Mercenary 2: youth

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#2 of Mercenary




DISCLAIMER: this story contains lots of nasty stuff, violence, rape, incest, and sex between anthropomorphic male characters, you are warned, you should be over 18 to read this. All characters are copyrighted by me.

As always, feedback is appreciated. I have more plans for this series but I need to know what you like and don't like about it.

The soft evening breeze ran trough the field, gently rocking the tall grass, making flowers and butterflies dance alike, and drying the sweat of the two bodies facing each other on a small shore next to a crystal clear lake. The gray wolf, clad only in a small loincloth took a fighting position, holding his sword with both hands and studied his opponent, trying to find a weak point. The dragon was watching the wolf too, he was also wearing a loincloth, every muscle in his body tensed, the descending sun giving his brown and red scales a nearly fiery look, and reflecting sparkles from a silver necklace in the shape of a wolf head the dragon was wearing.

The dragon's and the wolf's eyes locked on each other, they were both moving in circles, waiting for the right moment to attack. Suddenly, the wolf lurched forward swaying his sword, the dragon blocked the attack with his own sword and countered, both fighters kept striking, blocking and dodging for a good ten minutes, neither of them managed to hit the other a single time.

" You're getting better" said Grekko, panting "You may even win the next time"

"Why not this time?" asked Nahual, panting too "look at you, you can barely stand on your feet."

"I can still kick your ass" said Grekko and lurched again.

Nahual managed to block the strike holding his sword with one hand, and with the other he pushed the dragon's chest.

Grekko's left foot stepped on a rock and he fell to the ground, a sharp pain on his sole made him wince.

"Are you ok?" asked Nahual, dropping his sword and kneeling next to his mate.

"I'll be fine" said Grekko "It's just a little strain"

Nahual helped Grekko to his feet.

"It was a good fight" said Grekko.

"I have a good teacher" said Nahual leaning forward to kiss the dragon "Let's cool off"

They both headed towards the lake, Grekko limping a little because of his strained foot. They removed their loincloths and entered the water, letting it wash away the tiredness of the intense training.

It has been almost a month since Nahual had helped the villagers against the riders and had sworn his love to Grekko. It has become a sort of ritual, they would spend the evenings training and then take a bath in the calm lake. They often ended up making love there, when they weren't very tired, and seeing Nahual's strong nude body, Grekko wasn't feeling too tired anymore, he tried to walk towards Nahual but his strain stopped him. Nahual saw this and walked towards his mate hugging him.

" Let's have a look at that" he said and they both went off the lake and sat in the shore.

Nahual took Grekko's left clawed foot and began to gently massage it. Grekko liked the feeling of the soft paw pads against his scaled soles and he began to murr. Nahual lifted his gaze and saw Grekko's balls started to swell.

"I take it you like this" said Nahual smiling.

Grekko just nodded, Nahual then started licking the water from the dragon's sole, Grekko moaned and the tip of his cock emerged from his slit. Once Nahual felt Grekko's left foot was totally relaxed, he placed it on the ground and started the same treatment with the right one. Grekko noticed his left foot was touching Nahual's filling sheath and balls. The dragon started gently rubbing his saliva covered sole against the soft fur encircling the throbbing sheath between his scaled toes. Soon, the pointed tip of Nahual's member emerged. Grekko could now feel the wolf's forming knot trough the sheath. Nahual was enjoying his lover's touch as he kept licking and sucking Grekko's toes, Grekko's own black cock started to grow, resting against his thigh and dripping precum, Nahual finally placed the dragon's foot on the ground and inched between the dragon's legs, the wolf started to slowly bathe the dragon's inner thighs with his tongue avoiding to touch Grekko's balls or cock, Grekko was starting to shiver due to Nahual's teasing, he started swishing his tail between Nahual's legs, gently caressing the wolf's balls, Nahual knew the teasing game had begun, so, he moved his tongue towards the dragon's tail hole and began lapping at the edges while his hands started stroking Grekko's sides. Grekko's tail tip made his way towards Nahual's puckered hole and started tapping against it. Grekko's cock was now fully erect and dripping precum all over the dragon's length, Nahual couldn't ignore the shining, inviting flesh any more, he took the pole in his mouth and started sucking on it, Grekko felt the warm lips and started caressing Nahual's head with his right hand, his foot returned to Nahual's cock and his tail tip entered Nahual's hole. Nahual felt like he was in heaven, he continued to bob his head up and down on Grekko's cock, then Nahual felt the first spurt of dragon cum hit the back of his throat, he backed up a little to be able to taste the sweet cream of his lover, the flavor of fresh cum in his mouth, the strong musk of his lover's arousal in his nose, the slowly pistoning tail in his ass and the scaled toes rubbing his cock, all this triggered the wolf's own climax, Nahual growled around his mouthful of cock as his cum coated the dragon's feet. Nahual released the still erect cock and moved to Grekko's feet to lap at his own mess, then he moved on top of the dragon and they shared a passionate kiss for a long time, Grekko felt Nahual's cock tip pressing against his tail hole and he adjusted himself to allow his lover better access, Nahual slowly pushed in until his knot was pressing against Grekko's ass. Grekko's tailm had been buried in the wolf all this time, Nahual took it with his paw and pushed it in a little further, then he started slowly pulling his cock, just to push it back in a little stronger, he kept this pace for some time, increasing the strength of his thrusts, until his knot entered Grekko, he kept pushing until he felt his cock releasing its load deep inside the dragon, Grekko's cock was trapped between soft fur and soft scales, it started throbbing and spurting too in the moment Grekko felt the warm cum inside him, both lovers remained tied for a while, hugging and kissing each other .

"I have been wanting to ask you something" said Grekko looking into the wolf's amber eyes.

Nahual returned the loving look, no words were needed, they loved each other, nothing could ever change that.

"You're very good with the sword" continued the dragon "You must have trained a lot when you were young, it took me almost fifty years to get the skill level you have"

"How old can you be?" asked Nahual kissing Grekko on the forehead.

"I'm 235 year old" said Grekko.

Nahual lifted his right eyebrow, he knew dragons aged very slowly, but this was a bit of a surprise.

" Does that bothers you?" asked Grekko with a concerned look.

"Of course not" said Nahual "You could be 20 or 1000 years old and I would still love you"

"What I wanted to ask you was, why did you choose to be a mercenary?

Nahual's Knot had shrunk enough to allow him to pull free from Grekko, he did it eliciting a groan from both of them.

"It's a long story, and it's getting dark, let's return home and I'll tell it to you on the way."

They both got up and picked their swords and putted their loin clothes on, as they started walking, Nahual began his story.


The sun shined with all it's strength over the small wooden house, a white female wolf stood in the doorframe.

"Where could he be?"

In a large apple tree behind the house, a pair of amber eyes looked as she started circling the house until she was just under the tree, then a young cub jumped right into her arms, she quickly caught him.

"Did I scared you mom?" asked the gray colored cub.

"You could have scared anyfur to death" she said "but not your mother, I could tell where you were just by closing my eyes, now, go wash yourself, your father should be here soon"

She lowered her son and he entered the house, as she was about to enter too, she saw a figure coming down the hill. It was a huge gray wolf, he was carrying a dead deer in his back, he had a small scar on his left cheek.

"This should be enough for a few days" he said, letting the animal fell on the ground and hugging the female "Where is he?"

"I just sent him in to wash himself."

"Have you told him yet?"

"Not yet, I was waiting for you"

The wolf's expression turned dark.

"Algren, what is it?" asked his wife.

"We may have to move again soon, I talked to an old badger this morning, he told me a brigade of soldiers asked him about someone named Uriel"

But nobody in this shire has ever heard that name" she said "Everybody knows you as Algren"

"I know, but it will be only a matter of time before they find us. I'm sorry for bring this onto you at this time"

"Don't worry my love" she said caressing the scar on his cheek "we'll move out then, I'll follow you to the edge of the world"


"Daddy! You're home!" Nahual exclaimed running to hug his father.

Algren carried his son with one arm and with the other he took one of the deer's forelegs.

" We have a surprise for you" he told his son "I'll tell you after dinner."

They all entered the small house as a few clouds started to form in the sky.

That night, as an approaching storm made the air cold and moist, there was warmth in the inside of the cabin. Little Nahual had just finished his dinner and was now sitting with his parents in front of the fireplace.

"Nahual, I was waiting for your father to return to tell you this, I wanted him to share the happiness I'm sure you're going to feel" said Glory with a smile on her face "in a few months... you're going to have a little brother"

Nahual's face lit with joy.

"Really?" he busted into laughs and ran to hug and kiss his mother "It's going to be great!"

"Now, remember son, you're going to be a big brother, you'll have to take good care of your little brother or sister" said his father.

"I'm going to teach him to fish, and to climb trees and..."

"Don't rush things son" said Algren "There are still a few months before..."

The wolf's words froze in his mouth as he started sniffing the air around him.

There was a knock on the door.

Glory turned to see her husband. Algren slowly got up and approached the door, Nahual started to feel a little scared, he had never seen those expressions on his parents before.

Algren opened the door, there stood a large tiger clad in the royal army attire, four or five furs behind him.

"What can I do for you?" asked Algren.

"We are looking for a wolf named Uriel, he's a deserter, we heard he was hiding in this shire."

"Never heard of him" said Algren "I know many wolves around here and none of them seems to be the one you're looking for"

"Are you sure?" asked a voice behind the tiger "He is a gray wolf, should be in his middle forties by now."

A buff cheetah appeared behind the tiger, Algren's eyes widened.

"He was a very good soldier, but he disobeyed a direct order and killed a high ranked officer and ten more good soldiers, including my father."

The cheetah entered then house followed by the other soldiers as Algren started backing up.

"He ran away with his pregnant wife five years ago, a white female by the mane of Glory, they were both very good friends of mine, oh! I almost forget, during a practice battle, I gave him a scar on his left cheek."

"Rion" said Algren "I'll go with you if you let my family go"

"Uriel, you killed my father, What makes you think I'll have any consideration towards you or your family?"

"Daddy, who is he? Why did he called you Uriel?" asked Nahual, hiding behind his mother.

"So, you have kept this even from your own son" said Rion looking at the frightened Nahual.

A thunder fell on a tree near the cabin and the rain started falling.

"Your daddy is a traitor" said Rion smiling "you see, he was once a soldier, just like me, but he didn't liked to follow orders, one day, he decided to help some mean people, and when we told him he had to pay for that, he ran away, hurting lots of people on his way."

Nahual's eyes started to water, he turned to look at his father, he had always seen him as a gentle and loving fur, always willing to help others.

"You know what really happened back then" said Algren "I refused to obey because I was given the order to slaughter innocent farmers, that's not a soldier's job."

"And killing soldiers of your own brigade is?" Asked Rion angered.

"I had to protect my wife" said Algren, standing right between Glory and Rion "Now, I'll ask you again, please, leave them alone and I'll go with you without struggle."

"Who says we're going to take you anywhere?" asked Rion as another wolf started moving towards Algren, withdrawing his sword.

Algren made a movement and a hidden dagger fell from his shirt sleeve to his hand, he quickly thrown the dagger right into the wolf's neck, then he took the sword from the dying wolf's hands and stood to face his opponents.

There were at least six furs inside, all with their swords unsheathed, Nahual firmly grasped his mother's dress.

"Very impressive Uriel," said Rion "But you're not the only one with skills here"

The cheetah attacked and as Algren blocked the attack, he heard a scream behind him, he turned in time to see Glory fell to the ground, dragging Nahual with her, an arrow incrusted on her chest. He saw the tiger, still aiming his bow gun. Algren's eyes filled with tears... and hate. His enraging roar was echoed by another thunder, then, with a swift motion, he decapitated a bear right to his left, now there were four of them and he had two swords.

"Kill him!" ordered Rion, and hell broke loose in the small house.

Algren's speed was amazing, he was not able to attack but he managed to dodge and block every strike from his opponents.

Nahual was kneeling next to his mother, not able to do anything else, except to watch his father's incredible display of skill. Glory's chest raised a little, she was still alive.

"Nahual" the little wolf hugged his mother crying "Run, get out of here"

"Mommy, please don't die" he said between sobs.

"Run, now, your father won't be able to hold them for too..."

Before she could finish, a gloved hand pushed the arrow deeper on her chest until the tip touched the wooden floor. The tiger pulled the arrow from Glory's still convulsing, blood covered body and tossed it on the floor, before Nahual's eyes.

Then he crouched behind the pup and took him in his arms, Nahual managed to unconsciously take the bloody arrow. His little brain was still overloaded with the scent of his mother's blood.

"I have your son Uriel" yelled the tiger.

Algren turned just a fraction of a second, but that was enough for Rion's sword to enter his left shoulder, Algren screamed in pain as the sword he was holding slipped from his left hand.

"Now, throw the other one" said Rion "Or we'll eviscerate your child in front of you"

Nahual dropped his other sword and groaned as Rion pulled his sword from his shoulder.

"Although, we're going to do just that anyway" said the cheetah as he kicked Algren right in the ribs "We're just going to have some fun before"

Alkgren fell on the ground and the three furs started punching him. The tiger slowly sat in a chair with Nahual on his lap.

"Let's see how daddy gets beaten" whispered the tiger in Nahual's ear "You'll be with your mommy very soon"

Just then Nahual reacted and incrusted the arrow he was holding into the tiger's neck. It barely entered the tiger's skin, but had managed to cut right through the jugular. The tiger thrown Nahual to the floor and stood, he pulled the arrow and a stream of blood escaped from his neck he immediately began to feel dizzy and searched for Nahual with blurry eyes, little did he know, Nahual was right behind his feet, holding a small knife, with all his strength, Nahual made a cut in the tiger's Aquiles tendon.

The tiger fell screaming and Nahual quickly got up and ran towards the fireplace, he took a burning log and thrown it to the furs kicking his father, the log fell near a badger and immediately started burning his clothes. That made the attacker distract for two or three seconds. Algren made good use of that time, he took the sword that was still on the ground and swayed it. The burning badger roared as his foot and calf were separated from his body. Algren tried to stand up, but a kick from Rion sent him back to the ground.

"You do have balls, I'll admit that" he said as he prepare to deliver a deadly strike "your son too"

Rion turned his gaze to the fireplace, but Nahual wasn't there, he searched the room, and found the cub next to the tiger's body, aiming at the cheetah with the bow gun. Nahual pressed the trigger and the small arrow flew trough the air. Rion yelled in pain as it entered his left eye. Algren looked all around and realized the fire had started devouring the wooden structure. He got up and quickly killed the last fur standing, he picked his son and, as he made his way out of the cabin, he felt a sharp pain on his right leg, he saw a small knife incrusted there, he pulled it out, and then saw Rion standing a few feet from him.

"This is not over Uriel" said the cheetah pressing a hand against his profusely bleeding face "I'll kill you and your son, you can be sure of that"

the flames reached a barrel of flammable oil used to lit lamps and it exploded, sending Algren and Nahual out of the house. Algren slowly stood up, watching as his house was burned down to ashes, along with the body of his pregnant wife.

He picked his unconscious son and made his way towards the forest amongst the rain.

Nahual slowly opened his eyes, he was feeling comfortable, at first, he thought he was in his bed and he was expecting his mother to enter his room telling him breakfast was ready, then he realized he was not in his bedroom, he was laying on a pile of hay in a cave, he remembered everything and started crying, then he heard a noise and turned towards the entrance of the cave, his father was standing there, holding something in a dirt covered blanket. Algren had spent the night taking care of his wounds and had left early in the morning to get the package he was now holding. Nahual ran towards his father and hugged him, they both stood a long time holding each other and crying, finally, Algren spoke.

"Nahual, listen to me, we'll leave this place right now, we can't stay here anymore, Do you understand?"

Nahual just nodded.

"Dad, what's in that blanket?" asked the cub.

"Something I buried a long time ago, I was hoping to never use it again."

The wolf opened the blanket to reveal two sheathed swords, a bow with some arrows, a small axe and five daggers.

"Dad, didi you really killed people?" asked Nahual.

"Not the way Rion said, I'll explain everything to you when you're old enough to understand, now, let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know son, we'll have to stay in the forest for some time, maybe we'll settle in a city some day."

They left the cave that afternoon, Nahual's transition to a very hard way of life had just begun.

Algren started training his son in the arts of combat and survival since the very first day. They just keep traveling trough the forests, training and hunting for food.

As the years passed by, Nahual barely remembered what it felt like to sleep in a bed. Wolves reach maturity at a very young age. Nahual was 12 years old now, years of constant training and the life in the wild had given him a very well toned body, his muscles were starting to bulge and all his senses had developed very well. His father kept his promise and once Nahual was old enough Algren explained him how it all begun.

Algren's real name was Uriel, he was a soldier of the royal army, but strongly disapproved the new king's ways, an ambitious bear who only cared about conquering and crushing the week. Naturally, the commoners revealed against him, and awful battles took place in the fields, it was during one of those battles that Algren got the order to attack a small village, all the strong males were battling and there were only women, Childs and old furs in the village. Algren refused to obey and instead he left the army and joined the rebellion, a few days later, he found out there was a division of soldiers looking for him, so, he and his wife left that kingdom. Uriel changed his name to Algren and they have lived keeping a low profile ever since.

The life in the wild was hard, but the were always there for each other. However, Algren realized his son was reaching certain stage that needed some attention, the young wolf was not a cub anymore, he had reached sexual maturity, and that had become quite evident by now. They had always been comfortable being naked around each other, so, Algren never bothered to go to a nearby village to get clothes. As Nahual started developing the annoying erections every teenager has to bear, it became a little issue, The poor boy would get hard at the most inopportune moments, in the middle of a hunt or a training. Algren also noticed Nahual would sometimes get up very early to wash in the nearest pond. The older wolf knew this was because of his son's first wet dreams. The nearest village was a week from where they were now, Algren decided he had to teach a few things to his son.

Evening caught them training near a cave they were going to use for shelter that night. Nahual couldn't help it, as he started feeling his sheath swell for the hundredth time that day.

"Dad, I'm a little tired" said Nahual blushing "Can we continue tomorrow?"

"Of course son" said Algren "Let's go inside."

As they were entering the cave, Algren wrapped an arm around Nahual's shoulder.

"Listen son, I know what you're going trough, what is now happening to you happens to every male"

As Algren talked, they made their way to a pile of hay covered with some fur.

"What happens to your penis is called an erection, it fills with blood and that's why it swells, it normally happens when you are attracted to a female, but at your age it can be triggered by nearly anything, not necessarily sexual things, like right now."

Nahual looked between his legs and saw the pink tip of his cock peeking trough his sheath.

"But why yours doesn't do that?" asked Nahual.

"It does, only not as often as yours, besides I er... take care of it."


Now it was Algren's turn to blush a little.

"I'll tell you, but first let me continue, besides the erections you probably have noticed you are developing a thicker fur around your sheath and your testicles had started to grow a little.

Nahual nodded.

"That's because you are starting to produce sperm, that is the thing that makes babies, you get an erection in order to mate with a female and impregnate her with the sperm that your testicles produce, it's called by many names once is mixed with other things before it leaves your body, semen, cum, jiss, spooge. It is also what you have found in your fur some mornings, your body is constantly producing it, so, it has to eliminate the excess, that's called a wet dream."

"I understand" said Nahual "The first time that happened I thought I had peed during my sleep."

"Don't worry, son, I told you it is all a natural thing, we'll settle down soon, then you'll meet somefur you felt good to be around, and maybe you'll become mates."

"Like you and mom?"

"Exactly, but you may have those feelings towards another male, if that happens, you'll have to be careful, because that's something not everybody approves."

"You mean two males can do the same things a male and a female?"

"Not exactly the same things son, but they can also pleasure each other, males and females can also do some things by themselves, it's called masturbation"

"Is that what you do to take care of your erections?"


"Can you show me how?"

Algren looked at his son's pleading eyes, he had gotten himself onto this, besides, who else would teach his son? Algren had done lots of things whit his friends when he was Nahual's age, but his son only had him.

"Alright, but this is something a father and a son normally don't do, I'm teaching you this because there's no one else you can learn this from."

Algren spread his legs and started rubbing his sheath. Algren's wolf cock started to emerge.

"Will mine be as bug as yours?" asked Nahual, not taking his eyes of his father's crotch.

" That's very likely" said Algren, eyeing his son's endowment "Maybe even bigger, and now..."

Algren wrapped a hand around his cock.

"Take yours in your hand and do what I do"

Algren started running his hand up and down his swollen shaft, and his son started imitating him.

"The idea is to get pleasant sensations until you reach an orgasm"

"What's that?" asked Nahual as he kept masturbating.

"Is when the semen spurts out of your body, it's a very pleasant feeling, but I can't describe it to you, you'll see what I mean soon."

Algren started slowly fondling his balls and Nahual did the same. Nahual saw a drop of a clear liquid starting to form in the tip of his cock, he picked it up and asked his father.

"Is this semen?"

"No, it's called pre seminal fluid, or precum, your body will release that whenever you are exited."

Nahual took the finger to eye level and sniffed it.

"It smells strange" he slowly darted his tongue and lapped at it.

"How does it tastes?" asked his father.

"Kind of salty, but its not that bad, hey, you have lots of it!"

Algren's cock was profusely dripping and his hand and balls were now coated with precum.

"You'll produce more as you grow up" said Algren, licking his hand clean.

Nahual approached his father, sniffing the air.

"Yours smells stronger too" said Nahual, then added "Can I taste it?"

"What?" Algren looked at his son a little shocked.

"Please, you said there was no one else I could learn this from."

Algren knew he was trapped.


Nahual touched his father's erect cock and felt it slowly pulse. Algren thought Nahual would pick some precum with his finger to taste it, instead, his son lowered his head and gave his cock a long lick.

"What are you doing?" Asked Algren shuddering.

"I couldn't resist" said Nahual, still holding his father's cock- "Didn't you liked that?"

"It's not that" said Algren "this is not something we should be doing."

"Why not? You said that two males can please each other, and you seem to enjoy this" Nahual squeezed a little and his dad moaned "I love you dad, I want to help you feel good."

Without waiting for his father's replay, Nahual continued licking his cock. Algren was lost in a sea of thoughts and sensations, then he felt his son's mouth engulfing his throbbing member. Nahual's inexperience made his scratch his father's cock a little with his teeth.

"Ouch! Wait" said his father gently pulling his cock from Nahual's mouth "you have to watch those teeth son, let me show you"

Algren made Nahual lay on his back and took his son's cock in his hand.

"We're rushing things a little, I'll show you how to suck, but that's it"

Algren wrapped his lips around Nahual's cock and started bobbing his head up and down. Nahual started bucking his hips, his father's mouth in his cock was almost too much, all of a sudden, Algren stopped.

"That's how you suck another male's penis, but for now, let's just masturbate ok?"

"Can we do that to each other?" Asked Nahual.

Algren took his son's cock with his left hand behind the forming knot and started running his right hand up and down the shaft. Nahual tried to do the same, but find it a little difficult because of his father's size. Nahual started to feel his balls tightening against his body as it tensed.

"Dad, something is happening"

"I know son, just enjoy it"

Algren applied a little more pressure to his grasp and that did the trick. Nahual groaned and his cock erupted, the first spurts of cum landing on his father's cock, Algren kept holding his son's cock behind the swollen knot and with his other cum covered hand he started pumping his own cock, it didn't took him much to reach his own climax. Nahual was still panting when he felt the warm liquid coating his cock and belly.

"That was incredible" said Nahual between pants.

"Now you know how to take care of that" said his father, releasing his son's cock.

Nahual took some of his father's in his finger and licked it.

"I can see you are very curious son," said Algren, licking his own hand "I'll let you take the lead on another time, but let's go to sleep for now."

Later that night, as they were laying on the pile of fur, Algren came up with an idea.The next morning Nahual woke up and saw his father was not in the cave, he found him outside, cutting a piece of fur from a deer they had hunted a week ago.

"This should do" said Algren as he showed Nahual the results of his work "Wear this"

He tossed Nahual the improvised loincloth.

Nahual wrapped the piece of fur around his waist and between his legs, his package could be seen trough the cloth but it kept if safely confined.

"Does it feels comfortable son?" asked Algren.

"Yeah," said Nahual "It feels very good"

"Very well" said Algren as he wrapped a loincloth around himself too "Now we don't have to worry about hurting ourselves if we get hard during the hunt or practice. What do you say if we go to the river to get us some fishes for breakfast?"

The river was not far from the cave. As Algren watched his son holding a wooden spear, getting ready to catch a big fish, he started thinking how much he had denied to his son by choosing this life, he knew that if they returned to civilization, he would be found sooner or later again, but he loved his son more than anything, he wanted him to experience all the things boys his age should.

Something pulled him out of his thoughts, for just a brief second, he thought he got a smell, he sniffed the air but it was gone. He turned towards his son and saw him smiling and with a huge fish impaled on his spear.

Night found them in the cave, getting ready to continue traveling, they found it was better to travel at night, less heat and a better view. They were wrapping the last of their supplies when Algren noticed that scent again, there was no doubt this time. The older wolf got up and unsheathed his sword.

"What is it?" asked Nahual unsheathing his sword too.

"Stay there" said Algren as he approached the entrance.

A stone flew trough the air and hit Algren in the head hard. The wolf fell to the ground unconscious. Nahual ran to help his father but before he could reach him, two furs entered the cave. Nahual froze in his tracks, after all this year, he recognized the muscular cheetah next to his father immediately.


the cheetah was wearing an eye patch.

"I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten me" said the cheetah as he pointed his sword towards Algren's neck "Now, be a good cub or daddy dies"

Nahual obeyed and dropped his sword.

Algren slowly opened his eyes, he felt a dull pain on his head, he tried to touch his head with his hand, only then he realized he was firmly tied. A rope around his arms and chest.

"Welcome back" said Rion standing in front of him.

"Where's my son?" asked Algren trying to get up but failing because of the pain in his head.

The other fur, a jackal, came into view holding Nahual, the young wolf had his hands tied behind his back.

"Here's your cub" said Rion patting Nahual's head, Nahual growled and tried to bite Rion's hand.

"I see you haven't teach him manners, What kind of father are you?"

Rion walked towards Algren and slapped him hard across the face. Algren snorted at the taste of his own blood.

"Untie me and I'll show you some to you"

"I don't think so" said Rion "You know Uriel... at first I was thinking about just killing you and finish this once and for all."

Rion walked towards Nahual and started rubbing his back.

"But now I'm beginning to think death alone is not enough for you"

Realization stuck Algren's face.

"No!" he yelled "Don't you fucking dare!"

Nahual didn't understood at first, but everything became evident when the jackal ripped his loincloth and thrown Nahual onto his belly. The young wolf tried to struggle but he was easily held down. Rion pulled his pants down and started squeezing his sheath right in front of Algren.

Algren watched as the cheetah's erection emerged. Rion approached Nahual.

"I'll take it from here" he said to the jackal, who was still holding Nahual down "You go and make sure Uriel gets a good view"

The jackal took Algren's head and forced him to look towards Nahual and Rion. Nahual was still struggling, Rion kept him against ground, the wolf felt Rion spreading his legs.

"You can either relax to make this less painful, or keep fighting." Said the cheetah.

Nahual screamed in pain when he felt the invading pole entering his virgin passage. Rion hissed in pleasure and pulled abouth half of his cock.

"Your son is so tight, I may even spare his life to make him my bitch" said Rion looking towards Algren.

Nahual's father had tears in his eyes and just kept growling. Nahual felt another stab of sharp pain as Rion re entered him. The cheetah started to hump slowly, Nahual tried to concentrate on other things, but the pain was almost unbearable, the small barbs in the cheetah's cock kept scratching his anal walls. Rion wrapped his arms around Nahual's chest and dug his claws on the wolf's chest. The cheetah continued raping Nahual for several minutes, but to the young wolf it seemed like an eternity, finally Rion pushed as hard as he could and coated Nahual's battered insides with his cream, in the last instant, Rion took Nahual's shoulder between his teeth and bite him hard until his climax subsided, the pain was too much and Nahual passed out, the cheetah pulled his cock from Nahual and let him fall to the ground, a mixture of blood and semen slowly dribbled from Nahual's bused hol. Rion's cock was covered with the same mix, he cleaned it with Nahual's loincloth and dressed again.

"You son of a fucking bitch! Kill me already" yelled Algren.

"Patience Uriel, I will kill you, but I feel merciful today, I'll give you the chance to defend yourself."

The jackal took Algren by the neck and lifted him. Rion punched him in the stomach, then in the face, then in the stomach again. Algren fell, coughing and spitting blood, the jackal kicked him in the ribs.

"Untie him" said Rion

The jackal took his sword and cut both the ropes and Algren's back. The wolf screamed in pain. Rion picked Algren's sword and tossed it inn front of the wolf. Algren took it and slowly got up, the fur on his back turning red, his head spinning and he knew he had at least one broken rib, but he was determined to fight until the end, he attacked Rion, but the cheetah dodge him easily. Rion made no attempt to attack, he just kept dodging and blocking Algren's attacks, playing with the weakening wolf, finally, the blood lost did its job, Algren fell on his knees and the sword slipped from his hand.

"Is that all?" asked Rion laughing.

Making a last effort, Algren lurched forward and managed to bite Rion's leg, Rion shook the wolf off him and kicked him in the face, knocking two teeth out of him.

"Fuck," muttered Rion "that's gonna leave a scar."

He saw Algren laying on the ground, the wolf was barely conscious now.

Nahual slowly opened his eyes, he still felt a lot of pain, but when he saw his father laying on a pool of blood it started to go away, being replaced by a growing anger.

Rion saw Nahual was awake.

"You missed all the fun" said the cheetah" but you are just in time to see the end.

Nahual saw the jackal approaching with two clubs, he handed one to the cheetah.

"You had your fun, can I at least take care of the son?" asked the jackal.

"He's your, but first..."

Rion lifted the club and hit Algren, the jackal did the same, over and over again.

Nahual got on his feet, a little blood was still dripping down his legs, but the pain was completely gone, Nahual felt the adrenaline rushing all over his body, almost burning it, he let out a roar that echoed trough the cave.

"your turn" said Rion to the jackal "Just don't take too long."

The jackal dropped the club and took his sword. Nahual just stood there, watching as the jackal approached, the jackal raised his arm and before he could do more, Nahual moved like a lightning. With his left hand he took the jackal's right arm, just above the armpit, digging his claws on the jackal's skin, Nahual's right hand went straight to the jackal's throat, Nahual pulled the jackal forwards from his throat and at the same time lifted his right leg, his knee hitting the jackal's abdomen, Nahual released the jackal and he fell on his knees, Nahual used both fists to hit the sides of the jackal's neck. The bones cracked, by reflex, the jackal gritted his teeth, biting his tongue. Nahual turned to face Rion, the jackal fell to the ground, still alive, but with a broken neck and slowly drowning on his own blood.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance, seven years ago" said Nahual to Rion "you like to play with your preys, and that will cost you your life, this time, I'll finish what I started with your eye"

"Stop talking" said Rion unsheathing his sword "Just bring it"

Nahual picked the jackal's club and walked straight towards Rion. Rion attacked with the club in his left hand and the sword in his right one, he was so sure we was going to defeat Nahual... but the wolf blocked and dodged every strike easily, he even managed to hit him twice while dodging. Rion was becoming desperate, this cub was 12 years old and he was already faster and probably stronger than him, Uriel had done a good job. Jut then, Nahual hit him with the club in the right hand, breaking several bones and making Rion scream and drop his sword, but Nahual didn't stopped there, he hit the cheetah in the right knee and in the left elbow, breaking them as well, Rion fell to the ground screaming in pain, he opened his eye and the last thing he saw was a huge rock coming straight at him. Nahual had thrown the rock in the cheetah's head with all his strength. Rion died instantly but his body kept convulsing for a few more seconds. Nahual approached his father, Algren was dead, his body was covered in blood and wounds. Nahual kneeled and tears started running down his cheeks. The night filled with the sound of a long, sad howl. Nahual cried all night next to his father, in the morning, he left the cave and continued his journey towards the next village.

In the moment Nahual was entering the small town six furs surrounded him.

"What do we have here?" You got lost savage?" asked a boar.

Nahual didn't answered.

"What's the matter? Don't you know how to speak?"

the boar tried to take the pouch Nahual was carrying on his back, and got a punch in the chest, right to his heart. The other five furs attacked, but ten seconds later, they were all on the ground.

"That was very impressive" said a voice behind Nahual.

The wolf turned and saw a lion standing a few feet from him.

"I have a proposition for you..."

Grekko was silently listening to Nahual, it was already dark outside and they were both on the living room.

"That lion was my first employer," continued Nahual "I killed a bear for him, and with the money he paid me, I got some clothes and stayed at the inn that night, the next day I went to a pub and I got another request there."

"You do had a rough childhood" said Grekko getting up from his chair.

"It was hard, but it made me who I am today" said Nahual hugging his mate "and now, 18 years later, I found someone I can love again"

The wolf and the dragon shared a deep kiss, then they went to their bedroom.

It was a cold dark night outside, but inside the house, Nahual hugged his mate and fell asleep, knowing that as long as he shared his life with Grekko, there would always be warmth in his heart.


More to come, much more...