Zoo Keeper - Epilogue - pt3

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#21 of Zoo Keeper

As I pointed out with a comment in the last chapter, if you want some music that matches the feel of this, the either grab your NiN - Broken album out and put it on random, or just listen to this...


I am not sure when I blacked out, or for that matter when I actually came to. But when I felt him shift above me I gave a soft purr, feeling his movement deep within me where his tool was still buried.

He had well seeded me, my body happy and content with the beginnings of his kittens taking root in my womb. ~"Are you ready for the last step?"~ he asked, but to my mind, subservient to him now, I took it more as a statement, a confirmation.

Still, he waited until I whined with need and said, out loud, "Finish me." breathlessly, unable to voice anything further, I just needed him.

Not waiting a moment longer I felt him slowly start to move within and above me. It was nearly torture, my body so sensitive after the thorough mating he had already given me, was less than ready for this slow, almost gentle love making.

With a start I realised that was exactly what it was, ~"Am I now your mate? Your only?"~ I asked, dreading any answer he might give.

Two slow, seemingly hour long strokes later he replied, ~"You are the strongest female I have ever found, if you are not my mate then I would despair at ever finding a queen to suit."~ he purred back to me, delivering his body again to my depths.

Laying there, content to let him administer himself to me at his own pace, I waited several strokes myself before confirming, ~"I would kill any who even tried to claim you."~ feeling the anger suddenly at a nameless phantom female that would even dare try and seize his interest from me.

He exploded into movement then, thrusting hard and fast, his barbs catching within my already well reamed tunnel only causing pleasure, with a roar he rose up, his hips cycling impossibly fast, ~"Show me that fire again, let me feel your strength!"~ he demand suddenly, and I felt myself respond, raking out at him with my mind, even as he fought back.

Feeling the pleasure explode this time, even as I felt his seed start to pump into me, I roared to match his voice, not just hearing but feeling our pleasured exclamations reverberate back to us even as his seed finished the changes, removing the last shred of humanity from me.

Panting, I could do nothing but merely feel, and what a feeling it was. His DNA now pulsed in me, it was mine now, and I felt that same force he had exerted on me within now, aching, needing to be used. His mind was twined with mine though, wrapped both physically and mentally, I flexed my new physical muscles while also testing out the new parts of my mind, liking the feel of both.

~"My Queen."~ he said, ~"I feel you now, you are so much more than the others..."~ he stopped, unable to express his thoughts further, falling to base emotion, and that emotion was, ironically enough, the same word humans used for a social grouping of cats, I felt his pride in me, in what he had wrought.

Stopping a moment in my thoughts I realised something, ~"What? What is it you would want? What can I gift you in return for this?"~ I asked him, needing to pay him back for all that he had done to me.

He purred, instilling his calm into me, ~"Build my Pride up, make us more."~

Giving into that need, letting it pour into me, I felt my muzzle curl into a grin, ~"I think I can manage that."~


We waited, I watched as the patrol pulled up at the way-station, making its radio call, all the troops scattered around.

~"You are sure then?"~ his voice said for, hopefully, the last time.

I purred, beginning to pad forward, out into the open, ~"Of course my mate."~ I thought back to him even as, with my physical voice I called out, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot damnit, I am non hostile!" just as the alarm was called and a dozen rifles raised to point at me.

I knew the policy on full female felines, unless the individual was in control, and unless they were a part of the outpost already, they were turned away or shot at the Sergeant's discretion. "Name?" a soldier demanded.

Sitting down I purred softly, "Paul Jakeson, infantry." I replied, trying to sound as nervous as I should, by rights, feel.

"Shit Paul, every time I see you drag your sorry arse back you are more cat. You gone completely now?" one of the soldiers, I recognised with a start as Jenny exclaimed.

'Strong, yes strong females he needs.' my mind thought and my purring built a little more, "Yeah, all the way this time. They killed him..." I trailed off and urged tears to my eyes.

The feline solder and former friend sprinted over to me to wrap her amrs around me, "Damn you Paul, why do you let them get this close to you?" she sat there, holding me.

~"Listen close kitten, when the time comes, stop the truck from driving off."~ I said then, and leaned into her mind, pushing on her. Her eyes widened and I realised I had gone a little harder than needed, a little whimper came from her, I relaxed out of her thoughts. "Got that?" I asked.

She nodded mutely and I could do nothing but grin as I rose to my feet and padded back toward the soldiers beside her.

We reached the squad, who were, as their training taught them, looking for other threats, "Its safe." I said then, "Been in this area for a few days, waiting for a patrol. Nothing nearby." I assured them, ever aware of my mates kittens, dozens of them, all down wind of us, ready to move.

The soldiers relaxed a little and made a few jokes, taking my word for it. I padded over to the Sergeant, "Can I have a word Sir?" I asked at once. She responded by nodding and leading me to the far side of the truck. ~"You will have them all stow their weapons in the truck, you will do it casually, assuring them that I would have seen anything nearby. Jenny will drive the truck."~ I said into the felines mind, forcing the command to her. She tried to fight, her eyes went wide and I knew something more was needed.

Leaping to her back, I pulled her with my weight, down to the ground and sank my teeth into the neck of her unresisting body, ~"You will do as told, you are mine."~ I pushed, crushing that force into her mind, ~"You are mine!"~ I continued until I heard a whimper.

Purring I rose from her and saw her lift herself slowly, her eyes showed me at once I had broken her mind. "You understand 'Sir'" I said, "You will act normally to them, and tell them exactly what I want of them."

"Y... Yes. I ww... will." she stammered, trying to keep hold of her world.

I purred and padded back out.

"All right you maggots, get your guns secured, we are taking a break here, the corporal has already scouted and given me a sitrep, nothing around." she told them and to my delight I saw all the soldiers obeying, putting their rifles in the back of the truck.

Moving slowly I padded so I was between the soldiers and their rifles and reached out to my mate, ~"They only have their claws and knives, they are yours."~ I told him with a purr.

A mental laugh was my only reply as felines darted in from seemingly every direction. There was panic as the soldiers realised their predicament and made for the guns or at least the safety of the truck, only to find myself and the Sergeant waiting and ready to dissuade them of the thought.

"Just relax, give in, it will not hurt, he will not be cruel, just give in to him." I said softly, not even bothering to coax them with my mind, there was no need.

As I watched, his sons pinned and mated all the females, nothing would stop them until their bellies were swollen with seed and they themselves fully feline.

While the chaos was going on, he roamed among them, leaning down at each pairing, one at a time imposing himself on them.

"Does it, will he..." the Sergeant beside me stammered.

I purred, leaning into her mind easily, ~"He will not hurt you, you are already mine."~ I told her, and indeed when he paced over at last to the truck he looked up at her and purred.

~"You claimed one yourself?"~ he asked redundantly, ~"And well claimed she is, good work my mate, good work indeed. Oh but you missed one..."~

It was Jenny, the small implanted command I had given her had worn free and she was off, running as fast as she could. My mate was faster of course.

~"Come, watch this."~ I told the soldier beside me, purring as I padded off after the hunting male.

By the time we caught up he had her on the ground, she was snarling and spitting at him, trying to fight him off with bravado alone, "Give up Jenn, he is too fast, too strong, too good." I said out loud, not wanting to interrupt my mate in his game.

He just paced around her, throwing his mind at her again and again, driving her down into herself. For a moment I remembered her as my friend, as the girl who first showed me just what it was to be a male, but then I remembered her disease, he weakness. "Don't fight it Jenn, he will make it so you will never have to worry about your health again. His DNA is stronger than even the felines back at the camp, he is so much better for you." I told her and saw the moment she broke and gave in.

So did my mate. Purring, he nuzzled her around to the position he wanted and mounted her, grinding himself into her, fast, hard, just like the animal he resembled.

My breathing had sped up and I felt a paw touch me, the soldiers. Sliding it along my flank she reached my hips and let her claws out a little, caressing and scratching me softly.

So distracted by that paw was I that her other, moving in toward my now dripping sex caught me by surprise. Gasping, purring, needing.

Again and again she worked her fingers in and around my entrance and I could do nothing but revel in this, enjoying the feel of my newly conquered pet giving me such pleasure as I knew my mate was taking.

Without asking, without a word, I rolled to my side and drew my leg forward, giving her much better access to me.

The first touch of her tongue, rough in texture but gentle of touch, made me growl out happily, reaching my mind out to hers, burrowing that power into her along with my thoughts, ~"You are a very good little kitten."~ I purred into her mind, instilling warmth into her, ~"But bring yourself around a little further, I would like to sample you."~ I breathed through her and felt her mind not just accept the order, but bury itself and roll around in it, taking the command not just to her mind, but wrapping it into her very being like a musk she would actually coat herself with, were she to do that physically.

Her pants were in the way but my teeth made short work of them, and before I could even think to tell her to take the garments off herself I had a clear view of her furred slit.

I was about to start on her, when I felt her muzzle bury itself in me, tongue sampling the deepest tastes of my snatch, the surface of it causing feelings like lighting burning its way through my cavern.

The orgasm claimed me before I could get more than a flick of my own tongue at her and I roared into her, feeling a strange sense of relief as I heard the kitten mewl and purr behind me. Something was odd though, and with a start I realised what had happened, she had dug down enough to find some of the seed my mate had planted within me earlier on this day, had found it and consumed it.

The fur around her body darkened and I purred in delight as she let up her ministrations at the sudden and unanticipated changes, I began to work her petals, wanting to sample every last drop of what she had within her.

Softly at first, I felt her mind reach to my own, ~"Am... am I good enough for you mistress?"~ I heard her stammer in her thoughts.

I didn't answer, just continued licking and snuffling at her until I felt her own muscles grip at me, wanting my tongue deeper within her.

Again and again we brought each other to our release, again and again she drew my mind down, deep into her, wrapping herself in my commands, warming herself in them, linking herself to me closer and closer.

Eventually done with his new pet, my mate padded over and took over from me, finishing off my pet's change as I could not, making her a full cat, giving her the burden of his kittens to carry.

My little kitten looked up at me once he was done with her, ~"What next my mistress?"~ she asked me.

I could only purr out loud, "Well, what do you think they will do when the patrol is late?" I asked back, a big grin forming on my muzzle.

Comment please, want to know what people think of this little ending I am working on here :3