The Corruption of Sarah Willard

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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The Corruption of Sarah Willard

Commission for Hikaru Kitsune, by Solstice Fennat

Every month it comes to me. I dread it, I fear it. It sickens me to say I want it. To feel it violate me is something that I dread and exult in. It takes me, uses me as it has no other. Oh my son, I would save you from this fate. Were that I could rid my blood of this thing, this curse that holds us. Maybe you will not suffer it... maybe I will outlive you. But then your dear sister Sarah... oh, it has said how much it wants her. How much it wishes it could have her. It speaks of her breasts... her cunt... her innocence.

When I die, who will take the curse? I hope it is you, for despite the effort you make to hide it, I know of your deviant desires. Do you think the serving boy and you could hide it? Perhaps IT will prove fun for you, shoving all manner of things up your arse. At least you won't be disgusted. At least YOU won't feel the sickness I do every time it makes me serve as it's woman.

Why I bother writing these words I do not know. But I want to record them. Maybe when I die, you'll read them, and know just what's coming. Know that our ancestor brought this on. He killed IT's mistress. And so it took my line, cursed it for all time. Know that I'm sorry this will happen to you too.

Oh such manner of filth it indulges in with me. I truly wish that it does not ever get Sarah. She's too beautiful for her loins to be corrupted by IT.....

Sarah Willard snorted in disgust, throwing the old journal in the fireplace of her father's old study, now hers. "Old man, you were daft and a fool. What possessed you to write such things... such filth." The entry, dated four years before, was tame in comparison to some of the others. She'd found it in a hidden drawer of her father's mahogany desk two weeks after his death. Within the pages of the leather-bound diary she'd found depictions and accounts of sexual acts of the most disgusting variety, things that would have branded her father not simply daft, but entirely insane at best, and worth of death at worst. The feverish, desperate scrawl left no doubt that he'd believed what he was writing.

"Why did you have to go too, Aaron? Why leave me bereft of you? Now I must endure the jeers and mockery of men who do not believe me worthy to carry on father's business..." Sarah said softly, her voice catching. Three weeks before, her father and brother had been killed in a freak accident while out visiting one of their customers. Much to the shock and horror of her uncle and his family, she had insisted on controlling the family's carting business herself. It was something that was simply not done, but despite their protests, she had compelled them to find any legal recourse to take away her right to try.

Nobody had yet, and though many customers had fled, others had found her a shrewd businesswoman, and with some of her social connections she'd managed to regain all her family had lost. In three short weeks, the strong-willed Sarah had managed to beat back over a dozen suitors, hostile takeover bids, and get the better hand in a number of business deals. Her father hadn't been the best of businessmen, and that coupled with his male colleagues' disdain had let her seem the foolish girl while bilking them for all they were worth.

Sarah sighed, and looked at the burning book in the fire, and found herself wondering what sort of delusions her father had fallen to. What could it have been, really? What sort of creature had sprung from her father's deranged mind? As she fell into her thoughts, she didn't notice the movement in the far corner of her father's study. A small rat had made it's way into the room through a hole in the baseboard.

Red eyes watched Sarah, judging, weighing whether the fair-haired woman had noticed it quite yet. A very human smile spread on the rat's lips. It rather liked what it saw; a young, pale-skinnned woman in her early twenties, in a soft white nightdress that did very little to hide her. And soon, the rat thought, she would be his... he only had to wait a little longer.

Sarah suddenly stiffened, feeling something else in the room with her. Furrowing her brow, she looked suspiciously behind her, then shrugged a bit. "Faugh, Sarah, you are jumping at shadows... simply unnerved from the words in that damn book."

She flinched when she saw a flash of movement in the corner, letting out a surprised squeal. When she saw the rat, though, she laughed at her reaction.

"Shoo!" She hissed at the thing, which, in the dark of the room, lit only by the fire and a candle on her father's desk, seemed to have red and black fur, though Sarah figured it some odd trick of the light. She was about to turn away when she realized that the rat was grinning; a very deliberate hungry grin. "What in the nine hells?" Sarah said, confused, a growing dread filling her as she contemplated the terrible possibility that the diary that was still burning in the fireplace had been something more than mad ramblings.

"Saaarahh..." The rat breathed, then all of a sudden it was growing, muscles rippling, bones snapping as they grew. The sound was horrifying, and the total impossibility of the situation. "WE... will not be interrupted... for the next three nights... the servants will not hear us," It said, now fully the size of a mastiff and still growing, until finally it stood a head taller than Sarah from the tip of its' ragged ears to its' small-clawed feet. It's fur was, indeed, red and black, and patchy in places.

Paralyzed by fear as she was, Sarah took in the sight before her; what stood in front of her was a monster with glittering, intelligent eyes. "You can't be... I'm imagining this, a nightmare... you cannot be..." Sarah whispered, then flinched as low, sadistic laughter filled the room.

"Oh, but I am... your foolish ancestor hurt my mistress... and so I come to you, as I will every full moon till the day you die," The creature grinned at Sarah, showing a maw full of razor-sharp teeth, and took a few steps forward. It was immediately obvious what it wanted, for from a black-furred sheath at its' groin rose a long, tapered shaft covered in tiny little barbs. As she stared, horrified, back into the creature's shining red eyes, Sarah felt her knees grow week, and she fell to the floor.

"Mmm, Sarah my pretty little thing... you have no idea... how much I wished for this. I watched you from the day you were born. Hoping, dreaming..." It said in a low, hissing voice as it advanced. Little droplets of a musky-smelling fluid dribbled from the tip of the monster's shaft. Each step that it took, Sarah scrambled back, until she was pressed up against the far corner of her father's study. "It has been so very long since I had a female. So very long. The Willard line has so many males. A hundred and fifty years, my dear... and it would have been another many generations if your father and brother had not died."

Sarah shook her head, her whole body trembling as she viewed the creature's monstrous tumescence. "Back, you foul thing! I will not yield!" Even to her, the words sounded weak, horrified, as if something in her already wanted to yield. She never had felt the touch of a man in all of her twenty-two years. Having so deliberately taken the reins of her father's business, she would likely never find a man who would have her.

The monster's head shook and he waggled a finger at her in admonition. "Yes, Sarah, you will. Six hundred years and they all have. You will be no different. For all the horror you feel now, my dear... you will feel so... eager some day." He crouched down before her, his long, sinuous tail wrapping around Sarah's ankle lazily, eliciting a terrified moan from her.

Hot, fetid breath spilled over Sarah, making her want to gag, but backed into a corner as she was, there was no place she could run to. "Please don't... I will give you anything you want..." Sarah begged, trying to jerk her leg away from the monster's tail and finding it held in a grip of iron. This close, she could smell it's arousal, a heavy, musky scent that teased at her senses and, much to her dismay, warmed her loins.

"Oh, but Sarah... what I want is you. Your flesh, your... body. You ask me not to, and offer what I want in return... what do you do when your body is what I want?" It asked, reaching out to wipe her cheek free of tears, laughing when she flinched. "This will happen my dear Sarah, whether you wish it or not... wouldn't it be better if you were to simply give in?"

Sarah moaned, wishing she could simply melt into the floor. "You are working some magick on me, beast," She said half-defiantly, "I do not wish to yield!" The monster's grin broadened, and a long tongue, much longer than it should have, lolled out of that razor-toothed mouth.

"You will. Maybe not this time, my dear... but that would make this oh so much more fun..." It growled and then leaned down, pink nose twitching as it drew in a deep breath of her scent. "Fear... terror... need... revulsion... so much I smell on you. So delicious." Suddenly, it stopped, eyes widening as if something had actually surprised it. "I smell... mmm... you are still a maiden, my pretty. You have never felt a man plowing that lovely furrow... this is most definitely a treat of treats..."

A low sob was Sarah's only response, and she slumped, defeated. It could smell the warmth in her loins, the dampness of unwilling arousal that brought a humiliated flush to her cheeks. "Do what you will, I will not give you the satisfaction of so much as a scream. My father's whippings when I misbehaved as a child were terrible, yet I uttered not a word of protest. You will be no different."

The monster chuckled, a mocking, sadistic sound. Its' hand, so human in appearance but for the black and red fur on the back and wicked looking claws where fingernails would be, cupped her right breast through the linen nightdress. "I think, my dear... you will beg me to break that maidenhead before I do so. You will scream my name and let me in." Suddenly, he gripped the neckline of her nightdress and jerked, his claws shredding it and laying bare the pale pink flesh beneath.

Sarah stared at the monster defiantly, though her breath came in ragged, terrified gasps. She swore that she would give the beast not a single word of encouragement. It wanted her screaming, it wanted her begging... she would do neither. It took all her willpower not to let out even the slightest whimper when the monster began to lap at her heavy breasts with that overlarge tongue.

The monster simply laughed, hands wriggling under Sarah and squeezing her ass so tightly he could see her eyes beginning to water. "My name, for when you choose to open that pretty little mouth to beg, is Rygash," He said, and locked his lips around her left nipple, sucking and nibbling, careful not to break skin with his teeth.

Despite herself, the sucking and nibbling was having an effect on Sarah. Had she felt the touch of a man before this, or even indulged in self-pleasure, she might have found herself able to resist, but it was not long before nipple had stiffened at Rygash's attentions. As he hunched over her, she felt his shaft brush her leg, leaving a slippery, damp spot on her inner thigh.

Rygash moved a hand to cup the heat at Sarah's groin, laughing as he ran a single digit up the softness of her inner lips, all the while staring right into her eyes. Beneath the hate, fear and revulsion, he could see the desire growing; never before had he seen it that quickly. "Methinks she doth protest too much... oh my darling Sarah, just beg me..." He rasped, moving his thumb to the firm nub of her clit and beginning to massage gently. "I can give you pleasure beyond imagining. I do not have to make it painful all the time. I can... be quite a passionate lover..."

"Nooooo..." Sarah groaned, unable to hold back a soft groan of ecstasy as she felt her cunt clench and ripple. She closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to see what Rygash looked like, trying to imagine that it was some strong, handsome, well-to-do man who was romancing her.

Centuries of experience told Rygash what Sarah was doing, what she was trying, and he knew it a mistake on her part. Not being able to see him, she would only give in sooner as in her mind's eye she was being ravished by something other than her family's dirty little demonic secret. "You are so beautiful, my love..." He whispered, his voice deepening, losing it's rasp. "I have waited for this moment, my beautiful princess...." He continued to massage her clit as he moved his muzzle to kiss at Sarah's inner thighs.

Without even thinking, Sarah found herself spreading her legs wordlessly, giving Rygash easier access. She lifted a trembling hand to grip her left breast, pinching the nipple to bring it to equal stiffness as her right. Biting her lip, she tried to imagine the most handsome of her suitors from before her father's death. When the monster's kisses reached her mound and that sinuous, slimy tongue spread the petals of her sex, she did not hold back a low, desperate moan, her back arching.

Rygash grinned; the girl was almost his. He gently took the tatters of her nightdress and pulled them away, then guided her to the floor. He placed his hands on her thighs so she would not be able to push them closed and began to lap at her sex, delighting in the taste and scent of her juices. "I want you my love... all you have to do is beg me. I don't mind you doing what you're doing... just say my name, beg me to take you. Own you. And for the next two days and every month thereafter I will show you realms of sensation you have never known."

Sarah let out a sob, trying to press her legs closed, but Rygash's iron grip wouldn't permit it. Try as she might, she could not deny two very important facts. First; she could not simply imagine that she was with anything but a monster in truth. And second; she wasn't sure if she cared. Nobody had ever touched her like Rygash was. Every long, luscious stroke of that slippery tongue sent a jolt of pleasure through her body. Every moment she resisted the urge to do just as he was urging... every moment that she denied herself the pleasure that he was promising him. She pinched her left nipple even harder, her naked body illuminated by the silver light of the moon as it shone through the window.

"I can take you whether you wish it or not, Sarah..." Rygash almost purred, his breath washing hotly over the dampness of Sarah's sex. He pulled his head away and released her, staring down at her naked body. "I promise this, my dear... I will not always be gentle. I will sometimes wish only to make you scream... I will make you piss yourself... I will fill you with an evil brood of wriggling things... I will come as a wolf... as a spider... as any number of beasts. I may even come as a multitude. You will know agony, you will know sickness, you will know terror."

Sarah's eyes opened, staring at him in horrified disgust as Rygash described what he would do to her, wondering why he would say it when she had been so close to giving in. Defiance crept into her again, and she reached for the tatters of her nightdress.

"You are asking yourself 'why?' Why would I tell you this..." Rygash rasped, leaning over and and reaching out and gripping her biceps, holding her down. He concentrated, and his tail split into four individual, thinner tendrils that with lightning speed bound her legs and pulled them open. When Sarah began to struggle, he lowered his mouth to whisper in her ear. "Because my dear beloved Sarah... if you don't beg me, all I will ever do to you is bring you pain. All I will ever do... is show you not a bit of care. I will make sure that you never feel anything but terror and disgust at our sessions. I will do everything I can to make sure that you dread our nights together. You can have pleasure and bliss often if you just beg me to fuck you."

Sarah opened her mouth to snarl a retort, regaining even more of her defiance, but Rygash's next words made her blood run cold, shattering the last remnants of her resolve. "And lest you think of ending your life... think of this, my 'love'. My curse is on your blood, your family. It would only go to the next in line..."

Sarah moaned, looking back into those red eyes, taking in the sight of that glossy black and red fur; the unnaturally thick barbed shaft; and the rat's tail, split into four parts, holding her legs lewdly open. The promise of gentleness, at least once in a while, and the threat that if she did not willingly give herself this time she would never be given another chance, they left her with little choice. She wanted that pleasure again, even if for a moment. "Rygash... take me... I'm yours... f-fuck me..."

Sarah felt a searing pain in her loins, as if someone were carving at her flesh there. Before she could even crane her neck to look, Rygash grinned, pulling her lower body up with his tails, as if he wanted her to see what her words had done. Her mound was now bare of any hair, and in place of that hair in the bare flesh just above her sex was an arcane symbol. "Now you're mine, my darling whore," Rygash growled, "You will do whatever I command. You have no choice."

Sarah moaned as Rygash lowered her back to the hard floor, hunching over her. There was no mistaking what was happening; powerful tails held her hairless sex wide, and the heavy body of the demon pressed down on her. She could feel the hot tip of Rygash's cock against her belly as he positioned himself. He grinned and gave her face a long, wet lick. "Keep your eyes open and look at me, whore," Rygash commanded, and Sarah found herself unable to resist the command. "Yes... you see what you have done now..."

Sarah groaned; it was impossible to resist what he told her to do. She wanted to, she tried with all her will to close her eyes, but she watched him with wide eyes, unable to tear her gaze away. "No..." She whispered, horrified.

"Yes..." Rygash said, "I own you. You cannot deny me. You gave up your will to resist me, my dear, the moment you told me to take you. Even your father would not ask me. It's always the women that seal themselves to my will. Only one man ever sealed himself, but every single cunt I've wanted has become mine." He laughed cruelly and then reached down to stroke her cheek. "I'm going to let go of your legs. Instead of trying to run away, you're going to let your body react as it wants. You're going to give in to every dirty, filthy desire your body demands of you."

True to his word, Rygash unceremoniously released his grip on Sarah's legs, letting them fall to the floor. She wanted more than anything to close her legs, but the demon's command was implicit. With the smell of male musk heavy in the air, a warm, powerful body above her, and the feeling of Rygash's shaft rubbing on her belly, there was only one thing her body wanted. Sarah's tears sprung anew as she wriggled underneath the demon's bulk, helping him position himself better. Soon, she felt the wet tip of his cock smearing pre-come on her inner thigh.

Rygash grinned, licking his new slave's cheek a second time, relishing the taste of her tears. "You want this, Sarah... if you would only admit it. Urges, passions, needs that you are taught to deny..." He placed his clawed hands above Sarah's shoulders on either side of her head, and looked down at her. "There's nobody to hear... I could simply order you to tell me you want it, but there's no fun in that." He teased the tip of his cock against her damp mound for only a moment, making Sarah's hips jerk and gyrate. "There's no escaping me... every month I will come to you, my little whore, and you will obey every command I give you... there's nobody but me to hear your words. Answer me... do you want this... even just a little..."

For a few moments, Sarah fought the need to answer, the terrible compulsion laid on her... he was forcing her to answer a question she didn't want to, for the answer was all too clear to her. The demon had worded it just right; centuries of seduction and coercion, every trick in the book learned and used to terrible effect... it knew her passions and desires more intimately than any normal man could. Her arms reached up and took hold of that dark fur, tugging insistently as she let out a single word... "Yes..."

A low chuckle was the only response Rygash gave before those tails took hold of Sarah's legs again, gripping almost painfully tight and spreading them almost obscenely wide. He moved his hands to grip her shoulders, claws digging in, and then positioned himself with the tip of his shaft at the lip of her tight passage. He stared into her eyes and commanded, "Look into my eyes and don't look away." And then, without another word, he thrust forward with the intent of hilting himself all in one stroke.

For a few seconds, Sarah felt the blossoming of pleasure that she had craved, but then there was a pressure, a stretching that seemed to last for an eternity. The pressure built until all at once she felt something snap sharply, and her loins erupted in fiery pain as her maidenhood was stretched and torn. The tiny pinpricks of pain from Rygash's claws on her shoulder were mere afterthoughts as he filled her with ten inches of demonic girth. Her eyes streamed with tears and she screamed in pain and horror, knowing full well she had told the creature she wanted this.

Rygash continued to stare into Sarah's eyes, taking in the moments of passionate need, then pain, then horror. He remained with his cock prodding her innermost gateway for a full half-minute. When he was sure his slave had gotten used to the sensation of fullness, he grinned at her and pulled savagely out, the rear-facing barbs on his cock dragging and scraping at her inner walls and raw edges of her tattered hymen. They were just sharp enough that they would afford her little comfort and a good deal of pain, but not enough that they would injure her.

Sara wailed at the feeling of those barbs as they tugged on her inner walls. It didn't hurt yet, but she knew that the more they dragged, the more they would rub her raw. Despite all the pain, however, she was horrified to feel her hips bucking, pressing back against Rygash as he began to fuck her in earnest. Her wail became tiny little pained screams every time that he pulled back, and low grunts whenever his bulk slammed against her sex, heavy balls slapping against her smooth bottom.

There was no tenderness in the demon's rutting motions; he was fucking to get off as fast as he could. "Oh Sarah... beg me to fill you..." Rygash gasped, "I'm so close, my dear..." He didn't make any attempt to hold himself back, though, giving every indication that even if his fuck-toy didn't do as she was bid, he'd fill her with his seed soon enough.

Though the words were not an order, Sarah found her lips moving, "Do it... do it... fill me... Rygash fill me now..." By this point, Sarah couldn't tell whether she was begging him to come because she wanted it to end, because she couldn't resist, or -and this possibility sickened her- whether she truly wanted this demon's seed spilled in her.

Rygash's reaction was immediate; he picked up the pace to a punishing, rapid pace that jarred Sarah to the bone. Then, with a howl and a roar, he slammed into her one final time, claiming his new slave fully, letting loose a volume of come that was certainly much more than even one his size should be able to.

For a few seconds, Sarah felt a pressure inside her, then a burning heat deep inside; the demon's come was hot, almost scalding in fact, speaking to the fires from which it undoubtedly come. She howled as he tore out of her cunt, the barbs catching on her broken maidenhead. He was still spraying his near-burning seed, his length dripping with the blood of her torn virginity. He leaned back, rapidly pumping a paw on his shaft and directing the streamers of come onto Sarah's belly.

Finally, Rygash slowed and stopped, his tongue lolling out as he panted, finally spent. "Oh, my whore, that was wonderful. And I promise you, my dear... you will know more..." He reached out and smeared the come on Sarah's belly all over her pale flesh and then wiped his hand on her cheek. "You'll stay like this until the morning light, my dear Sarah. Naked, my come drying on that lovely skin of yours... legs spread. Not only that, you'll do so until the servants come into the room to see the filthy little slut you've turned into. If it's the manservant that your dead brother so liked... you'll offer yourself to him. You'll say not a word of what happened though, will you? Because if you do, I'll kill anyone you tell. Even if it's a child."

Rygash laughed cruelly and leaned in to kiss Sarah on the lips... and then he was simply gone, and Sarah was left alone in the room, unable to move or even do more than moan as she contemplated the fate she'd given in to so easily. When the morning light finally came, she sobbed as the house began to stir, hoping and begging that the leering groundskeeper that had always watched her was not the one to find her...