A Celebration - Chapter 1

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#1 of Pi-Rats

A captain's repose.

The slap of water against wood filled the ears of the captain as he stood on the after deck, leaning against the railing and smiling at the sight in the distance. The soft orange glow of the burning village still filled the air, even though the crackle of flames and the crash of burning buildings had long since faded, replaced by the gentle caress of the sea against the hull of the ship, the tug of a strong breeze against the plumes falling from his hat all coupled with the tang of salt.

It was the perfect end to a productive day as far as Captain Farquaharian was concerned. The sun was setting beneath the horizon to his left, sinking westward and welcoming the night, the evening tide was taking his ship away from the island to the north and the burning remains of the village. His mind moved back over the events of the day, from early morning when the long boats had first set off towards the sleepy village, unawares of the danger that moved swiftly towards them. The clash of swords, the coarse cries of his crew as they swarmed the villagers, the terrified screaming of women and children; murdering those who tried to resist, overpowering those who still slept.

With the village in flames Farquaharian had returned to the Tollidare, watching events as they unfolded. A selection of new, healthy slaves had been taken below and chained to the oars, destined to break their backs in labour in the galley deck until too weak to carry on they either became a meal or where tossed over board. Set free as it where, pointed at the nearest island and told they could be free if they could but reach it. The fact they still had manacles and chains attached was just an added incentive, a little parting gift for their time under his employ.

The black rat let out a soft chuckle, smoothing his metal gauntlets over the dark green silk of his tunic, re-arranging his sash and medals so they hung straight. Resting a paw on his rapier's basket hilt he turned to look down the length of the ship, black leather boots making little noise as he approached the wheel.

The captain came to a halt and looked up at his mate and helmsrat, an unsavoury character, dressed in tattered trousers that reached no further then his knees, an old silk sash crossed his other wise bare chest, stained and faded from years of exposure to salt water. His fur was thick and unruly and Farquaharian could smell the salt that was enmeshed in it and wrinkled his nose. A necessary evil aboard ship was that it could be incredibly hard to stay clean, baths where a thing only the captain got to enjoy but still his mate did a good job and more importantly was loyal to only his captain and his love of steering the great three mastered galley.

"Mister Orel," the black rat began and the brown furred creature standing by the wheel turned to look at his master. "I want us another league out to sea, then drop the anchor and reef the sails."

Orel grinned wickedly and nodded his head, "Aye cap'n, any other orders?"

"Has the lady Eledra been taken to my cabin as ordered? Unharmed!"

"Yes cap'n, she's waiting for you all perty like down in yer cabain, oh an Higear says thanks fer the new galley slaves, some of our old bunch where wearing a tad thin."

The captain laughed and flexed his claws watching the crew moving in the rigging or about the deck. "He's welcome Mister Orel, ye all did good today, once the anchor be down strip her down to minimal watch and have the cook break open a barrel of my ale and cook up a batch of his best skilly n' duff the boys deserve it."

Walking to the forwards railing of the quarterdeck Farquaharian observed the ship, the young cabin rat was scrambling over the deck, lighting the lanterns to shed some light as the sun finally sank below the horizon. Calling out from the wheel Orel answered his captain, whilst tacking the ship into the warm breeze that blew from the north.

"Aye, aye cap'n, did ye wanna address the swabs afore ye retire?" His answer was the captain's single nod. Raising his voice the helmsrat shouted as loudly as he could. "Oy ye pack of scurvy sea rats, attend tha ears of ya cap'n or I'll dangle ye by yer tails from the rigging an let the others do what they will wid ye."

No idle threat the majority of the crew assembled on the deck below, the brown rat, clad in grey fur Higear at their head all looking up at the captain. The only sounds the creak of the ship, the slap of water against waves and a faint cry from below as a slave wound up on the wrong end of a whip.

Leaning indolently on the railing Farquaharian regarded his crew, rats all of them, filthy, salty furred bastards the whole lot of them. Dressed in a motley variety of clothing, some in tattered tunics, others in trousers and shirts, some bare-chested, jewellery from silver rings to brass earrings where much in evidence some completed with a faded battered hat or a ragged headscarf.

"Ye did good boys." Their captain said which set them off to smiling and chuckling amongst themselves. "We've not had a good haul like tha all season. In the morning we make for Port Almordi an the slave markets, those beasts we got locked in the hold will fetch us a pretty price and then we're gonna lay over fer two or three days just so ye can all enjoy the town."

This set off a cheer led by Higear, cries of, "Gud on ye cap'n" and "Cap'n Farq!" splitting the still quiet of the air. As they died down again the large black rat walked down the stairs to the main deck and stood just outside his cabin door.

"Tonight we celebrate you rats, so go drink and be merry an have your way with whatever takes your fancy. Mister Orel!" he shouted back to his helmrat who called out that he head. "Broach tha keg oh me best ale as soon as we drop sea anchor, the boys deserve a drink."

With the cries and jubilant shouts of his crew filling his ears the captain quit the deck, letting himself into his cabin, closing and locking the door behind him, cutting off the noise of the crew and as an atmosphere of warmth and opulence surrounded him.


Inside the captain's cabin was luxurious as befitted his tastes. Deep red carpet covered the floor; dark mahogany furniture was bolted to the deck, a large writing desk, map table and dinning table. A large four poster bed was positioned in one corner and a row of wide windows opened out over the rear of the ship.

A large throne like chair sat before the small fire place built into one wall with one of the straight backed chairs from dinning table. Sat in this chair was a rather beautiful mouse, she looked as if she had been crying for her eyes where red rimmed and puffy but she seemed in command of her emotions at this point in time and glared at the captain as he sauntered over to stand before her.

"You will burn for this pirate, they'll sink you and your ship to the bottom of the sea in flames and ashes and..." she was cut off as the back of Faquaharian's heavy gauntlet struck her cheek, stunning her as she fell against the back of her chair.

"They will do not such thing Lady Eledra," The rat sneered and reached out to grip her chin in his paw, turning her head so she was forced to look up into his sleek black furred muzzle. "Your house is ashes, your town is ashes, those of your people not locked up below as my slaves are dead or dying."

He could feel the tremble in her limbs, the shake of her tail but she kept her back straight as she spoke in a low whisper. "My father will never pay the ransom you know, his fleet will bear down on you and take me back."

The rat started laughing at that and let go of the mouse's chin, shifting his grip to her wrists he tugged them behind the chair and shackled them in place. Heavy iron manacles and chains woven through the back of the wooden chair to keep her from moving, "I do not want ransom, your father's fleet is nothing, tatters and ruins you my dear... are mine."

Her eyes went wide with shock, the scent of fear pouring off her body made the rat smile. The soft squeak of terror she emitted as he gripped her ankles and pulled her legs to either side, the tattered hem of her dress made him smile as he shackled her ankles to the forward legs of the stool. With her legs wide and the material of her skirt straining from the odd angle of her knees she stared up at the rat in terror.

"No..." she whispered and tried to wriggle but one of those metal gloved paws around her throat stilled that.

"You belong to me now slave, and as I have a new slave I will enjoy myself."

The captain stepped back and removed his hat, hanging it on the back of his chair. Next his sash was slowly and surely undone, draped over the chair, off came the metal gauntlets, revealing soft hairless paws and thick black fur from the wrist upwards.

"You see my dear, I had no quarrel with your father until he torched 'Reeuna Island' there was no need for it. He declared war on us and we shall make him pay for this."

The mouse's eyes where wide with fear, unable to look away as the rat continued to undress meticulously, sat in his chair he removed his shiny leather boots then slid his dark leather trousers off his legs, folding them neatly over the back of his chair. The fur on his legs was shorter then that on his arms but no less dark, well muscled and strong from years spent at sea.

Dressed only in his tunic jacket now his claws moved over the buttons, releasing each one carefully; once it hung loose she could see his thick chest fur, ruffled slightly from being crushed by his clothing all day, he slid the jacket from his arms and stood naked before her wide eyed gaze. The only thing he now wore was the curved blade on his tail, the scent of his male hood thick in the air mixed to her surprise with lavender and orange blossom.

"Please, please don't" she managed to gasp out as he walked towards her, a smile on his muzzle and his shaft slowly rising out of its black sheath. Reaching out he touched her cheek and smiles. "

"I am going to, and you will enjoy it my dear, trust in that." Laughing he reached for the neckline of her bodice, sharp rat claws tugging at the silk and velvet and starting to tear. "You see you are the lucky one, you get to sleep with me, unlike the others from your town, my crew will have their way with them, imagine what it must be like, being taken in the filth with their filthy bodies pressed against them."

The cloth ripped down the front, the rats paws bunched in the petticoats and tore it from the mouse's body. She screamed in shock and tried to move, to do something as her body was revealed to the rat who leered down at her.

"You look quite delightful my dear." Tracing a claw through the fur of her breast he squeezed it gently, leaning his head in close he began to kiss along the side of her neck.

She gasped in surprise at how gentle he was being, body trembling, with her arms and legs tied securely she had no way of escaping, shaking as the heat from the rats body started to overpower her senses, her bodies natural instincts responding to his close, gentle caress, the softness of his lips against her neck fur. The warmth of his long slender lust gently pressing against her thigh, the dampness of her own sex as she started to pant, feeling her body rise to the lust and longing the black furred rat was endearing in her.

Emitting a low growling squeak Farquaharian lunged forwards with his hips, his shaft forcing its way into the slender girl, stealing her virginity with a hoarse cry accompanied by the high pitched cry echoing from her muzzle as a wave of pleasure took her body. Eyes crossed and body trembling she squeaked fear and pain mixed with the in-escapeable pleasure of having a male take her.

With the rat deep inside her, his claws squeezing her breasts she drew a ragged breath and wriggled in pleasure. This only caused her captor and tormentor to moan in lust, his legs hooked around the legs of the chair to support his weight and give him a position to start to thrust from. Bucking forwards happily, enjoying the smooth walls of the girl's sex, the warmth of her breath as she panted and squeaked in pain and pleasure, with slow steady movements the rat started to work for his own pleasure. Ignoring the cries and gasps of his captive he plied his shaft deep in her depth before pulling back out again. As the rat leant over her she had a perfect view down his black furred back, muscles rippled as his body worked his shaft within her. She stared in fascinated horror as his rear moved up and down, up and down. His tail whipped and coiled from side to side, a clear sign of the pleasure the large black rat was having from her body, long, pink and covered with the barest trace of fur, the shimmer of silver on the end a contrast to the black of his fur, the wicked tail blade catching her gaze for a few moments before a particularly forceful thrust caused her to yelp and twitch, his tail lashing back and forth faster as his pleasure mounted.

Clinging to her tightly the rat settled into a steady rhythm, bucking in and out of her, growling and squeaking in pleasure until he felt the mounting pressure inside that signalled he was close.

The mouse had been leaking her juices constantly since the moment he entered her but she screamed in undiluted pleasure as Farquaharian began to jerk and thrust into her erratically, she threw her head back and moaned loudly as she hit the wave of her first orgasm. Soaking her thighs and those of the rat atop her, with the sharp scent of her orgasm in his nose, is mind a fog of lust and want the rat growled, thrusting up hard one last time and then holding himself to her.

A groan of pleasure escaped his lips as he started to cum, flooding her with his seed, his shaft twitching and shaking inside her as he unloaded himself into the girl beneath him. A minute later he slid himself free with a happy squeak and stood up. His black fur matted with sweat, tousled and mussed from his gyrating, wriggling movements atop the mouse whilst he mated with her. His thighs and groin where soaked with a mixture of her blood and cum and his shaft was streaked with both as it slowly with drew back into its sheath.

"Your not a bad fuck for a mouse." He all but tchirred at her with an evil glint, watching her pant, whimpering softly and trying to break free of her bonds, the rat reached out with a paw and cupped her cheek, peering into her eyes as the tears trickled down her muzzle.

Laughing he walked over to the side board picked up a goblet of wine and swigged it back, draining it in one go, with a sigh he walked back over to stand before his captive. Black fur glinting in the dim light from the fireplace, with the night in full swing outside the cabin had fallen dark making the rat appear more demonic then usual.

"What...will you do with me now...you...you, monster!" she cried the last word and started struggling again, only to find one of her ears gripped and the stinking, wine laden breath of the rat blowing over her face as he held her close. Quivering in her grips she whimpered at the touch of him, wanting more, unable to shake the feeling that what she had just felt, the intense pleasure of her orgasm coupled with his was wrong. His nose twitched and his whskers brushed her cheek as he scented the mouse and chuckled.

"You liked it didn't you girl, the feel of me inside you, fucking you, having my pleasure with you. I felt you moving with me, inviting me in towards the end, crying out in pleasure and lust." Farquaharian chuckled as she quivered, shaking her head vehemetly, trying to deny the pleasure she had felt at being taken by the rat. She raised her head and looked at him as he stepped back and stroked a paw down her cheek. "It is a shame I cannot let you live now."

Her eyes opened wide with shock and terror, her mouth moving as if to demand an explanation but before any sound issued forth her head seemed to snap backwards, a gurgle escaping her lips as she twitched against her bonds. Farquaharian had slashed his tail up and against her throat, slicing it open with the curved blade affixed to it. Moving in close, reaching up with his paws, feeling the warmth of her blood spilling over his arms and chest as it was pumped forcefully out of her body. Watching the life drain out of her eyes, the rat laughed filling his wine goblet from her lifes blood, raising it in a salute to the mouse and starting to drink it, not caring about the blood dripping through his fur now, revelling in the feeling of it spurting over his chest and stomach, the warmth causing him to shiver happily.

Less then a minute later the girl was dead, her lifeless corpse still chained spread-eagled to the chair, naked and used, covered in blood as was her murderer. Farquaharian walked to the door of the cabin and opened it, the sounds of revelry and laughter from the direction of the galley was a good indication that his crew where enjoying themselves.

A young male rat was crouched just outside the door, barred from joining in the fun by his duty to wait for the captain's pleasure. His eyes went wide with shock as he saw the blood covered form of his captain, still naked and glistening under the light of the fire that burned inside his cabin.

"I want a bath prepared boy, in my cabin at once and food, bring the food first then do the bath," he leered at the boy, dressed in nothing but a pair of ragged shorts. "Loose the shorts too; I am going to need help cleaning my fur."

With a wicked laugh the black rat went back into his cabin and shut the door, leaving the frightened, wide eyed youngster to scramble off in a haste to get the food for his captain before drawing a bath. He was sure what was about to happen to him but he might get fed by the captain too, so that was worth it. Scrambling across the deck he headed towards the galley where cook had just finished serving the others dinner. It was going to be a long hard night of revelry for the crew of the Tollidare.

The End.

(Ok that is the end of chapter one. This is the first time I've written something like this so do please tell me what you think. Chapter two should be along soon, "The First mate's fun." Where we will see what Orel gets up to this evening.)