Forbidden Love Ch. 2

Story by Tigersage on SoFurry

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Sam helps me up the steps that lead up to my house " You didn't have to help me all the way home" I say blushing.

" No it was my pleasure, Plus it gives me a chance to meet your parents." He says with excitement.

" Actually you should know I only have a dad." I say looking at my feet.

We reach the door and I fumble around my pocket looking for my keys. I hear a noise and look up to see the door swung open with my dad standing in the doorway without a shirt on, " Hey son, Who is this with you."

" My name is Samuel Gray nice to meet you Mr. O'Brien" Sam says with a confused look on his face.

" Please don't call me that , You can call me Corey" My dad says Grining widely

" Oh ok Mister.. I mean Corey" Sam says.

" Don't mind my dad I don't think he ever really grew up" I say glancing at my dad. Sam helps me inside " Oh dad! could Sam come to dinner with us?"

" I don't see why not," My dad answers.

" Would you like to go to dinner with us? Were are going to a chinese restaurant?" I ask.

" Could I stay over after dinner?" Sam asked eagerly.

My dad walks up and put his hands on our shoulders " It's ok with me"

They both look to me " Is it ok with you?" Sam asks

"That would be great " I say with excitment.

" Sweet I'll call my mom and tell her I won't be comeing home tonight!" he says and rushes out of the room.

My dad wraps and arm around me and starts to give me a nuggie " ow ow dad haha you are such a kid"

He lets me up " So who is this Sam boy?" He asks curiously.

" I had a crush on him last year Remember? I told you there was this cute jock that I don't even think he knew I exsisted?"

" Oh yeah I remember you telling me about him, So how did you ask him out?" He asked

"I'll tell you over dinner" I say as Sam rejoins us in the living room.

" So!" My dad says claping his hands together "lets head to dinner"

We all hop into the car and head to a Good chinese restaurant downtown, After a few hours of eating the food we are all stuffed and decide to go down to the Theater to catch a movie. After the movies was over we all headed back to our house.

" Thanks for the good time dad" I say.

" Yeah thanks for letting me tag along Corey" He says greatfully.

I look at the clock . 10:30 the clock says, " Oh man it's late we should probably go to sleep we have school tomorrow" I say to Sam.

" Yeah we should." Sam agrees.

I offer a hand and leads Sam up to the bed room. I start to take off my shirt.

" Sam you don't mind If i sleep in my underwear do you?" I ask nervously.

" Not one bit, Only if you don't mind Me sleeping in mine. We are together if you don't remember" He says laughing a little. Sam walks over and begins to unbutton my pants.

I blush a bright red and my member pokes out of the sheath. I begin to unbutton Sams pants and pulls them off. I pull Sams Shirt off and tackle him to the bed.

"oof hehehe you are stringer than I thought you would be." He says while laughing.

We climb under the covers and start to cuddle. I slip my Toungue into his muzzle and lets out a small moan. I notice that his member is poking mine.

" Um Jake. Are we taking this a little to fast?" Sam Asks with a quivering voice.

"Not at all were together remember" I saw with a suprsing boost of confindence.

Sam reaches down and begins to grope my member, then he pulls of my underwear to reveil my cock soaked in Pre cum. "hehe you must be a sub aren't you?" He asks.

" Actually I don't know. This would be my first time" I say blushing.

He strips off his underwear " Don't worry I'll be easy on you."

To Be Continued........