The Fan - Part Two

Story by Croco on SoFurry

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(Author's Note: If you haven't already done so, please read the first part of "The Fan," which is in the Female-solo section. This is a continuation of that story...and this is where things really get juicy... *murrrrr*)

The circle of friends were no exception as they too exited the building, all panting breathlessly. Brindy and Lexa were each wrapped in one of Rakura's wings while Elise and Wesley walked close to each other, one occasionally giving the other a playful shove. Cody and Luna made their way out arm in arm, tongues hanging out as they struggled to regain their wind. Once they made it out of the club, they all sighed deeply, relieved to be out of the broiling club despite the temperature still being in the seventies. Nobody said a thing until they were walking back toward the parking lots.

It was at this time that Rakura took the lead, guiding everyone around an abandoned warehouse while swishing his tail back and forth.

"Follow me," said the dragon, "When we get around this warehouse, the stage doors should be right there. Security shouldn't be that much of a problem cause all they do is tell you to back up to give the band members room." Luna asked about Korbin to which Rakura shrugged, but Wesley stepped in to answer her inquiry.

"He's always the last to come out," he told her, "but even then, the odds of him coming out to mingle with the fans are fifty-fifty. However, I'm sure some of the members of Kunwa and Saur Loser will be there. . .they like to hang out and watch the other bands they play with." They made the corner and started to head around to where the club was once again and sure enough, they were able to make out a raccoon, an iguana, a leopard and a wolf sitting on an amplifier case, talking shop and telling stories about their past experiences. When they got there, they were joined by about twenty other diehards, waiting for the members of Silverclaw to come out as Wesley pointed out the ones he knew. "The coon's name is Gorman Cross and he's the bassist for Kunwa. . .his brother Perry is the frontman of that band." He pointed at the bluish-green lizard next. "The iguana. . .that's Fuzzy Nykresdra, guitarist of Saur Loser. I heard you and Elise mention something about him. And finally, the leopard is Maroth Kusari, and he plays drums for Kunwa." Luna hesitated to make a move but Cody didn't think twice as threw his hand in the air upon seeing the iguana.

"We love you, Saur Loser!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. Gorman gave Fuzzy an elbow nudge and whispered something to him. He unfurled his dewlap in surprise and pulled the raccoon toward him by the ear to whisper a reply to him as more hooting and hollering from those that had gathered just as a fiery-maned lion stepped out of the club to join them. Brindy gasped as Fuzzy slowly got up and approached the small gathering. . .she knew the lion was one of the members of Silverclaw and shrieked and started jumping up and down. He took Fuzzy's place while the reptile looked around to find the source of his calling, eyes finally settling on Luna as he made his way over to where she was standing. He never took his eyes off of her before catching a glimpse of Rakura, then Cody, and then another lizard that had gathered with them before stepping up to Luna and saying hello to her. Luna returned the greeting with a smile while Wesley produced a camera from the pocket of his denim shorts. Fuzzy grinned, being one to never pass up a photo opportunity, and asked who would pose with him. Both Luna and Cody stepped up and said they would do it, drawing a bit of a giggle from the iguana.

"A couple foxes, eh?" said Fuzzy, "I seem to be drowning in them!" He allowed Luna and Cody to put an arm around him while they threw finger taunts and flashed teeth while Wesley took the picture. All smiled and laughed as they conversed with Fuzzy about life in general, telling all about different things from life growing up to the trouble that parents can be, specifically with Luna. He stayed with them as a couple more members of Silverclaw joined the lion that were out there, a black panther and an otter as the members of Kunwa soon departed. They joined the iguana with the small throng as a large brown bear and raptor, both security guards, started to push the crowd back a little so that the buses and trucks could leave the lot. Fuzzy and the members of Silverclaw continued to mingle, with Luna and the girls each getting pictures with the felines and the panther, who along with the lion played the guitars while the otter was the drummer. The iguana soon made his farewell, but not before putting his arm around Luna and whispering something in her ear. "If you stick around, Croco's gonna come out with one of the Rasmun brothers, though I don't know if it's gonna be Satran or Korbin, so I'd suggest hanging out for another. . .oh, fifteen minutes or so." After that, Fuzzy made his way back toward one of the motorcoaches while Luna clutched her heart.

"Oh, by the name of the Goddess," she gasped, "he said Korbin's coming out!" The girls squealed and jumped up and down upon the mention of their idol, but Luna waved her arms over her muzzle to try and calm them down. "But he said that his brother Satran might come out instead, so don't get your hopes up, girls."

"Oh, bah," said Lexa, "Satran's just as hot too. . .only without the dreamy voice. He's like the singer of that one human band. . .can't think of what they're called though." They started to get lost in the banter, engaging a male otter in a conversation about the different bands they had seen in the past as well as the show they had just witness. Luna was giving her opinion on something the otter had brought up when she glanced back at the stage door. Out came a very large crocodile that had to duck under the top of the door to get out as well as two tigers, one having the standard coloration of a Bengal tiger while the other was as white as a season's first snowfall. The vixen continued to speak as she caught a glimpse of the three large males.

". . .and so I was looking around for that fox that I had practically drooled over," she said, "but then, my eyes wandered just for a split second. I wasn't even thinking about it. . ." Luna's eyes met those of the crocodile again and she clutched her heart. ". . .and then, there he was." Suddenly, the vixen fell silent to the surprise of the others, not knowing who had just stepped out.

"Who?" asked Cody. Luna was staring at the crocodile and the two tigers, mouth agape slightly, and it was then that he knew who was there. "Holy shit. . .it's. . .it's Croco!"

"Croco?!?" squealed Elise, "Look who else is out there. . .by the name of the Goddess. . .KORBIN!!!" Just the mere mention of the name was enough to send most of the females that had gathered into a squealing fit as the tigers turned their ears to pick up the squealing mob. Croco looked on and threw his hand in the air before saying something to the white tiger. He grinned and started to approach the mob, but then he stopped, a little unsure of himself. The crocodile threw his arms in the air in disbelief, almost in disapproval as he folded them back into his chest.

"Dude, are you crazy?!?" he shouted, loud enough to be heard by the furs that had amassed, "They fuckin' love you, Korbin!" Korbin turned back and growled back a short reply. He seemed to be angry at the crocodile but he reluctantly stepped forward, searching out someone in particular as he was instantly mobbed by the females. Eyes widening, he came across Luna and put his arm around her, almost instantly sending her into a shivering shock.

"I was able to pick you out in the crowd," said Korbin softly, "you were one of the few females in close proximity of the stage that didn't throw her panties at the stage after A Place to Lie My Broken Spirit." Luna smiled, her ears turning red as she started to rumble softly.

"It's easy not to when you don't have any to throw up," she said with a cubbish giggle, "None of my friends wore any either. . .we. . ." Korbin brought her close to him to silence her as she looked up at him. "He's more charming in person than I could ever imagine. . . this can't actually be happening to me," she thought, "Somebody wake me up and yell at me for dressing like a sex slave already. . ." All he did was smile as Wesley fumbled with his camera.

"Don't say another word, sweetie. . .you're too humble for me to portray the images of you and me in the act of having hot and steamy sex," he told her before turning to see the panther with the camera. The tiger asked Luna if she would want anyone else to be with her in the picture, and she had Elise, Brindy and Lexa join them. They took their positions with Luna and Elise standing directly behind Korbin, each with the arm closest to him wrapped around his waist and over his tail while Brindy and Lexa put their hands on his arms and flashed hand gestures toward the camera. Korbin wanted to do the same but that was impossible since his arms were each wrapped around the vixen and lioness. After they had broken away, Korbin looked over his shoulder to see Croco approaching and growled, but not before he faced the vixen. "Well I think I have to be going now. . .but first I'd like to know your name." Luna couldn't believe it. . .this was Korbin Rasmun. . .and he was asking her for her name! She hesitated before finally giving in.

"I. . .I-I'm. . .Luna. . .K-Korbin." She was clearly nervous and the tiger knew it.

"It's okay Luna. I'm just another average guy. . .like your vulpine friend here. Only difference is that I'm a rockstar. But I don't let it get to my head like some guys do. . .they're the ones that end up on drugs and shit." Korbin paused as he stepped away. "Oh. . .and if Croco comes by, say hello to him Luna. . .he really likes you as well." He apologized to everyone for not staying much to the chagrin of everyone that was there before stepping away and allowing Croco to take his place. The crocodile began by talking to a lizardess that was with a rabbit as Luna looked him over. The sheer size of the large reptile left her breathless as she nudged Cody.

"He's huge," she told him. The fox nodded his head in agreement.

"You're right. . .he's bigger up close than I thought. Heard he was seven and a half feet tall and weighs damn near five-fifty. . .Luna? Luna?" But the vixen was staring at his granitelike chest and arms, which accounted for a lot of his mass as he was well-muscled all around. After speaking with another small gathering of friends, the giant reptile turned around and saw Luna and Lexa standing there chattering among themselves. Croco grinned toothily and approached them, his thick paddle of a tail swaying gently to and fro as he waved to them.

"See something you like?" he asked, eyes settling on the vixen, "I couldn't help but to notice your warm gaze over me." Luna started to purr in an almost feline-like manner as her ears turned red immediately. Seeing her about to break into a nervous wreck again, Cody stepped in and took her into his arms.

"You'll have to forgive Luna, Croc," he told him, "she gets nervous around males she has never met, and especially males of your caliber." The todd proceeded to tell him how much they enjoyed the show, to which Croco smiled and thanked him. Like Korbin, Croco's childhood was full of problems and the only thing he could turn to that made him feel good about himself was music, and though he liked to live on the edge, he still remained humble while keeping his outgoing personality unchecked. He opted to talk to Cody and pose for more pictures with everyone before turning his attention back to Luna nearly a half hour later.

It was also at this time that Luna perked her ears and sniffed the air suspiciously. She started to look around, which also aroused the suspicion of Croco as well. Luna whispered something to Cody before the somebody grabbed her. The vixen let out a shriek as the large male, a stallion, grabbed her and dragged her away, flailing her arms and legs as her friends started to growl and bellow out loud, trying to get him to let go. Finally, Croco turned to the equine and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Is there a problem here?" Croco asked. The horse threw his hand off and snorted before glaring up at him, a couple inches shorter than the crocodile.

"Yes there is," he huffed, "this vixen is going back with me. Her father. . ." Croco gave him a forearm shove, knocking him back a couple inches.

"Are you her father?" growled the reptile, "Cause if you are, then you're definitely the strangest looking fox I have ever seen." The stallion rubbed his muzzle, then stood his ground again as Cody and Wesley snickered.

"No, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that. . ." Croco grabbed him by the collar and growled ferally, ready to defend the honor of the female with him.

"Yes, it does matter. . .how old are you, Luna?"

"Um. . .eighteen. . .Croco." He turned back to the stallion with a toothy grin.

"Then there isn't shit you can do about it. As for who's going back with whom. . ." The crocodile shoved him back before snapping his fingers and calling out for security. Immediately, two large raptors grabbed the equine and dragged him back to where he came from. Luna threw her arms around him and nuzzled him, grateful for being saved from her father's henchman. . .at least that was what she thought he was in her mind as Croco grinned and folded his arms. "Y'know what they say about throwing furs who perform heinous acts to the dragons, do ya? Just be lucky you can walk on two legs cause I heard that they throw horses that cannot work into the river to feed the crocodiles. . .and you'd be next, buddy!" Rakura and Brindy were in shock while the others just stood there and sighed in disbelief at what had just happened as Croco continued to comfort Luna.

"Thank you," she said as she licked his broad snout, "that was one of my father's. . .friends. He. . .he. . ." It became too much for the young vixen as she broke down and started crying, her friends quickly taking to her side. The stallion had given Luna some bad memories. . .he had molested her when she was just a young kit, stealing her innocence forever and she still struggled to accept that it happened to her. But what made it worse was the fact that Kevas. . .her own father. . .was present most of the times that he fondled her and did nothing to stop it. It was only after her sister Akula had started kindergarten that it stopped. . .only to pick back up when Kevas discovered that Luna had started puberty. He wanted to make her his own, but that quickly ceased when she threatened to tell someone at school when she was thirteen. Still, her father frequently intimidated her to prevent her from telling anyone. . .or when he was in a good mood, he would spoil her with money and other rewards. But despite the possessions he gave her, Luna despised Kevas with a passion and in return, he didn't allow her to do things on her own free will. . .afraid that someone would break his control over her.

But Croco didn't know that, nor did he care. All that he knew was that Luna was in distress and needed someone to make her feel good. In a bold move, he licked her neck and pulled Cody aside to whisper something in his ear. The todd's eyes widened as he asked him to tell him what he said again. Croco grinned as he leaned into him again.

"I would like to take your friend Luna aside to talk about this alone," he whispered before pulling back briefly and looking around, "We need your friends to do something to throw off that horse. I know he's gonna be back." Cody's eyes widened again. . .he couldn't believe what was happening and thought that it was a dream. Reluctantly, he turned back to the huge reptile with a smile on his face.

"Sure. . ." he said. Then all of a sudden, he had a change of heart. Cody cared too much about Luna and didn't want to see her in any kind of pain. . .even if it meant that he wouldn't be the one to break her virginity and he openly told Croco that. "If it means you taking her, then so be it. . .I don't care. I hate to see my Luna all sad and crying like this." Then he turned to Brindy and Rakura and told them to go to his car, fishing out the keys and giving them to the dragon while Croco pulled Luna aside and walked off toward the club again. Korbin Rasmun had come back out, seeing as how most of the crowd had dissipated along with a couple more members of Silverclaw as well as Denzar Kaalara, a Deinonychus and the bassist for Saur Loser. They were mingling among the hardy furs that had stayed out there as a cool breeze swept over the area, much to the relief of all that had been inside the sweltering theater at some point in the night.

Just as everyone was starting to get comfortable again, a snort was heard and the stallion had returned. Fire in his eyes, he looked around the dwindling crowd, actively searching for Luna before approaching again. This prompted Elise to roar out loud, startling everyone as she turned to Cody and shook him violently. He growled and demanded to know what was going on. All it took was two words to send him into a panic: ". . .he's back. . ."

"Oh shit, what now!" he barked, "What do I fuckin' tell him?!? What do I fuckin' do?!?" He knew that he would probably be singled out and sure enough, he felt himself spin around before a hand came around his throat. Cody yelped as he felt the air rush out of him.

"Where is she?" he demanded, "Where is she!" Cody shrugged, obviously playing dumb but he saw past that and shoved him to the ground. It was at that time that a growl pierced the air and a sharp set of fangs came dangerously close to the equine's throat. . .those belonging to Satran Rasmun. Satran was more of a loose cannon than his cool and collected brother, always looking to start something while everything just came to Korbin, who would think things out before acting. The bengal bared his claws and swiped at the stallion, narrowly missing his torso.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you to come around here pushing people around like that?" he growled. Both of the Rasmun brothers were about seven feet tall with Satran being the larger of the two, standing at a couple inches above the seven foot mark while Korbin was a couple inches shorter than seven feet, but they both weighed around three hundred pounds so they were both fairly intimidating in regards to looks. The stallion stood his ground and was about to say something back when Cody got up and took a swing at him. And after that, all hell broke loose. . .the stallion was trying to fight off both Cody and Satran while they were each trying to run him off. During the fracas, an innocent bystander was accidentally hit and he decided to join in, swinging at the bouncer that tagged him. Chaos erupted and no one was safe from getting a paw to the face or a claw raked across their skin.

But Luna was safe, as she was in Croco's motorcoach with the very large and charming crocodile. It was nothing fancy as Croco only needed it for a place to sleep when on the road. It had a small "kitchen" with a pantry and a mini-refrigerator fully stocked with the crocodile's favorite foods and drinks and to the back, a medium-sized television was hooked up so that he could play his Playstation. A small hallway led to a sizable showering area and a small bedroom if one could call it that, as there was only enough room for a bed that Croco could comfortably sleep on. Luna peered through one of the windows, lifting the curtain that concealed them from the outside, then whimpered audibly at the fight outside. Croco heard this and put an arm around her while asking her what the problem was. She turned around and buried her head into his scaled chest, rippling around her muzzle from the sudden contact.

"He's back," she cried, "I don't want him coming around me!" Croco patted her on the back and rumbled softly to her, closing his eyes so he could feel her. . .peer deep into her very soul as he held the vixen close to her.

"There. . .you're safe in here, Luna," Croco told her, "If anyone would want to harm you now, they'll have to kill me and make sure I'm dead first." His eyes opened again, warm yellow-green orbs looking over what lied in front of him as he led Luna to a small couch, a smile forming on his face. "So tell me. . .why are you afraid of him? If you don't wanna tell, then I won't force you to." Luna looked up at him, a tear starting to form in her eye as Croco continued to hold her close to him and murr softly as if he were a father trying to console a child.

"That. . .that horse. . ." The vixen was shaking all over, her words coming out unevenly. ". . .when I was young. . .just a kit. . .he. . .he. . .he did some bad things to me. I don't know why I'm telling you this. . ." Croco took his arm out from around Luna and held them out over her muzzle in an attempt to get her to calm down.

"What kind of things, if I may be so bold to ask?" The crying only got louder and harder.

"He. . .he. . .touched me. . .violated me. . .and my father. . .he just. . .stood back. . .and watched. . .while he. . .he. . ." Unable to withstand any more trauma of the memories, Luna threw her head into the crocodile's chest and started wailing uncontrollably. Croco put his arm around her and held her close, wiping a tear away from her face and asked her if she would want to join him in the secluded bedroom area of the coach. When there was no answer from the vixen, he took her back there anyway, rumbling a soothing note to her while allowing her to take a seat on the bed. Croco looked around for a specific item in that room and found a black t-shirt, but Luna protested when he lifted his snout to put it on. He didn't know why she would object to him wearing a shirt, but he obliged to her request and tossed it aside before joining her on the bed, lying back on a pillow and staring up at the ceiling, lost in a world of thought.

The thoughts that were running through Luna's mind at the time soon turned from extreme fear and anguish to that of pure lust as she stared at the crocodile's chisled chest and arms. But she knew that she shouldn't approach him with that on her mind. . .yet at the same time, she wanted nothing more than to let Croco take her. . .strip her of her clothes so that she would lie naked before him. . .then have him enter her so that he could give her his precious seed at any cost to her. The vixen became confused as a hand wandered over her chest, the strange feelings going through her head didn't go unnoticed by Croco as he lifted his broad, toothy snout to see how she was doing.

"Is there. . .something else on your mind, Luna?" he asked, wiping away a tear still streaming down her cheek. A shiver went up and down her spine as Croco's deep voice filled her ears, not knowing how to react to his question. Part of her wanted just to converse and let that be the end of it. . .but her instincts were telling her otherwise. They were telling her that he was right for the taking. . .that he was the ideal male to fill her with his seed, despite the obvious difference in their species. She tried fighting these primordial urges, but the vixen was helpless to stave them off as she propped herself over Croco and put a hand on his hardened stomach, feeling every ripple of muscle as it wandered lower toward the button of his shorts. Surprised, Croco looked up at her, jaw slackening slightly. "Um. . .excuse me?" Luna looked deep into his eyes, the warm yellow-green glow greeting her as her breathing became shallower.

"I don't know. . .why," she panted, "but I want you, Croco. I want you. . .inside me. . .I want you to feel me from the inside. . .please. . .I need it! Take me, Croco. . .I'm begging you!" A grin formed on the reptile's face as he rolled over onto his stomach, propping himself up on his knees and looking over the delectable vixen that was in his presence.

"I. . .I don't know what to say," said a very confused Croco, "I didn't want to have. . .to have sex with you Luna, but I guess that. . ." However, the sight of Luna reaching down into her skirt to massage herself was enough to convince him of her desire for him as he put a hand on her furred muzzle, a claw tracing over her mouth. Luna took the finger and gave it a quick little suckle before looking up at him with a very naughty grin.

"Please. . .I would want nothing more than to have the hottest, steamiest sex ever in the history of the known world," she said, reaching for her shirt to pull it off, "Oh. . .by the name of the Goddess. . .Croco!" Croco couldn't help but to sense the girl's desperation and helped her to remove the shirt, setting it on a small table next to the bed as he looked down to behold her luscious breasts. He gasped and clutched his heart at the fruits that lied before him.

"My gods. . .your breasts are just. . .rrrrrrr! I was expecting bigger from a vixen but with you. . .I don't care." Croco's snout lowered to take in Luna's scent, which was an unexplainable combination of wildflowers and her natural vixen musk, and immediately his jaws parted slightly to lightly nip at her neck. Luna moaned softly from the nibbling as she reached up to hold her crocodilian lover close to her, encouraging his probing muzzle into her neck with a well-placed hand on the back of his head and a coaxing shove. That was all the encouragement Croco would need, moving all over Luna's neck while giving her nibbles to various degrees, some soft and teasing while others were close to drawing blood, but all were able to cause Luna to moan and shiver all over.

At the same time he was biting all over her neck, Croco began to notice a significant stirring in his midsection and shifted a bit so that Luna could feel it on her bare stomach. Soon, the stirring became enough to cause him to groan as he ceased the delightful nibbles to the dismay of the young vixen. But a hand on her breasts was enough to bring a smile back to Luna's face as Croco straddled her torso with a tooth-filled grin on his face.

"Luna. . .would you be so kind as to remove my shorts, please?" he

asked in a sweet, sincere tone. . .almost too innocent for the predicament that they were in. Croco lowered his snout down to lick the remnants of the tears that streamed down Luna's face earlier and closed his eyes. "I am only doing this because you have endured the same pain that I had when I was younger, Luna. . .the pain of betrayal by those around you and by those who love you the most. I can taste the pain in your tears, but I want you to taste something a lot better. . .the taste of joy. Something that will stay with you well after this night has come and gone. . .I'm not saying I love you, Luna. I just want you to feel good about yourself." Luna couldn't believe what he had just said, a blank stare forming over her face.

"Oh my. . .I don't know what to say," she said, "you have a way with words that. . .no, no more words." The overwhelming lust took control of the poor young vixen as her hands immediately found the button to his shorts and made quick work of it as well as the zipper. Croco reached over to turn on a small lamp so that he could see his lover for the night, and when he did, he saw Luna tugging on the waist of his shorts. Chuckling deeply, he rolled onto his side so that she could slide them off, which she did slowly and teasingly. He couldn't help but to crack a smile.

"Heh. . .I must say that you're an eager one, Luna," the crocodile told her, now in nothing but his scales as the stirring picked up to a feverish pitch, the onyx tip of his member starting to peek out of its slit. Luna paid no attention to that as she opened her legs and looked over at Croco with the eyes of a young kit begging her parents for the toy that she had always wanted.

"Please. . .Croco! Take off my skirt. . .I want you to expose me to your every desire," said the vixen. A smile came on Croco's face as he kneeled over her form again, running a claw over the red patch of fur on her stomach. He didn't say anything before looking her over and reaching for the button that held her skirt to her waist to unhook it. Making short work of that, Luna lifted her legs in the air to allow Croco to remove the leather garment from her, leaving nothing uncovered in the sight of the crocodile that was so large and intimidating on many fronts. . .his mere size. . .the sharp teeth. . .the powerful jaws that he possessed.

But the thing that soon grabbed Luna's attention was the swollen sheath as it started to release Croco's member, filling the room with a strong leathery scent associated with reptilian arousal. All it took was one glance at the thick head to cause Luna to shudder visibly beneath him as she panted and moaned when Croco dropped himself over her form. Both fox and crocodile moaned as they touched each other. . .the vixen's soft, fluffy fur making contact with the crocodile's rough, yet at the same time very smooth and polished scales, sending shocks of pleasure through them. Croco looked down and started to run his tongue over Luna's stomach; soon she spread her legs apart enough to give him better access to her as he moved lower and lower toward her slit.

Luna's tender sex was already slickened greatly with her juice, further enticing the large male over her with her delicious scent as well as the mere sight of her wet, glistening pussy. Croco needed no further encouragement than that as he skillfully lowered his snout between the vixen's thighs, giving the inner thigh on the right side a lick before tasting her ambrosia and growling a deep, throaty note. He didn't say anything as he continued to lap up Luna's soft flesh, sending her into rapid panting before a moan escaped from her lips.

"Ohhhhhh. . .Croco! That feels so good!" she gasped. Unaware to the young vixen, Croco's member was already started to engorge itself with blood, causing it to pour out from its store inside his sheath. It was only when it brushed against Luna's thigh that she became aware of its presence, but she was lost in the pleasure that Croco was giving her with his mouth and tongue to notice the sheer size of it. However, he was saving that surprise for last as he kept on licking her puffy labia, already starting to swell slightly from the teasing of the crocodile's teeth and tongue to which his kind was well-known for using well. When she started to shudder slightly, Croco lifted off of her and presented his phallus to Luna. . .and instantly her jaw dropped. It had to be at least a foot long, more likely an inch or two more, but it was the thickness that captivated the vixen. She reached for it and was barely able to get one hand around it, which meant it had to be more than four inches in diameter. "By the name of the Goddess. . .it's. . .it's huge! How are you going to fit that all inside me?" Croco put a hand over her muzzle briefly before licking it and stroking the fur on her face.

"Patience, love," he told her, "I know I'd have a lot of trouble just getting it in, so let me help you." He waited for her to come back down a bit before taking two of his fingers and spreading her lips apart, gently stretching the outer flesh and drawing a moan from Luna as the sensation registered in her brain. She looked up at him as a crimson hand came down on olive scales, running down Croco's arm toward the hand that was parting her sex in preparation for a hard rutting, then her eyes slowly lidded halfway shut as another moan broke from her muzzle. Seeing Luna's need, the crocodile gently thrusted one of his fingers inside her and grinned at the loud squeal of delight that proceeded his entry. "Mmmmm. . .such a wet and delicious thing you are. . .I will enjoy mating with you greatly, Luna." The words barely made any sense to Luna in her lusty haze, but she made herself perfectly understandable as she thrusted her hips up to Croco's hand, eyes widening from the sudden jolt of pleasure that ran through her veins.

"Oh, Croco. . .I want you. . .right now!" panted a desperate Luna, "I don't care how bad it hurts. . .all I know is that I want you to fill me with your cream. . .please. . .hurry!" Upon hearing this, Croco released his finger and lifted it to her muzzle so she could taste herself if she desired to. Luna took the finger and licked off her nectar as he positioned himself over her, the tip of his mighty cock staring directly at the vixen's sopping pussy. He let it run over her slit, both of them hissing from the tingling sensation it created as she reached up to caress the crocodile's snout. Playfully nibbling on her hand, Croco murred softly before lowering his snout to lick her face, a sense of genuine care and love in his eyes despite the fact that he knew he would probably never see her again.

"Mmmmm. . .I was kinda expecting that from you," said Croco, "Very well. . .then I guess I have no choice than to give you what you desire, my dear Luna." His eyes met hers as Luna slid her hands down to spread her folds for Croco, desperate for him to fill her up. The thick head of his onyx shaft slid in between the soft flesh of the vixen, not entering the abyss immediately as the crocodile wanted her to get used to the feeling of having a cock sliding into her slit. Looking up to him again, Luna growled softly as a touch of pain ran through her before she nodded to Croco and without hesitation, sinking his shaft into the vixen's waiting depths.

Luna had some idea as to what she was getting herself into. . .though she didn't tell them right away, she lusted for the crocodile in front of her friends as he played for them. When her father and the stallion molested her, they had used dildos on her that were the size of a typical todd's phallus, knot and all. But the rigid flesh belonging to Croco stretched her young, tender walls nearly to the breaking point. . .like having a fourteen-inch long knot penetrating her. Luna's eyes clenched shut as her tunnel expanded to accept the massive length, her back arching severely as she sucked in the deepest breath of her life. She had wanted Cody to be the one to break her, but she couldn't be that disappointed with someone that he admired. . .but then all rational thoughts were squelched as the vixen let it all out in a loud, piercing scream, surely the loudest one of her short life.


The union was now complete. . .the two youngsters were joined as one as Croco slid more and more of his length into the vixen's prone body, letting out a deep groan of delight in the process. The pain was evident on Luna's face, she wasn't expecting her first to be so big. Still, the crocodile took great care in feeding her more of his endowment, going painfully slow into her to gauge a reaction. Luna reluctantly opened her eyes and saw a scaled hand move down to caress her face, wiping away the tears as she screamed and cried out from the discomfort that ran through her, squirming when she saw that Croco was halfway into her. . .with seven more inches to go as she looked into the crocodile's eyes. "Ohhhhh. . .this hurts! Make it go away!" cried the vixen. But Croco continued to slide into her despite the protests, stroking her face again and rumbling deeply.

"Be patient, love," he said in a soft tone, almost a whisper, "The pain will go away and. . .nnnggh. . .and it will feel a lot better. Trust me, Luna. . .you'll thank me when we're done. . .nnngrrrrrraaahhhh!" He let out another deep groan when he felt himself bottom out inside Luna at eleven inches, holding absolutely still as she moaned and squealed loudly from the sensory overload. Her soft, velvety inner flesh continued to expand as his massive spire sat inside her, the vixen slowly getting used to having such a humongous piece of meat inside her cunny as she wrapped her arms around her reptilian lover, urging him to go deeper, not knowing that he couldn't go in any further. Once again, soft blue eyes met those of a warm yellow-green as Croco pulled back slowly, then gently thrusted into Luna, and two soft grunts were heard as the imposing male lowered himself, the vixen pulling him onto her as he started to build a slow, steady rhythm much to her delight. And just as he promised her, the pain inside Luna started to dissipate, replaced by an intense pleasure that words could not describe as she moaned loudly with every pass inside her.

Luna couldn't believe what was happening to her. . .she was letting this male. . .one she had never seen until a couple hours before. . .she was letting him take her, and without a struggle! What was running through her mind to allow herself to fall into this kind of a situation? The answer was simple. . .it didn't matter at the current moment. She was lost in a lustful haze as the crocodile thrusted into her aching slit, feeding her as much of his cock as she could take, panting and grunting rapidly as he lowered his snout to softly nibble on her neck. The sensation of Croco's teeth drew a yip from the vixen, very much enjoying that as he let out a soft groan himself. He continued to mibble on her neck while she continued to yip and moan from the dueling pleasures on her neck as well as inside her, where he started to slowly pick up the pace of his thrusting. She looked up to him and moaned loudly, the shocks radiating throughout her young body.

"Ohhhhhhh. . .ohhhhhhhhh. . .yeeessssssss. . .oh, Croco! Please. . .by the name of the Goddess. . .nnnngghh. . .I want more. . ." cried Luna, ". . .mooorrrrrrre. . .ahhhhhhhhhhh. . .nnggyeeeeeerrrrrrrrppphhh!" Croco smiled softly before picking up the pace, albeit slightly. Still, that was enough to make Luna squirm in his clutches, crying out and yelping from the intensified sensations running within her. She reached up and held him close to her while her virgin canal continued to clench over Croco's member, causing him to groan as he raised his head up to lick at the crease of her mouth. Somehow Luna had an idea as to what this meant and her hands slid up the crocodile's back and over the back of his head to encourage him to slip his tongue into her mouth, and sure enough he did. Both vixen and crocodile let their eyes slide shut as they enjoyed the kiss, their tongue twining and darting in and around each other while he continued to thrust into her at a pretty good pace, her sweet juices starting to seep out of her cunt and onto her loins, getting him wet with her nectar as well.

The kiss soon broke, but the pounding of Luna's pussy continued to the delight of them both. The sounds of passion filled the air of the small room, panting and moaning while the deliciously wet squelching sounds that were made when Croco's shaft sunk all the way into Luna's heated depths were getting louder and more frequent. Five minutes soon passed. . .then ten. . .and soon they were both getting desperate for their release, with the vixen moaning and yelping loudly while Croco tried to hold himself back for as long as he could. Finally, he couldn't take much more and shuddered all over, raising his snout skyward and crying out loudly. But it was a false alarm and that fueled the crocodile to double the pace he was setting in Luna. Desperation setting in, he held her tightly while he ravaged her virgin pussy.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!! You want me. . .to fill you to the brim. . .with my seed. . .Luna?" Croco choked out between loud moans, his breaths becoming shallower by the second as he started to feel his loins burn. The words made rudimentary sense to Luna as she was in a lusty haze, eyes closed and her moaning becoming even louder as she knew that she was on the brink. This wasn't like she was stimulating herself. . .she couldn't control herself. Now at the mercy of the massive reptile above her, she tried to hold off her peak for as long as she could, merely nodding at Croco's words. But the incredible ecstacy that ran through her along with his increased pace was too much and Luna succumbed, spasming violently as her inner flesh collapsed onto the crocodile's cock, seizing it and pulling it in as if to claim it as her own. Her eyes clenched even tighter as she was helpless to scream and yelp loudly, her arms wrapped so tightly around him that they looked like the only way she would release him was to pry them off as Luna slipped off into a world of pure and unfiltered euphoria.

Croco knew that she was close. . .he could hear it in her increased vocalizations. But when Luna started to cum, he started to thrust into her like a croc possessed by some unnatural lustful force. He repeatedly hammered her with more than the eleven inches she could take, causing the vixen to shriek even louder in the throes of her orgasm. Responding to Luna's clutching, Croco held her just as tightly, the two locked in a sexual embrace as he shuddered again. Deep in his mind, he knew he wouldn't last much longer and gave it to the vixen with all his might.

"Grrrrrunnnnggghh. . .oh gods. . .Lunaaaaaaah!!! Don't know. . .how much. . .longer. . .I'll. . .grrraaahhhh. . .I'll last!" he growled. Just as he finished saying that, Croco shuddered a third time and started to lose all control of himself. "Ohhhhhhhh. . .ohhhhhh Luna. . .nnnnnnggghh. . .yeeeesssssss. . .set me free. . .please, oh gods. . .!" The fire inside his loins made it excruciatingly painful for him to thrust into Luna, but he ignored it and continued to give it to her like a reptilian jackhammer. But then, he lost control for good and was sent hurtling over the edge. "Oh, Luna. . .Luuunnnaaaaaaaaah!!! Oh gods. . .ahhhhhhhhhhh. . .nghaaaaaaahhhhh. . .ohhhhhh-ohhhhhhhhhhhh. . .no! Ohhhhhh fuck!. . .nnnggh-GGGGGRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Croco's member started to flutter wildly within Luna's clamping folds before it seemingly exploded at the seams, sending great streams of thick, warm crocodilian seed into her while he spasmed uncontrollably and screamed at the top of his lungs. The act was complete. . .but they were helpless to disengage until Croco finished filling her up. And for a male as large as the crocodile was, that could take a long time. . .sometimes more than a full minute. . .but Luna opened her eyes to see Croco roar and let go inside her, a pietious whimper coming from her.

"Yes, Croco. . .ohhhhhhhhh. . .ohhh, that feels so good," she panted as more and more crocodile cum filled her canal. Soon, it became too much and it started to back out of her slit and onto her thighs and rump, some of it smearing on the loins of Croco as he continued to twitch and scream. After about forty seconds, his flow started to die down to a small trickle, then to nothing at all as he propped himself over Luna on his forearms, but still close enough to feel her soft bellyfur on his muscled chest.

"Mmmmmmm. . .I hope you enjoyed that, Luna," panted Croco as soon as he could catch his breath, "I know I did. . .very much." Luna could only muster a smile as she panted breathlessly, weakened by the incredible sensations that her crocodilian lover gave her. Croco returned the smile with one of his own, his shaft still buried within her warm recesses as he gave her a couple more playful thrusts. The vixen couldn't help but to let out a soft moan and a giggle from the thrusts, then she pulled his long snout down and gave it a long, slow lick, rumbling solftly as she enjoyed the incredible afterglow following the first mating of her life.

"Ohhh. . .by the name of the Goddess. . .Croco!" she said, "That had to be. . .the most incredible. . .the most amazinig thing I've ever done. . .thank you." Croco didn't know how to respond to that, so he just held Luna a little closer to him, rumbling softly while occasionally stealing a nibble on her neck. Feeling himself starting to lose bloodflow a bit, he had no choice but to pull out of her, his shaft making a wet 'squoosh' as it exited Luna's vent, a giggle coming from both of them as more fluids rushed from the vixen. One glance to the small battery-powered alarm clock on the other nightstand sent both of them into a panic but moreso Luna. "Shit! Croco, look at the time!" The crocodile took one look at the clock and growled. . .it was past one o'clock.

"Shit, you're right," he gasped, "I've gotta get you back to your friends! Hopefully one of my guys or the guys from Korbin's band is still out there. . .I hate to be so selfish as to leave them with nothing to do for so long." Croco pointed out the area where he left Luna's clothes and they both dressed up quickly, with the reptile slipping on the black t-shirt he was about to put on before he and Luna rutted. One look at the bed told the story. . .there was a wet spot going the entire width of the bed and about two feet from where the vixen was lying while she took the brunt of Croco's advances. As soon as they felt they were presentable again, the crocodile led his guest, who was still clutching her stomach, back out into the night air, both of them sighing from the cool rush that greeted them after a hard mating.

Just as Croco was hoping for, there was somebody out there with Luna's friends. . .two people to be exact. One was the drummer of Silverclaw. . .a lanky otter by the name of Logan Riverstone, while the other was a tall, somewhat built dragon by the name of Zakaras Gr'kresdren, who was better known as "Zaxx." The dragon was the drummer of Saur Loser with a talent for using his obscenly long and flexible tail in his performances, but he was known for spreading his wings, twice as long as he was tall, during portions of songs. Croco's eyes lit up as soon as he saw the self-proclaimed "thunder dragon" while Luna started to look around for her own friends. She was able to pick out Brindy and Elise easily as they were with Logan while Lexa and Cody's gang were conversing with a couple more of the concertgoers that had stayed out with the hope of catching a glimpse of the performers. But when they saw her, they knew that something big had gone down and were a little wary on the first approach. It was Elise that was the first to break the ice.

"Well it's about time, Luna," the lioness growled, "I thought he was in there making a coat out of you." Luna gave her a smack on the shoulder and growled back at her, quite offended by that comment.

"Oh, shut up! Croco would never do that to me. He's such a sweetie, it's. . ." Just then, Brindy turned and spotted the vixen, looking her over and sniffing loudly. She cocked her head back in surprise at the scents she detected and took to Luna's side. Sniffing her again, the wolf's eyes widened to saucers.

"Luna! What happened to you?" she asked. Luna didn't know what to tell her. . .or whether or not they would be jealous of her if she told them the truth. So she did what any fox would do in that situation. . .try to come up with a convincing story.

"Well, Brind. . .he took me back into his coach and we talked for a bit," the vixen told her, "then he offered me a drink. One drink turned into two and so on until. . .I just fell asleep. Poor Croco didn't know what to do so he just left me alone and. . ." Another sniff from the wolfess disproved that story as quickly as she told it.

"Nice try, Luna. I don't smell booze on your breath. . .in fact. . .the scent is strongest near your crotch." As soon as Brindy said that, two simultaneous gasps were heard. One was from Elise, but the other was from Lexa as she had been overhearing the conversation.

"By the name of the Goddess. . .Luna!" gasped the skunk. Luna was in shock. She had been exposed as her friends continued to voice their disbelief.

"Oh gods. . .I can't believe it!" was the response Elise gave. Brindy didn't say anything, but Luna broke out into the biggest earblush of her life. That was all they needed to know what really happened inside the motorcoach.

"Luna. . .no way!" squealed Lexa, "You did not!" But her embarrassment quickly turned to pride as Luna broke into a wide grin.

"I did. . ." she said in a dreamy voice.

"You're kidding. . .you did not, Luna!" Brindy gasped.

"I did too. . ." The grin became wider.

"Don't tell me you did," said Elise, "Please Luna. . .don't tell me you did!" Luna giggled and broke down, squatting down and putting her skirt down over her legs in vain.

"And I loved every second of it, Elise!" The girls just stood there, mouths agape in pure shock, not wanting to believe what they had just heard. . .or refusing to accept it at all. They knew that Luna was the only virgin of the circle and to think that she would have a rock star as her first was preposterous to them.

But they were set straight when Luna felt a nuzzle on her neck, and she turned up to see her beloved Cody staring down at her. He sniffed all over her and a smile came upon his face, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into him.

"I take it somebody had fun with the crocodile," he said, trying not to burst into laughter, "Did you enjoy it, love?" Luna gasped and buried her muzzle into his chest, rumbling audibly in delight.

"Oh, did I ever!" gasped the vixen, "It hurt quite a lot at first but the longer he went, the better it felt until he lost it in me. By the name of the Goddess, I thought he would never stop. . .must've been close to a full minute before he stopped. And he was huge, Cody. . .about a good six inches bigger than you and at least two inches thicker. . .my gods!" Cody couldn't help but to giggle a bit.

"You're kidding. I go about nine and a half inches long and about two and a half wide!" he confessed. Sure, a part of him felt bad that he couldn't be the first to mate with Luna and the one that she did do it with was a whole lot bigger than him, but deep inside, he felt good for Luna in the fact that she was happy. That was what he wanted to base their relationship on in the first place. . .the selfless satisfaction of both partners, no matter what the expense was.

And so that night ended with everybody heading to their cars to head home. . .or at least to Brindy's house for the night as they were too tired, too drunk and too giddy to go home. Luckily for Luna, her mother answered when she called to ask if she could spend the night at Brindy's. . .and she would never reveal to anyone outside the circle what happened in that small bedroom in Croco's motorcoach. They all got back at about two o'clock, Cody's gang included, and immediately they ordered pizzas and adult pay-per-view programs to shamelessly paw themselves asleep to in front of each other.

During that time, Luna first noticed a piece of paper in the waist of her skirt. It had a phone number on it. . .645-327-9476. Curious as to who it belonged to as it was not of her area, Luna asked Brindy if she could borrow her cell phone. . .ironically enough as she asked the vixen for another slice of pizza. The wolfess tossed her the phone and she started to dial the number while yipping excitedly. It took a couple rings for Luna to receive an answer, but she did not know who it belonged to.

"Hello?" The voice was deep and Luna was nervous.

"Um. . .I found this. . .this number in the waist. . .of my skirt. . .an-and. . .I was wondering. . ." Luna was cut off immediately by the voice on the other end.

"Luna? Is that you?" Now this was really starting to creep her out. . .her arm started to shake as she tried to think of what to do next.

"Who are you?!?" she shrieked, "And how do you know my name?!?" The person on the other end was surprised by her outburst and tried to calm her down.

"Whoa, whoa! It's okay, Luna. . .I'm not sitting outside your house in a car with a knife in my hand, ready to kill you. In fact, I'd rather see myself rutting you instead of killing you." Another shriek came from the vixen, to which the other party was ready for. "Okay, think about it. . .you were at the Nook tonight. . .you and your friends stood outside hoping to meet some of the guys in the bands. . .was there a particular one you liked above all, Luna?" Luna thought about it. . .she knew Korbin would always be her favorite. . .but she had grown fond of Croco as well, even more so when he took her in his bus.

"Umm. . .I was pretty excited to see Korbin Rasmun," she told him, "but I'd say my favorite of the night had to be that crocodile from Saur Loser. . .I believe his name was Croco or something. Mmmmmm. . .he took me back into his bus and we had the hottest, wettest sex one could imagine. . .he was big but I loved every moment of it." The party on the other line started to rumble into the receiver, sending Luna into a gasp. . .that rumbling was awfully familiar to her as the mysterious person finally revealed himself.

"Was his name. . .Croco Xarranax?" Luna told him that was who he was. "Call me crazy, call me drunk, call me a pervert. . .or better yet, call me all of the above. But that is exactly who you are talking to, my dear Luna." Her heart dropped into her intestines as she shrieked again, only this time it was a surprised shriek.

"Croco?!? Is it. . .?!?"

"Aye, right you are. . .it is I, Croco. . .the one that so utterly pleased you in every way imaginable tonight." Not only did he take her to a dreamworld of pure lust, but he left her his number so she could talk to him whenever she wanted to. "I was kinda hoping you'd discover that little. . .present. . .in your skirt. So did you have fun?" The response was automatic.

"Ohhh. . .I wished that it would've never ended. . .of course I did!" They continued to talk for about fifteen minutes, discussing things from what happened that night to particular types of music and bands they liked to childhood traumas. When they were done, Luna gave Croco her own number and wished him well on the tour before hanging up and giving the phone back to Brindy. "It was him!" she squealed to her, the wolfess only able to muster a grin before they headed back into the living room where everyone else was. Sure enough, there were plastic plates scattered about as well as bodies writhing about from self-stimulation. . .the vixen growling when she saw Lexa and Rakura off in a corner locked in the act of intercourse. She only turned and grinned at Brindy, the surroundings causing her to succumb to her amorous desires. "Mmmmm. . .you could smell him on me when I rejoined you guys. . .now would you like to taste him with a bit of me on the side?" Brindy grinned and beckoned Luna over to an open place by the television before having her lie down on her back.

"I'd love to," said the lupine, "after all, I've never had a croc in my life." And with that, she lowered herself into Luna's distended slit to lap away at the juices left behind, drawing a moan from the vixen as the pearly crocodile cum was sucked out of her. She had been waiting her entire life for that day and night to come, but for an entirely different reason. It would turn into a night that she would never forget for as long as she would live. . .first off, she was able to meet her idol. But second and more prominently, that was the night that she was swept off her feet by a charming reptile that gave the first impression of being an angry, spiteful person. Deep inside of him lied a loving, romantic individual that cared about those around him and would go to any lengths for the ones he loves. Even if she were to never see him again or if one of them were to die at that very moment, it would've been worth it for her as she had freed herself from demons that had robbed her of her innocence. Yet it was an erotic act that seemingly won it back for her as Luna's mind started to drift, lost in the lustful haze from her friend feeding on her slit, drawing out her juices as a moan escaped her lips. It was a major victory for her and one she could savor with everyone for as long as she lived, no matter what they thought of it. Though it felt strange, it felt good to her and she wouldn't have it any other way as she only lived for the moment, and that moment was one that will live with her for the rest of her days in this world.

© Croco Chilton - 12/03