Sonika the faker Chapter 10

Story by sexyback on SoFurry

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**Sonika's POV >>>>>>>>

14 year's into the future and alot has changed , Shadow and i had gotten marrried , we didn't have any more kids but we still loved eachother.We never told the kid's about our past and the other's never mentioned it.Knuckles and Rouge were married for six year's and had two kid's.Amy lived with Tails , Cream and Cheese , we all lived in the same neighbourhood so we kept in touch.We had three kid's , two girl's and one boy.

Our son was called Zelion , he looked almost the exact same as Shadow the only difference was that his colours were much brighter.His personality was alot like mine he wasn't afraid of danger and was always looking for a thrill , he was always hyper which sometime's annoyed Shadow who didn't like that kinda thing.

One of our daughter's name's were Carro , Carro was a tall , fully black hedgehog with one tuff of blue hair sticking out of her forehead.Her personality was alot like Shadow's she didn't talk much and was fasinated by gun's and motorbike's.

Shadow got along really well with them...

Our other daughter is called Mystic but most people call her Mist or Misty.She was a dark purple and didn't really socalise much.Her eyes were a bright blue and she had no pupils which freaked us out at first , we thought she was blind but it was just a condition , when she would be sad or scared her forehead and ear's would form a pattern and glow the same colour as her eye's.

Shadow and i were sitting down on the couch watching television , Carro and Zelion were gone to a party and Mystic was in her room probably drawing or reading as usual.

"For fuck sake that child need's to get some friend's!"muttered Shadow

"Shadow!"i said annoyed by the fact that he said this every time that the other's were gone somewhere with their friend's.

"Well she does and you know it!"he said looking away.

But he was right she did need friend's and she wasn't going to find them locked up in her room all day i thought , but what we didn't know is that she could hear everything we were saying....**

**Mystic's POV >>>>>>>>

"Everyone hate's me , they all just want me to die"I wispered as i tried to cry myself to sleep.

I looked out into the stary sky and saw a flash over near the hill's , i immediatley snuck out of my window to investigate , i was quite a fast runner so i got there in no time.When i got there , there was a large ship almost smashed into the ground , i heard the door of it opening so i quickly jumped behind an old chestnut tree.The ship was Silver with alot of damage mark's on it , there was a loud clacking noise and then a fat man jumped out of the rubble , he was tall , fat and had a big nose and brown mustasce.He looked down at the rubble and sighed.

"C'mon we don't have all day!"he shouted impatiently.

"I'm coming!shouted a dark voice.

A few moment's later a tall dark hedgehog jumped out of the ship , he looked alot like my dad only he looked stronger , darker and evil.I knew that i had to go home , i was beginning to get freaked out , but i was too scared to move.**

**"Are you sure that they live here!?"asked the fat man looking around.

"Positive , and when i get them they are gonna burn in hell!"chuckled the dark hedgehog.

"I want Shadow , he will pay for killing my uncle!"said the fat man clenching his fist's.

"You can have that ultimate freak Eggman , i just want Sonic"chuckled the hedgehog looking down toward's my neighbourhood.

"They are both going to pay!!"shouted the angry man.

"And so will their kid's"mumbeled the hedgehog.

It was so dark out and i knew that my ear's and forehead was probably glowing at this stage because i was terrified , they were talking about my family looking down at my neighbourhood , the last thing i wanted was for them to discover me.

Sonika's POV >>>>>>>>>>

"I think i should go check on Mystic , i haven't heard her for a while now.."i said.

Shadow looked at me and shrugged.I sat up gave him a kiss and walked upstair's to see Mystic , but to my surprise she was gone.I looked over and seen that the window was opened , she must have gone up to the hill i thought looking out the window.I looked up to the hill and seen a small figure that looked like Shadow , i ran downstair's to see if Shadow was gone , but he wasn't , he was almost asleep on the couch.

"Shadow!"i shouted nerviously.

"What the hell is wrong!"he asked oviously shocked by my sudden outburst.

"Mystic is gone and there was someone that looked just like you standing on the hill"i said thinking of everyone i knew that looked like Shadow.

"Maybe she went for a walk"he said yawning.

"But who was that on the hill?"i asked.

"Dunno maybe it was Knuckles .... emm i dunno!"he said getting frustrated.

"What if it was Mephiles?"i whispered feeling a shiver go down my spine.

Shadow got up off his seat and walked toward's me.

"Don't worry , if it is him he is going to die!"he said hugging me tightly.

"MYSTIC!!"i shouted pushing him away.

"Wha?"he asked.

"She goes up to that hill and .... MEPHILE'S!!"i shouted dashing out the door into the night ........**

**Mystic's POV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I wanted to run but i was too scared incase they heard me.

"What's that over there!?"asked the bg nosed man looking toward's where i was.

"Shit"i whispered putting my hand's on my ear's.

I could hear somebody walking toward's me and then suddenly i felt someone push my throat into the tree.

"Who are you!?"growled the hedgehog staring into my eyes.

"My .... my name is Mystic"i whispered.

"Mystic eh?"he smirked losening his grip."You'r one of Shadow's kid's aren't you!?"he chuckled dragging me out into the open.

"My name is Mephiles and this is my partner Dr Eggman"he said.

"Who's this?"asked Eggman.

"Her name is Mystic , she is one of Shadow's kid's"he replied.

"How do you know?"asked Eggman ruffling through his pocket's.

"It was all over the new's!"he replied.

Dr Eggman handed Mephiles a Chaos Emerald , my dad had one and tought us all about them and their magical power's.

"We will meet back here in this exact spot , at this exact time in three week's"said Eggman taking out another Chaos Emerald.

"Will do"smiled Mephiles , his hand still around my neck.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!"Shouted Eggman and with a bright flash he was gone.

"Guess it's our turn sweetie"said Mephiles lifting the Chaos Emerald into the air.

There was a bright blue flash and my mom appeared infront of us.

"MOM!!"i shouted trying to struggle from his tight gripon my neck.

She looked at me and then Mephiles"You bastered if you touch her i'll ..... !!!"

"You'll what , do you not renember the last time we met , you didn't do much then now did you!?"he laughed.

Moment's later my dad appeared and looked at Mephiles enraged.


"You come any closer and i'll snap her neck!!"chuckled Mephiles squeezing me tighter..

"Please let me go!"i cried gasping for air.

"SHUT UP!!"He shouted squeezing my neck even tighter.

My dad walked toward's us about to throw a punch , but my mother quickly pulled him back.

"We will find you Mephiles and when we do!!!! ....."

"But you have to find me first!"he smirked"And when you eventually do find me you'r precious little baby will be as good as dead , and i am going to_personally_ make sure that it hurts!!"Shouted Mephiles lifting his hand in the air.

"No , no , no please don't DADDY HELP!!!!!"I cried.

He looked at me in distress and anger.

"Don't worry you'r going to be fine"he said sadly.

Mephile's smirked and shouted "CHAOS CONTROL!!".**

**Sonika's POV >>>>>>

"What are we going to do!?"i asked.

"We will have to find Tails"he replied.

"Why do we need Tails?"i asked.

"Tails has all the equiptment to track that son of a bitch down"he growled clenching his fist's.

I hugged him tightly.

"How?"i whispered pushing my head into his chest.

"Tails has just made a new machine that can track down all Chaos Emerald's , the only problem is that it may be hour's before we find them"he sighed.

"Well then what are we waiting for!!?"i shouted before dashing to Tails house........

Mystic's POV >>>>>>>>>

There was a bright flash and we were in what looked like an abandoned garage or hideout of some kind.He pushed me onto the ground and chuckled.

"Ready to have some fun!?"he smiled eviley to reveal his large fang's.

"Please don't hurt me!"i stuttered still regaining air.

He roughly picked me up and pressed me down onto an old rusty car ,i knew what he was going to do and it made me feel sick.He pressed his strong body down onto mine and started to feel my ass.

"Please dont!"i cried.

He looked at me and smiled , he pressed his head down onto mine and started to kiss me savegly , biting my tongue and lip in the process.He was moaning loudly , feeling my ass and starting to pull down my knicker's.I was crying and screaming but whenever i did he bit me hard which made me bleed.He lifted his head to regain air , i could taste the blood all over my mouth , it was disgusting , he started to lick the blood off my lips and out of my mouth.He started to finger me and kiss me again , i tried with all my strength to push him off but to no avail.He lifted his head up again and looked down at me.

"This is all you'r daddy's fault!!"he laughed.

"Please stop"i muttered.

"But babe were only getting started!"he chuckled eviley.

He pulled his finger out of me and carried me to a basement.It was cold and gloomy , it had a cell full of chain's and other various thing's you would find in a midievil jail.He pushed me onto the cold wet floor and pushed me toward's the wall.He knelt down and started to lick and bite my neck , his moan's were of pleasure while mine were of pain and misery.He stood up and pulled down his pant's.

"Wha .. what are you gonna do?"i asked nerviously.

He smirked and grabbed me ny the back of the head and pushed my face into his penis.

"STOP!!"i shouted punching his leg's.

"If you don't , then you'r going to feel ALOT worse!"he laughed.

I knew what he meant by that and i did'nt want him to do THAT to me , i just wanted to go home , i wanted to see my family , i wanted to be safe , i wondered if they were looking for me or if they had just faced the fact's and given up.I would change soo much if i could go back home , i would talk to people and make new friend's , instead of wasting my life in my room all day.But now it was to late to do any of those thing's i was as good as dead , maybe if i stall him i will be able to buy my family some time i thought as he grabbed me by the head again.I prepared myself for what i was unwillingly about to do to this sick bastered , he pushed my head harder and harder until he climaxed into my mouth.I thought i was going to puke all over him , but i held it in , he was cursing out love call's and growling uncontrolably.He panted and stood still for a few moment's and walked over to a suitcase and tok out a large knife.


"Sorry sweetie but showing mercy isn't what i do!"he said before dashing back toward's me and putting the knife to my throat , i could feel something burn inside of me , something that i had never experienced before , it was anger.His expression quickly changed and he slowly began to take the knife away.I felt soo powerful , i felt as if some dark force had taken over my body.I punched him in the face and tied him up in chain's in incredible speed , he was sitting down on the cold wet floor looking so helpless and so scared , i knew what i was doing was wrong , but i was no longer in control of my body , i picked up the knife and ran my finger's through the blade.

"Now it's time for my kinda game!!"i laughed evilely as i slashed th blade across his body , he screamed and cried but i was to busy making sure that his whole body was covered in blood to notice.I watched for almost an hour as he squirmed and cried bleeding to death , when he stopped squirming i started to walk back upstair's and found a bathroom , it was filthy , i went inside and looked into a rusty , cracked mirror to see that my beautiful blue eyes forehead and ear's were a dark glowing red , i had fang's pointing down my face and my nail's were long and sharp.I quickly washed myself off and calmed down , when i was finished i went back into the basement to make sure that he was dead , i looked at his pale limp body hanging off the cold wall , i couldn't believe that i actually killed him.I wasn't the type to kill , i was even a vegaterian and was against the hunting and killing , that's what my dad was into , i could feel tear's come to my eye's , i didn't want to be responsible for somebody's death.I heard a loud banging noise come from upstair's and someone call my name.What were they going to think of me now that i had killed someone , were they going to except me or be discusted with me.I could hear footstep's getting closer and closer , i sighed.

"MISTY!!"shouted Carro as she ran over and hugged me , she never hugged me before , she barely talked to me.

She sniffed the air.

"What the fuk is that smell!?"she asked , i didn't reply.

When my mom , dad and Zelion got down she let go of me to investigate the odiour ,I didn't move from the spot i was in , i didn't know what to expect.

"I'm so glad you'r ok!"cried my mom as she hugged me.

Carro was standing looking at the dead body as if she was a statue , my dad and Zelion walked over to see what she was so fasinated about.I could hear gasp's and whisper's , my mom slowly let go of me to see what everybody was so amazed about.My dad slowly walked over to me.

"Did you do this?"he asked folding his arm's.

"I..i didn't mean to honest!!"i cried.

He knelt down and gave me a hug , my dad would be the last person that you would get a hug off.

"It's okay"he said softly rubbing my back.

I never knew my dad could be so kind i alway's thought that he had no interest in me at all but i guess i was wrong.

"Let's get out of here!"said Zelion.**

**One Year Later .....

Sonika's POV >>>>>>>>>

Alot has changed in one year for Mistic , Shadow and her get along alot better , She has made friend's and she recently started to eat meat.I sometime's think where would i be now if Shadow had never changed me into a girl , if i never got raped or if i didn't have kid's.All the bad thing's that have happened during the beginning of my life , but if all those bad thing's didn't happen i wouldn't have all the good thing's right now ......

