Captured and Changed

Story by spryfox on SoFurry

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It's rushed, disorganized, and has a needlessly long lead-in, but I'm sure there have been worse forays into the wonderful world of furry smut.


Naked and strapped to the cold metal gurney, I couldn't help but wonder how this ever could have happened to me.


I was never the type to sleep with a knife under my pillow. Just over 6'3" and living in the middle of nowhere, I really didn't think I had much to worry about. The area I resided in had an extremely low crime rate, and I didn't think that a burglar would want to steal from me anyway. On top of that, I was pretty athletic, working out at least twice a week. There was a Louisville Slugger in the corner of my room. What could go wrong?

Pretty much everything.

I slept through my kitchen windows being shattered, and two black-clad individuals clumsily stumbling through them. The whole capture was actually pretty embarrassing. I didn't wake up until they were in my room, on either side of my bed, at which point they began laughing. Sitting up, I tried to make sense of what was going on, but everything was hazy - hazier than usual after I woke up.

One of the people spoke. "Nice ADT sign out front. Whose is it?"

I realized that these men were not supposed to be in my house. I felt the effects of adrenaline kicking in, and I could almost see clearly. The bat. I lunged forward from my bed. I got caught on the sheets and fell forward, hitting my head against the footboard, sliding off the bed in a tangle of bedding. Things stopped being so clear, and I lost consciousness to the sounds of more laughing.


I regained consciousness in the back of what was probably a plain white van. I could hear Lady Gaga "Roma-ma"-ing through some tinny speakers, and the ground was vibrating, so I figured I was at least in a vehicle of some kind. I also deduced that there was a bag over my head. My nose itched more than it ever had before.

"I think the kid's awake."

Memories of what happened at my house rushed back to me. Those fuckers!


Punctuation be damned, I was going to scream at these people until they couldn't stand it anymore. They'd pull the vehicle over, and approach me. And then I'd kick 'em. Or something.

Then I realized that my feet were bound. And my hands.


I was interrupted by the laughter I was becoming all too familiar with. God, I hated it! It was wild and untamed - the kind of laughter than is accompanied by obnoxious snorts, rocking and pointless handclapping. It almost sounded animalistic.

I resigned myself to simply lying in the back fuming. I could yell at them later.

After about an hour, the vehicle stopped somewhere. I don't really know where. Perhaps I'm not the best narrator of this story. I was hauled out and they attempted to carry me somewhere, but I decided to act extra squirmy. Eventually I was brought into a windex-scented building where the bag over my head was dramatically whipped off. It was pitch-black and I couldn't see anything still. Next, I was stripped then tossed and strapped to a gurney. Then I was pushed to an empty room. And here I am now.


I don't know how long I sat there, but eventually I heard footsteps. A small, dim floodlight was turned on, weakly illuminating the room. It was a giant cube, everything made of concrete - walls, floor and all. The footsteps got louder, but I wasn't able to see the person due the straps on the gurney. And then a voice spoke, crisp and loud with the air of a circus ringleader.

"Welcome, Viktor Royal. You have been brought here to be made into an anthropomorphic animal slave."

At that point it seemed that he had taken a few moments to let those words sink in, but they were doing everything but sinking. Bouncing in my head, echoing in my ears... I didn't understand them. So I did what I always did when I didn't understand something.

"What?" I said.

"I do believe I was being quite clear." At this point, the man had walked close enough to my head to where I could make out his features. He was bald and had a goatee and a tightly curled mustache. He also wore a suit with enormous tails and, on the whole, looked completely idiotic. "You are going to be transformed into a slave, in the form of an anthropomorphic animal."

"W-..." I paused. And hesitated. "What?"

"You're a bright one, aren't you? Well, no point in explaining further. I guess you'll just have to experience it to understand it."

And then he turned to leave.

"Wait! Why me?"

"Well, you were never the type to sleep with a knife under your pillow."

And with that, he left.


Before the door had even shut behind him, I heard a second set of footsteps. These sounded heavier, duller. As they got closer, I could make out a hulking shape. Then it stepped into the light, and struck me speechless. It was a bear, but also had some distinctly human characteristics about it. Its face seemed more expressive, its paws more functional.

I heard a very familiar laugh and with a deft swipe of his paw, the bear sliced through each of the straps on the gurney, and pulled me onto the floor. Bringing myself to my knees, I looked at him once more. From below, he was even more intimidating. Mostly because between the bear's massive legs was the most enormous cock I had ever seen. It had to be at least a foot long, throbbing and erect. I probably couldn't have even wrapped my hand around it.

Then, with a smirk, the bear mercilessly shoved it in my mouth.

"Oh god..." I thought, tears rushing to my eyes as my jaw was wrenched open. This couldn't be happening. Things like this didn't happen. I tried not to think about what was going on, but it was impossible. It wasn't feasible for me not to taste the musky, salty flavor of the bear's prick, it wasn't realistic for me to ignore my gag reflex screaming at me to get this monstrosity out of my throat.

The bear let out a deep rumbling sigh. His balls rested on my chin, and for a moment, my world was that cock.

I tried to pull away, but he had a paw on the back of my head. I thought about biting down, but I wasn't going to anger a bear. Sobbing now, almost unable to breathe, I resigned myself to what was happening. Then the bear began thrusting.

"This cannot be happening," I thought. I'm straight. I'm being sexually assaulted by strangers, why is this happening!?

I made a few muffled sounds, then focused all my attention on trying to breathe. I was being face-fucked by a giant man-bear. And then, looking down, I realized I was getting aroused.

I heard the bear laugh again, as he sped up. I grabbed the bear's ass for support. I had gotten used to the taste, and...

I tried to pull away again. The bear laughed again and sped up. His thrusts were becoming more wild, more sporadic. I could smell sweat as his balls repeatedly slapped my chin. I grabbed them with one hand. They were also black, and they felt so warm in my hand. I fondled them, and squeezed his ass with my other hand. It felt so good...

I wanted to throw up, but my gag reflex had receded, and the taste in my mouth wasn't as bad anymore. The bear was grunting with each thrust now. I rubbed my tongue on the bottom of his dick as he shoved in and out of my mouth. With one final stab, he came and my mouth and throat were instantly filled with delicious cum. I swallowed it all eagerly, and kept swallowing as his dick kept pumping it down my throat. I wanted more, more...

But the bear had backed away.

"Please..." I said.

He winked at me and stayed where he was. Then I heard a crack. My ankle had popped. Another crack. My other ankle.

Suddenly what the bald guy had said made sense. My ankles hadn't just popped - they had reshaped.

And soon I was seeing changes appearing all over my body. It was agonizing. My entire body burned as I felt orange fur sprouting across my body, with white fur spreading across my chest. I felt as if I were on fire. I could tell more of my joints were reshaping. My hands reformed to be more paw-like, and my legs had finished changing to become more canine. I knew I was a lot shorter, and I felt a good bit thinner too. I touched my ears - or at least the spot where they used to be. They had painstakingly moved to the top of my head, triangular and pointed. Then I sensed an intense pressure on my face, and realized it was pushing out. Soon I had a muzzle. The pain began to recede, but not before I felt a pressure greater than anything else on my tailbone. Before my very eyes, a long fox tail grew out of the bottom of my back. And then the changes stopped.

I looked down and realized my dick now had a sheath. But I was still aroused.

I approached the bear again... "Please... fuck me."

"It would be my pleasure."

"Where I come from," the man began, walking in circles around the petrified youth, "it is considered rude to barge into another person's house, and it is considered even ruder to steal from them. Why did you do this? What do you have to say for yourself?"

The man trembled as he stopped to stare the boy down, but Alex knew that he wasn't scared. His voice was steady and he held himself with the an air of confidence.

Alex was the scared one. The wiry sixteen-year-old had been stealing things all his life. It had just been a hobby. He wasn't an obsessed criminal, or a disturbed child; he was simply a thrill seeker. Jumping out of planes was expensive and other extreme sports were dangerous. Stealing however, was a rush that was safe, and more importantly profitable. But this time - clearly - he had miscalculated, and now for the first time, he'd been caught.

"I..." he stammered then swallowed hard. Thinking quickly, he tried to save himself. "My mother is sick. She's at the state hospital now, and us two are the only ones left in the family. She's suffering terribly, and neither of us can handle the bills. I... well, I heard that you might have valuables at your house, and didn't really know what else to-"

"I've seen you at the orphanage, boy. Don't you lie to me."

Alex's stomach plummeted, and there was an enormous, painful silence. He clenched his jaw, and then...

"I was robbing you."

"Well, I think that's obvious," the man said curtly. "Now strip."

"Excuse me?"

"I was quite clear. If you do not comply, I will not hesitate to dial the police."

Another painful silence ensued. The boy heard his heart thumping wildly and realized that he didn't have a choice. First he took off his mask - a simple solid black bandana obscuring the bottom of his face. Alex never took his eyes off the man, and the man never stopped staring at Alex. Then he removed his shirt, pulling the black garment over his head.

And then, with a pang of dread, he saw the man licking his lips. Alex froze. His heart started to thump even more madly as he realized that this was definitely a situation he didn't want to be in. Should he keep going? He expected the man to do something like cock an eyebrow, or tell him to continue. He expected the man to, in the least, nod. But he just stared.

"It's either this for now or prison for years," Alex thought to himself. So he kicked off his shoes: black moccasins. He whipped off his socks. And then he took off the black sweatpants which concealed his pale, toned legs.

The man kept staring, and then he smiled. "I said strip."

And so Alex determinedly threw off the briefs he had been wearing as well.

"Now... let's see here." The man began digging through the clothing, going through the pockets of each article. He got to the sweatpants and pulled out a pair of rings and an amulet. "You've got a good eye, boy." He kept going through Alex's things until he reached his briefs, at which point he lifted them to his face, and inhaled deeply. Alex shivered.

The man regained his composure. "So you stole my most valuable possessions. Then you lied to me. That's very,very rude." The man was circling Alex again, and the boy had never felt more exposed. The man, on the other hand, was acting much brighter. "I think we can both agree that such actions cannot go without being addressed. That is to say that a punishment is in order. Speaking of which, I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

Alex paused before spitting out an answer. "Good. The good news first."

"The good news is that I will not be alerting the authorities that a dirty thief is on the loose. The bad news is that tonight, you're mine. You will do exactly as I say. At first you will comply or else I will call the police. Later you will comply simply because... well, you'll see."

The man held out his hand. "Now, put on this ring. I think there's a sort of poetic justice to the thief having to bear that which he'd stolen."

Alex grabbed the ring and put it on his right ring finger, but before it had slid past his second knuckle, he felt as if a sledge hammer had slammed into his funny bone. Amused by Alex's reaction, the man chuckled saying, "that'll give you a mask to be proud of." And then the man put on the other ring.

The vibration's in Alex's arm didn't stop, and they spread up his shoulder, across his back, and down his other arm. He looked down, just before the tremors reached his head, to see that the skin on his hands was darkening.... Or was it? He reached for his right hand with his left and realized that the softness wasn't his skin. It was black fur. And it was also spreading, tailing the vibrations as they rapidly traveled all over his body.

More changes appeared. His fingers shortened. He had paws. He felt a burning sensation on the side of his head which slowly swept upwards. Reaching for his ears, he realized that they had reshaped and ascended to the top of his head. Alex felt pressure on the lower part of his face, and shut his eyes tight as his mouth and nose pushed out to become a muzzle. The joints in his legs cracked and reconnected. The vibrations finally stopped, but he felt a massive pressure in his lower back which suddenly ceased when a long ringed tail burst from it.

Shocked, the raccoon looked over his new body. He wanted to see himself. He looked to the wall on his right, which had a full-length mirror. His paws were black, with his limbs becoming lighter the closer they got to his torso. He didn't seem so thin anymore either, with a much more curvaceous figure including an enticingly round butt. Where his humanoid cock once stood, there was now an animalistic sheath. And finally, on his face, above his new muzzle was a sharp, dashing, black mask.

A silver paw reached around and caressed his new sheath, while another gently squeezed his ass. In the mirror he could see that it belonged to a beautiful wolf, muscled like a greek statue yet gentler than a cloud. Alex couldn't stifle a moan. And then without warning, he turned and began to fervently kiss the wolf. The muzzles were troublesome at first, but the raccoon's passion eventually won over as their tongues darted in and out of each other's mouths.

Groping each other furiously, the two furry males were a tangle of limbs. Alex grasped for the wolf's enormous balls, covered in plush silver fur. Massaging them in his paw, the wolf's cock was very quickly coerced from its massive sheath. Now it was the wolf's turn to be unable to stifle a moan.

With his own cock already rock hard, Alex broke the kiss. He looked into the wolf's eyes. Then he came at the wolf again, rapidly kissing down the wolf's muscled chest until the raccoon, on his knees, had reached his prize.

The wolf's erection was magnificent. Onyx black and throbbing with life, Alex could hardly wrap his paws around its stunning girth. The raccoon tried to take things slowly, but he simply couldn't muster the self-control; in the blink of an eye, the pointed cock-tip of the wolf was buried in Alex's warm, moist muzzle.

The musty taste was irresistible to Alex. He shoved the rest of the wolf's dick down his throat, throwing caution to the wind. The raccoon took an enormous whiff of the crotch his muzzle was now buried in. The sensation was unbelievably intense. Perhaps it was due to his increased sense of smell, or maybe it was just because the wolf's musk simply smelled that good, but that scent rocked Alex's world. It was Alex's world.

Before long, Alex was eagerly going up and down on the wolf's member, rubbing his tongue along the bottom of it as it thrusted in and out. He couldn't get enough. He squeezed the wolf's ass, and played with his big soft balls, But then, as suddenly as he started, he stopped.

On his knees, he made eye-contact with the wolf once again, a pleading look expressed across his masked face. "Please... I need you inside me."

The wolf was more than happy to comply. He motioned for Alex to stand, and then bend over, supporting himself on a nearby wall. Alex lifted his tail to reveal his painfully empty hole. The wolf stood behind him and slowly ran his big moist cock between the raccoon's furry ass cheeks. Alex shuddered impatiently. And then without warning, the wolf entered.

Alex screamed with surprise and pain. He hadn't expected it to hurt so much. The wolf squeezed Alex's hips comfortingly, but that didn't make him feel less like he was being split in two. Alex felt his back being rubbed, and after a minute or so he was feeling better. He pushed back, and more of the wolf's cock slid into him.


Eyes closed, Alex pushed all the way back, hilting himself on the wolf's massive dick. The pain now completely receded, he had never felt anything more spectacular. He felt so delightfully full; he wondered how he ever managed to live without a warm wolf cock crammed up his ass.

Clutching the raccoon's hips for support, the wolf then pulled back and thrusted into the raccoon. A lustful moan told him that he could continue. He thrusted a few more time until he had picked up a pace, relishing the raccoon's tight ass wrapped around his cock.

Alex needed more. Each time that cock slammed into him, he just wanted more. And he would get more. He started pushing back on each of the wolf's thrusts, which were quickly becoming faster. He felt a paw squeeze his ass, and he smiled.

The wolf continued to accelerate, to the point where his balls swung into the raccoon's each time he thrusted. Soon the raccoon was screaming in pleasure.

Alex could hardly take anymore. A lustful bliss had swept over him, making him succeptible to his most primal urges. Every time the hot body of that wolf crashed into his, he screamed louder. Every time that cock pushed into him, he came closer to blowing his load. And then a paw came around, gripped his cock and began to rub up and down. The raccoon could hardly stand it.

And then the raccoon began to notice that the wolf was becoming more frantic, and the wolf's cock was becoming... larger? The knot. The wolf's thrusts became more wild and uncontrolled, and his rubbing became more rapid.

Between his screams and moans, Alex tried to speak. "I'm... gonna...!"

The wolf smashed into the raccoon one final time, the knot slipping into his tailhole with a pop, and then... the raccoon came. Alex came more violently than he ever had in his life, shooting volcanic proportions of semen onto the wall he was supporting himself with. More and more kept coming out, and very quickly the wall was being painted white. His eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy.

"Fuck," the wolf cried, as he also came, filling the Raccoon with copious amounts of his warm spunk. "Fuck..." he said again, as they both collapsed to the floor.


When Alex awoke, he heard a ring clatter to the floor. Still lying down, he picked it up, wondering what happened. Then he saw his hand... and fingers... and lack of fur. The events of the previous night came rushing back to him. He looked himself over. He was naked, and covered with semen from the night before. Behind him was the man he had tried to rob, who was also awake. The man whispered in his ear:

"I used to be a thief too, you know. You can keep the rings. Next time... just don't get caught."