Daddy's Boyfriend: An Open Heart

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#4 of Yiff Chronicles

Daddy's Boyfriend: An Open Hea...

Daddy's Boyfriend: An Open Heart

By: Ace Wolf

Based on a True Story

© 2011

Warning: This story contains sexual contact between an under aged fur, and an adult. If this is not your thing, then please press that little back arrow in the top left corner! Also, if you are not above the age of 18, I would suggest you do the same, because this story contains sexual acts between two males, and can get you in a lot of trouble if caught.

Kids. Pups, all walked in front of my car. I just sat behind the steering wheel with my paws gripped tightly around each end of it. I was parked outside a high school known as Madison High, waiting to pick someone up, and judging by my mood I was not pleased to be here. Being at this specific place, around teenagers, made me a grumpy wolf.

It wasn't that I did not like kids, quite the opposite. When around teenagers, especially hundreds of them, I often wondered how nice it would to be that age again. To be in high school with no responsibilities, no worries, and to think you'll stay young forever.

I looked around and found that high school hadn't changed. There were the jocks, all wearing jackets which symbolized which sport they belong to. The cheerleaders all wore their short shorts, big earrings, and the little shirts that did not make it to their waist. The geeks sat at benches, playing with their little cards, while some were occupied with handheld video games. Emo kids sat under a tree dressed in black, cool kids stood beside their nice cars, and the normal kids were just... normal.

Back in my day I belonged to a few groups. I was the talk around school, even though everyone knew my dirty little secret -I was gay. I was a fag, but that never stopped me from joining the football and basketball team, making me a jock, and riding in one of the cool cars, which put me in with the cool kids. Everything was in the palm of my paw, but what they did not prepare me for is the real world.

After I graduated everything never came easy. In order to have what I wanted then work was required, and I can't say the road to becoming successful is easy. It took a few years, but I finally reach the top, again, after being forcefully pushed to the bottom -I hate being on the bottom.

I sat in the seat, waiting patiently, lost in thought. The jocks and "cool" kids caught my attention. I gave a small chuckle. Those brats had no idea what they were in for. Soon, very soon all of them would graduate, and their once perfect world will go to hell. They all stood around laughing with their chest poked out, looking superior, truly not knowing in society eyes there status was at the bottom of the polls.

Nearly five minutes passed, as the kids were observed. I quickly glanced at the door of the school, back at the kids, then returned to the door to find the fur waited on had finally arrived. He was a bear in his teenage years, sixteen years of age. He stood five foot nine, and had the body set of a healthy athlete. The bear wore one of the jocks jackets, though his was one of a football players.

The bear made it to the car and knocked on the window. I pressed a button to unlock the door, and he slid in, throwing his backpack into the backseat. He wore a very large smile, and his body seemed excited, as it shook. I tilt my head, a bit confused.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked. "And why can't you keep still?"

The bear just sat there, looking at the floor, window, and into his paws, but never at me. I checked over the bear, not fully understanding what was going on. He looked nervous, though his smile remained, a hopeful smile, one that seemed like a trademark -Brandon's smile.

Yeah, the bear in who sat in the passenger seat was none other than Brandon, the pup I yiffed seven years ago. So much for a one night stand, huh? For seven years I've stayed friends with Brandon's dad, and for seven years Brandon has been in my life.


Brandon's head continued to face downward, but his eyes quickly darted at me, then back down. "Well... today my dad gave me money to pay my Junior Dues," Brandon said, his voice a little deeper from when he was a cub, yet soft.

"Ok?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah... Junior Dues allows people to get into..." The bear gulped and looked me straight in the eye. "into... prom..."

I gave a good laugh, then cranked the car, bringing the engine to life. "You're telling me we wasted five minutes on you saying you're going to prom? Have fun, and don't fuck your dates friend like I did!" Brandon blushed under his fur.

"That's just it... I don't have a date, and I was sorta hoping..." I looked over at Brandon, now understanding his reason for being nervous. He just stared at me with his big brown eyes, full of hope and desire, alongside of his innocence.

"You were hoping what?" I twist the key once more, and took it out of the ignition before turning to face Brandon. "Hoping that you'd ask me to be your date?" Brandon smiled softly, yet nervously. "Come on! We went over this countless times, Brandon. No dating, no relationships. We yiff, and act like nothing happened. When you turn eighteen then think about a relationship."

"But I want to go with you!" Brandon exclaimed. "The entire school knows I'm gay!"

"Take one of your hetero friends."

"No!" A brown paw grabbed mine. "When I walk into prom I want to be in the arms of a certain wolf."

"For starters," I began. "You are nine years younger than I am, I'm twenty-four, and graduated... from COLLEGE! That will not look good. Second, I have a reputation to uphold in this Godforsaken town. What would all the other queers say if they found out I went to a prom... with a minor? Not only would I be in handcuffs, but when I get out my sex life will be for shit. So your answer WAS no, IS no, and ALWAYS will be no!"

I sat back, started the car, and gave my attention to the road. "Now put your seat belt on, we're going to my house tonight. I already talked to your dad."

Brandon wrapped himself with the leather strap, a very upset vibe destroyed his mood, and he turned to face his window. Not much was said after our little bout, the rest of our ride had been fairly quiet. Brandon never did look in my direction, his focus remained outside. The little guys feelings were hurt, I know, but for him to want me to risk everything, my name, status, and life for a dance was a bit selfish. I liked Brandon, and I loved having him around, though sometimes having a child in your bed brought along more than just a nice hole to yiff.

Once we stepped foot in my home, a nice three bedroom, three bathroom, two story place, I immediately placed myself behind Brandon and took his jacket off. He shrugged each shoulder as the small coat released. Brandon walked off, and up the stairs, with myself following quickly behind him. The silence continued as we made our way into my bedroom. My bedroom was just like normal bachelors. A very big bed in the center of the room, a plasma TV with each video game system under it, and a surround system made of complete marble, custom made. Being the owner of a growing hospital, and looking out for only yourself made my savings account bigger than any other person in the city.

I knew the cub was still angry, but this was normal. Many times we argued about being an open couple, for us to go out on dates, dancing, and on vacations with one another. It wasn't that I did not want to do these things with him, that was not the case. Doing these things with a minor was suicide. Rumors spread very quick in small "cities", and this wasn't exactly New York City we lived in.

That may sound like a pretty decent reason to not actually "date" the cub, huh? But in reality I had another reason. A small "city" meant free pickings for me. I was still the hottest wolf in town, and I continued to get all the free furry ass I wanted, no apologies, no regrets. To be tied down into a relationship would mean losing my only since of immortality -to lose my freedom. To be fair, not only was Brandon being selfish, I was as well.

Brandon continued into my bathroom. He took off his shirt, and the pants he wore followed until he stood in only his boxers. He walked over to the shower and started it, water beat against the showers walls, filling the room with a rain forest effect. I stood at the door and leaned against a wall.

"Really Brandon?" I said, folding my arms. "The silent treatment. Isn't that a bit... cubish?" Brandon rolled his eyes, turned around, removed his boxers, and stepped into the shower.

I removed my clothes and opened the shower door, stepping inside behind Brandon. He looked at me and rolled his eyes once more. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, and held the bear in my arms as water pounded against our fur. The bear grew a bit, he was still shorter than myself, but being a football player enhanced his chest. To be honest, he had the best set of pecs I have ever touched. And his fur, it was like rubbing cotton, so soft.

"You know..." I stammered. "I... love you..."

"Psh!" Brandon wiggled out of my arms and grabbed a bar of soap. "In the car... you made it perfectly clear what I am to you... what I mean... why I'm here... I'm no more than just a quick yiff, huh? Someone to bend over at your will. Save the love shit for one of your other tricks."

I spun the little bear around and pushed him into the shower wall, holding him in place. The soap dropped out of his paw. "Hey! Language young man!" He glared up into my eyes, his calming brown eyes not so calm. I gave a low sigh. "Look, you know I didn't mean it like that. We yiff, of course, and I know there are other guys I fool around with, but no one makes me feel like I do when with you... you know that."

"Is that so?" Brandon entire head lift, his nose no more than an inch from my own. "Then why don't you show me this so-called love? Seven years... I've watch tricks come in and out your house. I've watched you fuck random guys... and it's getting really tiring. Sometime... it just seem easier if I settled down with someone my age..." Brandon looked down.

Those words were ones I waited so long to hear, but feared so much. Of course I had been stuck with Brandon for seven years, but with that much time passed you become attached to someone. I did not want him to leave, and doing so would devastate me, but my words shocked both Brandon and myself.

"What's stopping you?" Brandon's head shot up. "The door has always been open for you to leave... go..."

Brandon just stared at me, his eyes presented confusion, and hurt. Out of all the arguments we've ever had, and we had many, I had never told him to walk out. To be honest, deep down, not as deep as most would think, I really loved him, more than I've ever loved anyone.

Next thing that happened was another shocker. Brandon grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down into a brief, yet passionate kiss, with much force, and a lot of tongue action. For a quick moment, our tongues wrestled for dominance, and as swift as the kiss started, it end.

"I can't walk out!" Brandon pushed me. "From the first day I saw you, when dad brought you home I was in love with you, you selfish sonofabitch! And for some strange reason I thought you would actually love me too... to break the rules for me... But you never did... you never do..." He stepped out of the shower and grabbed his clothes, a towel, and stormed out. I tailed behind, grabbing a towel and wrapped it around my waist.

"What the hell are you talking about? I do love you, you only hear it from me EVERY time I see you!" I grabbed the small bear and spun him around, standing at the foot of my bed. I sat down, slowly, and brought Brandon down with me, my dripping fur soaked the bed.

"I love you Brandon, more than any one I've... I've ever loved... and thanks... for not leaving, cause you had plenty of reason to do so in the past."

"You got that right!" Brandon yanked himself from my grasp, leaned down, pulled his boxers up, and reach for his pants. "Seven damn years and you're still yiffing around. If you really loved me you'd just stop... and be happy with just me..."

Brandon wanted the exact opposite of what I desired. Settle down, cuddle up together after a long day, wake up next to the same person every single day! That is something I really did "not" want, to become some couple who is boring, and to settle down with just one guy.

"I can't do that..." I whispered.

"Why not?"

"It's not me... haven't you heard, you can't teach an old dog, new tricks?" I chuckled, yet Brandon didn't find it funny.

"Yeah," He started. "Especially if you're yiffing em'."

The wary little bear I once knew had finally grew a pair, and his eyes opened to what this semi-relationship limits. He has never talked to me like this, but now he was all grown up, definitely not the innocent cub who came onto me all those years ago. I had to do something, and fast, or else there would be a huge risk of actually losing him.

Brandon was in the middle of pulling his pants up when I spoke softly, "What... do you want me to do, Brandon?" He looked in my direction with a confused expression.


"I said..." There was a brief pause. "What would I have to do... to make you happy?"

"Nothing..." Brandon closed his eyes and sighed. "You can't do anything to make me happy, cause it wouldn't be fair to you... staying with you all these years... I hoped it would change you, but I guess I failed..."

I sighed as well, before grabbing his paw. "Changing will make me happy, long as it make you... I mean, you are right, it's not fair that I made you wait for me like that... so lets compromise."

Brandon tilt his head.

"We'll stay like this till you're eighteen, keep a... relationship private, so no one will know what's going on... I'm an adult and you're still a minor, and with that being said I'll still be able to yiff who I want." Brandon started to say something, but I placed my paw over his muzzle. "Let me finish, please. That way no rumors will start. I mean, lets be real. If people found out I was yiffing someone then they'll get suspicious... But since we have a relationship, I'll limit myself to two guys a week."

"One a month." Brandon added.

"Ah..." Brandon looked at me with his hopeful eyes, the ones I saw in the car earlier, and finally the anger was removed. "O-ok... one a month..." I was then tackled with a hug, now flat on my back. Brandon dug his muzzle into my neck, murring softly.

"So now you're officially my boyfriend!?"

Boyfriend? I haven't been referred to as one of those in years. The word was like profanity in my dictionary, and one that I never wanted to be branded for a very, very long time, yet Brandon sat here and threw the word out like it was an everyday term. My next were not chosen carefully, more like they were forced out as Brandon held into my chest.

"Yes.. we are a couple..." I said, and rolled my paw down the bear's head and neck. "I'm -gulps- yours..."

Brandon climbed on top of me, leaned down, and mashed our lips together into a passionate kiss, as his paws forced mine down. He slowly slid his paws into mine, they were a bit smaller but still quite large for a bear his age, and intertwined our fingers.

A large wet spot spread throughout the bed as the sheets absorbed the water from my damp fur. Laying in liquids in bed was nothing new for me, it was used to being wet. We lied in that one spot with the same strong, passionate kiss. The air became thick and full of lust, heat drove our senses wild; Brandon slid his paw down my wet chest, his claws nipped at my thick white diamond patch of fur. I wrapped my free arm around his waist, sliding a paw in his boxers, while my other paw cradled the brown one.

I rolled over and flipped Brandon on his back; our lips never parted. Brandon and I kissed millions of times, and out of each one in a million not one could compare to this one. The only kiss that could even come close to this was our first, though it was just a faint memory in the back of my mind. Waves of ecstasy were sent throughout my body, pushing out all those years of denial and pain. I always felt that Brandon loved me, but this time I actually felt it, like the feeling was tangible. The feeling was strange, definitely something new for a person like myself.

There was not greater feeling than this, to have someone you really care about kiss, wrap his legs, and touch you the way Brandon did me. Who knew love could be a step higher than sex, or that feeling being greater than the hottest yiff in the world.

The kiss broke; a string of saliva connected our muzzles as our lips curled into smiles. A pair of big, light brown eyes stared up, and I was caught in a daze. It was like swimming in sea of light brown water, calm and smooth, with no waves or tides, just the feeling of utter love.

"I love you..." I rubbed my nose to his, lovingly.

"Prove it."

A small chuckle came from both of us. I placed a paw on his waist, and nudged. "Flip over, and I will," I said, lustfully. Brandon obeyed as his legs left my waist, he turned around and lied on his stomach. The little pudgy tail wagged through his boxers. I leaned down, pressed my chest to his back, and whispered.

"Sure you don't wanna cuddle instead?" Brandon folded his arms and placed his head, sideways, in them, slightly looking back at me.

"Yeah, sure..." He wiggled his rump, grinding into my pelvis. "Right after my mate shots his load in my ass." I nipped at his ear playfully, letting out a low growl.

"Language!" Brandon chuckled.

"What? I just said ass... you hear me say it all the time..." I kissed his cheek, and let out a chuckle of my own.

"Not that, you said "mate"."

We both laughed. I turned on my side, and pulled Brandon into my chest. This was nice, having someone to actually hold without trying to "hold" my orgasm. I could remember the first time I cuddled with another male, the feeling I received was great, but that was years ago, a time period where I would vomit if hearing the words: relationship, mate, or boyfriend. Now I laid here with someone I really liked; the sensation overflowed and my body trembled.

Brandon and I stayed motionless, laughing and giggling as we talked. The kid was interesting, and shared things I had never known about him, even though I practically raised the bear. For example, from my newly found knowledge, Brandon was not a total bottom, in fact he was more a top than a bottom, but never said anything because he loved when I yiffed him. Something else was a thing I always wondered, only now after seven years had it come up. When I dated Brandon's dad, a lifetime ago, Brandon had hid in his father's room and watched me yiff his dad. When I was told this, a blush washed over my face.

Minutes turned into hours, time just seemed to jet pass when you're holding the person you love. We talked about everything, and left no secrets to be discovered. Our little chat came to an end around ten that night. The ending was caused by a certain topic that kind of, not entirely, ruined the mood.

"How long have we known each other?" Brandon said, gently stroking my paw that rest over his chest.

"Seven years," I replied. "Why?"

"Just wonderin', is all," He snuggled into my chest and let out a soft moan. "When I turn eighteen in two years... that will make it a total of nine, right?"

I nod, and replied, "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"And that's when I can officially date you -go out and stuff?"

"That's the terms, and you're agreed," I said.

There was a few seconds of silence. Brandon looked up and our eyes met. "Will you marry me?" The little bear whispered, his cheeks turning a crimson red.

The blush must have been contagious, because one quickly spreed over my face. Again, there was a lost for words; silence filled the room once more, as we continue to gaze into one another eyes. What to think? Everything happened so fast, all in one day, and there was no way I could say yes, not now.

Marriage was another big thing I never wanted in my life. It was just another way for furs to tie themselves down, and to become less than what they are, becoming a shadow of their former selves. To be honest, even with Brandon in my arms, a bullet to the head sound better than marriage.

"How about we take this one step at a time," I turned him on his back and attacked him with a brief kiss, and quick grope. "All this talk about marriage is making me horny!" I lied. Since the beginning of our conversation I've been horny, it was just now the mood was weird, and I wanted to make the atmosphere a little more comfortable.

"Ever the romantic," Brandon said with a chuckle. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and brought me back down to meet his lips with a deeper, more passionate kiss. Next, he wrapped his legs around my bare waist. The towel I wore had fallen off earlier, though Brandon boxers remained around his waist.

While Brandon and my tongue battled, I ran one paw down his soft fur, and hooked my thumb in the waistline. Slowly I pushed the unnecessary down until his cute furry butt and sheath were exposed. The air was filled with a musky scent, obviously Brandon's; it mixed with my own musk, which lingered in the air.

I moved from the kiss and gave his neck small nips, gradually moving down his chest, over those perfects pecs. Then, with care, my tongue slid down his belly, inside his belly button, and stopped right before I met his crotch, taking in a very large intake of Brandon's musk. I gave his sheath a long, wet lick, before grabbing his balls and massaging them in my paw.

Brandon let out a low moan, arched his back, and closed his eyes. Slowly, the licks his sheath received caused a light pink tip to exit it's furry prison. It quickly was given attention as I slid my tongue up his sheath, and over the pink tip, suckling like a cub being breast fed. He slid a paw on the back of my head and rubbed the top of my head fur, scritching behind my ear, lightly.


Brandon squeezed out my name, alongside of more cock. I continued to suck on his bear meat as more came out, filling my maw. The raw meat moved in and out of my mouth in a slow rocking motion, as Brandon began to hump gently into my muzzle hole. Precum gathered at the tip of his cock, and oozed into my muzzle, filling my mouth with its sweet and salty flavor, mostly sweet; Brandon, strangely, always produced sweeter tasting precum than any I had ever tasted. It may sound strange, but his clear liquid's taste reminded me of honey. The analyst of the two may seem stereotypical, but the syrupy body fluids on my tongue created the most seraphic taste known to fur.

I let Brandon's cock flop out my muzzle, now standing at full erect. Most furs watch caterpillars turn into butterflies, some study the change of a seed into a flower, but for me I witnessed first paw the development of Brandon's cock. When I first met him he was merely three in a half inches, not very big, and I've seen bigger with my experience. Now, Brandon had grown much, and being the age he is now, the young bear would grow a bit more. At a full stand, his cock was eight and a half inches, only a half inch shorter than mine. He had a lot of length, and decent girth to match, though not as thick as myself.

I placed my nose beneath Brandon's musky sac and inhaled, ticking his balls with my moist nose.

"Should history repeat itself," I said with a snicker.

Brandon grabbed a pawful of my headfur and pulled my attention to him. "What happen to mister spontaneous?"

"He retired after seven years, his tricks got old," I shot back.

A soft, yet devious, smile formed on Brandon's face.

"That's to bad... you've had your way for seven years, is it my turn to make a suggestion?" I shrugged; his smile only became more devious. "Awesome!" Brandon leaned up and shoved a paw into my chest, pushing me off the bed. I landed on my back with a resounding thud, and Brandon jumped on my yet-to-recover body, pinned my paws down, and lowered his muzzle until it touched mine.

"I wanna have the top role tonight." Brandon said, now grinning.

What he suggested had put me in a stage of shock! Earlier he mentioned his sexual role, and I knew that someday it would come back and bite me in the ass, but never did I expect it to be so soon. I had always played the top position, with each guy who came into my house the dominant character has been me, and to be honest not once have I ever bent over and took it up the tailhole. What would I do? What can I say? Before I knew it, the words punched through the barricade of teeth in its path.


Brandon let out a booming laughter, his body remained on top of mine, while his bottom sat on the lower region of my body -my crotch.

"D-did you think I was asking to yiff you!?" I tilt my head as he continued laughing. "No! I love it when you yiff me, it's how you fell in love with me, I'd never take that for granted. Maybe one day in the future you'd let me, but today I really don't think so."

The cub was right, today would not be the day of my tailhole virginity. In all honesty, a few times in the past I thought of Brandon yiffing my tight hole, just to experience the sensation, but as time went on the idea was never put into play, and he just became thicker and longer. A five inch cock would be enough for me, but now he was well over three inches bigger than the expected length.

"Then what do you mean by "top role"?" I asked, still a bit confused.

In a grinding motion, Brandon grind his ass against my half erect cock, rubbing his heated tailhole over it's tip ever so often. My body clenched up with ever bump and grind, and a few very low moans slipped out, but they were not audible enough for Brandon to hear.

"Usually you are the one on top, pounding my ass to oblivion," Brandon explained. "But tonight I want to be in charge... I'm gonna ride your nine inch pole and you're just going to lay there and do nothing... well, except blow your load in me."

Brandon ended with a chuckle. His idea, the explanation turned me on, my cock twitched with excitement, poking the warm pucker hole. He let go of my paws and rearranged his position, until his ass was in my face, and his my cock was at his muzzle.

"But before we start, maybe we should get everything lubed up," Brandon licked the tip of my cock, and a chill went down my spine. "I wanna nice, slick ride." With that, Brandon lowered his muzzle over my cock, lathering my rode with his moist tongue. As he wrapped my cock in the blanket of warmth, I returned the pleasure. I grabbed his butt cheeks, spread them, and gave his tailhole a nice lick, causing him to shudder a bit.

My tongue continued to work its magic, slipping inside the bears pucker hole, and coating his insides with natural lubricant. At the same time Brandon twirled his tongue around my cocks shaft. He then pushed all the way down, till my cock hit the back of his throat, sucking hard, as he deep throat the wolf meat.

We continued to lube one another, and was not completely satisfied until our mouths became dry. Brandon pulled off my cock, grabbed it, and began stroking it, giving extra attention to the head. I retracted my tongue, his tailhole had been slicked up really good, but to be sure I pushed two finger inside him.

Brandon let out a loud moan, and pulled away from my fingers before turning around to sit in his original position. He leaned back down and pressed our noses together, grinning. The grinding started up again, his tail hole ended up being pressed hard against my cock, slowly it slid in and the tight feeling engulfed my tip. I attempted to reach up and wrap my arms around his waist, but he quickly pushed them down, his grip tight around my arm, almost as tight as his tailhole. He clamped his teeth together, and continued to push himself down onto my member. This is what he meant by playing the top role; he took control, forcing my body beneath his as he pushed my member inside his anus.

After a quick moment, Brandon sat completely on my lower region, his ass sat securely at my pelvis. It felt like total bliss, my cock wedged deep inside a tight foreign place, I don't think my cock has ever been this far into the bear's ass. The tight anal walls clenched around my cock with each breath Brandon took, his tight pucker milked my cock of precum which mixed with the saliva, making the ride a lot more slicker.

The teenage bear sat in place, his anus muscles tried to relax and adjust to it's invader. For a brief moment, I wanted to reach up and place my paws at his hips so he could start, but Brandon's paws kept mine in place. He just remained in place, breathing in and out, slowly.

"S-some top y-you are..." I squeezed out, my breath matched his in attempt to hold back my orgasm. Even though there was no movement, the tight feel, and squeeze his anal walls had on my wolfhood were pulling at my climax.

Brandon's teeth gritted together, one eye opened, and he shot a glare at me. "Shut up... just needed time to adjust..."

A half grin, half serious expression took over my face.

"Well, let's do this before your first period start tomorrow, please?"

Brandon placed more force on my arms, and began to tighten his ass muscles, causing both of us to let out soft moans of satisfaction. He gently slid a few inches of the cock plunged in his ass out, and sat back on it. A steady motion started, his tight ass and butt muscles gripped my member, as his own cock jumped with excitement, launching pre across my broad chest.

The treatment I was given, it was like no other, out of this galaxy! Never has anyone rode my cock, and now, I regret not having anyone do so. All those I was missing out on so much pleasure. The sensation was so amazing, I couldn't keep still, though Brandon made sure I would. I wanted to bend my legs, but every time I tried Brandon's legs would restrict my actions. I felt helpless, but fulfilling. My body wanted to do something, makes some gestures, but alas, the only movement Brandon allowed was for my toes to curl.

Up and down he went, gaining speed and momentum, his cock rubbed against my chest with each bounce. With each motion, I let out grunts, moans, and sounds I had never made, a mixture of both a grunt and moan. All sounds exiting my muzzle could not be controlled, alongside of Brandon. He chomped down on my cock with his nice ass muscles, and suffocated it with that tight pucker.

"You like that, wolfie?" Brandon grunted.

"Yeah... keep ridin' my cock, I'm getting close," I barked, quickly shutting my trout. The end was near, for me at least, my orgasm was lurking around the corner. I tried my best to keep the knot from forming, my toes were curled, and nails dug into the floor, yet in no time my softball sized knot beat at Brandon's backdoor.

Brandon felt my knot and went wild, his ride became more bumpier than I expected. He flopped down onto the rod, letting his anal walls relax as he came down, and tightened it when arrived at the tip. He let go of my arms and gave himself a firm standpoint, planting his paws on my chest to hold himself in place.

Once free, I raised a paw and grabbed Brandon's cock in paw, stroking it. Precum filled my pawpad as I squeezed his tip, resembling his actions. I gave the best possible pawjob I could in this situation, my own cock was being teased and drained. Rapidly, I stroked the eight inch member's shaft, with every stroke I squeezed and twirled my paw at his tip, resulting in a shutter from my mate each time. My other paw reach up and was placed at his waist, moving with the bear's body.

The ride was almost over, Brandon's tailhole had became even tighter, and my knot had fully grown -the teasing received almost caused me to blow my load without warning twice already. I couldn't take it anymore! Brandon had rose from my cock, and on the way down I arched my back and rammed my knot inside his ass. He let out a loud painful moan, at the same time shooting his load, in four burst, over my chest and in my mouth. As his tailhole clenched from his orgasm, I also released my own orgasm, rocketing my seed deep into his anus.

We stayed in place, panting; Brandon continued to hold himself up, while I lay with my arms out, head back, and tongue lolled out of my muzzle. When Brandon shot his load he closed his eyes, and now he were just opening them to look at me. I looked up at him, to see those soft, light brown eyes, half open, gazing at me -through me. Slowly, he descended onto my chest, and I wrapped my arms around his back, holding him protectively. I nuzzled the top of his headfur, and murred softly as his scent filled my nostrils. I loved this, the afterglow of what I considered the best yiff I had ever experienced.

Brandon paw rubbed up my chest, stopping in the spot over my heart. He gently dug his claws int my fur and said, "Ride's over, time... to get off..."

"We already did..." The both of us gave off fairly weak chuckles, our bodies wouldn't allow for anything more.

It seemed like I had everything I never knew I wanted. Brandon strangely broke the barrier I built up for love, somehow he was the exception. The feeling was odd, but the bear was my continuous miracle, the fur that would always, and forever, make me break the rules. I was happier than ever, just having him in my arms.

I closed my eyes, thinking of my past. It may have been bumpy, but now, with him, it smoothed out. Peace and love are the only things I felt as my eyelids lowered, and I feel into the pure bliss of slumber.


I rocked back and forth, drowned in a sea of darkness. My eyes were surrounded by nothing, no sight, just a slow rocking motion. I felt strange, like this was not a place for a person like myself. The setting was not only unwelcoming, but not appropriate.

In the back of my mind, I tried to imagine being in a dance club surrounded by hundred of half-naked men, bumping and grinding their large bodies against my own, yet this wasn't a dance club. Loud music wasn't being played, instead a soft beat could be heard in the background. Many guys weren't slapping their body against mine, but one body pressed against mine, my paws were placed lightly at this figures hips, as we rocked.

One footpaw in front of the other, our bodies moved around in a beautiful union. The light music in the background guide our way over the floor. I was blind to what happened, the nice beat lingered in the air, and I followed it, step by step. There was no lyrics, just pure instrumentals, hypnotizing my movement.

A set of arms were placed on each side of my head, holding my neck in place. The soft, gentle fur cause my eyes to open, and pulled my vision from the darkness. When I opened my eyes, I saw furs gazing at me, some glaring, while most were eye goggling, everyone had on nice clothing: males wore suits, and the females had on dresses. The room was dimmed, I didn't come far out of darkness. The room still contained many shadows.

I continued to glide across the floor, every one gaze met mine, making me a bit nervous. Everything was becoming clear once I saw those looks, stares of hate, some of envy and jealousy. It was coming back to me! As I was having my break through, a head rest against my chest. I looked down to see Brandon's head implanted into my chest. Once I saw him a soft smile curled my lips, taking away all the stress and confusion away.

Brandon looked up and stared into my eyes, his own light brown eyes gleamed in the little light that lit the room. He slowly pulled himself closer to my muzzle, as I leaned closer to his; our lips met in a passionate kiss. Furs say they see fireworks when they are kissed by the person they love, but I saw a meteor shower. A warm sensation washed over me as our lips met, and slowly departed. In a flash, memories started replaying in my mind:

Brandon spun around, gazing at me with his cut, innocent smile, and big brown eyes. I gave him a light pat on the head, and was in the process of standing up, right before being attacked with a hug; Brandon's arms wrapped tightly around my neck, almost choking me.

"I love you.... so much, Ace."

My arms snaked around the cub's waist, eyes closed, and a tear strolled down my cheek.

"I love you too, Brandon..."

My eyes began to water, the sweet memories of how everything started just crawled to the surface of my lost thoughts. I was on the verge of crying before another memory hit:

"I love you Ace... Will you be my boyfriend?"

I chuckled and rubbed over his back, before wrapping my arms around his tiny body.

"Sure pup. In about ten years..." I said jokingly.

Brandon smiled, nuzzled my chest, and drifted into slumberland.

I picked the little bear up in my arms. I walked up the stairs with the cub in my paws, giving him a light kiss on his forehead. Suddenly, I said something I had never said in my entire life.

"I love you too, Brandon..."

A tear streamed down my cheek. Brandon leaned in and licked the little droplet of salty water. I looked down at him and smiled.

"I love you Brandon..."

The little bear held my neck tight with a huge smile on his face.

"I love you too, Ace," His smile became wider. "Thanks for coming to my prom."


All good things must come to an end, as they say! This was the final chapter to this minature series! I hope you all enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing. Also, depending on the amount of attention this chapter gets will help decide rather or not I will continue. A thought occured, maybe I should tell about Brandon's sex life. If you're interested, support Daddy's Boyfriend! Remember, VOTE, FAVE, COMMENT, CUM!!!!