My New Life Ch10

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#11 of My New Life

NOTICE:These are my character, only I can use them. If wish to use them please...

NOTICE:These are my character, only I can use them. If wish to use them please ask me.

I'm back, did you miss me? Of course you did, but if you didn't its because you were reading my little foxie's story. Sorry I couldn't make it last time, I'd been very sick. Any way, the other day we decided to slowly get ready for the wedding, right now we're talking about what color our suits should.

"Okay, how about this, black jacket and pants with white vests, ties and shirt for me and you and," was Aaron said before I kissed him.

"Babe, I don't care what ever makes you happy. Now, what is your perfect out fit?" I asked as I pulled him into my lap.

"The one I was just describing." he said.

"Then that's what we're doing. Now, best men. I'm going to ask Adrian, who are you going to ask?" I asked.

"Honestly, Jake. Other than you and Adrian, he's the most like a brother to me." he said.

"I think he'd do it in a heart beat, plus you're the only one he can in German with." I said.

"was redest du? Ich spreche kein Deutsch. (what are you talking about? I do not speak German)" he said.

"See what I mean, Adrian and I don't know any other language." I said.

"Yeah, because you haven't tried." he said turning around, then he layed his head on my chest.

"I know. Is my foxy sleepy?" I asked petting his head.

"Kind-of." he said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost nine." he said.

Okay, well we should head to bed, Jake and Adrian asked us to come over before they leave tomorrow." I said.

"Do we get to watch Aden?" he asked excitedly.

"No, they're taking him with them. I'm sorry babe. Well they won't leave till we get there." I said put.

"Okay." he said, he was falling asleep in my lap so I gently picked him up and put him on our bed. I went out to the living room and called Adrian.

"What's up bro?" Adrian asked.

"Not much, I just wanted to ask you a few questions." I said.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Where you guys adopted Aden, I'm not sure how to say this with out sounding weird or stupid so, would you say they're good furs?" I asked.

"You mean would I recommend them?" he asked.

"Yeah, sounds like we're talking about a store, its kind-of weird." I said.

"It does, but yeah, they're nice furs and the place is very friendly." he said.

"Awesome, so was there any fur that Aden was really attached to?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's a fox/husky mix. Why do you ask?" Adrian asked.

"Well, Aaron and I were thinking about adopting. So what's his name?" I asked.

"Coty. If you want to give them a thought you need to call them and let them know." Adrian said.

"Okay got it." I said.

"Okay, and their office opens at seven. I'm head to bed, love ya bro." Adrian said.

"Okay, love ya bro." I said then we hung up. So I went to my room to join my little foxy.

I didn't get much sleep mostly because I couldn't sleep and because we had to leave the house at four so Jake, Adrian, and Aden wouldn't be late for their flight. We got to their house around six.

As we walked in the house we were attacked by what looked like a white fur ball

"AARON!" Aden said as he hugged Aaron. "I missed you." he said.

"I missed you too Aden." Aaron said, the sweet thing is that Aaron wasn't kidding, some furs say they missed you just to make you feel good but Aaron really did miss Aden.

"Lets go play." Aden said.

"Are you all packed?" Jake asked

"Yep, I put my bags next to Adwian's." he said.

"Okay then." Jake said, so Aden dragged Aaron to his room.

"So, you guys are thinking about adopting." Jake said.

"Yeah, for the past few days Aaron has been upset that we can't have cubs." I said.

"Well, its one of the best things to happen." Jake said.

"What are the others?" I asked.

"Meeting your lover and getting married." Jake said. I was about to say something when we hear a scream come Aden's room, so we all run in.

"What is it?" we all ask. They both point at the wall, and we see a small spider on the wall and we all laugh.

"That thing is huge." Aaron said.

"Sure it is." I said walking over to it and put it on my hand and let it out the window.

A bit later they had to leave

"Adwian can we take Aaron?" Aden asked. We all started laughing.

"We can't, he needs to stay here so Derek isn't lonely." Adrian said

"Okay, I'll miss you Aaron." Aden said

"I'll miss you too." Aaron said then he hugged Aden

"They're too cute." I said

"Yeah they are." Adrian said. So we said our good-byes, a few minutes after they left we changed in to our swimming stuff. When I see Aaron he's in the tightest little speedo, it was so hot. So for a bit we just laid there. Around ten we headed in side, Aaron went in to the kitchen so I called the adoption agency. After going thought a bunch of crap with computer I finally got to talk to some one real.

"Hello, how can I help you?" she asked

"Um, this is goanna sound weird but is a foxy/husky cub named Coty still there?" I asked

"Why yes. Are you thinking about adoption?" she asked

"Yes, me and me mate wanted a cub and since we're both males that can't happen." I said.

"I see, we just had a nice couple of wolves adopted a cub." she said.

"Jake and Adrian?" I asked.

"Umm yes how did you know?" she asked.

"Adrian is my little brother and Jake is my brother-in-law." I said.

"Oh okay." she said. So we talked about the process and that stuff, I got directions and told her we'd be by later. When that was done me and Aaron ate, I told him about Coty, when I was done he was in love with him.

"When do we go?" he asked excitedly.

"When ever you want." I said.

"Let me take a shower then we can go." he said. I swear that was the quickest I'd ever seen him get ready.

It took a few hours but we were there by two. There was an office so I knocked

"Come in." so we went in, behind the desk was a small cheetah, on the desk it said "Miss. Smith"

"Yeah, I called around ten. Derek W." I said.

"Adrian's brother. I see it, he has darker fur." Miss. Smith said.

"Yeah, so what is next?" I asked. She then had us sit down, she hands us a copy of his file. An hour after going thought it she said

"Next is meeting Coty."

"YEA!" Aaron squealed. We both looked at him. "Sorry." he said, I could tell he didn't care. So she lead us out of her office and she took us to a room in side was little six year old cub reading, he has a reverse white and black husky fur pattern fur pattern with the foxes tail with a white tip, with a fox's black gloves but only going half way up his forearms, with ice-blue eyes, he is so adorable. Miss. Smith motioned for us to go to him so we did.

"Hi Coty, I'm Derek." I said

"My name is Aaron." Aaron said.

"Are you here to adopt me?" he asked

"Maybe." I said, he then jumped into my arms and hugged me. I knew he was the for us, and I knew we were the ones for him.