Adventures of Man and Doe 02 - Spring Cleaning

Story by Doe-X on SoFurry

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Spring Cleaning

by Doe-X

Once again, the tags explain the situation; more zoophilic nastiness lay ahead, look away, look away... Still there? Humph, you probably rubberneck at accidents too. Anyway, thinking I had little more to add to the whole deer and man thing after 'Our Game' (which is better IMHO), I'm always pleased when I prove myself wrong. This stuff isn't my typical fare and I was about to move back to other writings, but after a few rounds of heated negotiations with her worship, I obtained permission to post this additional peek into her intimate affairs. This one is just a touch longer than the last, though still but a quickie, enjoy. Oh, and thankfully no Cure this time, just lots of NOFX and a bit of Op Ivy for spice. As before, no animals real or imaginary were harmed...molested at their own behest, perhaps, but not harmed.

Ah, spring, when the thoughts of young men turn I dreaded this task. All of the maintenance and crap I put off for the rest of the year came due when the days turned warm. Being a land and homeowner came with certain responsibilities, none of which were pleasant. Clean the gutters, mend that hole in the southeast fence, rake out and replace the ticking in Her Majesty's outdoor enclosure among others, and worst of all...clean out the shed. I admit to skipping that one last year, and the year before.

Now at midday and halfway through my list I eyed the shed door while savoring a cold Weihenstephaner and the Princess hovered behind me eyeing my beer. Grinning at her antics, I poured what remained into a bowl and set it down. With a cautious sniff, she lapped at the brew and I turned my mind back to the task at hand. Sighing, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

Two hours later and awash in odd and ends, I began to wonder exactly where all this shit came from. Occasionally the doe would flit through the door, her curiosity piqued by the accumulating piles of junk. On silent hooves, she would nose this or that, or touch her muzzle to my arm, and I'd turn about, only to catch sight of her lovely rump vanishing through the door. Eventually, as I cleared more space she started spending more time inside with me. Though not underfoot, I knew what she was up to. I'd spent almost all day not paying attention to her, and that just wouldn't do. She'd wander from corner to corner, bump me when I wasn't watching, then give that "What, I'm just an innocent deer" look. A short time later, after it became clear my focus wasn't about to shift to her, she snorted and made a show of leaving. In her long absence, I actually managed to make considerable progress, and consequently failed to notice her return; that's when she pulled her ace. My few friends questioned this choice in mates, but one advantage the doe offered was complete clarity of intent. She left no doubt as, cutting me off, she huffed, squat, and pissed on the shed floor in front of me. Great, yet another mess to clean up, but as her pungent scent filled the structure; it wasn't my temper that rose. I could take a break.

Back arched and tail held high, she presented, and I admired her gameness. Deer are creatures of instinct, and nearly every doe hewed to the ancient biological rhythms of their species, but they are also creatures of habit, and this deer had some perverse ones. Tossing away my gloves and unzipping, I freed my cock and moved behind her. Base was our play, even in tenderness, and, deeply in tune with each other's nature, we never "made love." No foreplay, just need, and as I placed the head against her opening, she thrust back so fiercely her hind legs left the ground. Impaled upon my shaft, I groaned at the grip her wet sleeve offered. Hands on her haunches, my fingers buried in soft fur, I took her with true abandon. Ramming into her with brutal strokes I tried to mimic what she'd receive from a big buck, but more, longer, harder, and faster. The type of thorough fucking such beauty deserved. So, as my orgasm neared, I was shocked when she suddenly jumped forward.

"What the fu-," I started to say when she gave herself a quick shake and trotted past me, stopping at the door to look back at me. This was different; just what was she up to? Blue balled, I followed, and she continued to trot ahead of me until reaching a point about halfway between the shed and the house. There she presented again while giving that innocent look once more.

"You tease," I said while moving behind her once more. Leaning over her back I whispered, "I don't know what your game is girlie, but I'm gonna get mine!" Words she wouldn't understand, but that didn't matter as I roughly mounted her again, intent on pumping cum into her cunt. I rested my weight on her, locking her into place with my arms, and bludgeoning her opening with my fleshy club. She'd not escape me again, or so I thought, as I panted toward my climax, only to be denied once more. With a quick dip of her hips and a lithe twisting little hop, the doe slipped from my grasp and trotted off toward the house.

"Arrrgh," I cried in frustration, "You whore!" More words she didn't know, but the tone was clear, and I swear I caught what looked to be a smile on her thin cervine lips as she rounded the corner out of sight. A figment of my lust addled mind surely.

I found her in the bedroom, our special place, already in her 'fuck me' pose. This time I knew not to trust those soulful eyes with their feigned innocence, but, closing the glass door behind me, there would be no further retreat. I decided to tease her now. With deliberation, I removed my boots, pants, shirt, and drawers, then took a couple minutes to appreciate her sleek form. It had the desired effect for after another minute she loudly bleated her desire. Grinning, for the third time I strode behind her and lined up, but as I started to thrust, she dropped her rump, my tip coming to rest against her tailhole.

"Oh ho," I chuckled, "so that's what this is all about." I really should have known. After all, she knew where I kept the J-Lube. I patted her and went to retrieve the bottle. In seconds, I returned and knelt, bringing her openings to eye level. Placing a small amount of lube on my finger I gently rubbed it across the soft pink pucker while slipping my tongue into her slit. The doe's squat deepened as I savored her slightly tangy flavor and my finger disappeared into her ass. Several more applications followed, thoroughly coating her inside and out before I rose. Again, my tip pressed against her, but this time it was the fibers of her tailhole that parted to allow my entrance. We both sighed as I sunk into her rectum. Such bliss...I slowly withdrew and looked down to watch my cock appear from her body. With a grunt, I plunged myself home; her heat, so much greater than mine, drawing me deep. To paraphrase De Sade, "How could such an act be wrong, if the fit was so right?" Picking up a quick rhythm, I ravished her, and she took it. I pounded her with love. Our hips slammed together, my balls lewdly slapping her wet pussy, accompanied by the sticky sounds of my shaft reaming her ass. It was these moments I lived for, the reason for my efforts to save her, these seconds when our hearts thundered as one. Oh, sweet release. My prick expanded with in her, the first blast of cum splattering into her hot guts, followed a several more glorious spurts. Gasping, I pulled myself from her, oddly stirred by the sight of a single thread of pearly semen connecting us. How I wished for a camera to catch that instant for eternity, before a flick of her tail broke it...

Sated, she shook herself, and then turned to offer her customary reward, before trotting to the door. So dismissed, the Princess clearly finished, my job was done. Oh well, back to the shed.