A New Beginning - Part 3

Story by Matthiaz_Andersson on SoFurry

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#3 of A New Beginning

A New Beginning

Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Enjoy Part 3!


A New Beginning

© Matthiaz Andersson


'You called us sons and you would be promising this time...'

I awoke to the sound of screams, rapid drums, and blazing guitaring. I feel a body on top of me jump, yelping in surprise.

"What the fuck was that?" Nearly yelling as I reach over and turn off the alarm.


"I understand that... But what the fuck was it?" He was looking down at me, flabbergasted.

"What? You've never heard of screamo before? That's just Dream On, Dreamer."

"Ew... I didn't know you listened to that... garbage!"

"Garbage? Well excuse me if I have a different taste in music." I looked him over, eyes going lower, noticing his legs intertwined with mine. "Why are you laying on me? And why are you naked? Wait... Oh no... Don't tell me... No no NO!" I get up abruptly, knocking Jeff off of me as I rush to the bathroom.

"Matt? What's going on? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine... Uh, what did we do last night?"

"You're joking right?" I heard a thud as his shoulder lands against the door. "You seriously don't remember what happened last night?" I could hear the impatience in his voice growing.

"Well, not entirely. I remember dinner, and parts of the movie, but after that, it's just a blur to me." That was a lie; I remember everything, down to the last detail.

"How could you forget? It was only a couple of hours ago!"

"It was the beer." That was another lie.


I throw open the door, tears now sliding down my cheeks and onto the floor.

"Do you really want the truth?!" My voice was trembling as I yell at him.

"Yes, Matt, give me the fucking truth! Do you not love me?!"

"No, well..." He scoffs, turning, starting to head back to his bed, attempting to pack. "Jeff, wait!" I grabbed his shoulder, a little harder than I should have because I heard a faint pop as he winced and screamed out in pain.

"AUGH! MY FUCKING SHOULDER! WHAT THE FUCK MATT?" He clasps his shoulder, squinting in excruciating pain.

"Oh my god Jeff, I'm sorry, I don't know my own strength sometimes. Let me fix it." Before he has time to disagree and pull his arm away, I grab onto his shoulder and pop it back into place.

"FUCK!" He clasps onto his shoulder, the pain in his face receding as is the pain in his shoulder.

"Better?" I ask him with sincere concern in my voice and face.

He picks up on my worry, giving me a faint, yet cold response. "Yeah, I'm fine now, no thanks to you."

"Jeff... I can't say I love you, and I can't say I don't love you. I fell to my own lust. Wait! That's not what I meant. I just think I moved too fast... I like you, a lot. If you'll let me, can we start over? Maybe go on a second date?"

He pauses as he ponders over the situation, choosing his next words very carefully. "Fine. I'll give you one last chance, but if you EVER hurt me again, I won't think twice about leaving you."

"That's fine. I just want to be with you." I open my arms, a sincere look upon my face, tears still slowly trickling down my muzzle. He steps in hesitantly, accepting the hug as my large arms wrap around the husky's back. "Jeff, I promise I won't hurt you ever again."

"Don't worry big guy, I'm here to protect you." He rubbed my back, calming me down as I step away from the embrace. "Alright, Matt, I'm going to be late to class. I'll see you later."

"Alright, I'll see you later." He grabs his backpack and heads out the door. "Oh!" I yelled at him as my head poked out of the doorway. "Come by the ice complex at 6."


"Just be there!"

"Fine!" He chuckled, as he stepped into the elevator and disappeared out of sight.


My classes were boring. I had the typical freshmen into classes; the large lecture rooms filled with around 200 other students. I felt like a number. I hated being a number and not "Matthiaz." I sighed as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, a huge relief off my chest.

I hurried back to my room, anxious for what will soon come. My heart was racing, adrenaline already flowing into my veins. I grabbed my bag, and headed towards the ice rink. As I step inside, I'm shot with a jet of cool air. I inhaled deep, enjoying the scent of freshly cut ice. I was in my element now. I head towards the locker room to gear up for what was the most important - strike that - second most important thing to me now that I'm in college: making the school's hockey team.

I stepped into the locker room, eyeing the other furs as they don their gear. I soon realized that I stuck out like a sore thumb. I approached the largest guy there, a Rottweiler. "Hey, is this the tryouts for the hockey team?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Is this for the division 1 team?"

"Also correct, why are you asking?"

"Nothing, just wondering."

The reason why I stuck out was the fact that I was the largest fur in the locker room. I easily beat out the Rottie by about a foot, and a good amount of weight.

I hurriedly put my gear on, pushing the thoughts of the other males in their various states of dress. With skates on, I pull my jersey over my pads, my high school's logo and name, as well as my own, proudly displayed on it. I slip on my helmet, grab my stick, and walk out onto the ice to warm up. I heard a whistle, signaling the coach's entrance and the beginning of tryouts. I glance to the bleachers, the lone husky balled up in a jacket as he notices my look and gives me a double thumbs up. I give him a small nod and then give my full attention to tryouts.

The coach made us run various drills, most of which I was already accustomed too. I was totally in the zone. Eventually, we began to scrimmage, and I was put on the ice first. I was easily skating my way around the other furs, size playing no part in my speed as I was flying by them. As one fur passes me the puck, giving me an open breakaway, I feel my feet get pulled out from behind me as I slide towards the net. I see the goalie quickly move as I try to stop myself from sliding further, to no avail as I crash into the net.


My eyes flutter open, focusing on a plain ceiling.

"W-where am I? This isn't the arena."

I hear a familiar voice to my right. "Oh, Matt, you're awake! I was starting to think you wouldn't wake up!" I turn to the direction of the voice as Jeff's face looms over mine. He brushes tears from his face and chuckles. "No bud, this isn't the arena. You're in the hospital."

"T-the hospital? What happened? I just remember tryouts... and having a breakaway."

He laughed heartily. "Yeah, you had a perfect, break way thing, before someone came up from behind and tripped you. You slammed head first into the sides of the net. You were unconscious when the coach got to you."

"Did... Did I make the team?"

"Yeah, the coach was amazed by your talent, despite your sheer mass."

"That's good." His paws were clasped around my right paw, squeezing tight.

"How long have I been out?"

"Two days. The doctors told me you might never wake up because of the severity of your concussion. I was so worried I called your parents. I-I told them everything."


I heard a rustling to my left as I look over and notice my dad holding my mom against him, shirts stained with tears.

"My baby!" My mom nearly yelled, as she stumbles over and squeezes me tight, pelting my face with kisses. I turned to Jeff, still being mauled by my mother. "How much did you tell them?" The sternness in my voice causes him to put a paw behind his head as he chuckles and turns the other cheek.

"Matt," my father says, a thick arm coming to my shoulder. "He told us everything. We know all about you and Jeff."

"WHAT!?" I nearly yelled, as I glared at Jeff.

"Matt... Why didn't you tell us?" The concern in my mother's voice faded into tenderness. "Why didn't you tell us you were... gay?"

"I... didn't think you'd love me anymore... Do-do you still love me?"

"Of course we do honey! We love you for whoever you are! Well, not if you were a mass murderer, we'd probably hate you." My mom laughs at her own joke, as does everyone else as a great sigh of relief washes over me, knowing that my parents will always love me.

"Jeff," my dad said sternly. "Come here, boy."

"Y-yes sir." Jeff walks over to my father as an arm is draped over his shoulder. My dad leans in close, whispering into his ear, causing Jeff to blush.

I wonder what he just told Jeff. It had to be something embarrassing about me...

Jeff returns to my side, still blushing profusely as he strokes my mane.

My dad kneels down next to me, grasping my paw.

"D-dad, what's wrong?"

"Don't... don't ever do this again!" His tears are streaming down his face, as he grips my paw tighter.

"Do you mean not almost surprise you with news like that, or not almost die?"

"Of course I meant don't die, you big idiot." He punched my arm, chuckling and wiping up his tears.

"I won't dad," I said chuckling, "I won't ever scare you like that ever again."


My parents left soon after I was released from the hospital, reluctant to let me go. Jeff wouldn't leave my side even after I was released; he was scared of letting me go. He always showed up at practice, a worried smile on his face, the fear of my injury still ingrained into his mind. A couple months had passed and the holidays were only days away. Jeff and I had been getting along together well. I had even worked up the courage to hold paws with him in public. Even through the rough start, my feelings for Jeff grew and grew. I liked him, a lot... maybe even more than that.

It was 5 degrees in Boston and snowing. The streets and shops were adorned with Christmas décor, adding color to the white snow on the ground.

He took me to Chinatown for dinner the night before Christmas Eve. We were in a very small restaurant surrounded by furs of Asian ethnicity.

"Jeff... Are you sure you've been here? They're all Asian," I whispered into his ear as we stood at the door, taking off our coats.

"That's the point," he chuckled, "that's how you know the food's good and not the Americanized version."

"Oh. Well, then-" I got cut off by the hostess, who led us to a small table in the back of the restaurant. I had to squeeze into the little corner just to sit down. She handed us a menu and walked away, quickly coming back to the table with a pot of tea and two small cups.

I went to reach out and pour myself a cup before Jeff's paw beat me to it. "Allow me."


"My pleasure, Matt," he said, smiling at me the entire time, making me blush.

The menu was elaborate, food items listed in English and Chinese. A lot looked really good, especially these things called hot pots. It was a big bowl of noodles filled with your choice of meat, veggies, and a delicious broth.

"So what will you two have for dinner?" the waitress said, a pen to her notepad.

"I'll have the chicken hot pot please," I said, now looking at Jeff to see what he ordered.

"Matt, that says it's for two people, are you sure you don't want to share?"

I laughed. "Do you really think I can't eat for two?" I said, patting my stomach.

"You're right," he chuckled. "I'll just have the Chicken Katsu please." We handed her our menus.

"Wait!" I called to her before she walked away. "I'd like to change my order to the beef hot pot please."

"Ok, beef hot pot," she said, scribbling in her pad and scurrying off to the kitchen.

Jeff put his teacup to his muzzle, his bright green eyes staring at me intently. "W-why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, chuckling as I put my own teacup to my muzzle.

"I'm sorry," he said while blushing, his eyes darting away from mine, "I just find you very easy on the eyes."

"Oh. Thanks. You're good looking yourself too," I said, blushing deeply and also averting his eyes.

We talked intently, waiting for our food to come. We spoke about our likes and dislikes, our passions and hates, and even things that we liked about each other. We laughed, we smiled, and we blushed and shared a moment together. That moment was soon interrupting when a tray of food approached our table.

"Chicken Katsu?" she said as Jeff motioned that that was his dish.

"Chicken and beef hot pot?"

"Uh, I only ordered the beef hot pot." She ignored me, setting down both bowls in front of me. I looked at Jeff quizzically, confused about the situation. He merely shrugged and started eating.

I shrugged as well, enjoying the heavenly aromas wafting into my nose as I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and began eating.

"You're not going to return one of them?" he said, eyes wide.

"Nah, that would probably just cause more trouble."

"You can eat both?" he asked, looking at me with complete doubt.

I chuckled as I began eating, shoveling chunks of noodles, chicken, and beef into my mouth. We continued talking, as our supply of food began to shrink. Eventually I forked the last bit of noodles into my mouth, swallowing and leaning back against the wall, sighing and patting my belly full of food.

"Holy, freaking, crap," Jeff said, "I can't believe you just ate for four."

I laughed. "I kind of have to in order to keep up my weight and mass."

"I see that," he said smiling, reaching over and taking my paw in his. I blushed, as we squeezed each other's paws, before quickly letting go as the waitress came over with the bill.

I quickly grabbed the check before Jeff had any time to react and take the bill himself. The check came out to 80 bucks, not bad. I paid the bill, leaving a tip on the table. We bundled up and walked outside and back into the cold.

Jeff was constantly making fun at me for the silly comments I was making about the snow, since I've never seen it before. We were walking down the street, bundled up in large jackets and beanies, holding paws, our bodies close, keeping us warm.

"You are so silly!" He said to me, trying to push me away jokingly.

"What? Just because I thought the snow looked like dirt particles in the air doesn't make me silly." I grinned at him, pulling him closer and giving him a noogie.

"What was that for?" He looked up at me, grinning.

"Because you're the one that's silly, silly," I held him close against me; our bodies flush against each other.

"Did I tell you how much I love you?"

"N-no... You didn't."

"Well. I love you THIIIIIIS much!" He said happily, extending his arms around me, giving me a tight hug. How much do you love me?" I was shocked. I wasn't ready to say that back to him yet.

"J-Jeff... I don't think I'm ready to say the "L" word to you yet." He frowned, clearly upset at this. But then he did something I couldn't understand; he smiled.

"That's okay big guy. Take your time, I'll wait for you."

"Thanks. That means a lot to me." I pulled him into a giant bear hug, holding him tight against me.

"Matt... I think people are staring." He tilted his head up at me, chuckling.

"Let them, I don't care anymore." "I'm gay and I'm proud! You hear that?" I yelled out loud, pointing to a couple walking by, scaring the pants off of them as they quizzically look at me and hurry away.

"Matt! You're embarrassing me!"

"I can't help it, Jeff. When I'm with you, I feel... like nothing can ever go wrong."

"I'm glad to hear that Matt. You make me feel the same way." We stood there hugging, in the freezing cold, not giving two shits about who was watching, or what they were saying.

School was going well for us, particularly for Jeff as he made the Dean's List. I was making it through my classes, not with flying colors, but with A's and B's, so I was happy. It was the 23rd, just two days away from Christmas Eve and Jeff invited me to his house for Christmas dinner and to meet his family. Of course, I had to accept. There was one teeny-tiny problem though; I totally forgot to get Jeff a gift.

Fuck! He'll totally kill me if I don't get him anything.

That night, as Jeff and I pushed our beds together and cuddled under the warm sanctuary of the covers, he said something I had no answer to.

"Matt?" he said, looking up into my arms

"Yeah Jeff?"

"Why don't you love me?"

"Wha... What?"

"It's a simple question. Why don't you love me?"

"I... I... I do Jeff, I really do... It's just that... I'm not entirely ready to say it yet."

"Oh..." He rolled off of me, and curled up against the corner.

"Jeff... I'm sorry..." I heard him sniffling. He was crying, and I was the one that made him. "Jeff..."


The next morning, I awoke to no sign of him.

Serves me right... Why the fuck am I so uncertain about all of this?

I heaved a giant sigh as I rolled out of bed and headed towards the shower. I walk into the bathroom, totally oblivious to sounds of already running water. I look at myself in the mirror. Get it together Matt... He'll understand. I walk into the shower, bumping into wet fur as I do so.

"Matt!? What the fuck are you doing?"

"Oh shit! Jeff I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here." I start walking out, blushing profusely as I hunch my shoulders, embarrassed, until I feel a wet paw on my shoulder.

"Matt. I don't mind the company, plus you can help wash the places I can't reach."

"O-okay," I said timidly, tail between my legs as I step into the warm water behind him.

I grabbed the soap, as I started washing his large back. The crevasses in his back being filled with soap suds as I massage his shoulders. He lets out a long sigh. "Oh Matt... That feels good." He turned around, erection at full attention as he stares intently into my eyes, his paws still on my shoulders.

"J-Jeff, I'm not ready yet."

"That's okay big guy, I just got excited from your massage. I think it's time I returned the favor." He didn't let me respond before he grabbed the soap and starting lathering up my chest, his paws roaming over my pecs, working the soap into my fur. They roamed downwards, lathering up my washboard abs, the soapy water dripping onto my crotch and onto my stiffening erection. He leaned down, ignoring my hardening member, as his paws gripped my tree trunk thighs and down my legs before working back upwards along my sides before turning me around. His paws came up to my shoulders again, massaging them firmly. He then worked his paws down my expansive back, before coming to my butt. I yelped as his paws came to my rump, working the suds into my butt and between my crack, cleaning everything. He leaned against me, his now fully erect cock rubbing against my back. He put his hands around me, paws coming to my crotch as he lathered up my member, balls, and crotch fur. I moaned as he smirked and put his arm under my armpit getting a good look at what he was doing. Before long, the pleasuring was over as he let go, and let the water cleanse the soap off of me.

"Th-thanks Jeff. That was nice."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it stud. I know I did."


"Yeah, you're my big kitty stud." I chuckled as we hugged, our still moist bodies rubbing together in the steam. "I love you Matt... Even if you don't want to say it back yet."

We dried each other off before getting dressed and headed out, Jeff's body language full of discontent and sadness, my own tail falling between my legs.


Jeff's house was big. That's an understatement; his house was enormous! It was extremely spacious, with a maze of a hallway, and rooms down every turn. The house was also decorated for the occasion; streamers were hung everywhere, the mats to every room switched for ones more festive. In the middle of the large living room, stood a gigantic tree, adorned with ornaments of gold, red, silver and more.

"Wow Jeff! Your house is incredible!" I stood in the center, just spinning awkwardly in circles, taking in the entire scene.

He chuckled. "Thanks! Here, come see my old room." He grabbed my paw and pulled me up the winding staircase, leading me through a long hallway. "Here it is!"

The room was huge, and I'd be damned if I thought this would be the Master Bedroom. The room was spacious, said for the king-sized bed in the middle, the gigantic entertainment system on the wall across from the foot of the bed, a large, professional-looking desk, and the typical other furnishings of a bedroom. Everything was made of dark wood, my paw-pads making dull thuds on the floor as I walked through the room.

"Holy crap, dude."

"That's most people's reactions." He chuckled, jumping onto his bed, and reaching over to a night table and grabbing what looked like a handheld game. The TV flickered on, and I jumped at the sudden sound.

"Is THAT your remote control for the TV?" I was gawking over this alien device and why he needed such a weird controller just to use his TV, which was, like everything else, ridiculously huge.

"Yeah. Watch this!" With that, he presses a button on the remote, which causes the blinds on his windows to close, and the lights to dim. "It controls everything in the room, even the toilet!" He giggled as he pressed another button, causing the toilet to flush in the adjoining bathroom.

"That's so cool! Lemme see!" I snatched it out of his hands and starting pressing random buttons, smiling stupidly as chaos started to occur in the room; blinds opened and closed, lights flickered, stereo system turned off and on, fan spinning on high, and entertainment system on and off. "Hey!" He snatched the remote out of my hands, returning the room to normal.

"That's not funny..." He glared at me.

"What? I thought that was pretty funny." He sighed. "How 'bout we play some Halo?"

"Alright, that sounds like fun." He turned on the Xbox and synced two controllers. The sounds of guns blaring, missiles firing, grenades exploding, and the grunts of casualties around us filled the room. We were really getting into it, yelling at our demises, and laughing at enemy noobs who died at our hands, until we heard a faint yell.

My ears perked up as I barely heard it. "Jeff, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" He muted the TV as we both listened intently.

"It's your mom, Jeff. I think she's saying that dinner is ready."

"Oh, okay. Let's go eat, I'm starving!"

We quickly padded over to the dining room, sitting down next to each other at the table.

"Wow, Mrs.... Uh..." I leaned over to Jeff, whispering in his ear. "Dude, you never told me your last name!"

"Please, call me Sheila."

"Ok, Sheila. This looks incredible!" And indeed it did. It was a feast fit for a king; large, over-the-top dishes of main dishes, sides, and salads.

"Dig in boys." We did just that, quickly grabbing the nearest dish and pulling it towards us, spooning a helpful amount onto our plates. I reached for a bowl of potatoes, as I feel another paw brush against mine. I realized it was Jeff, and I blushed. "So, Matthiaz..."

"Please, call me Matt." I smiled as she chuckled to herself.

"So, Matt, Jeff tells me lots about you."

"H-he did?" I blushed, hoping that Jeff didn't tell them everything.

"Yes, he said that you both share similar interests. I hope you two will get along."

Phew! That was too close.

"We have a lot of stuff in common," I said, swigging down a large gulp of water.

"Even your taste in other boys is similar," she said nonchalantly, sipping a glass of wine.

I choked down my water, trying my best not to spray it everywhere. "Excuse me?"

"I said you that have the same interest in guys."

"Uh.... I guess... You could say that...." I glared at Jeff, and he just gave me that look that said 'Don't look at me!'

"You two make an adorable couple."

"Take care of my baby, Matt," Jeff's father said sternly to me.

"Y-yeah... I will... Thanks..." I blushed, and looked down as I enjoyed my food in silence, while the rest of the table made small talk. If a question ever came to me, I just gave a small 'yeah' or 'no' and kept eating.

Dinner quickly came to an end as I got up and offered to clean the dishes, Jeff coming over to help me. He stood next to me drying the larger dishes. Our bodies were close, as his arms constantly brushed against mine, both of us blushing at the contact. The dishes were done, and we were sitting on the couch around the tree in front of a roaring fire.

"Ok!" Sheila's mom said. "Who wants to open the first present?"

There was no answer, so she hunches down under the tree and pulls out two neatly wrapped gifts, her bushy tail swishing back and forth. She hands the first to Jeff and, to my surprise, the second one to me.

"You... Got me a gift?"

"Of course sweetie," Sheila said. I just held the package in my paws, looking it over as I hear Jeff rip his open.

"Aw sweet!" Jeff was excited as he pulled out his gift. "I really needed a new pair!"

I quickly turned my head, blushing, when I realized what it was. It was a red full-body spandex swimsuit. Now I was nervous to open mine. I slowly pulled the bow apart and lifted a corner of the wrapping paper. I tore through the middle, my present coming into view, gasping at what I saw.

"No. Freaking. Way." I ripped the remainder of the paper off of the package, holding up my surprise, grinning. "How'd you know I needed a new one?"

"Well," Jeff's father began. "When Jeff told us what happened to you, we figured you'd need a new one." He was mentioning my injury. When I slid into the net, my helmet broke, which caused me to get a concussion. The gift was a new helmet, but it wasn't just any helmet.

The helmet was custom tailored to me. There was an intricate design of a shark, jaws wide open, on the helmet, with over-the-top coloring and detail. It didn't stop there; my number was painted on both sides, a gold 32 in each eye of the shark.

"It's... Amazing! I love it! Thank you so much..."

"Ryan, please." Jeff's father said, finally introducing himself fully.

"You're very welcome, sweetie. But it wasn't our idea." She nodded to Jeff, who smiled at me.

"Aw Jeff... Thanks so much." I lean over and gave him a big hug.

"No problem big guy. I'm glad you like it." His arms came around me, rubbing my back tenderly.

"Here, Jeff. I got this for you." I handed him my gift, a small box wrapped with the best of my abilities.

"Oh, you shouldn't have. What is it?" He jokingly snatches it out of my hand, shredding open the wrapping and opening the box. "Oh, Matt, it's gorgeous!" He took the necklace out of the box, the colored wave pendant slowly spinning. "This fits me just perfectly!" He put it on, and leaned over to give me a big squeeze. "And I've got something for you too!"

"R-really?" He hands me a box, a toothy grin plastered on his face as he hands me the slim present.

I open the lid and peer inside, before quickly closing the lid and blushing deeply. "J-Jeff!" He smiled, and blushed as well. "I love it, thank you." I give him a big hug again, this time my head going next to him, behind his parents' view, and giving his cheek a quick kiss.

The round of presents came and went. Jeff gave his dad a new fishing rod and his mom a new kitchen knife. We sat around the tree and fire, sipping cocoa and spiced cider as we spoke. Ryan, Jeff's father, was really interested in my future. He couldn't wrap his head around the idea of someone like me having such a nerdy side and becoming a video game artist.

As the fire slowly cackled away, and our supply of cocoa and cider dwindled, Jeff's parents decided to retire and so they headed towards their room, leaving Jeff and I sitting on the sofa.

The room was silent, and we wouldn't look at each other, until I decided to break the silence.

"I think I'm going to open my gift now." I reached over to the table and grabbed the box. I opened it fully this time, the small trinket staring at me. I reached in and pulled out the skimpy piece of cloth, holding it out in front of me. "Jeff, you really didn't need to get me another jockstrap."

He chuckled and smiled at me. "I thought it would make the other guys in the locker room jealous."

"This looks like it won't even fit me." The orange jockstrap was small. The sheen, mesh fabric rippling as I ran my hands through it and turned it around and looked at the thin straps. "I can't wear this in the locker room, there's no place for my cup to go in."

He giggled and blushed. "I know... I wanted you to wear it in our room... For me."

"Jeff, you are so sweet."

"Aw..." I leaned in to give him another hug, leaning my face closer to his and closing my eyes. I kept leaning closer, until his lips met mine in a warm kiss. We kissed for a couple seconds before breaking away, my eyes fluttering open.

"Jeff... I think I'm ready." I looked down, then back up at him. "I love you, Jeff. I want to be with you, and I want you to be with me."

"Oh, Matt! I've been waiting for you to say that for months." He leaned into me, pulling my head into his, our lips connecting in a deep, passionate kiss. His arms came around my neck, mine to his as he snaked his tongue into my mouth. I moaned into the kiss, my own tongue finding its way into his maw, as we sat there making out.

That moment felt like an eternity as our muzzles intertwined and paws roamed each other's heads, necks, and backs before he pulled away, panting, a strand of saliva connecting our lips before falling. "Wow, you're such a great kisser."

"I am?"

He chuckled. "One of the best, babe."


He laughed again. "I can't give you a boyfriend nickname?"

"Boyfriend? You're my boyfriend?"

"Yes, I'd really like for you to be my boyfriend, if that's okay with you."

"Ok, but only because you're my pup."

"Yay! Here, follow me upstairs. Your room's over here." He grabbed my paw, pulling my up the stairs and down that long, familiar hallway.

I rolled my eyes when I realized where we were. "This is your room, hun."

"I know. I wanted you to come and sleep with me." He looked up at me, giving me that puppy dog stare.

"How can I resist that look?"

"Yay! On one condition, though."


"You sleep in the jockstrap."

"Would that make you happy... babe?"

"Yes... It would make me very happy, stud. And I love it when you call me 'babe'" He murred and I looked down and noticed a small twitch in his pants. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get changed in the bathroom. I expect you to be wearing my gift when I get back."

"O-okay." With that, he gave me a quick little kiss before walking away into the bathroom, his butt swaying back and forth behind his shaggy tail. The door shut with a thud, as I just stared into the box, the skimpy jock staring back at me. I shuck off my clothes, standing in my underwear, still staring into the box. I sigh and chuckle before sliding down my underwear, my member swaying freely between my legs. I grab the jockstrap and step into it, sliding it up my legs. I try just pulling it on, but I had to tuck my shaft and balls into the pouch which can barely contain it. I adjust the straps in the back so it fits comfortably around my butt. I take a look at myself in the mirror, eyeing myself in the revealing underwear. I posed a bit, turning this way and that as I flexed and looked myself over in the mirror until I heard a click. I jumped, realizing the bathroom door was opening, so I quickly jumped onto the bed, lying sideways with an arm propped under my head.

"Hey big boy," he said seductively. Jeff came out of the bathroom wearing only a purple robe. He slowly walked towards the bed, grabbing the belt of the robe and opening it, letting it slide off his body.

"Oh wow..." Those two words were the only things that my brain could process because what Jeff was wearing, or lack thereof, was the only thing in my mind. I looked at his smiling face, slowly going lower, eyeing his muscular torso before slowly peering downwards.

"Jeff... You're so... Sexy..." He chuckled as I saw what he was wearing. A small, orange thong matching mine was around his face, his large bulge straining the contents of the pouch. He turned around, flexing his ass, giving me a view of his taught cheeks and expansive back, flexing a bit as he did so.

"Thanks stud. You're really sexy in that jockstrap too." I blushed at his comment, as he crawls onto the bed and climbs next to me, wrapping an arm around me and nuzzling against my neck.


"What is it?"

"Jeff... I... I think... I-I... I love you Jeff!"

"Matt... Are you just saying it this time, or do you really mean it?" I didn't give him an answer; I just wrapped my arms around him and pushed his muzzle into him, pulling him into a tender kiss.

"Now do you think I'm just talking?" He gasped, his eyes fluttering open.

"No, I can tell from that kiss what you feel. I love you too Matt," he said, lowering himself on top of me, his muzzle pressing into mine for another kiss. My paws come to the back of his head, pulling him into a deeper kiss, purring under him. His tongue darted into my mouth, surprising me as it flicked and swirled around in my maw. I moaned in the kiss, suckling on his tongue as he ground himself into me, making both of us become more aroused and straining our packages. I pushed my tongue into his muzzle, tasting his gums, teeth and roof of his maw, a large paw now rubbing his back lovingly.

He breaks the kiss, a strand of saliva creating a bridge between our muzzles. "I love you so much," he said, kissing down my neck and eventually to my chest.

"I love you too, babe," I moaned as I felt his wet tongue flick a nipple. "Oh... that feels so good..."

He chuckled, before taking the entire nipple into his mouth, sucking fervently on it. I squirmed under him, only adding to our arousal as we ground our bodies together. His other paw found my other nipple, squeezing and twisting it in his paws, eliciting a loud moan from me. He went on for a couple minutes before switching to the other nipple and giving them the same attention as the previous, making me squirm and moan under him.

He relinquishes my nipple, giving the nub a quick flick of his tongue before kissing down my abs and onto the bulge in the jockstrap. He murred loudly. "Oh, Matt. You're so big."

"Th-thanks." I said, groaning under his touch. He put a hand to my crotch, giving my growing erection a squeeze.

"J-Jeff!" I gasped.

He chuckled, putting a paw into the waistband and pulling it down my semi-hard cock flopping out and bopping Jeff on the nose. He inhaled deeply, taking in my scent before reaching down and putting a warm paw around the base of the shaft, making me shudder.

"Mmm... Jeff... That feels good..." He smiled up at me, licking a bead of pre that formed at my tip, as his paw began slowly stroking up and down my hardening member, making me moan louder. He looked up at me, giving me that smile of his before diving back down and taking the tip of my shaft into his muzzle, suckling on the head.

I moaned, putting my paws around his head and lightly humping into his muzzle as, inch by inch, my black shaft disappears into his maw until my crotch is flush with his lips. He rumbles and moans around the base, swirling his tongue around the underside of my cock, eliciting a loud moan from me.

"Oh, Jeff... Ngh..." I couldn't say much; I just gasped and moaned in pleasure as he started bobbing back and forth faster and faster along my throbbing member, gulping down my pre as it shoots down his throat. After a good couple of minutes of suckling and slurping, Jeff finally relinquishes my cock, a strand of pre and saliva connecting his muzzle.

"Jeff... Why'd you stop?" I whimpered.

"Because," he said, "I want something else." He stood up, and took my muzzle into his again, our tongues fiercely battling in a warm, passionate kiss. He broke the kiss and scooted downwards, his rump bumping my cock.

I looked at him with concern and love. "A-are you sure you want to go through with this Jeff?"

He didn't say anything, only sat up and reached behind him, grabbing my member and moving it between the cleft of his ass, rubbing it and smearing pre, squeezing his cheeks and massaging my member.

"Just, go slow, Jeff. I don't want you to hurt yourself." He chuckled, as I felt my cockhead press against his pucker, which refused to give, but with a bit more force downwards from Jeff, the head pops into his ring.

"Oh fuck, that's big!" He shouted, wincing in pain and halting himself as he gets used to my thickness.

"Take it easy, hun." My paws came to his waist, rubbing each side tenderly. He winked at me, before slowly taking another inch, his warm, tight, passage flexing around my cock. He throws his head back and arches his back as he continues sliding slowly downwards, now halfway down my shaft.

He places a paw around where his hole currently is, marking the farthest he can go before sliding back up until just my cockhead was in his ass. "Damn, stud. I didn't know you'd be this big," he said while panting.

I blushed, my hands still caressing his waist as he slowly slides up and down my shaft, moaning and grunting. One paw leaves his waist, only to grip his own throbbing member, and stroke it slowly, his pre dripping out onto my abs. "Oh, Matt..." he gasped as his cock throbbed and tensed in my paw, a large spurt reaching my chin as I continued to paw him off with loving strokes. "Matt... I can't last much longer, babe."

I grinned, as the paw on his waist moved to his balls, tugging and squeezing the hefty orbs, feeling them tighten and pull up. He lets out a loud howl, his cock throbbing hard in my paw as he lets his load go. "Fuck!" He yelled as he shot his hot, creamy, Husky seed all over me, painting my face, chest, and abs white with his cum.

"That's it, babe. Give me your cream." I said soothingly, milking his cock all over me as he shudders and clenches his tailhole around my shaft. I continued pawing him off as his orgasm slowly fades and he shoots the last couple drops of his cum onto my abs, his cum now sliding around in the clefts between them.

"Oh... Matt..." he panted out, "that was so amazing." He smiled down lovingly at me as I grinned up at him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, babe." He pulled himself off of me; he shuddered as my cock left his hole feeling empty. "But I think I could use a helping paw," I said, motioning to my rock-hard erection lying idly against my abs.

He grinned, taking it into both paws and started pumping my cock up and down, large beads of pre slicking his paw and making the stroking easier. I moaned and bucked upwards into his paws, as he leaned down and began suckling on the tip, gulping down more pre as it spurts down his throat.

"Jeff, I'm gonna... gonna cum..." That only made him squeeze and suck my shaft harder as he hungrily waited for his muzzle to fill with cum.

"Jeff, here it c-c-comes!" I buck up, sending a bit more cock into his muzzle as I shoot my seed into his awaiting maw. He moans around my tip as his mouth fills with cum, and, unable to swallow it all, he pulls off and paints his face with cum. I continue humping his paws, as he continues stroking as more cum continue to lands on his face and open mouth. My orgasm soon subsides as he licks my shaft clean and scoots back up to lay on top of me.

"I love you so much, Matt."

"I love you too, Jeff. I won't ever leave your side," I said, pulling him into another kiss, tasting my own musky load.

He giggled as my cum smeared from his face onto mine, and licked it up. I smiled up at him, licking my cum from his face before he lapped up the cum on my chest and abs. After cleaning me, he lied down next to me as I pulled him in close. I held him close, his rump against my crotch as my arms draped over him. We fell asleep like this, with him spooning against me, my face nuzzled against his.

These are going to be the greatest four years of my life.


To be continued....

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will be developing the characters more in the next chapter, although that's one of my biggest challenges.

Stay tuned for more, and thanks for reading!