Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 6 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#6 of Lost in the evergreen forest

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote.

sampson belongs to me

and arca belongs to alaster


Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 6

Sampson kept his eyes open as he stared up at the trees above the stream, wondering silently to himself what had happened... one moment he was with his mate... the next he was floating down a stream... the one his mate had thrown him into... was he truly loved...? or was the fox only after his tail...? it did seem pretty strange that almost straight after mating the fox tried to get rid of him, the dog tried to shake this thought from his mind, "no... Arca loves me... with all his heart... he's just... troubled...." the dog tried to reassure himself... it was working... to some extent... Sampson's thoughts were smashed as two small dragons grabbed him and pulled him from the water, they sniffed at him the glanced to each other and nodded. "w...what?! what's going on? who are you?!"

"that is of no concern to you..." one of the dragons hissed viciously "you smell of vasnoth! you speak to our master now!" and with that they dragged Sampson off towards an unknown destination

"Vasnoth?!" Sampson shrieked "what's Vasnoth? what are you?!"

"if you keep flapping that tongue boy you want have one later!" the dragons laughed hysterically

Sampson simply smiled as a bit of urine dripped from his sheath, he hoped to leave a trail for Arca... if he cared... the dog could only hope the destination wasn't too far away..." he noticed the surroundings looked familiar as he stumbled onto the campsite...the beta dragons pulled him in front of a much larger dragon whose hide shows he was in quite a fight long back.... the betas announce to him "oh great one he has the scent of vasnoth upon him..."

Sampson looked up at the dragon with immense fear "w...who... or.... what's Vasnoth?"

the dragon looked down at Sampson..."don't play ignorant boy...you practically reek of that foxes scent....tell me where he is !"

"that fox? you mean Arca? i don't know where he is... and even if i did... i wouldn't tell you!" Sampson had a feeling he would regret that... but he was protecting his mate...

"So you like to play games do you?" the dragon gave Sampson a maniacal glare "I do like to 'play' as well" as the dragon said this he poked his finger into his slit and growled angrily, as he pulled his finger out a little black tip slipped out and stood between his bronze scales.

Sampson's eyes widened as he saw the large dragon's tip. he fearfully tried to back away "I don't know where he is! he threw me away! that's why they found me in the stream!"

He knocked the dog down and held him by his throat against the cold floor "fair enough, but i'm going to let my new sex slave get used to his position"

The dog gasped for air as he tried to feebly push the dragon off of him "p..please! no! I'll tell you where he is!"

"too late dog! so shut up and enjoy the gift your about to receive!" and with that the dragon slammed half of his 23 inch dragon hood into the depths of Sampson's ass. Sampson let out a blood curdling scream as the dragon forced his length in, Sampson thought Arca was big, but this dragon had already filled him more than Arca had, and only half his length was embedded in him, this thought terrified Sampson, he felt sick, this creature, the enemy of his mate was raping him... and there was nothing he could do about it... he would bleed to death, impaled on this dragon's lance.

the dragon smirked enjoying the dogs pain. he then starts full out thrusting into the dog's rear bringing more screams of agony from the dog, he felt like he was being ripped in to, his body wasn't made for this, he swore for a moment he could see his stomach bulging, he dreaded to think how much cum this dragon could produce... on a quick second thought he realised he didn't want to find out "please... just kill me..." he whimpered softly, he realised now that Arca wasn't coming, he had probably heard the screams, he didn't want anything to do with the dog... a tear rolled down the dog's muzzle, this time he wasn't sure if it was a reaction to the pain, or the sadness that wracked his mind.

"aww is the big boy crying? are you hoping that he will come to save you..?" the dragon let out a laugh "he doesn't care for you....he was using you"

"u..using me?" the dog whimpered "n..no... he wouldn't do that... he loves me..."

"If he loved you so much, would he have beaten you like he did and left you for dead?" the dragon keeps asking questions to Sampson as he ravages the dog's used backside

the dog winced as the dragon pulled his length out and thrust it back in, letting out a scream as the dragon hammered it straight into his prostate, forcing him to an unwanted orgasm, he closed his eyes as his body betrayed him... his cum was for his mate... not this dragon... and yet his body was giving it to him anyway...

"ooohh i never knew you cared" the dragon gave a dark chuckle then slammed down harder after small spurts of blood exit Sampson's ass he grunts getting closer to his own orgasm

the dog growled angrily, his words dripping with hatred "I WILL NEVER CARE FOR YOU! THE DAY I DO WILL BE THE DAY I RIP MY HEART OUT AND FUCK IT!" he broke down and cried as the dragon used him

the dragon then slammed his full length into the canine and over filled Sampson with dragon seed and he pulled off to look down at him... the dog gasped as the dragon filled him with his sperm and left him. his eyes widened... he fell to the ground and curled up, semen and blood flowed from under his tail, he cried himself painfully to sleep.