Ravens morning story #1 by robcp3

Story by robcp3 on SoFurry

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beeeep... beeeep... beeep.... {click]

'DANG... ten already.' Raven sits up for his morning routine.

'o.k. ' he stands up, puts his sandals on as he walked to the bathroom.

'thats what i need a good warm shower' he turns on the water , and walks over to the mirror as the water heats up.

he began to inspect himself. 'still lookin good'

Raven was considered to be handsome in his community i mean who wouldn't want a tall medium build wolfox around. when with his freinds he was always the life of the party. he was an average student got "b's" mostly, worked out ,and played in the occasoinal game tournement.

he finnaly starts to notice the mirrior fogging over

he wipes it so he could enjoi himself a little longer before stepping in the shower.

he feels the warm water trickling down his body " wow, this is just what i needed."

he reaches for the soap and begins scrubbing himself, making sure he got to all the hard to reach places.

while rinsing of his hand began to wander. he begins cleaning his sheath and balls.

" {exhales deeply} ahhh.... i didn't forget about you "

he soon starts stroking his now half flacid cock, rubbing all inside the sheath.

after pumping for a few his mind becomes bright with thoughts. Raven was still a virgin but he new how to masturbate since age thirteen.

the soapy water covering his body acts as a lubricant for his hand. his breathing becomes heavier. " oh... im getting close"

your probly wondering wat he is thinking about well ever since he was a thirteen year old he dreamed about being with another person he wanted to know what it was like to have sex but no one so far has intrested him.

a small yip of joy is released as his cock finnaly shows its true stature. you can even he him panting as his moment of glory approaches...

and just like tha the rush hit him . and hard to he leans against the wall for support as he spurts out eight thick ropes of cum into his hand.

motionless he stood there letting the water soothe him "I think todays going to be a good day."

thanks for reading this is my first online story

plz leave a comment or a suggestion

raven is a charector i made and will be in future stories of mine : } Robcp3