head to hold him still as he takes over. The male dragon would growl and moan loudly in delight as he firmly grinds the tip of his hard length up against the back of the wolf's mouth before pulling all the way out of his muzzle and slamming himself back in, pounding his tip against the back of the wolf's mouth till it bruises.

After about the fourteenth thrust the dragon would let out a loud roar as he firmly slams the tip of his hard dragonhood against the back of the wolf's mouth as he climaxes, spraying his load of hot sticky seed against the back of the wolf's mouth to have some of it spill down onto his chest. Once he had finished emptying his load into the wolf's muzzle he would glance down at the husky who had paused from his sucking and pawing of the wolf to watch the dragon.

It was the site of that still hard piece of meat and his own lust that inspired the next little idea that would fly into his mind, it sent a nice wicked grin playing over his muzzle as he slowly pulled his still leaking length from the wolf's muzzle to earn a soft whine from the wolf who had apparently wanted all the cum in his muzzle. Though of course the dragon would ignore the unhappy complaints of the wolf as he slowly got down on his hands and knees and glanced back at the husky, a wicked grin on his muzzle as he licks his lips and lifts his tails.

"Mount me." The dragon would then order the husky with a slightly wicked little grin as the husky slowly trots over.

Instead of being mounted right away the dragon felt the husky's strong chest rubbing up against his spine, followed shortly by a strong paw rubbing against his stomach. Shortly after that soft rub on this stomach the dragon got what it was that he wanted, a hard thick piece of meat pressing up against the tailhole. That steadily growing pressure on his tailhole was enough to draw a soft moan from the dragon's throat, pressing back into the hard piece of meat as his tails curl around the husky's waist.

"Fuck yes!" The dragon would moan out suddenly as he feels the husky sliding up into his tailhole, back arching up as he claws the ground in front of himself lightly as the husky behind him lets out a delighted moan from the warm tight walls around his hard length.

When that husky finishes pressing into the dragon he would sit there panting happily as the dragon moans and wriggles in delight, that hard length of his dribbling pre on the ground below him as he continues to dig his claws into the ground in front of him. Then ever so slowly the husky would start to rock his hips back, a soft moan echoing from both of their muzzle as he presses back in.

"Fuuuuuck... Harder..." The dragon would pant as he presses back into the husky's letting out a nice loud moan of delight and a nice spray of pre onto the ground below him as he feels the husky slamming that hard meat of his back in, pre leaking inside of the dragon's tailhole as the husky starts to pant happily. As the dragon ordered the husky would pull himself all the way back out to hammer himself back into the dragon's tight tailhole, his moans of pleasure mixing with those of the dragon as his heavy pounding gets faster and faster while those cries of pleasure get louder and louder.

"God yes!" The dragon would cry out loudly as he firmly rocks back into the husky's thrusts, moaning in delight at the massive piece of meat pounding his rear and the orbs slapping up against this rump. It was such a delightful sensation to have coursing through his body that was only made better as the husky started to pant loudly and whimper in delight as his climax got closer and closer. Though of course the husky wasn't the only one close to climaxing, the dragon getting pound was nice hard and leaking pre on the ground below him as he to whimpers in pleasure from that delightful pounding.

It was as he was moaning again that the dragon felt something hard and rather tasty being pressed up into his muzzle followed shortly by a strong pair of arms being wrapped around his tummy. Of course the dragon was in to much pleasure at the moment to care that the wolf had just taken his muzzle with out permission, and of course he wasn't going to let him down. So once more good little bitch he would suckle on the piece of meat in his muzzle to earn a nice spray of pre down his throat as the wolf and husky both lets out a symphonious howl of joy as they each pound the hole they had taken to fill it with their hard leaking meats as the dragon in the middle takes all they can dish out.

Of course as wonderfully as it had started it would end with the husky climaxing first. His nice sticky load would be sprayed out into the dragon's nice tight tailhole as he continues to rabidly hump, growling and howling in delight as his heavy orbs smack up against the dragon's rear. The next one to have their climax would of course be the dragon, his tails squeezing the husky's waist firmly as his hot sticky seed sprays out to splatter on the plant life below him and he moans onto that piece of meat in his muzzle.

The wolf however wasn't quite ready to go yet; after all he had just been started on again. So of course as the husky came to a rest in the dragon's tight rear and the dragon panted in ecstasy on the wolf's cock the wolf would also come to a rest sitting in front of the dragon who's eyes were just glazed over with such a delightful look of lust, it was obvious he wanted something for his muzzle still. So as the wolf cock is pulled from his muzzle as the owner of that piece of meat sits down he would quickly snap his head down to firmly latch onto it, his tails working at getting the husky to start pounding him again as he milks a moan of delight from the wolf though the gentle suckling of the tip of that hard piece of meat.

"Mmmm Fuck yah..." The wolf would moan in delight as he watches the husky pounding the dragon who was currently pressing his long snout into his knot, the dragon's rough tongue lashing against the underside of the wolf's hard length. Then ever so gently the dragon would rub the wolf's tip against the back of his mouth to make him let out a deep long groan of delight before letting out a moan of his own to send sweet vibrations running down that hard piece of meat. The sweet delightful sound of the wolf's moan encouraged the dragon to do more, one of his paws swiftly darting down to give the wolf's knot a nice squeeze as the other one grabs hold of the wolf's orbs to make the wolf let out a soft howl of delight.

Then the dragon would start pushing the wolf towards his climax, purring like happy kitten on the piece of meat in his muzzle as he pulls his head back to grind the tip of it against the roof of his mouth to get that howl even louder as his paws toy with what they've taken hold of. Another gentle moan from the dragon as a result of the husky's renewed pounding would make the wolf shudder in delight as he starts leaking pre into the dragon's maw, making the dragon purr ever louder as he shifts his head on the wolf's cock. After shifting his head on the wolf's cock the dragon would start the real shove towards a climax by bobbing his head up and down at a brutally swift pace, the tip of the wolf's cock pounding against the back of his throat to draw howls of delight from the one it was attached to. On the fifth time that the wolf's tip touched the back of his throat the dragon would hold his head there and firmly grind it against there to make the wolf squirm and whimper in glee as he quickly gets closer and closer to his climax.

Then finally only a few moments later the wolf would climax in that dragon's muzzle with a loud howl of delight as he firmly presses into back of the dragon's mouth, spraying his delicious load against the spot where his tip was so vigorously pounded. Of course the dragon would take every single drop of it, not letting any spill as he quickly suckles the wolf dry of all of the seed he could produce.

"Think that's enough for today boys, time to rest." The dragon would purr softly as he lazily drags the wolf under him and flops himself down, pulling the husky down on top of himself with a soft yelp from the dog as his malehood is pulled on. Then of course, they would rest to recover for the next day that they would play.