Eternal Night - 6. Sparking

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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Nothing we said could stop them. Maxwell couldn't hold down Carmina and neither I nor Arael dared get close enough to touch Luya. She didn't have her katana on her, but instead there were three steel stars darting around in her mental grasp so fast that they could decapitate even one such as us.

There was a scream from Maxwell as Carmina's fur bristled with blue-white electricity. An arc of the same blue-white struck the counter where Luya had been seated only a moment before. "Just stay out of the way, you four!" Carmina barked, firing off bolts of lightning after Luya as she darted around the room. Despite the damage she was doing to our cabin, I couldn't help being impressed had how her power had grown in the past year. Carmina had once told me that she was 'six Jacks-in-a-box'. I'd say she was about twelve now.

"Mimi, can't we talk about this?" Luya said somewhat mockingly. It was hard to tell where her voice was coming from as she moved quickly around. I looked down to the quivering being that had taken refuge in my arms when I didn't move to stop either of them. Desdemona's eye screamed the terror she felt, but none of her features showed it. Carefully, I lifted her up in my arms and walked outside with her.

"Uncle B, that woman's going to hurt Mama!"

For a second, I allowed myself to enjoy how easily she'd become fond of me, a stranger until a couple hours ago. "Do not worry, little one." I said, gently patting her on the head. "They have a few issues to work out. Unfortunately this looks like the only way. Carmina will be fine. Ms. Luya won't hurt her."

"Are you sure?" she asked, pressing her nose to the sliding doors.

I looked in as well just in time to see them finally get close enough to each other to swing fists. In the blur of super fast movements, I could see them both going after the deadening pressure points the lynx had used on me a year ago, each blocking the other with one paw and striking with the other. "I'm almost sure." I admitted to her.

Inside, my Arael tried his best to calm Carmina, but she didn't seem to hear him.

"Carmi, listen to me!" he shouted, dodging a bolt of lightning that came too close to him for my comfort. "She's not here to fight! She's on our side!"

"She's one of Alextra's coven!" Carmina growled back at him, swinging her electrically charged paws at the Siamese cat. "She must've escaped the other Strigoii, but she won't get away from me!" Her luminous blue eyes locked on Luya again. "Now hold still, Lulu. I swear I'll make it quick!" On the last word, she managed to strike where the feline was at that split second, but instead of hitting her, the bolt knocked one of the shuriken from Luya's telekinetic grip.

"Shit, Mimi, that was close!" Luya hissed, ducking as Carmina aimed a kick at her head. The cat finally managed to strike two pressure points on her before she could get her foot back on the ground.

"Bitch!" Carmina barked. "Arael, help me!" Limp limbs didn't seem to slow her down much. She resorted to swinging and jerking her torso to throw her arms at the feline. Fortunately, without the use of her paws, she couldn't shoot lightning at Luya anymore.

I felt Desdemona yanking my paw. "Uncle B! You said she wouldn't hurt Mama!" the rabbit shrieked, frantically hopping up and down.

I crouched so that I was almost eye level with her. "I promise Ms. Luya won't hurt Carmina. She is not here to fight." Desdemona met my eyes. Her amber gaze seemed to peer beyond my eyes as if searching for any uncertainty in my words. Finding none, she looked back through the sliding door. I looked back as well, just in time to see Luya lock her arms around Carmina's from behind.

"Mimi, listen! I'm not here on Alextra's behalf!" She'd barely finished the sentence before she was knocked backward when the electricity flowed around Carmina's body again.

Carmina looked more pissed than before now. When she was knocked backward, Luya's claws tore either side of my sister-in-law's red dress. The fury seemed enough for her to will her arms back into use. The lightning inside our cabin looked like an electrical storm from the outside.

This was out of hand. Arael and Maxwell couldn't stop Carmina, but I knew how. I took Desdemona into my arms again and entered the house again. "This stops NOW!" When my thunderous voice didn't do the trick - I really didn't think it would - I moved between lightning bolts and stood between them. None of them thought much more of the effects of vampirism on me other than my transformation making me too big to live inconspicuously among mortals. I did have another talent. When by body grew, so did my strength, but what was not apparent was that my howl was empowered as well. Luya stood down when I was between them, but Carmina seemed ready to attempt bending a bolt of lightning around me and her daughter to get at the feline. I held Desdemona's head to my chest, covering her ears and took in a deep breath. My howl shook the entire cabin. Things fell from walls, glass objects shattered, ears popped and most importantly, Carmina was taken off her feet and blasted into a wall.

Everyone's eyes were on me now. "Do you see what the two of you have done to our home?!" I looked sharply to Carmina. I could see the glow of my burning crimson gaze against her silver fur as she picked herself up. "You! Do you realize that you nearly roasted me and your still MORTAL daughter?!" I stepped to Maxwell and put Desdemona in his arms, then I was in front of Carmina. I held my paws at either side of her head. "You are an intelligent fox. Do you believe that we would have let you fight alone if she were here for trouble?" She pinned her ears to her head. I felt a twinge of guilt for my cruel rebuke, but just for a second. When I looked to all the scorch marks from lightning being fired around my home, I remembered that I had every right to be pissed. I quivered in fury for a few seconds, then dropped my paws to my sides. I was in front of my armchair, falling back into it. "I don't want to be angry anymore. The sun isn't due for about another two hours. Everyone, please go." I said as calmly as I could, staring at the ruins of my beautiful living room. We'll try this again tomorrow night."

Carmina and Maxwell didn't protest. Neither did Arael. I could feel that he understood. Luya wasn't exactly please, and I didn't blame her. She'd ran all the way from Florence when she could have been off doing whatever it was Luyas did instead of having lightning shot at her. She cast me an irritated look, but then she was gone, followed by Carmina, Maxwell and Desdemona.

Arael came to me and sat on his knees in my lap, pressing his forehead to mine. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." he said before pressing his lips to mine. I shook my head.

"I blew up at Carmina." I said, hanging my head. "I did some of the damage and I blamed them for it."

"You didn't do anywhere near as much as them." Arael said. "In your position, I'dve probably done the same."

"I kicked your sister out." Some part of me wanted him to be pissed at me. To hate me just a little, but he just kissed me again.

"She needs time to simmer down. I've never liked being around her when she's hysterical like that either." Arael shrugged.

My dead heart squeezed painfully. I couldn't beat myself up over it directly, or he'd catch on. Why couldn't he be even just a little angry with me? Masochistic as it was, I wanted him to show me some contempt - so that I'd know I was being punished. I guess I felt as if I got off the hook too easily a year ago.

"Stop it, Bacchus." Arael growled. I came out of my mental lashing and looked up at him. He was holding the sides of his head with his eyes pinched shut. "Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!" He opened his eyes and glared at me. "Your thoughts are sour and it's giving me a headache!"

I shook my head, clearing it like an etch-a-sketch. "I'm sorry." I said, pressing my lips to Arael's forehead.

"Bacchus, I know something's lurking in your head." He said, resting his head on my chest. "Every time I get close to it, it seems to run away from me. It's making you sad and I'm concerned."

"Don't be." I replied, squeezing him around the shoulders. It felt good to hold someone without fearing that I'd break them. I most definitely did not miss my mortal 'companions'. "It's just my personal demons. Nothing you should worry about." I assured him.

"That's not true." He said, running his fingers through the thicker fur on my chest. "It causes me pain to be in your head now and whenever I try to see what it is, you think of something else." He sat up to look me in the eye. "Bacchus, I'm the only one among us that can hear your thoughts, so whatever you're hiding, you're hiding it from me alone."

I heaved a sigh and shook my head. "It's just something I'm not ready to deal with is all. I'll try to keep it down until I can get over it. I'll tell you about it then, I promise."

Arael groaned and put his head over my still heart again. I ran my fingers through his ebon hair, gathered all the strands of white in the streak and twirled them around my finger. "I don't mean to rush you to get over it, but I've grown to like being in your head all the time." he said quietly. "I'll stay out if you work on whatever it is that's bothering you."

Sweet, considerate Arael. I put my feelings out of my head for now and tightened my grip on the cold fox. Holding him reminded me of what it was like 1900 years ago when I could still feel warmth. He raised his head and gently bit at my throat; though not so gentle he didn't pierce the flesh beneath my fur. Then he was lapping at the blood that trickled down my neck. When my lack of a pulse stopped the blood from flowing, I felt his mouth close around where he'd bitten me. I slipped a paw between us to tug down the zipper on his vest. He sat back and grinned while I continued disrobing him.

"Now this is the wolf I know." He said, licking at the blood around his mouth. Then he was standing over me with a foot on either arm of the chair as he undid his diamond 'AS' belt buckle. I ran my paws up his legs, resisting the urge to tear off the slacks that dared stand between us. Instead, I let him finish undressing himself while I got out of the jeans he'd made me wear when we went out to feed. I shed them not a moment too soon; the zipper was threatening to carve into my already fully erect maleness.

In the space of a blink, Arael was no longer standing over me on the arms of my chair, but on his knees before me, grinning lasciviously at me with his face partially obscured by my cock. He gave it a long lick from base to head before taking the entire twelve inches into his maw. Sometimes I questioned whether or not he was born with a gag reflex or if death had taken it. I didn't wonder long before I found myself tearing into the arms of my chair with my claws as Arael working his tongue around my length. Centuries ago, he could have been a master of torture, bringing me to the edge and pulling back before I could cum. I thought about bucking my hips into his mouth, but before I could, the fox's paws were pressing down hard enough to convey the message, which was hard enough to fracture a mortal's bones.

Perhaps this could be the suffering I sought. As I approached the edge again while he whirled his tongue around the tip of my cock, he pulled back again, turning his luminescent crimson gaze up to mine. His grin was mischievous now. Withholding what I wanted now seemed enough punishment to completely ease my thoughts for now. Inch by inch, he took my maleness down to its base again, releasing his grip on me with one paw to give by balls a careful squeeze. A whine escaped me as the first spurt of pre cascaded over his tongue.

Arael let my dick fall from his mouth and climbed up into the chair with me again. He licked at my lips, knocking for them to open so he could slip his tongue inside to do battle with mine. I tasted my own preseed in his mouth and kissed him deeper than perhaps he'd expected. Definitely deeper than he was ready for. I got a little gasp from him. I felt his fangs rake over my tongue, then on my lips. Then I tasted blood. The sneaky devil bit me. I drifted for a moment in the taste of my blood and preseed while he pawed at my maleness. I knew he was ready for me to be inside him, but I wasn't ready to let my tongue leave his mouth long enough to line myself up with his tailhole.

Not without difficulty, my fox managed to untangle our mouths. I was not amused, but he had something else for me. In a herculean mental effort, I kept from coating his insides right then. I was halfway through a blink when I felt my cock already halfway up the fox's ass. Fortunately for me, he couldn't hold me down in this position. I sat up in the chair and put my paws on his waist, holding him while I worked my hips, burrowing deep inside fox's tight passage. I pulled out until just the tip was in before stretching him open again.

Arael put his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist, hanging on to me as if I'd accidentally send him through the ceiling and into his gallery atop the cabin. He buried his face in my neck, I felt him biting at my throat again. I turned my head so that I could speak directly into his ear. "Do that again, harder." I said. Then my breath was caught in my chest when he obeyed, sinking is fangs roughly into my throat. The feeling of him drinking from me combined with the bonfire happening below my waist was intoxicating. I bucked harder as he moaned into my neck. My knot was stretching him wider now, demanding entry. He wanted it in just as badly, bouncing heavily in my lap. One more thrust and I gave him what he wanted as he slicked the space between us with load after load of hot fox cum.

It was my turn now, but I wasn't ready just yet. Barely standing on the edge, I let my mind wander, listened to his shallow breaths as I savagely fucked him, feeling his tongue lash out over the fresh, bleeding wounds he'd put on my neck. Try as I might to drift, however, the smell of my blood brought m my mind crashing back into my body. All sensation came flooding back and the inner dam I'd fought to hold blasted apart as I came deep inside the fox in my lap, holding him in place while I painted his insides white. It wasn't long before there was nowhere else for it to go and I felt cum dribbling down my balls.

We could have lain there for a minute or an hour before I got up, still well tied to my Arael. I carried him in my arms over to the sliding doors and pulled the heavy curtain. The sun would be up soon and I'd like to have been in this position for a few more centuries before it incinerated us. Fiery death averted, I kicked the couch back upright and collapsed on it with my sleeping fox.