To Claim the City Part#3

Story by ForbiddentoSay on SoFurry

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Chapter 6

Three weeks as a lycanthrope and Jake wasn't minding much at all, he found a job with the help of the pack, he and Rachel were very happy together. Nelson and Lea weren't coming around as much to help, since now Jake's body was completely changed and nothing should go wrong.

However, at the moment, many things could go wrong, as Jake got himself dressed, the evening light was dimming down as the sun set for the night. And Rachel came over to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Calm down, Jake, everything will be alright, I've met the Alphas before, they are nice."

"How does he taste?" Jake grunted.

Rachel frowned and placed a hand on his cheek. "Hey, now, that's not fair, you know I couldn't not have done that."

Jake sighed. "I know, I'm sorry, love." He said and kissed her, Rachel smiled and continued to get dressed. She was in a thin dress, easily taken off, while Jake was in a shirt and pants, nothing too fancy.

They cuddled for a few moments on the bed once they were both ready and went out into the car together, and Jake drove them to another house at the other side of town. The house was two stories and resembled Rachel's house only that far, it was twice the size and three times as nice. "Damn." Jake whistled as they pulled up.

"I know, nice isn't it?" Rachel replied as they both out of car and held hands as they went up to the door and knocked. This time, Rachel didn't just walk in; instead they waited for the door to be open.

It did and Lea smiled to them both. "Good, you're early, you remembered Rachel. Come on, head right to the back room, Rachel, you know, same as last time." Lea let them in and locked the door behind them, she was totally nude, as was Nelson who was standing just inside the door.

Jake was about to strip and Rachel took his hand, shaking her head as she led him to the back of the house to a screened in room. Rachel knocked and then stepped in, leading Jake with her, and Jake was hit with a wall of senses that made his mind stir.

As they moved into the room together, Jake spotted the man sitting at one end of the room, broad shoulders, muscular build, easy to see since he was also naked. He had a dick that was an easy foot long, and it looked only semi-hard at the moment.

Next to him on the love seat, there was a tall woman, large breasts exposed to the air, while long brown hair cascaded down to her hips. Speaking of, they were shaped perfectly, and Jake now realized that he could put her looks over Rachel's, if only by a little. Jake glanced to Rachel to see that she was staring at the male, and his cock, as intently as Jake was at the female.

The male spoke up, his voice deep. "Please, come and sit, Rachel and Jake, we have not been waiting long, thank you for being early. Rachel, it's good to see that you have a mate at last, sad for the last two times."

As he spoke, the two lovers moved to a love seat directly across from and close to, the two older wolves. They sat and Rachel smiled. "Thank you, Sir, you honour me."

The woman spoke up as Jake and Rachel say close together. "You look healthy, Jake, I can smell strength in you, and see it in your muscles."

Jake flushed a bit then nodded his head with a smile. "Thank you, mam, you honour me."

The woman smiled, and it drew Jake further to her. "Ah, good, a quick learner."

The male spoke up. "For Jake's sake, since he has not met us before, I am Seager, and this is my mate, Iris." Iris nodded with a smile.

Jake bowed his head to both. "A pleasure to meet you both."

Iris looked to her mate. "I think it's time, they both look ready I think making them wait much longer would be cruel." Seager nodded and looked to Rachel, while Iris looked back to Jake.

Jake felt something in him stir and a slight growl grew in him as he looked at the naked woman before him, he managed a small glance at Rachel, who had looked at him at the same time. She had the same look in her eyes as Jake, while she looked at Seager's exposed body. They took each others hands, stood and moved towards the Alphas, releasing each other and stood before the two Alphas.

The two older wolves stood and each walked around Rachel and Jake in turn while they stood stone still. Jake suddenly found himself only aware of what Iris was doing, and either could not bring himself to look at Rachel and see what Seager was doing, or what, but he wanted to, he only knew he couldn't.

Iris smiled. "I'm doing that, what your mate and mine are doing are none of your concern, don't worry, this happens to everyone." He placed a gentle hand on his cheek, making his skin warm. "We don't want to hurt anyone in our pack, now, please strip."

Jake breathed out heavily and then undressed before her, tossing his clothes to one side and looking back to Iris again. His eyes on hers, though they flicked down once in a while, Iris pretended not to notice his wandering eyes. Looking him up and down for a second, she ran her hands around his smoothed skin, he had shaved his body like Lea had said to, with the help of Rachel. Iris nodded and sat back down again and looked to one side and her mouth moved as if speaking, but Jake could not hear what she was saying, she was speaking only to Seager.

Iris looked back to Jake after nodding and said. "Show your loyalty, Jake." Was all she said, and all she needed to say.

The Omega dropped to his knees before her and put his face between her legs and started to lick at her warm, moist lips. A strong shiver went down his entire body that made him pause for a moment, caused by her taste and her scent. Licking his lips, Jake put his lips to her again and started to lick and tease as he could, using everything that Rachel and Lea had taught him about eating pussy, those lessons had to best he had ever had in his life.

Iris only smiled down at him as he continued to savour her, bringing up his right hand to stick a finger in and started to fuck her with it. As he did so, Iris began to speak. "Are you happy with Rachel, Jake?" He nodded, but said nothing, so Iris continued. "I always feel sorry for those that are just dragged into this like you were, Jake, it's a sudden change to be sure. Jake, tell me honestly, Rachel aside, do you truly want to stay like this?"

There was a pause from Jake for a second, before he looked up to her eyes and nodded once. Iris smiled back to him as he put his head back down and continued to eat her, his left hand coming up and placed on her inner thigh. "Hm, I see Lea has taught you a bit." She let out a soft moan that moved Jake forward further into trying to make her come. "Now, no more talk, just quiet." Iris said as she bent over and kissed Jake on the forehead and leaned back again to enjoy what he was doing.

Half an hour into eating at her, Jake still had not made her come, and from the slight sounds he could pick from Rachel, Seager was still hanging in as well. Deciding to take it up a step, Jake, his right hand all wet from using his fingers to fuck her, stopped licking for a moment as he pushed three fingers into her. Iris moaned a bit and regarded him curiously to what he was doing. Jake smiled and continued, putting four fingers in and pushing further still, getting a small gasp from Iris and Jake buried his hand into her up to his wrist. He could feel her walls close around his hand as he slowly moved it back and forth, but not out of her, while wiggling his fingers a bit.

Iris smiled more and placed a hand on the top of his head and he placed his lips back to use again on her clit, licking it and nibbling on it. Jake worked like that, pumping his fist in her while moving his fingers, trying to find the sensitive spots in her, while using his tongue. Another half hour later and he felt Iris' walls tighten further around his hand and she breathed heavy as she spoke. "Take your hand out, drink up, Jake, hurry."

Jake pulled out his hand and cleaned it off quickly, before Iris let out a small gasp and Jake felt a flood of fluid wash into his mouth and drank as deeply as he could. "All of it, as much as you can, Jake, that will confirm you into our pack." Iris gasped again as the Omega between her legs growled in reply and continued to drink as he deeply as he could until the fluids were down to a leaking trickle. He got some more into him but then felt dizzy for a moment and his eyes slowly closed.

Chapter 7

Jake woke slowly as he felt a weight on him and slowly opened his eyes to see that it was Rachel, sound asleep laying on top of him, a bit of come still on her chin. He smiled and looked around, still in the same room as the Alphas on the love seat laying with his feet sticking out over the edge, while Rachel was curled up on top of him. Rachel's eyes opened a bit and she smiled at him and they kissed, Jake grinned. "Always with a small mess." He said as he used a finger to move the bit of come on her chin to her mouth for her.

Jake looked around to see Seager and Iris looking at them from where they had been sitting before, they were talking to each other silently until Seager looked over to see Jake looking at him. The Alpha male smiled. "Welcome to the pack, Jake."

Jake blinked the sleep from his eyes and tried to move, Rachel whined and Iris shook her head. "No need to get up, Jake." Jake looked closer at her and then his eyes moved down between her legs, a sheen of moist was there and then cushion she was sitting on her a wet spot to it as well.

Seager and Iris looked to each other again and Iris put on a large smile. "You both are fit and strong, Rachel from being with us for so long and Jake you had a natural strength that will help you. Seager and I have both decided; you two will be allowed to have a litter when you are ready, you need not come to us for permission now, you have it already."

Rachel's lips parted in a large smile a Jake looked to her and smiled as well, a litter had never been on his mind, but that was still good news. They kissed deeply for a moment, as the two Alphas watched without interrupting. Both Jake and Rachel looked to the elder wolves. "Thank you." They said together.

Jake paused for a moment. "May I ask a question?" Seager nodded. "Why the falling asleep there?"

Iris shrugged. "We're not sure yet really, never have been, it's always been like that when someone new show loyalty for the first time to their Alpha." Jake grinnd, first time? He'd have to do that again? Worked for him.

Rachel moved and she and Jake sat up, but Rachel stayed in his lap, they were still both naked and Rachel leaned back against Jake, who wrapped his arms around her middle. "We are allowed then, to stay in this city? It's not over populated with our pack?" Rachel asked.

Seager shook his head. "You can stay if you like. In fact, we are in negotiations with the pack north of us over territory. Their numbers have gone down sadly, so their Alphas are thinking of combining our packs together, if that happens you are more then welcome to move up further north if you like. But, think on it, it may not happen for a bit longer yet."

Rachel nodded her thanks and Iris spoke up. "You two, I think, will do well together, you both do love each other deeply. Seager and I would like to thank you ourselves for, well, you know, very nicely done, Jake, the fisting was a pleasant change of pace for me as well. We have nothing left to say, do either of you have any questions?" Jake and Rachel shook their heads. "Alright then, welcome to the pack, both of you. If you need to speak with us, Rachel, you know how to get a hold of us. Until later." Both Alphas stood and left into another room and shut the door, Jake could hear the bolt turn in the lock.

Rachel turned and kissed Jake deeply and smiled to him. "Can you believe it?! We can have pups whenever we want, oh, Jake, I'm so happy." She cuddled to him.

"Great news, darling." Jake replied with a smile as he hugged her in return.

They got up and dressed again and went back out the way they had come in, to find Lea and Nelson there, both smiling. "Congratulations, you two, we heard the news." Lea said and Nelson nodded to both.

"Thank you." Jake and Rachel said together.

"If you two need anything, let us know, we are here to help, that's what we Betas are here for." Nelson said.

Rachel grinned. "If you want to come over, stop in anytime." She winked.

Lea sighed. "Actually, we're moving to the next city over for a bit in a week or so, but we'll come and visit once in a while."

"You promised, we'll hold you to it." Jake smiled as he got his shoes on.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll come." Nelson replied with a grin leaning against the wall. "See you two later."

Rachel and Jake headed out and got into the car, and Rachel leaned over to kiss him. Jake smiled and placed a hand on her cheek. "I'm going to fuck your brains out when we get home. Damn, those two get you horny then leave you, why?"

"You had better fuck me, I'm so close to fingering myself it's not funny. They always do that, it's to show that they are in charge. You have to get them off, but they don't have to you if they don't want to." Rachel buckled in. "Now, get the lead out so we can release before we explode."

Chapter 8

The full moon was upon them, tonight would be the first time that they could both change forms at the same time, unlike when Jake changed his first time and drove into Rachel while she was human. Rachel hadn't been pleased to see Jake like when she couldn't stop him, since he had broken the chains that she used to hold him, he had fucked her in the mouth as he wanted to do the first time they screwed. But that was behind them now, and both were looking forward to this night.

Jake was driving as normal down an old back road into the forest, they had taken his SUV instead of Rachel's car, since it wouldn't have gotten very far on this old logging road into the forest. Jake let a soft moan out as he turned a corner and sharply dodged a stump, nearly hit another and got himself back on the road. "Fuck! I know you're horny, Rachel, but it's not easy driving with you sucking me off that good." He said.

Rachel pulled him out of her mouth and sat back up in her seat again from between his legs, his erect dick poking out of his jeans. "Well, sorry. How far? It's getting to be sunset, I don't want to waste anytime."

"I didn't actually say to stop, I just said it wasn't easy." Jake smiled and Rachel rolled his eyes and went back to sucking him again. "Not too far, I don't want to waste the time we have either." He hit the gas a bit more and drifted around a corner and into a large opening with some old tree tops, where the loggers had used to put the logs and cut them up. But, they were gone now, this forest now left alone, partly because the government had stopped logging and banned hunting, partly because the pack had wanted this place for themselves.

Parking, Jake turned the engine off and moaned and put his head back on the head rest while Rachel finished him off. Once he was empty, Rachel sat back up again and swallowed the come from Jake and licked her lips. "Long drives are fun." She giggled and got out of the SUV.

Jake was behind her and they got a cooler from the back and a large, thick, blanket. "Many come out here?" Jake asked, slamming the door shut and picking up the cooler.

"Some, not many. We won't be bothered tonight, the others know to keep away from everyone else. This time of the month if just for couples, swinging isn't normally done, but it's not frowned upon either." Rachel answered with the blanket and a rake in her hands and together they hiked through the forest for about half an hour, deep into the trees and well out of the way of prying eyes.

Finding a nice spot Jake set the cooler down and took the rake from Rachel and cleared out a spot on the forest floor and Rachel laid the blanket on it. Wolves or not, the hard ground wasn't overly fun to fuck on, and it was dirty and would get in their fur. With the blanket in place they both stripped nude and, keeping the blanket clean, for now, removed their shoes. Naked, they cuddled close together and Rachel opened the cooler and took out some Chinese food they had picked up on the way, luckily it was still hot. They ate, drank a bit, together, fondling each other's naked bodies as they did to get into the mood.

The food finished and the drinks gone, they quickly cleaned up and Jake set the cooler out of the way and sat back on the blanket, and Rachel cuddled up to him. "Almost time, my love, I can feel it stirring in me. I'm going to fight it for a bit, I want to feel that massive cock if yours in me again while I am human, it felt so good!"

Jake smiled and kissed her, nodding, but didn't say anything as the sky darkened around them and the forest took on a more romantic touch. Jake had a deep growl in his throat as he felt the change coming up within him, Rachel moved from his arms and turned to face him. "Don't fight it, let it out, Jake. Fuck me, fuck me hard." She said, keeping a hand on his cheek, their eyes both having turned golden now.

Jake dropped to al fours and snarled as his face extended and fur rippled across his body, which was growing as well. A bushing tail shot out of his lower back as he started to rise to his clawed feet, and stared down at Rachel, ears flat against his head. She smiled up at him and spread her legs wide for the lycanthrope before her. "Hurry, before I can't stop the change." She said in a desperate voice.

Jake dropped to his knees and moved between Rachel's legs, rubbing between his own to expose his hard, thick cock of ten inches long and two thick. Without another word between them, Jake thrust it into Rachel's hole and started to roughly fuck her. She moaned and gasped for breath, taking a handful of the soft blanket under her naked body as her lover thrust his large cock into her pussy without regard for how hard he was going.

Now as a lycan not in his first change, Jake had a lot more lasting power, so when Rachel's first orgasm came he was still a long way off from coming. She came again not too long afterwards and had Jake pull out of her. He was still in his knees and she sat up and started to suck his length until her body rippled with fur and she leaned back as the change took her.

Back on her knees face him directly, Rachel now had a soft coat of light brown, she was a bit shorter then Jake and not as heavy with muscle, but far lither then he was. She smiled to him, showing fangs in her long wolven maw and licked his nose and he licked back and soon they were cuddled together licking each other's faces.

Rachel broke their lapping kissed, her ears flat as she pushed him down onto his back and licked his strong chest and stomach as she moved her ay down to his erect dick. She took it in her clawed hands and started to stroke the full length making Jake whine in pleasure, for clawed hands, they were still soft and gentle. Rachel used her long tongue to lick his full length before opening wide and drawing all into her mouth and throat, down to his balls. Jake groaned as Rachel tongued his cock as she pulled him out and then went back down all the way again. Jake reached up and cupped her fury breasts in his hands and rubbed them hard and pinched her nipples between clawed fingers. Rachel moaned a bit as she licked him again and continued to suck him off.

Jake gave a half howl as he came, came and came into Rachel's fang fill mouth. She lapped it all up and swallowed it all. Pulling him out of her mouth she licked his cock clean, so he'd be ready for the nest round. Jake took the initiative this time and sat up and put wolf Rachel onto her back and stuffed his muzzle between her legs and started to eat her, his long wolf tongue doing a great job of getting in deep. She tasted amazing and it helped him to recover his hard on again, his recovery time tripling in this form, but that meant so was Rachel's. She came, hard, and Jake lapped up the juices hungrily, by the Alpha's she tasted great!

Jake worked hr up to another orgasm before his cock was back to full length and thickness again. Rachel, moved and got onto her hands and knees and bent down and Jake was quick to come over and start to fuck her again. Noticing she had some come on her muzzle still, as he fucked her, he reached over and used a claws to scrape it up and let her lick it into her mouth. She smiled a toothy smile at him and grounded her claws into the blanket, causing little tears in it. Driving his full ten inches into her, Jake howled along with his love and they fucked away for a while.

Rachel turned her head to look at him and with unneeded words between them, Jake pulled out of her, reaimed and drove into her ass. Rachel let out a howled moan and bucked back against his thrusts, she didn't always like anal, but this was feeling so great it might just change her mind on it. His thrusts made noises from her ass that sent his mind reeling to hear more of that sweet fucking music, while Rachel bucked her hips back at him in return, trying to drive him further into her. Both of their tails were wagging at a pace and both of their tongues were lolled out as they panted for air and to help cool themselves.

It took a while of constant thrusting but Jake came deep in Rachel's ass, heretofore untouched by the feel of it to him, but he had never done anal anyway. Rachel came at the same time with a rush of liquid from between her legs, and soon the two wolves collapsed beside each other, panting heavily and smiling. Rachel rolled he furry body on top of him and played with his ears, a rest was in order for a bit it seemed, let them catch their breath before going again. They had all night after all, and it would take another month before they could do this again, so they would make the best of it.

Chapter 9

After another round of good hard fucking, they lay together again, almost ready for another tumble, the night had only about two hours lefts in its life for the night, enough for another. Rachel leaned up and straddled Jake and was about to push him into her when something caught their eyes from the trees.

Two wolves, real animal wolves padded out of the trees and looked at the two lycanthropes in curiosity. Jake and Rachel looked at each other and Rachel crawled off of Jake and sat on her rump watching the two wolves as they watched the lovers.

The two wolves, who had been watching for a while now, came closer, a female and male, the female went to Jake, the male to Rachel. Jake watched in rapt attention as the female licked at his hard member and he couldn't help a small rumble of pleasure through his throat. Whether out of lust, or what, the female continued to lick at Jake's hard cock.

Rachel set her head to one side and then jumped a bit when the male started to lick at her went pussy uncaring of the come that was leaking out from Jake's last orgasm. Rachel gave a soft moan and looked to Jake, both of them more then happy with this.

The female stopped licking and turned her back to Jake and raised her tail, apparently offering herself to him. Jake blinked his golden eyes and got back to his knees again and licked at her offered sex for a while, tasting her. Jake rubbed his cock once he bent over the female and slipped slowly into her, as he watched Rachel get on her own hands and knees for the male, who thought for a second before mounting Rachel and started to rut with her as Jake was with the female.

The female wolf gave moaning sounds as Jake fucked her, while Rachel did the same with the male fucking her. Jake felt the female come against him and soon after he came into her making her moan further. Jake looked to watch Rachel and the male and she felt him about to come when she pulled forward, turned and sucked at him while he came into her waiting mouth. She swallowed him all up and that left him panting.

All four of them now satisfied, they all cuddled together in one pile of fur as the night came to an end.

Jake opened his eyes as the sun beat down on him, while Rachel rested in his arms laying on top of him comfortably. He kissed her nose and her eyes cracked open and a large smile came to her face that matched his. "Fuck, that was fun!" She said delightedly, kissing him back.

He went to stroke her hair and found that there was some black fur in his hand, he smiled. "A souvenir? What were the odds of those two there at the time. Does that happen often?"

"Not that I know of, I haven't heard of their kind coming out to see us, especially to get sex out of it." A rustling in the trees and they both looked over to see the two wolves bounding away, Rachel smiled. "Don't get jealous, but he tasted good to me, you taste best to me, don't worry. Just, different I guess. How did she taste?" She asked with a wicked little grin.

"Good, like you said, different but not in a bad way. Hope they are around here often."

Rachel nodded her agreement. "Oh, fuck I hope you are right, that'd be great!" She sighed and ran a finger along his chin. "My pussy his sore, and I bet your cock is to, we don't need to be anywhere today, we can stay and rest for a while longer." She cuddled back to his chest again and he kissed her, putting an arm around her.

He licked his lips, the tastes of the night's fun all still there, each different in his mind, he looked at the black fur of the female in his hand for a moment before setting it aside for now. What a night that had been, and they'd have a story to get Nelson and Lea going as well next time they were together.


"Yes, Jake?"

"These pups that you wanted..." He started but was unsure how to continue.

Rachel smiled to him. "They are a long way off yet, I think, I want some in the future, but it's too early yet for me. Why?"

"Just wondering." He stroked her smooth hair. "Why don't we head home? If you're that sore, I'll carry to you to the car and come back for the rest of the stuff. We can sleep off the rest in a comfortable bed."

"I want to stay here, it's more natural for us anyway and more relaxing, the fresh air, you close to me, I don't need anything more. Jake, you haven't been this way as long as I have , you're mind will turn more animal, as I said before, clothes will feel odd and you'll want to be outside more. Now, no more talk for now, just rest." She closed her eyes again and Jake did as well.

"We need to come out here more often, I think sex in the forest would be fun." He whispered once and she nodded against his bare chest.