So A Husky Walks Into A Bar: Part Three

Story by 5pikey8lur on SoFurry

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[So A Husky Walks Into A Bar: Part One](%5C)

[So A Husky Walks Into A Bar: Part Two](%5C)

So A Husky Walks Into A Bar: Part Three

Author's Note: Whew! I gotta say, this is, hands down, my greatest effort. 'Gasp', I can hear you say, 'TWO sex scenes for the price of one?!' And that's not all! For a limited time, i am offering YOU, the public, the chance to appear as a character in my story. And I don't mean some measly cameo; i mean major player, baby! So, if you're interested, note me! Here are your choices; act now, they're limited! Also, make sure to include if you would be open to some steamy interludes with the star of the story.

  1. An ex-Hollywood actress, blackballed for being a Malis. Provocatives recommended.

  2. High-flying corporate Malis CEO, got ahead in business by being just the fucking best at what he does, which is deal.

  3. Eccentric inventor, possibly not all there common-sense wise.

  4. Fast-talking con man, deals cards, from Vegas.

  5. Rabid Radio co-host, hyper-type of individual.

6-11. 5 musicians (singer, trumpet, piano, saxophone, tambourine). Jazzy types recommended.

  1. Famous doctor, known for incredible surgical technique.

So, that's it. Pick and choose, guys, pick and choose.

EDIT: Okay, I had NO idea how popular this would be, so just remember a few simple guidelines; send a private message, not a comment (but those are always appreciated), include as many details as you can, and remember, the person BEST SUITED to the role will get it, not first-come-first serve. Thank you for your attention!

Life's a funny thing; I'm not entirely sure whether I mean funny 'ha-ha' or funny 'dear Lord, NO'. Who am I, you ask? Well, that's easy enough. My name is Jack Anderson. I'm a Malis. These days, it's not easy to sort out rumor from truth, so let me do a little of that now. For example, some people say that people only become Malises under the light of the full moon. Sorry, people, but those are werewolves. Malises are full time anthropomorphic animals. Another rumor is that we're a lot more violent than regular humans. That's... A little true, actually, but it's more of a reaction than a symptom. As you might imagine, people don't take too kindly to a wolf or a fox or a lion or a weasel around 5 or 6 feet tall. They're also a little unnerved that if we so chose we could take their head off with a well-placed swipe. So of course you treat us a little differently. Sometimes, it's subtle; we get the staler of two burgers, or you add on a slight 'service charge' to our bill. That's alright, we can take that. After all, we're human too (metaphorically, of course).

Other times, it's not so subtle; torching our houses, public lynching, and other offenses. These are the things we don't take too kindly to. Of course, our paws are tied in this; if we strike back, suddenly WE'RE the villains. So we shed a tear for our lost possessions and our fallen brethren, and we move on. It's not fair; we know that, but what can we do? A lot of us are scared to petition our government; Congress and President Templeton have by and large decided to ignore us. A popular (if distasteful) sentiment is that we should stay quiet, and fly under the radar. If we kicked up a fuss, then the entire thing could backfire on us; then it's the South in the 1800's again, "separate but equal" comes back in vogue, and all through the farce it's us taking it in the shorts. So we swallow our anger and bite our tongues (not simultaneously of course, we'd choke), and go about our business.

A third rumor is the one that get's all of your panties in a knot. You know, that being a Malis is contagious. Again, there's a grain of truth wrapped up in a lot of bull. For example, if you work in an office with a giant cat in the next cubicle, you're not going to wake up one morning with a muzzle. However, if you've been a dick for a couple of months, and you've been swiping and drinking his coffee whenever he turns his back, then that's a distinct possibility. See, whatever causes a person to become a Malis isn't transmitted by air or through proximity; it travels through fluids. So, for example, if you anger a Malis (bad move) and we decide to take a chomp out of your arm, if enough saliva gets in your bloodstream... Well, welcome to the pack, brother. Or, if for reasons unknown, you take a blood transfusion from one (it's possible; our blood isn't poisonous or harmful to you), then expect to see some fuzz within minutes. However, the most common cause is, to put it lightly, our *ahem* raw animal magnetism, and our *cough, cough* primal attraction. Some people have put it that Malises are one big, living STD. That is, in a word, unappreciated. After all, it's not like we're going out and finding curvy young virgins, and then taking them against their consent. (Unfortunately, a few of the less balanced among us do, although we punish that offense ourselves.) No, it usually happens when a human (as I was less than a month ago) meets a Malis, and either fall in love or lust. They do the deed, and when they wake up the next morning, they're a man-sized dog.

Finally, there's the elephant in the room. There's a nasty thing going around that we male Malises take a harem of females, and just swing around as our little black hearts desire. Uh-uh. This is one of the few that is completely untrue. I'm not sure what is; some chemical change in the brain, or just a deeper feeling of attachment, but when Malises mate, we mate for life. And only one partner; after all, if some of the other, more complimentary rumors are to be believed, we hardly need more than one, amiright?

Okay. Where was I? I just had it... Oh yeah. I was talking about how life's a funny thing, and that 'funny' switches between downright humorous to completely terrifying. Sometimes the line is a lot thinner than you think. For example, in less than a week, I met my lovely mate, Sasha, transformed into a Malis, had my mate move into my home, got publicly denied service because of my new-found fuzziness, and then had the friendly neighborhood speciesist trash my place of business. That last one is the thing I'm talking about when I say horrifying; it could have easily led to the bar being burned the ground, and me and Sasha lynched. On the other hand, I met a good friend by the name of Omaha Dempsey, who proceeded to pick up that bugger Bill Paxton like a rag doll and nearly toss him out the bar. Through the wall. Then, Omaha shook Bill's cronies down for the money I'd need to fix up the place, and I was able to procure his services as a rather excellent bouncer. However, at the moment, the pendulum was swinging the other way, and my luck was turning rotten again.

I drummed my claws against the counter, glaring angrily at the phone, which gave off an impudent dial tone. Sasha passed through the kitchen, saw me at my work, and draped herself over my shoulder, gnawing gently on my ear. That's probably because the only thing I was wearing was a pair of pants and socks (hey, my paws get cold in winter). "What's wrong, foxy?"

You know the phrase 'love at first sight'? How many scoffed when you read that? I used to too. I had had a total of three girlfriends in my life, and more one-night stands than I care to count, but I had never known someone like Sasha. When I had first seen her, she had been pitiful; scared, hunted by Bill and his gang, hungry, poor, and living in a flea-infested flophouse. I took pity on her, and let her stay in my bar until Bill got bored and wandered off. He didn't. As last call went out, I asked Sally if she wanted to stay here for the night. She accepted, and we had a nice dinner. She told me about herself, and I did the same. Maybe it was only because of the half-bottle of sherry sloshing about in her trim little tummy, but we hit it off in a way I had never experienced before. I was going to yield the bed to her, and sleep on the couch myself, but she made a very *ahem* persuasive argument, and we shared the bed.

When I woke up in the morning, I was a Malis. I didn't mind, in fact, I reveled in it. I... I wanted to be with my lovely Sasha.

Sasha was beautiful even by human standards; she was about 5'8, and her soft, warm fur was a snowy white on her front, and a lovely steel blue on her back and on her precious little curly tail. She was a husky, a subdivision of Canine Malises. Her human hair was long, black, and silky, just like the triangular ears that jutted from her head. Her muzzle was unbearably cute, impeccably groomed, and perfectly dainty. Even her wet, black little nose was charming to me.

I'm reasonably sure you can picture her by now, so let's work on the other side of the equation; me! I'm a Canine too, but one of the Vulpes order. To put it simply, I'm a big fox. My pelt is a good deal... Flashier, than Sasha's. For one thing, it's violently orange. It's also longer, so I'm even fuzzier than my furry mate. My muzzle, longer and wider than hers, stands above a pretty impressive fuzzy floof (for the last time, I know it's not a word. But I dare you to come up with one that describes it better) on my chest. My tail, a good deal longer than Sasha's, also isn't curly. It's almost prehensile; I'm working on training it. If I can get those muscles ju-u-u-u-u-ust right, then I can triple my bartending effectiveness. Plus, Sasha loves it; she sometimes hugs my tail to sleep. And my face... Well, who knows? Who can judge the handsomeness of their own face? I can't. Well, I think it's nice to look at, because Sasha's always running her paws along it.

Where was I... Oh, yeah. I was staring angrily at a phone, and Sasha had started to chew on my ears. I smiled, despite myself. "I can't understand it. That's the fifth repair crew I've called today, and about halfway through the conversation, they say they can't possibly work me in. The whole thing stinks." I reached back and scratched the base of her tail. She hummed happily, and began to wag.

She nipped harder on my ear, and ran a cheeky paw down my chest, and tickled my navel. "Do you think you could buy the supplies and do it yourself?"

I leaned my muzzle back, and kissed her. "It's starting to look like I'm going to have to. I'm running out of options. However, there's one more thing I want to try. I saw a billboard the other day for a small home-repair service that specializes in window replacement. I thought that I could roll on down there in person and see if I can get something done."

She pulled her muzzle from the top of my head, and shoved it impudently down into my chest fluff. Her voice, when it came, was muffled. "Ooh, you smell nice."

I reached back and squeezed her rump. "Can you focus for two seconds, please?"

She huffed grumpily into my fur, tickling me. She said "Of course I'm focused. We're going down to get someone to fix our window."

I squeezed a little harder. "No, I said that I was going to find someone to fix my window."

She promptly slunk out from behind me and sat in my lap, glaring at me belligerently. "First, it's OUR window. I work here to, you know. Second, I'm bored, and going out sounds like a fine idea."

I started to object, but she put a finger on my muzzle, and let a twinkle jump into her eyes. "Hush, foxy. What I say, goes." She then gave me something much better to do with my lips than talk.

About an hour later, Sasha purred contentedly as I tapped the steering wheel of my Dissonance. I pointed to a restaurant on the other side of the street. "How 'bout there?"

She didn't open her eyes. "Wherever you want to go, honey. I don't mind."

I looked over at her with a wry smile. "Ohh, no, I'm not playing this game. You must have some preference. Hmm? Anything?"

Sasha rubbed her muzzle with her paw, thinking. "Umm... What do you want?"

I sighed. "Helpful. I want chicken, but if..."

She clapped her paws. "That's it! I want chicken."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, chicken. I know this great Chinese place that has a buffet."

She nodded. "Yes, at once." She smiled, toothily.

I did a mental recalculation, and turned onto a side street. I navigated through the streets into Chinatown, and finally parked the car. Sasha got out, and walked around to my side. She took my arm, and leaned into my side. I pressed back, and smiled. "Come on, beautiful."

I walked her through the streets to my favorite place, Red Palace Chinese Cuisine. The door tinkled as we walked in. The place looked exactly like you'd think; carved wood panels over beige walls, paper lanterns, potted plants hanging from the ceiling, and tables covered by glass. The owner looked up, and his beady eyes brightened as he saw me. The owner, Mr. Tang, was an otter, and a good friend of mine. However, he hadn't seen me since my transformation, and didn't recognize me. I smirked as I realized that fact. He bounded out from behind the counter, smiling like a loon. "Ah, hello, hello! Table for two?"

I bowed graciously a little. "Yes, thank you very much."

Tang seated us, and disappeared for what couldn't have been more than a half-second. He held a menu pad in his right paw. His flicked a pen, and said "Something to drink, yes?"

I smirked. "Yes, the usual, Mike."

Michael Tang blinked. Very few knew that his routine and accent were entirely affected, and he was actually third generation Chinese-American. He tilted his head a little. "The usual? I am sorry, but I do not think that you've ever come in here before."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You've never had someone ask for a glass of sweet tea, with two drops of lemon juice, and a crazy straw?"

Mike's eyes widened. "Jack? Is that you?"

I closed my eyes, and made the 'peace' sign. "The one and only."

Mike looked back and forth between me and Sally. Suddenly, a huge lopsided smile sprouted on his face. It was only with great effort that he didn't laugh. "What," he said, grinning manically, "would the lady like to drink?"

Sally waved a paw. "Just water, please."

Mike scribbled a bit, and walked unsteadily back to the kitchen. A moment later, we faintly heard a muffled hyena-like laugh. Sasha giggled. "What's up with him? When we came in, he acted like Fu Manchu, and after you called him Mike, he turned... Normal."

I tapped my fingers on the lacquered table. "Well, Mikey's grandparents were Chinese, but he and his parents were born in America. So, his idea of a Chinese accent is a little off, but no one minds. He wouldn't do as much business if he acted normal, so he does his act and everyone's happy. His faithful customers know, and don't care, and the drop-in's might care, but don't know."

Sasha picked up the menu, and ran her long pink tongue along her muzzle. I smiled, it was so cute. She said "Ooh, I know what I'm going to get."

I held my menu between my fingers, and tapped it on the table. "I already know what I'm getting," I explained to her. Mike came back out perhaps a minute later. He'd slipped back into his routine, and gave us a tight-lipped smile.

"Your order?

I glanced at Sally, and made a 'you first' gesture. She tapped her menu, and said "I'd like the chicken wing meal, please."

I smiled. "Make that two, please."

Mike bowed solemnly. "Yes, sirs. I take care of your order immediately."

He vanished. Sally smirked. "Kind of a ham, isn't he?"

I shrugged. "Maybe a little. Mike's a great guy, though. He was actually the victim of a Malis attack; some crazy dog jumped out and bit his arm clear down to the bone. He doesn't mind being a Malis, though; in fact, I think it's even helped his business."

Sally blinked. I said "Look around."

She swiveled her head around, and looked about the restaurant. Almost all the patrons were Malises. My eyes widened, and I said "Look!" She followed my pointing fingers to a booth near the back. She gasped. Sitting in the booth were five Malises. One, a woman, was a fox like me, and the man was a dog. Sitting with them were three Malis children. The rumors were true, apparently. The oldest one was a girl, I saw. The middle child was a boy. I couldn't tell about the youngest, because it was hidden in a bundle of blankets, held tenderly by the mother.

Sasha aww'ed. "How sweet is that?"

I smiled. "It is adorable, isn't it?"

Sasha pushed her paw across the table, and I took it. After a moment, she spoke. "Do you think we'll ever have children, Jack?"

I panicked for a split second, and then got myself under control. "Maybe. I wouldn't mind. How about you?"

Sasha nuzzled our intertwined paws. "Maybe later." She grinned up at me. "I want another couple of years to get to know my foxy."

We made small talk for a while until our meals got here. Mike brought them out, and set them down without a word. He winked at me, and went back to the kitchen. I picked up a bottle of soy sauce, and liberally doused my chicken. Putting the bottle back down, I picked up a wing. "Bon appétit," I said.

Two minutes later, I stared in shock at Sasha empty plate. She licked her fuzzy fingers, and bit back a belch. She caught me staring, and blinked her pretty eyes at me. "What?"

I muttered "That was nightmare fuel, that's what." I spoke up, and said "Did you eat that, or inhale it?"

She sniffed, and poached a wing from my plate. As she nommed it, she looked at me impudently. I sighed, and pushed my half-eaten plate her way. She squeezed her eyes in glee, and annihilated what had been my lunch. She went to go clean her paws, and I went up front to pay. Mike took my money with a smile, and leaned in close so only we could hear the conversation. "So, who's the little vixen?"

I held up an orange paw. "Throttle it back, Mikey, I'm the closest thing to a vixen here."

He rolled his eyes. "Semantics, semantics. Okay, if you're gonna be technical about it, who's the b..."

"Freeze! Not cool, man. Alright, her name's Sasha. She hid in my bar from that dickhead Billy Paxton, and, well, one thing led to another and here we are."

A nasty smile went across his face. "Ooh, the bar, eh? Buzz 'em and bang 'em, huh?"

If anyone else had talked to me like this, I would have backhanded them, but that's just Mike. I shrugged. "You know me so well." I leaned back on the counter. "Honestly, though, we're doing great. In fact, the other day, she gave a guy my last name."

Mike raised an eyebrow. "But if she gave him your name, what'll you use?"

I tried to hold back a laugh. "You're a hack, Mikey."

I saw Sasha walk towards me, and said "Hey, man, I gotta go. I have to see a guy about patching up my bar."

Mikey frowned. "Someone trashed it?"

I sneered. "Yeah. Bill."

Mike shook his head. "That sucks, man. Hey!"

He banged his fist into his open palm. "There's a crew I know that can do it for you."

I smirked. "Oh, no, I fell in that trap last time. I'll stick to the licensed builders, thank you."

Mike shrugged. "Suit yourself. Call me up if you change your mind."

Sasha sensed our conversation had ended, and took action. She pinched the ruff of fur around my neck, and pulled. I squeaked, and she said "Thank you, Mr. Tang. It was delicious. Bye-bye!"

She led me out of the restaurant by the scruff of my neck. I looked back at her balefully. "And the reason for this is..."

She gave my ears a playful swat. "I like to rile you up all day before we go home and cool down."

I laughed. "Oh, is that how it is, little missy?"

I broke her grip, and circled around her quickly. She yipped, but I was too fast and grabbed one of her cheeks with either paw. She moaned, and brought my head over hers, so we walked in tandem. I kneaded her rump as we walked, and she giggled. "Ooh, naughty boy..."

I whispered in her ear "You ain't seen nothing yet."

She lightly slapped my face. "Oh, hush and get in the car."

We drove out of the district, and I found the office building that housed the construction company. We parked in the little lot, and went inside. We entered into a small waiting room, and I coughed lightly to get the secretary's attention. She looked up, and blanched. I smiled politely. "Pardon me, Ms, but we'd like to hire your company for a small job."

She stammered for a moment, and said "Uh... Just a second, I'll see if he's free."

I looked around the empty room, but said nothing. She paged him on the intercom, and said "Boss, we've got two 'clients' here."

My ears perked, and my smile drooped a little. I could hear the quotation marks around 'clients'. I heard an incomprehensible noise, and the receptionist nodded. "I'll tell them."

She looked up. "I'm sorry, the boss is busy with another client. It'll be a while."

I frowned. "Really. I heard his voice not five feet away a few seconds earlier." Taking Sasha's paw, I pushed past the secretary's objections, and opened the door. The guy I took to be the boss had his hand on the phone. He smiled, shakily. "Oh, s-sorry about that, I was conducting a business call."

I let it slide. We sat down, and I explained our situation while he listened. After I concluded, he tapped a few keys on his keyboard, and pursed his lips. "Hmm... I'm sorry, Mr. Anderson, but we couldn't possibly work you in until March."

My jaw dropped. "I can't wait that long. With my bar busted up, there went my only source of income." I narrowed my eyes. "Besides, you advertise that you have a flexible schedule, and specialize in small jobs."

He went a little whiter, and tapped more keys. "Ye-e-e-e-s, that's what we say, but unfortunately real life is not so easy."

I rose, and placed my paws on his desk. Controlling the tone of my voice as well I could, I said "Yes, funny how that is. Why don't you cut the crap and just say what you're thinking; 'I refuse to help a filthy animal Malis.'"

He blushed, and rose up. "Now, see here..."

I growled, showing all of my teeth. His momentary blush of color faded in a flash. I slowly and carefully spat my words at him. "Now, hear this. I'll remember this, and I'm going to tell people. How do you think they'll react? Good DAY, sir, and I hope your toenails become ingrown."

Sasha, who had been glaring angrily at the manager, stood up with a huff, and turned on her heels with an audible clack. The last thing that manager saw of us was her impudent tail wagging around the corner.

I sat in the car, fuming, while Sasha leaned on my shoulder. "That was very brave, what you did," she murmured.

I put my hand on her head. "No, it wasn't brave. It was stupid and reckless and could have gotten us in trouble. I'm sorry, honey."

She giggled, and snuggled in closer. "Well, maybe, but it was still brave. Plus, I think your curse was funny."

I chuckled. "That it was." My face fell again. "But what are we going to do about..." I snapped my fingers. "I got it!" I pulled out my cell phone, and dialed Mike's number. Sasha looked at me curiously, but I waved her off. The dial tone cut out, and I heard Mike's Chinese accent.


"Mike," I said, "I need the number for that crew you mentioned."

There was a brief shuffling at the phone, and I heard "Changed your mind, huh? Alright, here it is..."

He reeled off the number, and I thanked him. I hung up the phone, and spoke to Sasha. "That was Mike. I got the number for a repair crew he knows. It's our last shot, so why not?"

I dialed, and after a few rings, someone picked up. "Yello?"

"Yes, hi, I heard that you run a repair business?"

There was a loud cough on the other end of the line. "Uh, yes, that we do. Do you need something repaired?"

I described the state of my bar. "I really need it back in action, or I'll have to go back to living on ramen."

The guy on the other end laughed. "Ha! That's kind of a worst-case scenario. Alright, my guys are on the way. Hang up the phone, and watch for a cloud of dust."

The phone went dead. I looked at it, and slowly closed it. Sasha tilted her head. "What'd they say?"

I put the car in gear, and began to back out. "They said they'd get to work on it right away."

She leaned up and licked my nose. "That's great!"

I cupped her muzzle. "You know you're not supposed to distract the driver, you know... Someone's angling to get what's coming to them."

She smiled demurely at me. "Oh? And what is that?"

I smirked. She wanted to talk dirty, huh? I changed lanes, and said "When we get home, I'm going to carry you upstairs, not letting your dainty little feet touch the ground until we get to the bedroom." She said nothing, but tilted her muzzle up, and closed her eyes. I continued. "Then, I'm going to strip you, real slow. I'll lightly tease your shirt off that adorable back, and pull those pants down to see those lovely legs."

She smiled, and placed a paw on her throat. I went on, really getting into the spirit of the thing. "And after that, I'll slowly, gently unhook your bra, and let it down bit by bit until their glory is revealed. And when it's gone, I'll slo-o-o-owly hike those panties down, until you're as bare as the day you were born."

She gasped, and started panting. She looked at me, and gave a sultry smile, slowly moving her shoulders back and forth. "And what are you gonna do to poor old naked me, big foxy?"

I smiled toothily, and hit my turn signal. "Oh, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. Then, I'm going to put my head between your feet, and lick your little toes. I'll slowly move myself up from the bottom of the bed, massaging your pretty little paws, kneading your delicate knees, and rubbing your cute little thighs until I hit pay dirt."

I looked over when I heard a moan. Sasha had closed her eyes again, and was shifting rhythmically in her seat. Damn, I'm better at this than I thought. I went on. "And then I'm going to shoot out my long, pink tongue, and gently kiss your sideways smile six ways from Sunday. I'm going to lick you up and down, and then gently, oh-so-gently, nibble that clit."

She was moaning repeatedly by now, and her left paw was rubbing her throat, while her right had descended out of sight. "Keep going," she breathed.

I sucked in a big gulp for the grand finale. "And then, my little Sasha, I'm going to fffFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU...!"

I swerved out of the way of a taxi that had decided to shirk the rules of the road, and the mood was broken. I kept my eyes on the road, and Sasha had to hump air until we got back to the bar. When I got there, I saw maybe five Malises clambering around my bar, through the hole where the plywood had been. "Hey," I yelled, parking haphazardly, "Who're you?!"

One of them, a big lion, looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Hey! You must be the guy who hired us. I'm Jacob Trails, and this is my crew." He gestured over his shoulder to the rest of the Malises, who waved back.

I blushed. "Oh. For a second... Never mind."

Jacob looked at the window pane. "Alright, I've already sent out a guy to get a replacement window, so he should be here any second. Don't you worry, boss, we'll have this done by business hours tonight."

I blinked. "That's... Great!"

He looked over my shoulder, and saw Sally. Grinning widely, he folded his arms. "No problem, boss. After all, we've heard about you."

I was puzzled. "Really? You've heard about me?"

He nodded. "Yeah! Surprised you haven't. Words been going around that someone stood up to Bastard Bill. He was chasing some poor girl into a bar, and that bartender brought out a friggin' Peacemaker and nearly blew 'em away! Bill threatened to call down his uncle the commissioner on him, but that brave bartender just told him to get the..." He coughed, and imitated my voice. "... 'The ever-loving monkey fuck out of my bar.'"

I blinked as I recognized my words. "Geez, people are talking about that?"

Jacob threw his arms up. "Hell yes, they are! We've been wanting to stick Bill for months, and you're the only one who ever did." He grasped my shoulder, and pulled me inside. Lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, he said "Now, you've done a good turn for us, so let us do one for you. Now, take that pretty lady upstairs and let us do our jobs."

I nodded, and stammered "Uh, alright." I motioned for Sasha, and she followed me inside. She took my paw, and we ascended to our home. From below, we heard the sounds of absolutely furious construction, as the crew of Malises attacked the foundation of my bar. I sat down on the couch, and invited Sasha to join me. She got down on all fours, whipped her tail around a little, and jumped on me forcefully. The air whooshed out of my lungs, and she nosed my chest as I tried to re-inflate my insides. After a while, she slid her paws around my sides and looked up at me, burying the bottom of her muzzle in my fur. She smiled slightly and winked. "Didn't you say you were going to give me what was coming to me?"

I put a paw on her back, and began to rub gently, kneading my pads into her absurdly soft fur. "Do you want what's coming to you?"

She rubbed the inside of her thigh along mine. "Ooh, Jack, I want it so bad..."

I smirked. "Then you're gonna get it." I picked her up in my paws, and she snuggled into the crook of my arms. I gently lifted her, and walked slowly to the bedroom. I set her down on the sheets, and she let her arms and legs hang loosely. She looked at me through half-lidded eyes, and murmured "Well? Get on with it."

I growled lustily, and pinched the material of her shirt. I pulled up one side first, and then the other. I slowly hiked it up over her head, and tweaked her muzzle while it was covered. She squealed, and bit my paw softly. I finished removing her shirt, and rubbed my nose in her belly fluff. I inhaled deeply, drinking in her scent. She giggled, and moved my head farther down. I gripped the waistband of her pants, and lightly teased them down, until they slid off the edge of the bed. She lay clad only in her undergarments, and wiggled her butt into the sheets. I got up on my hands and knees, and padded up until our torsos were level. I slowly lowered myself down onto Sally, and pushed my arms underneath her. Her breathing was heavy, and she shivered when my claws touched the flesh under her fur. I undid the bra with infinite care, and slowly dragged the straps from under her, pulling the garment away as I stood up. She shook her shoulders, causing her breasts to jiggle quite appealingly. Just as I was moving down to her thighs, her eyes snapped open. "Wait a minute," she panted.

I paused, confused. "What? Are you alright?"

She shimmied off the bed. "Yeah, yeah I am, but this is the wrong order."

I raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. "Wrong order?"

She grasped my furry leg, and turned me so that I was merely sitting on the bed. She scooted herself up to me, standing on her knees. "Pants off," she commanded.

I blinked for a few seconds until I understood her meaning, and then quickly shucked my pants off. She leered predatorily at my boxers, and tugged them down rapidly. I had to admit, I was still getting used to what I saw. Alright, now, keep in mind that I've been a Malis for a relatively short time, and it's not like I spend all day rooting around in my pants, so I hadn't quite made the adjustment yet.. It wasn't like when I was a human, and you decided to pants me on the subway; it's not all just 'hanging out, waiting for a show'. The shaft kind of hangs around in a protrusion of flesh, which I vaguely remembered was called a sheath. Sasha exhaled upon it, long and hard, and lightly stroked it. I leaned my head back, and sighed softly. God, but her paws were so soft... So soft and so smooth...

She kept stroking and rubbing until my member decided to come out to play. She teased it, running her cool pads up and down its length, and breathing cool air on it. I lay back, and let her work. When I was standing fully erect, she ran a paw up my thigh, and rested it on my belly. I lowered my head to see her smiling at me. I had to laugh. She was resting her muzzle in the hollow between my leg and my shaft, and a little pre had dripped onto her nose. She licked it off daintily, and said "Ready?"

I placed a gentle hand on her head, and rubbed her ears from side to side. She giggled, and then opened her muzzle and engulfed my length in it. I gasped, and reflexively tightened my grip on her head a little. She was good! If I closed my eyes, it felt just like I'd buried myself in her treasure. Her warm, wet mouth dripped with moisture, and her warm breath upon me felt just fantastic. Her delicate whiskers poked through my fur, and sent electric shocks through my skin. And then, somehow, it got better. I moaned as her supple tongue began to slowly caress my shaft. It wrapped around and squeezed, it lightly caressed, it enveloped it. She moaned around me, and the vibration caused me to gasp again. I placed both paws on her head then; not pushing or pulling, just resting. "Good girl," I breathed.

She hummed with delight, and began to move her head back and forth. Over and over. Again and again. Her lips moved up and down my cock, and her tongue lavished attention on me unfailingly. I grunted as I released a little more pre, and Sasha moaned deep in her throat, drinking it down with glee. I scratched her hard behind her ears, causing her to go even faster. I gritted my teeth, and whined as she brought my swelling knot into her gullet, and soaked the sensitive bulge in her slick saliva. Sasha started growling, and pressed her mouth harder around my shaft. I groaned through bared teeth, and hissed "Nnh! Sasha... Gonna... Cum!"

She fastened her claws into my back, and gave one last ferocious growl as she closed herself around me. I screamed at the pain, which turned into a sigh of relief as I released. Sasha's impatient growl gave way to a satisfied purr as my seed shot down her throat. She suckled away on me, swallowing it greedily. When I ran dry, she licked the tip a few times, before whining. She reluctantly let me go, with an audible 'pop' as her muzzle left my meat. She crawled up onto the bed and into my waiting arms, and I held her tightly. I ran my paws up and down her back, and tilted her head down into my chest fur. "Wow... That was incredible, Sasha."

She laughed, and snuggled closer into my warm fur. "I'm glad you liked it, sweetheart."

I licked the top of her head, and pried her arms off me. "Well, since you were such an accommodating lover, I think it's time to make good on my promise."

She squealed in glee, and spread herself out on the bed. I got out, and walked around to the foot of it. Leaning on the bed, I took one of her footpaws in each of my own, and cradled them lovingly. I spread her toes, and gently rubbed all the tension out of her pretty little paws. I licked her pads several times, savoring the shivers that she gave. As I ran my pink tongue between her toes, she sighed, and spread a little more. I slid up a bit more, and tenderly squeezed her shins. I ran swift fingers into all the patches of fluff, and rubbed a single finger steadily up the center. I cupped her pert little knees, and tickled them. She giggled, and spasmodically kicked me in the chest. I wheezed a bit, but forced myself to remain sexy for her. I softly pinched the soft meat of her thighs, rubbing my pads deep into knots of muscle. She moaned, and thrust her hips down a little. I heaved myself up a little more, until my head was level with her navel. I gently laid my head upon her soft belly, and slid a claw up along the side of her leg, slicing through the material of her panties. "Another pair gone," she murmured, rubbing my head and closing her eyes.

I nosed her fuzz, breathing in her heady scent. "I'll buy you another pair."

Her paws tightened on my head. "Oh, shut up and eat me out already."

I leaned back, and licked my lips. "Gladly!"

I bent my face to her sex, and inhaled deeply. Oh, God! I took the scintillating scent of her pheromones deep into my lungs, again and again and again. I started to drool to match her cunt. I stared at it as a starving man would at a steak; it was spread, just a little, so I could see inside, and droplets of her honey glistened on the tips of hairs around it. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore, and ran a shivering tongue along the length of her slit. Sasha arched her back, and let out a moaning howl. I savored the taste of her nectar on my tongue, rolling it back and forth, before going back for more. I caressed the hairless area around her entrance, trying to lap up all her juices. When she was clean (if damp), I put my tongue back to her treasure and licked it again. As I rolled my tongue off the top of it, I fastened my lips onto her little button, and bit it as gently as possible. She screamed, and grabbed my head in both hands. She forced my tongue back into her, and let out a whimpering moan, pressing her hips forward into my muzzle.

I growled hungrily, and shot my entire muzzle into her hole. I swept my tongue along her walls, gathering up the delicious stuff and swallowing it gratefully. I let out a hot breath into her depths, and slurped back into her. Sasha was having an episode; squealing, squeaking, howling, and thrusting. She let go of my head with one hand, and brought it to her breasts. She pinched and rolled her nipples, shivering and moaning in ecstasy. Her other paw thrust my head into her snatch hard, as if she was trying to fit my entire body in there. I licked as fast as I could, exploring her walls with my damp tongue. She began to clench, tighter and tighter, until I swept my tongue across a patch I had not licked before. Her entire body quaked, her paw tightened on my head, and she loosed an earsplitting howl from her muzzle. She bucked her hips into my face, and a jet of hot femcum splattered onto my muzzle. I tried to stem the flow, but had to settle with lapping it up as fast as I could. She bucked again, and the flow strengthened, gaining ground onto my face. I had to swallow, and the momentary lapse allowed her to completely drench my face. The flow tapered off, and she settled unsteadily back onto the bed, stroking my ears with a shaking paw.

"Oh... Oh, God... Ohh..."

I cleaned my face off, and gently moved up, until we were level. I rolled under her, and ensconced her in my arms. I hugged her tight, and nuzzled her neck. "Did you enjoy that?"

She said nothing, merely whimpered and snuggled closer.

I smiled. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." I rocked back and forth lightly, humming deep in my throat as we fell into a deep sleep.

Several hours later, Sasha woke up. She yawned widely, and cuddled in closer to my chest. "Time to wake up, dearest..."

I blinked sleepily, and licked her ear. "Mmm... Are you sure?"

She wagged her tail, which beat happily against my ribs. "I don't want to get up either, but we need to work. Otherwise, you'll have to rent yourself out to bored housewives."

I gently took her ear in my muzzle, and nibbled. "Alright, let's get ready."

She lay back, and let me get up. I pulled on my outfit, and turned to look at her. She was asleep! I smirked, and began to put her clothes on for her. I pulled up a pair of her panties, and mischievously slid a few of my fingers into her sex. Her eyes shot open, and she arched her back. She grunted, and grabbed my paw. "Nuh-uh! Not until after work, Romeo."

I tickled her belly fluff. "Got you up, didn't it?"

I turned my back to put on my socks, and yipped when she bit my tail. I whipped around, and pounced on her. I pinned her arms and legs, and knelt on her stomach. I was surprised; instead of narrowing her eyes and trying to nip my chest, her eyes went wide, she gasped, and smiled. She breathed out heavily, and murmured "Oh, no... The Big Bad Fox has me in his clutches! Oh, whatever shall I do?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You enjoy this?"

She strained against my arms. However, it wasn't like she was trying to break free; it felt like she was trying just to feel me push her back. She closed her eyes, and exhaled breathily. "Ohh, baby, push harder..."

I leaned on her a little bit more, and spread more of my body against her. She sighed, and thrust her bare chest forward. My eyes wavered for a split second, and then went back to her face. I said "I never would have thought you were a sub."

She didn't react, but instead lifted her head, exposing her white throat. She moaned "Bite me, Jack! Put those jaws around my neck and sque-e-e-e-eze!"

I drew back, more than a little freaked-out. She whimpered, and grabbed my shoulders. I took her chin in one paw, and smiled suavely. "Don't worry, honey. Just wait till after work, and then your Big Bad Foxy will take you however you please."

Her lip quivered for a moment before firming. "You better!" She released me, and swung off the bed to get dressed. I finished getting my clothes together, and waited for her. She got into her cute little waitress outfit, and held out her paw to me. "Shall we?"

I took it, and smiled. "We shall."

We walked downstairs. I gasped. My bar had been transformed; only that word suited it. The window was whole again, but it was only the newest addition. Two new fans whirred above the floor, recessed speakers were set above every table, and every surface had been polished until it shone. Jacob and his crew sat in chairs, panting in exhaustion. I snapped my fingers in front of Jacob's face, and he came around slowly. "Huh? Whuzzat?"

"Jacob," I said, "Did you and your guys do all this?"

He blinked sleepily, and then smiled. "Yeah..." He bit back a yawn. "We figured that since everyone's heard about you, you're going to do a bit better business. Check outside." As Sasha marveled at the lovely countertops, I poked my head outside. There was a sandwich board outside, which read "The Jack of Diamonds is once again open to the thirsty public!" In smaller letters, "After being closed for renovations, the Jack of Diamonds reopens TONIGHT at 5! Call your friends, call your boss, heck, call your enemies! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!" And underneath, was painted a picture of a winking fox head. I blinked. Is that... Me?

I stepped outside a little more, and looked up at my neon sign. I gasped. How the...?! Even my sign had been altered. The slightly tilted Jack of Diamonds sign's face had been replaced with another winking fox. I stepped back in, and said nothing for a second. Then, I went to the cash register, and took out all the money. I plunked it down next to Jacob. "Here. You earned this and more."

Jacob silently counted out five hundred dollars, and put the rest back. He flashed a smile at me. "Consider it a favor from the community. Now, barkeep, how about a round for me and the boys?"

I vaulted over the bar. "Coming up!"

As I poured with my tail, I grabbed the phone and dialed feverishly. After a few rings, I heard a Texas drawl. "May I help you?"

"Omaha!" I yelled. "We're opening tonight! Complete blowout! Get your fuzzy rear in gear and over here!" The line went dead, and I stared at the phone. I had to hope that meant 'yes', and went back to pouring drinks.

Hours later, I drummed my fingers on the polished surface of the bar. I smiled. It was a good night tonight. My bar was packed full, mostly with Malises. It was all a big yelping, yipping, barking mass. In fact, I think the only thing preventing outright debauchery was Omaha. Omaha Dempsey, my brand-new bouncer, was almost scary. Easily over six and a half feet tall and 270 pounds, Omaha looked like a superhero. Even for a Malis, he was crazy strong, and could hold a person aloft in either hand, or (as he'd demonstrated at least twice tonight) two people at once. He sat in a four-legged chair, leaned against the wall. His cowboy hat was pulled down over his eyes, but I knew that he was watching, and the instant that things got out of hand, he would start busting heads.

Of course, I didn't mind the unruly crowd; I was doing better business than I'd ever done before. I reopened the register, just to make sure. Sure enough, over a thousand dollars sat there, gazing back up at me. I smirked, and whispered to them. "Hello, boys. Where've you been all my life?"

I poured a couple of drinks, and looked over the bar again. The door opened, and closed, letting in a wintry blast of air. I looked up unconcernedly, and then looked away again. The newest entrant walked up to the bar, and waited patiently for my attention. Already I liked them; any bartender will tell you, we can see you when you stand there. You whistling or snapping your fingers only makes us want to dunk something unsavory in your drink. I leaned on the bar towards her, and smiled. "Yes, ma'am? What would you like tonight?"

I was mildly surprised by what I saw. It was a Malis, a female one. A mouse, by the looks of her. True to form, she was an itty-bitty thing, only about 5'3 or 5'4, and couldn't have weighed much more than a hundred pounds. Her outer fur was a dusky grey, while her chest and face fur was more of an ash. For perhaps a quarter of a second, my eyes lingered on her chest, which was rather large for such a petite creature. She wore a faded pair of black jeans, and a black hoodie that went over her head, only barely encompassing her huge ears. For a panicked moment, I entertained the notion that I was about to get held up, but dismissed it quickly. The mousey girl looked up at me through big horn-rimmed glasses that made her eyes seem huge. "Excuse me," she said quietly, "Are you Jack Anderson?"

I grinned. She seemed like a shy girl, so I tried to put her at ease. "That's what it says on my driver's license. And you are?"

I was utterly unprepared for what happened next. The mouse leaned way over the bar, and threw her arms around my neck. "Oh, Jack! It's you!"

I was completely dumbstruck. "Ehm... Say what?"

She drew back, and I could see her furious blush even through her fur. She twisted her paws in her jacket, and stuttered. "S-sorry... I forgot you haven't seen me since I transformed."

I narrowed my eyes, and studied her. "Wait, don't tell me." She did seem awfully familiar... The glasses, the shyness, the hoodie... My eyes widened, and the breath left me. "Angela? Angela Nash?"

Angela smiled, and said "You remember!"

I had to contain myself from vaulting over the bar and giving her a proper hug. "Of course I remember! How much of a prick would I be if I forgot my oldest friend?"

Angela Nash was indeed my oldest friend, going way back to when we were both kids in Flomaton. When I met her, she was a terminally shy little girl who couldn't so much as speak to a person without turning crimson and clamming up. I took it upon myself to bring her out of her shell. I'd succeeded, to a degree; she was still shy, but could now order food in public without passing out. As kids, we were wildly different; the outgoing, likeable but kind-of-dim Jack, and little spindly, shy brainiac Angela. She was kind of nerdy; she loved video games and movies, and adored computers. I always knew she was destined for greater things than me, and when I heard she went to MIT, I hardly blinked an eye. And now, here she was, in my bar.

I was about to drown her in questions when my attention was dragged away by Sasha bringing me an order. She glanced curiously at Angela and me, raising an eyebrow at our positions. She gave me a lingering look, from which I could practically read Who is she? I turned to the shelves, and started mixing drinks. Over my shoulder, I said "Angie, I'm a bit busy right now. How much time do you have on you?"

She blinked her big eyes. "I don't have anywhere else to be."

I motioned to a seat by Omaha. She squeaked when she saw the mountain of a Malis. I laughed. "Don't worry, he doesn't bite, unless you ask him to. Just take a seat, I'll talk as soon as it's closing time." Gripping her purse tightly, she went over to sit near Omaha. He raised his hat, and smiled at her in a friendly matter. I couldn't hear what he said, but Angela blushed, and sat next to him. I smirked; gentle giant Omaha and teeny sweetie Angela. I laughed to myself, and went back to my job.

Things were more or less normal for another couple of hours. I sighed fondly as I watched a pair of cats in one of the corner booths, staring deeply into each other's eyes as if they were alone in the world. I sighed. Ah, young love... I heard the door open, but didn't look away from the two lovers. I did turn back when the all the chatter from me to the door suddenly and utterly ceased. I bristled, and grasped Dinah, my Peacemaker, in her stand underneath the bar. I forced myself to slowly and calmly look over towards the sound. I gulped.

One of the more unfortunate side-effects of Malises moving into society was the inevitable formation of gangs. A slightly crazier counterpart to the speciesist humans, those in the fur gangs believed that since life liked to kick us in the furry nads, then we had to take any measures to claw out an equal measure for ourselves. They extorted money, they ran rackets, they fought to control the drug trade...

***Author's Note***

I feel that I should point out something in the defense of the fur gangs. They fight to destroy the drug trades, as most narcotics, analgesics and stimulants don't work on Malises. Only caffeine and alcohol aren't instantly metabolized or bypassed.

***End Note***

...They exact vigilante justice. Before my transformation, I had been hit up several times by the enforcer's of the main gang in the city; a pack of wolves and other canids called 'The Bloody Claws'. I'd never had a weapon held on me, but the menacing Malises made it clear that if I didn't pay up, terrible things would happen to me and my bar. I saw them now, the Claw's top two enforcers, plus one guy I had never seen before. I sighed, and opened the cash register and scooped out the usual payment. As they approached the counter, I gave a sickly smile, and said "Hello, fellas." I put the wad of cash on the counter, and said "This is the right amount, right?"

The one in the middle, a wolf who was black all over, leaned on the counter, and sighed. He didn't look at me as he spoke. "Hey, listen, man... Jack, right? Yeah, Jack... Look, we... We came to apologize for what we've done."

I blinked. "Say what?"

The wolf reached out a paw to shake. "Jason. Jason Everfield. I run the pack in this city. When we heard about you and that husky girl... Well, we knew what we had to do."

He placed a heavy paw on the counter, and when he took it away there were three stacks of bills. He folded his paws, and went on. "This is all the scratch we took from you in the past. We're... Giving it back."

I took the stacks wonderingly. "You're giving it back? Seriously?"

Jason looked down at his paws. I had thought he was reluctant, but I could read something else in his voice. Was it... Shame? He spoke. "Yeah... I mean, if we don't look out for each other, who will?" He looked up, and gave me a toothy smile. "From now on, you're under our protection. If anyone gives you grief, you tell us, and he's dust." He flicked his tail, and looked down again. "Tell the truth, I always felt bad about working you, 'cause you were a great human; never made a fuss, never turned away a Malis, even seemed to welcome us. And when you up and transformed, well, the jig was up." He pushed himself away from the table, and looked up and away. "Anyway, you'll never see us in here again. Come on, boys."

And with that, he turned to walk away. After a second, I called out. "Hey, Jason, wait a sec."

He turned back, confusion in his eyes. "Yeah?"

I inclined a glass. "You want a drink before you go?"

He turned all the way around, and stared in blank puzzlement at the counter. "You... Want us to stay here?"

I tilted a bottle in his direction. "Hell, you and your boys can come here all you want, as long as you don't mix business with pleasure. Here, have a couple on the house."

I poured out a finger of whiskey into three shot glasses. I pushed each towards a Claw. Jason slowly approached, and picked up the glass between two claws. He studied the glass carefully, and then downed the glass in one go. He wiped his muzzle, and leaned on the counter. A smile spread across his face. "You're a great guy, Anderson. We never forget a good deed; this is going to come back to you in a good way."

I inclined my head. "Just keep doing your good work."

Jason nodded at the glasses, and his toughs took them. One of them, a fox like me, winked at me and muttered a Scottish toast before knocking his back. Jason whistled, and the three exited. A few seconds after they left, conversation started back. I paled as I realized that everyone had been listening to me. Would this get around like Bill's rout had? The thought was pushed from my mind as I felt Sasha's paw slither up my shirt from behind. I felt her muzzle peek up from behind me, and she spoke. "That was very nice, Jack."

I stroked her ears. "You think so?"

She growled playfully into my ear. "I know so."

She vanished, leaving behind only an order slip. I filled it, and began to reflect.


"Alright, last call!" My shout echoed through the bar, and everyone either filed out, or took one last shot before staggering into the night air. Omaha raised his hat, and smiled. He rose, and bowed gracefully before Angela. "Ms. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, it appears as if my duty has expired, so I bid you all the most humble adieu..." He strolled out the door, disappearing into the night. Angela stared after him, twisting her fists in her hoodie. Sasha, the troublemaker, came up behind her and slapped her back. "Alright, missy! If you want to talk to my hubby, make yourself useful and pick up some glasses!" I had to smile at her expertise; in one sentence, she established her playful nature, and let her know that I was already taken. Angie blushed, and picked up the cups from a nearby table.

She spoke across the room to me. "I-I didn't know you were mated, Jack."

I turned to answer, only to see Sasha standing there. She wrapped her paws around my midsection, and gave me a big sloppy kiss. I hesitated for a moment, and then leaned heavily into it. Sasha thrust her tongue into my muzzle, and made a happy noise in her throat. She pulled away with a 'pop', and batted half-mast eyes at me. "Happily so!"

I smirked. "Yes, what she said." I turned, and began washing glasses. "We met a couple of months ago, and it was more or less love at first sight."

I heard clinking from behind me, and Angie put a stack of glasses beside the sink. She gave a shy smile. "Aww... That's so sweet!"

I shrugged. "Well, I didn't know it at the time. I kind of saved her from a bunch of thugs, and they went outside to wait her out. She couldn't go home, I couldn't throw her out, so I invited her to spend the night here. One thing kind of led to another, and, well, here we are."

Angela examined a spot on a glass. "Just like you, Jack. So... When did you become a Malis?"

I realized that she didn't quite understand what I had said. I rolled my eyes. "Well... About one night after I met Sasha." I looked over at Angie. She was leaning over a table, her back to me. She was still, but then twitched. She gathered up the stuff on the table, and swept it off into the sink.

Perhaps ten minutes later, the three of us were seated in my living room. I sat on the couch, Sasha sat in my lap, and Angela sat across from us sitting straight-backed in an easy chair. Sasha laughed, and said "Okay, so you heard about us. Now, tell me about you."

Angela peeled her hood away from ears, and I had to gasp. Around her neck, I could see a huge scar reaching from beneath her shirt. She followed my eyes, and drew into herself. Sasha looked at her too, wide-eyed. Angie followed our eyes, and sighed. "Yeah, about that..."

She swung her legs, and gave a weak smile. "But I should probably start at the beginning." She looked contemplative. "When I was kid, everyone made fun of me. They laughed at my big glasses, and my height. All except one boy." She inclined her head at me. "He knocked the other kids around and told them to lay off me. He was so nice; he would always share his lunch with me and push me on the swings. We used to sit on the corner of the playground near the road, and make up conversations for all the grown-ups we say. I had to help him with his classes, but it never bothered me at all. I wanted to follow him to bartending school, but he told me to go to the Institute, so I did."

Her smile broadened. "I had more fun there than I had had in my whole life. It was so nice working and learning with other people like me. I majored in Communications Technology, with a minor in physics. I was top in my class, and even started a pirate radio station." She giggled. "I called myself D-JAN, and entertained the entire campus and the town around it. I was always playing with the signal and adjusting the equipment, and hamming it up as D-JAN. I passed top of my class, and graduated summa cum laude."

Her smile drooped, and then faded entirely. "The day I graduated, I was driving home, to celebrate with my parents before getting a job." Her voice grew quite. "There was... An accident. The other driver was killed instantly, and I was lacerated terribly. I don't remember much, but I was told that someone, a Malis, saw the accident, and called 911. They waited with me until the ambulance came, but..." She fidgeted her paws in her lap. "It was too late. They said I was going to bleed out before I could get to the hospital, and the two paramedics were both AB type, and I'm A. They later told me that the Malis told them to transfuse his blood; he was an O. They didn't want to do it, but I was going to die if they didn't."

She lifted her paws, and looked at them. "That's why I'm a Malis. I never saw the man who saved me, but they told me that he gave all the blood he could without passing out."

She put her hands back in her lap, and looked up at the ceiling. "I said I don't remember much, but I do remember one thing..." She touched her right paw to her cheek. "I remember a big, soft paw, stroking my cheek, while a deep, calm Southern voice said 'Just stay calm, miss; you're going to be alright. You'll be alright.'"

Angie looked back at us, and smiled; she was warming up to us. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to depress you."

Sasha wiggled a little. "Don't say that! I love hearing people talk."

I mouthed "...But she loves to talk even more."

Angie giggled, and went on. "Well, after that, I tried to find work." She pursed her lips. "It wasn't easy. Everyone always got very weird around me. I sent an application to CERN, but never heard anything back. I called SETI, but they rejected me. I finally had to settle for working at an electronics and repair shop up in Chicago." She shifted in her seat. "Of course, I had to sell my shop and move when the riots happened, so I came to New York to see if I could find work."

I thought for a second. "Well, you could DJ again. I know a lot of people who can't stand the anemic stuff we have to put up with."

Angela brightened. "I could do that!"

However, her face darkened again, and she said "But I don't have the money... Right now I've got enough left over to rent a place for a while, but that kind of equipment takes cash."

Sasha stirred in my lap, and said "We could sponsor you."

We both blinked at her. She grinned widely up at me, and then looked back at Angela. "If we paid you, you could start up your station, and all we'd ask for is the occasional plug."

I thought about it, and put a finger on my chin. "Say, that's not a bad idea. If we could advertise like that, we could pull in more customers and generate a little goodwill."

Angie squeezed her eyes shut and clasped her hands in front of her chest. "Oh, thank you so much! I won't forget this."

I smiled, and leaned back. "It's our pleasure! How much will you need to start?"

Angie blushed, and did a little thinking. "Uhm... About $1,500.00"

Sasha winced. "Ouch!"

I was more receptive. "Not really... We pulled in about that much just tonight, and with Jacob's gift, we could do twice that."

I shuffled Sasha off my lap, and went downstairs to get the money. I handed the wad of bills to Angie, and she gave me a big hug. "Oh, thank you Jack! I knew I could count on you!"

I hugged her back. "Aw, go on, get out of here! Go buy your big fancy toys."

She went out into the night, and I saw her long tail whip back and forth happily. I went back upstairs, and approached Sasha. She lay on the couch, eyes closed. I crept up to her, and stuck my nose into her belly fluff, and inhaled deeply. She barked, and grabbed my head. She shook it gently back and forth, and said "By the way, do you remember what you said about taking me however I wanted?"

I smiled widely. "You bet your cute little ass."

She purred, and pulled my face closer. "Then I want you to take me like an animal."

I licked her nose. "Grrr. But first, brush your teeth. I don't anything to spoil your pretty white choppers."

She ran a lingering tongue along my neck. "Mmm, yes, alpha."

We get up, and made our way to the bathroom. Sasha started brushing first, and through a mouthful of foam, said "So... Didth yoo evah go ouwt wif Anthela?"

I wet my toothbrush. "No, it was never like that. She was like my younger sister." I smiled, and slapped her butt. "Why? Jealous?"

She wagged furiously, and washed her mouth out. "No. I'm sure that I'm all you need." She left the bathroom, swinging her hips provocatively. I grinned, and quickly started brushing. I did not want to miss this!

I brushed hard, making sure to get at all the new spaces in my jaw. One good thing about being a Malis, you can really get a brush into those hard to reach places. I rinsed, and gargled a bit. I spat into the sink, and yawned widely. Halfway through the yawn, I heard Sasha's voice float in from the bedroom. "Oh, Ja~ck..."

I smiled as I heard the mischief in her voice. "Coming, puppy!"

I shed clothes as I walked towards the bedroom, stripping down to my boxers as I entered it. My eyes went wide. Sasha had gotten an early start; she lay on the bed, her exposed sex glistening and her heaving breasts bare. However, as much as she appeared to want to jump up and begin riding me like a pony, she couldn't; she was handcuffed to the bed.

I double-checked to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. She was indeed truly shackled to the bed. There was a pair of cuffs around her wrists, and another around her ankles, so she couldn't move her arms or legs enough to do anything. Another pair of handcuffs went from the ones on her wrist to fasten around the headboard, so even if she crawled she couldn't move herself from the bed. Sasha batted come-hither eyes at me, and stretched out her legs. I caught a steely glint held in her toes. I took a small metal key from her foot, and stared at it. Sasha wriggled in her bindings, and said "Well?"

I palmed the key. "Did you do this to yourself?"

She slid her butt from side to side, making a swishing noise on the sheets. "Uh-huh. Does my alpha like his bitch?"

I had to struggle to pay attention to anything other than the pulsing in my pants. I sat down on the bed, and said "Alright, one more time; you want me to dominate you?"

She pushed her hips straight up into the air. "YES! Oh, yes! I want you to treat me like your little bitch! Tease me, violate me, spank me, tell me I'm a bad girl! Be my alpha!"

I put the key down on the bedside table, and let a toothy smile split my face. "Very well. Sit still, bitch."

She squealed, and clenched herself tightly on the bed. I ran my hands up and down her body, paying special attention to the spots that made her eyes shine. I snuffled at her slit, and licked away some of the moisture near it, and moved on. I stick my nose into her navel, and nibbled her belly. I mounted her, and took one of her nipples in my teeth, lightly gumming the hard nub. She arched her back, and moaned.

I started getting into the spirit of things, and bit down the slightest bit harder. "Uh-uh-uh; bitches don't get to speak!" Sasha's eyes flashed, and she stilled. I continued my oral breast examination, running my tongue all over the raised ring of puffy flesh. I closed my lips about it, and fancied I could hear her heart beat. I sucked lightly on it, and caused her to wriggle a bit. When I thought she'd had enough, I hiked myself up, and held myself above her. "Raise your head."

She smiled, and bared her neck to me. I bent my head over her, and ever-so-gently, fastened my teeth around her. I closed my muzzle until I could feel her warm flesh in my mouth. I didn't want to hurt her, just excite her. I let my tongue loll out, and tasted her. Her fur tasted just like her; a clean, sweet taste that lingered at the back of my mouth. I could hear her purring, through the conduit of my tongue. I licked for a few more seconds, and then I drew back, and grasped her hips. Grunting slightly, I rolled her over. I dismounted, and studied her from the foot of the bed. I had to admit, it was a nice view; Sasha's white fur ran all the way down her belly and up her back to beneath her tail, and her two pert cheeks formed a cute, plump heart. I drew back, and lightly slapped my paw to her backside. She yipped, and shook her hips back and forth. I did it again, enjoying the sound it made. "Naughty, naughty, naughty bitch; messed with her alpha a-a-all day long... And now she has to be punished!"

Sasha whimpered. I thought for a moment that I was hurting her, and then realized it was a whimper of lust, not pain. I was more than a little heated myself, and decided to give something hanging around in the back of my mind a try. I leaned over her, and bit her crisp buttock. She had obviously not been expecting this, as she howled, and her tail beat at my face. I growled around my mouthful of rump, and said "Mmm~! My bitch is quite tasty..."

Sasha was quietly and repeatedly panting now, and I noticed a dark stain spreading from between her legs. She was really getting worked up! I decided to push her a little bit more. I slid my paw under her, and slid most of my fingers into her, and began to saw them back and forth. Sasha cried out, and started to hump my hand. I worked her over for half a minute, and then drew my paw out of her, and wiped the fluids on her butt. She whined, and scooted towards me, trying to get my paw back inside her. I scratched the base of her tail, and said "Hmm... You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you, bitch?"

I flipped her back over, and had to hide my astonishment; boy, she was really dripping now! I ran my finger around her sex, and collected her juices. I held it up to her face, and smirked. "Lick," I commanded. Sasha licked all of her honey from my fingers, and whined. She then began to suck on my hand, trying for some kind, any kind of release. I let her suckle, and tickled the underside of her chin. I purred "Mmm, there's a good bitch, there's a good bitch..."

I withdrew my hand from her muzzle. She groaned, and lunged against her chains after my damp paw. I scratched her ears, and murmured sweet nothings. I advanced on my knees, until the tent in my boxers was almost touching her gushing depths. I looked up in mock surprise at the expression of unbridled avarice on Sasha's face. "You want this? Did you want this, bitch?"

Sasha spoke, quietly and meekly. "Yes, alpha, I want it. Please..."

I shrugged. "Okay, then..."

I got off the bed, and slowly pulled of my underpants. They stuck around my shaft, and I lightly flicked them off, allowing my equipment to spring forth. Sasha let out a quavering scream as both sets of her lips drooled at the sight of her mate in full display. I pointed at myself, and said "Just to clarify, this is what you wanted, right?"

She said nothing coherent, just a frenzied babble as she launched herself against her bindings again and again. I wrapped a paw around myself, and began to pump back and forth. "So, bitch, what do you think of this?"

As I pleasured myself, I studied Sasha's face. I smirked as she barked and howled for my cock, to end this heavenly torture. I felt a brief pang as I saw tears well in her eyes as she prayed for something, anything to sate her. I decided to bring the game to a close, and as a white dot of pre appeared at my tip, I said "Well, bitch? If you want it, show me how bad you want it."

Sasha struggled some more, and then sat still and thought for a second. She painstakingly rolled onto her side, and then all the way over. Then, she shimmied her rear into the air, and held it there. She let loose one final, sad whimper, and that was all I needed. I sprang on her, and roughly entered her, plunging my meat into her as far as it could go with one triumphant thrust. Sasha had a fit; she barked, snapped at empty air, howled at an unseen moon. I plunged in again and again, reaching my paws forward to cup her breasts. I growled "Yeah, bitch likes that, doesn't she? That's a good bitch!"

I hilted myself as fast I could, and made one final move by reaching my head forward and running a warm wet tongue along her shoulder blades, and running rows of sharp teeth along her back. She clenched around me a little, and I spurted a few drops. I pumped a few more times, and yelled as I plunged my swollen knot into her. I pounded into her a few more times, and she came.

Sasha didn't scream in orgasm, didn't howl or yelp like a Malis possessed; instead, I heard one of the most pleasure-filled and relieved sighs I ever heard. Sasha came hard, crushing my cock in a vise-like grip. I grunted, and spilled into her, blasting a wave of sticky seed as far into her as I could. We stayed up, tied by my knot, for an unknown time as the waves of pleasure beat our brains senseless. I went first, staggering back drunkenly. Sasha swayed on her knees, before finally collapsing into a limp heap.

I lay there in the afterglow, eyes lidded, breathing heavy. I reached over, and lovingly caressed Sasha's back. Her contented purring shook her entire frame, and I laughed faintly as her vibrations tickled my pads. Suddenly, what I'd done finally penetrated the rational part of my brain. I leaped up from the bed, and snatched the key. As I unlocked the chains, I gibbered to her. "Oh, God, Sasha, I'm so sorry! I just got carried away, are you hurt? Are you alright?"

As I unlocked the final cuff, Sasha rolled over, and a sloppy smile spread over her face. She grabbed both my shoulders in an unbreakable grip, and roared "What the Hell are you apologizing for?! I was hornier than I'd ever been in my entire life! Oh, God, Jack, you are the best alpha ever!"

Another wave of pleasure rocked her hard. Her paws trembled, and she guided me to her side "Uh... Uhhh... Ah, fuck, I thought I wanted you to stretch me before, but after all that, I almost refused to let you go!" She closed her eyes, and put her hands between her legs. She moaned, and continued. "Just close my thighs and keep you in me forever..."

I reached over and hauled myself into her. I snuggled in as close as I could, and Sasha rolled onto her side and squished herself closer in to me. She nosed her muzzle against mine, tickling my whiskers, and then angled her head down and pressed the top of her head into my chest. I put my arms around her, and wormed my fingers through her fur. I sighed, deeply, and felt myself start to drift off.

God, how lucky was I? Here I am; a guy working his dream job, with his dream girl, with some great friends, and the support of an entire gang. I sleepily licked the top of Sasha's head, and nodded off into a dreamless sleep. Why did I need to dream? I was living one!